The Clinton News Record, 1922-12-28, Page 6ore i1," said Mrg. I'liard'Y, in a
ehovke4 ory `fh'A4t harden should
tit of Gottwald with eueh'disdain
rel to lava little less than sacci
Tkao-g,'.1;'atlioring 1iet1el'.t' tnget er
some. dignity, '`tTt vett camiot.
ale respl:oitnlly of M (o v,aud
will pleas letter ,titinllottnvy 1 ,httl'1;
;fexbld You to .dee Irene; I know
t wguid be useless. 1111.4 please titin
,tennis loo with your pi'estmee."
<To be continued.)
"Nice Docitoie.�.
9111 ievenuo cutter Acadia tile old
l01 said, was coaling at CbarlotLe-
vn, Prince Pdward Island. As it Was
vest time, the captain vt s halm;
l work to get tneu to carry the
tl aboard; To help out and, to clan,
00 extra money several of us
lout;' the crew offered to 'd"a the
lb, end the ea -Died was ;lad to
80 ria•.
was ,joist Melting ttjs my loaded
sket to go abo t+d.when I noticed e
all black animal tl ci'otrchi g ultvteeal
o timbers and looki r at' 080 After
iad o_nptied the 'basket Y tve'1 roach
da picking the little f.11atw';Up), e,a=
aboard Ay I "0/04 "o1n u ),
3 PiATI,°'4}it0e1k, met t•,9µ p;41 k.9.. G=
a10i 13111 Menson,
"Hello., Tom" lie .aid,, "i,7 -bat eye
t there`?;t •
1A little black dry
ncl hint down on. the wharf,';
Isn't he cuter" usaid t3i11, panting
Tittle'x'ello ' on't}.e .,;aid tvitlt hie
Stand, '
1 went.below acid, finding a cracker
put the animal to x e it and
Iocl ,erne cleats across th, t a. Not
g afteryr,rde,, the captain Cont,,
1 ttd, chis no e wits high €11 the 11i•,
his first question wad? "Wrh lte-'a
skunk around 'beret'
'1 d' unto,' replied '`rho boatswain
oat rainom's ga4; a little .'bLaek dog in the ,
up f�c:4'010d,"
"Let ii le sec Iriut said the captain
c? ,went to leek.:: "Deg!" hp said
ter one glance,. "That's tt skunk!'„ -
Indeed. it was; by that tibio almost,
Iybody'tt•-ouh? know.'it, aibhoti h some
us aroa Newfoundland tatnever
en a 'skunk 3eiiore,
"Heave it overboard, l ordered the
;pain, and, of ter,aodseningi One of
slats, I threw the bo.x over the
t1, -
The boxlanded-fair on its -bottom,
1d up popped the;mall ,blltck'head
,nc. ,Skunk. With a catlike dislike
r getting rretthe'glanced once at the
ter and t}teu -settled down again,
o box drifted.rapidly away from
After a little while the skiiEk pop=
lns;hoald ug,.egain. Them -realizing
patiently that' he -,was •getting,,far-
81 a31r1-foirthel away= froni'land, ha
ped overboard and swam nto share.
That was the first time either 1;i11
3-hadever-seer?' ''Skunk! To those
the exew who Were acquainted with
e anima's our •experience' iv -as a
urce of much delight.
When Feimous Men Were '
"Ms it a bog"8f great mental power,
d has made progress in -everything
cepa penmanship; I think he ,is a
dous 'boy --all ways anxious to do
11. With his immense powers of
plieatioh,.I often tell flim he could
come a good •French and German
In these words a ser oohnaster de
ibecl Mr. Bonar: 121 the days of
childhood, long before anyone
ought that he 'ivtls destined to be
:He` one or Britain's greatest men
1 guide the affairs of the nation.
Mr., Austen- Chamberlain tells.
S youth. He had decided to devote
msedf to politics after his departure
out the university, and 'conu)imti-
tetl',#itis decision to his old nurse.
"Po'iitics!" exclaimed the old dame,
ornfully. "Oh, Mr. Austen, I should
ve thought two in the family, youm
then and Mr. Richard, enough to
ve in polities! Why don't yougo
fdr .something useful?" -
Whe.t Lord Curzon was at Eton he
til .a reputation:•as an adept at rte
itLee, and it recorded that 00 ono
8001011 110'1)01'a big ieillow to llii;,ht
n1ply by the power of his tongue.
