HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-12-28, Page 1ONT.
Residence 174J
ecause he .11 itilts'
e worth bankipig.
ORDilte. I)
Oi eAril:iete
est wishes for
1 (.sperous
Wheat,, $1.104
Bu lctvlieet 75e.
Bailey„ use,
Oats, 40e,
Butter 30c to~`^S33c, i,
Egg's 488.
Live: Hogs, no, qu`otation.
Mr, T, O'Neil and a,rathe'+ bad
turn the other day and the doctor has
ordered him smith egain. Last year
it kern so mild all winter, that t1r,
O'Neil almost regretted having gone
south^ and thought • he would spend
this at shouse but his condition issue 1,
that a change is considered necessary.
He and Mrs; O'Neil' leave :nor Florida
early in -Ole week, probably. Monday.
C. C. I. COA'l'i`f1;NCEmE,N`I'.
The c"otnmeneement exercises of
'the Collegiate Institute were held in
'the town hall Wednesday ana:Thin:s-
day evenings of;last .week. ' Large
-audience's were present on both ev-
enings and the program .flame' of
the bort ever 'prep red for this oc-
' en -lee opening , chorus was well - re.
ceived'and was followed; by 1 valed-
ictory address delivered by Mr. •Ce-
'cil--A Matheson, who' is now in at-
tendance at the Normal School
Toronto, in ,training for afirst class
cectiiit(ate. Mr. .Matheson's address
was well ,given and a very''creditablo
oratorical effort.;-
Folk dances by .girls" of 'the first
and second forms proved very pretty
and their little, ditty "For Today is
Conuliencenint • Day" was: exception-
ally happy and ,appropriate.
- A " boys' 'quartette, "When the
Leaves Come Tniitbling ' Down" was,
well, xeadered„ by Messrs.. Jack Baw-
dn, Franke, Hovey, Blythe .Anderson
'and `Dorland Glazier. In` response
to a very hearty encore Jack Bawdeu
and Blythe A.nderson gage a .select;:
tion from vaudeville "Mr, -Gallagher.
and Mr, Steen,"from the New Yor;:
Follies: This showed good abi1ity
and was well received.
:The stately minuet wet. reproduced
,with charming effect by the girls of
the Middle` school and was followed
by a solo, "Sunrise and You," -whims
displayed to good effect the splendid,
voice of 'Miss Marion Gibbings,,
Miss 'Jean Woods and Miss Lucy
Levy danced a `Sailor's Horn pipe"
and responded to a hearty encore with
a little dance - and song, `All the
nice'girls love a sailor." s
,One of the most"interesting num
bees was the ,boys' gymnastics, The
exhibition: of tumbling andgymnas-
xercises was
given without a'
Slip and called .forth many continents
of apprecia'tiou. ) -7
The selections from Japanese ope
retia given. ' by -the Upper. School
' girls, wore Well" es}dered and receiv-
ed with hearty applause. The chor
uses: -fan` drill, and a trio `and chorus
entitled; • Three little • maids ,frons`
school," Were a "Very 'creditable in_
terpretation .of light -opera','
j' On Wednesday evening, Mr. H.R.
Sccsit of Seatorth,,presented the lint
•teieollegg>,ate ,, Ba,sketball. Shield;
which'ili''e had donated, for comped -
on''bdtween' the .Seaforth and Clin
•-ton Collegiates. 'Iii a' few.:appropr-
ate rentarks 'Vii•. -Seott dwelt, .upon
the eXcellent 'school• snirit'shown. in
the continence:neat exercises and
eongra'ttilated the Clinton :team on
is success in the basketball field,
-'The pupils showed their appreciation
of .Mr. Scott's action by by applaud-
ing, and' giving their ,school yell,
"Phi, Chi, Psi."
