The Clinton News Record, 1923-1-18, Page 44,1 ' `Sitter - A despat,h :or London says:,-- there, 1 e t„iaatrept respect among Irelandre doing roneh t corde who .only a few nionths apo einharrass the FreeState Government were doing‘,/„.,,r'sb 'Caw's „things in their to its efforts to control affairs in that fight with, talr".6rch crovn fowes. country, Miss ViarY Vfac,SWthey is not; no vm:Ler heard roecutlY of a fain - the erlY friah womanlyho boil Worried fly hi 'Dabliti, the head of which is President Cosgrove and General Mul- well known becaueo 'of hie work for othy. She was so troublesome that the Free State, which is badly split, they Pet her in jail, Orly to find. that The wife, the story gooe, is an active %to Ivas more bother tilere than oui-, relTubilean and so 'determined to carry gide, len the 144‘ht that she has parted from The '413ac1 Womon"--eo-calied be her inisband Pnd Put 'her ehildron in muse therwore heavy ix -warping when the care of a nurse. The family is they sat in Dail Eireann 3.11,s,t winter- Esc) Weill known that any fuKher de - are extrerly adtive, but (he better scripticm WoUld disclose its'identity. no More than the hundreds of Valera so faithfule,y as secretary dur_ yaiing girls and Ni.Nnen-vrho are as- ing the period that he WaS dodging bile elating their Ineyther's., Insbatals and Bri4ish could tali many an interesting lovers in the mad war which is sink-:BtOry of the services rendered by the ing Ireland into further depths of members cf. her sex. Though•Erskine despair, It is the women, *0 are ut-i Childers has been executed and, the 'only fearless, wonderldly resource- members of his stall' who issued "The .ful and cunningly clever, who Make it! Daily Bulletin" of Sinn Fein activities possible for a minority to wage a war ; have met various fates, the secretly on the duly consuitrated government .Publi,hed document is apPoating daily. and to paralyze pract'cally all the ofti- ' One of the worst featu3:es of the -departments of the Free State, piesera, situation is that old friends 'it is no new thing for Irish women are naW sharply divided, The division to play,a promineni 'Part in the fight-, la so great that it can be measured ing.,;, when the Brith.d1 -were fIghting. only by 'death. Some of the women theA)Sinn Foizers with regular soldiers who .gathered secretly during the and Riad,: and Tana the women were Maeready regime are now on dmmet- . . a, p 1.1g. . y y oppos e s im the life and cvq).11NR,1 the conclusion of Thursday's special eial Govorthilent granting , a sixtY riCH TROOPS, OCCUPY F.,SSEN known at11:0 ffteS Of rocpsOlianism are The young woman who served De MILITARY 1-103P1TAL PREY To' EtAMES Sydor.riihom lvtilltery hospital at Kingston., -4v1fich was reduced to ruins by Area few days;ago, will' not be' rebuilt aa a hospital, according to an order from Ottawa which stopped' the worig of reconstruction, Efforts .are tieing made to convert it into.a Soldiers' heine: There were only ten bed p.atients when. there occurred, The Origin`of the ffre is a mykiterY. • 'be a goneo Servlee of the laterlei• say Alberta Is IrOkill% rn!S,Oa OffOrL StimairJo the top key industry, 'Ile Brooks irri- gated district in somborn has made a nune for Itself in sti011, a wide 0.tv sit y of agricultural products, Itt'ded 43, 000 pounds of turkeys ftt eight