HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-1-4, Page 5Successor's to , T. Cori special Liiie iloators at For coal or w .,rhe con IA Newa-lien rd link 7+ e I'H°ockei *Or IIEId Inforelation about the National a` "ltiYery day and m every way" the 'hew. Year is b;ettfng :olderand qld- .. Well, belle, folicl here we aro, well along into 1923. Not going to he a bad little old year, either, eh, what? Sundays rain surely filled up 'bite, ,crocks and swamis. We cannot 'settle down comfortably to enjoy Winter' in Ontario, until the sBrldaes and cedars are up to their ankle:;, ,preferably to Bien donees in water, which < aceounts for the , ansottled ;.state of the weather so tat'. ANNUAL MEETING ONTARIO • AGRICULTURAL AND. EXPERIMENTAL UNIOTM 1'he- forty-fourth annual meeting, .of the Ontario Agricultural and Ex- verilnontal Union will he hetet at the -Agricultural College, Guelph; Ontar- io. on the 9th and 10th'o2 January, 1928 A cordial invitation is extend. .ed to everyone interested inagricul- ture. There' are nine committees on Co- operative Experiments and of thle num'ber'. six will report the results .of their'exieriments at the Union :Meeting'. Co-operative"' Marketing,' Transportation as a Market Factor; Market Jor Canadiam hairy, Products .and Rural Credits will be featured ab -the Uni nn Meeting this.. year. Lee- -tures on Co-operativerMarketing and :Market :Problems will be given by Dr. J. A. Ruddick, of Ottawa; Pro- fessor C. R. Fey, of Toronto Unversi- ^ity, Professor W. T. Jaekman.of Tor-. onto University, and Dr.' Theodore -Macklin- of Wisconsin, and,.others. W..1 -Squirrel, Assistant Secretary. Agricultural•tCollege, .Guelph Ontar 'io,'will'be pleased to supply programs :and 'pertieulars to anyone interested. • f RESULTS OF MONDAY'S VOTING IN SEVERAL 1LUNICIPALITIES IN HURON COUNTY ,e GODERICH ' TOWNSHIP- -- sovo, ert Lindsay, by 44.majority; Coun- il, Herbert Cox, John Sowerby, 011- er Jervis, Geo, Vanderburg. HEN'SALL 1Reeve, ' O.- - Geiger, ouncil, R. Higgins, H. McDonald, '. McArthur, W E. Pfaff. COLBORNIE TOWNSHIP -Reeve, A. Robertson; Council,,John Grah- ne II. Hill, J. Feagan, A. Fisher. USBORNE TOWiNSHIP-Reeye, m. Voates; Council, J. Steward, W. lfinner, J. Hannah, 'James Ballan- yne:' - 3T,EPHEN TOWNSHIP - Reeve, lex. Neeb; deputy, John Hayes, ouncil, Wm. ,,'Sa eitzer, V. Snell, G.- enhale. , tome ,of interest to Fnns- Ceorctary,.:'k3''. A, Hewitt. of the O A his issuetl'his' enamel .instruc- tions to referees, Every hockey ',layer, oliiaial end fan ,should 'read these ihst.uctlons carefully tinct ao understand how tho game should be, played. Penalty Box , Rules The referee is to see that the pen- alty - hox is reserved absolutely for the use of the players, tin'tei+s and managers and coaches, and that the visiting team has half the accom- modation provided pyre essional eq.t hes and -.trainee:, are not admitted to sit in or near the players' bench or penalty box, or to ducat or, interfere with the play• or players in any planner diming a: match. -,Report any infraction of Oki rule..to, the A,` II. A. exeeutiva. The home team shall provide an Officer "to enable the referee ,to en- forco the rule. "Breese a ,player is'injured he is to pe assisted olf'the ice by a.trainer or other person designatebefotehand. by, the clubs competing and under, no circumstances' shall ,any other: team followers be allowed on the' ice dun.' ing the match. The Goaler's, Territory i Referees are to see that the gear •gots." are properly fixed in the -ice and 'that a` dark 'distinguishing line' is :'drawn ow the'. ice between tare ,,entre of each goal post extending' a foot, on each side. From the middle point„ of this line and fronting the goal; a half -circle shall be' drawn In the, ice with a radius: of four fees, This semi -circle is the goaltender's territory, andin it he may stop the; puck in any position