HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-1-11, Page 8g:
t distances the Classes
rnisli the right ones
the whole rnatter is
nest of everything in
ars what uou want
Next Hodey'p Drug Store
For Your Goodwill
The greatest- asset in any
lousiness, we desire to express
our sincere thanks andappre.
cia tion.
For. Your •Happiness
and success during the coming
year we extend good wishes:'
Tfe Jll. r fl.; Fair cos
Often the Chcaipest-AIwaye the Best
full of good warm seasonable
young, these goods .ria be nee-
eed' the room and vlant to turn
during January and you can save
during the next few 'weeks.
in all Departments,
of last year will •be\applied
nt,service,,prompt delivery
anti courtesy, to all. `
rs, , Phone ." 125
ing dale
ing we are offering
anges, Quebec bake
Heaters at cost. Ern
;nit:: if you are think-
er be cheaper.
r customers for the patronage
1 solicit a continuance of it
We endeavor to give all our
s and respectfully ask those
g to give us a call.
er an
was irons, Falancetr
A. L. Cole, Eye Sight 'Specialist,.
an Honour .Graduate"oi the Canad.
ion Ophthalmic College. of Toronto.
Goderich, Ont. Office hours: 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Practice limited to the eye...
0 Oyu I, IN uann1111111Wil
Miss Ruby Irwin has returned from
• a -visit in Toionto.
'Miss Viola Gook has been visiting in
Toronto.„the past week.
Mrs. A. •B. Stephenson spent a few
days in London during the past
Rev. Mr, Davis of St. Thomas was in
town this week collecting for the;
Lord's Day Alliance
Mr. and Mrs. D. Fell -of Seaford':
visited Mrs. Wise and',Mrs.'"M'c.
Laughlin last week.'
MTS. Livingston of Flullett is spend-
ing a few days as the guest ofher
• sister, Mrs: R 1. ' Gibbings..
Miss Bessie' Chowen is enjoying an
extended holiday while her school,
at Teeswater, is ,being' repaired
Mr. John `Cuninghame left, on 11x6n
•' dayto visit his brother; Mr', Chas:''
Cuninghante of Grand' Rapids,
Mr. Harry Bartliff returns next week
to Vancouver, -B. C., afterspend-
ing several weeks with ,his family
in town,
Mr. Harry; Cochrane returned last
week after spending a fortnight's
vacation with Burlington and Bin
ford friends.
Mr: and Mrs. A. J. McIntyre have
just returned ' from, Huntsville,
where they spent the holiday sea-
son "with friends.
Mi'. and Mrs, •Antony Lawson return-
ed to'. Toronto on Thursday last
after spending a little -Holiday” with
• relatives in and ,north of ° town.
Mr. Herbert Schoenhais of Dutton
was in .town over the week -end,
coming up to be present at 'the
funeral of his brother on Sunday.
Mrs. McMichael and, two children of
Hullettt. township "spent a few' days
tthe past week with the lady's par
-tints, Mr. and Mrs, Adain Scott:,
Mists Mary. Gibbings, who finished her
Model course at, Orillia at Christ-
:mas,' left' on Friday' to .teach • at
Colborne` in Northumberland coun
Mr. Frank • Pennebaker returned to
Toronto on Saturday after -'spend-
ing the New ;Year's holidays at the
hone of his parents, Mr. and'Mrs.
IL Pen b k .
Miss H. I . Graham of Seaforbh wap
the gnest_of Mrs. 'W. D. Fair, fcir
a couple of days this week, conn-
ing up to attend -the Presbyterial
-meeting ;on Tuesday. •
Rev.J H. Colclougll of Creemore
visited in town this week. He was
on his way" to Blyth to attend the
funeral of his uncle, the late John
IColclough, whose death' occurred
so'Unexpectedly on Sunday morn-
ing near Mitchell.
Stnai1eu Township
At the meeting" of council on Mon
day the following officers were ap-
Clerk: J. E. Barnwell.
,Treasurer:' George Beatty.,
Assessor: Fred Watson.
Auditors Alex Me1wan, `W.. J.
Medical Health Officer: Dr. Shaw.