On Tltursday'evening the pre5eli
tatieir of school _prizes and: diplomat,'
-waes, made iby- the principal who pre-
sented .the. medals and cups , won In
the sports compotition and the certi-
ficates :and c1'11(101na5 won at .the
inid-, untmt
er exaiit'
mations. '
Mr, P".•
Elliott won the senior 01)anipionship,i
Mr the boys and M. Elmer Paisley
the junior. championship
In the girls events, Miss Lucy Levy
won the senior championship •and
Miss Ruth Jeckson \he. junior cham-
',The play entitled, .."My Lord in
Livery" was well g•iveli laid proved
A very creditable effort on the part
of the young actors. Jack Bawden
as "Lord Thii'lmere," •showed Klin -
self possessed of considerable blare,
elite abiiitY and - Mr. hall Farnham
„iss"the butler," and' Bert Marshal]'
as"Hopkins, the Toot:Men," ,played
their parts exceedingly well. Miss
Jean Woods as "Sybil Anlberley" the
leading' lady, acted with (ler usual
ability and naturalness at -al was ably
supported by her friends. Misses
Annie 14I@Faslane and .Carol Evans.
A pleasing 'ft:store .oi' .tile 'exereis-
es'"was ri presentation of 1.04e3
e3 to
11138se0 Graham: and 'E' ('1 by the stir.'
dents as an appreciation of their ef-
forts in 1" C1011$'1' tho11 f'' their
different 1(11011ers.. The boys also
presented Mr. ;Shrclair'''witlr a token
of an a:Galaticn and 1111', Sinclair with
much feeling, aelenowlc11' r,' the kind.
:nettof, rho pupils' action, o •hehallf
of him,sel£ and the lady teachers, On
Thursday: evenings the gradual,:
Cass o'1' 1922 presented Miss
deugall with a 'betratiful no:•'•
Atilerieali Beai1Cy roses fls '
mot 0 her intere t lir the
0111C1 4;6 .M:r., rr dotOR rr
`. :D
Tho eantatta "Santa Clans' arid'
Isis" Friends," was 'presented in .the
town hill Chlistinas n ght by the pu_
pile of the public school before a
large and appreciative audience. l'he
0411111en performed t 1015 respective
parts crditably and the attendance of
the parents 'manifested the interest
taken ley thein in : the presentation
Of, slUCL' a work. T1ic ,proceeds will
beA ,tlspd' towards the purchase oil
Gral honola a'ecol'de as the zi0045
The. funeral took pl,eee from tho
station yesterday of; Mary , Telyer,
wife of Mr. Hamer Smith of. Toron-
to, Whose .death occurred on Monday
after, a somewhat 'lengthy illness.
The deceased'' lady was formerly a
resident 0-f. Clinton, leawing.here with
hex husband -for Toronto about fit_
teen, years ago. She is survived by
one 'brothor, ;: Ch ls. Ilelyor of+; Clin=
ton,`and one. sister, Miss Helyer,
teaches', Toronto. '14i 'Pallbearers
yverd. John Rlkiott, A. J, Tyndall, II,
E• Rorke and J. C. Mclltath., , Mr.
and,Mrs. R. A. Downs: of Woodstoct
and Mo., and' Mrs. Geo. , Smith .of
Port "'Iluron"Pere here for tlte,13115
The following from :the Mitcho'i
Advocaq refers to the death of the
mother 01 Mrs. , H. Wiltso of,
town. Mr. and Mrs. Wiltse attend-
ed the funeral -on 61'huradoy last:
"Another 'of the 'well known hgul'es-
of a rapidly ,pa05101 ,generation pee -
sed from thestage on.;Tuesiay of
this week in the person 1ofi Mos. A.
Cameron of the Logan -Road or St. -
George street. The immediate 'cense
of (death was a very severe "attack
of pneumonia which proved ''too
mach 'fora naturalily -vigorous and
wiry ..constitution. Of Mrs, paiti-
eron, ;i may :be truly. -said that she
lived r he siliiple • life; ,ex.ea ogilifying
in all her activities and relationship
the true and trusting faith- that
stood •her through all the trials oi`
this:;+drorld and into the triumphs of
the world oto come, :She leaves 'be,
hind her .one sons W, A. Cameron,
Jeweller, of the town, and ' three
daughters, Jean, Fiances and Fior-
ence,-all in this vicinity. Tho 1011 -
oval will take place ire= hex late
home, St. George stxegt /this Thurs-
day at' 2;30 p. 111.