or ,manrier,tre wishes but -shall not throw or. hold it, and no other player•of thedefend,: ing side, other than the,goal=keeper; shall during the play, lie sit,:' kneel .or slide along the. ice in, the goal= tender's territory. Penalty ,one• man, tite,for a -0oal-keeper who, infringes this - rule, and two minutes for any other player on his side who offends. Change in Goal -Keepers ' KGoal-Keepers may 'be changed any time -in case' of injury, hut only at the end of periods when sa'bsituting. .Referees will permit the re-entry of the' injured goal -keeper when' ;he Is: capable of retur'sing to the game., Ma stn't Charge GoaleKe.eper. Referees shall .penalize allplayers charging a goal -keeper, whether' ac. cidental or otherwise., ' Penalty o4 three minutes or more.,Goal-keepers who trip or slash opponents are to be ruled off for at least' one -minute. •No Off -Side Defense Area • Another dark 'distinguishing line 20 feet out frgm the goal 'is to be drawn across the rink. Within this territory there can be no offside for the defending team, but the attack- ing team must keep on -side. Penalize OffsSide •Interferences Referees should penalize any off- side interference ;by stopping' Phe play. Particular" attention is called tb the babit»"sonte "players- have of obstructing • opponents ' who are „not. playing not - playing the puck. ' .This ,offense is particularly noticeable around the nets. If -any player ,persists in off 'side work after being warned, he is to be ruled off, the , penalty at the discretion of the referee. Players must be• warned to keep their', sticks low at all times. ' Keep Up WiththePlay Coal Umpires should have hand- kerchiefs or small white flags to be. raised when 'the puck° goes into the net from 'in front. The referee's decision is "'final as `to whether or not a goal has been scored. Referees' shall at all times keep up with the play, so ars to be hi a position to determine whether the ,nicks bas scored or not and to viify the report of the goal umpire, Over -time Games . No match is to continue for more than 30 minutes "over -time; in per- iods of ten, minutes (five 'minutes each way without intei•missioli,) and with a five minute rest between per- iods., •, he over -time shall start of ter a ten minute rest, ' , Should' Other ,team ;decline to,play in -any ` of the .necessary extra 'per sods it shall' be declared a,loss for 'that teanm:- Facing Off the Puck / In facing off the left -nand side of '•the players who face the puck shall be towards the opponents goal' and they rust, keep the blades "c1.1 their 'sticks' on the ice until the rep eree drops the snick. iVVhen the puck'leaves the ice at the end .of the rink the referee is to face it off '3 feet in :front,of the goal line to one side of the nets. When 'the prick goes off the ice at the side it is to be faced 5 feet from the boards. • • Face Ofd .on20 foot Line an. oft -side is cc uanit(-ed'by -the defendilg side trona a play with - inn the 20 -foot limit at the end of the rink, the peak is to be taken back to the 20 -foot line ani to one. side s1111 t (1.0 faced of. • Must Return Promptly to odic Ice . IY TSSUE OF BIRD I10'(JSr PAMPHLET A neiv edition' of the pamphlet,; "Bird Houses and Their Occupants," bas been issued by the .Canadian National ;Parks Branch of the De- partmeet, of the Interior, The' book- let contains directions and working designs for the building of bird houses, by .children. The first edi- tion proved so popular that its. 89,000 copies were exhausted in less than a year andthe continued de- mand has resulted in a second and more artistic edition. STANLEY TOWNSHIP GIRL: PASSES ON Miss Florence' A, Clark ' passed away .en, Sunclay, December 24th,- at the home of her :sister, Mrs. Evans, Seaforth. Miss Clark shad been in ill health for some years and had recently -undergone an operation in the 'hospitals ' She