HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-1-11, Page 283
Add mmenieetiotie 4
"fleet' tretteagt;
iinted,, lei -arts Issuod, ,Ikiarketiiig Pnultr,y.
od on PopostIa. fiale
Peblic, .teeeveyencer.
toad Flee 0-
0410 nit!' Representing Fire
101.B"P nee ' conman tea. „
Division Court Officer ,C1101,00.
areistei, Solicitor, Natery tet
tit1AN .13 LOQK . CLINTON,
Imcc tio.nrs:.---1....30 tit .3.30. pan., .7.30
a 9.00 pan. Sundays, 12.30 L0,1.30 Pam
Other hours- by appointment only.
080011 enol and' Residence Vibtoria St.
reSuming,nractise at his residence,
iffice 1 -locust --9 to 10 a.m, and 1 to:72
10 sundys,,l. to 2 p.m, for ce,n''
nit:atoll, -
D.D.S., L.D,S.-
Vrettuate Royal College of Dental Sur
goon's and Toronto University
las (ethic hours ' at ' Hayfield in •old
'ost Office Building, Matiday, Wed-
tesday, Friday -and Saturday from- 1
lionveyancer, Notary Public, Commis.
$loner, etc.
lesuer of Marriago Licenses.' -
Many ,..,ccucrs to -day like. du id
their poultry to maritell'',#4.Wad
f.cellfing to the pectlOy" their
own ,teV,wee
Je. public 111,1dd „
,Oftc0'. .(iYV ,
or. atff.TOO
"es arti,euler',
tee for sale must hef„,n0i0„
'Per 0 Ite dressing and. conforlyittyl
AS• general liotric-drotsed
poultey dues, net sell az eveli 'es oity
dressed, :for the -reason that,the scald-
ing 19imperfectly. done and the
chicl:onG have a spetted ,aelmartniee
, whiCh h'iris their sale. The retail
t dealer, therefore, wants to buy them,
0 , five coat per
pound as compared with eitY-vire"esed
1 Ica shipping dressed' poultry. See
that it is thoroughly cooled before
shipping and wrap the head of oeeeh
tord in 0 piece of paper -to prevent
any' blood from clriPping On the other
chickens. Pack in' barrel's or 'boxes
and ship by express. or truck,
Ioi shipping live poultry, the fal-
lowing precautions should be. ob-
served: -
Do net ship any culla; thin stock, or
diseased chickens. They are not side -
able and you. only pay expreeSe use-
lessly. .
If you are shipping enoUgh stock to
do to, grade your poultry when.put
ting it in coops for shimeent. Iletiey
sperifigere in one, coop. , Heavy hens
in anothee, and light stock by thern-
selves. Do not-ceewd too mahy birds
in a coop. One dead chicken pays the
express on another' coop, -
` ,In warm weather especially,- many
coope Arrive at market With tWo to
five dead in eadh coop because the
shipper has 'crowded too many in a
AlWays weigh and:count your Pout-
tey,when you ehdp. lie, not, guess at
ice t Au tiOnee for the County
Correspoeelence prOtriptly answmed.,
mediete arrangements can be made
Sales 'Date et- The .NeWs-Itecerd,
Tinton', or by calling Phone 203. -
-barges Moderate, and Satiefactioe
' 'Guaranteed.
. .
RA D TR 1 s
.. • .
ins will arrive at and depart from
Clinton as •follows: -
Buffalo and Godcelch Die.
o ng East, depart • 6.25 a.m.
o ng *est -ar. . 11.10
" 6.08 dp.' 6.61 p.m.
" Sr. 10.04 p.m.
leondem.etUron .1:Bruce Div.
o South, ar. 8.23 - dp. 8.23 a.m.
ing North, depart • 6.60 pen,
' • •" 11.05 11.13 eorn:
. ,
-The.. MCKilloo.,11ntnall
Head office, Seitforth,. Ont.
President, 'Tames Con-eolly, Getter -lett;
James Devaus, .13eeclawood; See.-
Treaserer, Thos. II.Hays, Seaforth.
