HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-1-4, Page 8NO JEWEL WE. for ' 1923 bort distances the Glahses n furnish the right ones xt of the whole matter is the 'best of e)exyfilliof;'icr xoods.' Dor;GoOds that's;Ar at 'jou want JO NSON Next Hovey's Prug Stora For . Your Goodwill The greatest asset iu any business, we desire to express our sincere thanks and appre- dation, !elves full of good warm seasonable still young,„��t...hese goods 9:.r be• need- We need the room, and want to turn cent during January and you can save Dods during the next few weeks. in Slippiers. ts at 98c. tains in all Departments., ,I ave Money. ONE MORE BUSINESS 1 &_ Shipley 1923 pies of last year will, Ae applied Ticient service, prompt delivery - and and courtesy to all. beers, ' Phone 125 For Your Happiness and sticeess during.' the coming year we extend good wishes. TJe '. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest-=Alwaye, the Beet f:E SPECIALIST A. L. Cole, Eye' Sight, Specialist, an Honour Graduate of the' Canad- ian Ophthalmic College .of Toronto. Goderich, Ont. •.Office hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Practice limited to the eye., ��I A IIIWpussunuaa Ops, Miss Ruby Irwin is in Tonto this Mr. Willis Cooper returns to Toren to today. Miss; Bessie Trwin of ,Montrealpent the holiday period at her home In town. 1VIr. J. C. Wallis left last week oma business. trip to the Eastern Pro - Mr. and Mrs. Wr J. Nediger spent New Year's with relatives in Owen Sound. Miss Mary Chidley left Tuesday ,for., 'Toronto to resume her, teaching dutres.'. Mrs. Livermore,:Sr. left yesterday to epend the, winter with:her' son in Toronto'. Mr. Wm:`' Watts of Galt spent ' the week -end and holiday with Mr: and Mrs.' R. Walton of town. Mr: and Mrs: A. McPherson of Guel- ph spentuthe holiday period with Mr. and, Mrs; Russel McCaig. Mrs. Herriott of St.Marys has been spending the Holiday period as the (guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Wise - Mfr. Fred ise-Mf ..Fred Thompson of the Western University has been spending the vacation period at his 'home ,in town, Mrs, Bean left: on Monday for "Port .; Hope,, where she will. spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. (Meadows• . " Miss Cleta Ford returned to St.- Thomas t:Thomas on Tuesday after spending - the midwinter vacation at her home 'akin taking we are offering f Ranges, Quebec bake sec Heaters at cost. Do irtunity if y ou are think- :ove. never be cheaper. Perdue ,LECTRICAL', PLVMBING 1 kttdlltiou ! our customers for the patronage and .solicit a continuencd of it r, We endeavor togive all our. ion and 'respscttuty ash ;those ring to give us a call. Misses Irene and Olive Brooks of Mitchell spent the week -end with their grandparents, Mr. and • Mrs. Wm, .Cantelon. '- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Treleaven 'and Miss Norrna':spent New .Year's' as the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Kay of Lapeer, Mich. Mrs. Fairbrother "and - Mrs.. W. C. Mead of Kitchener were the guests over`. the . New Year's holiday of Mr: and Mrs: R. B. Carter. Dr;, and Mrs. Kay of Lapeer, Mich,, visited at the lady's home, that, of Mr. and IVirs. John Gibbings, for a few days during the holiday sea: Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Gillies and:: Mise iMarion of Kitchener have been via_ iting during , the holiday season 'with the lady's parents, Magistrate and Mrs, Andrews, Rev. R. J. and Mrs, Irwin of Toronto returned. home' Friday after spend- ing the vacation period as guests of the former's parents; Mr. and 1''Irs. A. J. Irwin.' Mss Ethyle Wasman of Comber and !Miss Ella 'Madams of •Walkerville visited during the vacation period at the home .of the former's par- ents:.Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Wasman. Mr. J. H. Wylie who has been stay- ing with his daughter, Mrs. J, B. Hogg for some time, , has gone to Toronto, to spend a few_ inon- ths with other members, of his family, Mr, and Mao. E. Dean W. Courtieo Land -Baby Betty have rgtnrned Ito their home in Hamiltons after - having spent' the holiday season at the home of the former, that bf Mr. and Mrs, E. G. Courtice. list „Daisy Copp returned to Toron- to 'Tuesday aft,:noon a' rr !mold- ing the vacation at her home here. She was accompanied by her lit- tle .niece, Miss Margaret . Greig, who had been spending the past few months` with her grandparents