made 'a -bravo fight for, life and only surrendered when no further resistence was pos- sible, • A daughter of the late Mr, Wm. Clark and Mrs. Clark, she was /born in Stanley township -twenty -wipe . years .ago andhadspent praeticalfy-' all, her life in Varna, where she was -well thought• of and will 'be sadly missed in; the community.. She was. very -found of music and gave herself' and t others no little pleasure frena. her accomplishments in this: line. Be- sides her mother,';she isa survived by one brother, Mr.,George ,Claris of Varna, And, five siters, Mrs. Evans, Seaforth; Mrs. (Rev.). R. A. Miller, of Cottam. Ont.; Mrs. W. S. Bate, Toronto; . Mrs. ' T. Batten, Toronto:: Mrs. J. W, Johnston, Varna, all of whom were present for the funeral. One :sister. Mrs, C. H., Reid, died eight years ago. ;The'funeral was, held on Tuesday afternoon' to Hay- field `cemetery, . the ser'vicee being conducted,, by Rev.,: Mr: McFarlane, of Hayfield. The pallbearers were four. cousine and two .nep-hews, Messrs.: Will Claris; Roy Lamont, Robert Reid Joseph J; Richardson, Melvin` Clark and Percy Johnston. Much sympa- thy is 'extended to tile relatives in their la e(• al0RRIS TOWNSHIP -Reeve, J. fear; Council, W. Yueill,:R. Shor- eed, W. Henderson E. Cardiff,. 'IIULLETT T0W,NSHIP- 1 'Reeve, - atthew Armstrong; ,Council, Robt. lark, Ernest Adams, Thomas Sloan, amee Leiper. : t' AST WAWANOSII-Reeve, Robt ihanan; Council, R. D. Stalker, N. W. Scott,' John Gillespie, T.,• ' ,GODHRICII-Mayor, De. W. F. allow (acclamation); IReeve, Dr. Fr a,'Clarlc; 'Deputy Reeve, B. ' 0. limnnines; Council E. II hill, R. Cutt, = H. J. Macl swan, D. L. 3olines, C. W. "Worrell, S. 1-I. Hum- ,er. . by-law fixing the assess- iiint of the Proposed new million- viehel grain elevator of the Goder- ch Grain Eliea or and Transit Co:, ens carried cv' barge majority. WINGIIAM-Mater, II, B. Elliott ,acclamation); .Re ve,-A Tinting (ac- laination); Coen ii, A, G. Sariith, W. Willis E.•J, 11 c ell; VJ,'J. Greer Ilanley, and'1.l,Fotlaec gill; lTii1- ick ConiniissioY c i, 1 ..W 11., Gurney: 'ew School Trustees, P J. Hill, A Vaike, Ds: Fox. ` The plebiscite 4 goading the gropese/l war inelsnor- al resulted iln ii largo maioeity,ite fa - or, of erecting the monument. ,BLYTII-Reevc, J. •11, Taman, ouncil, C. Fin land, .James Smith, [Ioward Brunsdon and G. M. Cham- .ees; Trustees, D: Crittenden, E. Bendel and.Janres Sims. . • BRUSSELS -Reeve, Alfred Back- e .(ecelarnatien; ack-e-(acclamation; Council, G. IZ. Wet - lax, Walter Ross,, Wesley Armstrong, John Iiewitt; ;School Board,- M. Black D. Cross, la Downing', I. Ctuitaing- Ilann, A. L. Macdonald, James <Fox, (acclamation). McKillop Tee nshih (Received too late for last week) Miss Lizzie McGowan of. Toronto s spent Christmas at her Boma in llolc- oi•o. ,Mrs, Geo. Hart hes beenii the 0 ;ick list the ,past week or two anid is now improving, • Mr. Fletcher 'Townsend ,of' Toren- to spent, f l a:dines With his sister, Mrs. F (a-olenian ' The Ci ristnias tree at the Roxboro school was a grand, success. There was a ;delightful program and the salsool 'teas iall:od, some taking -iucgs n stan;4ing. There were thirty-six lnmberp on the program and €t few ncores The tnroeoods amounted Among" one of the feet is Mrs- T. G. Hays o,( Seaforth, Who passed his Iglnty-fora th mile stofia last week lsid is still '• looking• alter he, 200 -acre in in 1' '(x tuts-tov,'nshipr IIo drives oh nrtdt`of:""fin every day or avert' ecoid dey and is still as active as acne at tow:ty-rout', Referees are to see that;-tho-gams starts on time ansa that the teams return promptly to the ice; at the intermissions, , The intermission do 10 minutes only, -and the teams not obeying promptly the referee's sig dal to return to; .thc ice shall be. Penalized . by the loss of one player's services on tine ice for every minute's dewy. Referee will give a 