•"Directors' George MCCarthey; Sea,
forth; D. F. MeGregereSeaforth; J,
GrieVe,' Walton; Wm. Ring, Seafeete;
541 MeEwerie Clintenr Robert ,Ferries;
Ilerlock; - John -Beianeweir, Brodhagen;
Sas, Cpunolly, 'Goderich.
,Agehts: Alex'. Leitch, Clinton; X. W.
Teo, Goderlch; Ilol. Heichray, •Sea;
forth; W. ChesneY, Egmond-ville;
G. Jarrauth, Brodhagen. -
. Any rponee 'to be phld in .may be
paki to Moorish Clothing Co.; Clintere
'001,at Catt's Grocery, Goderich. •'
Parties desiring to affect Insurance
or:- transact other busiaes3. WIU be
premptly attended to on, application tee
arty ,of the above officers addressed' to
,their respective po'tt Mlle,. Loesea
inspected , by the Director who lives
merest the scerie.
Terms 'of Sabseriptlen--62,00 per year,
M. advance, to .Canatilan addreseee.;
e2,50 to the 'ThS. or other: foreign
countries. , No Paper discontinued
until all 'arrears are paid unless at
the option of the eublister. .
date to which every subscrletion le
paid Is denoted on the label, '
Advertising Rates---Tranelent adver,
,titementa, 10 cents Pot' am:Waren
line .tor Sleet ineertion end 5 metes
oper4line , for each -subsequent" tnser.
tion:, Small advatisemente not :to
,exceed ono eueb as
"Streyed," or "Stolen," 'std., inserted
. once for 35 totite, and each subse•
ifineet Ilasertlen 10 Cents.
• Coinmunicatthns Intended. for. puble,
cation must, a8. a guarantee of. geed
tedtb, be accompanied by the name et
13 15. HALL,
1oprito, Idditat
Lice on Cattle.'
ivory satisfactory treatment 'for
Vile infested -With lice and other
" is an application of
011.Q quart of the of11 euffi-
ent for eight cr cows, Apply
oil with bimsh or rag. FSpecial
100 sleeted be IdIken to make the am-
icatior, thorough the upper pa.ris
ill the seek and along the back from
Vie poll te the baSe of the tail. At-
tention sheik:id also bo given to the
tiaiotilder flops, the folds of the udder
ted the esetuteheeu, BO ,SUre tO Use
t*tta. tetilleet.d.net':ilsotiqd jfasood
itteent, two weik, about
lice it month et,
.6to West, Toronto.
veight or number. If , yoe
tve, o make a claim gantho
44reSS company or you letve
1,ute with Your eel-elide:den ateM the
number ,and weight are very essential
to a sittisfactorY settlerPfentcln eitn,c1r,
. .
S'hip aulyin the week. •
kets'in the big cl.ties
'erb Ihursday rioon'd nags
eere is e sheet euPPlee Fr4y is b
gain hunter's day. ,
;S1iuiiug is p hig.factor in' ship-
iss shu4 be taken lute cs1
big market, The average On'inhag'e
on Chicketh is from livepi* centon
aged; stock up to ten 'per cent._ 011
young chickens„ If you feed heavily
beere shilpping, the shrinicafge wiU
'only be that „ninob heaY101, .
.shrink from ten to fifteen
percent. andchicks shrhalc
The shrinkage on these seldom runs
less than fifteen per 'sent. The most
popular breeds ,,of chickens. are Ply-
nio.utli arid Barred Rocks and Rhode
Islarid Reds.' 'Phe.se, if in good. Con-
'alvtio,ys command. the best
prices.' Leo -horns Black 'IiIinorcas,
Anconasand other undertsi?iod
breecir are not wanted except at a
merkezi,redu.ction in:.prices, generally
two to five cents per pouncl under the
first mentioned breeds. .
,If they c.an be obtained, one -trip
coops are the most desirable to ship
in: They weigh about twelve pounds.
