HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-2-8, Page 2filcIAGGART BROS BANKERS A general itankirtg Buslitess transact- ed, Notes Discounted, Drafts Isenett. Interest Allotted Q11 Deposits, Sala Notes l'arehasetis T, RANCE Notary public, ConveYnneer- tionniob,Iteal 'Estate and ItIre TO- eurance Agent, Represeating 14 Piro InsmanCe, campanles. DIvision„ Court Office. 'Cunt" Ba W. 'BRYDOlNE er, Solicitor; Notary Public, etc, LoAri BLOGt< - CLINTON DR J. C. GANDIER apice liours:-1.30 to 3.30 D•ui. 7'30 to 9.00 Pan. Smithy-- 12 30 to 130 pan Other home by appointment only Office and Residence — Victoria St. . DR. WOODS Iseresuming practise at his residence, Bayiteld. Office HourS:- -9 to 10 a.m. and 1 to 2 Sunclaya, CO 2 p,m., for coo- ultation. . , • , - Dr. A. Newton Brady Bayfield Gi1atinate Dublin University, Irettand. Late Extern Assistant, Master, Ro- tutasia 1-lospital f, or Women and Chile cireil.M, _ Offibe .re-seciance irately occupied by rS, PaMOnS. HOLIrS 9 , bo 10 a.m., 6 to '7 „pan. Sundays 1 to 2 p.m, Boys and Girls lentils' branch feiSh fierte'ellg irTo113 winter's stinging air -- The pines and eedat's wbeSe Soft arnift , enfold • ' And -shelter from tine winter's, blactS ' and cold In 0 to stranki Or 111111 a '' The timid' gronee and thane, Oho FJtoriit, soon , .1 : teas bast,Ming one day, throu•gb. the 13on1, ." , and- ti e Olean „Bob was an ordinary, warty Amers 't'hey 'ant the hostages that ssammer -when 1, en., on , 01,3 , 5.,ense ,s,ing,,ennig jean toad, and untloubiedlY had. livea, Tatty es , near, on the lire2,fii, long enough to knovr that mostt Ints. To remsum ,..1113 anenoyi woent, wsgen He ['socked at, Inc sadly with gentle mans. are kindelsearted tttutt that -fit) 0111 blown eye, Vete in no danger et being harmed, 11 S''Er'neCI Vilat Whi• sPered, a5 Par hours at a trir,a he 'would sit 1 passed Ithn hy: on the stone stens and ,Liaitch the ants which megeed 1 sok and, forth in front 'Kind f tielill, I am cold, In, your great of him. overcOnt The men who worked en the ranen And. your mullion that's fastened so became interested 111 Bobs and soon t ley spgIce of hurl as an expert hunter, Bob's long tongae never 001peares1 until the 'insect came within a. eettain range, lie sho•vred wonderful skill in Judging distance, and the accuracy of his tongue was another matter for • ,0011,05 ',round your throat, You nelyer couliq 903, 6110(13 Yon ,are .000 warni, Ifow chilly I am, ,s,Lantling here 'in the "The, grocer's boy drove me, ---and haw I did dash Fibes, gnats and 'bugs were almost Down, the street, Up the hill, at the o211w00700 in soro,tioe when his tong** , sting of his, lath( darted out, mid he rarely failed to hit While be Shouted and urged rite the the mark. The quickness with which " faster to go , 110 eliot hi tongue was, a source' of On tny poor, weary logs, through the much wonder, and it was quite a "time , ice and the Feso,w, before any of:those who made a habit pf watching him discovered how com- 'Ifirdl 11 you watch, 3 am sure filen an operation this was. •1 yen will.seco ' • • The 'natural position of a tomrs A gregt,nnt,ine other alt non,-.ses line tongue ts folded back or rolled irghis 100, •. nl'01,1{±, therefore Bob pebformed a Who, for somelscnly's pleasure, are isrefold action ()Very time he shot it . urged to .h 11111; .°Ut. Then left, improteetecl, in storm or in 'Bob grew so tame that Ite. Fould son; , sit quietly, en a man's hand ancl eat , the food given to him, • "I am just an old horse, and I can't,'Ole was very fond Of riihsies When ste,,,,,als my mind, he'phonograph was 'being played he moving But if I -could tall-, would, so.y 'Please w uld he • close to it and keep G. S. ATKINSON be , Ins beogi bachand forth as if he Was Credo -ate Royal College Of Dental Sur- - gecnis and Teronto University , " DENTAL SURGEON Ilas ,oflice 'Mars est hayfield in old Pest Office' Blinding, Monday, Wed- ne,Sday,, ,FridaY and Saturday from 1 to 5.30 p.m. ' ' CHARLES 13. HALE p5Ty?..ynaer,. Notary Ptibitc, Commis. stoner, etc: ' REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ItssueC of klarriage, Ldoenses. HURON STREET CLINTON GEORGE ELLIOTT LIcensed 'Auctioneer, for the