Another Viceroy of India, Lord
ttlin.;,'] ad a terrible reputation at
hoof. Ile has been described as one
• the worst boys, from the school
aster's point of view that it would
possible to find. "Lessons he left
la bro6A1)1 08' Er.7PIFt<r-REAl.1ZfC[9;,
The' Cape -to -Glare) ,bate le new an accomplished fact In A140100',.< By rail•
way, steamer, motor ear uitd-octrev1n the trip can ire "made' days.: By
th° ,olnpletiou shp8lly c1. another strip of. railway, 11 will be a000mpilslied
in four weeks, 8leephtg aiitl dining' oars ai•e p.royldod, from Claim Towyn tp
'11fe Congo,
New' 1.1081)100 for Dresses and',t11loos, where the outside is 1'0,181(1 stool bead
Hest Winer `admire' bead buckles, t}ry centro eat steel, mod the 81 sat b;
w 1)0 41,is eascn an 0a•naingnta11011 nC tweet) black end, heads. Seelot:ialte,
dresses and shoes, 11 great n1rr0y the 'centre el the buckles 1,111( 111
tv081141 like to -wear them; but hesitate with 0 large 'fat fancy bead, 3+,ch as
at paying the high. prices asked. for can be bought'' at the bead 1'o)10,f08'
the buckles' 114 ;Cue etplies• 13881; ony Ark .0eunte1•s.
1190184 `i
v4t0 can 0 �, ear, own a pate .,4,11.0W.,headed 11uelcic5 make ..ideal
et beaded l u )184818 P1Pvided ie kiiu`wrs gifts; ,and ',give the 33 .det1 touch to thea
the, Cor'rect.X,8eihml,, Iter' 100k188- will new:gotivn fi+'..hnas,
look equal ,tee those bought in the
stores, and this at a eebb within the , ride Cranberries T''rcely.
ra101) Gf 311e meet modest p0dcvt-1?021k, The ,crenb0arr3 is 'rw at 9'/e would)
lits ;only hprloed lion;0-made call an anti scaibubia,'hacnuyp of rvy."
1318)1841 8110 tjreigh'se made from steel or tiitam1r es 38111038 cotiiilt000'lt scuc
fo}l eui'beadsr-tluid though thev!o '411 It is also a' par'tretida1rly valuable feed
east, -_complete, rat .etas than,. 1)1.75 in winter when we ate all apb be oat'
wh011 one 'consider, 8 the plls0askec� too':much of the saweet and starchy
fat biter, bcughtleadY113U1e tl:ecas1 fends and not enough of the.:acid38,
„lore nelg low Itnmuso fit acts as a liver timuliant.
The beats for a pair of ordinarY If the liver is thecidedly inactive, put
buckles will Dost not mere titan thirty the raw cranhorr1ae thfou7'lt the treat
3enle, fifteen cents alburch, • i TWO ehoppe , add jus{, enough sugar to
bunches 47113 snake two, buckles, Steel sweeten, covet and let stand ;foa''°e
L°atls °p alt 1br11000d seventy hve cents While in a cold Schee; thea, eat' asa i
perbunfb ''Jlbea'e are'. s01139 cut jet sauce, or use a tablespoonful or
bIaek+'beads 'which are as ca,ponsive as with a tittle lemon juice, 'Klatt oil and `
steel, b0t,it' is net 180308821ty to use v, hint of 8714 -d 3 reo 191 dtas'eung for
these -to lrave!1^pretty black 1ngllesi a 1 of sa'.ad,
the 111 Per 1080 answering the';-Innr - Most of 113 oro accustomed to the
vantage of -if;wo care -to rouse aur
il 7
selves;' .
stir others,.and e
Y �e y r st. .ours0lf in' of x
� �" _ Xnte s Y h , Y
-'•, , I1 n you l
"•h s 1 e i
'ld late •esti t om v
wr z e ey
T have in lay, mind n;: young roan
Have' you ever wondered wily it'i s „lto, in the ordinary course, of event
that sonic peaple; when they come into vier, c3 -make no "impression in a com-
a xedin, are the immediate: centre of pally. 'He'is built on the omall aide,
interest, While order People may enter ho is nob handsome, he -,has a slight
without 'creating any ceinmotion at inlped'imeltt in his speech,' and- heis
(Ill? 5• totally lacking. In what We usually
You are sitting;tporhaps, with half understand by the -term "personality,"
a dozen friends, chatting: by the fire. I have never welt him enter a room,
Presen:bl'y the Gloom opens, and Robin-
son comes 1111 - Everybody -stirs, the his :presence.