•Slat cofops weigh thirty:ftiVe to forty
pounds. At the present express rates,
it costs twentY-five to thirty cents
mere to ship a gab coop than a light
one and you then have to. pay twenty
centsfor the return and youdo not
telways get it returned,
In shipping' for any holiday market,
ship early. Prices are more likely to
be lower the on before, a holiday as
'every ona is filled up by that time,
inancing the Canadian Farmer
titer' 'e 'g
titiklettepeSe. A„eUte,
p2 for the pee0
t1000, 1h purc1l0ert,11,e.f
folio Int he eniot:'In,
25 per cent; if the.0
meat of,36. f. he final PP:fr.,
chased, aua. ebreplete ..'reneYmentsi
PitrehaSo. of,.
In the development in Canada' of desired, the joint purchase ef a pure -
npo of io TJo4 caffet
o 100, fIreat Plains Wfda.'eflei,e to $200, -
per vent., weee, 009i000,-' 'In /91% 0'7.0'4 109700000
MiJ,100.1, :off, wood were hurned on Aol-
er firrinS so sell off; the fa-0,AS to
tOWil and ..OitY fdaVelle'r.S. •Throfughent
1 tt.., d2 liereeeete.etg',the pule. Eastern Canada 1;11,6 value of foi'est
ntained in lhoney s etiCeeste,er 0911 pt.0,11.1(,t9 ,I)1,4 os tle avoidge Jho3o 21
k- totw(11114.ry, sa.giv,, 'a .06111- prolsetly 'greater than in the United
rest of it, is dextrose anv eiatee, , • ,
er .irivert segees Pradacett,Ini 'Illr,cept, in. the mere thickly settled
PS:t stage of digestieri of sdc,.rUse ' Sections off. tlie country iddratiye
„invert stigars are Preseriii.in playMenki,a4found. forefteen labor and
..Iii3Olal putmertioue, bet Illet7 VaTr 10.041i$V4tf-te,;bil'e 'INOtqr 'znOptAys cut-
0yoq 144139 I30 : eg,„ , e., pulpwood,
Oe fled authorizing, the governTrke4t - elleY..' ,, .1.1))1,1-it,theueltti.tdi:eelitew°t ef5eutreere1''Ititill'r'cillymbep7'On..11111%°drp°O°3.11tioritsv Ilf.Of 413 .ttl.Te1
et-', Three lee,intireolel4teens-',,e'' ba, ve ,linclireitl 000114. X00130 Illoeint;vel"leli().i'e% .?i!riemda'611no'''' ,,,F1v1:11 f°(,:,:ner '(")1.7e.h.b,ex'in.dau;"leu,,,",a,t,0111,!q1;
OIOSe breeding , stood) .and. 1.43011 -grearoliattail in 'the bottom .(f f tee cOn-jr,aSteYr1 Townships Of . Quebec where
, .
beer, made :for fins: P.u.rOgft, ,, .444,11,F,:- from the different sources; thus wo ',quite coirimen for faralel,S ti.) hanae
$21000, iind in the tintrotip,..f,,p_ ti_es, reeee,,,, weiere,hite 'honey fronl tlute dram 100 to 200 eorde of firOWOod ir
transpired since thle Ril:iin741::49f th.t. c1vers oriel, ,fireweel, anther honey i a„ season. 'Phis 'Year' etove and f urne ce
, . ..
Act the number:elf ...elieee, Pe InT° from dendielion end, fruit bloom; wild?' weed ,is selling foi; frOni §I.0 tO 814,50
vino.° ha's ,ilicrerised, III", 200.43,0,:i'Cent4., from buckwheat- it is ,ver' dark. a1.. per cord; , This will glyc an idea (,)
. -ibe Peovenee et N'eva .kitttla. gicet bla k.