County of Huron. .' Correspondence .proimatlY answered. Inamediate arrangentents can he made for Sales ,bate at,The, News -Record Clinton, er la' calling, PhOne.2.03: ' Charges Moderate- and ' 'Satisfaction GRA 0 1 TIME TABLE ' Trains will a:rviv,o',a0 and depart from -.Clinton as follows: n Buffalo and.Goderich Div. Going East, .depart • . , 0.25 a.m. Init":c1 Geing West - ,11.10 dp. 0.51 pan. London, Huron &Bruce Div, r. G'oing South,' ait. 8.23 . Lip, 8.23 a.m. '"- ' ; 4.15 pan. oing North, depart 6.50 pan. -11.0e. 11.18, a it, The . . „ . ire Inswance Company Head .Office, §eafOrth,, Ont. Preeident, James Conaolly, Goderich; , Ices James •Evans,„Beechsvood ; sSec.- Treasurer,' Thos. D. Hays, 'Seafeith. Directors: George McCartney, soa- torth'; D. P. McGregor, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve; Walton; Wm. Ring, Seaforth; 111. McEwen, Clinton; Robert Ferries, Ilarlock; John Benneweir, Brodhagen; Jas. Connolly, Goderieh. Agents: Alex. Leitch, Clinton; J. W. Teo, Goderich; IIinchray, Sea- orth; W. CheSney, Egmondville; 11, Jarinuth. Brodhagen. Any money to be' paid In maY be pall 10 Moorish Clothing Co., Clinton, or at Cuti's Grocery, GoderIch, parties desiring to offeet Instirance r. transact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers acidregZed.to their respectiVa Post ofilts. LoSsmi inspected by the Director who • lives nearest the scene, ' ' CLINTON Por though I arn only a horse it is hOoPtreg• time tothemusie, The live - true , • lier .the tune, the 'faster he would wag In feeling I'm almost as human 6,8 hi S head. you.' " Nothing pleased, him better than to ' • be placed on a table in the evening, I found ail ',did V.anket I surely could' when the a'amP was 14911181 335 wcula snare. ' lohk =aunt" svith great ;satisfaction, I threw it across hint, and fastened al).d.,when insects were Danced on the 1100 teie. ' table he would- snap them up siNitth And .sore I felt better, that day astonishing rapidity' . of the ebogrs, Bab still lives nit the Los Plioresgarid Becauseq ha,d_lielfp'sel, an old. horse to Is. the ;let of lu're 11'11 t'We '1);00 IcCep \gap,. . • sone, The cools declares that ,Bob ,is ---,Irene' S. litoodstoelt, better than a eat at ridding the 'Pilate of ntice, and cocltroachezhasse had no "Bob," the Tead. show at all since the day Bob,first sat It svae four year's last Jdne thah he 011 'ill° vras figst noticed, sitting oii the cobble- • BY way of emphasis, the 'boss of stone steps at the kitchen ticor of the this big ten -thousand -acre ranch adds, Los Prores ranch house in Southern "Bob; , -without money .dmi . without Cathifornia. • Iteeps the place char of all Tfhe -son' was warm andhe seemed. „ , to enjoy it beatingdown on bis broad • .1V• I,any instancels. could be' cited of back. .I1e, paid no attention to the pet toad.remaining for ,years 10- 00 two children playing near 'him but fast -lily ancl, rend,eping Valuable service. "blinked, and dozed the whole-trot:moon. Tito only cOmpensation, they ask is a ' After that the steps became it fay- cool, Safe plaCe,,in which to live, Plenty trite' pf..ace with him', and" he, in turn, of water, and, kindne6s.2-Dor1othy C. became a faverite with the children Retsloff. , grieves TP 0000 lior reotstepe go; ElreY pledge her sare return is wale? And , that "Iter vital' tench again, will ' bring . The,rose bqpltice-Of , Theoak, in, auturan sheds, -his robe of The graceful birch, stands bare and desolate. • The inattle's, flame isdemi But fir and hernlocit bravely face the ' Which frem ' the beech hie .golden. ,crown has cast • And oll his jeWels shed. But, sheltered by the evergreens' 101(1111wings's • The little chickad.ee, untroubled, s-ings; 'Phe pines 00 fest PrePare Per- ,busy croasbills and., the ,icin,glets • That .rolv the cones' among 'the branch - of dainties hidden. there, Th,c1r,gentle murmur -holding .hints cif Is Sat aad soothing as the mother's E W -S- R E CO RD , CLINTON, oto-Anio- Terms"0,f 810bseription—$2.00 ,nen year, adyttnee, to Canadian, addresses; 2,5.0 to the 13.9. ob' other foreign tothittles. Nopaper discontinued iintil-•a11,arrears aro pa un ess at • the option of the publisher, The blefo'io which every zubstrintion is paid Is donoted.on the label: Advertising ,Rates --11 tans lens nciver, tisements, 10 tents per'nonpareil rtline for flrfft inamtion and •9' cents . per line for each SubseqUent insert (Ion. Small advert isernent-s , not 't� exceed one inch, Such as " 'Strayed,' or "Stolem" otos Inserted once fel' 35 , cents, and each subset - O quoin. inSe.0110n '15 cents, Communications Intended for publl- cation must,, sz a guarautee ofgood altb, be accompanied hy the name of 1. 