He is thoroughly interesting,
cause he is so thoroughly interested.
Get a Grip of Things.
No...matter what ave are talking
about -a Personal.lailment, a ..political
idea, a. shopping incident, or our -fav-
orite food -he listens' enthusiastically, it his whole attention. ;You
however, without feeling delighted at
subject `of discussion flies temporarily
from all. minds," and, you 0).lann,
'`Iiallo;:Bobinson!' as you jump up to
greet hint" '
But suppose it is Smith, instead of
Robinson You merely look -round,
nod, indicate a •chair, and go on with
what you were talking about.
Why is one roan interesting; and do not .have. to rack your brain for
the other not? subjects. IIs' brings the enthusiasm
There gvarious ways of being of. his genuine .interest into every
interesting,8irahi sante of which can be ac- theme, gild, this being so, he imine -
qui ed 11'1 411 t'
r ,. while e O erB cannot
o *013,1 ly secures your own interest
We are always me '- 1e, 'for
eting Pe
Pt h
1" 1 t erson
every time e opens his mouth....
a subconscious -magnetic influence i h d t
exams, e, •afro Ipos.,ess 'Strong p - You may saY that this interest in
alitios, and who unwittingly everci e life, too is a natural gift, And
th wish to or not be imitated. Perhaps,;,: n the eepes
upon us. Whet
et• we -
we find curse,vs towards
sense;'this as ;true. • Soine people have
.turning more "instinctive appreciation of^:'the
them, addressing oar remarks to them, gift of, life than other people,
and 'lis'tening plainly to their conver-
sation. ;But I88 been proved over= and
t has'
that, when: we find our-
Sonnetimes we -.are glad to do this. solves slipping into a slate of apathy,
A,t other tinges, We grudge the- atton- solves
gripoun•selves and force, an
tions which we bestow them, In n - , nearly -
interest in existence
alt" oases, though w0 may not realize ` which has never
it, 'these strong personalities drain our really been dead, but only 'dormant,
Own farce and absorb our own ever or 'temporarily stunned.'
gies intotheir own,. So, it actually resolves. itself .into
this. Make yourself Mter'ested in life;
Becohne a
n is e v;111 be interested: in you. And
There are also pcap]_e who command 011ce°you find that life is interested in
force 121. Life, a d 1 C •
our interest'purely on account of their you, the g••
- Sometimes res. buckles are made with - r . l� t] 'battles ' t
are is won
pose.:. . .use of trait. 11)1108 inorely as a, sauce
_The method of coking the bu±l1ea ori jelly for service with Ilaultry. Per-
.Thesecret. o#' tv tIc0.-Y,r Ile leaps 3t e miry. Make an Occasional .
in first .stringing the hands on 111_1 cranberry pie besides, 'but ,riot's all.
