The Clinton News Record, 1923-1-18, Page 1, ONT.AR;
1 s 'l i e i
tS ANU:iz'; Y
at, well printed Office , l'atliaaery
that's the sort we turn out
1u Women's lestitute will meet i
oir rooms over the Public Libras:,ternoon next at t
irty, sharp. An address will b
ven by'Miss Hopkins, domes�t
ence'teacher, in a the'A,rieultur
Ott Course. All members are urge
be present. The hostesses will b
s. W. J. Plumsteei, 3itrs. J. 13,
vise and .Mrs'., R. A. Gooier,
he annual ineetdngg of the Clin-
n Horticultural 'Society was', held
the council chamber on Saturday
ght. The following are. the 61-
ers for 1923:'
;tion, P.resiednt: G. H. David,
President: C. G. Middleton. :Vice: Mrs. W. D.‘Fair:
2nd Vice: Miss W 0.'Neil.
Sec. -Treasurer: H, R. Sharp,
Directors: Mrs, B vdono; `.Mrs
howen`, Mrs. Jenkins, Miss Curing
me,. Mr, Cowen, W. Hainbly,l,•W
Coolc, James Scott,' R. Rowland.
Monday s Globe carried the fon
ring despatch ' from Peterbono
aast'evening death came with staro
g suddenness •to Mrs. Hodgen
fo of Herbert E. Hodgens, of th
C. Turnbull Ceti -many, this city
se late Mrs. Ilodbens was a mem
r'aud active worker in Trinity
ureli: She was a daughter o
Benjamin Clement, who:lied
en for" many years proittinent'is
London Conference. of the-IVIeth-
ist Church. The deceased leaves
iirourn her loss her' husband, two
ugllters IIelen and Catharine, Ano
o son. Herbert. She also leaves.
ee 'brothers I -I. B. Clement, of
rdon, S. B, of North Hay, and Ar
ur )1., of Toronto."
The :late; Mrs. Hodgins ''was well -
own in Clinton, her father having
eir,nastoi of ", the Ontario' Streeo
arch here for attain and after he'
arriage she eentinned to reside
re for' some :years. Old Clinton
ends 'doeply sympathize With.11gr
odgins and his family '3n their be'-
Willis us Churc$
n Wheat, $1.1Q.
Y Buckwheat, 75e,
o- , Barley, 55c.
e Oats, 400,
le Eggs, 40c. to -41c."
al !Butter, 30c to 32c:
d Live' Bogs, $0.00.
file marriage of Mr. Ervin G.
Zinn,,,son of Mr. and M. Solomon
Zinn': of Carrick to Miss J mmeline
Holland of Clinton took place' quiet-
ly at the Methodist parsonage" ay.
Exetor on Ne* Year .Day. Mr. Zinn,
is one of Cairirk's most popular
`young men, and his bride was`;a for-
mer':'teacher, at P.S,S No. 8, Car-
rick, After a short honeymoon, the
young couple will take up residence
in dahover.—Ilauover Dost.
hydro; went' 'off'!- '•shortly` after
ten Wednesday night; and did not,
come on" again' till a 'quarter after
, five:Thursday -and not to,Stay ;Audi)
-an hour later_, which` accounts" for,
OUT - tardiness "in getting this great
' family journal elf .the press.. We
- had hoped=: to be sugiit up to the
minute.'to-clays to -catch all butt
e going mails but' nothing can be done
' 'with power 'driven nlnr�lhinery without
- power and all" our machines are" dee
pendent upon hydro for power. The
f' trouble was somewhere between here
and Mitchell. '
{Mayor Cooper, met with an -acct.
dent on Tuesday. ;forenoon' which
might' have proved even more stir -
loos ,than it did; Ile Was standing on,
a . stepladder; lifting a heavy" article,
from t. top,' shelf in his - store when
the; 'combined weight ref the artiele
and himsel3, although he is not really
a "7eavy-Might , pipped too much
r for the Badder and it .'split,, letting
hhn dawn, In` falling ' Mr, Oooper
Stanek the counter, cutting his; face'
and bluekening hta t eye and, also
broke a small bone' in, his wrist. In,
fact.,when it was over, he looked
something like `Jiggs" atter is ot.