101 ALL' Jilt 11, CLARK Prop:1010r. Editor. PROGRESS IN TIIE OKANAGAN VALLEY THREE THOUSAND COM- MERCIAL ORCHARDS. Fained as One of Canada's Garden Regions, it is, also Adapted to,Seed Growing. An imperfect 1-ittle "Peach." fdttio Billie was tilaying' with his be by sister when ills n100lier gelid vartiingly; ' "1)0111 touch baby's heed, dear, sloe IDS (0 fiat 6110t, On next, le y his ,grandmotlion v bit' d thent and was plaYing With tboe aby when Biltie sabl; "I)rainnia, don't onch baby's head, she dot a wotteit pet oil A bojr or girl Who cannot Spell at age ge ,Totirleen or fifteen years of soyit efinetttional expert, will learti, of tlie' valley Ailing orgairilations, made this . fruit ponulainin ,many for- eign markets: Okanagan apples have foundfavor in the 'United .70ingclom, United, 'State's, Nesy-• 'Zealanthe Japan.and other' countries. ThiS, year, for the first tine, the Chinese 'market. .was entered gwith reported success. Crab apples were Sent from 'the valley 'to' the bnite'cl States Some years ago 'and they -have become .a•' regular fea- ture of export. Several cat's of crab apples 'were 'shipped across .tlie line from the 1:922,1rarvest. ' s, • • The, Deoelopment of 'Grane-Prowing„ , Nev possibilitieS ot horticulture ore Perhaps roW 'Oatladtort regioils"have constantly revealing themselves in the coMe•mOre rapidly -to the foie in re- yanpy.and of Cent' years. than fhe 'beautiful' and 300'- the's011 and 'clinbate to hitherto Uncoil- . , tile Okanagan Valley of British .Col- umbia. It seems but 'a cenmanatively tow Years 'ago • since it existed un - peopled, its wild;t.Prinlitive beauty' un- blemished, its• .unrecognized end .unexPloited, Already, to -day, the luscious products of its orchards have made its name familiar 'throughout InanY countries of the , globe. Edeli year settlement and ,increased chat. vation are resulting 101 greater products tion in. the Wide yanletY o'.11'9,i13' which thrive there, svhilst the product, of' the' orchards, under ,syStematie andaggrez. iC Of Vert N,f1l, het l'r 4 otwoop'40U te-daY fildfi; sllohif 4.11s, , riling slip, 400$t laugh- able!, ''Y'etr 'or e is a visloggleep-repted , 9 lit the strength of old tradition a We bumped, along over r'pads, not ye Memory, a hope, a faith liVing On ill in fall repair front 00 devastating the twitter trees of Prentioi.,--9, 5, N. nriny's Mugeb; glaring roads, not a i;ree to shelter ,them, and this in 01(1 Werld. Vraiteel There were the low,' eut stump of what had once ,. been A Picture. prom SCO•bland COWS thisbeautifnl and touching story; One of the rough free'S' by the readade and, at regular and handy' fishermen of the northeast Intervals between 010066 00(1 I ()Milt de) coast was long faratins--•or ph:tided no • tidier than a oh•ild's head to-claY.. money -was in 1118 pocket it was aever •• • Iefle frt11/0 RIIPUBC1tatite Rileufnathint is is constItntional, disease. ft onuses local '401154i and, pains, inflame ol„ 101111e find •eta Btoseles I but t111110t he POlirtenentlys relieved by local or OXtertri0 npplb (11(110100. It must have eonstitelionat treatinetit, Take the greet blood -nitrifying and tonic inedieme, Ifood'e Sarsaparilla, whiel; co/sects the ;mid condition of the blood op which rheumatism do., pernlo, and gives nerrietnelit relief, ' It eon) anis tbo Most eifective itgRtril in the (reattnent, of this divests), bte n, es nonla • ne101' for Oa drbuklsg piopens•iti When , Wo think of the poplar trees once long before drink had Its st, ay t, itis " typical of France.'I'rees'ae we knew him, A visitor to the little village then). OVer sliaded hig-hways, the gray- noticed hi, thls niaree eottage (5 very green glistening height, with far, brief