Board of Ilealth: Reeve, Clerk,
Thos. Brownett and M. 0. H.
Banitary Inspectors: John John-
ston,' David Tough. •
t. Caretaker of Hall Mrs, Pilgrim.
The next meeting will be held on
February 4th at 1:30 p,in.
Mr. Jaines McGee has .gone to
Flint, Mich,, for: the winter. '
Mr, G. E. Johnston who has spent'
the Holiday season with his uncle.
and aunt, Or. and Mrs Eckhardt of
Nyack, N, Y. State, returned home
last week.
Mrs. Ches. Bothwell went to Ella: -
hart, Ind., last week to attend the
funeral of her mother.
The grim reaper, death, has
visited the villages of Varna and
taken one of its oldest resident's, Mr.'
Thomas Keys. Mr. Keys was aged
eighty-eight years and two months.
Ile was born in Ireland and.camo to
this country, when a boy. He lived
for a number of years on Ilio parr'
lite, His wife predeecased him 4 -
korai twenty-two years ago, He as
survived by tour eons and five daugh-
ters: Oliver of 1)etioit; Frank of
Niagara, Jeff of Nashville, Tenn,;
Feed ' of Eltiiira; Annie and Ennio
et home, ?ihsi Sant Bothwell of;
Imel now, Mrs, Jt hn Barbour or Or-
ili.ia, and Mrs, Dilowort'-h of Allen -
Starting 10th; and continuing balance o
A few of many •hues reduced for -'c
Mince Meat per lb. .18c.
Cooking Figs, per Ib. .19e,'
Cookinp F'igs, per' 1e, ,10c.'
Peanut Butter, per ' lb .... , .....23c.
Buckwheat flour per lb '100
Pancake_ XOe 1
Table syrup 5 1b 38e
Maple •' per pint 45c
Olive "1
e our group baskets for 10c, 15c an
'Shredded Wheat '
Relied "Oats
Cream of Wheat
Corti Meal .
Macaroni .. „ .,.
2 pkgs. for 25e
.. 0 lbs. for 25c.
,.......4 lbs. for 25e,
. G lbs. for 25c.
...2 lbs. for 25c,
Magic Baking' Powder
Our Own Baking ,Powder;
I ibby's Catsup
Sardines .
Ginger Snaps
10 bars laundry soap any brand 72
Pot Baxley, .
Pearl, Barley.
,Minute Tapioca
Best' Rice
• per lb. ?e.. I
3 Ib. 25e,
2 lb. 25,
.2 lb. 25e - 1
„...3 lbs. 25c,
• 2 lb. 25c.
Lake . Superior Herring
Red :Salmon, per lb ..........25c.
Halibut, per 1b .. ..;;Qc,
Finnan Boddie ner lb 20c.
Filletts,`per lb, .. 22c.'
' Currant
Granulated sugar special by the bag this
Extra special this month
Black tea , i per 15. 49c," Ammonia
Best 'Coffee (O0 Neils) , per ib. GOc. I Gold Dust .. , ..
:. asb & ' arrg
2.'V 1•iveries
for the',funer'al, .which took "place :on
Tuesday' to the"Bayfield -cemetery.'
The pallbearers were his four sons;
Frank,, Jeff, 'Fred and Oliver;. his
son-in-law," Mr., Sam Rothwell and
his .grandson,;Mr. Leonard Keys. The.
sympathy of the community goes
out to the bereaved family.
Miss'. Brindley of Goderieh is -the
guest of Miss Isabell East, daughter
of Mr, Henry East.
The death accursed at his home on
the 13th • on Monday of Norman
Bunking, after an illness of 'several
weeks, and a:t`the early age of
twenty-eight years and six 'months.
The deceased young man was born
in •Hullett and spent most of his lite
here. ". He was a son, of Mr, Thai.
.Bunking now of Goderich. ,,He en-
listed in the '-161st ' Huron Battalion
and .servedoverseas. He was ,talc
yen ill _overseas. and ,spent several'
months' in -the hospital but had re -
'covered and for a time after his re-
turn -was seemingly in good health.
