HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-1-11, Page 6i��nl "° "Y fi richt t
q11 kho vasa ,ey.eauk30
'ot tlig late William
110'w r , ld ii: wort; out li (a r ichl
as, to; 4044104 on" the ;United States
Ind take*possession ol; Some Boal
rads?. ',they'd come in mighty
ai dy those winter days.
This is anore like the honest. o,
oodnese Canadian winter than anv
thin{; .we've had for years. ht's all
'iguti, too; Provided the cellar has w
air supply of coal or the woodshed`
)S dry, wood.
A lot of booze was found' packed
barrels of apples at Grimsby the
:er ,*tray.
They weren't ,apples
acked'by Apple -King Dave Cantelon
x -mayor. of Clinton, however,
e r M {;
her thought the U, F. 0,
eogle Were going e bit too far when'
ey, made :candidates sign the `'Re-
11" but in view of the way::,the
nk and file of the party is desert-
lI for ''; the Liberal fold something` e1
he sort` would:seein to be necessary.
Cas' Clinton to v I ovell r.g by',
w; that is, a bylaw reguiring res-
lonts'to-keep the snot' cleared -frost
walks in front of their own pro-
? ' If such a bylaw exists it
fould.be enforced and if not the new
ouneil' knight' 'lave one passed, •
A Goderich citizen received a 'post_
alai ore, -December 26th.. which had
ren\Writte"n in 'To
in 141ay 27,
97,2, and bore the Toronto -postTnark
f May 28th, 1912, -It was post-
marked as Ifehige received in God-
erieh on Dec. '26th, .1922. and' the ,
question is "Where did it spend the
nteryening. years?
Anyone in doubt as; ;to the tine
heir subscription is paid to should
ensult the'. label-' on- their paper. If
reads 'Jan, 1922", the sub is paid
the' -beginning' of ,1922 If it
ends "Jan. 192$". it "is paid to the
eginning of 1923; and r if •it''reads
Jan. 1924" it is 'paid to, the end of
he present year., A 'number are
o •marked'on our Iist and -quite: a
umber will be after next' week,
hen we again correct•it. See that
ours gets into that Claes. •
It scents strange that "ewe should
rave to,repeatse often the rule that
re do •not publish -`any, connnunication-
vlaatever, no matter iiow simple
poking, without the signature -of. the.
Terson sending -it in. But not er week
:asses but one or` more eomrnunica-
ions go into the' Wastepaper basket
ecausethey are not.signed and we
ave no ;of ascertaining the truth
r 'otherwise of the news' items
ntainecl. in them. We like our'
'fends to take enough interest in 00
Send. us news items but if any
eh items are not signed no surprise
ed be felt if they do not appear.
is a simple ]natter to sign one's
erne and it is a guarantee of good
kith, only, not for publication.
The annual meeting of the ITuron
Id Boys' Association, Toronto, was
Id on Friday evening Iast in ,one
'the' parlors of the Central Y. M,
A. Considering that it was a'
ry unpleasant night, there was a
ood attendance of former Huron -
al's, some of whom have been Went
ed with it ever since it was first
Armed, twenty -ono', years ago, and
re 1110110 enthusiastic than even.
,fter the reading of the -minutes, and
short address`from the President,
[r. J. A. -McLaren, the election of
sneers for the current year .teas pro-
3eded with. The following is the
°norary Presidents: Sir John Willi-
son, W. 0. iioTaggert, F, W`.
resident: 3, A. McLaren.
,t Vice:: lire. 5, L. Scott.
id Vice: Mrs. R. C. King,
d Vico: Mrs. N. B. Cobhl'edick,
cretaryreE Floody for .the 20th
, consecutive • tinie;
ssist't Secretary: Miss L. M. Plynn.
nancial Secretary: Miss Grace New-
ensurer, John Robertson.
adito s:' J. 'N. Cameron,
cecutivo£ Committee :Mesdanios Mar-
tin, Beck, 'Ferguson, Floody,'
Morrish, Tichbourno, McTaggart
• McLaren, Holmes and Miss'.
Campbell, Messrs. Hea• W ;
TimMins, s, PL. 'B Stanbery, R.