beautiful 'picture, ;Holman glimpses of bluest sky or scuddieg of the World, and 1110100 oLbI, Wend between; reflected 'to farthest "Aye, that's a guid picture," said the depths in straight'canal or winding fisherinan, and he told 1111s' story stream, tracing in fresh green , syria- about it, • me,try the sheltered roadeone plowed "1 was 'far clown with didn't," he fiehl frorn the next, the 'peaceful hand- ,seld, "sidle)) one night I ,went into "a let from its neighbors. • Toglay" these lines ',aro broken, the sentinels are down. Or here and there they stand like goblins--ghoste of their formev selves; only a Jagged, losiveshot trunk' or trees with bared white. branches, bleached ,against the S,ky-ss'ghastly, weirdly groping arias: 'Yret, even on bared , Willie limbs, on torn and blackened' trunk, be it in spring or fall or tuidsumincr, look closely and you sogy ,see tiny' shoots of fairy green. and young unfolding leaves, - I3e these -only here and there at rarent intervals Yet they are point- ed out with pride by' people of this estuntrynsider Voyez cOmme • its re- pciussent de nouveau" "Ils reprem tient, le courage!" and ,there il gentl- er tone, a fondest; light in face and voice .thau syhen, we, speak. of ',other Who o'er the cradle leans'; things. - Pae, harmony :anti trust; their notes, , Is it indeed short of a miracle, that,, repeat;' • after four 'years, with their -rovolviug, There is no discord 110- their „measures, seasons, the_s•e. veteran •trees, lowered sweet;deliberately CO the very ground, shot , 'God bless th.e..ever'greenseen away" 'or 'drugged and poisoned by the - • , ' I/yeir. gas' yet are 'awaking, feeling once - ' more the life impulse atter a ,bong said deathlike sleep?' 'Truly, "ils repren- Honeymoon for One. . neat° le courage,"' thes,e old, poplar. An Englishman., was travelling in the trees stilltypical or France! • . • saMe compartment .with a young • Allah main pretessor, who .wee /1'3' 0030- staithtg-ttyeobita.beYve'treesryfillteewafneetacif0Dre0Oliin-- nuinicative and lit'imisterionsly high! otmeted roadway! ,To,day. they, are enirits,:only pathetic little waist -high trees 1111 .explained that -he was embarking newly:planted in, a thin, impoverished . „ he ie "1°One'lltiangi"flol'irweYantclotfeW011iael.110 ,l'tiaMle, baffiei'cli nos °Li 0110-oferlyi:In9eiegtellaelllitillYdretnk,eYg rQw- added; "The'fact, is, I have just been married and ani.on My honeyrnoon."- ' 'eilltrgu'ag;11-11icing etvhitcl'noeligclelsPll'eesePnat6'11(laliTsslitienrs'. "On Yoint honeymoon?" said the Eng-. to., a nennal growth anti •rnallh°°d; lishman, looking at him interrogative' Here are mere slipStof trees, actually, sidered productions. A new feature in valley crops.is grapes, whieli are come ing to be grown. to a greater extent each year ,and provin' uniformly fine crops. One fruit,grosVer , at °yam -fa planted halfan aore to grapes and this year harvested $200 Worth sof, fruit. -The, apoprilarity of theggrowing of fil- bert nuti.is else' incroMing, and" there would appear .t01. be a future-'f.or this crop.. Nuts '01 511 excellentquality and flavor wtre eold from the yalley this 'years and- experts declare 'that nuts can nue.grown ,equally as well as fruit SiVe basmess -management, is achiev- and .prophesv an export trade for these, ing greater penetration and selling. on 1111(6. the markets of 13 greater number .of coantries each year. - • '.: L The .0kariag,arCValley pbssesses ft cie.ntly _potent attractions in itS, eXs ginsiteg. beauty' • and°.trammil, 'atmoS- , Phere ,00 entice people away from al - Most any ,other part of the 'glebe. ,The .valley. stapes &insanity back in 'step-. pes 'from' Okanagan ,Lake,',,,a•lciVelY , The 1922 seas'on exhibited great ac- tivity, and pro_gress., In the work of, .processing fruit and vegetables es- Peciallynigaz this neticeable, and the district is IlOW comiug to be adequate- ly served in this regard. ,31)e cannery at KaniloOpS CC111,111.0110,0&.