centres last YOST' and /14rrii,ete4.1 them cooperatively, the larger portion going ' to tit', TTOII 54 Stares, The amount s'iavgletered this; SOSISOli IrLO011 higher, The some' Indwel.ry Inis been. found profitable as far no'rth as Grande J..,rairleo. region of the ace Paver country; and to farm - in that SOCti.ori, lost December shipped mere 3.13C.1.1 70,000 pounds of turkeys, w.ffile slalq.nneorts of the Grain Growers' Co-operative Association from the same coun- try exCeeded this amount. P113111 both Alberta and Saskatchewan ' larme sh.lpments of turheys.Were' made to Eastern Canada this , Past Cittlatalaa aena0n. 01 11 tmont BRITAIN RETAINS 'TROOPS ON R Action of German Coal S cate Held Heedless Provocative. al! a CharlottetOWn .P14L-Th tot hie of the 'fisheries of ,Pi,irieeIld word isleind for .1922 will loe Upward. of 51,500;000,. =1.r.J irlifrOELSO.of $100,00 Oyer 1021, itceotflifig to. the laspeCto of Fisheries, 11 10 011 the lobster be :the fieherinon .of the Island. mainly de pen and. the 'cateli this year,- for Vat are basod,oe mato of return., s 0,...0.gary., najAp, „vizi= O weather T,enab ''',1:41gerY to en,..'orry- .00l • 0/n„sti.,, As, Ten th onsand t watc1m6 S.r.10:O1 ITO"SILI • ROSCI 3124.0 R,ole and othol ,., outdoor sumrt,,,r aporto , Wore pa,rtia earily and late ••eason••,, wae, 41,51 cases, valued at $1,248,450, plus 2,10 cwts. sold in shell, valued at $2(;,060 melting a total of $1,274,b10, cornmvxe with 5045,548 for 1921, aLout a ban dred per cent, increase, I Lunonbnrg, N.S.-The Lunonburg, fishing fleet landed 0 ,ceercl catch o 312,075 quintals of fish during the pas asen, it is announced. This is 16, 925 quintals in excess of the 1919 recerd, The estimated value is over $2,090,000. The average catch per vessel was 5,151 quintals, 34 Jol,n, NB -The Provincial De- partment of Agriculture has issued statistics 'which indicate that the past. , year in farming in New Brunswick 1, was characterized by increased acre- nge, due particularly to, increases; in the growirte• of oats and hay. There were increased yields par acre in prac- tically all crops. , ,Quebec, Que.-The development of 50,000 hp. a electrical energy on the Riviere dee Prairies by the damming of the river jttst below Visitation Is- land 'wilt be started by October next, 1 Nted in, , I/arbor Comm( vim), is busy examinin;.: d suitable sites +`rdt" anoeler train e'e' vab)r, It is uncier0;004 that Port 141.e.oi;y loOIC p,,InaltAavemblY. 'Phis is at 'iieeinver liar - f ber, about six. mi 'the citv Tho , O lumber assenthty Mny also be _ exerted there, 1,3 VoneouVer, • 'F..0,-eThe. Vanconvo HINE. vadi- and according. to an Order -in -Council ; A despatch from London says:, -At which has been passed by tho‘Provin- ese same women, or ot leaat a large death, struggle. A year age it'Beerned Cabinet Council it was indicted that ."Ycier lease on, tiro river rights to till , rzny. The women are realdoWn to normal life In fact,- ,Cb,4...tter-enders„" out:amt,out republie-,/ as recently as last June.,the' P*resPects CEN—E Or' ER S INDUS1R1AL LI , watch the oasvlerizitacidlyta(1).1 oc;lista rhea. e ." apt an a/32;x For..the professional agitators,' seemed. bright , for the opening . of a • nuinber 0 r them are bloolcing 141111..sadOlo las if the Irish at -last *bald Se able to• • • - 1.h 10 , Fleast whuhd