HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-1-18, Page 9r111; tad tits to SOO la eta., tad - the en I!n acs fns wo by e j trog4etlli Ci slid the11,'an a oto 0,1 4e.. be Scouts 'fie• 0,0,the chaps ttogt dtier aro so mueli ire COne,i4leratli," HO }pueli more use-: , nd owe G eager, ' io.ro r e hat new troops et Scents eunu,.t bo Itiwd without a largo addition to he t�beoa of Scolrtntaotero, OWI 'the rlgalit'lcizld of mar fora Seoutmastor to bard to find, mid is 1.c Often'unwliliug to 74alro die nedestsat'a' aacrllino of tape" The situation which Mr. Dark de' ez ;lied is just 08 tvuo' of Canaala' ape it Is of England. Scouting can only grow a itis ranks of leaders --.-men inspired with the Unailtz.lb Ideal of sifrvioo to Canada through service to Otinada's 'boylloud--grolr, The boyd•arcd ready, everywhere. A]1 they ask Is: for "a rntirl to lewd,?' Scout bfexadquaz•ters 1s ready end vfilling tb help the loan Who' Would help the boy through Scouting' and a post card to Cho` Torbnto•Office any'tinio ts` all that is necessary, to put. him in touch with •the facto con, corning - the Bey Scout movement,' • Smoot ;Numbers `Inorodelnd,. At October 31st, 1922, there were 14,. 749 Boy Scouts, Wolf Cubs and BOY 'Scout and Wolf Cub otilcors 11) Ou, torte, In run°, 1921, "when the• lest previous Census was taken, the total woo 10,351: Thia wonderful= growth during a period of ttfteett: months is one -more testimony as to the virility of the Soy. Scout Movement, At the census ciat°.there were 371 Boy Scout, troops and 129 Wolf Cub Lacks in Qn- taw-Io, those scattered over some 208 different cities towns, .villages and rural coma nnitiea, a 1 1i 4' I1 #0I iF STOMACH IS TROUBLING YOU Instantly! End 'Indigestion. or Stomach Misery with _"Pape's Diapepsin"' .As soon As7.you. eat a'Mblet or two of"Paiie'e Diapepsin" your indilgestien s g'onela,$eavy.pain, heartburn, Ha'tu once; gases, palpitation, -or any misery rom a sour, acid stomach endo. Cor rect your stomaoh'end ddgestion'for a ew cents. Each package guaranteed Good Speech Anyhow. • "That was a great speech you made to the Jury." "Thanks" said the -eminent criminal IAwyer + ' "Why, even your client wept. Your description.: of his poor• old''. mother waiting at home for her wandering' boy was a masterpiece,. S'he should .have 'heard it," "I'm afraid that was out of the ques .tion. ^s.o a matter of'fact 'he tells Me She died wbren he was a baby," Treasure In Canton Waller When the ancient' walla .of Canton, Chiria., were gazed to. mak0 room for a street railway, contractors offered to do the work for -whatever treasure the walls might'., contain.' The work was divided 'among several, applicants, every one of whom discovered;such quantities of ancient, coin and orna- ments hidden' away in ,the walls that the work, though done without other payment, was •.profitable to him. „ Mutual Gratitude. Two inert grow rather heated; over an -argument as to who was the better man,; and the, -following conversation tboltplace: ' Englishman .— "Well,. I'm, English and I'm thankful for.it!" Irishman "Well I'm- Irish, and I'm thankful for: it:,' . What 010 ,'you say, Scottie?", Scotsman "Well, I'm' neither, and. I'm thankful for`it!" Out of:Reach. Six -Year -01d returned' from herfirst clay at school very, flushed and excited. "What did'.: you learn?" asked her parent. "History," said Six -Year -Old. , '"What sort of history?" "Charles I.",' "Whet did you learn about him?" Six -Year -Old reflected. 