'prelim- Mel's* signal to the teams three nn;n-' utes before the rest paired "expires, Pelttilizo All Rough. flay • Referees are to penalize. players' . who throw s t, w o tl t,ow „,sols along the ice, or throw the puck after catehin[, it or picking; it up. Penalty, two mist. tte% for :the dust- offense, ales l'ct,r Daley of Seaforth 'riots S0,17011 first live second aid theco n e s0eeial nrizes and: a medal, at the Welkertotl poultry ifoi fmodntly :Cor his silverrtllc[tiX WPlxts., Ma• rriages ZINN--I OLLAND-At' Exeter,' -on Jan. 1st, 1923, by the Rev. J.;Kestle uncle: of the : bride, Emmeline, daughter of , Me. and Mrs. George kiolland of Clinton: • to Ervin > 1;: Zinn' of Hanover, son of Mr. and Mts. S. Zinn of Mildmay. ` MITCHELL--SHANiKS At Wind- sor, on: Dec: 20th, by the Rev. II. +M '• Paulin, Jean, Shanks of , Toron- to, to Emerson Mitchell, son of Mrs. J. Mitchell of Clinton. ELL'IOTT-GARRETT- In Clinton, ^,on Jan. 3rd, by the Rev. Dr. Medd. of ,Ridgetown, Florence M Garrett, niece; of Mr, and Mrs.. J. G. Medd, to .Edward R. Elliott of Bishop, • ICal, Births GREIG-Inn Victoria- Hospital, Lon- don, on Dec. 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Laurie E. Greig a son, -George Ed- gar Thomas. , Death's MCBRIENc-In Zlullett, on Jan. 1st, Henry McBrien, aged 59 eyars. BALL, -Inti St: Michael's hospital, Toronto; on Dec. 31'st, Mary Easily McBrien„ wife of Mr. Ephraim. 13ai1. of Toronto, formerly pf , Clinton. WALKER -At Port Arthus•, on Dec. 30th, James S. Walker,:fonmer:y of. Clinton, aged 80 years. CARD OF THANES I wish to extend. my -thanks to the. electors of Goderich township for the support given ane at the polls on Monday. : During .my term of office as reeve I shall endeavor to do any best to ' serve'th'e' interests of a1ie; whole•' township=.BERT 'LIN'DSAY. CARD OF TIIAN•I15. ' I wish to express my appreciation of the 'support given nine at the polls on Monday, and I shall endeavour clueing' 1928, as in the past to serve the interests of the town'to, the best of my ability, Wishing all the cit- izens ea Clinton a happy and pros parous year. -R. J, MILLER, CARD OF THANIIKS I wish to thank the citizens of Clinton for the support given me -at the polls: on Monday, Had I been elected reeve 1 would have, given the best of my ability to the service o1 the town abut em' willing to: abide by tho 'decision of the electors. I' ap. preciate the .generous support ac- corded. inc.-BERT LANGFORD. CAPD OF THANKS I lwish to express my appreciation of the generous support accorded sir on Monday, resulting in giving me a place on the Public Utilities Conn- iinisson, I shall do my best to justify the ,confidence thus placed in nue.-- T. -W W. HAWIUNS, January Specials TOILET SOAP SPECIAL 3 Cakes of Toilet Seen , 10 Bars: of Laundry Sonja' , 3 packages of 'Ammonia 3 packages of Pearling , , 1 Extra Quality Brooms 1 1b -til! Ginger Snaps • SEE OUR PROFIT SHARING PLAN ,:'FOR 152, Get the Habit''of Dealing at JOtiNSC its ,& C'O's GROCERY , Phone ttt ' THE STORE FOR °EVERYBOP3Y SEE O1II( WINDOW FOR 25c. 3 111 1r'ali of Lard: t 2c, fwd, 12 It„, of'Macaroni , , , 25'e. 25e. a fee::ages of"Maearoni . .... ate.. 25e, 3 p>ictc t ;es of ,Jelly P00 dear 25e,, 69c. 1 lb: of Oweial lilacir Tea , , 52c. lfea o1' Azonea Tea - ., Gide, 1 firWed.111iig Cade` Are' responsible for many weddings in and near Clinton Personal and Phone orders promptly heeded, Fresh Ogsters=-ae,al-Shipt aponstantly on hand A full line confectionary at'your command each day. Neilson's and Robertsons' Chocolates Neilson's Ice Cream N ROW � C Telephone No. t . Public Dance A public' dance will he held in the ` COMMUNITY HALL , - LONDESBORO WEDNESDAY, 'JANUARY 10th Lunch at 1 o'clock Danc 'ing from 8 pan. until 1 a in. Gen- tlemen $1.00 Ladies Fr'ee., LONDESBBORO YOUNG PEOPLE, For Sale 10iie , young'eau, to 'freshen about the middle of February, also a eute. ting box, range size ,for cutting ktiy band, -Chas. Baker. • 82 -ti. Ilorticttltitral Society 'I'he,annual meetin • of the Clflttoni liorticttlturel: Society willbe held in the ,Council Chamber oe Friday. January' 12t11 tit 8 p, in, II, It. Sharp, Sec.