The Clinton News Record, 1923-1-11, Page 9IIP
7jlon thtlt the
fat astottieled .:.
the effect. of
Or They were
ndipg with splintered and
treitke as they are In my
neigpbelrh°oQJ1 :after a 'great
they )Yo} igdily a prootedl
iiairkg` ,el kttora closely, 1
tet lit if a PO Ry had never.
een`ilke>Il alil',la Water was near
guiRrAkflilifillots:'fertile; there
D,(1 pFleJ4ttlStti£i 131' xRr their send.
g '`to$t0 alj t0 the earth' for
trength rt>}dr' `si teiiafage. They - had
X11' sin•taoe .livell, bo to spears and es
eoneen'uanc'e the. first severe literal
I Jaid theinprostrate."
realer to wit114tand storm and`
lad atree 'must 'have deep anclioa'age:.
either be aatiful'tdiffi o nor grace:nil
;inches nor symmetrical trunk can
0Urq stab-ily and e1 durancd. ,They
eitlraneethe- attractiveness.. of a
reo,;hut to filial its mission in life a
res must hitve something else, And
hat is true of a tree is true of man:
mere surface life is insufficient. Man
ust lay, hold of something deep and
biding or else go down in, the etorni
nd'stress of, alrcunrstanees to which
to is surd to be subjected sooner or
t`nfer tunately, like the tree man -sol -
loin' takes hold of' permanent things'
iilehs ` lrar'slt circumstances Compel
'no to to do 'it. The natural inclination
fall of us is to let surface things suf.,
cee-money and the privileges. that it.
will,:buy; social pleasures and the re-
laxation that .comes without effort'and.
sacrifice; frivolity. and 'fashion, light
and• tinsel and glitter.' Many a' life
never 'finds anything more sahstantial
than" those things,
A helpful writer of td -day hassaid,
"The 'best' fortune that befalls some
people in this world ie their so-called
aistortune. Whatever compels the
tootsof righteousness and faith, which,
alone ',can hold the soul steadfast, to
reach, down deeper than any mere
habit of morality or sunny -day trust in
God's goodness and wisdom is not mis-
fortune but fortune, However hard it
may sacro at first to accept it assuch."
Sometimes True.
Youugly—?Did you ever notice that
the matrimonial process Is like that of
making a call? You go to adore, you
ring a belle, and you give your name
to a maid.".
Cynicus--"Yes, and thenyou're
taken In."
Peat is
of. gas.
1 MPIt'Ef3$ED with. the tact that Canada's tature peo> rsss, and the future a her national railways to a'
£ large extent depend upon a progressive and vigorous immigration policy, the Kiwanis Club of'Montrealo
recently set afoot -a ,campaign in'favor of a change in `the immigration. laws'of the country. The camppaign; 'I
was a distinet'success` from the.,starti-and through the' efforts of the committee . appointed, a Kiwanis impar
'ration day wati observed inmost of''the Canadian cities in which Kiwanis Clubs exist. The above ;photo`
is of the Montreal Kiwanis -Immigration Committee. ' Fr-om left to right`the members are,; Hy..15. Webster,
Leo S.':Tobin, Andrew C. Cordner,:Ed. N. Howell, Secretary; Edi. -A. Cunninghm
; .'0. Taylor, Chairman=
Allan J.'Meiklejohn,'° Joe Stanford. Kiwanis Club President; Douglas Bremner, Owen J, Gallery, Williaps L
C1aepe Chao. H. Russell,: Kiwanis Secretary, and LF,Ank J, Roe,:
M«i LCd4Pi44S++4-0+++ ♦ah%af.1.«!+�ts�w+-lid+
"CascaretsfO 1 ;The
For, Sluggish Liver
or , Constipated
olein yo1P': °.o,velr. heel flue:
When you feel sick, =dizzy,upset,
when° your, head is dual or, aching,- pr,
your stomach is's'our or' gassy, just
take one or two :Ca`scarets to relieve
constipation. Nd,griping-nicest laxa•
tive-cathartio on earth for. grown-ups
and children, 10c a'am. Taste like
Hope for the Fool.
Surgeons can operate for.,appendi
Citis torisilitis and various'' other ills
Dut hitlierto the malady' of being a fool
ow used-£orthe .production has beaten science. Once_ a fool, al-
ways a fool—so the old saying runs.
