HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-1-4, Page 1¥NTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. JANUARY Y 411, X92
Wheat, t:1,10,
Buckwheat, Tae,
Barley, -55e.
Rats, 40e.
Buttei,'32e. to 33e,
Eggs 48c.
Live (logs, $10.25.
The Girls' Auxiliary is arranging
for a concert in aid of the Junior
hockey team, for "Jan, 19th; in the
program of' which IVIes. Lela, B, Ho-
over Ward and Mrs. Eileen Hoover
Iveson and others will take part.
Pull arrangements have not yet been
r,Phe marriage took place et Wind-
sor of Det, 20th of Mr. Emerson;
~Mitchell, son of Mrs.`Jemima Mitch-
ell of Clinton, and Miss Jean Shanks,
of <Toronto.
Phe ceremony was performed by.
the Rev. H. M. Paulin, Mr.. Horace
Neal was hest man and- MissBessie
Griffiths eves bridesmaid.
The' groom is "a member of the
Windsor police force and, according
to reports from that city, is extreme_
ly''.popular with his brotlaer officers.
'This is not surprising of "course, its
Ile was also `very popular in Clinton
and anis old friends here waft,' good
wishes for :a happy future for .him
and his bride. •
The home' of Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
1V(edd was the scene of a happy event
yesterday when, at hall past twelve,
their niece, Miss 'Florence M. Gar-
rett, was united in marriage with
Mr. Edward R. Elliott of Bishop,
iThe `couple were unattended and
the ceremony was performed by the
Rev. Dr.- Medd of Ridgetown.
The bride wore a gown of navy
blue satin handsomely (beaded and
carried. a bouquet of carnations and
ferns, and wore a wreath' of, the'
same In her dark hair.
After the > ceremony the wedding
luncheon was served and later Mr.
an Mrs. Elliott r s drove to Brucefield
to take the train south on a honey-
moon trip. The bride donned a suit
`of brown Venetian Cloth and hat to
match for' travelling.
The bride was the recipient* of
many very handsome gifts.
Mr. aid Mrs. Elliott leave later on
for their home in California, wherie
the groom, has varied interests.
The annual week of prayer will be,
observed in the"Protestant churches
of the town: next week, union meet-
ings being held The Lord's; Pray-
er is the subject of _study and, the
several ministers are . requested to.
take up the first phrase "Our 'Path.'
er, Who Art In Heaven" at the ev-
ening • service in their' own churches
on' Sunday, The ineeting is in On
tarie Street Church on Monday ev-
:ening, the Rev. J. E. Hogg being the
preacher: Tuesday evening it will
be, in St. Paul's church,. the Rev, S.
Anderson to • preach. -Wednesday
evening in Willis. church the Rev. D.
N.'MeCarttus to preach'°and•'on Thurs-
day' evening in 'Wesley ' church, the
Rev.' C. Llewellyn Bilkey to preach.
A collection to defray' expenses will
be taken at the Monday evening'' ser-:
S. Joseph's Church
The Women's League will meet on
Tuesday, Jan, 9th, in the parish hall
at three o'clock for the 'election of
officers. All are requested to at-
Wesley Church
New Year services on Siuiday,
Morning: Reception of members, and
renewal of convenanti Subuject: "A
Perpetual Covenant," Evening "Be
of Good Cheer." If you please God,
God will please wou, To everybody
a welconne' and a happy New Yeas.
Willis Church
The pastor will preach et both
services on. Sunday. In the ;morn-
, ing he will continue the study of
the Epistle of St. John taking for
his 'subject: "Jesus at the Feast.",
Evening subject: ".Our Father Who
Art' in (leaven,"
The annual' meeting of the execu.
tive ;of the W. M S. ,will be held at
the 111.50se on Friday (tomorrow) at
three ,,'clock:
p'he, neiei-aannual meeting of..; the
Huron Presbyterial of:the W. M. S.
will he held in; Willis church on Tues-
day next, January 9th, cominlencing
at eleven o'clock. in the forenoon.
At the annual business meeting et
the W. JI. S., the following officers
were olccted for the ensuing year:
1Ton., President: Miss J. Thompson,
President: Mrs. Hogg.
lst Vice: Mrs, W. T. O'Neil.