ling -pin bout 'with* ,'Maggie." li
eraaple of stitches were arecessary to
l .'close thegash in ?hit face
C But it
is hoped ed- he `tvrll '
sob'. :
Pbe all::i' r
n right
. 1T-rs. Rob't, A. diallhnde died su
denly on ?tarn. 4` h an Delawate,.Oh1
The deceased, .whose: matde0name
was Jennie Mumbatil, was 'a daughter
of T'redel;ie'k Ruihliadl of. fills
town, rt4o mourn',the' loss of. a ten-
der and loving motley, 'besides her'
husband she laavesttheee sons and
two daughters::' Douglas' N. Callan-
der, :Malone,- 'N, :Y.; Dr, Russell CaI-
landur, Arizona; _t'delber't Callander,
Chicago Ill.; Mrs. Pad" White, Dema
ward, Ohio; ' Mrs. Claude Gilbert,
Cleveland, 'Ohio.` Sisters of the de-
ceased 'ate: Mrs. A. J. Tyndall, Chil-
ton; P30s. C. J,, Callander, Pericere-
burg, W.. Va.; Mrs. Andrew' Porter,
Goderic'h, and` Mrs, Carroll A. Nye,
'Iciss,,Porter 'of Goclerich attended
the :funeral of firer sister at 'Dela-,
ware. •
din •Vindsor, ;on Jamary 911, then
passed away a •ti*oung.mother'an
loving wife, . a' former resident , o
(Clinton and Seaforth, `in the person
of -Mrs. Charles- Twitchell, formerly
Miss Mae Forbes. ,,
'Throughout .all the 'several weeks
+of her: severe su33ering'"she was ever
'bright and cheerful and optimistic of
an -' early- return to, :health ansa
'strength and loved ones.
il3orn im Sea:forah , in • 1889, she
spent her 'early girlhood .in. a 1301nc
surrounded ,by: Christian influence,
loving parents, brothers . and 'sister;.
Leaving Seatorth with :her parents;.
when they moved to Clinton, in 1911,'.
she »lade many friends 'here, assis-
tin .
het ,'assis-
ting; iter• fathert the late Arthur
Forbes, in his business.
In January of 1917 she became'thte
pa'ste s subjects on Sunday
11 be: Meriting: "When C hsist
`rate on ' the Ground w'. - Evening.'
he i\1kt5er in :the Market,",
!The 'annual' 'bits,.ness meeting ref
eotngregatioh , wilt, be. 14hl tan
Ednes`tsy, 'Janilary e24th, a't'oight-
We dey ,Church
Thee League meeting ail.IMoitday
es nig took • tlie: forsh of :a .socia,
✓ the omitting exercises ,and the
ole study .by the pastor. Mr. 13.
'Itorlse ri eeupiedethe 'chair .,for the
rst part of the program and later
to president, Miss Freida Wallis,
ok-charge and Mrs He W. Charles-
orth ;a'December brid'e,'-was .pre-
nted with an address and a fumed
lc chair by:, -the' cl;oir, -Sunday
'hoof' and League and +Mrs, E. Gi
inns in t,bride of New 'Year's Day,
as presented by the'. Sunday school
ith ,a handsome rsilver thread tray.
yt,.Ceoper read the :address to
re :Chaj.•sesworth and 'Mr: HeIlyar
at';td Mrs. Zinn.' Path ladies' .ex
asp(' their, warm appreciation of:.
e '.gifts .and their' husbands also
Ode 'little speeches, and .after the
Astor had given the "inewvly-weds"
,are advice;- refreslnnents layers
rued and an hour was spent ad so -
al 'intercourse.. Mrs. 'Chailestq°orthI
s 'taken an active interest izi thel
nday school, Leagte and choir I
Calc • .and Ttrs. 'Zinn 'taug;ht in they
unday school for sorne time. Mrs."
harlesworth is "remaining in town
it 'Mrs. Zinn will make her. hone in '
St. Paul's Chuxeui
A very 'largely attended vestry
[eating was field in St. Paul's
estry , ern Monday evening.
The Rector presided. Very pros-
;roup -reports were presented . by
e variant treasurers.