Holmes, •II, 1 Morrish,
Beck, S L, Scott IT. Martin,
I2, C. lime; • J. lt. Lyon G, A.
Newton R, Crocker, N P.
Cobbledie , W. J. Y0un , L,
J. Weilele. J. Phillips, .Chaplain,
Prevost C. A. Seager, Trinity
ionic idea of the- number of Ilur-.
Ons in'Uio city, may bo ~gathered
01 the :filet that set sir .hundred ih-
ations wore sent; out for this meet-
1lrralrgements were m<0de foe
holding of the amend At -Mollie,
icli 'will '"take Vero 00 the. oven=
of Feb, •iiib, in tho commodio;rt
ifeilows' Mall, College street.
)urine' the alas: yc;ar"it has been
practice to Hold meetings of the
etitive at the home of; lamveerout
,1bers o.f, the exe0Utive, and this
developed a social spleit Oblong
various mcniliers that has been.
v enjoyable. INA organization
ecohrizeel as one of. the.herinan-
institutions of its kind; in 'the
and its functions moo always
,ed forward to with anticipation,
harts of the county is reproo
d in the organlzatioi,, and tile'
v herr of a»irit and eaina'raderie'
iZ ssrr7:;'A. Storlafig,'
have the conlraet of 4upplyi
ice in Seaforth and are
things in s:li,ilre-
•'Mr, Milton $'towru'i,Ia, It {?l scar••
tot fever but,ie now ilnprovin
Tile' good housewives" n110 wateldilg
the, hens ddosely.these' days as eggs
are too dear to allow to getfrosen.,
Mr. Jolrn Scott, Sr, e1.',Roxboro
has 'returned Izaine after ' speirdlit
n aw Year's with friends inWind :.
hese day
;' on'the liveris thepastinre
Miss Hattie Turner; is now on the
teaching stilff of one of the Feirbank
schools, Toronto,
The following make', ap `the, Huron,
County Council for 1923. It 'wilt he
noted that there are sixteen Liberals
and fifteen, Conservatives:. L ind1-
sates the,. Liberals and; C. the Gon-
se)'vative$. The Liberals will 'elect
the warden for the yens, the race be-
ing amongst Heaven of llketer, Tip -
ling of Wingham, Armstrong of Hul-
lett and Douglas of Wroxeter: The
first :meeting' will be held' in God-
erich on Jan. 23rd.:
Ashfield: ,John ,F Johnston (C),
and John Jalniespn .(L). ,
Br'usseIsi 'Alfred C. Baeker (0) .
Blyth: Jos, . Taman (C), replacing
Jas.' Dodds.
'Bi yfield: 'Alfred E. Erwin (0).
Clinton:, It, J. Miller (0).
Colborne: Chas., A. Robertson (L).
Exeter; B. WI. F. Beavers (14.
Goderich Town: Dr. W, F. Clark
(C), replacing Dr. W. F. Gallow, and
B.: C. Munnings (0), replacing J,
Goderich Tp.: D. A,,",Lindsay (0),
replacing N. W. ;Trewartha.
(Grey Joh IehcNabb L) and Jas.
Hay:, •Elmore F. KIopp (L).
Hensall:• Omen Geiger (L),:replac_
ing Alex. Smith.
Howick:' Won J. Spotton (0) and
Thos. ;Inglis;. (L),,
Hullett: M. Armstrong (14.
MoKillop: Francis J. McQraid (C)'
Morris: John H, Fear (L).
Seaforth: Dr. Grieve'
ing n , Parke, (L), replac-
StaR.pleyG: Geo. B, Hart(C).: ,
• Stephen: Alex. H.. Neeibley (C) and
John Hayes (0), replacing . David
• Tuckersmith: ' John ' McNaughton
Turnberry: •Jolin•McEwen (L),. re-
placing James Porter.
Usborne: Wm, •H. :Coates (C):
East Wawanosh: `Robert Buchan-
an (0).
Wtst Wawanoshs Ben S ,Naylor
(L). •
Winghan: Amos Tipling (L).
Wroxeter: John Dogulas (L).
Below is the programme of a short
Course in S}vine Marketing, 'toe be
held in connection with the Short
Course in A.geiculture . now in session
here, Jan. 22nd, 23rd, and 24th. This
Course is particularly timely, as the
question of Hog Grading is a very
live one with farmers, at present.