.2nd Vice: Mts. Torrance.
8rd Vice: Mrs. Diehl.
;4tii' Vice: Mrs. Wa'llcinsllave.
lith Vice: Mrs Sinclair,
•Secrettlry: Mre. Gunn.
Treasurer: Mrs (Higgins.
1`iVloss." Secretary: Mrs. Chambers
Home -Helpers Sec.:,..Mies. Hunter
rand Mrs, Butciiard,
Strrlilyeis Sec, ,Mrs, Saville.
, S''i my Sec,.; A1s.,. King.
Finance See: Mrs Curtis.
Organist; Mrei. Chowen,
Missfori Bend Prose Mrs. TiofrF:
A il
srytaallt ;.111.•aeS O'Neil, Me
And.,Ii1y111i.. )
CE'�eSYr Se'�'iN t 4rY 'i lYlrs.
The last ia_-' 10' of the old Cour
was held on Tuesday evening, wh
some aeeoints were Passed and,
business of 1922,wound `up.
At the conclusion of the burr
the °retiring mayor, D, 'Cantelola,
wited the m'ember's of the ecom
town official- and etess 5111 Ic i;
corner restaurant; where 11 s'nuptuo
feast Was spread,oysters being the
dish. When all had partaken
of the good things provided speeeher,
were .anade Iby almost ali present;'
matters 'grave and gay dieing die.
cussed, and a pleasant social hour
was spent, Before the eornpaln'
broke 'rip,the Slia.yor was heartily
thanked for his ho.,pitelity.
The Agricultural Short Course fs
again in ,Session after the midwinter
11,1iss (Hopkins who is in charge of
the girls' class, •has returned from
-Lindsay, where she spent : the holi-
day trine,: and 1111+s, Lowe, instruct
ress in home nursing, is giving lec-
tures and demonstrations in that
useful art. A number of new face,
are seen in 1110. class since:' the holi-
days:, Anyone wishing to do so is
welcome to come in for the lectures
on horns nursing any afternoon.
av1r. John Buchanan of :Hamiltoiit
professor of Field Husbandry and
Botany, will be here from the 10th'-
to the 1eth -and' his lectures will be
of especial interest. Anyone wish-
ing to take in even one of these will
be welcomed by those, in charge of+
the class.
s0 'The regular monthly meeting: o
en the Hospital :Board will be held nj
the the Boardroom at the town :hall on
Monday evening' atHeight o'clock,
Mllemarriage took ,place very
quietly at the 'home of the bride's•
uncle, ' Rey. J. Mestle of 'Exeter.. on.
Monday January 1st of; Miss Em;
1neline, Holland, "daughter ,o ';Mr. and;
Mrs. George ;Holland of; Clinton, to
Mr. Ervin G. Zinn` of Hanover, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Soloman Zinn et
The Rev. Mr:'ICestle also officiat-
ed • at the marriage of the bride's
parents, some thirty-six years ago
at this season of the year.
The bride- looked o ed chariiiinU in a
suit ' of navy (blue , tricotine with 'a
henna hat and brown fox :fun and.
-wearing a'corsase bouquet of rosea.
At the conclusion_',; of the ceremony
the • party 'returned' to .Clinton for.
the wedding feast and later took the
train for,, a honeymoon trip.
iMr, and Mrs.'Ziim will reside in
Hanover,_!Ontario, >upon their re
turn from their- honeymoon.
(The b'ride's 'friends extend good
wishes for the future.,
On Thursday, Dec. 28th at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. `William II. Sleigh,
Lynd avenue,- Toronto, .the.'mftrriage
was solemnized of their. :youxiger?
daughter; Florence Louise, to,Jbhn.
Cannan Stothers. M. A., -son of XVir`d.
•Stothers of Luckno e Rev, Dr. Cie T.
Scott ,of Howard' `,Park Methodist'
church officiating. +The'bride escort.
ed• by her ,-father was 'becomingly
gowned in white satin, her bridal -veil`
being held in'lplaee-)by a wreath
orange blossoms' and : shecarried a
shower bouquet of +sweetheart roses:
andlily of the valley. She also wore.
a diamond bar pin, the gift of the
groom. ' Her only attendant was her.
niece, Miss Dorothy Poyter as flower.
girl, carrying a white and'gold baa
feet of white and pink . sweet peas..