The • retiring Warden, Mr. C. G.
iddleton, gave 'so satisfactory a
atontentof the finances, and of
s stewardship, that a grateful vote
thanks Was tendered to him.
The usual vote of thanks was
rdered • tq the 'wardens, teachers,
gilda and choir,' and, also to `113r.
>rgan. Agnew for „his assistance nr.,
musical way.
Lt;Col. Combe and Mr. Jas. A.
rd were appointed Wardens.- fix,
1. Ranee- was re -appointed s Vestry
Select Vestry: Iliessrs, C. G. Mid:'
ton, J. Ransford "J, E, Hovey and
T. Ranee. t
Lnditors1 Messrs," Hovey and
,ay Delegates to Synod;' Mn. C.
Middleton, Lt. -Col. Rance;' 'Sun
utes; W. Johnson and G; l3irtca.
L very pleasing incident' occurred
M. Lt, -Cols, Goethe and Ranee
ved and .seconded "That this con
gatiosi plaee on its 'records its
IS appreciation of the long aird
hful loTsices oC 301111 haussfort,
to who was for thitry-five eorz-
itIve years our, Lay Delon, tta to
Synod. This record 'includes
following aext'ioos: Twenty-five
rs on meet:W ive' oommit teal: t nee
t e, ah lay seci'etacy, and for many'
es hs -represented the 'Diocese of
am on troth rho Itrov'iiieiatl and
enol ;;Synods. It Was16 lits
ring efforts for, five consecutive
re that women now enjoy" equal
llegeo With men se menber^s oi''
Mt; s. E. Wendarf" wilt Ix at home
the lastaTht..rrdity of eaeh inerah,
the first meeting. of the county
council will open irz Goderlch on
Tuesday next. -
councillor ivediger ripped a finget.
nail off the other day and in con-'
sequence n1Yrses a sore finger.
'The WFC.T'.U. wi11 meet :tt • three
o'clock to -morrow afternoon,' Friday,
at Ontario'streot' church• to pack a
bale of clothing for' the Ontario In-
(liens. Anyone wishing to donate
clothing foie this bale ' will kindly
havet it sent to the church ,in time
for this packing.
Miss Lucy McLeod of''Hayfield, a
Student at the Clinton :School of
Comnterce, ha„,juit been awarded a
bronze medal by : the Underwood
Typewriter G ., �'c ort owriaing
at a speed of forty words per mine
Utes . And Miss Agnes Corbett of
Belgrave, another S. 'of 0. student,
'has' been awarded a. special certifi-
cate by the Remington' Co., New
York for writing fifty-two words per
" M'tirs.- Lowe's lessons in home nurs-
ing- are becoming more interesting
each day. •
'The boys are enjoying the inscrue.
live lectures in botany by -Mr. Bu-
chanan and On drainage by Mr,, A'n-'
F ridary Morning's. i1t6avyy meeting
was, Very much all pies.
ent. The debate.'+"Resolved that
Canada is 'o+ greater importance, to.
the .British 'Empire than is Austral;
151' was very interesting: The 41
firznative Wata `upheld by Mr. Einer
Lebeau atnd, Miss Anna Douglas. The
negative ,by Mr. Gordon Elliott and
Miss Limner Ailcenhead,, and, strange.,
to stay, the "negative 'won.
On Saturday afternoon last, a
friendly game, of hockey was inlayed'
in• -the locaVrink between, the senior
.boys of the Public -school And a boys'
team from :'Goderich.:Both teams
lack'ed practise and tilt• game was not'
as fastas one'would-expect front the -
type of players, The Goderich boys
d opened `the' score early, 1rt the first
o•. period. Not'until the second period
did the pne11 s'uecessfully find its
way into ' the Goderich: net. When
the third period opened Jack.Mu'thh,
• Cliaton'a stellar -player, broke' the:
tie on` a ilea pass from Dodds. God
.0115 5 soon ;tied' the score and"°tile
game during - the,- final stages was
stubbornly 'fought. : •Within a :few
seconds of the finish Clinton'. scored
a goal `which gave theta, the lead in'
9-2 score.- Snasel,starred for Goct-
erieh Here's the -.line-up:
God erieh, - Clinton
R. Bloemfiold Goal D. Kennedy
B, Fencer „,, r. defence • . J. Match"
J, Farr 1. defence W.:,Muteh
33 ' Snazel : ; Centro -' L. Gook •
H. Daltonleft ruing I. Dodds
F, Snelgrove right wing It'McEwen
Robinson .subs W. i1l5Clinehey
lingfii sullts Jr Twyford
Time -keeper, B. Sloman..