If Sia William 'MacEwanis right,
however, 'the fool may before long
yield to the treatment- of' knife and
become. a ;wise reran'! Extraordinary
.progress has been made 'lately in -the
study of the brain, and operations on.
the brain are likely to be among the
wonders of the near future.
`'Will it be possible," says the presi-
dent of the British.; Medical Associa-
tion, "to find in the 'silent area' the
secret of genius --of converting a dul-
lard into a man of brilliant intellect?''
The brain is being mapped, so min
'utelq that d'ootors 'are hopeful, and it
is in what they call the "dileut area"
that they hope to`perforni the great-
est miracles. The "silent area," which
Iles towards the forehead, liens so far
baffled olein, and: makes no response
yet to surgical and electrical devioos..
It is regarded as the seat of the
higher intelligence, however; and for
this reason it should .produce ,the great-
est results..
of Health, Ontario
wer questions on Publio.Health pant•
dross him at Bpadina House, Spadlnii
y "Ono thing is certain, we are hot at
ng present doing nearly enough to pre-
vent or curtail the terrible recordof
se' infant mortality, and, physical defects
n among the young. These young po.on
l pie, growing up uncared Eor; unsuper-
at wised, sometimes, poorly nourislrec4 and
roa .oftentimes not up to stanidiard in
n- health will be the men and rv°
he the future: It is en the children of
to day that will have -to rest in days
ug, to ,come, the civil, business and domes -
ed tic burdens of the Empire. Will these
all young people be equal to the task?
ve Wild their health be so safeguarded in
ch youth that they may grow up strong,
be virile and- fit to carry on, when those
in who coma before' them hand, over the
o- reins?"
k. "Records . show that at,present we
are only, on the threshold of what can
be done=what moat be clone to paf s -
guard the race and improve the sur-
roundings -,incl influences among which
the great majority of the people live.
its Personal and community -hygiene
nod must be practiced by all classes of
'a- the community, for rafter nil, the loasdo
on of all health work rests with the hide-
d! vidual. In work of .this kin there
e ,ore many diseotvragenrents, but, when
be one gets the gaol in view, the strug-
gle '' far' better citizenship and a
ick. luealliiii,e race of people is woasiui
good citizen; every -man and women
who takes an interest in the country s
welfare to ido something -that may help
to bring about an improvement of the
If hopes, are justified future genera-
tions will all have quick, intelligent
brains, and -geniuses will be as com-
mon as buttercups end daisies!.
Cement Floor Bk cks Serve
as Measure in Store.
A most convenient -measure, 32 feet
long and 2 feet ware, is available at a
hardware store in Los Angeles, as. a,
result of a' contractor's foresight in
laying the floor. Realizing that great
lengths could hot easily be measured
on the, counter, he laid the cement
floor with blocks exactly 2 feet square.
An aisle immediately in front of the
counter is now always kept -clear, and
wire netting, rope, clothesline, chicken
wire, andother bulky things Sold by
the foot or yard, are simply laid on the
floor and measured by the squares!
The government.- inepeetor'ef measuree.
for the district has officially approved
tbo method:
ached and chilly?
ther to decide.
grown-ups, need
;:e that is whole
free fi•oin harm-
-iod when nervous activity is at its height. The,
Iving new inapreseions; the nerves, muscles and
ively daveloping.'
t`e harmful, especially for children, Instant
est beverage to give ,:them needed warmth
i and frosty mornings, it is made of roasted
1 flavor and a.ronaa, is free front any liazxrafui.
is wholesome, healthful: and invigoraitinr,,:.
lir grocer TODAY. You will enjoy it as much' '
stuttl O R d: .r.:/A iLa r.F.
.A 4'4'005051��9t1 5051 weak, (hi 054otsirt
r,� p.m..,will Sao none, pottpaid,
for 4 stete Ia"tttaaes, Wrlteo
tt8tuirl Cot'oalCompolny, ):.,united,
rectory: Wiedssor, Oetazio
m eeee
Fire Fund Still Grows.
The Boy Scouts' Fund for the re-es-
tablishing of the Boy' Scout -:troops of
Haileybury, "North Cobalt -and Han -
bury is still growing, the total at the
time of writing being well on to $450.
This mails made up entirely of 10 and
10c contributions from the Scouts and
Cubs of Ontario and of a few troops
outside of Ontario, notably in Mont-
real, Winnipeg and Regina. The let
Georgetown Troop put on a -special en-
tertainment and donated the net pro-
ceeds to the fund.
Leaders' Conference at Hamilton.