Mr, and Mrs. T, A. Greig. Clerk H. W. Erwin of Bayfield was do town on Friday on•his way for a little holiday visit at Kitchener. The fact that there was no eke, tion in ]Layfield en Monday made this possible' for ,him but he wilt have to be, hone in time for the second nomination on the 15th. Miss Harriet Cantelon and her little' niece, Miss Isabel ,Cantelon, vis- ited the former's brother, J, 13 tCantelon of Lucknow, hist week, Miss'CanteliSs ;returned to Toronto or. Monday after having spent the vacation period here ,and in Luck - now, Mr. and, Mrs, Harry Rutledge of New Lisiseard are snonding a 'few weeps ,. with relatives and :friends in Mown: 'Mr. Rutledge says' the folk up north aro, speedily getting int 'things back to as :nearly as, possible What; they were beeme the b e1 (ire, 'rho ashes were hardly cold until a sst,rr. ;ware matte to r;obuild some of, the t s[,iildins-o C'VY'd�l Macaroni, loose, Alphabet, 2 pounds 6 66 66 Shell 2 Ready cut .2, Long - 2 25c 25c 25c 25c Extra special black tea per lb 49c Fresh . Halibut per ib 6` ;13. C. Salmon ` a Filletts Finnan Haddie 30c. 30c, 20c 20c' Codfish Acadia per brick 25c Salmon Snacks to 30c Oysters Selects per pint 50c 'Lard 3' lb Pails Shortening " 2 albs' Dates 2.66 Figs 5Sc 50c 25c., 20c Rolled oats 6 lbs for Cream of Wheat per lb 'Corn meal per lb. 25c Sc 5c uccessful coitestants'fora dishes, lst Mrs. H. Gould 2nd Mrs: W Farghuar Cash & Carrs 2. Delliveries odywomm•imtlimokvAtsiwitativiirmom Varna • Goderich Township Diamond 'R. B. ,P. No: 1025, 'car—The ` Unity Club will meet at the na, at their last regular 'meeting e- home of Mrs. Len Weir on Tuesday leeted the following officers for ,1923: afternoon next,, when all members are W, P. Robt. D. P.: Ben Rothwell. , ,Ch plain: Geo. Beatty. Registrar: D. C. Galbraith. Treasurer: J. W. Reid. lst Lecturer: Geo. Castle, 2nd. Lecturer:. J.: -M. McLeod. 4st,Censpr: J• W. 'Johnston, 2nd Censor: -4. Robertson. 1st S. Bearer: Lloyd Keys. 2nd S Bearer: R3bt,, Elliottt. 1st..Pursuivant; T• $:`Stinson. 2nd Pursuivant: Harold Stinson. Dopa Registrar: Roy ICeys. Committee: F. Weeks, W. J. Elliott,. Geo,. Clark, J. Rathwell, J,, H. Hayter and Wmn, McDool. Auburn Mrs. Strauser 'and family of „Se - bringville are visiting her sister, .Mrs„ R. D. Munroe. Miss Lottie; Jackson the very ef- ficient "clerk at W T.:Riddere store, has 7been laid' up with the grippe. ' Rev. P. and. Mrs. Baines spent!',New Year's with Mrs. Baines' sister, ,Dr. Bagshaw at :Hamilton. M'Fs. (Rev.) Alp is spending a cou- ple bf weeks .with her parents at Cdbourg., ;Mr, and Mrs. G. Baxter of God- erich, spent the week -end here. Mr. Gordon Taylor • has returned to�his position n Detroit after spend- ing the holidays with his parents, ' ra_ Brucefleld' - regtiested to be present. 3,1r. and Mrs. Cecil W. Rowden and babe returned to their home in Carnpbellville on Tuesday, after spending 'Christmas *and - the New Year at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wan. J. Rowden, Miss ISusanna Ludlow of Stratford Normal was the guest of •lien uncle and aunt, Mr. R. and Miss lit Rich- ardson, for • Christuras arld " New Year's. She returned to her studies on Tuesday. _ iMr. and Mrs. R. Y. Cox spent the Christmastide With friends at Oland eboye and their son, Mr. Hiram Cox of Toronto, spent the New Year with them at the homestead. Mr. Fred Leib, one, of Goderich township's enterprising young stock_ men, recently sold ".at' number,•o£ young Holsteins. Mr. W. Doherty of Clinton. Mr. W. .Lobh of this -township and Mr. J. McManus, near Goderich being the purchasers. Good prices were obtained in each `cos. The election on Monday was keenly, though amicably flight Due and as -a result Mr. D. At liindsar, is reeve and 'the council is composed of H. C. Cox, Henry Corey, Oliver Jervis and John . Soweziby, all new men with 'the exception ' of 'Mr: Cox. i,:, The following table shows 'w each man stood at the conclus- ion of the poll: i FOR REEVE . 1 „The amany friends of Mr:-.