HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-12-28, Page 411)23 a red-letter year, Things you h11ve always, left undone, al -ways intended to do some day,1 Tellient; Sea"o11. ,n0Pe like,, the ideal' Man or woman ( - thin you to WOO:, Instead of the in in- .ritYS done your tasize, tole agreeable,more Companionable, ve by developing a pleasing, Mag - may draw new friends, to you and, 9 place for yourself inthe business.': in your coninnfnity, -- in whateyor aline Many of your ambitions, many alpha, r real victerleS, real conquests, 1', and thus advance yourself greatly (al esteem, in self-confidence, in -de- in all the suciefs elualiti(es. • and more. • have the baekbone to keep all your lied, RUNNIMC IT r OUT INTO T'r13 OPEN /i --New Orleans1..':).11Q6':[ leaylntne; .ry Srlhota1 S11zOBLl Ca 0a ye ;'1'nak Sto t y. ' 11011 People feali,o tlic 0,001 vaaliie of iris a Iles! b :. ..• . � m.buy element eclaeitatW$ 1iavi 0001.10011 n1..ted';thaR abcwh G,U00 3 10111 f 1 1 ' 12,1(111 trai,ain'* yet Chu�ar tv 011(1 X" 1',J -,1 plat willsie dTme., rho a11.1kd ns very 1111 tris 01111 1. 1)21 k ri 011 Prince : Other antic, can. 7„1` nd::bef,1 11 the season 111'ns(> a 81/30010 do not nowt4l+al; conll00 increase cf 1000 1 axrels ovor 1JQ1.1 jR;ia1 n1nslc 1111111115 to the mere of The (10000(1111 15 .3111-.11' 11115 year, tho 571 less mechanical teaching of, ,= rt read- ln•ice rl:r1 ing from $0 to $8 ger bar- 00111 in tag. Thee 1000011 hoof 110l011es the rel, �4ame 110101,m,01-, have aah�ea y 1 G:igt pupils not oialy la load sin11110. 1nt1s1(1 landed fifty 'barrels each, readily 'till sac4ni etc IY but to tel[ Montreal, CZae It 1s e 5 Thrift :means wise nerr.ageilent of Ile ebo s eon:h It to t t upon his fi What you llave-(111(101,+,tinle,energies, laurels i"11.1 soon 10210 laurels resting opportuT tie,s. , ,up o11 hint. Still a feirther addition 1001 n1ad8 to • - British'Columbiaks fur larafif t; Indus- try during. the week when n Tex form was established at. Nokusn,; by 10 W. .. . 'Some- -little boys wore 'overheard r' talking Of. their fathers. "My father • belongs to its. Odd I+ellotvs • said C1larles. "Anel.°ndrio is a Mason," ▪ boasted George. ,"And what doe(your 1. father belong to„Richard?” risked one. ` "He belongs to mamma," was' the prompt reply. . • To graod+cate "cal' n laude" a gia•1 might ,li 'require,d to. have among her ;creel its a record of service in the loonie of sonic" oVcsburdene.l young n other:1. To ant as a "mo'ther's helper' is one • of the most useful'and vs'dhodosome thinngs that a h igh-i hoot girl earl -do. ,all' An. A hbassgdor of Trade. 3 I -Ion \-5, s. Field ug Minister of - The Halifax N.S., Philharmonic So- „ Commerce, who is returning, shortly to eiety are this year conducting musical" le'' Canada -after completing an im ortant: 0oritesits-between choirs of boy scouts, p Ne* Chief of-U,F.O. "-tlatI treaty,'tvith'1+raue'e which grants girl guiles, puhli,c-�chaoil-xupils and tid. ' , ` n t1ercre: The aim of the W. A. Amos; ele0ted president of tl1 Canada ciistoma 11110 os• e(1nteh (hour a en hat 1 Irr g It __ cgnte�ts :is to sitiniulaito choral.and Uua(ecl'Fai'lners of Ontario; to encase cronvmwni�tiy singiin�g 111 • H,,lifaX: 111. W, -I9. T3urnaby, 'o • 1 estimated b was '$176,001,- down ;1 'f1 U97,': clow(( music from, lactation and., retri,t the 1Kcntreal Grin Clearance Board 1 b r,nvc011d in .. delightful of ail, t'o visite 00(111na1 that about 1.00,000,000 .bushels weoO 000 In the 0011114 , ineloiiles. Such. training ae this both sent cut in ocean bottoli10 from this 000:01 Brlti dr Cohn develops the memory anr3 power of 1101 L 01;00010 the .10 00 0'1 navi�gaUiron (1.000 000 in Saskatcl•. peltaove ince and Roste.rs C8u i n, 01(0-' 'lhiiseempares very favorably with 8.14000 000 10 1 0W 13biini, floe and artistic Vase. -If a student, the ,51100101st ,sea 011 when .wpprOxi " Regina, S-ts.k foen1 ac has musical talent this trailing will n ately 138,000,000 aoa'nels were shin 01(n5 in the, mining 1118(1111111 cllscovr�r-anddeve0op 1t, 0t not, he will pod, from this peat, 01110 0. record was c11-a'x n till the lar'ger coal t least have been given invaluable created !running fall time, while the sri mental � ,- ., intelligent enioYment of music, whish Lie power' company- has (been organ- the volume al' lousiness they are ha a training itncl a c01)aeitY for the Toronto 0111..