Wiligtaccordiril ' ' • f tie e° •
. .e saarce G. thig' and, :betti
'm to the farmors of theeproviree , the. e. eel •
• '
The 'A
at Of; for ite Encouragement:of„: Honey- is .0e0a1131' ,reaketed in two
Settlers ,dri Farm rands passed fOrniS cemlo: lioneY , and extra0ecl
1912- pratikle.s that the .settler 'Who honey.Comb "honey ie fenev Uro-
Wathes ta borrow nnist hate cash 'deict eriti appeals to Many cons'umers
capitair, „eqUal to go Per cent. of the 'because of its naturall appearance.
appraised Or PIITChpee Vallte Of the, Sections 'filled With the white honeys
lane, besides what he would require; are most desired.. Extracted honey ts
for house ferniehleg;S, stock, etc. Thelepreduced mare ecorio'nrically, as the
loan may amount' to ,e0 .per cent of, honey te eenroVed front the combo by
the ealue oe the property andtrin ap .1 ceetrifugal force 'and ihe &nibs ',rye
proved cases to, 80 per cent., and the- .egain ased. Extrectee honey is usu-
leen may be for as long as :thirty ,a114 ,Mit up 'in half-paund arid one enough home grown timber to supply
years. The rate 'Of 'interest varies pound ,bottlee or ewe and one-half, fuel; fence. Posts and lurnher for re -
from 6 to. 7 per <tent': ,and the mort- fiyd, ten, thirty and sixty pound tins: pairs to farm buildings.
gegor may pay off Ins indebtedness at Practically -all honey produced in A little core given each year to fire
Catiatea granulates soon' after extract-, proteetion, proper thinning and
ing lent this does not affect its quality izieg of the timber 'would nearly
in theleast but makes it easier; to double the yield frorn the average
t %,"
tho important part the farm W0011 Id,
plays in helping farmers through
periods of depression or financial dif-
1111 meny sections considerable rev-
enue is derived from. the sale of maple
sugar pro tide, ,• ,
Feeest areal; C011ST,r),0 moisture for
springs and wells, act as winclimeaks,
realce the landscape more ateritetive
and utilize land mint for -cultivation.
Every 'farm slimed have at' least
any ,time within the'period ` •
handle. The idea thet granulated weediet. Instead of elashing1311011
honey' is aaultevated is- erroneous, groWn trees of the useful marketable
Granulated honey' can be brought back varieties for honie requirements jf
The matter of inineral elements in to its liquid state he' ,genbly heating' the lese valuable Varieties, windfalls,
the bee'e ration- is important, especie to 155 deg. It., a higher tenmerature and trees showing signs Of insect,
ally in,our north country Where, for thtin this is likely to darken the damage 41714 rot were used, the 'rel.
months at a time Lhe ground is frozen honey and affect its flavor. • maining trees world make more rapid
so that hogs cannot root in it. Honey sheuld .be stored 1.71 a dry growth.
The:exaet proportMn of the ingree Place, as it readily absoehs eneietnre ' Open epaces ehould be avoided as
clients used to make up a mineral which in turn will cauee fermentation. inuch as poisibledieemese once a grass
mixture, however, is, net so important. lIoney is a food which, PrOd.11,Ce3 50c1 is formed the growth of tthe trees
The -object should be to see that min- heat rind energy. It is in concentrat- is checked. Taps should he qoPped
eral elernents such as ,the hog'S ed eorm erre ready far use itt alrtimes. to ensure, more 'rapid decay and 'to
tem denvali,d, for pmper,d,,voormient, There 1.S no waste, as well ripened lessen the' dangee from tire, The main
and such as are not provided In the heneY will, keep in goad condition for idea is to .keep blanket, of leaVes
feed in sufficient quantities, Sheald ft‘rel,s.Hertable •length of time ,provided and wood on the- fOreSt floo'r to hold
be . . ,
aeeeseee. in some other form, it Is stored in'a suitable place. Honey moistureand eneourage the growth of
In ashes salt- lime ard ,sulphur will is an excellent food for children and tho young trees.'
