HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-12-28, Page 5Clz ikon blew+' iecssr4 E F o Yung Huron County.. Farmers ake ' Good Showing During the oast week.nine Huron County: Junior Farmers attendod;'the Three Day Short Course and; J`udg- _ing Competitions held in Toronto under the atispices of - the ?Canadian Swine, Breeders' -Association and the Industrial :and Development Council of thq:, Canadian Meat Packers -and the Dominion Live Stock Branch and • the Ontario DepartmentofAgricul- %'Lectures and demonstrations were gr •ell in cured sides, meat inspee-„ tidn8 grading of 'live hogs•,'and trips through the packing. plants art'stock r Live 'Hogs Placing' Reasons Addison 'Fraser,- Bluevale ..90 52 Geo. Fowler,Wingham .....95 Jge -Breckenridge Blt evale, , . 05 Graham Cannpbell,t'Winghanr,85 .Gordon Godkin, Winghsns Eldon Stoltt,' Auburn 80 Walter Washington; Auburn 75 Glyn Raithby, Auburn 90 ;51' Cecil -Cartwright, -Londesboro 80 -- 57 , To TUE 5LEC'I'oRS 01' CLINTON ]Belies and Gentlemen: Not expecting to be nominatpd for any municipal honours i was not present at the nomination meeting and' having been "pressed to let my mane go before you for mayor 1 t+'oRo this opportunity of asking your sutport.i Having boon a member, of the.coun- cils of 1910-29-21, I con no strang- er to your municipal business, x z ask your vote believing- that I can aid in reducing your tax rate as 'did' in those years, and to even less than it was then. . However it is a matter of business and each voter should' take an in- terest in the affairs of the town and vote as' he or she feels to the best in- terest of the town, , I make no personal canvass. I will be satisfied with your decision. If you elect me you place the respon- sibility on my. shoulders, if not. Cooper will carry -the load.' Wishing one and all the cftnpli- ments of the season. Yours.Respectfully, ==J, E. JOHNSON yards were made. Tuesday fore- noon, a Judging competition. in two classes of live hogs was held Wed- ndsda-y forenoon the carcasses of the same .clogs Were fudged: The work of the "local tearer was most gratifying, especially when we consider that`,, the local team- were all new ,nen. who had never, taken Olt in cthb4petitions;before; while. some of the. other -teams, orad men: who, had 'taken part at the Toronto Royal and -the Provincial at Guelpo. , The standing of the Huron boys is as follows: • Dressed Hogs. Bracing Reasons 100 66 •60 01- S1 66 97 s 46 100 ' 50 .100 70 50 78 58 95 - 57 44 ., 35 • 56 '32 43 55 The 'his were papticulasly strong 1 in- placing bolt lack of experience .Is -shown in the giving of -reasons. EI- donStoltz won second prize,' 410.00, and Addison .-7raser seventh- prize, ,p5.00, in the carcass class. The.• tear, stood second .ini tile .Wast Tor- QeondoiTa Road ont4;,group, the team from Perth loading', These 'Courses are of great eduea- tioiitl value and do much to unite tli"o packer and producer,, each of which is, directly dependent" on the other. Mr. Oscar Bali; who has been in Washington Territory for some time„4 is visiting his parents, Mr.-arid'%Ir;s. J. E. 'Ball. Mr, W. Snell has returned home aft ter spending a month with .his ne-' phew, who has been taking in_ the big stocrc'shows. The U. F.' W. nmet, last Thursday at the home of Mrs. H. Snell, The program was given by the officers and was in keeping with the Cbristmas, Miss -Jennie Grant treatedthe p o- o,4'$b-tt'S1ias tree on. Friday aftertioon. •• Turner's church Sunday School `•eld their annual'Crr]stmas entertam1> n on Friday evening. Miss Myrtle Crieh of. Essex count y ,; is spending. th 'Olnri turas vacation o s n at her home here. Mr, and 1VIrs. David Deacon - en: `Pickford, Mich., who will spend the winter 'in Florida, visited* relatives pd friends in Goderich and, God. rielilirivn57tip