cappL1 wire. , If you try f1 0eaV -.8118121 Why not .1111141 a '1'n11er use of this,
ane --by one on the foundation;' 1Oo fru-1-i ' batfhfor its bleu ty anal its, food -
buckles will have a home _made look valdo? Blend;,•�(manbelry jelly with 4
which is not, d'oslrablo,,•'Btty a spool cream eltoese for a salad, use 'tl e fruit
of copper,wiroj,yery fine. Thirty -'two ,(diced). nixed with other Nand foods
-wire' a •good) Man4a100, though tWcntyr again, as 10 salad, use a t' 131 as a
eight will do, but nothing 'coarser than conserve, ilia steal -mid better 'pu sling,
that, The bends will thread of a wire, �ind`by- nil nl00113-put up a. generous
m i'ell hotter than' on it.neoxido.• They supply of crunboli'tes either as ,jelly
can be threaded .an the wire :right or by the cold 'bi be -r method' .for use
£rom''the etirings oil which they come, hr the `fate spring or su 1 n0r, 1313nc1
cranberries with t.ra m c : sorrel
a r � i
t a sarvin
of 'tin
suet >atienca,
-� rifts nth ns lta winter I tr
m 8)1111[11,piece b rho. Stiffest bunk- 'thein fpr a shortcake 0 tt lot s'
ram obtainable is osis( •Pax the £cordis -P Pie,' to
,foci. Cut- both feundlat,ons,'vot the be solved Vsith 4801(1 0at,(0, .x1113 ad -1
salTl' time exactly 311(0. ,If :ono is deal toyoul• mincemeat 21)41' 8380, in
cut and made fast 'it'wlll lie nearly the making: of turndveers far 411)`8111101
impossible to'get the' 'second exactly lunol4 b sleet. Cook, onpful.oC 413)4)
the :same size, Cover - the buclrrarn" ant0uies viih yours t t:laai-they
with some kind of material which wi1T, y'ili give"it a delicious- flavor 1)) a 1-
loole well ,,hider the. beads. yen aro go -1, di -M011 to tendering the nic18t fibres;
ing to use', though it' does not actually u0o cralilbe137 sauce .o a n ixturo ct
yh.ow.. 0 a'1';.bucklo,9 ivre the favoriteoS, eranheiry ,and 'apple Sn1,Ce a t1, 1 oast.
,110116"h rho aquaro 00118, are, T. think, 1}1818 01) melee( with any meat; 8100 11:
tire -most efffobiva. -If,your'huekram as a filling, for shortcake, either by,
is°not very stiff ,lee two pieces:- Now,1 itself or mixed fifty-fifty aritlo 13iples
writh'the sillk'which niatches'the°bends, ;or bananas; use it to gi�'a a nein finvor
'begin, at. the:edge, allewing''u small ±0'yatu' app10 00uce.
piece of .the wire to' go- over to the
.back of ;the buckle', and fastening it l)isarnt the 'Nursery.
securely in. place^ with' sma11 stitches, Tay pistols soldiers• and g'itns teach
Sew a 'tiny stitch (between every hea81, :children to ,tolerate ,'and ;^dail380 waif,
making- the `beads 's;Qand out : around' and to anticipate killing people in war..
1)112-• edge of the foundbition, and being ap,by subma37nes;'"Ibat hle'51)ips air-;
sure they are. so close togather that ships with" bomb -dropping apparatus,
the stitches do not straw: If an, oval and armored automobiles :are niadei
buckle is being made, ":after •the first and sold.
row' is on, continue sewing round ,axil War IS ud'taa pleasant game] War is
round, till the centre,is'reached. lhideerts. There cannot be "civil 7,8(1' `
It' is not necessary, to put a stitch warfare'." vast majorities' n all)
between every head .after the,first countries condenm war. Teaehingl:
row, a stitch every third toad usually children that tear is it pleasant game;:
being .sufficient to fasten the rows" is a great. mental danger.
firmly in Place. See that the roivs, as : The paaoe-to begin -is m t1te.,nta sery.
well as the beads, are as close .10- Disarm '1110 nursery first, ' Children'sgether •as possible. In, case.,.yoti.are minds ai-e extraordinarily receptive.
making square or oolong enemies, :he Impressions are lasting,
very careful -in ::turning the 'corners Banish ,all 'war 'toys, war: clothes,
that no bare spaces are •left:'exposed, year pictures and -ivart• story,,hoo1 s,
When the fotiind4 1:1on' is entirely qov- No :store would mit into. stool a coy
ered.wiblc'rs beads, put the entad 'guillotine, 'or a headsman's, axe mid;;
of the wire 'throu'gh1'the fctuldatien block,, with puippets--to be 'beheaded,'
and fasten iiia place,.111 the ,back. parents wonld:revolt1313 1)119 ide'a of
For wh'te pumps, lovely effects may their children playing g)11i311 with '
be obtained With the urys•fal beads in aucb"toys -of wioleniee and death. TF,
pale' shades, such, as periwinkle• bine, they would''think,'they' wotllcl revolt tit
lavender pink and delicate greens_ the idea of'ull,kind8 of war toys and
:hy srcul charm or, 'attributes. They You've Just, got to make the start; ] " r , ' wa c o res. Sham• at c bah,,
; T o sting silly, and w e1 ed. Un?fonus_
al"c, mane
may have nothing magnetic in thein borders ai ..envie., 02 contra
personalities, yet it pleases us to ad -.1 Hints`to Husbands � beads, its to the _.lg buckle shown to he soal8eil in gore,
dress `them and to be addressed. b, - --
lf your wife- frowns at .you, smile at -
theta. This is merely an expression her,.' orst4 $eeoaveti iSe38flC�, it 7s overs( its p tlm trees .and
of the ;human streal: in'all of us, whichben
if she smiles .at you, laugh at'lior: ,: ,: b ncific YeROtables,, but its repu1) 34))1` for rill
causes 'us to turn towards 'physical y g Falcon Island, hi 4111 coo h P liehal•iot1<1 is .such ,shat• i?n:,:tintte tvtlla:..