sit ttght and Great. Britain, ilex. ,the. time ,loc>ing., •Itatek. River...Pow-elf The scheme is , It means that there is no immediate Ottawa, Ont. --The total volume o sincere as some Of tirAlT1 must 1)e Lonewperiodin. Irish affairs; but ainea A des etch from Essen says .:, ---Two and half an hour later 'the military VtosPect•of anY withLdraWal of British sea. fish landed on both ePasts durin make the sacrif,ices thc-Y-do, there is ' theri haVe• conic, the nala CaUrtS and net -ii gre-at-deaf-,CT, eympathy in...-ke, Sackville Street ,battlea;-with Michael battalion's of -Colored troolis are in the representatives on the ;various ewts:,:iis compared .with 487,542 cwt officials. visited the sity c ficiats, and forces on the Rhine and that the l3rot- the month of Nov b --, : , land, but for ilm. 010105453nd si-ters oopins slaih fi.,,, ambush, ,rhe natural f,irst det,a,chment the French sent hito p'fafiticoin.all,Yof..i_nitragtycl:.t-heTmh.e°!;it,,ehneoise.ia: ilus'thea,upied commissions will be main- in November, 1921, according to. and. wive.s, . \v.] io "do-tlmir bit" by pass- death of Aruhur Griffith, the shooting Essen.. The -troops began mo'ving quested . -hiNets fel': ten thousand tained at their posts, „It is recognized, +- r,ing ,letters; by hleing- nienran the'ron, of HarrY Boland and the execution of about five o',cleelg Thursday morning, ,trooPs, ' . • ''• • -.occupied hern:Vnerlo.,retham:etnaitenge•aitus aatrioensuahtaosf .11?,..toie- othfel‘tf:Ittratetaan4aFnisslarelitsc.a2Twhaesv;11:41o, 0r -secreting ario dn-their oil,..119y- ,Erskine Childers anieng qnanY 'other and at fen the First Cavalry entered 'The railreaci.- 'station wa'asta's'n'e'r't 'igsned bY tile D.epartmen sons, by offering false ',information,' tragedies, ' ' ' ' '" the town. They.rode carefully 412'0141T later as the •froop. arrived by road, develoPment of the ,PolieY of Passive 8, 31 in November , --1,922, ass.ageasiiInstna$:,, . . . the streets scrutinizing the 'windews Moot .01:them aro hlYeeacked around: 1.8s1t1.191 by the Genrvairs' - 30w24i1n3rnipnegthe,,/su'annnie„._Ilictlitill a -eta..1. ata.D . Predicts Halt in American Progress with their drawn curtains and the' foW the 'city" which ,IS'.." eneircled It, is By..i:eracrving its ai'shives frm ths that, vratEl.,:,10 eaTfada3s wbeert oral, tin , , ,, . to IPilecies°a,nrsealwih*o.011.'V-tairllele 4oberS11°apdal.t'ionl,twrieans ,.1b%nc4vsenntillot; nBlaenrelY uc;fmt.,3'1.11° tu;°o4P-Sstalinneet°s' Slteil;11671''jtlYhe'eIGnl:74a:1S'See'd":tlh5Il"i'n'llfeellaeth alrlds :Yeai..wili bring in a 'profit, ef 545,050, ' A -despatch, froira LOnclon saysl-Sir ,. A the cavalry goes aheactto seek out sta:onghold, and , it As .-nresumed* that fears are felt that the, French will put 62, i. -d d c, . s. ani oba, $8, and: financier,'„ has just .rdturned here • Mackay Edgar„ 'British industrialist Ore . %. .sharpshcioters, before the main body atted',etihuetho.euti!ruhrarosrte'ee•oloaln in' tioniDagotinguionadi itrtheasecreetfwusrtontetn,geeOt eorbiunaanrchGicrzimalliente a191.13,i7A501betts'"'ac'41(8a,tle5.1'de.5w2a5n..thSe2s8e,711.77,,,250 ardVes. . .' • . . The cavalry was' foill•oWed by 'five will be ocouniecl. 