-.A. 'now 4.y,110-elec- ones appear to be quite satisfied ill he a life:1021 Pleasure ived"to furnish Northern Ontar'io gold ling, From present hadicaatiees w - , ' The value o&' music study iu lntfTn T2 mining industries with po ver and output• front tl e provineets coal- min rth.n forgain ing the spealolntg voice is t in, Itself a as'si'st in the devol011o'n art of 'that rich 111 .1922 will be large a sufllcielnt rea,sa u ,tor thecal lessons 'In the eclropl.. A -fine musical vbico is:u vallia018 ascot in every day life. It helps Ito. wilt' 1111°ia1'1cts, to nralce.eao's an - territory. It is known as the Creat tine past, Ntorthern.4?ower CY.r., 'ltd. The emu- Edmonton; / Lti1,-It• is reported •any;is 110w building' the initial unit :that gold bearing. quartz has been p of,•a plalit �a1i-'thio Monti•e'al River (10221• 'found some (10 vales xij7'the south Nrr-'" vii (1(110(11 Pleaeantor, and to recreate Indian Urines,.sin1111 is-expected.that henna Rtvca?.'i a tributary al. the Mac - 4 Due's influence 'With 01111 friend and tho;fii•st ;power unit of 2,f6U Iroise- l;eitzie River; and already clalini;;'hale o!re ger. 1mligrtamt as these'fa0tors 'power will be ready far, distribution been taped. A nail -01 gold is also 1000 in tire development of personality, early in 1923. I reported on . t small' <reek 30 miles training in singing liar perhaps event a Port Arthur, Ont.=WiL-1 the con, this side of Wrigley. greater value in its P1iyeical aaer.eise etruction of +two nevr.elevators'dur-1 Vilta .a, -13,C, -The Argentine Ilse in perangther1img-the lungs and In Its ing'tlhe coming year, storage capacity nu0i( forul's: 111 important marketer genaraliy torile'eiheet on the health. at the heath ,of 4,06 ;_1001100 will be British Columbia , lumber., according' to In stndYlgg. inotru;mental mtisd1, brought up to 01,000,000 (bushels Tor F. 1, Vigor; an electrical' e t lnecr 111 school orchestras and ,bands -1shbuld the 1023 season, The Batvlf Gram La Plata, who has :arr1 eel in ti`i1.1 ria, also be encotna eel, No rschool should Company �arinounees that 1t willchectl In viety of the,foot. ihoL t,leae is no 1' be without its -vocal and archestral a terminal elevatpi•" vilh a - storage ge native softwood r 1- the A 1genthae and capacity of '1,500,000 bushels at Port only a limited quantity of -hardwood, Arthur.. 1 t1re10 is a groat demand for limber Winnipeg, Man, -Nearly 400 coal from Canada. Our• Best -for a Day. '.. ,. The New Year. Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sly, P,he flying cloudy -the f11gety light: The year is dying' in the night; Ring out, wild 30010s, ,nod let hien die. Ring out• the' old, ring -in the new, Thing, happy bells,- across the snow; - The .yeti is going, let him go;; Ring out, the false, ring in the true. m1151C. a It ought to be possible to live our 5 clays in each fashion that we will rind miioh: pleasure and satisfaction' do looking back: over the journey.wehave come. 'Too, -great self-satisfaction is not -good, land yet if we have filled the' days' as they, have, conte to us- witch sincerity and earnestness and unself- ish effort; and ffave tried to -maizei them count for the best things, the memery of them ought to lie nteasur- otbly'satisfactory and comforting. If, by. the grace of God, we ,can live each e day that -it will have no deed or d thought "of ours in it of which- we would,�have reason to feel asiramedl that will be a -good -start. And then if -we can add thus, that each day -will have some act or thought sof read un- selfishneas and service,'tve -Will. have gong a bang Way- toward laying', up' a pleasant memory Tor the days to come. And even though it might be that the ° l as't record :has not : been quite" satisfactory, ,-can we not begin, from. today to make e•veaything,'bot- ter? And there can be few thoughts in life more uplifting than "that o that it does: climb up-te better things with : the 'progress of the years. -Christian' Guardian. • efts "Here , 16 :a Language R000lution;' hen he said " 33eu see it has gone quite • ANEW YEAR'S WISH and -ai weelz or two and then thrown m Vv aclz to .the bat_ It was probably u -ed -E'er ave