during 'the least week.: Crediton Methodist church , was burned to, the grouiiil on .the first of January last and on- Sunday weelc a handsome new church' was opened, the president el the Conference, the Rev. J. E.: -J Millyard, ollncieting at the opening services. The •entire cost of the new blinding has been met , and the Croditon Methodists start with their church debt -Gree. r, DEPENDS WHERE YOU SIT rA "You would smile, too, if yon could see what we do," was the re- ply of a Kincardine choir girl when her attention was called by one of the members of, the congregation to the amount of laughing going on a- U_ ong--the: warblers. No doubt. she In st see " g The choir ii•1 tu is right. P n somea funny..:things:. We lino 'iv the y do from what she ,tells us.- So when you are tentpted to go to 'sleep and let your head, flop about like ;a lien with a broken necky think, of the -pool' choir girl, who needs the ser- mons more than the comedy.— Kin- cardine Reporter. artts TO I'IGi I+;LJlCT0BS OIi','CI,IIV`1'OIJ Ladies and Gentlemen Haying de-. eided 10 offer myself as a candidate for trio reevosirip 1 r, speetfullI so1iciti the votes o1. the - ratepayers o2 the town of Clinton. Ii clouted I will, to the best of nip ability, 'work for bhe, interests of all, Wishing you all. a ITappY New Veal', 'To the Electors cif Clinton Ladies and (entleme'b : Your vote and influence are repect fully Solicited for or Reeve For 19 3 Give your vote to the man who is willing to devote his times to the inlefest of the Citizens, mectztlaMt. t,• Ads fi. - ly Results Guaraniceed Vote For ThB people's Candidate Voll -;Public Utilities C. mtnilsflwrier. STEAMSHIP LIN,E--.1Tot GIVE PICTURE TO REGINA • .1Vlayor Grassick, of Regina, who last, spring',prosenteci a replica of -his city's coat of arms,to the, steamship- Regina in Montreal, will shortly be the recipient of a large • original watercolor picture of the Regina, which has jest, been received from England :by ,the :White Star Domin- ion Line. ' TIie painting, which is the work of Montague 115, Black, British Marine. artist, and is highly regarded as an artistic-achievrnent, will be formally presented to thb: City of Regina to be hung in :the mundcipal'' buildings as a token of esteem from tho ship that is ''Minn(1d after .the . Western city. The painting depicts' the Re- gina • a ''tlte mouth of the -Mersey at sunset And' the artist has sueceede in reproducing. to a fine degre the, aspect of a sunset sky reflecting on the sea. - The 'picture is frainecl in .a handsome antique gold , moulding, and bears a suitably-engr d brass plate anointed on an ebony stand. Arrangements' for its ,presentation are. AIN' being completed. • The coat of arms,' given by the city has siaae' been affixed to one of the bulkheads iii, the steamer's main` underneath' 'l companionway, tt a. J painting of •the Parliament Buildings at Regina. THE, SORT OF TIMES. WE GROW "D's Canada- there ;are approximately 150 different species and varieties o plalats reaching• tree size Only thirty-one. of these are coniferous, but, Die wdod of these makes lip :9 per cent: of this country's fo;re9 products, and the trees themselves cover even a larger proportion of the potential' forest 'area. OU11 I AT IMONY WASTING, . I� . P. c„h.ist •Generation is' Destroying TO THE It,LIT.? fOTwONStS IIofUP sdODE 'CI:I ,Ladies and Gentlen'tei : Being a candidate lop the position of reeve for 1928, I respectfully ask for your vote and•]influence; If elected I will endeavor to the best of any ability to serve the interests of the municipal- Oswali1. CI>yn ' To the Electors.of Godericli Township Ladies and Gentlemen:—By a last- minute decision and at the request of a large number of influential rate- payers I am in the field as candidate for” the position ,of