The District Represewiiative Sv,pirl1i
like to see a large attendance ofTar-
niers and those, interested during
these :three days. It will be noted
that foe the first two days, the meet-
ings are to be held in the afternoon
and the third day is en all day ses-
This course is -conducted tinder the
auspices of the Live ;Stock Branch
of the Dominion Department of Ag-
riculture and the Agricultural, Rep,
resentative Brandi of the Ontario
Department of Agriculture: ,
January 22nd.
First afternolon -1.30 Canadian
Bacon in relation to British :Market,
2.30 Lecture and Demonstration' on
cured Wiltshire Sides. (,`
3,30 "Lecture and Demonstration
en Swine Carcasses,
January 23rd.
Second afternoon: -1.30 Breeds or
kions and their adaptability to pree
ent nan1lcet demands.
2.30 Lecture and Demonstration on
selected• class of Live, Hogs,
8.45 Judging Bacon Hogs (Com
January 24th
Morning -41.00 Feeding -Wogs from
birth to market.
10,00 Problems in Housing aria
11, 09 Outline Hog grading regn-
lations followed by discussion,
Aline/loom-1.30a System of Mas -
I oting Hogs, P. ;0. B, Sale versus
direct old/intents.
2,30 Demonstration of Market
grades of. ;I-Ieres.,
0.80 Competition iii grading s
group of Hogs,
The Ontario Government, is said to
be preparing Ieglsletion for,' introduc-
tion at the next br s,ion, the, obleet
of which 10 to [Hake land titles ab-
solute after thirty years. It is me,
poord to 3800 a du11 stoz y' act Confer-
ring titles to 3ripor y 0151 have been.
held Cozzthtuosuly that length Of lithe
This will mean a great, saving of la-
bor in searching titles, lnaki18 lir
unirecesserg Per tlreee'wisllipa; to ilia
1r0Se of et tWO acquire property to
bdek lotyoit�l,_ii t tirr?a.
1N4lsola' Cry wa;t fatally 'abet a101
leis wile lius it the point of death
in Kine :rdine froiu 811010 Sired by a
Young na ti named 3Donald':4,Donaid
on Sarurday,
1VioDonald, who has since-ooefesse4
to the crime, went Le the Ieay'norire
0;1 rho family, consisting of:, le11, and
MrS. Ieayand their little seven -,year
Old dau,;liter, were: at dinner:- Ile
had, a paper Which he asked Kay to
sign and,; which he refused to up. 11
was a retraction nf some story' which
Kay 10113 S tlipQ50d' to have 'circulat-
ed about ,. McDonald back in 191;5,
On Ieay's refusal to sign the paper.
(,McDonald grew very angry and turn-
ed the gun, with which he had. come
prepared, on the pan, Mrs„`Kay
was first" struck and fell and then her
husband was fatally shot. The lit-
tle girl hid behind a couch 'until the
man left the house then summoned a
dotter andnotified the nerghbors.,rnd
help was got for the mother?' who
was found to have a bullet rn herr
head. She is still in a very precar-
ious condition.
McDonald is said to have been
acting queerly for some little time
but no parieuiar notice was taken of
him. It is, said' he.has taken it ell
9•ery coolly and seems little concern-
ed. Me signed a confession, but
says he had no intention of killing
anyone with the"gun but meant only
to ,frighten Kay, •
Last Friday, remark's an exchange
Mr J. J. Morrison;.secretary and
"big voice" of the LJ F.0., spoke
to a gathering at Port Elgin and
gave the Lollowing description of the
Ontario • Panties:
The Conservative and Liberal par-
ties he compared to two .old'dogs who
had seen their day, and Hie U. P:" 0.
ea" a ."pip"- lull - of vigor and 'life,
and stated that if the present i'pup"
did not 'behave he would have to be
shot, • ' In his speech, he made 'no
mention of-Drury's 'broadening out
policy. •
Marriages ,
RAPSO+N.;•-1TAM13LYN- At. Londe--
bore,` on Jan. 3rd.' by the Rev. Wil
R Osborne, Rose hilliap, Haugh
ter .of Mrs. W: J. Tamblyn to John
Ir'a Rapson son, of. Mr, and NIrs;,
Joseph Rapson of, Huil tt.
lett; on December 27th, by, the Rev:'
W,. R. ::.Alp of ' Auburn, Grace,
daughter of Mr. and • t1Vrre..Wnt.