t 11 ^lf she i3 beautiful,' aiprreolate'l:or. is the
IC St i05tiVc and. cilan'etl:la set ]e upon'°it
piece o:f. land .in the world. It has a
knack of .di sap H g sarinbelo.W the 't!•
s �l � �ta'vclii 4i`t: �a iA
entity and grace: Just as na ora Y as. if
riot esti nee b t rf she clouts you,
Tf-ycu•.arcg i If she is hysterical ignore hes'
b 'che cooks well, coniplini'ent her.
a flower' torus to 1)110 sun. be filmic
11111 bol
y na use
t b either f these'classes thele
tl B t there cis yet another v ay
a e 113 ei ter a 1 lg slhe is 038103, leisa ltoit•
is no .help of 14, 1 i'ou canna, enter! If s1 e is good_ad•ose her„
tem.. n ee -
of being interesting', ander the foie,
'becoming a force 'in`life, and it is al It is impossible to run at "a height
Way which most of us can take, ad- of 17;000 feet above; sea -level,
ilearntclasswoi+k he shirked, mis- ;;, o�LL'
int was.his only devotion," said the o�,r� e if
rly friend. "My recollection of him Guarding e �Y`, 4"
a,ldrays of "a demoniacal young imp
Uh sparkling eyes, who was always,
disgrace or . being caned, and yet
trial ever merry and deliciously
11101.0210." '
There are not many stories of Mr.
yd Georges young days,. hut one
ales to the per=iod when lie, -attended
Nation )1 school in his Welsh
e, The future Prime Minister
nd a 'small boy being th0141021 by
r 'bigger yoSths.. ILe interfer:sed,
How would' you like to know that
everywhere you went you wee'o being
shadowed by fearless armed men who,
acting under strictest orders, dared'
not'lase "sight of yod even for _mo•
- Unenviable- as rucli an existence
mak appear, 1t;sems quite natural• to
the.83riuce of Wales.: Almost all his
cl ofi'ered- to fight -the tormenters lite hti has, been thtis; 0013831011 from
n �f thetetity
L t er, �veiiy mg was -
t it came to- the ears of especially chosen lorthe_purposo
'ty, and the battle was The'' -task of guarding trio 1''.ince:18
ono of the rest difficult and, oleacting
that the police -of 13ritain have to -cars
1y out, for the safety of: the- heir to
rho throne rests solely ih their hands,
A mistake or carelcssnosa on the part
of one of -the officers 1111.0114 have Tait
reaching (10115equencea, 7n- view of
this great responsibility, talo care exer-
cised' in selecting the 111011 ,nay,: be.
e after theh 11 bh' harm' by s,h,,1 inYrnIt o a
f damage
11, owing
and the
fed in
The royal, guard 14111150(11 front ,l'A"
dslon of the 8Iotrep011ttu3 Police,
s under 'tire direction of a senor,
out. The men do Uiolo' work; in
Uri ibtrti1)1yc way, and eitltatTgh
111 1)1511 1,, they are i❑
on (heir., e.14trl481
exist en co is
tors of
managed to strike the madman hand
and the bullet went wide.
Iti foreign lands the P1•inoe• has his
ow•h: body�guaril, but each country
thorough soh -leis he passes makes it it9
special duty. to P otect• him, Queen.
Yictorie, by,� the nay, used 'to •deciaro
that' she always felt safe in...Franco,
and <little wonderi for while,oho`was
there she w)is under' ,the cape of M.
