HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-1-18, Page 3i•. Thi �orit% , f Bar ai r7 ee last week's News- (co d for dist of goods on sale' Neer, lines added daily .b. • V 0.:Y 0.dl. �c •a CLINTON "41ALiiY- A Fine Kettle • Thig ig a fine kettle, not only for ncup but fir boil- ing meat orstewi- ng, cooking vege- tables or preserv- ing. reserv- 91116 13e gine each uthan vi you • hay 'carries the SMY trade nsork.� There's nothing lil.e'.:piping hot, delicious soup to statt the hearty meal. Here is a fine that 1 ill c u a lot to he you potl t make' good P Y of SMP li— h t e S I Lnalneled Ware London Kettle. Even after the greasiest o>•sticiciest cooking SMP Enameled Ware cleans as easily as a L i Ale Three: finishes: Pearl yi'oro, two coat_ of rely g t^5 on+ nil ineide endins}out. n an nS9. ine three or tv-li. r bu and whiteofLinda; tc CalWare, till.", eats, pure riar insideand out, With Royal Blue edging. r� �511SET 11I0TAi. PricmuCT$ 1+AITIYEAt TOfi ONTI WINN IPCG. .-at)gryiON VANCCQVEO CALGARY • C✓df7✓Gyh 11 ADenny saved is snot alt'ays a penny -earn. ed. ,.sometimes. •. 1t is two penn'es lost -'The i ;erebant to spends nothing on' a Ci 1 el'tis- 711'„; loses much :tisore than the save -S., se` money spent for plate glass windows is. not looked on as lost; nor is the money'spent on better interior lighting. A_nvtllinn that ineraeases ` r' _ favor,, that.4th. sao sales, that ltlti lits e1> m_ irs very ,aho: ern renarded as a good investment', t� V0StnleLlt. 1Arlveittising is a good investment: just as plate glass 'vwindows are, Advertising sells mere to more ere n ] goadsp o s ilial shop. window do. �s'la etk TIME b you resent having a ria .eroll a,nt a,ddr(as t: his message lo you in the t(.)'rto_ C)ftpl1. adwur t3yi91Y3t:1)t lit any cblul]:1ns?, .011. the 0Cl.ltr r is not your irrl ullsetcospnnl to his' f lleadl,} overtoies, Shop W.erYou a , lilted Shop 1, 1 AS I3T+EN nQ !£r Boldin is iho finitlteltll a'A?wt of incl Auxiliary 1.1:941 ai811 1 101:9,' t liar it Was n+ -oaf 4 to J an - 9,11923. atokl 4jf ppr 1 111, bt mins„ted in ItuoW'filf . ltgl¢ 1iItlCli money toe 700)1,' ladies 1111\e raise() u1 that time and how tt has been T3)10 e or t 1{'a Ica @ L'Y Vlis fatiiitl'iaplcrrtthe ,;oeitlPath: 011'0 04th the e17nncil 71ie0;in' 0)1 mud ay e eiti 9p and. 1„ 0991 suf3rt10nt 111 't5t1111; to p,tbli la i. RPCEIPT 13azaar pTeas, wolc and pa-. 1)er sales, daneas skating pasties, etc , , ..1 1'7.1 22 Don ztions ud Pces•33 8p Chant .uqu , and of or concei Ls 4,859 95 Rent for piano 175. (0 Total .3rd 245 95 EXPENDITURES Bazaars, ''.teas, decorations; express, advertising, Stamps Hall rents, etc.......... $640 71 Chautauques, and other con ,certs . , 3,571 53 Fountainat Station Park .' 100 77 Piano for Town Hall , .275 00'. Rug, stand, 011000r, etc.,for Town Hall 29 30 •Armenian Fund 59 00 Chinese Fund 25, 05 Loan to Hockey Club 50.00 Gifts Tor -Hospital ' 9 9 9 9 .. , :.1,101 87 Operating Table $175 00 Sterilizer 58,40. Solution basins.'.... 25 00 Table linen, towelling . 16 80 Chairs and rot:;..., 17 25 Rug and 'matting' 43' 0 r 0 Papering, decorating 52 50 Building Fund . 713 42 Balance on hand i.:.. . 395 77 Total . , , . 