HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-12-28, Page 8?r ?st Fine Cut Tobacco Zoning Your Owren 'er pa of Ido din :4 OGDEN'S LIVERPOOL t +�,����C ��, Crgar�Q//e Papers- MIN apers (t I((( I �iIi �I i url► 44f � wil/r Each pada r . ' MIDDLETON of Health, Ontario wer questions on Public Health mat, dre shim at Spadina House, Spading ,- INESS GIRLS ANNOUNCEMENT WINNERS. The Positive \Versus ' the Negative Man. The negative mind never get, any whlere; it can anly-deet'eyirtoer down.' It is very easy to, develop a nega- tive State of mini, anis, it is teiy fatal. to success. We must get riid,orf it be=i fore we can attract prcnperity or de- velop efiloie•neey. We cemopt act 'negatively 3 ltheput getting negative results. The vacillating man, however strongin, other :respects, 'iso<always plashed aside, is the race of 1tfe by the - ting laundry, ; sewing, etc., done for detemriened, positive, decisive mein who , them and tltusr.tbuying leisure and time knows what he -wants to do, •apd does ; for self -culture and" self expression? iEven brains must give way .•to decision. Even if weometinlen wrong, itis bet - 'This letter started With the assnm ter to- decide poe,.tively and carry out tion that to be-healthy'gnls must riot yc.eni decision with energy than, to..be only know how 'to keep the general forever hanging in. the balance, con - laws of, health and from this went on 4o'soma psyeialogical'oiiits. :'Tho templatinrg, and Procnastineating_ judge's feel strongly that the.Every im pentant, decision involves state- ment that "No girl 'can be mentally lire letting ,go of sontething, and the alert or Nappyif she' is robbing her more •one. tiles to get' away from the employer of the tirhe,'for which; she dlif6;culifY, the more he thinks over, the is paid„ 'i ;abs,oluteby, souned,'arid had l Haire to be ;decided, the snore he en- a.realr bearing: on' health Inerfness,1 tangles;thewhole 'situation., slackness and dawdling ,; inrcrea p th_ c It de not only necessary to keep your dmadgery cif -work lours and- create a niers po.ertilve, but to .be. illumine from mental boredom which' reacts on the body.; Distinctly original -and also practical-isi'the suggestion that past and future,pleasures should be made to .color the present. Winning Pointe in the Third Prize Letter- ` Word, -a minor point in this letter, that referring to 9 hours ,sleep-,'" could vercilly, ailplicable, great iemportan'e ' -sp LEND! � DICI E Winning Points in the Second Prize Letter. not he urged ,by the,judges as unn- all title enemies of prosperity ;and heap- pinasr, it must be vitomousiy positive. It is the positive, vigorous' men- tality that does' things, that amaltes flumes move., This negiatiye cihtaracter is always a. weakling, a nobody, who follows in the, beaten path. --Success. • was felt to, att gh to the necessity of avoiding oncr to of interests and FOR THE C 11 Uft to the concrete, advice to a,Uocia'te y� [� with those ene^aged in different work from cones own. The old world maxim to be "civil ,and strange" with a!14 13aby's Oyvii Tablets Are the best would save much friction and tinasec I nted'ieine a. motller`can give her little eesady mental -stress aired finally the -ones.. They are a mad • laxative -tviicoh quickly regulate the bowes and ,setons=. colt and are guaranteed to be entirely. free from any injurious drugs. Con- cerning them' Mrs. A.D. West Lore - burn, Sask., ` writes: -"Baby's' Own i occasional detachmentfrom worldly, things adveocated doe much''bo main- tain' mental tranquility and -balance. Pamphlet , Emjeidying Most of the Letters to be Published-, The Divisikrt of I's213 etr:al' Hygiene Tablet's :savegiven 1110 more re sat sfac- of the P3ovincial13 eaad ofHealth now tion than enytlsing else 1 have ever has in hand much anterior' on health given 'my children, 'pheey' are easily far lvusiness girls ,contributed by the taken;' always ,}'rork well and t,hongir girls themselves. A pamphlet of this fiI; ;have graven gu:te' a few to my baby r et•lieand advice. will s ueitias. he brought out and .a copy sent to every they :seem _to work: as well now.' as at girl, who contributed,. Thus