'Belgian troopa are .a„etion. of the 'Glenna. n.coal barons is frOrn a visit- to 'the States. , It -is an amazing spectacle," .he 151010, solumna of cavalry, two bat- roccupying some of -the Essen suburbs. also likely to bring in ate wake eallopt- says:, ."There you . have ' 115,000,000 talions' of Moroccan infantry, .threey, the French troops dis /speared off ago on the part of the workers.- batteries Of. light artillery end 12 the streets at nightfall a few:hundred The 13ritish Labor party endorses . . people feverishly ,tearing fl'OM the d. ' 44, t..',.,tria0a4rt ii•eiarIa; An adventurous anadfan f newspaperman Is ,N. -Moore, Son , of Dr. T.Albert Moore, a leading Cora. 2 cliatt M5tibo43O dlvtsts.. e is Manag.,,,, O ing Editor of the Freeman, of Dublin, a a; d during the past four Teals hie. . _ t ,, paper has been' raided by Simi Feiner, f B ack and".Tans Emil RepublIcans. _ Wthan az-his equipment was destroyed _ he issued the Freeman as a handbill," 8... '.a:.eAill'e*ro.g:It•is,the moat Magnetic thing Republicans have tiireateitail him with _ at a ' _, 11 on ear th,'1. The idleman 1 ils tim e. rin'e lcil ls thtt 'd1 ' 'Natural Resources Bulletin. tanks., Tho French, placed:machine of them reniaining in -the eity -in their the actiOn of • the United 'States in 0i 01 ,ing it. to maintain a ate of,growth ut- Oee:ifeatIe ilocataill'aerntheanrlatabg1;1;u,cheueie nt earth its' iravirlaceable wealth and US - guns at the street Icornera 'and sent billets, or at•the telegraph.offiCespost .withdrawing her troons 'from devlvntisinthe 017 s r .terly without precedent in all human „ out patrols. .At neone,r , Genal Henry •office, cit3r hall, or niiiroaci- depot's; Rhine and eontends that the Presence itherapid strides being made by the commander of 'the Ruhr; took' up his Those visible at the p‘ost- office excited 'of British. troops there now is doing dairy industry in the Weit. Reli°1'tsto bind of dairy, .eperatione in Mani headquarters in. the ' Hotel. Kaiserhef, more curiosity than resentment. ' . ,Lno4,0groiot4e.a "sOunpvtliorte "Wttole,..eGrothv'eornugmh,entth,se toba shoW that that:. province 'is not They have bong been the charnPion generaIreParations PolieY and 0000 001 behind -Alberta alid Saskatchewan in ,..., , ,,. , are malting all previous records look New Canadian, Benatei• spenders a the world, 'but now they sir mur4r,,,y..my,s that the big,g,,est Taranto, aPpointed ,to the" Ca,nadian ' .11' ...Ran .46,ylesworth, EX.M.G., of ' ' ' '.--.-' Sir ,Robert Thalconer, ',President Of members of this Trust met in Mont - A 'Unique 1,egacy. imot be in zieed..... eireinn#anees. The bbe,„14,0‘iied,p).st,, taetins of France a ttehilvserir i led lic ts, i,- tuTtheed. change10iiiia,otcanttlhaititonias students of SCA:itch extraction' w,lio further step toward the,:econoirde do 05 .provinciai TJniversity, has real .and decided.to.,inveSt the caPital /3hilletiell of GermanY and" restate, nt olf911.1341.1ttnt-e:"Vivillii'°ebreaa'sininet}w°11e00(1 c7agrlecadarsic'aal:os }America's , gigantic oonsuroin, power. the death of Senator William Proud- _ , . etononitc, fact in the world to- ay IN Senate to nil the seat left 'vacant by , just returned front Montreal where he luneunt- and to' use'the.interest each EurePeah chaes' exported annually. Out ' of 51 , 000 i .',10 i terrible, because already it is. foot, He was iviinister of justice dor, kt-tend,ed, a ..iimeting .,of a 'committee year in ,bursaries' and- scholarships,to The 1:sahel*ali e5'e think Germany 'fartneri in 'the province, 26,000 .,re outrunning lirecluction." jog the Lattri,at, regime. , which had 'On -unique problem to solve. tlTesdiavinadoedeialeingoensgdetegns4e.tveacna.nundivtero sbi; reitt..411eisatdalPeteing,8atihmeiaP;ilttaotimPaert eprreaodnuic.ingi• and shipping nulls and , , Then the financier ...goes 031 to hmag prophesy ,that before long, while .the New Year's Resolve, . 