be found most everything that is adults and shauld' find a place in. the It is bad practice to' alio* sheep
needed. Some bone meal, or ground daily menu; it readily takes the place Or &tile to pasture in the woodlot,
agriculture, which is the fit,St and 'hredbull,Whieh 11111gt 11,0t '0083 more rock phosphate, will help and should
most important industry of the coun- than 10 per cent, of the, loan, "Each 26 added, 111 it is a'Aullsbie. Chare°81
try, the Pursuit has rapidey Manifest- member may borrow up to $500; the good,s6 iS ,ioft coal, but .Chare°a1
ed -itself, as a business involving the money being bortroWed on the joint annPir an aid 483eisti°1' and soft
aPPlieatieed of business practices, and and "several notes of the members 'c'ead,to v21Oa1>lemainly for the *n1"
it 'brae ,been found necessary to pro- guaranteed by the governmont Sh t Pit hur contains. The four ingrecil-
vide for those ,engaged in FE 261 term credit is provided lby the Co- °Tits first named, along with chaecoel,-
facilities for borrowing as will enable operative Credit Act, wbioh can be sectired anywhere and cheaply,.
thern to have their credit require- similar to the Mimi Credits Act of and we will, do Well to supidy them,
rnents satisfied according to their Manitoba, the chief difference being 'A'so grul" to falcrw OLe f°11°wing
needs. Admirable as is the Canadiah that the rate of interest to be paid
banking system conceded to he, farm- by the hoerowers is not a fixed rebe
ers complained that it was not framed but isdecided by agreement ,between
to meet their special eind peculiar the society and Alm hank as lender,
needs, and to meet these nearly all the In 1917 the .Alberta Parra Loan ,Act
provincial goyermnents have devised fir long-term credits, was 'missed, but
systems and put into operation instil- has not been put into operation.l
tutiens far meeting 'requirements for The Province of British Cole b'
..fl .......0413, credits. If We are to judg-e by
the mariner these:, various systenas 'A Lited Settlement Bearcl.lias been
have heel). talcen advanttige of mid the censibitufted under -the Act of 1917
promotion they have -effected an Do-
minion agriculture, Rural Credits
systems 83 Ca:hada have been a sue -
The following briefly describe the
various systems, with the amount of
money 'mince theough them, and with
some variations they will be found
basically the same.
'The Province of Manitoba.
The, Rural Credits Act of 1917
makes provision for the orgsmization
by farmers of rural, credit societies
through which they.may obtain short-
term, leans lor Productiee perposee:
Before commencing business the se° lees than' 3 and not more than 10
ciety muat receive subscriptions to its yeaVS. A short-term loans must not
capital stock ,fmom ott leaet thirty-five exceed $5,000 except in special caseo.
persons actually engaged in farming'. Abeut 350 loans COI' an aggregate of
Any member desiring a loan makes ee00,000 have been Made in this pre-
appliceetion to the secretary, stating vinee,
winch receives advances, from the
Provincial Treasurer and grants loans
on the security ef first mortgages for
any purpose which wild maintain or
increase agricuillame or pastoral -pro-
duetion. The minim= loan is $250
and the maximum $10,000, and mist
not Elm for more than 60 per eent of
the value of the property mortgaged.
,The rate of interest on loans is ar-
ranged _as nearly as possitge by add-
hig not over' per cent. to the rate
paid by the government. "fwo kinds
of loans are -made under this 'Act:
long-dated loans for 15, 20, or 25
yeaes and short-term 'loans for not
the purpole of the loan and submit-
ting a statement 'of his assets and
liabilities. If f his application is ap-
proved, he le granted a line of credit
for a year, and an the personal pro-
perty 11,3 acquires throng -11 the 'pro-
ceeds of the loan is subject to a hen operative IVIarketeng Loan Act, passed
The Proviece of Ontario.