Lusinesstfirs t, which is srmethng otheer;-laxa-" girls will have themselves written,' three seldeom do," 'Boa Tablets are their'sWn health manual.Jf eold_by medicine dealers or by; mail at [Firs,t Prize Letter will be given next week.] One-third:of;,the boy population of the city-of,:Biantford 'enrolled in ac- tive, oneeinbership'.in ,the Boy Scouts and Wolf 'Cubs. Perhaps no city in Canada the eine of Brantford 'em larger has a r°cord such as, this. The ladles" of the tDuffenin Iirlfies Ohalrter of 'the I. 0.D:`-TI,.lieve'pre tented a very_finesilver cup 'to the, Brant Boy Seoutse Association for an- nual competition in -first aro,' At recent meeting the -2nd Guelph Troop hada practical den onstration of tb,e workings of the; modglu^ telephone 'together with switch -board operation: Also, through the courtesy of the local branch of the Bell Telephone Com- pany they sawa five reehmotion pie - time ,illustrating the development of -communication systems from.. the day Of snuolee-fue.signals to the'nsodern telephone's of to -clay.. -.Senior: Scouts :attending the nubile ssyhocls of Hamilton wiil Probably un- dertake the work of traffic° re'gulahlome in the vicinity of their schools, before long, this work to b•e-carried out under the direction' of the regular -traffic of- ficers of the city police force. Alder- man Bert MacKay has introduced the proposal to the City Coeuneil and pis - Inlet Scout Conimrissdoner TLloyd ., W. Sharpe has liven it his approval The agitation for soiree organized Pian to guide younger school children across busy th'oroueghfares has oonie"at,' the result...of a. couple of s'eripue accidents -one fatal -to school children recent- ly,' ' The 1st Niagara Palls Troop has a champion baseball team. ' In a recent ,series played with other city teams in their class, they won. every; game -they played, The Owen, Sound :troops I do not be-:. Zieve iii mnibernetingel :,N�nt even when the real cold weather conies around.. The .910 Owen Sound (St. Georges) Troop hats built a little :rut' 'in the woods a few mile0 :from the city and olther troops are following suit. These huts 'will be centres of troop. out -or - doors activities all through the winter; m'onihS•, The fund being raised Uy She Scouts of Ontario' for ttea-benefit, of the Scouts, of laileybury, Hanbury'atd. North Co-' halt who hest all their troop property in the big fire is growing steadily. The first-:repeort.:published published a total of upwards, of three .lufiidred.''dollars,� hand. An unexpected contribution of 508.85 came from ,the Scouts, and Cuba o'f Montreal -unexpected because only Ontario; Secant were appealed to for tilts fund. One Suhsoriptlon,a'leo carie from a tOloop 111 Reginal Snikatchewan,, and it is un,d'orsto•od that the Scouts of Winnipeg,'Manitoba are also -raising a iwn'd to aignnsrittthat of the Ontario, Counteeil, tier, is a novel advertisement copied ficin a London (England) paper "Ir • sale, by ,a Boy Scout Troop recently re-equlppecdwith bivouac shelters, four 'Light Worker. Blimp -"What kind of a fellow is. Joneess7" B1an1t "Weil, kle i's'•o 'e cif 'those fel, lows,: who, allwayo grab:'ih,e stool when fnsere's a piano to be- moved." 'Mlnardis Liniment far. Colds, e Size of Antares.-, The "oils ,otter of, the 'giant'Star An- tares Is about 400, 000, 000 miles, 'e ee lnQb'"_ 26.cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ I3rocicville, Ont. A Thousand.Million Fish Eggs Collected. Fish eggs, of different specie's to this number o3 more -than 1,122,000,000 were •coll'.iecte,d by the lratcheni5es hralncli of otic Deportment of MaiIlse and Eislser:ees' during1921; according to a report m'a'de by th,'e•Departiv 4limi , ter of Pisn,areles: In addition to the eggs' collected :by the -department, 600,-' 000 rainbosi trout eggs:, and 980,000 speeckled trout eggs , were pec,claseed from comzn,hircieai flavine, 507,000 radii bole trout eggs, 200,000 nut -throat trout eggs 800,000 .speckled trout,, ge and 88,000- brown trout eggs were re u®t .t real ee'ivo:l front' federal 'anti state deii)as the Unite,d..