Itis old trouble returned, However,
and, for some. time his !health had
been failing and during the last few
weeks he rapidly grew worse. Last
fall he sold his, stock and decided' to
give up farming. He is survived by
his young wife, who was formerly,
Miss' Lily Lee, and two children. He
is survived also -'by itis father, one
brother, Harvey Hunking of this
township, and three sisters, Mrs. An-
gus ' McLeod,. ,Clinton; Mrs. Chas.
Vodden and Miss Susan Bunking or
this township. The funeral took place
yesterday afternoon from his late
residence to Hope Chapel Cemetery.,
The ,members elect of the township.
of Iluliett 'net. • on Monday in the
Community Hall; Londesboro, .when
and where each member made the
usual declaration .of office. •Mfnutee
of last meeting' were read •and `con
firmed. The following commueica-
tions were received: from the Ntunl-
cipal.World, soliciting subscriptions.
The clerk was, instructed to order five
copies for members. Froin Good
Roads „Association,' giving notice of
the annual meeting and soliciting
membership fee;' .no action taken
thereon., r Northern Relief Assoela-
tion, asking •for aid for the faro snf-
ferers;.laid over until after meeting
of County Council. From .Children's
: Aid ;and Haman Society, asking \for
a grant to the cause. Moved by R.
Clarke and E. Adonis that. ;115,00 be
i granted, ` carried. 'Froin. A. S. Code
C. E„ re employment of engineer.°
Placed on file, Moved by • J. Leiner
and T. Sloan that clerk secure supply.
of assessors•' and collectors) rolls;
minute book and other necessary sup-
plies. Carried.
The following accotntts were passed
and. payment ordered 'on 'Motion of
Messers. Sloan and Clarke; W. Brtms-
don, repairs for grader, $11.75; Mum'
icipal World, election supplies, $9.56;
Duncan Tudor, raking stones off road
$1,25; Wesley Vodden, gravelling
eon. 10; and ,11, 5.00; Jaines Watt,
' gravelling sideroaii 5 and 6 $44.60.
Bev', Mr. Abery, chairman of the
Hall Board, presented n report of
the board for 1022 showiret receipts,
$510.89, enpenditui a, $488:09. Bal-
ance on Bind $28.20, Report es
Presented was adopted.
Bylaws Nov. 1 and 2 were passes an
the following appointments made: as-
. teeter,
s-ilbi00r, J, W. Mills; collector, S. Me-
Tittles; auditors, 54. Braithwaite and
W. Beacons; clerk and treasnur,
lrinrlatcl; ,sheep valuators, L. '`.Syn-
dell and Frank Wood; read supt., W.
Shanahan, Sr,;; sanitary inspectors,
P. Quigley and H. Taman. -
Council adjourned to meet again on
Wednesday, Jan. 31st, at 1.30 p.m."
_-J', Fingland, Clerk. „
Goderich Township
,Municipal Council -of Goderich tp.
met as per statute on Jan. 8th in
Holmes' hall, Holmesville. The fol-
lowing ntemibers tookthe necessary
declaration of office: Reeve: D A.
Lindsay; councillors: H.C. Cox, Jno.
Sowerby, Oliver J. Jervis and Henry
The council will 'act as road com-
missioners in the different polling
sub -divisions as follows: No. 1, John
Sowerby; No. 2, Henry Corey;-.No.,8,
H. C. Cox: Nos. 4 and G D. A, Lincs
say; No. 5, Oliver'' Jervis. The offi-
cers appointed for the year are: 'Ad-
am ;Cantelon, clerk; J. E.- Whitely,
treasrrer; Robt. G. Thompson, col-
lector; Howard; Sturdy, assessor; and
itors, Jas. Johnston and Eldrid Yea;
Board of Health, Dr. J,> B, . Whitely,
Medical Health officer, John C. Woods
and the Reeve and Clerk.
Vence' viewers: No. 1, Isaac Salk-
eld, Chris.
allaeld,:Chris. W. Johnston; Geo, Laith-
Waite. No. 2, Geo. 0. Sturdy, W.
F. Hick, Jas. Yuell, No, 3, John
C. Woods, Jahn McClure, "John B.
Stewart. Nos. 4 and 6, Lewis And-
erson, Daniel-Gliddon, Frank Powell,
No. 5, Joseph Watkins, C. W. Wil-
liams, H, 0. 'Mtuphy.