township coun- cillor.: Kindly give one::your vote and influence and oblige. - Wishing all 'a happy;: and prosperous" New year. John Sowerbi the Heritage of Futiue NIr.. Frank J. D..T,arrinjum, of Ali- nanolis • I2oyal, Nova Scotia,misses funityto attack thwaste- iolicy in vogue; in Cana-' e recent fires PW3Lit NC.YI?or., 1i9PORT . Tho standing of the pupils in the various rooms or the school is re corded ;is follows,. - Class: (1)honours: 70% and Ever. ( lays- (II) --Pas: (60%� s741). (.lass; (111) --{Those bolo;W 'the 50%,. requirement. Diyislon , (VIII) Tionour 1)o'otlly Cornish, Mar - ,net' Moss, Gene Andrews, Billie McIntyre, John Ward, Arthur Bozell, Marion SV si, Toni Turner, Beecher Streets;, Ross Cantelon, Jack Perdiai:,' Pass ---Glen Cartwright, Dorothy Cook, Susan Steope, Kenneth Toney George Elliott,"Blaneho Clement, IIe1 end Rumhall, Gordon 'MeCoof. Doris Crich, Ceeil Holmes, Cameron Henry, Margaret Casker, Vena McLean, Grace Lavis, Gladys Mason, Boggle Snaith, ,Vera Bezzo, George T 'Yforcl,' Jack Murch, Bud Harris. ,Below 00% --Francis Carter, Grace ']'inch, Margaret Farquhar, Mary Cooperia"i'at Cunningham, Gerald Iiveis. E. R, CARTER, 7;eacher through, extremes: of climatic cons:•• tions, and in long periods of drought, causing such appalling`holocausts';as in Northern., Ontaricn,WitIi,roccasion-. al 'surplus of ,rains producing dams ,,ging freshets, washouts and wind storms 6f increasing' velocity. ' All of these .conditions are the results of denuding our 'country of forest growth. • - W,e are not only cutting down trees that do not Ibeloiig to us for our own industries; :we arc 'bartering' them away by the millions, for a mere pit- tance, robbing our children for 000 own 'present needs and' squandering then} lavishly on' another, country. Over' : one million, sic hundred, and fifteen thousand" cords • of, ,pubjlwoaa alone were' shipped out • of Canada last year, or more than twenty-five million trees; half of the entire rc_ quirien'eiits necessary for Canadian • necessary S. pulp and paper 'Il In addition to this ave are -sending settlers back to clear up .-forested country which is more 'suitable; for raising trees than anything else; when past :experienes has ptroved, time aixl time again, that it is only, a , iuestion of thefirst really hot season, when these settlers will be• burnt out, with a very good chance„ oftheir being hurt ul$ as well.This is particularly tvicked;lvlien we are already suffering from :a.lack of fez- estedarea and have a surplus of va- cant cleared prairie land. In 'short we pre not merely penalising our- selves;; we are just as surely impel:, Division (VII) .] 'First 'leader Class: Honours -Rays' mond Caintelon; Irene I-Iollloway, Dor-; othy'dCorless,, JaLk- Dorsey, 'Murray Cndmoxe; Norval Furniss, Edna Mc-, Cool,'tsabelle hollies, Ruby Clement.;, Pass -Clayton Dixon, Lillian aft, Jack Jack Doney, Jack Cree, Ross' Fitzsimons, Bill Dorsey, t,edith' Steep, Marion.HJidson, Frances Fitzsimons,' Norene' Finch. Below 60%-.Tehm McGill, Mary Lavis, May Mennen' Clifford Igen nedy, Mary Cowan, Bill, Steep, Lucille Schoenhals. Primer Class,,' Honours—Dorothy' Glazier, Beatrice- Sharp, ' Beatrice Brown, Orpha Perdue, . juth Pickett, Bob Doherty, Gordon Hoy, Murray -Dale. Pass ---Whitney Curter; ,Mar-• garet Carter, ,Gladys Bezzo, Helen McIntyre. —M. WILTSE. Teacher Division (VI) - Class (A)-0Iarian Smith, Stella Deeves, Charlie, Peckitt Thelina Ball, Eddie Elliott,•Harold:''•; Gibbs, Ird•no Vainer, :Clara: Sall; .Lorne _Brown, Harriet Gandier, Josie .Carter, Jessie Cameronn, Minnie Nash, Joe Doherty, Owen . Combe, Jim" Doherty, Leon_ Jinks. . ' . ,Class (B)'- Jim Nickles Minlue Pinning, Bert,:Ireland, Harriet Ken- nedy,: Mildred Cooper, 'Emily Scruton, Josephine Harris, ' Fred Schoenlials; Isabel-Cantelon, Charlie