HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-1-18, Page 881 di s{ances the Glasses rich the right one the whole matter ld • best of everything in r Genets bait jou want HEN ON 'Next: Hovey's Drug Store • es full of good warm seasonable young, these goods will be newt- , need the room and „Want to turn t during'Janriary and you can save s dosing. the next feW weeks. Slippers, at 98e: in all Departments, Money, e F\ guy MORE -BUSINESS'. of last year will be applied nt service, prompt delivery and courtesy to all: rs, Phone 125 1. ng we ,are offering nges, Quebec bake '. leaters at cost. Do nity.,if you are tbink- er-be. cheaper. pop .11o01 Coiled" 2'41-e ", e,- i �$ ads Ideal en The New Pocket Self -Filler Ihifi little lever has Been added to the World's Standard Pento heti> you to refill the pscl. Simply raise and lower, the lever with pointin ink dad' it refill& simnel jnoaiuty , SOLD B.Y W. D. FAIR C Often the Cheapest-- Al ways the Best. EVE SPECI4E.I3 A. L. Cole, Eye ;Sight Specialist an Honour Graduateof the Caned Tan Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Goderic2, Ont. ;,Office hours: 9 n,tn: to '5 p,m. 1?ractice'limited to the eye. ee Ili 7F rl:.! 4 Uuanraumt tau, to p T'uniatl h,. 112x. Ed, LovetE returned the other day, frons -London. Messrs. R. Draper and W. J. Miller' .were in Hamilton on business this- week., hisnceek., ' Mrs. (Dr.),Gunn returned last. week` from a visit with her daughteriin Detroit. Mrs, Hawkins of .Hetxnilton Inas been ;;visiting , her son, Mr. ' T. W. ,Flaw-„ ;ins of town.-, Mr. W, -F, Cantelon,.pf Toronto spent , the.:week-end with': his parents,.,Mr,` 'and Mrs. 'Wm, Cantelon. Mr. A. E.. Moore,: barrister,; Winnie pege visited .his enters in Clinton. the ,beginning --"of the week. Mr. and 'Mrs Edgar Armstrong were in London last week visiting the former's mother and other friends, Misses Maisie, and Mabel'C1ufi spent, lthe week -end 'as the guest's of Mr. and Mrs, .Fred Lobb of Goderieh ltownhip. Mr...fannes Cornish seturned,'home on Tuesday from `Carsonvilie, where' he attended the funeral of his brother -in --law Mr, Maynard. Mr:. Hugh McDonald; -,who has been`. -Ioperator in The News-Reocrd office lfor the past six months or so, has ;iaken a position withThe>rWing- ham Tinges, • Mrs., Harry <;F3tzsinrnions :and • Mas ' ;.ter Nprmian attended ,the funeral ort ithe former's uncle, the late Wfl- liam Calquhount . aft Mogrefield on, Saturda, „_ Mrs,' Jack Glassfo•d and baby, Don- ', ild ' baso returned to their .hone In -Chatham after `a anonths' visit ' 'with the lady's parents, Mr, arid Mrs. J. Watkins, Mary- street. Mr, -and Mrs. E. G: Zinn spent a few days during the" past week aro the home of the lady s ' parents, ` Mr. dnd Mrs. Crew Holland, before s ink tt, thole new home at 'ilan- Mr Gordon .1hall, who was a Mem-- ibex; of Tlro News -Record staff un- til March fast, has again joined the staff. He has been for the past :rew months with The Wing haps Tunis. Mrs. Helen Quinn ofI Le -rides -bore anti leer friend, Mrs John McKinnon of Toronto, and her little son, Mas- �g e iter Lorne, `,have been visiting• the, d» nw; , former's Nittiiei', igl,s.` W. T. 13er, 'ItICAL man of town. iiitt muns1G• Mt. -Chas, Twitchell and Mrs, James Twitched, : who aceompanied the remains of Mrs.. Chas. Twitchell, from Windsor last week, were the guests 'while in town of Mr• and Mrs. R. Marshall, ltte�tio ustomers for the patronage lolicit ft continUenee of it e endeavor•to give all our gad respectfully ask those G give' us a call, erman Ctri lb;;, irons, l' ams %r,Z}['d ll'>it?r McKitlgp Township The many friends of Mrs. Geo, Hart are pleasedd to hear she is able to be up and aro'ind the house again. Mr. Ed, Hunter, wvho•purchased the refuse of the ,Kerslake fire, Iram beenvery busy hauling' it home