Miss Jessie Stothers, sister of 'the
groom, •played the :wedding march,
and during -the' signing of the regle-
ter; Mrs.. Frank S. Porter, sister 01
the bride, sang.
Tho groom is a brother'' of. Mr. S.
B. Stothers of Clinton:. •
The funeral of .the late Percy
Tasker, whose sudden death' on
Thursday , morning last was such a
shock to his own family and to all
our• citizens, took' ;;place from the
home of his ncother. Ontario Street,
on Saturday afternoon. The fury=`
eral was in charger of the Orange
Order, of which the young pian was
a member; and a large number of
members of the Order were -present,
The religious service was conducted
by the Rev. S. Anderson 'and the
pallbearers' were six young fellow
Orangemen; George Evans, 'George
Falconer, 'Norman Tyndall, Arthur
Groves, Harry Apnbler and•Bert Jer-
Vfs.', •
The deceased young man, who was
only a little over nineteen, had not.
been the most robust but 1cehad been
going about his usual work, laeing as_
sistant ie Mr, E.:t1'ei,tlorf,'s restaur-
ant., Wended, left town' on the
early train. on Thursday morning in-
tending to be away` until'a.fter New
Year's, and ho had spoken to young,
Tasker; who ;was staying with hint,
before leaving in the morning and
he seemed to be in ;usual health',, No
ore seemed to have. Seen liitn later
until he came into the postoffice
early in the forenoon, collapses] the.
fore reaching the wicket, was carried
home and relined 'slightly only to
sneeumb a short time afterwards.
Percy was quiet and tobligifil1 in
Itis nlaanner's ansa wa�s� well -lilted by
115 clivai, and 4,11 'FAO bed anything
to .'do with liars His early deaniste
is much regretted and much syopa,
tlay is felt :for his rnotitei•, two mats.
Is W,illiain and Leslie, and Mho"
Ms 5 Tasker and family wish to
extend, their snct"ero 11110.,) for .the
si s lathy drown thein in their mud•
den bet'eavimeatt and dor ,Many( love"
ly flowers emit'
Owing- to the absence, of the treas•
urer bills will 'not be paid until the
middle of the month.
The Clinton Juniors played hockey
19 St. IVIar3"5 yesterday evening, los-
thg, 91 a score Of 2.0, ., For the first
game, against the best team in tl1e'
group, this ;is not `eonsidwed bad at
all. Indeed, those who witnessed it
say our juniors' put hp a good game
and are Le be congratulated on their
Play Goderich plays in Ciint`on,on
ene 16th. •
James S. Walker died at the _home
of his son-in-law, M•n Allan Guer-
ard' of. Port Arthur, on Saturday
last at the age of eighty. year. Mr.
Walker was a. former resident ;resident of
Clinton, where he was horn, "lie
was a brother of the late Robert and
John Walker and of the late M1'.
Shipley. ' IIe has lived in Port 'Ar_
thur for the past .three' years.' His
only son resides in Port Arthur and
he leaves, besides Mrs, Guerard,'an-
other,laughter.•, Mrs. 'R N. Lyons'` of
Wlinnipeg.e , •
At the regular meeting of Murphy
L. 0,'L. 710 on Friday evening, Dec.
29th 1922, the following officers were,
installed' for the 'ensuing year:
!Master ,R. Fisher.
Deputy "G. Cornish.
Chaplain.. P. Liveran'ore.
Stec, -secretary: A. F. Johns.
Fin, -Secretary, Ji W. ;Shobfbrook.
Lecturers. Gr L. Falconer and B.
W. -Fulford,
Conniittee:, R.• McDonald ;and 1,
E. Cook.
The death took place in -St:
Michael's hospital on_Sunday morn-
ing last of Mary Emily McBrien,
wife of Mr. Lphrairn Ball of Toronto
formerly era
o£. "Clinton.,
Th;;.:deceased lady was daughter
of the late Jonathan McBrien of
Hullett, in which totynship she was
born and where she ,,spent several
years of her .life..Alter her marriage
to Mr, Ball they farmed on the 13th
'of , Hullett for several. years, ':then
came into Clinton, where theyresid-
ed six years and:then went to Tor-
onto about eleven years „ago. Mw,.