Johnston, Florence: McCallum, George Rumball, Reggie.Cook. • • Class (C) -Stewart Farquhar, Geo. -Gould, Edwin:Mdson. ''13. COURTICE, .Teacher. Division (V)' 'Class '(A) -Dorothy Watts, `Mary Andrews, Frank Hooper, Elliott Burt lift, Joe Gandier and Laurence' Plum- Steel; equal, Jack • Grainger, Irene Swinliank; Ronald Mason, Carl Fur niss;•Helen Deevesl Isabelle Lawson, Eldred Rowoli(Ie, Norma Streets, Grace Fitzsimons, Dorothy Cowan,, Ilelen Cooper: • Class (]11) — Kathleen Camieron, Laurie Hudson, Donald'Leyy, .Ernest' Hovey, Mable. Bezzo and Iiugh Mc.. Ewan equal, Billy Draper, Muriel Downs, Josie; Fitzsbnonis, • Tom Twy- ford, .8tewart Coon; •• Archie Dare, G•raoe Iiellyar, Jack' Snaith. 'Class' (C) -Ruth Cassel, Edina An= tone, Laura' Thorne, Duncan Cart- wright, Elwood Campiiell, Harold Wing the fnttixe of our conntxp• Glazie, Hilda Thorne,, Robin Laiis, As the Boston : Herald recently Beatrice . McClinchey, .Al'bert' Greene, - tersely said "What -add to, the pity ; Cee l Pttgh, Bob Garter. is thattiinost of the timber destroyed H) ELEN RODAWIAY Teacher by our woodland 'fires is so-yonllin as D]v]sion_ IV I3onours—Htten Manning, Margar- et Plumsteei, Isobel Biggart, Charlie Andrews, Robbie, Hale, Jean iblutch, Kelso Streets, Billy. Watkins,,Edwsrd Rorke, Gerald 9-tolnies,, Janet Me Taggart. pass -,Ruth Cartnvight, Bessie Li_ vermore, }felon Dew, Ross Carter, Oswald Hamblyn, Brenton H011yar, Susie' Livermore, Marion • Pickett, Bill' yMurch, Gordou p ore, Ken- neth Pickett, .T' Frank nIc 14 ' Tcl; t est, wan, Harry Irelancl, Jim Turner•, Beth Cartwright Grace McIntyre, Violet Merilson, Hazel Jac]kion, Norman Livermore, Edna Elliott, Parrett Taylor, Dorothy Nash, Car'rie,,Davis.' Below 609,, --.Kathleen Nidkle, Ir. one Masan,' Irene Layton, Wilbur;-- Cudmore, Dorothy Steep, Lloyd Rum - ball; Barry Fl.untsteel, :Jean Twyford, FTartrey',Cooper, Charlie Halstead, L+", Ful -ford, Robert Jervis. ' - -A, FARNHAM,Teacher Division (III) Class (I);-Roy..Cook, Iyan Dew, Margaret McLeod, Reggie Noble, Ma ibn DeW,Cyril'I•Iale; Benson Cor less,: Irene Nash, Marion Scrutoi, Everett Downs. Glass (IT)—.Morris Rozell, Won, 1VIpGi11,-Harry Watkins, Bill McClin- chey, Jim Iiennecly, Bub. Hudson, It. ene:Doherty, Jack Elliott, John Peek- itt, Frank Dale, Iiugh Hawkins, Ys- abel OlhdWeti, Bruce Bn,gar t, - Editn Hurt;.'bnrothy Mutch, Gordon Mar- shal], Clarence Pugh;; Bill Jackson. Class (III) --Paul Hrvey, Douglass Kennedy, Jim ChoWen, Grant Rath, l Wayne Retell, Bruce Tasker, Russel'' 17iller, Edith Glazier, Ernest Brown, Dclor1s Tronas, Charlie Brown, Pert Glidden, Eileen Rumball, Bob Turn- er, Ada. Fu1:Cord, E. L. 11'ORD, Teaches, Division (I1) Class (A) Dorothy Manning, Ev_ clyn Ilan, Albert Salter, Harry Wen- ner,; Myrtle Cole, Helen Burns, Mart garet Cudmore, Bill Bali, Roy Fitz- sintCjiia, Carl Burns, Jennie..La'-lc, ,Loan Weir„ Jank Twyford. Class (11) --Grace Evans, Jessie, Cress, Norma Stevens, Viola II'olland,. Isabel Pickitt, Lcna.Bolton, Mnrjoxie. Iluntcn Ii,Idie Scruton, Helen I nightt, Ireleii Nedigcr, :Melt Scrams, Dorothy SSRI teff. Mas (0)--,Beulah—McIntyre, Ma& ,calls, Ittsgh Ladd, Ciari>Steepe Lttytov, 11?adelou Streets, Wean 7t l4 DRAIS, rl'e altos+ IYi'eia;nn <f l)DTt • SAN, »As's L.,. RGE Ve ell p v�� EKC -,4^1b Yin L:ITI S I StTc VALENCIA ' CAKE 4 .p Cannell LUN 1C PUMPKIN 21c to"belong to generations not old e- 11011911 to protect it" 1) ONE NEWSPAPER PSIBLISI•FER .WHO 'MAKES MONEY` ' `(Toronto Star) One 'editor and. proprietor of a 1 Weekly eekl newsnaner-. is. Said to . make a:• He `'e d, r �85�64 026. x v rofit" of: a i P 1 r 'n Mrcl. M sections of our ia'`iduring the ewe o5.1110•. dread omen ttointion of the Do- ves In ol- Dearborn -publishes the D q ( ) 1 .clepondent and his, name is H. Ford. Besides' editing bis