A most happy, evening -was spent
at the ieeme of Mr. alid''Mrs, J, T.
n4oout thirty
guests, mostlyrelatives, were
-to'fielp celebrate the twenty-fifth an -
adversary of Chert marriage. The
-guests yeere right royally 011100L2121 -
ed :1114 before the evening was over
the -host and hostess were presented
with a purse of silver. They had re-
quested that no gifts be tendered (tui;
their frisnds thought it too important
an occasion to let pass; without some
tangible token of eeteem. , The fol-
lowing address accompanied the gift:
"Dear Sister and Brother. Aunt
and Uncle; -.We .feel that we •calln0t
let this, happy occasion pass without
extending to you our Singere congrat-
ulations" We desire' to add Dur
thanks to- yours to the Almighty_
Keeper for your being . spared to
celebrate the 231,4 anniversary of
your wedding. This is an auspicious
occasion in your lives and we' ask
you to accept .this gift as a small
souvenir and as, a slight token of
Dur love and esteem. We trust' and
pray that -you rimy be spared to en-
joy, many more of these;anniversar-
ies and thaat they' may be all as happy'
as this one, 'Wishing' you a Happy
Christmas and''a successful new year.
Signed Ihy sisters, brothers, nieces` and
Ontario Street`Church
11110 meeting of 1110 V Ladies' Aid
has been postponed. The ladies will
now meet 011 Jail. 10th,
Willis. Church
The pastor:. will preach on Sintday
next, choosutg aappropriate. thoinoe -
In the ramming his -subject will be:
"A Happy Neve Year," Evening:.
"Build the More Stately Mansions.
Wesley Church
Pleasing Christmas aservices were
field on Sunday Mrs, Jenkins of
',ender: and Mi55 Greene „of Toronto
assisted: the choir and Mrs, Jg04diis
.rang et ;Solo at the evening service.
A most successful Christmas en-
tertainment was held yestordaye:eve
ening. --Although a little late 801111a
Claus was most welcome and;tlie tree
yielded rnupli
St. lyaiil's Ghurclr
Much of the 04041.110
ire repeated next
The annual 1 ,So
was held s
p' day eve.
1 UhIOIt 0. 73, A. SCHEDULE,
The following schedule of games
has been drawn up for " the Junior
0. II. A. team:
Jam 3=0linton at St. Marys,
Jan. 12 -St. Marys at Godericb.,
Join. 16--Goderioit at .Clinton.
Jan. 24--.Goderych at St.' Marys..
Jan. 26 -St. Marys : at Clistton,
Jan, 31. -Clinton at Codermch, '
Wilfrid Rands,' brother of Mr. Jabez
Rands of town, was somewhat badly
wounded in the ]umbel weeds of the
north last week drill was beOnght to
Toronto for treatment. His jaw was
broken and several ribs and he was,,
rather badly mauled but he is making
progress and it ic•=oianceted he will
soon' be able "to bg, brought up here.'
On the closing fte
afternoon at school
an 'interesting presentation of prizes
was made ,to several' pupils in the
primary ro n of the public school.
s Mara : < ..
!;g awarded
two lovely:,prizes to the girl and boy
,hiving the -highest standing in the
room, Little Miss Dorothy Cornis,i
was the happy recipient of 0. beauts-
fur'blue-eyed 4o11 and Master Billie
McIntyre of a lively' little train. Mrs.
R. B. ',Canter also awarded a hand -
sono book to Miss'Dorothy Cook, for
good conduct duringthe term, •
'Clinton hospital: board was greatly'
elated over the news that a legacy of
$2000 liad been left tor hospital use
by the 1ate,Wm. Scott of Egniondville
but it appears that',.the report was
exaggerated, ^ in so far ae Clinton is
concerned. '. The becniests,"it"is said]
Were made to Seaforth,'WingJ lsan anti
Goderich' but Clinton- was left, •oils:.'
Clinton will have to get along without
this legacy and if the bylaw carries
,.on Monday will be able to do so, nice_
1y, lthough the gift of $2000 would
hav4, been very acceptable.
• e
Percy' J. Tasker, +son of ---Mrs.
Tasker of .Ontario str_eet, died very
suddenly `this •-morning., He collapsed
in the postoflice while waiting, foi
mail. .A doctor was suminone
and he rallied a little and was.taken
home but shortly afterwards, expir-
ed. Ile 11ad been goinglibout leis
it'ork as „usual, being, assistant In
'Wendel -1's ° confectionery store, and
was in Charge of ..the store as Mr.