the last week. Ed, says whet Won't make feed will make fertiliser. ' Mr, John Hart and sons have bean working lin 'Seaforth for the past week digging a cellar for Mr. Isaac Hudson. - Me. and Mie, Frank. Coleman and family visited with friends in West, end Tucisersmith Saturday last. ,Ibseph Dayniond held, a very suecessfuh word bee one dsp last week -,in John lI,einke's betsh and lois it mostly all home, doe' is heti+ pre- pared for si good cold spell. The tu, tiers who were- snyint about Christina, time that we ever4n"t going to get mtteh snow this cvlrt- ter will begin to think' they ,have anethc,rguess craning. Quite, is number attended the fire frena euchre on Mouday. evening. One hundred brooms to clear Brooms will ben much hhe THIS WEEI Canned Goods, Coy° porn 15c Peas and Seeded Raisins, per i'b. , Seedless Raisins Curr {nt;s, • per Dates, 2 lbs for , 1,7e 18 25c FRESH Lake Superior Herr Halibut, der lb, B. C. Saluron, per; Finnan Iiauldief pe Fillets, Per Ib.,. Sugar isadvancjiig.---e are ,g( to lay in your. supply early - Magic Baking Powder, per ib. • Our. Own 'Baking Powder, per lb Libby's Catsup , Sardines, 4 tins for Ginger. Snaps pels lb. Loose Soda Biscuits, per Ib. ,, J5c 2.".e • 25e 25c 15e . , toe Laundrysoap any Extr Bfaelt Tea, ` per' Ib; O'Nei1's Best. Coffee ties O'Ib7eil s Good Coffee; per lb, 38c .s ath 2 :+ MH1ve11es ,Eajfie1ci: .. Rcv. IT, D. 1tiloyer of .Goderich will, -occupy<the ,pulpit -of the Methodislt church oir Sunday morning next .in the -interests of iniesions. The meeting en Monday evening nominate two councillors to fill . vacancy "on the;• council 'resulted ,the following twb .candidates goal fymg, Messrs: George S. Castle an `Henry Weston, -,,The. annual meeting of the •Bayfie Agricultural Soeibty was held inan :,town hall on Monday afternoon two o clock 'when the following o ficers and directlirs were a�ppainte for -the ' ensuing year: Preside Thomas :Brownett; Vice-p'residets 'John MhDonald;'Sec,-treasurer, A. 'E Erwin;; Directors,- • Messrs. Thomas Cameron,- Edward` Johnston, Thonnae Elliott, -William :Scotelaner,' Charles`. Middleton' and- George, Hudie. - There ,died at -: Virden,,tMan.; on Sunday;,` January " 7th, a ;former and nest -highly respected -/resident nr this village in the person;:; of Elisa .Jane-, Houston, in her ,98th year, The .remains were brought to this village for burial, arriving at Goderieh o ,,for evening' of last week Ar rbeing conyeyed-tothe home of her son, Sansei Houston, of Bayfield, ac- cempanied` by her . soft -in-law, Mr J. H, Schniirlt, with Whom, she made ;;her home, The deceased. was born near ,Belfast, -County Antrim, Ireland, on May • 16, 1825, the daughter of Baines Boyd and. Nancy Carlyle. The 'deceased had'seen' five sovereigns on the British throne, more than that numb -err of "wars - and in the last 'Great War"she'. was more active than in any other for 4 -though mere than 90 years of age, 'she constantly kept knitting• socks for ,the' scild ers: In. 1851 she was married 10 Willie -in John Houstonn, and of this Union was born eight ciriideen four sons and foto daughters. Mr. and IVIrs,eHoue= ion left Ireland for Canada .in 1852, In a sapling vessel, -Atter six weeks sf $ stormy passage they Were hipwrecked off -the coast of New- foundland. They finally. arrived -a1 Ottawa and saw `the first train carne into the .Capital of Canada. y „After five years in Canada they,returned to Ireland, where they remained - 1or fourteen, years Re -crossing the At- lantic they settleii, in New York State, where they livtci for.two years, and then" nMoved. to Bayfield, Her husband :pre -deceased her in 18713 and about- twenty years ago the de- ceaeed left for Virden Man,, where she made, her home _with her .daugh- ter, Mrs, J. H. Schmidt. The funeral took place'from the iesidence•,o•f het , son, "Samuel Houston, to Bayfield cepretery in Thursday afternoon, January llth, at 2 o'clock, Rev, A, Macfarlane officiated at house and grave., The pallbearers were. Messrsr W. 5. Stinaon,.Robcrt,DeigatY, JarneS Fowiio, J. A. Fergtwon,,;.Theinas Cam- eron and Henry Talbot. Mrs. `Ibous. ton leaves to mourn, her loss four daughters and ene son, Mrs. 5. H. Schmidt and Mts, McIntyre, Virden, Man.; Mrs, Langhain, Str'aurner, Sask., Sijrs. (Rev.) Fortune,' Van- couver, B.