36,245 95 SPECIAL COURSE IN SHEEP MARKETING Coealtieted under tile; Auspices, of' the Live Stock Branche h f o the Dom - info Departmentof Agriculture aria. the Agricultural Representative' Branch of the Ontario Departnrenr of Agriculture in connection. with the: Agricultural .,nurse; Clinton: PROGRASV1M,E ' January 30. Morning Session ---:9.00 ' `am."- Le ^0 a,m) Sheep anti- Prospertty. for the Ontario Farmer, .(b) 'Seiec- tion, Breeding' and feeding -6f Sheep. 10.30 ami, to 12.00, ::noon—;,(a) Sheep -Dips; and—Dipping. (b).Shee1'` Diseases.,: A,aernoon Session --2,00 91_p.m'. ,to 5,00 p.m. --+(a) . 'Judging :.'Market Lambs, (competition) (b) Shearing' Sheep. 3.00 p.m. to 4.30,p.m—(a) 'Slangy Wring Lambs.,(b)/Dressing the Car- 'sasses, (o) Preparing the Pelt for Market, January 31.. ' ,lorning Session -9.00 a.m.. to 10.30 ami; O Preparation. of lambs for Marltot,-"Docking,Castrating,. Finishing;" (b) Co-operative Marker- ing of,!mans, "Grades, :Grading, Shipping, ' • 10.80 to'`12.00, 110011 (a) Wool Im- provement. (b) nc-provement.:(tb) Co-operative Market • nig of Wool. •Session --2.00 p.m. to 3.00 3>.m., (a) Wiool Grades and Gran - in (h) ,Cutting ]anib carcasses. o,06 p.na. to •4,30 p.m. (a) Lamb Cuts and their preparation .for tire. falls, • . -'a "®IA,Yt7i1,514ESS—SICK5 PlEAID4AC9Gke`. '.'call for da 353a"'8«blot((a vegetable aperient) to tone pad etreogthco Eno organs of dinentlee and'climi-e nation. unproved Appetite. Relieves Constipation. Ciof a ,-r * 2isodfarovor Sox' e Tisa ars' 7:nytlist' J or Better Health _ _r Take'Chiropractic Adjustments '(81111 ous. ends to -day. arse madee w ll throughthis .. r . Wonderful ..•h e' a l t h science,' and are testify`- ing`to its. irerits' • ' and why not You ? Chiropractic � t>IC ad uSt- muts- give' grief relief to those suffering from HEADACHES • NEURALGIA 'LUMBAGO. !SCIATICA NERVOUSNESS ` l CONSTIPATION \BRONCHHITIS , ;COLDS'', . ' PARALYSIS INDIGESTION' STOMACH ,TROUBLE 001T1330 BACKACHE \, LTV.; R TR6UELES- NEURITIS. _ - And: many,' etlfer. senPa laintS. ' . hereforer• "CHIO11 g R,{'iso, H e I C z. ADJUSTMENTS" and 'Enjoy "BETTER H+E-ALT 9' See'your,local "Chirp cto prar ;RST not'AST la S 7<,¶ ¶ 71 aa� off? *h , OM Block l4"T 2.1f1 9 ®R s— !tittle Ifle,, Ocio-thirdthe regular dose; ]Made of same ingredients,: thou candy doe ed 'icor children and adults,:. Soli! by J -; [I: Hovey, Chilton, Ont EtE .I Chiropract ppyy Normandie Block_ b:': i t i �� .QAC OFFICE' HOURS : 9.30 to 12 a.m. 2 > to 5330 p.m. - 7 - to' 9 pan. Wednesdays 9.30 to 12 a.m. v0R 11 hcgs'a or rerr f a p 4'4791 ll f Rill ?17 rill rii l41s 10310 13x,9 t!;.FMti3,rr,:F3 ;II L@iirtkllCln ”, 0lta10v7, t7 . d;s everdd l�liap 0boy.,l It q-ieela 111+ til the time in cry ej a 1;,pti'tr n MX2,1in and 1i6..in to- thea/ nttrllnr• 11011)0 , Witl,otrt a. path to 0c 'a, a gui(lo of a1/01111 1111011wh1ch 10,11};,' y'e` oyes, 11, 1alm050 it)'1po,5alialc r wrlllc s r•ti 11tkw,' Sri an '11 1181 0arld 111(10 0022d, tor the righ* i Ott are left handed, and walk 13T h" Siohr' o9e0 i311111, 113 12, few minettes' you, v.,7113„ againw,t. 