Plunkett, to William Lorne John..
sten of Ashfield. •
New Year's Day,- Florence );.,
;youngest daughter, of Mr. and Mrs.
R. Bonthron, of Hensall, to Thomas:
Cleveland Joynt also of I-Iensel'.
P1IINN-.-'U NDFOTLD-In Ingersoll
on• January 1st, Florence LaBelle
"landlord, ` daughter . of the late.
Thomas "E. and Mrs.: Handford for-
nrerlg o£ Exeter, toWilliaul PPhlnhl
of London,
SCIT,OENHALS-In. Clinton, 051 Jan,
418, Edwin C. A. Schoenhals,
aged 29 years and 10 months.
I-IUNIC.ING-In Hullett Township, on
January .8th, Norman Hunking,
aged 28 years and rix months,
GOLCLDUl H)=Suddeatityi do ,Logan
,,Township, on January 8th, .Joker
Colcloug•h,of Blyth, aged 68 years..
TWITCHELL-In Grace Hospital,
Windsor, on Jan. 9th, Mary Elisa-
beth Forbes, wife. of Mr. Chas.
Twitchell, aged 33 .years:
PENNINGTON--In Goderich; on De-
cember 2018, to Mr. and Mrs. 0.
Pennington, a Son.
BROWN -fin -loving memory of Wil-
liam Brown, who died Jan, 6th,
"One year has passed- since • that sad
God called you to that peaceful, land;
Forget you;.Nol we never will.
As `tine rolls on-we'lllove you still."
"You are gone -but not forgotten;
Never shall your memory fade.
Sweetest thoughts, shall ever linger
Around the ,.grave where you are
-Wife and Daughter
The Council of the Corporation of
the Comity' •of Huron will. meet in
the Council, Chambers, Goderich, aC
3 p. nr,, Tuesday, January 23rd 1523.
All accounts shoolcl be in the hands
of the Cleric on or before the Mon_
day` preceeding the meeting of the
GEO. W , - f1o1,11LA.N,
County' Clerk.
Goderich, January 18111, 1928: .84-2.
110(0e made Baking Salo
-''The Ladies' Aid of the Baptist
church will conduct' a Salo of home-
made baiting "homemade candy, etc„
in the office of the District Repres-
entative on Saturday, Jan. 13th. Sale
commences tat ' 3 pang
A nrobationez' 3101' Clinton Ptiblic'
Ilospital. Apply at oiler to .Bliss
Granger, Superintendent, 84-t1`.
Purebred ' Lambs Vol: Salo
4 nixie bred Oxford Down ewe
lambs, eligible Tor registration, ;Pei:
particulars apply to Connell & Tyr-,
doll, )Sul;chors, Normandie Bloelt,
Gkntoii, Phone 162. 84-1f,
Animal Meeting
The anneal ineoting of the Centre
Iluron Agricultural Society till be
held hi the office of the Diett iet xe1»
)'e eirtritivc, 01i131on, osr 'hi y,
January 208, at 2 o,cloele, All in.
torested are invited to be present.
3 Calces of Toilet Soap
10 Bars of. Laanil1Y Soap ,
3 packages of Ammonia
3 packages of Pe,rline "
r3tr'8' Quality 13roozir
1 lb of Ginger Snaps ,
0i',17 0 5111 11305 31I` SIJAII,
'now 13011
2.60, 8 15. 1)reel of 3"iarci , 6y?c,
431.. 2 Ibi, of Mace/min ;.k.. 25c.
25e, 2 packages of Inc,a,roni: . ..;:',.0,
25c, 3 'na€ks es of. Jolly 'P0305er ..� 2io..
00. 1 Tb. o1 " ccial Black, Tot 52e,
151. 1 lib`. of Aroma Tea , ;,,e.
N0 PLAN FOR 192;3
Get the Habit. of Dealing at
J't 1 -Ns d 'OI` (no's en
s �'LLO r c-: 4111
Are reepoBible for nxal y weddings ill an
lll?neax Clinton''.