In 1916 an Act was passed author-
izing leans to settlers in the newer
parbs 'the prevince, the maximum
leap. being for $500 and the rate oe
interest, being 6 per cent The Go-
in favor of the society. The rate of egee, authorizes loans- te eoeoper_
interest p133 '01315 1>11 the boFroWer MUStiative aSet'ociatione- engaged in clean -
'not exceed' 7 per cent.. per runmindeng, sieeerig atd maeirebk.,,g seed and,
Until1.M•arch;.1920, the banks .furnish- potatoes. The loom must eet ,exceed
ea the deans at six,per, cent., but -when $3,000 to be .fr,, o int„..,„sit .1,,,A.,,,,,,,
. ,
they decided ,Iso raiee the. intereet ee,„.„ eft • „„Lieh 6 . 0 ,,,
legislation . was passed establishing .1.,',,, ni',„ , e." - 1 Il.,1 ftenf . 1.111.11S6
the provincial Savings Bank, which '''' P ''''' ., .
ill Arlyril,, L921, tee Aglecultueal De -
accepts deposits from all sources and '
,,', ' ,,,,,,,,, perr,cent. int,crest. , velopment Act and the Farm Loans
P. ' Act wore pasocd providing tor the
Long-term or inortgage credlt 1
granting' of long-term and short-term
Provided in Manitoba. ehrough -an Act
loam, The syStem fee granting
poesed in the -same year, which creat-
ed the Farm LORSIS .Assoaiation, eo
net 'as a loaning agent between the
government and, the farmers, The as-
sociation -is managed by, a board of,
five members': The capital stock le.
$1,000,006 'divided into $5 shares,.
Every borrower' must subscribe and
pesr cash for sliaros to the e-xtent et _ ''''''''''o; 001 since the •spring of this
6 poi cent. 'of the amountn of his loa
year, approximately , 580,000 haS 'been
'and leans .aee eceured by a first mort-
gage. Leant mist not be for more flouted ,,in s%5,1,113s-terrn end 5760,000 -in
4000 ti the 1 oAtencIlly
t alarm,
shortetterm loens practioally 0110
eame as' Wet of ,1VIanitellea, the enain
inis.hed;, harcoal, one bushel; reek
oi13rinuioo is lgiGe°h(11'1*shW-dioiosdhaltu,gereies,ipec°: mfruitads. An exeelleht vinegar can be
e from honey and it is alto ono .of
c .
lime, one peck, and .sulphur, one peck.
of jams or preserves nr as an ordinary
sfpreaci upon bread,. •
In cooking, honey can be used in -
*Stead of sugiar end has the advaneage
of keeping cakes, bread or biscuits
fresh and moist for a longer ,time.
Honey also gives satis.faebery results
when used in makieg cookies candies,
me cream, etc., and f sweetening
fruit drinks such as lemenade; it can
also lie used for preeeeving certain
• .10 -
, ..„
Here is my method o
ea.plYteitts'rholnhilt'fer in gtanchions wiaii.„ given to the actual feeding contents
her left side ntheb tO a partition. Put oe.the hag that heldi'the, contents.
on haltee 'with long tie-raPe, bring Top_ ott,en the main eonsideroation is
head -to riglay as far as passible, put: the Trice per ton. Buyers. need to lceep
the rope around right hind leg ,frem' dinigneMsillti,1 tthaenkfaeget9, tohicia t cawichee,ricotithteoynsheneyd
thre rear and' let, it come out ender'
'meal, etc., they buy protein that will
rope aeounci leg. Put leg in sight po-'
sition to Milk, draw rope tight and I), al'atnhc°o-lhIP,onlpee-giest.owhno-hpYdoilt:taioteils couirribehde