'the opposite kerb! „The right-handed inaq circles to, Otho tight, and the left-handed )pan i11 the opnoaitc encs ,tion. Ninety-nine men •ill:la hundred use. the 'right hand more than the left, with the result that not only the hand 'itself, but also the correspond- ing foot, and, in fust, the whole of . the right half of the body, become better developed than the limbs and trunk of the oilier side, As you wall.; the. stronger half of the body exerts a pressure upoir rife;: other and drags ,you. .little by little: into a path that curves'toward- the. right but with left-handed people, of course; the result, is exactly opposite. —Tit Bits: - A.NATIONAL INSTITUTION ':,a,journal that, for over' fifty years has grown, public ,esteem .until it has acquired the largest number' of residers of any journal,' in. the coun- try in which it is published may with- out •exaggerltion be said to have r g own into -a national_ institution ,„ By the testimony of its readers, by the testimony of the press of Canada,. by the testimony of vast numbers of the thinking population andby the admission of capable journalists and other',onloolcers in other countries, The`Ealnily Herald of Montreal, based on its enormous army of,readers, en its independence and on itdevotion to the welfare of the country; hascome' to be regarded as one, of the Nation- al assets 04 the: Dominion. For the year 1923.the publishers of The.: Family Herald and Weekly Star •Ps'o)nisc their; leaders better; value than eve " rm the past, with noro ,ya±- ued contributors and more resources_ ``in ' all departlnents. The plans. in- volve'.heavy outlay for''ne(v features; `but -the subscription "prise Will 00 -main: at 9;2,00 per year, the 'extra expenditure being undertaken in 1b - solute• faith, ripheld by the confidence and practical co-operation- of more than`: half a million readers. 3,The New Year has opened with a 5001/:04 eubscrintions th0t has smash-" 511 all previous records, Judgin •'3y the stacks of'sebscription'ordersthat ,' at times hale threatened—to :choke the -great' Montreal Post Office. it, would appear ,that half of Canada had sc leeted'The Family Herald and Weekly Star as the Nest all'z'otiird journal for 1923. . DO ANIiVIAL u 'PIILNI{a Do animals actually' think, and do they _reason as human beings 'rea- son; These (questions were discussed some time ago:by Professor_F.' Leo Thoindik0 of Cblmnbia University, Ho said: - ,Expea'inrents have been made of fish, reptiles, birds, and varionus ani - mail,,, notably dogs, cats, mice 'and monkeys to see hew they learned to do simple things iu order to get 4003. All these animals manifest ft1 da- nll)ntaIly the same sort of intellectual life. Their r learning is; if -ter the same general type: What that type is pan the seen best from a concrete instance. A monkey /0003/1399 1110 large cage, Into the cage was put box, tiro door of 1lhleh was holn'°` closed by a wire 'fastened to 'a nail. which was inserted 'in a !role in the ton of the box. If,the nail was pulled up out of the hole tiro door couid be pulled open. In this boa 1000 a piece of banana, The monkey, attracted by the new ob- ject, came down from the top of the cage' and fussed over the box, Ile pushed the 'box about and tipped it.up 'and down. .FIe played,with the nail, anti. finally':pulled it out. When Ito happened to. pull, the door tagiailr :t, of course, opened. .Fie.reached in and got the food inside. It had tat- er half tlttttr F.ix' minatcs to get in Another piece of food beim put' in and the, door closed, the occurencey of the first trial' were repeated, but there was less of the profitless 1)311 .ani aiid! ttpllilig He got in in two t iit)tt.s .and twentya.eeon3s, With l'eiloateci trials the antinal finally came to thou entirely ilio pfiss acts iiiatce e f int roatlenti' O?)en 1410ad loorto :ae soontha-s 9rail310 box was put in his cage. Ile ' had, we would say, learned to sot in. All S"IVIC` 'l'd3 'L'ORONTO' Daily Jinoopt Sunday. I,1 c Godcti it , .. (3.00 a.m. 2,20 pan. L17'0 Ean 6,25 ,> u1 2.5 . p,1n. I,ve Seai'orl,li • 6.41. a.m. 8.12 'pail,, Lgo 7.04 a.m.. 8,42. p.dir, Art: Stratford , , 7.30 a.m. 4.10 .9,111. Arr Kitchen„i•, 8.20 5211. 