Paoli and his. detectfVes, the meet
htghl'q traino,1 corps In Ett1'4ne, broad s :if-ew1auSted by such. an 11, t et c1 ,
1Navas and Chen suddenly hobbiilg ttp 1 eon n1•37 i) as a dsie'd )1111 tttr»iy tt it•xul
renin. 1;a 20 13f31145 'the con 0ani.ns;!i11
It wag first ,sen' echartedn187 3' H. ' Cf 0uy 1:0ga 10 v 118) 3-74h;110 to
M. S Falcon in 1835. Bn1; in 1877 an• d,'p;
,other ship found that the- land' hod if T• aoerl 1< ithhi:z}. 3311 bflt`C 111110,11 ;.o
disappeared, though ,smoke was' tssu- leutl, `
ing from the sen, The dhai'ts'_. `:(Fislloin, a lt,ntt nr f511284y tn; tlenl,
altered accasdtnFhi. 'Yen 0034811 fail ilio; t,.1 .,c,ic ,nb,i0
Then, in 1881 chi; :,1: eu,ct t u,t,el telt•
quite jannti1y 8 1 reinamotl -o long 1Jolights•Sta 1tare 000.11 tilno 1 snrrr
that rite st0amcl Egerr,a, in. October, to ,..
1880, c1latae i 1t anima, showingi
' t. i
vvocds wttL qui,,;t v 114)0-
be just, over ai. mile Ming, a iriilesroald, 2)(t --91)',,.;".,1.1,,11,y cnrl.
land ,153 feet 1ubove sea-'10ve1 at its
Highest point Early.nt .1894, hOv'- vont no'vr'g'.avy '(1 01'
ever, a survey, eihip,, futon bljal the, ' Z ort ve rem (11's:4)11'0,111)
1,1'3114 consisted of- only a tow 011 etch' ltlit 4.
c'fhlarrot1) dock, less then...1,000 feet: :PsnV0l',rrtit4)1t8) o.
in length, boili u:i: ottr tchd .I f , it; m
; By December of'.the same year the fc;ld;
island had bobbed cis agalu,'anil was In short,-vnu 00 1l 0 .�t •''r t 4I.
over three r111,69 long ancl,'neaa'ly two rati+,
Even In lila home -:tit tit: Tames s'effort 10' lncre.aso iai ataa, it vanished0 1:itt,1 r
1111 same once mare in 1898, �' • ---f
Na further signs of ambition v; ere ,
noted tntt91 1900, :when the .101811d (iive a 11)01 1111pl 1 1 uI ie, 1
Palace -the Prince lies •t
sistent 'attendants, Thoentlbeoee` t -e
the Palace 111 guarded. hy-'sontries Bel.
'acted from ono of rho rogimon-to of
the Guards, whoao scarlet uniforms
area flttn!liar sight to Viait0rn,
` Then, i0101110:the 'coi:trtytutd, there -aro,
Policemen 1111,d detectives whale'vigil-
ince :Y/ never. relaxed, Patrols aro
made at intervals slag* tiro passages
in tho Palace,' anti 3VerY night the
grestoot care- Is talion to see that
windows and :doors, are safely closet
liven gr(nater precputt°ns aro 1311cen
tit,lluckinghiltn I'alai;o, whore nonce;
molt' have, regular niglit•"haats,' and
march no and de7n the 001)1ders,
They -wear felt slippers in order 11101
no one shall 11e disturbed.,
The 11101) ly,110 fold, the 1 1)1cn`n
44uar3{ aro stngnla,l3 ,aciful na indeed,
they need be they are not t1 041 I'4
the a(ieashnally; 'tbay w ay)).
Ivry totolvetr }et 1)0301 v,. 'Ito" 11)
necessary 831 nee 'them.
story +., colli rt a vias',, trio
l to rho (lbn1ieent-befoae
110 royal Natty ryas out
that suf. sndd nly- died
the 831'13eds oonhltan1.
1 while .clic ru1t
110,11113')ll .•X13 ft 4'
aagain -began to grow, Stnce ,hest tC 1 will,. 1811-0 ,83.110 shall 71:1081)0).011 11 t 1
has.undergone many'chauges, 'F0-103' his achievements?
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