-111 season's operations w1th orders 1:01- 15,000 cases," and Wilt worlcing to capacity, body of Waternanil no natural featiire ()mining ,ovor 500 cases of tornatoes seems to have been omitted in framing [slime daily, • Tile ,season's :output will a' picture, of unsurpaseing.. beaut30 be about 17,000 cases, At Sinn-net-1min 12c,onomic' development heems- to have a now•pantony Was erected:At the sem, inerel'y' 'served to enhance the loVell- titer and hag earrYints on' trill) IY. "But, Valero isngs--?" drooping in the dust of the "Is!-yside, in the gentlest breeze blowti "Ali!" rennet' the professor, Tv- wa wife. She is not will'. 011nutheY lightly forward one upon another ?Ilse, wouldn't runto tWO. , lithe Children running, bent qurte , double in the wind: Shall th,ese'grOstr . The Tripping 'Tongue. , • as long a -relines of poPlarz have been lIosteSs-e--"Pardaii no, won't: you, If before them, tall, upstanding, straight, I continue sewing while you are here? gray -trunked, to all their glistening, I shall then feel that I ani not wasting light -leaved height? nay time," • „ - Even the thtighway stretches ahead, Boosting for Happiness and Efficiency By O. S. If you have anytiting to say about ,popple or institutions, N'inliy not dip 3T0110 pen in hie 0010 of syMpathy, of charity, instead of -that of denunciation , . - . ness of the region, withgtrith little ging sixtyneinployees, durlag the -000000 1 t 116^ 1 e` ti 'nal it es', lied t Kel sporting :ALI 1-eolois , ) „Ails inde ' yepr e os , arid snug little houses.. Instead or tIie na,' and large ,quantieies of fruit and ZWeeping slopes:. The watere'of vegetables were proceseed. . • . the Mite feign an excellent tranSpOrta- • .1, The Okanagan Valley is coming tar: thin system as well as ,adtlitig .t0 ,the titer to the fore oath year a2 one of pleasure of the lives of those far -thing ,Oariada's ,garden" regions, .4.11 fruits upon its shores. "As a 'location for a and vegelables,, with' the 'exception -Of contented andpeaceful eXtstenciielthe 'the .tropical, attain 01 perfection of ,valley IS unaibroaSSoct 011, the continent.' growth there. Other phaSes 0.1agrieul- three,Thods;r1c1 dotrotierelal .6roh13rds ture prosper as Well: Pave .Oeed'groNii, 111,g' is. having •considerable' exininsion lotus 'valley,' and in. 1922 the. shaited Seed Growers of the:district 'trantacts ea considerably niore business than. in 1921, whilSt prospects for 1923 -are for. ' even,greater •activity, and a smalleto- bagieo oral), IS raiSed oitcli year, , Even , Luo' , farming bas,been Initiated there , sticeessfully, Cenple2 -wItih. the Val, 1e371e.n51110e1 adv,a,elage, it , lent1.--tru.n9,1nrciation' tap:tittles , by land and writer, erchard producio:reachIng,. 00i(310- ntarketo,in n 'minimum te1-1.1me.; Por .tv combination ofenerfeet living oonditions with . prefitable (tenni) ercial pursuit, .there . are, 'few regions which ean offer equal inducement's. ' At the PreSellt ,tiTIT's It TS estiinated Viet-. there are -some, thnee ,thoustind nonntictoial, orehards in the Val.loy With - apprexlmately, a million,,tre,ess According, to"estimatien these wmiiitp-, ennritablin,inis. year kor tip shipment front the valley of, 3,172 carloads 91 aimies „and 5,405 Cal% OF, all' froit13. .' 000 the year 1921, the :0,liattagan17alley pro duce(' apples to ide o,10sc, of $8,141,1-, 575; crab apples, :5222,930 Cpeare; $159,- 817, ,plums,„ an1 t L , , ni 'irute $20910 peaches,' $153,574; ..392,939-;" (-Marries, 0120,7861 StrawborrieS, 871; 'tasnbettries, $12,243; blacltbob- 0161 33,637; red Currants; $4,434; blikk entrants, '49,765r ''gOoSeiterries, 31,850,--Ther.e' Were In 1Ite saIne year 31.300aviaries in 01)00 01,1103' Vt'illt 1,502 hives, whit% predate a orop of 71,430 potinds 00,2therbey, tit an averoge per t.ive of 47,5 pomids, 'the superior- qualities of Lite apide raised in the Okanagan Valley," which was attested at tins Yetent, imperial 1014111 Show in Lon{ion, lOot giloosO, wli ere' it seeured many high awards, together with Om aggressive buslaeas Methods of thi,tienipt? Why hammer, ' blast, contlemis,s denounee • others' motives, others' acts? Wily look for the had in everything ins-tead of the good? • Why Is it tiiat sit many pessimistic iconocg lasts are to -day exPreseing themselves this, way print --in bo.olte, magazines' end 1nOW10Paper5?. Some, 00. these writer's are even analting fun -ef radio, condemning, criticising mid- lamPoon- ilig it. ; • Now this is, chean birsiness.. These carping 'critics mistake stupidity and captiousness for cleverims,s a,nds wit: The truth is, radio 10- one of the most wonderful developmen,ts of electriaity, and 110 10 going te revolutionize hope life; especially_ in the, Country. 