-Treasttrer, 83-2. For Sale A cutter in good condition, nearly new. -Mrs. T. J, Watt, Rattenbury street West. 82.2. Annual Meeting The Hayfield Agricultural Asso- ciation will hold its annual meeting, in the town hall on, Wednesday, Jan. 17th, :at one o'clock in the afternoon, All members are urged to attend as business of importance -twill be trans- acted. 83-2. House For Sale 2 -story brick house on North street, in good repair, :all conveniences, acre of land, fruit trees, etc.- Good stable could 'be used for different purposes. Also a 2 -acre lot near railway track. C. J; Wallis; Clinton 81-tf. Auction Sale of Faris and Stock.. The undersigned has ,received ' in-. 'structions to sell by public auction at Lot. 11, Con. 6, Stanley ,township, on Tuesday, January 16th, 1923, the following: Horses =- Agricultural mare 8 year's. old; Agricultural inane 12 years olcl; driving mare 12 years supposed to be in foal, to Widower Peter; Cattle -5 heifers rising 3; 11 steers rising:' 3; heifer rising, 3 clue in April; cow 5 years due in April; 2 cows 4 years due in March. Im= plenimnts-Set brass -mounted Ibreech- ing °harness, 'nearly news set single harness, rawhide lines, nearly new; set nickle harness; Tudhope-Ander- son; wagon, 'nearly new; rubber tired buggy, nearly new; 112 yd, gravel bo'.¢, :nearly new; ' Chatham fanning mill new . setc3-section diamond Isar - rows, nearly new; Mann cultivator with narrow and wide teeth; 11 -hoe Noxon drill; 15-£t. hay rack; Deer= ing mower, nearly new; 6 -ft. M. -H. binder; Portland 'cutter; Uxbridge ,organ; Raymond sewing machine good as new; cook stove; wood heater; forks chains and dome cedar posts; a quantity. of :hay and, straw; 150 bushels of good oats; 100 bushels oP oats and' barley and 'other articles too numerous to mention. Also, at same_ time Anti place will be sold the 50 -acre Larul, good clay; loam, north half of lot 11, not a foot of waste land on farm, well, fenced. • Good barn, 40x60, good. 8 -roomed frame Irouse. Two never -tailing wells. Ono, anile` from school;+ two miles south of Varna. Terms: 10 per' cent of purchase nsaeney on day' tin sale, balance' in 30 days. On chat- tels: Ala sums of .$10 anal' under, caslh oti: over that amount nine months"aro- dit will be giilen on :furnishing ap- proved jointe notes or a discount of 5 per cent straight for cash on,• credit amounts, Thomas Wiley, proprietor, G. II. Elliott, auctioneer. Wanted : Comfortable 'houseI oe smite of• rooms suitable for hes0elceeping. In- quire at News -Record. " 80-0. Cows For Sale Fresh Milk cows for sale -Apply to S. R, McMath, R. R, No. 2, Clin- ton. Phone 34 on 601, Clinton cen- tral. ' ' 79-tf. Farris Fee Sale Let '26 concession 8^1ITullett,'.Grape) Road,' 11/2 miles south o1 I,ondesboro, This Tarn, cointalins 00 acres, more or loss, drained and in first class con- ditnon=.with • G, .acres of ,bush, cvitli a ,spring creels running .through; about 90 acres of good workable land. There aro' 11 acres of, fall ;,teat and 'fall' plowing all dotic, On ilio premises aro a geed barn 50x00 ft With stone stabling, a hog pen, a :dried shod, a gaol :freme'hause and a never :failing well and. as young araliatd. No. 5 school hotaea is situated oe olio (*hr. nee of the •farm. For feather pee,- tichnars apply to ---Jas, W. McCool, Londosborn, Ontario, 1.B. It. 110. 1. 