Pound Keepers: No. 1, Isaac Salkeld
No: 2, David Rodges; No. 3, .Andrew
McGuire; No. 4, Frank Cole: No. 5,
J. K. Holmes; NO. 5, C. G. Lobb.
Weed ^ Inspector: Daniel Glidden.
School attendance officer, Daniel Glid-
don. Road tsuperintendent: Sam Em-
-merson. Sheep valuators:L Geo, W.
Sturdy, Robt, Cluff, C Wt. . Williams,
Pathinasters: Richard McClennan,
Keith Ross, D. A. Sterling E. East-
man, Oliver Edward, R.°Y. Co; Alex
Weston, John McGuire; Reg. Sturdy,
Rirh. Bond, Mowat McDougal, Geo.
Hanley, Fred Ford., W. . J. Yeo,-Earl`I
Cooper,.' Wilfred •Cololouglr, W. W,
Wise, Henry Sweet; Ira Merrill, Vic-
tor Bisbaek, Chas, Lindsay. Jaines
Robson, Andrew Sheppard, Eldrid
Yeo, Pani. Vanderburg]; Alex Young,
Jas. Ferguson,' David,'Easom, Henry
S teepe, Jolie T. Beacom, Ben Rath -
well, Eobt, E. Colclough, Dave beeves
II. L. Wise, henry Tehbutt, Bert
Lobb, DJ. Burns.
'After passing passing the necessary-ac-
ecessaryascounts the council adjourned to meet
rthe 1st Monday in Feb. at 1.30
—Adain Cantelon, Tp. Clerk.
St. Helens
(Received too late for last week)
Mr. ,anti Mrs. Souter; Taylor And
son, Gordon ;spent ,Christmas' with
friends in Detroit. '
Mr. Lawrence Anderson has gone
to visit friends 'in Toronto for a few
I Mrs, Jas. Mitchell and children
of Toronto are Christmas vacation
visitors with Iter parents, Mr. and
Mrs... John Webster, 44k
Mr. and Mrs, Richard' Martini and
children spent the week -end and hol-
iday- at' the home of her father, .Mr.
Vdni. Woods:
Mr, ;and Mrs: T, Pierce and son
Clifford of Preston, Mac,, are visi-
lors with 51r. rancl Mrs. Joe Siiiith.
Among those who fire spentliitg
the holidays at their homes herr :are
Misses tcllona Clark, Drayton; Mar.,
Rintotil, Toronto; Dorothy
Resolved, That we
in everything pet to
.business, which will
patrons in 1923 as it
Low prices, quality,
is the motto of the -,
>x'xu ram„r"•U;a�.. s�
Furniture Phone '104:
Webster; Wingham Winnifred
Woods, Galt; Clara Woods, Guelph;
Pearl Webster, Toronto; • W. D. Ru-
therford, Mitchell; May Cameron,
Toronto; Mary McQuillian, Onipah;
Margaret Miller, Caldwell Mills and
Beatrice McQuillian of Stratford,
Mr. Wilson and Miss Winnifrod
Woods spent the week -end with their
sister in,, Fergus, Mrs, Arnold: Bar-
arbour. •
Mr. Robert McQuiilian . was home
from Dungannon for Christmas.
Mrs. Brooks and son, Albert Har-
rison of Now Liskeard, were visitors
the past week. with Mr. and Mr,
G,: 'B. Taylor,
Mr, and Mrs. Peter Daley of Sea -
forth celebrated their golden wed-
ding anniversary last week.
Boost Your. Hocken
Don't (nock
It is not possible at all times 'for
our local team to Win, a game. In;
case a game is last,: eros boys would
appreciate a little encouragement.
Adverse criticism does not tend to
develop a championship team: Come
out to our games and 1300ST.,
Mitchell Eqs. Clinton
Thursday January II
,Ca;nte called at 8 o'clock sharp,
By your support help one boys to
win this district.
hoop' in Attetrdafiee •
,Ailiitieelon 253. Children 1.0ei
A, S rciair, Trainer. M Elliott,
Menagor, G. Secretary 1