'Think what' 1100 11100 Will, mean. to _Nitonien in rern6te country districts who are prac- tically ' .slayes to their homes, who rarely leave thein; andn,who 'have no opportunities such as eity people have for clionte, recreaition, amusement a Rd instruction. 'Radio will opento: them, some of ,the priceless advantages en- joyedtiby the mo.st"favored city clwell- er8Outsitle tno cos0'of ticsate1,1eiving'.:111-' parathis, -which may be purehaSed for twentgr, or twerity-five 'dollars; 00 Whi.C.11 00 litight boy ban .rig up . for Len or twelves' every biome, no matter . how tar removed from the great Centres, 0.0. niViliStItiOn 'and culture, .painthave its own permanent bureau'. of enterttlin. in'ent. At the expense of on1Y „one ov tsvo emits an 11901', the en tire fittully SanRa;„•nts Prtg RITnit t (3.0011'61R. Tlin • • • ••• tt •• -• •••-•• • •• 'public' and there hung this picture, "'rho sight of it sobered me and 1 oaid to the InnIceeper, 'Sell Inc that picture; this is; no place for the Sit, -Omar.? So I gave hlrn all the money I had and brought the picture home. Then as1 looked at It again the words of my -old -Mother came back to me. I dropped to my 'oleos and cried, "0 ,Lord Jesus, will you pick me up again andelift me out of my sin?' The prayer was abundantly answer- ed. To -day in that little Scottish town the fisherman is the leader in. everjr good cause. Whenthe visitor asited if it had not been a struggle, a topic of exalta, don flashed 'over the rugged face as he replied, "When such Saviour comes into the beart 'To takes the love o' drink out of it." - Hew much the world awes to its In- _ spired artists! Disk Music and Wire Music. Menden . , singing of the 'world fartrouZ opora stars, .the fineSt grand opera and cen- cert music; they 2811, listen to the greatest orators, lecturers, clergymen, teachers and entertainers, each speak- ing ou his own particular subject; the chidren eon be entertained witit bed- time stories,. and the young•nteople with ilance•Musbi; in fact, the "oPpor- tunitY; for entertainnien,t and instruct: tion,taccortling to the taste Rnd- desire of, every ineniber of 'the family, is nu-. limited. „. ' ' Instead 00 being a subject for 'jest radio is ananiquatilled blessing to Mil. iions 610. people, a' new instrument. of .progreis 'for whicit sye should' be deep - 131 tlitankful. • Just think 'what i,t meauS for invalids anti Sarni -invalids, people confined ail the time. to their homes, In many instances to their beds, to be able to receive mental treatment, en- Couragement and 'uplift, every day in their own es , svi thou I.' the slightest 'iticonvenience to. them! Think- •what it will mean to millions a shut-ins, cripples, invalids', and the very old, to -be able to got oncoulaging, alteer-uP, helpful.. sermons and lectures on tile radie, every day,' by those who know, how to Uplift and cheer! Jusl thhilb how 'it sr,d1 relieve thetedium of their Mintinument, hOw i10 willlielp ni II e. .t o bent' their -sitife'ring, 00 be -able to 'look ,forward 11, ey'en 1111 11.0111' ;Of da.ily en- tartaiin inoit and tali) „the 'your round ! 1-Iew stimillathig, for those who nave a auto t 'for " 03 01 taiuineis L to bea 1 izo how gainch they can Irein the world 10 000(1 a wW.?a'artill soppllii'e, 00 11 0 along, what 'Inaryelcne amotn.t., of, said, that led Bre celebrated .Dr. sorby gOod (hey can do, leow tinich .0,005.' Can 10 the discovevy Of tlie nature ef the alleViitim the sUffeging of ,Cheir less for. 11110111-)30inetiMeS found inclosed in tho , Littlate .brolhera SIP•tus e'by the cavities of crystals. Ma.rriages and Funeral Sermons By 0141'011 Swett 'garden. It has been long the ousto.m. for' the 1 reepeetive bride -and biddegrooth -to o chearse th'e inarriage ceremony loot at P..t) a oleranizatioa of the marriage Obey should commit some blunder that would Make thein conspicuous or • Won't]. it.not