Plans :are- being :developed, rapidly
for. the. 2nd Annual Provincial Con-
ference of Seout,Leaders to be heldsin
Hamilton on Thursday and Friday,.
February Sth and Oth, and it is expect
ed that last year's record attendance
will be greatly exceeded. :'The con-
ference headquarters will be in the
spacious Royal. Connaught Hotel and.
the Hamilton Boy Scout Council is do-
ing everything it 'can to make the
visit of the delegates as pleasant and
profitable as possible.
A special feature of the cinterence
programme w111 be tbe demonstration
of a model troop meeting by Rodney C,
Wood, the new Dominion .Camp Chief,
and- a -troop' of Hamilton Scouts. In
this . demonstration Mr: Wood will
show ways of dealing with troop meet-
ing problems
eet-ing,problems which often puzzle even
the oldest Scoutmaster, and will also
show some 'new instructions methods
and two or three' new games.
Other items on the programme in-
clude discussions' of such subjects as
the "Relation of 'the' Scoutmaster to
tire Home,, the `School,•the Church -arid
the Troop Committee," The Patrol
System and the Corlrt of Honor , "OuL
door Scouting,' Hikes - and Camps,
"Scout . Games," and "Troop Pro-
grammes." A special luncheon is, be-=
ing arranged for Wolf. Cub officers in
order tbtit they may discuss problems
peculiar to then -own Manch of Scout
Instantly! "Pape's Diapepsin" ,
Corrects Stomach so
Meals; Digest
The moment you eat a tablet'. �
"Pape's Diapepsin" your indigestion is
gone, No more distress from a sour,
acid, upset stomach. No `flatulence,
heartburn, palpitation, or misery-noalc-
1ng gases. Correct your digestion for a
few cents. Each package' guaranteed
by druggist to overcome stomach
Old Tim R, Alan Sity
Tanlac Put Him 'Back e'u
Job Feeling Fine,
ran Home, Donne, a veteran railroad area
living.. et 53 f'arost Ave„,,St. Ttonias,
Ont., - bion obtained remarkable results
from the use et Tarlac. Mr, DJeian
wears a gold button glyen liim by the
Michigan Central, In recognition of his
forty years oontlnuous service to that
A Practical Dictionary
Needed. -
Lllce 'many boobs called classics
which we speak + of reverently -.and'
never lank at, the dictionary of aur
language- seems to be, falling into dis-,
use; we eeldoin consult it. If a strange
word "swims into: ear ken" we regard
it as an impertinence or we usedt as a
kind of game; we argue about it,,dis=
cuss 11, -guess, bet, and perhaps write
to the newspapers for a definition, but
we don't consultthe dictionary. -
. Perhaps the reason for our neglect
is that the -unabridged dictionary is' too
cumbersome:. and- it gives too many
meanings, though thin. paliersecut the
ordinary bulk, ;,Sinple.werds therein
are found °to he both noun and verb
,(spoiled alike), and. sometimes they
have more than a dozen distinct mean-
ings. This is disconcerting. There
may be'.roonr for n dictionary with the
obsolete and :archaic words left out,
a true twentieth century :• dictionary
that shall be fool. -proof. .
Minaret's Liniment for Burns & Scalds.
A Scout dinner `on the 'evening; of
February 810 will be addressed by two.
'or three of the niostpronfinent men In
Scouting. Entertainment'features _wilt
be put on` by Scout troops of Hamilton;'.
and It is expected that a new moving
picture -illustrating activities at Gill.
well Park, the Imperial Scout Leaders'
Training; School near London, Eng-
land, will be exhibited. •
Scouts-make'sure,that your Scout-
master attends the Hamilton Confer-
once?.. Herm he will meet a great group
of leader's in Canadian Scouting and
will be sure to return to you after -
Wards': ,with bushels of new ideas to
.pui into action in your troop.
A Shut-lyric.Speaks.
,11 who have loved the pathos or the
Weeping for ''daybrealt en some
dreaming -rose,
All who have watched a seascape still,
and blue,
And young trues bending with each
breeze tlmt blows,
1*11 who have hungered' for a twilight
Grown intimate and sweet v rtaz Mee
'Or felt the far flung Diss of falling rain
Know how I light the daeknees of
Walls that wore` kiare are strangely
Days that were- dark, with sudden
, glory ehine, .
Since these rioved, whose -memory hat
not died, °
Consent to share this 1oneliness of
And like/old friends from sonic. renown -.