-Sta,bes ieil ex- t change for Atlantic salmon eggs: s View That on .the Whole•Trade Oen- Under an arrangement betweeen the ear A'qo. Manager,: -Shows Necessityfor,Bring-' Reviews Features of Annual State-. t t ' l L nitecl.' Stalls, Sir''Pzeherick "said° ih" );tins • a "Canada's. eccnoznlc Poetiiozi Is net at15factory, flow could it hs 1atl,1115i Dry, with the whold finanelal ,Oo,ld. out to tit? 4s everyone. 1s awdre, onr. 0111200 have .partly been tlit resel1'00 hid universal contrition; partly the re- ' f`tho ta,ic It is well, hoifever, oban, in mud. mitt Dur problems ole iYgely,01 out own creation. • 1Rea0Jsotznent�will Colne in thno, for ills i:Y a ca11Vary of vh•11fty and an 101d eedPrees yet one. tlYinfr stands out lgniWl0, 111 0)1y 0151110,, namely, that anadh, appal go ahead' agailfl as she 11ou10 , u•liiio ,ttycaticn a,1'4 the 0)106>07` 'NMI; are hinter in thiscountrytli1n he,v are in the United States of tfnertcss, . f3eztndness of -Banking "Canada is one or thc'best countries n the woo if tib live fn, to well 121 t0 clay l4 -'-tin point of etnhIllty, seetrlty •red dotn,fmt 1t Is an eattlzty' paradlse ae `ompiiered with 1tl4lopo---bill Wb mt1't oe 511011d *21111, and 111 grdef to 5ro0r55u- to cost n living and tehta,tlan musk bre hnhil:Yh0ff o,tiherwise, .WO will rail to :or mot 110) t:ratten; and imnptoved"eoiY- ditions.ttro lalopt1ts, d0pcn0ent ulton'tn. c t 5 eta bopulattol til Wave and Moans ih'e ate al, Anna -ie. -01 ivjto groin cty and trio ff"ocos, illy tl4ar'4i0 n0 being brelight Boles fo 13j1y,0ill sg,; y •that 91k11 00 11111 1Yti0Y1'4t1 t sletei't ,npni•ativo that laNiatIlo, Stitd the.00st f living should 130 reduced to the levet abY rate, el that obtaining"iii '1io C'anadia'n and Unlli,ed`States 'Govern - meats, .. thee oflicers of the United States hatobery at Cape'Vinceirt,.N:Y.,` -e_oldeecteld ,whilae9sli amdl kite herring ciggss 101 Caniad'i'ati waters on. -the- On- tario side of the international bo,und- ary theste eggs, 28,218,000 wero011013ed in tiro Itl'ooOsv'llle, Ontario, hlxetaluely, Penis Dominion Department I • n also ndeeb4ied to the On, angor De-, l partnzeni of Game and 11 ,heiless for 0,8,7540,000 pickerel eggs ,shelled 11u. I3ay bfiy, Bay elf Qu rile, There eggs' were. placed 1101110.l5a'tcluery ai. T11u1'- 15 y, 'Onttal io, and n. 90010011 01 111e re- milting fit waren placed at thee disposal of the ptovlmciaal dopantmeoilt for stock - thug 1,0101s that. are not as readily ac- cessible, from its own .bea'Leberica. A surplus colSeetieon. of 1,608,000 Sal- mon trout eggs i.nt4uclie,e1 ins that abb'vo, sltNtreutent of, DOan1111851: ebhleetio110,,, tram ;''tlto liaitreli,ery at Wiiarlan, waif turned over to lite provincial hatchery al Sank Ste, Ierle. Thiesie eggs' wean 111aielrecl lily 1ah(l •full to.tglielve11 tsa different Nuts of (^atl10la, and the fsy dlisiribgted tis it tpr 55111012 flira 111 gMooesss oP.ibiO sg asp�al• edorr where n10i5 s911010s aro 14 ti'bd'tlo0d1 , A:1wa5'a l Co1,l'ii, inind801' Nrl11o0i'..,' ,i oeO Ore, 4130;5114Y 5 Th1 78x10'1 55050000 105lIetn,. '.+t'l (titbits of nutomobde9 nee51r1(i aonatnut 10,0188; m1)110118, of batted.; and 11,00 10 00011,1 m1111005 at linrfo to rebuild. Tr0- mendous op1ortimltl0N await the trollied atlto- mobilo mon, wha08 why Jt pay's DO learn the 'nYltSnioUllo.busluons-d 'Walt lit Detroitthe sv • mite 00hie1' of the dren rirl -oho 110ar1 of x710 Asti) 150.0810f Allem 7a% 0)41,0 511100 pro mesio, glak n, 00Oto$W1OOt)Ye.aally :lava a fiosiness of Your Own 116omo eye lb 0)10 nisi IbliuluOme 05ltt0� 100810', maidn(; lnare.buoley than be ex-, A000odd>,.Pottlif�rreiW (wory o)7� eppnllitad rn " Rummer al' fec11, 6obeo11 0811oito.' (A1berfa) 10 95,10510 ',an5 ih'. sill 110 8511.50' 0Mo115 (POfle) -*110001100t151eiveoldy,aowmax- Y Ing 5100 prron•Mnyoe 12002.) peboo ryJmono UpvnH>- army bell tent„ in expellent eonslltle) 1, Atte ive have e. v ir's' dee bogie band' outfit, for stili, , If anyone can, pita us in touch with, b,eyg' brigade, 'etc,, .wont' Inf; tho etmo dieep, We,: )vdlI be glad -- we woulct lad-we'w'ulcl rkithor burn it than sell it to another Troop or Scouts," Now shore seems to be some renosi1 why they dont, Want oilier Scouts to owls th;it kind o11'equipntent, Wonder if they want