Ole -securely to something behind 'eY
ahi,eiiffeeer• calSiiton.ltrnnioveanhderniltigIlk.o9 Tanhed; Fi71.0051
'itly:feetdhe'aIns, iiRiewP,7thaYversuelenc10'ree
dowe. "Usually in from 0/18 Week to
ten daysethe heifer stands like an old fortY ,per cent'. protein tankage be -
cow. I have seemrnen lick a heifer in ctafftu
..se PthheeYtclo,,:aliabli, gisettthlaiet fournileee.ses'fliorieya
breaking them in: Always try kmini,r1s...: fge:tv i'ctleflloaretewd:_etehii/lia: toe ,ifilian the bit -
nese first. It is 'not neceseary to
(or sees) of what
use a heifee if lor_,o.lbe in:this 7.7, . Per ,
Hold -Ons ' were fooling themselves. The "cost
lags ap reight. War3 ill,St
1. Held an to your hand when you the ,same as for the better geode, and
are about to de an unkind act. it Ava0 5U,r8t ae much labor to handle
2.,Hoad on to your tong,ve when' a b.ag of Pe forty Per cent. Its feed -
you aee just ready to speak rashly. illk vitime, so far as protein wes con_
3. Hold on to yoer heart,,wheir evil eerned, was only two-thirds of the
P ells °n's invita Ydti tY(:)"i'°'inv‘iltilitueler-7it'llkiss. 11:111t,L'eora!s'ale'af'aY-tas:lepa'pantycilistiliicgotil,11:fila:gitPunra'ietceetrjhia3gl°'t(ilas'stt:
aubno4d; epitalclaiel sp0eniC:et. °to you in all times ?jiserseegeit In feeds,/ leo not consider
.. 5, Hold on to your foot when you it on the basiS- of -price per ton. ' Al-
ma on thePoint of forsaking the path -11:0a:1103:111sicl'07:010-1,c'unao'yilaeeelaipt.atolibiltlijoteloi, jaarltlebeesteh'ecdeoisnrtagtipoilellirt
of right. .
6, Hold on to the truth, for it will
serve you weld, and do yGn goad bTohuagtivi,„_0_•NaVahteta 0 e 101111aliltSy,, toan11,3s4 01WLIEI:d at
7. liold on to your temper when
throughout eternity. •
so loony dollars a ton.
. ,
you /lee excited, or angry, as abhors _ . , * u uman ya-
are angry with you. One swallow devours about 5,000
cee be realized, •' Limo which givee new life....____:..........Hte
8. Ilold .on. to yeur Ideals, for they , a daY•
I e IL is ena ever will be your boot time It builds bone. Sour land crepe
9, TIold an to youe -good character, equally necessaey-' in the h
are deficient in it. •
land is
the chaef constituents of cough .rnedi-
eines and other reinedies.
The "Cheap Feed" is Often
'Expensive :.
,,. ., .. • , , ,
. . , ... .
breaking. In buying -feeds, as ne buying fer-
iilizois, - too 'little' consideration is
difference being that in ceder fto se- — '-
ellre 1.1.1110S the- P.1:0Vill,Cigl Ti ea serer
13 exuthoeized to open offices in the
provinces -to receive deposits and pay
interest not .exceedinge 4 per cont.
Theugh these Acts 111101, been in op -
than $10 000 must not exceed, 50 leng-tnrin 1:0 '
, , , per
cent, of the value of the property . The Province etf Quebec.
tnortgaged, and muse bc used solely Assistance is provided to Quebec
for' agriculturel clevelomeent. ISince fanners both by ehorteterm mei long -
1917 mere- thee 57000,000 ao,,, in this term loans, BenIcs ere meat -dished
wise ham loaned to Muilitobe farmers.
The 1'r -evince of Saelceteltewma.