'Ile made the taxes -so high," she said, "that people could not use thein." Sunlight and fresh • air are the heapest and hest medicines. Us'e'them freely':, +Mktg 1464 .r'1)• .,T�.; .01.1"'— 40pje"'"" COW' NieUri,.t "e M� so plainly , within --- ts. ly digested )r)3, smiles Irapa.Nuta eise+ 'iii 11 3111LDBR- aSOI/)" ed (hut1 at reemmatiamelereennateaturanninnonanninnt • 11TItl' ttlr�l} lig 1 , ,)(1T rr� ��� iJJ l S (A11 TAAl!iti� 'S °nee a'nether has deed•iiaby's Own Tablets for her little one* oho would not be without them, They -are the ideal hone remedy for the baby; being guaranteed to be absolutely fres trout opiates Pi' ',other harmful drugs 'Th.ey area gentle but thorough laxative, and have pr'oved of tile/greatest; ald<-121 o;30es of- ooustiprtion, htaltgo4,tioue colic, colds and slttole fevers, flon' corning theme Airs, Ernest , Gagne, Il'eFursejouh,.Q -u. rvi'ites 'I have used Eaby''e ,Own Tablets for oone;il,,auticai and °olio and have found them so 6130- oesgful that 1 would not big without them, 1-vrbald etrciij91y recommend e•very mother to Iccop a bo" in the houSo Tile 'Tablets .•olesold. by. medi., vine dealers or by email at 25 eent9 4 box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine. Co,, Brockville, Ozlt'. Taking a Chance. . 'Plio dear Cid ladY-entered the •drug stare and looked doubtfully Eat' the youthful clerk behind' the counter, !1' euppoite,"• she said, "you are a properly 'qu'alifled druggist?" ,< "You have Posited all your examine dons?"' "Certainly." "You've never poisoned anyone by mistake? - "Not to my knowledge," "She heaved a sign of relief. "Very' well, 'then,` you can give me a nickel's worth of cough drops. The, World's:, Cobalt._ The Cobalt and adjoining areas of tits Timislraming . district,;; Ontario, have been .for several years the chief source of the world's supply of cobalt. Metallic Cobalt, cobalt oxide and co- balt saints aro recovered from the treat- ment of the ores and residues derived; from the silver-cobalt-nicicej'2 0 hddes.' The Honie Forest., The home forest, i•n m_9y: sections of the country, tiy1ll supply the timber which the' -:farm needs `for butldinga, fouces, , fuel, , repairs' of all klnde, 'and many other uses;' and there; will 'often: be a surplus' which can be sold In the' form of standing. timber, sawlogs, Posts, poles, cross -ties, pulpwood, fuel-. wood; and b1ock.9 =of 9ill1ets for making spokes, handles„ spools, boxes, barrels, and excelsior. MOTHER!..: our, Child's `Bowels Need., "California: Fig Syrup" . Bullet iii: the Heart r}le llulllleatlen tM a medical 14F101 -/l'9' of the l;roat War .shoal S that 11bllilyt i0 the heart, ii not necessarily sari death, s)1 Most neroens suppose. Num - 03'9110 lliatirnoes are cited of 11)041 who "MI./aired such Wounds and lived, One mail even wont two months before he was 0Ferat011 on 'l'hen the billet wad# removed from the extremity of his heart w13)13 forceps. Canada's Problem. Forestry is not it question mainly for lumbermen. It 11 not even a ques- tion msalnly for foresters, Because no ono can got eking' without the' forest, tt 1s a tines 11911 for °very one of use Our Suture supply Pi forest products s by for the gi'eatss"t and most puz- zling econon,le problom now before the ieople of C rnatlla., „+w,e«+e�o-ty++r,i,ta•,.6...++t++.+�N+++o..ta+vtiK.' "Cascarets" '10c Best Bowel Laxative. ' When .Bilious Constipated To clean out your bowels 'withou ; cramping or overacting, take Casca rots. Sick headache, biliousness gases, indigestion, sour, upset stomach and: all such distress gone by morning Nicest physic on earth forgrown-up. and children. 10c 'a box. ,Tante like In Iceland men lobs when they meet;. but •0 man rarely'' 16isse9, a woman,. Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism. When .in Torontb visit; the Royal Ontario Museum 253 Bloom. Rt. Went,- Near'Ayeeue Road Largest permanent exhibltfon in Canada.. Archaeology, Geology,' Mineralogy, Pal. seontelosy; Zoology. Open daily, 10 a.m. to E p:m.' "Sunday, .2 to 6 p.m. Bloor. Belt Linea Dupont and Avenue Rd, earn.. mmru� •• JINTVENUIO S, -•Aendfor ilatof ;mention. wanted byy aionufac. ((unn."Fortune, b..e been mann/ o roguing. td.0.. "t'utent Protection" boolct.t tin rNue.t,' 14AROLD •C. SNiPMAN ,�t�[CO.