Wenclorf had left on the early 1tiorn-
ing train for ,Chesley ,intending to
.remain until
flet New � Year' "
s. "He
was nineteen years of age ,Mach
sympathy is felt for:' the bereaved'
mother and the other members of
the fancily. The funeral takes .place
from; his mother's home on Saturday
afternoon at half past two.
ation.s ,onn Friday Eveini
Last Resulted as Fol;low's,
J, E. Johnin ,by G: E. Saville 5111
J K. Wise.
J A,, Lord by A, J. McMurray and
A AreCartney.
.D, Cantelon by R. E. 'planning and
W. A. Grant.
A. T. Coo015 by. B. J. Gibble,gs
and A• •Cantelon.
:A. J. McMurray by W. ' Shaw
and 0. L. Paisley. "'
J. F. Rogerson by 11. W. Fitseim
tons and 'T; II. Leppikig'ton,
R. J, Miilel qtr `W, A. Grant and'
F Rogerson, '
C. G. Middleton by 13. W,,Andrews
and I3.' 13. McCool.
Bgt•t Langford by Wm, l`R'utlede
and J. P. McIntosh,, . 6
r � . Livermore by W, T. ITawlei :
and 0. L. Paisley.'
A. T. Cooper .by .4. Cantelon an
G.E. "IIa1l: '
1V WI ; Trewartha by . A. J, Morris
and' J,' T. `Reid, •
S. Temp by G. E. Hall and T.
-W. J, Paisley by D. Cantelon ai
A, Cook •'t
C. G. Middleton by B. J. Gibbin
and H, SI. Mcllrren, /
J:iolloway lty, A: J. Grigg an
W T. Hawkins,
11..1-I •MoBrien Iby W. T. I-Iawkiu
and 'A./J. Grigg. '
33.'T. Corless by A. T. Caopd"1' an
A. Cantelon,
W. E. 1',erdlze by A, T: Cooper and
S. J. Andrews
W. J. Nediger' by, 1J Cantele
C.' G. Middleton: " n ani
0: L.':.PaisIeq by°'A. J,- McMur
and R. Tiusife a
S. J, Andrews .by A.•1. Coope
and D. Cantelon. p ,
"V. N. Hawkins by R. B. Carter
and Fred Liver'txo1'e• , -
tentioli of being' a candidate, that ire
had ,no particular fault to find ,with
the management of the town's bus':
Hess::and was not prepared just ay
present to take a113 active part in its
mat gement,
Mr. o `A: T. Cooper "Said he could
boast a longer residence in Clinton
than Mayor Cantelon, as he had bean
(sere for about fifty-five yea's. " :tie:
called :attention to 'the financial 're-
port reviewed briefly some of the
work of the past.year, pointed put
that the town was orderly, only,,terc.
dollars being collected in 'Sikes, and
was a good town,r'eiierally,.
thought the date of election slreadd
be :'changed and that an educational
board*.ghould' be formed.,,. Ile spoke
highlyy'' of the work -of tile'ladies of
the hospital board 'and .reeoSnmell(c
ed to the ratepayers ,the by -lain to
ns be voted on on Monday, He said he
Would give the best ;of his ability to
the affairs of the town if elected to
the mayor's chair,
h Mr, A. J.,Mali:t e:4y objected "to
the remark made by ,Mr. Cant:elollto
JT. the effect that the mayor was nut a
figurehead. . He thought the 'post,
tion an important one. 1te said"'lie
was proud to be a citizen of (rlintols,
gs, 1t was: a good town. He,thought
some improvements - ,could 111e ' made
�l but said- his business interests woti1
net allow' of ;his becoming• a eandi-
`date r'a1• munieipa,l honours this:
E` Mr. Rogerson: thanked those who
had put, his name in but he had no
intention of becoming a' candidate, '
Reeve' ?Miller :reviewed briefly 'the.
d work of tho''past year, and said if
elected to the reeveship; for 1923- tt
• would-be the last time he would ask
for; the. honour, .He gave -some' In-.
fer:n.ation regarding the county de...