1.1115 province has no legislation for
stherleterm execilte, but amo Aet in 1917
provided TOT long-term ere:lite, which
le practically the eante Lao, the Mani-
tobR Aet. The chief: differences ard:
(1) No rime/mum is titated ifer any
iedividtel lean. (2) All the money
Pon 'bhp, beard's pureotseS ie provided
by the Provinelel Treaeurer, (13) Firet
mertgatme eeeeived by the boa13%1 etre
letneed over to the Provimial 'frame
mem eeeurity for the lotei. Up to
0 fteeent, elete LIM Saskatchewan hoard
whielt collet:Auto sepal -Me entities mei
o.pereto ioo estricteel leoalittee. The
loanable leirde of a hank aro elate laud
by receiving the (10.1).03its tho people
in that section end by the sale of its
shares,. The value, 611 each shere 14
usually $6 and is p0031101000 1,o .seault in.,
staleneets of a treee omits eatch, '1'11e
eociel importance dr. the ,systeim tespe-'
cially in encouraging Oloeift, is mate
00 paeemotnat feature though the 420-
130011 is 'voluntary orel membere may
withdraw theie holdings at tiny thno,
koens, if or seeill o,ln000iotO3, 11;re inade
oh the ecteueity of eromisseey
stilt ell oiler loatis e bated oil first
nrtie'agce, llarg,f2eff,r. preLy2if,.tiom,soofs
pho if,toyilio Aiberia. ,
Ole etios ele et, ,r400
1/nder lIse tiVetAotic Ilm-ou'eag"'" 14,oltrive,n60°,101.1.aldbeIso lnceulntelell:.\1'''nitdRcyt 11,..lit)290re, 91150'2'111'11:1,f
ineet, A-ct oi• talent reenters moy 44!gzio$34,
' 2113131"
fcf.,0131 0,315ear,,aselit,k1,1011 1110
in.°1,17r,1631119'1:111111111'i ote 1, if 'the Art t,4 010th So ttl -
becauee - they destroy the young -
growth which elmuld come on as soon
as the heavier, timber is removed,
f0f•the hard -Woad trees the hard'ori
.sugar 144 the Most valualare.1
Besides supplying sap for sugar '
making, the wood is valuable for fuel,
the manufacture of agricultural im-
plements, furniture, harewooci floor-
Parents as
The Educative Valu
Every ,ehild should have ceess
a well illustrated copy o Mothee
Goose, not only becanie these -little
jingle‘ represent the heart beats of
the race thutebeeause they have withiu
them great educative value. The tiny
babe is lulled by their rhythm; to
which all the. primitive ,in him re-
spotels and his eye is eaug-ht by 'the,
Picetires long before he 10 able to;
interpret them. Grown-ups never I
ontlivet thene • Poor indeed is the
child who is denied this foundation of
'Ole claseics,
Mother Goose represents the first
aittG,Tril3t 00 Uhe lace bo eve 1.00 a liter-
ature. Away .back in the beginning
of tiree,dOng beeore the days of hooks,
theee verses developed. The race reo
doubt wes 101 that rhythmic stage
'where people le-ved to swing and
sway , their bodies to music; queer
music it was, too, for we hear that
10 vvas often Made by beating stones
or etielos together, but always the
rhythm was the appealing thing. $9,
too, the somds of rhyming words
-tackled their ears and ,wthen they were.
,so Pleased with. -them that they, re-
peated them over ana over, lauding
thorn down from generation tO gen-
eetition, each ,gene;mtion refining; yet
leaving, -the- plot unchanged. '
These -rhymes while but a sentence
or two in length ace well -Teo -1a perfect
in constettetion. They will paee any
test to whieh we submit adult litera-
tuee. Piero is a plot, introduction,
elemaxo and conclusion, The ,ehatae-
Many women IA
never Benito think th
inside as well as, out,
.bething.shows well,
wallas m.dreadfulhea
tlie liver becomes slug
which Nature cannot
remedy is Chamberlairee Stomach,
stimulate the liver to healthy ectiyi
gently cleanse the stomach and b
digestive Systeme Sure, -safe an
night and you feel bright and sun
Chamberlain's today—druggists 2
1 -Success
What th,
Rejtil T1,oc Aufiatzino At how. yet
Doe of, Sucota Stat Sultnalo
510 mer he d
11')▪ ' hist sumer t
yew?, Thh
success in 3
.tl:l o1.1
, ee R tivii L',F1 4110 le I rA K
19 meet be"ti.ehe td etart lite pee,"
11, talie Yoe): 'e•oat o'ff 'rttlitine 40
4300100111, ot)$tso.,;,,,,,
it help 1I t
1 k
1,*tontre 5 il
............i.,W.,• -......../
710 Reatt
tIlAtard 0,0011
4131 9sll. 0,03