Ball had been in failing health for
some years' alai her death was not
'Besides her husband -Mrs. Ball Is
survived by'one son and one daugh-
ter.; Dr. Roy (Ball and Mrs. Reid (Dot)
both of Toronto. Three brothers and
four sisters also survive: • William'
.McBrien ,of Beadle, ;Sask., Albert 111e -
Brien of"Essex and Harvey of Olin
.ton, Mrs. • F. and Mrs. :'T.,, Mellveen,
and Miss., Fannie- McBrien of Clin-
-ten and Mrs Loucks of North Batete-
1ord, Sask.
• A service Wad heldat the 'hone of
Mrs. •Ball en'Monday and the' re -
,mains were., lirou.ght. to .Clinton: for
interment, the ,funeral taking' place
from ,the home .'of Mr. ,.II. MoBrien
on ,Tuesday, afternoon, The serrveie
was conducted by the Rev; C. Llotiv.
ellyn Billcey.
IMr, Ball Dr. It. Ball, Mrs, Reid
and Miss Riley accompanied the re-
mains from Toronto,
Although'he'had been ill for seine
weeks and it was known that 110
condition was serious still it was
with a sense of shock that the news
was received on : New Year's Day
that henry McBrien of Hullett had
,answered the last, surnlon5, '..
He was ,in the prime ofvigorous
manhood and had hardly known n
day's illness until quite recently.
Indeed, his condition was not consid-
ered serious until'abont three week
before his' death,,
Mr, McBrien was born on the farm
on which he died, being a son of: the
late William McBrien, and had,
lived all his life in the township. He.
was col sidered.ono of Hullett's most
successful: farmers. He is survivect
by his wife, who was foianerly Miss
Susie M. Farquhar, and one, daughter,
'Mies Etta, A brother,' W. J. Mc-:
Brien also of Hallett, and a sister,
Mrs Harry Ileslop of Detroit, also.
The funeral took place, yesterday'
afternoon, the service at the Boost
and graveside being conducted by
the Rev. C. Llewellyn Bilkey, rector
of St. Paul's church, Clinton, of
which deceased 'vasa 111810037. The:
pallbearers Were' three members tr'
the Chosen Friends; Messrs: W . T.
Miller, D. Cautelon and Guy Ilicks,
an old friend now home 'from the
West, Mr. Noble Lovett, ' and two
neighbors, Messrs. Root. Watkins
and Smiles' Porbe,.
Those' frorn a distance who were
present for the funeral Were: Mrs.
°slop and Mrs. Elizabeth Burris of
Detroit; 1V Ir..ind Mrs. W. J, lliooi',-,
Goderich; . MISS Margaret Voti ag,
Brantford; Mrs, J. 17, Headley, Toi-
onto; and Mr. and MTS, 'W, T. Far.
quher, Ileifsall,
iVlalcy very beautiful floral tril
utes were sent by relatives ,anis
AdatclS, one lovely gxoath being the
ofierm<, o} tho Clinton 1' 0, r
+. Ird1ic11 slrnipatb;l,is welt Set hie wife
and daughter and other 110;inb,.nt, e"
fans ftltti113'.
Mrs Saville entertained on Tue;I-
chit' everting in honour of het sistm:
in-law, Mrs. Mercer of Woodstock,
St. Paul's A. Y. P. A. went 1;o' the
Huron County home on Thursday;
evening last ,and entertained the in-,
hiates to a good program.
The Huron Old Boys' Association',
of Toronto will hold their :annual
meeting in the Y. M. C. A. building',
College Street, on Pridayevening of
this' week, Election ,of off'icers and
other business to be transacted,
People You Know
lir, W'ifburnerd'retiilned• to. Peter-
bore oir; Monday,
Mr,; D, I., 'Prior was with Exeter
;friends' for Now Year's.
Miss Helen, Webb of Goderich'was in
town on New Year's Day.