4, RI ob1,8,2t5 `13.1.u'ee lemigia' ted -.11.0 Canada 'u,sed, by them to a ss is t,. such 'sbildents :aea,bnolibteldaoiniuze Eiwithof Thies Fweapon r e01 itGv ebn tur i nrge ^ and bought, land" near ..the city of Que- as Robert Bruce had in mind, " , -the supply win have 'run Short,. and, 1..0 1.00k cut for 4,ziumber .s,m2, ,I ma ,nv:rsay. sup,chcoesugluaRombaj:itre.B61gliacte,i,mthaa'bhuas.fd_ ... !c.ozionaiesp..1c,00tersreso,t,r*,,Natne ,solue at,lictaIlanOn.i:boyittitnif:oanstiettgnquearriatnito:r7o7tfle.'-SoeacsePitaieoleiineatt,101.Y; b. ri.,i'c'el.ctlaye ''.1.n.e.lwi.s o,/,.":VV•ti kaw .6X. oswr 'otafr.re-rontiwoi 1.:ildkt.aci ybn' tli nga' nae °Pile: kan progr6s,,..whieb masr be seine_ my 'best friend after all, and my. hest - go...litr,p,recliets a sharp halt in Amer - demand will be as veracious os e'er ;, Here it is. During...1.025 .0,m geiag bec.,,,•where.he.,,gradually established n ' . thing 4ke a ,zoange, ' frlend. la me. Yes sir. no matter What! only a corn/nen 's'ehool education may have to go 'undone, I'm going to A.berdeen, he was rather an :own -liver- ceeds .tb.a dnsmand,,, . ...4 P , , ing its' archives is 'criticized -as heed- a4ked: ' . . :xi piodne‘tioa : in which ifie • sup0iy ex. the- German coal syndicate in'remov- , look out for myself end my first duty 0115 reader with a specia'l liking for Stude."Trotible." - Constantine is'going to be clirected toward self. darlyle and, Macaulay. In 1857 Rob- , Whatever I want, if it is within tbe ert l3ruce died leaVing to his children Sasitatchewan now has one motor bounds of reason, lin going to. have a life interest in; his Savings (.+f $5Ei,- vehicle for every twelve of thc Ponu- it. Whatever I desire to do 131 it.is 000, After the .death of the last of lation of the Province, which plaCes sane, going to do it. I mean to his children, this money was to be thi,s province first in the' list of the obey gvery reasonable inmulse. handed- '0.‘ier to a Tpst compos.ed of Provinces of Canada in the number of, But 'hold on, I find myself every the PrineiPal's Daill°"le UniVer' ears in Pr°P°rtidn PoPu'lation• Al - day wanting to help some fellow out SitY, Morin. College, Lennoxville Aoad- together there are 61,175 limier :ve- in= among Ins intimate friends. Thia ono 1V43.1 Once m; see somebody who -unfortunate one in a boat of 41 bad predicament; I discsoivmeii;astentlee vele11.3srityMeGtiitiel Uaiivveetrssiityiy, QaueeTntesre.InTinel: iihnicelevs,asrtegtiesztltrly'eled;a6r4is2n saSeasssickrate7atecehltneeuwweaannfr.hoe.Itins M'aintoba College, and the Moderator received $4,22 tragedy and 'the generaLdepressing needtr and would welcome assistance of the General. Assembly with instruc- motor license fees and in the same efrect of his reverses, undermined his that alone eon give. I've thought of tianS that the moneY waa to be ilsed period has spent 56,918,157 im- health, it is believed. He had been something r can say,that swee,pn for ithe assktance" of Inatrionlated proving roads in. the province, • $613ffol'ing frotfuent attael of hea'rt and brighten a 'whole day for some — . failure recently', but onlY these near- unlucky follow. I can keep dozens " est to him knew that he was danger- from getting. stuck -in mudholes that ously delayed life's game for me. I find my - He made his will while at Palermo self not only willing hut anxiens.