� PATENT -ATTORNEYS oTreWAA CANADA INVENTORS• Manufacturers always,.coheider good' lnventiono, Fortunes are• made from. Now Ideal, to Tait modern times:: -Bond foe free If@t of Ideea trod ,Circulars;., .. TNE. $AMBLY OOMYANY Toothache.? , Minardte Liniment makes an. 0..x..;. odrelit'AeAnt00-r-Irritant. ,Bathe the -face and 1f there -is A?cavity>.- fn the', tooth place initis piece ,,. Of ootton wool- saturated with Manard'e. - . _ Minard'a - - Liniment The Remaly Medicine Cheat. it# Wife's Years of o'uuble Is New' Ended, Saps- F'rankz Westlake, "'Canlae 1108 lna4e all the dtitereno hi 0030 world fu 5119„3vifaa'8 health and wo pro both eiclightod,” Osio'od Fronk Wostliike, valued' employee of the Pub - lie Works Department of London, Ont., residing et 40 1,angarth St, "About two yearn agom9 wife un- derwent an operation that bat her badly run-down andshe simply couldn't' gat 'back her tatrength,-, Tier appetite lett her and oho could' hartji,Y eat enoug:.h to keep going: The least exer- tion would 'tire her out completely. She would Ile' awake hours 3M night. too, end morning .found her ju'si as'. tired 00 when she went to bed, She Suffered terrible splitting headaches, lies• nerves were on edgle'and she got very little pleascorc out of -life. - "But three bottles of Tanlae simply put'boren her feet again, She can do her housework easily now, the head-' aches have gone, she s1eof3s soundly and her: appetiteis a joy to—behold. `I Can't findwords• to express my grata- tud e. Tanlac-is for .sale. by all good, drug gists, ; Over 35 million bottles sold.' WOPAANSIIFFERED FOR MONTHS Weak and Nervous. - Made Well :by Lydia E. Pinlsham's; Vegetable Compound ' Webbwood, Ont.=" I was in a very: weak and run-down nervous condition, always tired from the time I got up until .'I'went to bed„ Sleep did not rest me at all;. My sister recommended. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable'Com- pound to Compound -to me and others told me,about, it, but it was from my El ister's .advice that I. took it. It did not take, long until I felt stronger, headaches left= Me and my appetite came back to me. I am a farmer's wife and have many things to do outside thehouse such as milkmg, looking after the poultry, and, other chores. 1 heartily recommend the ',Vegetable Compound to all who have the same trouble I had for it is. a fine medi- cineforwomen."-'Mra.Lovis F. ELSAS- 8ER, Hillcrest Farm, Webbwood, Ont. Another Nervous: Woman Finds Relief: Port Huron,, MickiiSan.-"I'suffered` for two years with pains inmy side, and if I worked very much I was nervous and just as tired in -i he morning as when .I'wenttobed. I' was sleepy all the day- and didn't feel like doing'anything, and was se nervous r would bite my finger` )pails. Ong of, my friends told me about Lydia E. Pinkhani's Vegetable'. Com- - cpound,'and it helped me so much that I' 1300nfelt fine."=Mrs.CHARLES BEELER, ". 501 -14th St., Port Huron, Mich. Women who suffer from any feminine tillment should try LydiaT. inkharn'ss Vegetable Compound. G. • Hurry another! Even 'a sick- clii d loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig`Syrcp" and it never falls to open - the'bowels, A teaspoonful to -clay may, prevent a sick eh11d to•morrow.::If con-' stipated, bilious, feverish, tretful,•has cold, colic, or if sitomach' is sour, tongue coated, breath bad, remember. a good cleansing of the little bowels Is. often all that is'necessary. ' ,'Ask your,druggist for genuine."Cali- fornia frig Syrup" :which has directions for babies and Children of all ' ages printed en bottler, Mother!You, must say "California" or •you may get an imitation ilg syrup. The depth of 'sand- in the Sahara Desert •avera.ges about 30 feet.' 6 . 