Slip, through the (lush, anti stoop and
take lily hand
----Aden il..razsc-13owor,
"A year ago,” eaid Mr. Jenne, "I had
indigestion so bud 1 couldn't eat an't''
was too iiervoud and .miserable, to
sleep. , I was.almost wild with head-
aches -and drainers, lost weight, rapid-
ly, and thought 1 was about done, for.
After getting so weak 5 couldn't \verb
I took' a trip out wrest, thinking ,the
charge might help me.
'Tut ,I kept getting, worse until my
atster, whom 1 visited in Kalispell,
Montana, got me to try a bottle of
Tanlac: In a week's time I was a dif-
ferent nian,
if-ferent-man, and in seven weeks 5 bad
gained seventeen pounds.and returner,
to my work in as good healtah as any
roan In St. Thomas, I never have any
of my old troubles now.. That's. just
how good a job Tanlac has done for
Taulae is for sale by all goad dru
gists.- Over 35 million bottles sold°
Machine. Trims is and Pastes
A new machine is said to have a ca-
Pacity of trimming and pasting a roll
of all paper in three minutes. A roll
of paper 1s mounted underneaththe
table and near one end of the machine;
and the paper which le fed ` from it
passosunder a guide roller to the top,
Side of a paste roller,. It is then red
arotind another and larger roller;
where the surplus paste 10 wiped' oft bY:
a brush, and• the selvage trimmed off
by' a revolving cutter. The paper is
finally drawn back ever the table aha;
• The Arab's Qualities.
Visitors: to .Mesopeta nia marvel at
the vigor and endurance shown by the
Arab workman and by his quick' adapt-
ability to modern methods., Especially i
foreigners find his energy amazing,
because a largo part of the, year: lie
subsists on little besides dates.
IIowever, such:; persons forget'; the
vital and nourishing qualities of 'the
date, ilah in sugar, 'mine of 'energy
and -nutrition. Physicians have de-
clared dates and milk an excellent.
Therefore it is not surprising that
the Arabs are •able to roma severe
takes -in the float of the desert sun. To
the efficiency of these workmen a Bri-
tishcommission has testified. Inad
dition, it is said that tho Arab 15 cheer-
ul, unccinplainiug and willing, .that•,
he sloes more work than the average
East nitllan Coolie, and. -10 easy to.
handle, if properly treated.
Tennis -Balls Are Car*ried On
Racket by Sprints,
Tent. players players Will approcitttd aft api
plkance'Introduce& for the purpose st
carrying that extra sot of balms to and
from the courts' timirag'tlie summer
rosin e when pocket space, is usually,
ai nitod, The cot -LW -MVOs consists of
, spiral 'sprirla; of baron wire, wound''
134 such a Manner that It may bo
tenets to lIse side of 9, i'acket by it's
own tension, anal cautelning two ball.
boldins IoopS.
Move Child's Bowels with
"California Fig Syrup"
Domdzaimn Exprese Money Orders are
aom, sale in five thousand' offices
thlroughout Canada.
"A. man's worth' is ` estimated 50
Elks world, according: Id his Conduct.":
Minard's Liniment for Neuralgia.
' No public :health evidence is more
definite than that vaccination, proper-
ty performed, protects against small-
pox -The more persons vaccinated,
the fewer .lases of smallpox snail' we
I-turry Mother? A :teaspoonful of
few hours you have' a well, playfal
child again. Even b.„ cross, fesicrish,
taste, anti mothers can. rest easy lie,
cause it never tails to work all the
Sour bile and poisons right out -of the
stomach, and bowelft Without griping or
'iliT5etitliti;Im811trilt°1ruclgig,111(le't you want 811.1Y the
Somilne Syrup" which
li.att directions der babies and children
of toll ages printed en bottle. Mother,
Son mast saY "California," Tiot!use
arty imitation,
A :real stalesinati is 000 rt talk
and! nine pa -HA 'judgment; Lana
tho nine parte of hidgment 'Le tell
clear iineismooth.
Bulk Carlota
and How 'to Feed
lylailed,Pree to any Ad -
Is. Allay ,C+lovoY 2:na.
429 'Weet 24th Street
LINI..ESS you see the name
are nal, ,getting
Accepi only 1111 "unbroken pack
Aspii in," which contains iroctio
physicians , ing 22 years and
Colds Headaclu
;Toothache, Naltralgi
Ql.htyter" boxes el tkiii6ta
tissali.O102, gel ortioacia. Willis it