to be real Scouts and $o zeal'dcoutingr Sear; cuing for Stars. hunr da to to possess ,the largest; of all telos,eopeS, It wild Nave a mirror 120 inches in d'alneter, 'It has, already been cast, and 10' now beingground and polished., The latter task is ex- pected ,to 000upy at least five or six years. Thula gest exileting telescope Is the 100 -inch 1ns'trusneent at Mount Wilson, In Calif•az^pia. • Ito ;took four years to grind and polish 'the -mirror, and in doing, see over it ton 'cif glass was re- moved, It Is the woudeerful eucce s of the 100 inch .telescope that has lea Cana dtan aoitrouomers 1.0 make, this plunge .incl'siuk $300,000 in a ten -foot znirrcr. The new telescope will be s,et up In an obseryoitery, on the Paclii'e Coast of British Columbia It will snake a sitar appear 300;0001', tinfes as: bright as the, eye sees it: The 'number of stars seen througont the en. tiro sphere ' of.•the heavens by the naked eye is about'5,000, The 120 -Inds instrument Is expected tes'reveal 'at' leant 400 millions, 'or a million more than can be, seen by any other exist-. lug ,telescope.' Wisps of Wisdom. ' It is the fear -not, the, worry -net; the fret -not .man who wino- - 1 If life de hard for you, try to make it easier 'for somebody else: A man .whose only motive for action is 1310 wages^does a bad piece of work. IIigtl `authority should be siegatrdeed t► a`high explosive and handled with oas•e, What you earn is yours littrwpt only. It is what ,you do irat'IL it that really There, are many,SS10t-lunar mem with sixteen -hour hives who ought to union lze their •homes. The time and energy you devote to grtunbling at another's' -error would often be sufficient :to readjust it. Is' your goal in '.life such that the reaching of It wouldwin you a place In. -the .hea1•te, the affeotons, the 'esteem" :of ofiier,,o'? Or would 11 please only• 'yoursel'f? If; slo,.,it woouldn't..do even. 11.'ALE,TAilDsIcKLY GIRD` ANS'; 'O:YS Need All the Strength That Rich, Red Blood Can Gree -Thein. Youth is the time to lay the founda- tion for heath. ' Every girl and every boy sEoiild have plenty of pure, red bleed. and strong' naive;, With thin; 1 impure blood they _start life with a l handicap r'too'great'to win.sizcoess and happiness. Rich, , red, blood means `health, falll growth, strong nerpes,'a clear brain and good digestion. In a word pure blood is the foundation of hearth.. The, signs of,wealc watery;bl''ced are, unmistakable. The pale, irritable girl':, or boy, wino has 'noappetite or anibi-' tion,- is always tired out, : short'' of; breath'and does not grow strong, is a• ,glutin; of anaemia -, time ;greatest enemy of. youth. ..There 8e just enie tilling to do for these girls and boys-- build hp the blood with -Dr. Williams' Pinlc. Pills. You can't afford, to ex- periment with rather i+eemeedies( 'for there must be nva;.guesswork in the treatment -of anaemia. ' Dr. Williams' Pink Plefs act dlreetly on . the blend, giving_ It the eleisients it lacks, thus developing strccag,healtl:y gin's and boys. Mrs, R, Iiinoh, ITepwo•rtlt, Ont., tells as follows what •these pills dad los her, deaughtei-:-"I thliik.it.:duty to let others know the benefit whetch Dr, W,'lliams' Pink Pills have, h• gene o my daughter, azia, (,;hope this may ..b the means of inducing s'oineo'ther suf- ferer to ttry then:. She` was weak, nervous and badly run down- Stile took medicine from the doctor but got no benefit, and, finally she was not able to walk to school.: 5 was. advised to gigo her Dr. "Villiams' 'Pink Pills which I did, and after taking tlseni for EL time she was restored to perfect heal,tin I cannot speak too highly of iluese pills,' You canget Dr. Williams' Pink, Pills through • any dealer ,in medicine, or by rl'lsail at 50, cents a box or six boxes for 52,50 from the Dr. „Williams;- IVI'ediodno Co,, Ilroolivflle, Ont. - Queen and 'prittcess"Se* for London Poor: Pr•In, ls. Marry has jet Ott the 01 coin in molting knitted quilts a which ware amnraig mentos donated to tell' Lcnedon .exhibrtsc ticiadon. Nae.g)3,s pedal Institut The Queer)! Heir own ha hattehn of -p 0,0 With Ct mat oh, 411." 111; 600d lrvtrf bray'• C0181) 5)1151. 201