--on and left. the bulk of his fortune to -his fire to do these little kindnesses. Well, widoW, , 1 t then S w len?, uppose I do speak the cheering word, and pass on the bit of ,Tommy Going to War useful experience, and help the 'Other Commemorated by Rosemary fellow Oat of the mudhole. Am J breaking' my resolution to look out, f o.r .A..desTatch front London says:- self 7. Instead, I am comPlYing fhe Ohurch.Slope Road at Folkestone, the lette'r4 0111 down whieh hundreds of thou- am giving luY bed efred8 mei on - sands of 'Pommies marched to embark ergicq in obedience to my best self, ter Frane end fight in the my highest self,my real selV'So I ern lo to be planted on both sides with still selfish. Why? Because, like all rosemary. • elfish 'hoes, ..un deing what do be - The Folkestone Town Council is eanso W'ant „mi,dteriap a ouggo5tioa to roa,rao Yes mi. Doi/I,' to loolc out'..for self; ithe ilov,6 "The Read00 Rernembnijec.,, ant onig to heed the desire and promptings of self; aro going ty,) be df Earth , metered by seR, but the "self." refer- 's°,11th"W‘e3tc E,nglaria, ri°:ntlogiiasintehBtobebset trt.'serlifo, boh.nli(;tsheellf,wwolli.:idet dwpacti,,,,,frort:i. London says,_ means that 1.shat1 'also be truc,to the sleitsstin• agnodf ppr.roviickaerie;teiuvet.,unybutIhteLlioyisthae b,rt"aSiltisy,t0IV1gelkthere, whrat is it that holds the " " of Greece Dies in Exile that the Government take a stronger "Never a bit of IV said Pat. "That witTahteittrtitheinitssanac3frdits° 'awolloaletnanid3 Laborites and Liberals demand theShuileer.„tarri„ ti Miktr, "that's aisy, It's „. Constantine, former King of Greece, A despatch 'from Rome stand against -France, but the Govern- ment plainly has one eye -on Lausanne kaPe'' the'm 'wart" childreti died at P.alermo. Thursday morning, and the necessity of Prenela support III Ancient Tree Saw Passage of Chainplai A 'despatch from Pontbroke.says:- In a virgin cedar swanm on Alunietto Island ta: Imge cedar tree has just been cut down that measures throe feet in diameter at the base, The swamp be - Tongs to Mr. P. Bentigan, who has recently 'sold its trees to Mr. 1. J. Foster, who has a shing•le mill at that south ,of the ta1191. Mr. Poker esti- mates that •botvreen 'three thousand aini, four thousand shingles will be cut f,t•oin. the tree, and says • that, though ho has not the time be count its tinge as mean5' of telling its age, it must be at Roast fif teen hundred years old, as 'Cedar treed Make bat %low' growth. Past the spot Where this, tree was ant Champlain portaged Mt his -way up tho Ottawa. It was an ancient tree even then. . His friends say he died of a broken cleaqing with the Turks. heart, He was greatly depressed over the recent exectition at Athens of the • six ex -ministers, most of whom had OptittlifitiC Signs in Britain's T -rade Of, Jeans, the English astronomer has diAnonr,th,ated England