bon good plan for men to borrow an idea fr,ohl ttIrtS and Per - spindly, rehearse their funeral 0011130110L several years before the pro ta of their death? Funeral sermons, above all &lee, should be nones,t and sincere. .Bni:111 the real truth f - were told over tlre co' fins of 'scam dead meng IL walla great- ly surprise the o.ectipants if they could hear it, If, instead ots the eulogy de- livered -by the minister,. they could hear the _remarks of , emnloyees and Others who had' seen. only that side of their character which they tried to hide from _their friends, how shocked they would be! If they could only re-' hears.e •th,eir,funerals aS they did their Marriages Ntrlititsa fine orange it wortild ,givem• theto matte a lot of corrections in their lives, 10 that al the close the funeral eulogy wonld ring true.. If it is true that th,ere is no musical If every man were,to know yeairs thrill- quite equal to the tlirillof mak- , tore are died .w.,hat veopie 10001(1 8ay Ing divine Melody with one's own him - his funeral, how 'qnickly, would go to work to <change Ids life and remedy his defects. blow many sof the cruel, slurring, damning things .which' are said about him after he is gone wand lie,changed to praise, How changed our.hietories and biographies would be if those.whoehave passed on could only ;11aVe knewn in time just what people `thoughtt of than), how they. regarded them, .what they wail& • say "ef TheM when 'the 'book of their: lives was clested and thelast line lalino writ, voice or fingera, at least there are several that approach it, The thrill of mad dance music; the blood -stirring niarolu of a military hand; the unbe- lievable Sweetness of a great 'soprano's song; the' vibrant thrill of a master's Violin: • To Buise we can noW' add the won- der of- bringing all these to eur Own; firesideson shiny disks _ef gutta-percha or whatever ot is, ancl ,the :era -ming marvel 911 ,picking them out of tite.cold. winter night with a Uny copper wire. . ..Whbeh talking macaelne, or, radio.-', We think, bah,' just as tele-, graph and telephone both won, when, Many .people expected tiie, newer in- •vention to clestray the,older. Just•as automobile -8101.„ horse both won, and just as tractor ancl horse are both Win- ing. There :seems to he a place Pre- pared and secure for any new product of thehinnan brain and 'hand that in- creases, Pur usefulness and happiness. Which wins, telltingsnactisine or radio?' We think both, for both have the true t$10111 of music them. Playing Safe. Winelikhllog'T hear that. yeni toted to Your new typine 1101 imPos- stoned love letter to another girl," 011dergleeve----"res, it WAS Lions Sweetheart. I wanted to nip In the bud any designs she Might, 119y0 011 mo in a Inn trinioninl way." The 'majority of 9e03110 aye obIy 35 pen cent, efficient, A Friend in Need. Many poignant and vital anecdotes, of the poor are to bp found in Annie Mardon MaeLean's volume entitled "Our Neighbors." One of the most touching Is that of a family which had been dispossessed. Returaing home one evening, Sohn Polichek found 1110 Meagre belongings on -the sidewalk and, his threl. motherless children -coy. ing-bitterlyinethe cold. Whilohe was vainly swearing vengeance on the What wbuld net niultitudes of those ,who' .have paSs.ed ont 'have given to have had the elia_ve) to heagall'honest truthful...funeral. sermon years before the elad ' To have known in, mid • dle life the e,stimation 'in which - . , .they were generally bold instead, of .passing out' without ever having known wonld have completely changed. .the loeynote of their 1IN-es. Many titan woald,haVe'given a, target part -10 11010 - all, of then' Nvealthe to have had the op- portunity of stetting themselves as others -saw tlfean time , to correct their failings. and weaknesses. I have always thought that I would Eke Le know what the employeessand.. those who have ,been associatecf with ma in life, my friends, acquaintances and neighl)pre swath" Say at my' funer- al: Would it be fine a.m1,,helpful, in -- spiting and ciamfortingeOn eiCittld it be hard and condemnatory, a revelation to me all faints and weaknesses that I had, never thooglit of in such 'a light? I