`%Villiani Berry Will. be pleased to hear he 1s improving. Miss Mabe, Ross of' I ondon ; spent Christmas ather home here. IMr. Chas. Hamm of • Hamilton spent the.evee13-end here. Mr. M. Driver went to his home in Kirkton for New Year's. Mas, Smith d3- Exeter spent t New Year's with her sister, Mrs, T1ohner. Dr. Hugh Ross o3 Clifford spent the week -end - here as the guest of Mrs Alex, Ross. Miss Mary Whitman of Belgrave is the guest of Miss -Margaret Ross. Dr. Will Swan - of Burlington was up holiday i for the p ezbd. Miss Margaret Ross of Winghani Is visiting her mother, Mrs. W,i111e Ross. No.S Mr, John Swan spent the week-, N6,6 end in London. Mr, R, Bonthron of lIensall was visiting Isis daughter, Mrs. Cecil,, Simpson for a few days. Poll No. 1 l Poll '1 o, 'L . Poll No. 3' Poll No. 4 Poll No. 5 . Poll No. 6 30•a 37 +57 (i5 8 ,11 - 27 • 52`" 25, 6 51 8 SO 42 16 day ,,at the home of the former's par_ 15 37 g., ent's Mr, and Mrs. George Farquhar. hone 43:.- s;,� I923 Resolutions Resolved, That we- will endeavor to excel in everything pertaining 'toour line of business, which will .mean as much to our, patrons in 1923 as in the past; Low prices, quality, service, and courtesy is the motto of the CLINTON, Hardware &. Furniture C THE STORE WITH A STOCK Furniture Phone 104 Hardware 195 been teaching at. Peterboro, spent the holiday season at her home in this township. Mr. James VanEgmond _made a business trip to Mitchell this week. Mrs. Gordon Curls returned to Forest this week after spending the past two weeks with her parents Mr. and Mr. E. Brown of Clinton and 'relatives and friends around Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Farquhar of Saskatoon, Saslk. are spending a boll - '1.78 227' 120. FOR COUNCILLORS TOWNSHIP MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS .a . . FOR REEVE4 P. A m `v - 0 5 U u y r2 y No.1 49 45 - 03 44 08 46 No.2 3 1 '38 44 38 68 81 , No.3 49 43 ;, 78 , 39 51 45 No.4 15 48 30 38 17 26 34 35 50 78 27 415 26 80' 29 38 36 24 : 204 289.294 275 277 219 ' Mr. Will McIntosh' is home from Toronto. xlro • eld time donee in Walker's hall on Wednesday night was largely at- tended. , .Mr, and Mrs, Hugh, McDougall of Tiverton spent New Ycar'S with Mrs. McDongall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Walker,. Miss Reah Roriatt-of London wat borne for the holidays. Mrs, C. Ilam of llamilton, who Has been the guest of her lather, 31:'. James Swan, went to Fergus for the New Year; Her sister Mies Mamie. accompanied her. :Miss :Alice Ratterrbnry has i etw r1- eel l.oree from a month's visit with H nrilton and Burlington friends, Miss Jessie ' Censsn 11, who has boon visititw friends at'tlaniiltun and laris, has returned refurned home, L" Mullett Township Mr; Percy and Miss l! lossio Gib bings have been spending the holiday season with ,friends at Rochester, N. The election on Monday caused a certain amount of exciteniest Peeve Armstrong was rtreiectecl•, his major- ity rrjor-ity over Mr—Howson being twenty, eight. File voting resulted as fol- lows: Arnrst •ong '296; Rowson 268; Adams 816; "Clarke 310; ,Leiper 401 17cEwing 275; Sloan 286. Howsssn and Mc:Ewing were the defeated ran- didutes. Both have had ci'perienieci and both aro good men but some had to be left behind 'and both pol- led a substantial vote. Reeve Aral, strong's ,name is being mentioned for the warclenship. Mi 6 Aires IleynoldJ, who has Poll No. 1 Poll No. 2 Poll No. 3 Poll No: 4 Poll No. 8 Po1I No. 6 Poll No. 7 P411 No. 8 Poll No. 9 FOR Poll No, 1 Poll No. 2 Poll No. 3 Poll No. 4 Poll No. a Poll No, 6 Poll- No. 7 Poll No, 8 1 oli X e. 1) 32 43 38 33 43 39' 68 40. 62 . 14 1.13 48 IIDIIDAY SPEGI.. M1fr. Patterkrisp Fresh and Crisps A delicious winter candy Special 39c per ib E. 'Wendorf Confectionary & :'Restaurant We Aim to Please."''--. �a�ffield Miss L. Reid of Toronto has` been visiting her sister, Mrss, E. F. Mei". nor, during thepast week. ,Mr. Johns, manager of the Sterlin Blink, spent New Year's at his hoin 37 Mrs. George King left Menday-t 29 42 ,, visit her daug!hljeri !Mrs,. Hart 24 ; 04 Toronto, Mi: and Mrs, H. W. Erwin art visiting tl cit'„daughter, Mrs Sande of Kitchener. ,Mr. Baxter spent, rho hristinas tido with his people) at Th sville, u 2122, Aldsworth of Exeter is Yi,sitinl ' hit sister, Mrs. Hinde• 448 356 couNpiur,oR5 p ,v ,19` 17, 64 41 :P3' 60 57 "50 52 :14 55 52 55 '146 19 73 46 25 61 91 66 07 39 37 66 40 3;r 51 69 56 47 77 45 25 42 20 300 454 462 A union watchnight servihe wa held in St. Andrew's churchbn Sura day evening, the Rev.: A. Macfarlane Rev. Mr. Colclough and Mr( Mixte talking part In the service, Messrs Harold ICirg. of S aunts an T. and F. Fowlie of 3orr6nto welt among the New Year viiit,ers in ti village. ' II: I3 l",lllott is nraycir of V+oi::glrir fort oto i,lr.ird lent!. being elected , b algc ' . tie