5;20 p.111. Art' Guelph 8,45 adn, 5.50 p.11, �. Aril TO/01110 , 10.40 a.m. 7,40 pan. ICE'; tit\LIAiG ..cave Toronto 6,50 5,15.1 12.65 9,111, 1120 00101 p.m,' Parlor 5 or Para ,ear t Godricl r o J'o ionto on morning' train and Toronto 1,0 Gode) icl) 6.1,0 pan, train. Parlor 380(11et car Strattotd to To- ronto on afternoon 6.t., Horning,. I3.P.A., 0.T 1t 59800111 .John 11aneferd & Sen, Phone �tZ, Uptown 0t,ents. f44, 44�11 84) ftrICEIF e 182 1 6oea ;w 5 e, ,a , W b - e •r Se1t1. by r,` ILL Ilgggye4l1linlon, Out, bul t'et". -�nt,tMra,a,>4s+a; ilk, F` awainme 1!fs a CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL aftocERs New Choice Prunes 19c -and 25c lb and 2 lbsif®r 27c OUR FAMOUS RIOHMELLO [ea 10 lbs' . 69c lb TODI-IUNTER,_.�C, MITCHELL; SPECIAL BLEND 2a�' COFFEE SELECT BLEND : a� Granulated Sugar 8 MACHINE SLICED' "Breakfast BACON 35c CAME% BRAND . DATES, 3 pmts, SEEDED EAISfNS NEW STOCK 27C 21350 599 CANADIAN CHEFci_, „ Pet lb, 2 lbs, 33c 0c, DOMINION MADE SCONE BREAD PAN CR,UST- �C BRE,A,D LIMA= BRANS, Per .lb. 110c LUX . 2 WHIT.E'"BE r ANS, :4 lbs. 2uc PEARIjI1VL' rs CORN MEAL, 6. lbs , .. 2&e RINSO 2 ps. S ROLLED' OATS, 6 lbs. , ,. 25c ` $A+BBI''S 21pkgs. iefor x r .. WHEATLE' r s' 4 lbs 25c SOAPIb O CT -II P 2' s. S, SPRATT'S DOG BISCUITS. per 1b. 2 1 VALENCIA - CAKE per lb. 21c Ile r , luC 22c 27c TIGER or EAGLE SALi120N 1 Ib. Tin 2tic We Se "lo Sala P'OOIIfiN victims or custom. A 0000)301' hotel in Vermont anti) tried the experiment of placing horn - pout on the menu, only to provoke' in- dignant protests from the guests against such unheard-of and uncivil- ized food:A few days later the de- spisedfish-were again presented un- der the dlsguise of"mountain trout," when they met with such enthusiastic favor that several' men Kaci to be em- ployed .for the rest of the-seaSou to eatch enough of that Esh to satisfy the demands of the cliscriminat~ing`guests. Those vletilps of custom would eat trout, hut not catfish... Rosily "Playing the Came." When a Soldier•, plays the game, ho ,does things which it requires a braver man than himself}}•to accomplish; ho never arrows wilete he's done; he,ac- knowledges .ho 'limit 'to his cheerful- ness and strength; e'1iatever bis rank, he holds his life less valuable than that of the humblest, he laughs at danger not because he sloes not dread It, but because he 1130 learned that there are 'ailments more terrible and leas curable than death. Let•the Cows Have Muclo, We have It on theauthority of '!Y farme,r in the state, of Wisconsin that cows to which'tli e phonograph, crit 8 came Phone 9100 been played tehila. they are beingmilked have given two quarts of milk a "day more than they, ever did before. Professor Harker re- marks upon this that 00105 will do a lot Netter if they are entertained and amused, and that a great deal depends upon their snood,. Work Requires Export. An herbarium 10 a collection of dried plants systematically arranged and named,. for ready reference, If the ivdrlc 18 well done the market value is good d find the material fit' constant de - mend, Tho tivo classes of herbaria are kept, separate, being the garden plant)# and the native or wild piahi:o. Only_ an expert, and a careful. ono; may collect avith hope of 1)009t. F)'iendahip,, 3i'rienilship is a'vase which, when 15 Is hawed by heat, 01. 