Referee, F. Elliott'.
a on'lliehday evening and
aye5-1 with the Hensall boys. :The
ice on, the open"air ,rink was heavy
and the local heavy weights skated
around in inches of -snow seeking the
puck, Owing to train connections
only two periods could be pia:yea. Tne
boys made good showing and
played better combination than ,
the tame with Goderich. The first
period tinded 4-0 for 'Clinton. Early
in the' second period Hensall scored.
a goal on al. °lig drop which lbaffled
Kennedy, our midget goal tender,'
The good work of Dodds, Mtitch and
Wit:Ewan resulted in two move goat's
in seemul period, The 'final score
Homan hoys play the, return game
here Saturday from .L to 2 oeloe
Eacourage the juveniles by your prose
ence. The line -un was as follows!
Hudson Goztl D. Kennedy
McDonald , defence J. Mutch"
PaSsmore j. defence W. Mitten
Farquhar centre L. Cook
Rivers left wing' , Dodds'
Stacey right wing IlicEavan
;Referee, Husch of, Hensel].
wile of Mr. Charles tlwitchell and
they .continued corabiet the busi-
ness after Mr. Arthur Forbes' death
tuttil the fail of 19 17, when they
noted of it and went to 'Vancouver.
They returned. to Windsor in 19 19,,
where. they have since asesided, malt.;
Mg many -friends,' Mr's.. Twitchell's.
cheerful and jolly dispesitionae,a,rned:
her an "enViabla rePntation among
her many -friends and ,associateseargli
her loss Will,' be keenly- felt liy.
concerned.' She leavet to mourn. her
loss bet -husband t and art .infant
datighter, Mary ',Team,. one sister,
brothers,: John of' Ilotiston, 'Ttekaa;
Charles of W.aterfordi and,
The funeral VIIVA conducted from
the funeral parlors Of Chapin -Se Son,
of 'Windsor, by. Rev.',Itlit Newton,
thertep to Clinton, where the ser-
vice 'was held in Willis PreShttlet-
ed by Rev. Jg E. Hogg, previous to
interment in Clinton cetneterv,
Pour btathers C. A, linst
beantifol floral tributes testified to
rho' esteem in uditeli this young; wain -
tin was held and regnet for the Young
life, cut ofil in the midet' of soca
.1lIr. Charles ' 'tenet"
extend sineerest 'honk'
many friends' for their Icily/
Mr. Murray Finglantl left fan' New
OntarM last week, after ever -idiot the
holiday season with ,his parento
Mrs, Jas. H. Watt and son, Owen,
returned to Toronto on Saturday.
Mt. and Mrs, W. Tanibtyn and
eltildren, who have been visiting, re-
latives in the vilage Since Christ.
Inas, toturned to their 'home. in Toe
I-Ieten Quinn is visiting
friends in 'Guelph and Toronto.
Weels Xr-dnn Toronto,' Where she has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. "(Dr.)
G, Wilson, since Christmas,
w -,,Nr, S. of the Preabyterhm
elrorch met at the home of. :',ttre.
Ja.S. Campbell 031 Pridey of last
shirt in ihe J1).11114.738011
Was one of the first membets when
the Society Was started thirlai years
Cir 192;
Concludes as, I leasanxt. Social
The ' first inceting of the 1923
00110.531 was held in -Lite council chant -
bee on l'riday,•evening last.
Quite often at the .first meeting a
number: of citizens aro :resent," bus
this was "different" as a number: of
ladies were' in attendance, wives tit
the mayor and reeve and councillors,
forme): members ' of' the council anth
their wives, town °officials,represent-
atives of. public institutions, etc;;
they being present on the invitation,
of Mayor Cooper and Reeve Miller.,
When the .council had taken their
places at the table Mayor Coopor
called on the Rev. J. E. Hogg !'it,
open the proceedings"" with prayer:-,'
after which the clerk read the Min-.