Mr.' Iiugh• Maguire of Dungannon
spent New Ylear's' Day in town,.
Mr. Lawrence Wheatley of Woodstock
- was here during: the; holiday time,
Miss .Frieda,Rehbuzg of',Stratford
was a holiday visitor at the home
of. Mrs, Rath,
Mr. R. H. Johnston Was with Leam-
ington friends over the week -end
and holiday.'
Rev. G. I. and l,irs. Burns and fani-
;ily left last week' -for their new
home at Salford.
Miss ,Bessie Cole spent, the week -end
and holiday with ;her cousin, Miss
Lulu Currie oi' Goderich,
Mr. Cecil Ashton spent :'the wee! -en9
at Goderich;
�VIiss Cora Jervis returned to, Ban_
croft on Tuesday to resume deer
teaching duties,
Mr, ,Earl Cooper of Goderich•' spent
'',New "Year's. lith hie parents,.0VIr.'
and. Mrs, Geo, Cooper.
Miss Margaret Brown spent the
t15eelc end' Sana holiday with Wing-
hairs friends.
Me and Mrs. W T. O'Neil lefu, for
Florida on Monday arida expect ed to
reach theirdestination, today, •
Miss: Maple Livernt:ore of Toronto
s the New Year's guest nue t of'krer
Sister, Mrs. A McCartney,
Mr, J. B. Lindsay has r'etu'rned citta
. spending the •holiday period.: with'
Toronto and: Minesing friends.
Miss Helen Ross, who, was visiting
Mises Agnes; Walker, 'retu'rnedeto
deer home in. Torocto .on Tuesday,
Miss Belle Paisley of New York Is
visiting at the hone° of her par-
ents, Mr. •aiid, Mrs'. W. J. Pais-
Mrs; R. Hawkins of Hancilton vis-
itecL over theweek-end and holiday
with Mr, and Mrs, T ' W'•. Hawk -
IVir. W. R. Miller and family of Tor-
onto •leave" been visiting at the
home of Mr. and ;Mrs. E, G. Coaa'r-
Miss Jennie M'alleny,has returned to
town alter spending the holiday
period with her parents. at Shallow
Mr ,Nelson,Ilowes .of Harristofi was
the gaest'tef Mr. -:and Mrs,, A.
McCartney over 'the week -end and
.Mr, and nary., S. B. Stothers and lit-
` tae daughter returned on Tuesday
after' a week's visit with' relatives
at Lucknow.
Mr, And Mrs. sF. VV. Johnston- have
returned to town after - spending
„their holidays with Ashfield and
Auburn friends,
Mr. and Mrs, Winer and little daugh-`
ter. Miss . Mildred, of Guelph ;were
holiday visitors with 1VIr•, and Mr8.
Russel McCaig., •.
People You'it now
Mr. Willson -,Rath of Stratford spent
.the holiday •with, his mother In^
town, •
Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Thompson of Lon:.
, don were week -end -'guests • at tate.
hone of theformer, that of Dr,
and Mrs: 'C. W, Thompson.'
Mr. Ezra Washington and Ole.., J.
ISoutheonbe are with their sister,
Miss E. A. Washington and will
probably : remainfor some time.
Mr:' and Mrs, Chas. Watkins and
children -of Toronto visited the
lady's brother, Mr,tGeo. Cooper;
during the vacation season,
Misses Jean: and Ilelen Middleton re-
, turned
e,turned to. Toronto' on Tuesday af-
ter spending the vacation period at
• their home just west of town,
Postmaster and -Mrs, Dunmore of
St. Thomas spent' Now Year's Day
as the guests of the latter's par-
ents, Mr: and Mrs.' W. 1, 'Paisley:;.
Mrs. G. 'Mv Farquhar, accompanied
y her, daughter Miss Jean sne
g nt
New Year's n with 'flier married
daughter,' Mrs. Clegg of near Brus-s
Mr. Eph. Ball and his son , and
(daughter;` Dr, .Roy :and Mrs. Reid,,,
accompanied `the ,remains of the
late Mrs: Ball -from Toronto , on
Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid' Tanner return-
ed to Kingston on Tuesday alter
having spent the '.holiday season.