131-4, NEW. . Butoier Shop in. the' Normandie Block Meat delivered to all parts of the town We solicit a share of the pat- ronage of the'citizene of Clin- ton and vicinity. Sea our goods and get :.ac- quainted with our prices._ CONNELL & TYN'DALL Phone 162 The{ BVI -II'' Sewing Machine. Special line of Electric' machines. E. L. .MITTELL9 Agent Store vacated by`3... Johnson Heater For Sale A good coal heater, only used a couple of >winters. G. E. Hall, Rattenbury street, or The News -Re- cord. Raw Furs Wanted Highest market price paid. Do not sell your furs until you get my prices; which are often 5 per cent. •to 25 per cent, higher than prices paid by other dealers. Phone or. write H. A. Hovey. Phone 89, Clinton. 76-tf: Farm For Sale Lot 10, concession 1, Hullett, sit- uated on provincial highway 31 miles from Clinton, and 5 miles from Seaforth. Contains 100 acres, well drained and' fenced, in high state of cultivationo- three acres hardwood busty two nares good orchard arid20 acres fall ploughed. On place is good pine barn, 60550, stone founda- tion, , stable all cemented, in first class condition; driving shed 50x20, ten -roomed brick grouse withgood cellar. For further particulars ap- ply to Mrs, J. D, McDermid, Clinton Ont„ or C. McGregor, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth; Ontario. 78-tf. Farm for Sale or Rent Lots 57 and 58, Maitland conces- sion Goderich township, containing 1647/ neves, more or less. : Bank barn, 50 feet square, stabling under neath, driving shed, hsecl, 30x56; hen house, largo frame house. Pos- session -given at once. Andrew Shepherd, Londosboro, Ontario,- 76-1,8 Tarte For Sale:. Lot 16 pt.. 17 concession 1 Hullett, Huron road t/a miles east of Clin' ton. This laves contains 127 acres 100 acres drained and in first class' condition, the , balance is ' pasture land and bush. On the premises is a good barn 40x74 with stone Stabl- ing and content floors, also hen house pigpen and; drive shed 011 cement foundation. ' There is a two story brick house with moderns convenien- ces. Farm is Well Watered with first class springs; and also spring creels runsninng across ono corner. Varna is well adapted for mused fane:Mg, For terms and conditions 'make app pl,ictition on the pron)fsea of Clinton, R. R. No. 4. John Noble 50-11 1iotsso For Side Frame cotta >t 'e with two lots on , litsron street. barn on premises, garden with small fruit. Fox' further particulars apply to Miss l;, Cimt'elon, dIt pretnises., 61-tr" IMlle aim IlmlimfllzlllllmmIVll@IDmVUIQIU➢UIN Jig: elilald.itse el;IiLaall+.,.i{siattllIfitlIslimilltlist Re Milk ,.Delivery - xt is our intention' to follow our plan of last winter and discontinua, the delivery of milk' on Sunday'for the months of January, February and 'March and we respectfully ask our patrons to co-operate with us. ' Luke Lawson Ernest Jackson South®End Grocery Having bought the grocery business lately managed by Mrs. 141. J. Brown and also managed' by ourselves two years ago we take this opportunity of again thanking our old customers and friends for their patronage they favored us with at/that time and ree- peotfully solicit a share of your trade again, "Good Service and Just Treat- ment" being our motto. Beet, wish- - es for a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all. PEARL REID 83-2. NOTICE Buyer of all kinds of furs and hides. If you have any, kindly let, me ]mow, by phone, and I will call for them: Highest prices for Duck and Goose feathers. oo• M. Ratnras Phone 137, --- Clinton. 1Ncn's Work Boots Less than Cost Fridayand Saturday .J. We have several pairs of men's solid leather work boots which must be -cleared regardless of cost. Reg., $7.50 to $8.00 going at $5.95 Reg. 36.00 to $7.00'agoing at $4.95 Reg, $5.00 to $6,,00 going at $3.,95 11'x. '' - arra Opposite the Postoffice. Clinton- eed :Car of No. '2 Yellow, Kiln dried I corn has just arrived, Bran and Shorts_ ,Good quality Anand and shorts all -A, ways in stock. Highest . Prices Paid for Gveinn, Otte insual brands, Purity, - Five Rages, JeWcl, luxeter and • Pastrya d_m.. W. Jenkins `i Ft,OiII# ,(lfii.11 $, IiS7Sl"1 'ktones: R evator 1$9� Iletsidle12G4 141,