-utes of the meetings of Dec. 15th
and. Jan. 8th and the business
the session was gone on with.
Reeve :Miller, : chairman of 'the
striking committee, read his report`
and Clerks Macpherson gave the-re-
he_re-port of the voting; on the. Hospital.
By-law,''both of which were adopteii.
' Street Committee: Middleton,
lel Nediger' W. J.: Paisley.
Property: W. J., Paisley, Miller,
Eire. and Water: Kemp, ltisdclleton,
0. Paisley.
(Cemetery: Miller, Nedigor, ;Liver-'
Charity: Liverinore, I{einp, W.
'Park: L. O. Paisley, Nediger, Lir-
Finance: Nediger, Millet', Middle -
.'illy -laws: Kemp,, L. 0. Paisley.
!Special; Nediger, Kemp, L. 0.
Fuel .'1 Middleton, W. J. Paisley.
Court of Revision: Miller, Middle-
ton, Nediger, W. J. Paisley:'
report of the Children s Ai So -
P t d
ciety was read with an 'appeal for
a grant,. which, en motion of Coun-
cillors Middh bre and 3, 33011503',wa,
handed oyer to the fznanee`e9mralir
tee for consideration,
On recommendation of Chairman.
Livermore of the ;by-laws continitte„:
'the hospital by -lave was passed, also
By-law No, 1; to. appoint` certain of-
ficials and No. 2, to authorize the
borrowing ;of $15,000 from. the Mot -
sons Bank' to meet financesof the
town until taxes come' in. The fel-
hiving ssillcers were appointed: Dr.
Axon to the. Collegiate board for
three Yeats, R. E. Manning to the
Public Library board for 'three years,
17. Ir:*Macphersgn to .the Board' o9'.
Health for one yea/valid J. Wiseman
arid D. W. L. Cantelon were appoln-
ted auditors for 1923, the latter co
receive the Sumof,$1,5 each.
Mayor Cooper,, zn,his•.inaiagurai ad-
dress, congratulated the .reeve and
councillors, the -former en -his' election
with a 'good majority and, the latter,
on their 'election 'by itcdlaination, He,
said. there were a; number of matters
which should have. the consideration
of council: this year, one of which
was the revision of the by-laws. Tfie`
committee last year had -got about
half way 'through them,. Then the.
town half Was .in need of sosne re
pairs, In 1907 about $600 had been
expended tipon• it Arid since that noth-
ng much had been done and sever -
a l' things: were needed. He' also spoke
I the town's industries and said:
hey should have the hearty sup -
ort of the town and that the dif-,
erent organizations,' which =,were
voiking 30" the•.good of the citi0ene
Bonk/ have encourageinent. • Tie
aid"the cemetery' had been .put into
ery good' shape but mord people
hould be paying fair the `Upkeep _o
heir lots, Iie spoke of the work
f the W illett'sInstitute in propig-
ig gates, for the cemetery and said
hey should.. be encouraged by the
)until, ' The roads ;would also have,
come = in for conideration and
Aen always with the council was the.
sk of raising taxes" sufficient for
e needs. He said the oouncul',was.
t always to blame for the inn
ease in ,the tax rate. If mire 'town
01.114 ?lave improvements it:mitst
y for talent and few would like
go back to the old days when
esu iniproventents were non-exis-
tit, 'Ile urged thecouncjllors to
ow lheir' initiative by nnelchig' sing-
stions..aitd said 'the 'council would
?cone suggestions from the eitt
ns. tie called attention to the worts
the Ilorticlutulal Society asisi the
170, fastened,
cetmeil, on his cioetion to the 1A106
0? Mayen, the Iiiglicst ediee in the
girt of the people and hoped 192
might be a good year. , Clinton,'' h
said, was one of the best and nios.
rep to -date little ,towns 'liz' Wester
Ontario. Its 'lndutti'ips were ' doin
.well and its, 'organizations. ono t
1511, ,deserved credit, It was h4,pea
that. ,some other rndustri,es intplht;'lit
establahed and.; at was ;the diity'..9
all • loyal citizens to do all in their.