'Minard'li, Liniment for Surnsl& Scalds, Aubtratliia's supply. of wattle (baric :used, for -harming liras become ,greatly 'depleted. MONEY. ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Expressi'Momey Order. If lost or stollen yeti get your money back,:.: _ The Same as Then. Wlren father courted mother, dear, Some thirty years ago, The family album would appear • And ,tlrrcuglr it they would go; •Thinking that • aro one oven guessed, The while they gazed at faces, He, underneath' the aibtin, pressed _ Ilei• hand in fond' embraces, Times bring a heap of worldly Change, Old customs pass and fade, Llxeept—and' is it not: quite strange?' The ways of man and maid; Now, in the sheltering movie ;shows Watching the Aftting -faces, My sister's Band within hot' beati'e Tis pressed in fond embraces, He Was Right. The genf,lema'n, obviously of Hebrew extraction, lied aesenlblcd his friends round the festive board; After having discussed satis$aatorily'the various de- licacies provider; for their detectation they were called upon to admire and appratse all 'his taste, and ' nnmeroua,- PeSitesslons. But of 1111 the latter the 'oho of Which ho was most proud was a truly um•gliiflcentring, which, how- ever, owev r, was so turned as to' display the diamond on the inside of the hand, His brethren notched this peculiarity and, Miro of„ them reinon ttrd.ted; 'Vy, Isaue," Iso cold, "it 18 a brook ring ---I never saw e better, But it Is on 1:17.d agl'Ori43 Way 1‘911)111. ISdtte gape MIA it leek of 'oloqu,ent; paying oentenr"7t • "Oh, wistit nemitiru0e you do .toll mo," he replied, "r dale yeti, G4alre0 Dace one talk Ulm this (holding out his hand, paha downwards), or like flits?" ('poem upwards), j fit141Pt4 k l i,rllhient ioo N 9rdtglp, Bt Up. Y Maintain their healtt and hatchability; of Ame_1ca'n Hloayer. Dog laomedies I3oolt`on. •DO.0 DISEASES- andI3ow to -freed Mailed Free to any Ad. dress - by' the Author. < N. Olay Glover. Oo., Ino. 129 West "24th Street ' ,Now York,'U.S,A. Ana ,....roarame.araraaa...._ oe.- ` O0ee 0gC?^Oug0000Ca00 Bad- }reach Overcome, M 'Bad breath is a' sign of decayed teeth, foul stomach or unclean Ij1I bowels." If your teeth are good, look -to your digestive organs at once. ,'Get Seigel's Curative Syrup at druggists. 1 5to 30 drops after meals, end•stop the bad breath odor. S SOc. and $1.00 Bottles. D6 not rgt buysubstitutes. Get tlt,egenutne. {' 2220555 0Q000<=2 00 0000 00 winter this 'w!n,$(r 1 d daily trains 515..:1110 4a1ai 7Pe, 9ulltgouh via Grand Canyon Pall,' also 4.0 Southern Arizona. Frbd Iiarvey meals "all the way." May I send you our *titre P. Te' Am/Lary, :Cdonr, ,d.gea,t. !sent% re insti7r,r 0e Pres O's'Olie wag, I1et1'olt, adtleb. )73iona,l M to 0947 xaiad Canyoot Line 4%yF I:Y1�-1.r1rY FiyaLt, Posit is guaranteed to put you clition and keep`"them strong 'em ' lay more eggs --fertile produce big hatches of worth Y,our Money back If YOU Are Made in. Canada Sold by Dealers, PRATT FOOD CO. OF CANADA,- 232W-Caolww Ave., Toronto Break Apply SIo tion to the circulating Made o' tlwl1afartt. For f heit»iaiLsrta; britises.i: UNLESS you see the name are not getting -1 Acecpt only an "unbroken pat, Aspirin,)' tiwilitl1 contains tIireetif physicians during 2 31ca12 and Colds 'Headach ;toothache • Neural&1 Earache Ltrnabagt 11014031 13ayrr" 1Joxes of l0 4441 iota•:-•xjh %,ep ran 1p, lire tirade nmat%a (•ants ererl. Sale, Aae`ot�enoideister Of ne ternese d, Whno it ie sansfaeturd, 1.o tulrslet the nubile Omit* tit 111. be sttal13P9.4 +Klt3t their gsnirat tl:0d0