,Personal and Phone orders pr.imptly heeded
Fresh Ojsters- 3:e Id-Shlpt
, Constantly oil haucl
A full line confectionary at your Command each day.
Neilson's and Robertsons' Chocolates
Neilson's' Ice Cream
Telephone No. 1
uctioi1,` ale
An•auetion sale' cif milk cows, some
fresh and oome "'spkingers, 'will be
held at the farm- of J, -VanEgmond,
G)ravel,.Road 11'mile north•:of Clinton
Wednesday Jana 17th
comnteneittg' ' at .two O'clock . these.
cows are a good lot. :
TERMS: 7 months eeedit;_on furn-
ishing approved joint notes. .6 per
cent, per annum allowedfor cash,'.
W. W. Wallis, proprietor; W. Mar_
gnie manager; G. H. Elliott, auction-
Auction Sale '
Choice dairy - eows, bulls
and • pigs. The -;undersigned
auctioneer ''has received instruc-
tions to sell by public auction on Fri-
day, Jan. 19th,, at Lot 57, • B. L.
Goderich township, at 1:80 sharp, the
following: "u cows with; calves at fool.
2 cows due to...freshen dayof sale;
3 cows due to 'freshen Feb. 1st; 5
cows due to freshen ,in March; 2
cows due .to freshen is April. 'Two
of the above mentioned` cows aro
high grade Holsteins, the remainder
extra fine Durham grades. It is the '
best lot of cows ever offered for_ sale
by the undersigned. , Came and get
ono 03' more of them at your Qwn
price., Also 2 choice; young Aber-
!leen Angus bulls, about a year old,'
of extra type and breeding, which
will he registered in purchaser's
name, anti one choice yearling Short-
horn bull, Cedric No. 160262, bred
,and owned by E. H. Wise and Son.
Pigs: .Choice white ,Yorkshire -brook
sow, due Feb. 181/11. '5 pigs about.
100' lbs, each. Terns:' 6 months`
credit will be given on furnishing ap-
proved joint- notes, or a discount of
6'" -per cent. per annum'. for cash.
Guarantee: Any,cow sold to be with
calf midproving not to be .one moil
th from date of, sale 15 per cent. of.
purchase money will be .refunded.
Sale will` be eonclucted indoors, alio-
accommodation will be provided for
G, II. Elliott, Auctioneer, 84-0,
W. H. Lobb.
For Sale
iOne young cow, to freshen 'about
the middle of February, also" a cut-
ting,, box, targe size for cutting by•
hand. -Chas Balton. 82-12,
Horticultural Society
The annual meeting of the Clinton'
Horticultural Society will be held
in the Council ,Chamber on Saturday'
January 1311, at 8 p. m. H. In.
Sharp, SeoTreasurer. 83=2,
For - Sale
A cotter in good' condition, 'nearly
new. -Mrs, T. J. Watt, Rattenbury
street West. 82-2.
Anneal Meeting
Tho Hayfield Agaricultural Asso.
elation will hold its annual meeting
in the town. hall on Wednesday, San..
17th, at, one o'clock in the afteenooh.
All mambees aro urged to attend as
business o3 importance *ill be teens-
eens-acted.% 88-2.
1Torise For Salo
2 -story brick hone° on North street,
in good repair, all convenicntes, acre
"of, land, Milt trees, etc. Good stable
could be !feed for cliffere54( purposes.
Also a 2 -acre Iot moo' railway trach.,
C. J, Wallis, Clinton, 81-tf.
Comfortable house or suite of
0001'715 surtablo 'for Itauselceoping, In-
quire at blews-Itecord.. 80-tf,
Coli i Pc
1'3'e811 Mlle cows r or sale Akilily
to 5, It, :if:eiiath, R. R. No, 2,' Clitr.
ton, Picone 34 oil 5601 Clinton eeh..
1x111. 70 -ti'.
Auction Sale' of Farm and Stock.