- C.y and Samuel Houston, Ibayleld, The sympathy of the term., nslnrity gots out, to the bereaved flhe anneal meeting' f St. Andrew's congregation wasp held last Tuesday evening. The weather was formy but there was t gait rrtnee cntatiiott (1 ineurbers. Rev. .A�: -Mee.- farlanc, presided. The leporta f, -its the various oegeierZX1fees warm mean encouraging net stowed a yei:v.' aT ceadp t 1wth and ,.'inere..S5,. The treashv r'u report n' owed Hn 71',SCoinC of $2,1.76 foe e11,'ent expo )555 mid alY balance of $19. This expenditure in- cludes the sum. 58 $518 paid on the recently installed electric light .sys- .tem. Contributions to the Missionary .Budget amounted to' $252." The amount raised by the Sunday school to was, 2140.; by the W. M. S,, $180; by the the 'Mission 'Band, $25; by -the Ladies le Aid ,Society, $157L a .total frons` all sources` of $2,930. All the officers c were re-elected, the name of Mr. 1ohn Scotehmer being substituted; for ld that of Mr. A. Armsirori'h :on the e Board .of Managers. is Presider? Vice-president n' Ara HOltatisvfllle Mr. and Mrs. Calhick: of Winona, who- hav'6 been. visaing the" lady's ?nether, Mrs. ' Achson, - for some weeks, have returned to their home. Codkrgcin Tows'sship (Councillor Herbert C. Cos .,baa bought ,Mr,- Chas. McPhail's farm,: on the 6th; concession, just: beck • of his own, and now has one hundred and sixty`" acres in .a block„ of excellent land.. Mr._Cox- gets possession', tri the spring: Mr. McPhail, it is un- derstood, `intends giving ftp fanning. Steanie'j. Township, Stanley distr_et L. O,• L. held its annual Meeting in Varna on Tuesday, Jan. 9, aind'eleeted the following ot•, ficers for the year: . t. W. M., Ben Ilathwell. P. M•., Geo. Petty. -. Chaplain, Geo,. Castle, 'Rec.'Seeretary, Fred McClymont, Fin. Secretary, Carl Diehl. Treasurer, 5, W. Reid.: Lecturers, R. IMelVlurra.y, L. Claris, D. of C., T. J. Stinson. FIRST MEETING OEa COUNCIL (Continued from Page 1) the intereet-on debentures for a new -building. All the speakers.warrnly congratu- lated the mayor '-and reeve on the success of the gathering, which made:. for the cultivation of the community spirit. One feature of the evening was the refreshments served, real, honest,to-` goodness ham sandwiches, cake, hot mince pie and nice, erearny coffee, 14irs. Cooper and Mrs. Miller poured N coffee and the : gtiuests were served V from a buffet arranged in :the' icor- tier of the roo'nt. Mrs. McMurray, Saps. L. Paisley and Misses Cuning- hanne and 'O'Neil assisted in serving., A real social spirit provailod.and before the •gathering came to' an end Mr, Ford and Mr, Nedigor moved a vote of thanks to MayorCooper and Reeve Miller for the hospitality ex-, tended, and to thoir wives, WIro had so ably seconded them. Mayor Coop- er in replying said :they wore grate- ful for the response' to their invita- tions, that it was the wish of him. Self and the'reevs that; they should have a gathering representative' of the town and they hoped the result would be a more ,co-operative spirit which would be belt ih'roUgliout the lir p N F. J TJ year, The gathering broke lip wits. " the singing of the nttionaill anthem. Mr, W, 11, Ilellyar brought over ono of. his vietrelas anri during the evening futnishCc1 seinepleasant inn-- , c expenditure of '$2,1.57, 1eaivine• a e