is on the very Cam& figures tva - the greatest top of the, earth, acceiding to the wheat exporting teruntry in the world Daily News, in the latest bulletin el: the 'Maria - jeans 'calculated that the earth is tional Institute of Agriculture at elTghtly pear-shaped, with tlm top ia Roine'l'he exportaiblo surAus eSti- a spot in aouth-west England, and tlie Mated as of August 1 by the'Institute talk ends ln the South, Pacific. :Icons for the principal, exporting ,countrieS believes the moon is a chip off the or the world is as. follows; Cillnada, 1,tin.Nef-a TROOPS ONCE, M.Ont- 01,r Tiak: stalk end, 312,000,000 bushels; United. States, r 11° "owl" Pw:11°'1's °e w1u(vi by The Daily New 1590114rifat these 505,000,000; British 87,000,000; a 11a11 10 at " guarantee' gc°d 4atCed P"Lien paisnlations have hsen..reww.doci by to An3.e.a..n.„, 20,000,000; .Anstt.,,aia, 53.r. ;0,0,004 ,lc,s,or, shows the thousand ,e-loti-o miles of Ruhr 0.4SI;rR.,1 medal ft'Om the Royal Astronomical 000,000; and other countries, 20,- SGt338tY, 000,000,, g0r, AN 4, SSEN ••••.0.• 4/7 ApEkLe rom 'GNI .0 RUHR Wr UIS ani DORTMVNt, 40. Si GEN 94, COLEN -5Ace.'POC-•; 1 GOT eopiti. 5WW-L SOOKS To • ELL A despatch from London says: -- Although 1922 was, generally speak- ing, a year of severe trade depression in Great Britain, niany signs warrant- ing, optimism appeared on the horizon during the closing months, says the American Ohathber of Commerce in London, The review asserts that exports of 1- its s h eekly Market Report Toronto. ' young, 10 )hs and up, 28 to 08o; do Manitoba wheat -No, 1 Northern; old, 18 to 28e. Geese, 15 to 21e. $1.25%. Margarie-20 to 22s, Manitoba `oats -Nominal. Eggs -No. 1 candled, 37 to 38e; Manitoha bar/cY-Nomiral. seleet,s, 48 to 44c; cartons, new iaids, All the above, track, Bay ports. 60 to 62c, American, corn ---No. 2 yellow, Beans-40am, hand-picked, lb., 6 q,c; 830,10; No, 8 yellow, 87s, era rAii. primes, 6e, , Bariey--Malting, 60 to 621, accord- Maple products -Syrup, /:;•er imp. ing to freights outside. gal., $2.50; per 5 gal. tin, $2,40 per 'Buckwheat -No. •2,,78 to 800. gal, Maple sugar, lb.., 23 to 25c. Rya --NO, 2, 83 to 85e. Iformy-60-lb. tins, 12 to 1.2fie p • goeds were ii,ugher hY 22°,- bags "included; Bran, per ton IVIontreal freight, lb.; 5 -2% -lb. tins, 13 to 14$A,c, per 000,000 than in 1921; and ,thet $24; 11)4. Ontario oomb hOlicY, Der dozen, .:411eir allorts, per.ton; .725;'tniddlinv, 48.54 $8.75 to -$4.59., ent, the surnmal7 saYS, that the ad-: oratorio wheat___Nn, 2 white, 41,11 No. 2, 85 to 90c. value is still increasing. It is appar- good Aad gen; 52, Potatoes, Oratorios, No, 1, 90c to $1; Verse balance sheet has been reduced to $1,13, according to freights' outside; Smoked meats-Harns, med, 2G to by more then '8100,000,000. No. 2, $1:08 to $1.10,* 28c; cooked ham, 38 to 40c; 'smoked Coal exports in 3922 nearly trebled Ontario No. 2 white onts---42 to 44c, rolls, 26 to 28e; cottage rplis, 52 0 131 Value. Exports of,cotton goo'ds show- quaatity and nemoy doubled 151 00171,11lige cofil:onu---r_NNomindetvnal, par' scoopt.081.15ettibrabr011f,bagt itca444t00114a, 3c2ant,b3885,too• ea a remarkable' inerease. Ve.it., in auto Jutga. Montreal, promipt hici'eank04.411*Xleee,th:LL89entgo, biteen, 50 ooks Tommy Atkiris • 5 to ' lans'i:regs ,$88; hAvysioeight