The undersigned has received, iii-
struetione to sell by public auction
at Lot 11. Con. 6, Stanley township,
on Tuesday, January 16th, 1923, the'
following; horses - Agricultural
mare 8 years old; Agricultural mare
12 years old; driving mare 12:yeara"
supposed to be in foal to Widower
Peter; 'Cattle' 5 heifers' rising 3;,2
steens rising 3;
;,2steers'rising.3; heifer'` rising 3 clua
ire April; cow 5' years due in April;;
2 down 4 years due in March,'•Irri•,
plemonts-Set brass -mounted breech-
ing harness, nearly new; set single
harness, rawhide lines, nearly new;
set nicicle harness; Tudhope-Ander-
son wagon, nearly, new; rubber tired
buggy, nearly' new; 1Y/z , yd. 'gravel
box, nearly new; Chatham fanning
mill, new; set 3 -section diamoird har-
rows, nearly new; Mann cultivator
with narrow and wide teeth; 11 hoe
Noxon •drill; 15 -ft.. hay rack; Deer-
ing mower, 'nearly new; 6 -ft. M. -IL
binder; Portland cutter; Uxbridge
organ; Raymond, sewing machine good.
as new; cook stove;,,wood heater,
forks; chains and some Cedar posts;
a quantity Of.„ and straw; 150.
bushels .of good; oats; 100 bushels of
oats , and barleys and other articles
too, nnlrerous to mention. Also, at.
same time and place will'•be sold the
50, -acre farm, good clay loans, north
half of lot 11, nota' foot of waste
Iand on farm, well !fenced. Good
barn, '40360, good '8 -roomed frame.
house. Two . never -failing wells.
One mile from school, two miles
south of Varna. Teems: 10 per
cent of . purchase money :on day of
said, balance in : 30 clays, ' On, shat:
tels: till snn1s of 510 and under, cash
on over that amount nine months cre-
dit. will he given on furnishing ap
proved :joint notes or a: -discount of
5 per cent straight for cash on
credit amounts.. • Thomas Wiley,
proprietor, G. H. Elliott,.auctioneer.
Raw Furs Wanted
Highest, market price paid. D3)
not'seil your funs until, you get illy
prices, ,which are "often_- 5 per cent.
to 25 per cent. higher than prices paid
by other dealers. Phone or Write
IT. A. Hovey. Phone. 89, Clinton.•
Farm ,Fir Salo
, Lot 10, concession 1., .IIulIett, sit-
uated on provincial highway 331
miles from Clinton, and 5 miles
from Seaforth, • Contains 100 acres,
well drained and fenced; in high state,
of cultivation: three acres hardwood
Mesh, ' two acres good orchard and 20
acres fall ploughed. • On place • Is'
good pine bare,. 60350, stone founda'.
tion, stable all cemented, in firs?:
class ,condition; driving shed 50x20;
ten -roomed brick house with good
cellar, - For further particulars ap-
ply to Ill s, J. Ds McDe31n1id, Clinton
Ont., or C. McGregor, It R, No. 0,'%
Seaforth, Ontario., 78-11.'.
Farm for Sale or Rent
Lots 57 and 58 Maitland conces-
sion Goderich., township, containing
164x/ acres, more or less. Banlc,
barn, 50 feet square, stabling under-
neath, driving shed, heed, 80x55;.
ben house, large frame house, Pos-
session given at once. Andrew
Shepherd, Londesbora, Ontario. 76-tf`
Farre For Sale`
Lot 15 pt. 17 Concession 1 Hullett,
Huron road 11/e. Miles' east of Olin,.
ton, This farm.contains 127 acres
100 acnes drained: and in first class.
condition,: the balir1zce is pasture
lencl and bush. . On the"premises 18
a good barn 40x74 with stone eiab1
ing and convent foovs; also hen house
pig pen and drive, shed on 00015511
foundation: There is a t0O story
brick hOtise With modern eo'nveilielr'
ces. Farm is well watered with lust.
lass springs and also spring 01:ee0
r.'irnning across 0110 corner.- Pavel
is well adapted .Cor mixed /arming,
FM' te01115 and conclitiens make 051
plication en the promises or Clinton,
R. R. No, 4, John Nohia<. 58-tf
lDose For 00
e cottage with two lots, on
Hi ren sh'eet, balm Yin preinlses,
garden with Sntiall fruit. Vet
further particidar:s 33p13' to 3&iss 11.
Cantolera;. en r,,.e,,st",,,, env d