paper ho also makes 'autos on 'the side. COULD THINE THERE. Why can't -Wo' go . to the-nroyies tonight, John,.:ii's dull staying, at hpine? No, :Maria, We cau'S( go io the movies,: We must think about' our bills Well can't ,we think about :our bills between =acts at the movies?' „ C,ozarat) News They,,are up-and-coming folk about Zurich. A ildnse has beta greeted in the course of a' few weeks ,and is already occupiedby the olvner. The marriage took place at Cred- iton Er angelical parsonage on Dc- eomber 11t11, of, ,Miss Alice Ga.iscr and MY; Ferdinand Habcrer o•f Etnr- ich, Miss Adeleino Spence, "claughte o° Mr. Adorn Spence of Ho 'cit. town- ship, : died al; W5rllesloy 'hospital, Toron(•, on December ,14th at the age of 'twenty-nine years. The ro maims were brought home for in- prnient, silo funeral taking .place Fordwich cemetery; Miss Spence Ivor been of robust, ltdaith. N, "Sir Douglas Haig" was`heard a year Mb was raised f' 1S1is±ail and 'gest animal II,e had CAMEL BRAND 3 lbs Dates: 6 Rolls TOILET PAPER 25c 27c GRAND 10 lbs -Su SUNT 3 tins Sal r - PROVISIONS CHEESE M kine Sliced BA ON No 3 ,Tin SHORTENING ..2Jc. 37c 51-c 'PURE LARD .. 20e. lb. No. 3 T -in PURE LARD 59c - Dominion 'Clara Gould, Jack IVI, tch, Harold Langford, Douglas I1,ennedy, 'Nettie. Taylor, Dorothy' Ward, Marion Me- Brien, Ivan;. Dodds, '- Mary. Watkins Florence Huller. ',Class (LII) Bill Mntoh;' Harriet -Hawkins,; Ross McEwan, Sans Castle, Eva` Cold, Jack Lavis. W'. G. STRONG; Principal. IT WILL .BE'A Gi5EAT SHOW.. JT 'Preparations have been completed for the 89th. Annual Ontario Pro- vincial Winter Fair to be held at Guelph on Decetber 8 -14th. With 88 successful shows, ta- its credit, the 1922 Winter, Fair; ie an assured fact. All departments are equal to any previous show', and four are re- cords. In the Horse- Department, the .entries guarantee a particularly' strong, show. This can be realize when it 'is noted that in the class for aged Clydesdale Stallions are is entries., Other'istrong classes show 11 Filly Foals, 10 'I-Iackney broou. snares, 13 Draft geldings, 13 3 -yr - old Draft horses and 12 heavy draft teams, 'These "are but'a' few of the many:• strong classes to be seen in the ring daring : the Winter Fair Week. With a total of 1175 entries, the showing of sheep:' and swine at the Guelph Winter Fair will be of the very highest order,'. and surpass e9- erything seen there. 809 entries o1 sheep is ,a record, and it may be truthfullsaid that, the sheep show will be lone of the best elver' held In a Canadian Show. Each breed le fully represented,' and the quality speaks strongon,g competition. ion. The See,,1,5howathe Guelph in - ter Fair halt, always • been of tlie highest order, and the quality of the JANUARYTROD AND GUN 'Tire .°January Issue of Rod and Gun in Canada, the opening number for 1923, ` sets a high standard for the subsequentissues to equal. This number as now on sale, and 'it should. please : every sportsman. . " An as- sortment of splendid features greets, the reader. Bonnycastle. Dale ex.. cols himself in his splendid. contri- bution, "A Christmas Day's ,Duck Hunting," while " A. errip'. up the Talcu River"- is another article that id' almost 's'u'e to please.; Harry 11I. Moore, the gifted Canadian writer Inas never written a: better story than "Bones," which is another big , at- traction in this isstio. Tho various departments, the ' diversity of 'tea- times, the lino illustrations -all these. help to . retake lip a magazine of quality and excellence. Rod and . Guit in Canada is pub lislied 'monthly. at Woodstock, On- t::ilio, by W. 3, Taylor, Limited. ] RIP 1111' i'a6 atr 010p each tut:A ci itsy tetleua lilptap nttaia:ca toxin 7 Cr rd mlato the n1tt0a aais1os 01'90504 moose y4 i fedi fine, '. b:er 7'h.a firil,�o Fol', LSvor' PIs FD