010101100, 00 seek' dent, may well 1)e broken zt epee; i 0130) n )ve3 be 80125te3 afier. The more grtec s)11 ani ernamcntal ti 1110, the moreeleaiiy do lie clisboilr 1111 hope• loSsne,55 of 1e,st00415, it. to lts fot',aei' 9011011. '(oatsc shines if they are free. tared, may bo 900301)904 again, precicu0 stttlle;s, The Unicorn, ' The unicorn Which assists the lion }n ilpholding 1115 I Y.t(sh Royal coat Of 00015 boars the reputation of being on- tircly mythical. But in truth it has an actual prototype in the. 011109, an antelope of. western S3ibet end .Erin dustan.; By right the chil'u has tWvo horns, but it to a0 so pugtlaclotrs a 1ilttn pedltten that It ettep loses one, ht tlso5* Ni,: Honest . Work Wasted. No honest `1'vorlc lis "wasted-' `Fo1eaJ Is never lost, Yon may see the results you expect, but there are always re - suits when there 18 effort. Never lit yourselftiiinlr that anything you litlyib done 11as been in vain. Effort an achievement are inseparable. Classifying. the Jury. Counsel '(addressing jury)—The Principal fault of the prisoner has been his unfortunate characteristic of put- ting faith.in thieves and seeandrels.of the basest description. 111ave clone. The unhappy man in the dock puts lin pliclt faith In you, gentlemen of the jury. Where Courage -is Valuable. ' 1 It takes courage to do that which is unpopular, but which one feels is right. Courage is a great asset In eitisenship because ;it Impels us to do right fon r'ight's sans and not because it,picaselt some one else. - Literal. aI. "Josh Billings said he was an hour est man because jail life didn't agred: ' With, him," "That was frank, wasn't it?" "No,,it Was Josh. Never heard of Pian![ I3illingsB' Every Affection in Patriotism. Dear are our parent's, dear our ehll•;c then, oar relatives :and 'our associates,; but all our affections for all these aro embraced 1u ec our affection, for'our nr]a•" tive land Linke veer h(os'b nn �d bClaa.)100o , iaa:. tlaoq 151)11 seal and treaddrl 1)1 )', alit I i11100,nprnerdeen '111 Ucttte'losC �`l l�)l'ilif3lt .:- 3oi ' 1/0 or bc0intt sae 1ttun,an0iv.' natln` ;.t'�..l \., 11mr nt' chr&AP&`dt 7'.0111! 0 0011:0::.; 3 'Pito Olivet Monet tneltnv il:n aroh maims t0ics' of (l,(lri oeoc)., 01) 03 CI,nr.:g noIa apo1100115 ;eh5)55 , load .1100 t 0055 '5501' e)u 5 0)11',0 in '01 30,0 el: t1re toe in inn rninuCN, 803111 r '¢1"xn1C 1165)), 5)a9lo,. L'rotceuairecltb, Lnat0 lleaulr»o. eddy>� PIEE 311,2.9 I1:81 ,tr9A 11 or mu nrssnol' Ile b➢ nr'l;leon *01011 tient; m: I/O),,11 0 11.51, r + 01105)9 fur it t1,5, t7 tun 5201'10555, req;0,. LbLn,aCp, :0l 11 1511)5 af¢rlela, JCl P 1X51 , VA_ 001rl it p eon"r, 1101 Ate: to loam,So enliea, 51,3 / 00) n ze nY5)05,' 0) oOl lillrt, ear0Yln3 airry' 0051 nr 5900), lOoat.i sod bn1ies bmWs 00)0000.' .30 DAPS' FJ314t MOoy tno d9non )msec of 0Godlfepr fat 13 a>n, lna �,�o not r� i Dent S0tl,091 Antingh,t n inn ' 1 SBII ItRI T,n1(1oas District 7tepre5entative URLocal Agent N' 11�,.- itotos*. ci