don't: know, neither do you:know, my friend, what people will say of you al - landlord and despangegly wondering. ter You'.ase gene:, WOuldn't 'it be a wher'e he and bis children were to good thing then for 'you and for ma, -spend flie night, ad:mightier, w116 mast Loa' aal usgrho have reached middle haveappettrecl soniewhat in "the light life, 00, begin Aright away ocCasionally of a -guardian angel, came to him and so ,s eaearse our funeral sermons? said, !Mr. Polbchok, 'a bring do child- If we W01,0 to be perfectly frank 000, an' ,slay wit' us to -night. Me with ourselves., OnT vanity and self-es- nian1,11 hcip ya wit' de becl (nos'. 'We teem might get some severe jolts. It ain't much -room, but we Itin 'alLvtlYs• nottainlik gist° us a chance to crowd in a uoighbor. • Dey had no bust- correct before it is too lato many tuts-. ness to put ya, out. How .1tin anyone takes and, blundersentnell thougliclese- pay ran., 1 want to know?" •nez.s ant' ,ancl p OrltartS 10 Of 0011000, thedrivitation was, accent- -make-a revision of many cold-blooded ed, fer hew could John Polichek leave polieles which Birth:erect only our own his children to race the harshness of a interests ;end not at all those of the -winter's Sight Without lodgings? But man at the other end-ef-t100 bargain. the 'neighbor had spOkeii.'the .Inuth .110 inettter what a man's funeral ora- whennshe had said she had no snace to tion may say IL is what the people sparet. TOIg.sli,e,With her husband and say ablint hioul that counts. Revise Lour ech ild ran; had. but two rcionis: to inch; jridgmentnew la`e reh,eansing your occupV,' and they were themselves in 'funeral sermon. danger of being' disimSees'sed.' 1413006 the loss, they , received the four „In Great Britain. the sovereign ha strangers' Cordially at, their table, and :not eXereistitt his right of vetohig, e• . there was no insincerity in their tone sitt1Stiriirg, a l'•aW •31rice 1707. when -they Invited the unfo•rtunates to remain with them Indefinitely. ...A Natural Therrnorneter.. exeret,yesef ti• ' 7 - 1,gbe inlayed 1L00 quititter of ail' t..---g•ggeng .. Inch long and an eighteenth onati Mohr 11 diameter. which was so regalsr ho hore Ova 11.1.zerVed, by Means of the uiqnisl partially finiag it,. for a therniementer, `rile contained liquid half "filied Bre bore at 50 degrees MM. renheit, 01111 coroplet ely,1111ed it ,a0 110 degrees, . A' study. or the rate of ex- pan•Sion of the liquid' 10110 tho eoricht. shin' that it mast 00 earlioniesacid. Move than one, thousand different .„,arieteee es ssheet„ are, known; arid the ItitlirnITTUT is tOntiSbnittLy increasing, ' Don't it:tit ran too long, it will lead to chronic-. Indigestion,: In" the meanwhile yon Eufrer from miscrahlo, s headaches, ner- vouoness depres- sion and s all e complexionglust try Cli A RI BERLAIN'S "STOklACI-18z LIVER TABLETS.' They reu lieve fermentation, indigestion — gently but mutely derma° Lb, agotetii•nod itoon the otonstch and liver in perfec0 to ming order - At an brhe3l,le, 201., or by tOr.3 01.1 Chamberlain, lylodicine Co Toronto •I“ voresseatiB- , 11') those rnell bocci i one, ;volt Lau , 0 ii YoUr ,p000'o tiPet Rood Theic ArneatTut al boric you con easily toaster the. act:rota Of balling nine nudist Sforio,nf Success sthi• s,iiian,eii, wiii,taccc,iyotic 505500011.0has been-wbatever .n 1.•i .1- 0 1,7 c,%. you duty bo dol(8101now-,-*Itotaor or 000 35) think 50)0 (80 Refl..' " T Riot A1191001' thin 'quotion; Ar you rusli11iov)10 00111 $10,000 0 year: 'am sot In totich with Me at once! I will prove to you without cost or obligation (10110 03 can oasily .100eroe a SRO' Salesman, I will alto* Yea laak 30(0 81acgaialttlap irinining mid 1?•,,Oo01,,,,;111gniiiannr,t,Rocvlott of 1,o 005 !Stir, A, 0000help yoti t6 gulag ' 0 THE ONLY WAY OPEN --rrom tho 11.0choeter iterald s1o,000 A YearSellioig Seaet `De Swel, 00 tan, Nesn,r,n1hip nx touiht n. S. ir• Ti• ha. tt, Ow field a n(010 '00(0' 50.1 '1,4, 151,00. Get 11,, 31,1A, c.?",,i1,07,1,1,1,pi:y lilind,11;,y 1o1,0 1171 ,,-51,,,0. 1-0 50510whn15. c;n1,f,1,111.1.,00, Airoo,t, 6,Q0ight, 11) 1015e 1,0,0,) lor ev,t, 1,000(5 Nafiamal Salesmen's Trahlitig Af!tociateeri.', hakr, lag Torstwo, Oat,