'with the latter's parents, Mr, and,,
Mrs, Wm, Walker,
Mr. arid Mss. L., 0. Lashbrook and
little daughter, Miss Rata, of Mit-
chell were holiday visitors at the
home of the lady's patents, Mr.
land Mr, s, . E. Pickard.
Rev, Dr. Medd, of Ridgetown was
in town yesterday,;' coming up to,
officiate ,•at the 'Elliott --Garrett'
wedding. He returned to Ridge-
town this morning..,
Misses Mac and Nell 'Rutledge =of
:Toronto spent , tt ;, ,holiday period
at the `home of their parents, Mr.'
and Mrs. Win. Butledgo'and their
sister, Mrs. L, Cantelon.
.Mr, and Mrs. Percy .lichen and Miss
''Betty of, Toronto' sand 1V1r3;3aden
Powell and little Mass 'Helen of
Seaforth visited 'durini'tlhe Bolt -
day `peridd'With 'their parents, Me.'
and Mrs, George Cooper.
Mr. Edgar Franke of Paris was the
guest of Mr, and Mrs. -C. W, Far-
quhar over New Year's,.. Mrs.'
Franks, -who has been spending -the
past ,few weeks with her sieterr,
Mrs, Farquhar, returned with hind'
Clinton Supports Hospital By -Law
On, Monday
The: elections went off very quietly
in Clinton on Monday 'and as a re
sult Ar T. Cooper is Maydr and 11.'.1
Miller, reeve. These two and T'.
Livermore, W. J. Nediger, S, Kemp,
C G. Middleton, W. J. Paisley, and
0. L. Paisley form the. council for
The last two named lire the, new
councillors' for 1923 and ;only one can
be really called new, as W. J. Pais-
ley has sat at the council table" for
years at a stretch, but was out last
Mr. Cooper, :was a hiem1er of last
year's council and was mayor during
1919. ., ,Mr, Johnson, his opponent
this Year, was a member of the coup -
given the Hospital Bedew, which ear•
- tied by a handsome' majority:'' :This
will enable: the board to proceed with.
their work of fitting up the new
hospital and- the mer 1r11crs'appreciate
the loyalty of the citizens to titre,
cause. '
And now it is up to all these new.
ly elected officers 'to,. prove that .the
confidence placed in them by the cite,
zeas ,of Clinton has not been 1091-
Placed. ;Let 1923 be the hest year
this town has seen for setae time.
The lobo' 01ng t<'rhlo shows how the
vote went by wards;
cil•for a couple of years but Was oat St. Andrews Ward 92 38'
last year. Few men 'have a+.better St, James' Ward 1.01 64
St, Johns Ward 83 432
St. George's Ward 03 47•.
gaasp of tn's irs hM't•
Cooper; the Tlie citizeownsaRlauladeta an go'otl.
Mr. Miller wanted the reeeveelnp
one 1nol'e year and the electors de.
cided.to give it to him, electing 'lien.
by a larger majority than last year.
Mr. Langford tried conclusions with
hire but having loot out is not worry.,
jug"- Elo, will come back another
time, no debut.
If our memory serves this was the
first Banc Mi., Andrews heti to Face
a contest for - tuembel Ship on
the Public Utilities Commission, al.
though lie has been o.-rcemvbor for
twelve years, ',Ctrs Seer 199 Hawk -
was elected to Lite aotdmi1sloil,
Mx , Andi ews Made a good eMnnl1s
toner end wary regret his defeat
Mr. Hawkins is onetgetie and will
being lii5 bent to the work, of tit's.
9149' 00159 f'fb d 1101dll'
Y�1rili' 00130O1I0t l; � •,
39 190
Majority 1101
Langford 'Mince
St, Andrews Wed 51 75
St,, Jxon'.''W+`ard 70 82
St. Julies Ward 00 83
St, George's 'Weed G2 50
213 292
0113Jority hy.
Andrav s Ilawku 1
St, An 11 "w r Ward GSI; Of
St, ,fawner' Ward 32' 112
St, Johns 10 s' .i ,
St. ueon...o IA IL 8
ti 'l t• 4
,(1:1. 31