rolls, i35, ,...isylauspisroen5t,15. $820 00 rti431i0., seTorahoonnrdo, to). ,70anicbls,,a,p$2$01.70iisiitotAgv0elbhst.,rellys; giseo ShoUld Reac,I 41.10 Per ,hbl; 2nd patsy $6,60. Manitoba flour--tst pats., cotton Lard -Pure tierces .1,6e. t thsI-It ay--loctra No, 2, per ton, traek, , Shorten,ing, tierces, 13 to 14c; tubs, Terehte, 4;11 ix). $12- nd.xed, $10.50 to !i4 to 1414,,e; 14% to 1.5tr; prints, ronto. butcher steers, choice, 0.50 to $7.2b; Qbeoso-New, haw°, 25e; twins, do, good, $5.50 to 40; do, med., $5 to 254,c; 26%e; Stiltons, 27c. $5.50; do, corn., $4 to 44.50; irutehet Old, largo, 27c; twins, 28c; Stiltons, heifers, 0100400, f$0.25 to $7; do, med., 16iric; pails, 16%e; prints, 18e. A despatch from London says: -- The War Office has issued a 1151 ef 'books which the British Tommy is expected' to read if he desiree Promo; lion, The list includes: Shakespeare's King Henry V. and Richard 11„ Dickens' Tale of Two 512; clover, 58 to $11. 17 to 171,40," Stra*--Car lots, per ton, track, Ta- _heavy Steetg, C11)01t0 $.7 to .fm) 2.9c• $5 to 40; do; coni., $4 to $5; butcher Walter. Scott's Old Mortality, Books to 45e; ordinary' creamorY prints,' 40 $5.50 to $4.50;, canners and cutters $2 Cities, Conan Doyle', White Company, Butter-rinest Creamery prints, 48 cows, choice, to $6,50; do, med, 3 and,4 of Palgrave's Golden Treasury to 41e. Dairy, 30 to Ole. Cooking, to $2.50; 'botcher buns, good, $4,51) to °"7)d .‘"the' ife of 1\16;k" 22De reSsecl poultry-Ohickena, ge,..2e15's;,4;Oa'cd4,1114 $t2o.2"5.tti°0;42tle5,0f; aficreidg — fed, °Vey 5 lbs., 23 to 31o. do 4 to 5 to $5. stacker- h.00cl 54 to 54 50. do Egg shipments from Alberta are 21 to 27s; do, over 5 gibs., 27 to fair, $5 te $4; calves, choice, $13 *Le breakin, all records and indicate the 21.'i; cid-, 4 to 5 ths., 16 to 25c; 60; 2 418'.2; do, isa'ahnn, 48 to 410; do, -rapid development of the poulirV in- t° 4 lbs', 14 t° Hens, oetno So to mdell ohcace, , to 27c; do, 4 to 5 lbs„ 19 to 25c; uustry an the last , few Years in this d t 41115 11 t 17 R t 1" Oman ally, Tim 1191ir 111 11M mainspring of ,German Indust:1.-4R c.5-"0 20 11'°11 ethin°8edo,"4 to 5 ros,, 21,. 24e.. 1.;( 23 ir;Rovs RA BByrooR, cm A L11...!, E -AT ri Diva y HeeiLLotA) EN 1,/,,vi-r- y , Fiance 0 0, inolndos riciteqt COal alpti aepoSit OrOVIIICC V,111(1-1 used to bo.twitted be- .to 0. ptiekajogs ,ever .1 to f- WONI T 'YOU HELP MIl OiSr 9 $60 to $80; springers, choice, $70 to $90;lambs, choice, .513,50 .to $14,25; sheep, eheico, $7 to $7.50; de, calh, $2 to $2.50; hogs, fed and 'wateftd, 81.0; do, fo,h,, 59,75; do, country points, 59,80 •Moutmal. Corn-- A in ell ean 'No. 2 yellow, ODA lin 02-c. 0i-. (alt No, 8, 68 1.0 04c; do, No, 3, 58 to 515e.; oxima No. 1 .feed, 03 •te 50c; No, 2 local 4vhitc, 5 Ito 54e, Flour -m-41, oi, ring wheat firsts', 47,10; do, seconds, 56.60; Isteeng bakers?,, 50.40; AVir,ber Nag., OtaiCa, $20b0; oftts-Sas; of 00 tbs., $9,15 1o,$5,25, Itran, 424. Shoff's, $23. 111idtiling8, $01, lifay-No. 2, per Pon, 00 10181,14.3. to $17. 0134 ..,1100.Se-2,rttiSit ' customs, 04 1) icost cresin 88.134-tO 'be; 45 to 40e; ke)trted,:' 40p Xn. 1 ,stodit, 10eK new 4d41.411,51/,-60c1,11otatoeti---"Per hog, eA 01) oi inhy lyric hetv1,.-k a mi 11q4.,4(75; 0 111593do13tn lo 14137 ' .fectiTs, 3'10 le good,,,,510; .sheep, 40 (43 31s150141 411p1 goial "1400,. ream go