some dark corner 'while - 1110 owner for .went of£, with car01e0s company and eo- forgot all iabout it. The,man that owns • his Wants another' made from the est 1 same pattern only a little broader._IIe 1 comes here 'every year, and this ordsteis sen always the same."' . )ld• "He 'is , a good 'customer -I know ,.. as him well," ,said Forgetit, er-I"Yes, (buyers of , Language Resolu- tions are steady customers,"- said Meanwell Forgetit'pidked up a dilapidated n „ and badly twisted object. ust ; "What is,,this disjointed thing sup- sy posedto be?" he said, curiously. "That," said the old'workman, sad - tit' lY, `is aTruth Resolution. You see how it's all bent and twisted. The II'trouble-is its been stretched too niu-ch eet'al don't know any resolution that, showe trlie wear 'ands tear of everyday life as gpiclely as that one. I 100101(1= y111'ber Well *hen I made that. The marl the I` made it for was a big business Irian zentand a fine fellow, but his order called for an adjustable resolution- and that 1/27,171 kind is never very strong:','` ng1 And what is this crumbling ashy are, thing?" asked Forgetit,'indicating an isfh other strange -looking object. "That's- a Temper Resolution, said s'0 Meanwelil. "It was as sweet and bright a looking' 'resolution as I ever' saw When it went ,out of here' last New Year's morning: But the woman that owned -it allowed it to get hot toe often and all the sweetness and brightness, and beauty has' been burn- ed out- of it.. She wants it patched up, but I don't think I can do a single thing, with. it. Besides I'm : afraid it might , explode 'if, I start ':tinkering with it." 1"01(1. frien13, if. I were you I'd -:dig a big 'hole; somewhere and dump all this junk out into it, and 'hereafter I'd, deal only in new resolutions," ad- vised Forgetit,..., "Make them strong as -you cart, keep good stook on hand and your 'shop ope11 all year; so that if, any of the resolutions break people gen get new ones at any time without waiting for' the New Year rush. I think it would be much hotter if peo- ple got their resolutions fresh every morning, "-like -their nulk,;insteed of once a. year, r11nyway." , "I believe you're right," agreed Old Meanwell: "Hark; the .old. clock `is .striking- -twelve and., listeh,•there are the bells' and whistles announcing .the arrival of the' New - eiai. And hear that sound of tramping feet? That -sound, is made by the army of n1en, and we. inun,who are on 'heir way to niy shop. I„,must get busy, n't According to advices frzen Wash is ington, Canada is the principal source a of the United Sbotos Imported iiaw a furs, which now anntu fly ,accounts for on' between 20111113 25 per cent. of the total import `value, tit: 110 m is I; ce fy • The 'Old. ;Year is gone, with his,pleasure and pain, We hasten,to welcome theNew Year again; We hail him our friend we we.canngt refrain - 1- giving: a cheer. For -the gift of Old Time is a sift to us all. May his woes never kill,may his joys never pall, 'And may we neer spoil him, whatever befall- Our gladsome. New Year. May all of -his paths lead to plenty and peace, May all from grief's bonds find a joyousselease- And-may all the discards of enmity, cease. In'every sphere. May goodwill o'er all the earth brood like a dove, 'May ' we speak words and dO actions.pronipted by love, - And may'every blessing -from 1 -leaven above Come with our New Year. -May each one act kindly, forgetful of self; May hatred and malice be placed on the shelf; And ,nay he bring plenty of pleasure and pelf To all we hold dear. t e corne-to an end, Mayeach'of hisdays; as h y 130 filled with the, will, day help pto others to lend.; , new ` roveto each a new friend A:iid may each This' gladsome New; Year. Riau„ out the grief that -saps the mind, For these -that there we ace no more;. Ring out the feud of rich and:: caor, Ring an redress to all! fnanikindi Ring out a "slowly dying cause), And ancient forms_of -party strife, ' Ring in' the nobler modes of life, 'with sweeter manners, purer laws. Ring out the want, the care, 1$0.11(1, Tis faithless, coldness of the times; Ring -out, ring amt my mournful rhymes, But ring . the fuller minstrel in. Ring /out false pride inplace and blood,. The ',civic slander and `the spite; Ring in the 000013f