power -to assist the town to rn„ta}ri'
and promote prosp-erity'!,'
JOn the adjournment of the council'
the gathering resolved itself. into 'a
social eirele and,., the anayor'taking
tho chair, "',several,' addresses
were 'heard', from the heads of Or-
Reeve Milelr,' was the first one
called upon . and he expressed 'his
pleasure at the attendance' of` so
Many. p; He said the council would be.
pleaseu'durinp the year to have the
co-operation of the citizens 'in the
transacting of 'the town's business,
Miss Florence Oiuning+haine spoke
for the Girls' Auxiliary, telling
something of` its aims and giving, u,'
condensed summary of its receipts`
hid expenditures since ' 1919. Sias .:
said the conniiittee eoiitprising--tile
Auxiliary, for it is now a conmiittee:
was in favor of anything which.
meant the imp 53ensent of the .town
and -that tho mayor; as'tci council might_
count. ori its co-operation. "Miss.
Cuuinghaine also' spoke a words
in commendation of the Hotticultural.
iMr.,W. S. P. Holmes spoke forr-33ie
Public school, telling soniethi16g el
how school affairs are managed, ere.
He said that If. people were'noir'
familiar with the work; of the school
board ''he 'thought they.. would .conte
to the' conclusion that the members'
were working` ' for the best:
Interests 'of .the pupils - and'
the r
'town. I I
He did mot Sa-
vor the federation of teachers 'anti
thought salaries` were .pretty 'good
prealcient, Mrs. 'Trewartha, spoke for
the .Public Hospital. , She said the
work ,had been rather ,strentionS gad
would cohtinue to 'be' for some time
and that there would not be notch to
„show for it 'just yet, but that' when
the new hospital is completed it Will
t be one. to be proud of, ,She said Ind
-board' was deeply grateful for the
.generous response to their appeal for.
'assistance both as to cash subseriP-
tions and in support of the by-law.
waa at present, resting on its oars
there seemed to be nothing jusai
claiming. its attention but it stood;
ready to -take up any work Whicri
might be fOr the benefit of the town.
„Clerk IVIacpherson who was de-
s▪ cribed by Mayor Cooper as "the man
'who says little but who IS one of the
most -important in ,the town's life"
said it was' not his"business tc" talk,
but to necord what others said, airg.
to read it later: He seldom spoke
during eouncil proceedings, he said,
even though he might tonietimes
feel like doing so. lie expressed his
pleasure. at the presence of the lad-
ies on this' oecasion and reminded
them that their privilege. of, 'voting
also meant the privileg,e 'of offering
,themsolves as candidates for office
and ,suggested that they conaider the,
mattee .before next yeaa.
iMr. It: E. Manning aepresented. the
PUblic Library. He called attention,
o the fact that Clinton's LibranY
vas partieularlyoip-to-date ono and
aid those who did not patronize it.
>era missing something. Hit acie
rcss was witty and well reacieved.
is pleasure at being present at so,
njoyabie a community gathering,
e said ,in his eleven years expel. -
nee in mrmicipal life ,he ha neyer
en just suoh a gatheting and ho
ought it augured well for the :future
Clinton. Ire complimented nthe
tizens on the neat, up-to-clatenesS,
the town and said if it did not Cori -
nue to prosper it wool(' bo tho
lilt of rate citizens thcinselves. Bic
ged thenr to be alive to their.
Mr. 13. d. Giblaings represented tho
Mc -Utilities. rite eepoke briefly
t said there wag. to public inatitne
n which did mere for "the comfort
the citizens, than the one'. he re-
esentecl. He said he thought theite
ght be some misunderstanding re-.
Hitt it but if any' Citizen did 5104
deratand the working out of the
tem he wai Sure' if be wonld go
an to the power howl() or the 117.•
office and have a (diet with Supt.
nUt he would come away satisfictl
t it was being tun in a most of -
cut manner.
Inatitati, ,Ile said he
ild like to say a great deal but,
hour was late, and he did no
h to weary the people. Ile Said
attendance hail increased to' sneli
extent that they had had to ar-
0:0, fon a new Poem, tieing the
lc roam, and lite was not: siva
it the inspeeton 'Wont(' `10Y Omit*
woiiht not be amiss, iedced, said
mcd Would go far toward payien:
Continned on Page 8)