mouth and', right, Ring 'in • the common love of good. An (rise :Minister-,. -Ernest Blythe, Minister of Local Government in the Cosgrove Cabinet of'th''e-Irish Free State.' Ring out: old shapes of foul disease; Ring eut the narrowing dust of gold;' Ring out the thousand wars of old, Ring in the thousand -years of peace. Ring in the' valiant 'men and lite, The larger iheart,,the kindlier hand; Ring out; the 'darkness of the land, Ring in the Ciirisdt that is to be. Afifredd Tennyson. Rich Smith, of East Kelowna, B.C., was acclaimed as the best Canadian apple grower at the Winter Pair held in Toronto: He captured ibhe sweep 'stakes for the best box of apples of any variety on exhibition in any -sec- tion. So far as the other results in the fruit judging ware concerned, On. tasio growers held up well and even shaded the British Columbia men. s Prince George in: - • The youngest son, of,The'i'r Majesties King George and ';Queen Mary, Who has been successfully operated upon for appendicitis. He is a naval cadet_.. The Natural Resources Intel- ligence -Service of the 'Depart- ' 111111 of the Interior says( -e - The Esquiniaux at the Me,iitlz of the Mackeigcie river are very prosperous,, say's 1Kr. A. M.- Perry, a ITomiiion land survey-. ora Who lute just returned to Ot tawa from a survey of the lower part of that river, lylany of them, he states, `own their own auxiliaary. 5'ehooners, 'and;01e no longer solely dependent upon their Eskimo leyalos in travelling:. over the northern waters. They scan, to, have a, natural facility for practical inetanios and have no difficulty an keeping their oohooner •engines in good' repair. Thus fatillity extends to other mechanical contrivances, even to 'their phonognph:s. and Watches. Soule of the Esquimoau.Y'iilong. rho' Arctic eett t•propose form- ing themselves into a jtradiiig'. company, wne9,110(1, e+hzit; +,led entirely by t1etiiselves, in': •C ` Color in Life.. .A man's days are'' bright ,cr dark' as. his own mind compels If 'e will re- solutely find the sun, hefinds it. If he in„ista-on ,seeing the rain -clouds,; black aa. the nether pit and full of doom, {there the9"aro y The cheerfulness of life 'is not in' drab, depressing surroundings it is in ourselves The joy of living is for us to choose.. We may ,have brave adventuress, in a walk of a half Haile, if; we have the sympathy and the imag- ination to bring tothe scene. ' Whatever the occupation -whereby men; and women earn their daily bread, their first Nosiness is to„bring as much' happiness to living as ,they are able; and' to strew it about them as they go. We need more optimists and enthusiasts, and we can; dispense with pessimists ,and croakers. We... need more of these Who are' not afraid to be themselves -not afraid td have an individuality, and to gs essejtern ways that. htesp,.a11i ilo �not woun . ' a Color Is brought bite life not so mace by any panorama the eye' can see. - not so much iby the accident and incidents of a vivid cared as by oiiir friendships. Every 'acquaintance we make :brings a fresh -range of thought, feeling and experience into contact with our an. 033e give thanks 'for the enrichment' of; our minds with ideas that we had not •entertained. There are, to be sure, the- people'ef the ether sort, whose minis give us Ino stimulus, no :food. BUt there are few in the World so utterly dull' and' tosapid thil* ytglnnot learn from. them - It is /rot nece0sauy to spend money, and g3 to a tlti' country 100 tiuesi: df- colo('. A prislonnr'im a eell'ean see the. 1.blue of the sky through the bar's. Ho paints on the wall --if he is allowed -a Iscene of meadows, water -brooks and mountaitiis,, because his spirit 'cries out for ,the color of the out -6f -doors °ha'. `knew. Nature is good to the eye, as to the other senses of a anan. She 'gave u5 (flowers, not,. for 'then' scent, alone; but for,o_'_ DIC) THIS HAPPEN TO -YOUR CHk1IIi'0AS PARCEL.? Loot Christmas 00,000 parcels in Canada could not be delivered at their <destination,.lr 01011 insufficient addresses, ,/rhe postal authorities urge cars) lir tho despatch of parcels. of Lite contents of•parcels at Ottawa. 'POOR kt.)5B/MILl OV E.R, HAVE, \1t0 511011 l oR : \NA`r , l'3- 4•// 00 ID OC wH1rE'( pc3c W.`ti< t-irr ? iJi1i0 Rf1T\1 Ov1.R -`