•bentures and the working out, of the
r Mothers' :Allowance Act in the
county. He said he.hact had some
spare time ,and had ,deemed, it a
pleasure to work for the•iritereste of
Mr. Bert Langford' 'disagreed with
Reeve' Miller ah9ut the Rands drain,
claiming that " the town•' .should not..
have gone to Jaw bit should have
settled- with 1131. 1f'an ,� , our i
the town had been puts' to a lot 01
costs "for nothing: Sali'il he had been
opposed 'to the matt.,' going to -the
ISt t Anclreev's Ward: W. S. R.
r Ilohne3,' by A. T. Cooper ^ n A.
d Cantelon: and
St. Janes' Ward: G. A. McLennan
by H. ^blcBrien add G. -
ton. ' W. Walker 'by ,R.;G.B,G.'Middle-
and W T. Hawkins ' Carter
St. Johns' Ward: T. II, :Plardy by`
A. J. Grigg and S. J. Andrews.
St. Georges' 'Ward M. T.Corless
by A, J. 1V/err/Sitand J. T. Reid. '
ei .
not of those nominees dict`
lnalce the necessary declaration
-and the ballots on, election day will
only contain the names of candidates.
for mayor, reeve and. commis '
ollows.For inayora� A. T. ironer,
as (
J� E. Johnson, ' For Teeve:
Miller, Bert Lahg'ford,, e
rniseionez:;.S,- J. Andre . , com
Hawkins. W.' 3
'The school ,trust
trews, CCS .are: 15't. A>Z.:.
' James �ard rYt. S;: It: Holmes. St,�`_
St;. Wald 1G, .::.,,q,,. 1VIcLennan,
Wald T, II, Hardy. ,St.
George's 'Ward ' M. 'P' Corless, all
elected -lay` acclamation.
The-' co"tineillors for 1923, el.'9.91.3
,;by aeelainatron are. P. Livermore,,;
S. Romp, C. G. ,.Middleton; W. ,p.
Nediger,W. J. Paisley and 0..h.
Paisley, •:
At the close of the nominations
Mr. R. E. Manning:was called to the
chair and the 'different candidates
were asked to the platform and an.
opporunity given for spent to speak.
Before the candidates were called
upon an•opportnnity was given Dr
Geuidier_ to speak a 'word for the
hospital bylaw, which is to be' voted
on on IVbonday, Dr, Gandier'spoke
in; the highest terms of the wont-
done in the local. h i '
os »sal' Ii ai `•
something hl
of hospitals lita
g and
1 ad
tlteat the treatment here was of,'the
highest order. ' He pointed out that
it was worth a good deal, ;42 the
town to -have the Hospital here, be-
ing convelliell; for the use of tae.
citizens and surrounding conitnull,
ty, that as long ae,people cosy
Mrs W111. Shipley wi11 be at home
to her .friends the, first Tuesday, of
each month.
The 33 T 0, willmeet in' Mr Ste-
thexs' ofiace -on-Saturday afternoari_a*
1.! you are in need of. counter diet.,
books The News=Record will look afi
ter your order .promptly.,
Tlie good citizen will, record his
•vote on Monday, choosing to the
best of his ability the men best -fit-
ted to fill the various positions.
. W. J,'.Elliett, who was injured
by a 'fall several weeks .ago, war so
far' recovered as to be able to he
removed: from the hospital to his
,.home on Saturday.
If you take so little interea't 111 the
town' t11,313 you'll ,neither "ooiue out
v sell' he nor
su i
it those who
do,' it 15 most 1pl1100515i5ten f01• you.
to complain of the sway the town's
bu sinesQs- managed.
Anyone contemplating payiIng 118 a.
largo 130111 01. money,':; (anything over
ton dollars is a large sunt,) 7. ind,y
hurry up and• do s0 -before the end of
the year. Itis your chance to get'
a receipt without the defaoe:n
-a +government : tax. stamp,;
Last Friday was
;and. following are
alt's in the -sur
ing (ac.) Ree
Grieve. - C:
G. 1',
courts. a . ,`)-1 ' 1 tin
Mr; 'Middleton,: as chairman of
the streets codnnittee; went into the
work done, that co '
thought;mmuch tnlor10 alight he done.
without undueest. if it was loiio
After this several of .the candi-
dates got into a discussion, and the
meeting 'broke up without a chance
being given to .all to speak.
Peop16 You n4,2!
Miss MaryOhidlev efvfoirkUffileis hole,
iday, at her home.-
l31ies, era Kennedy' of Mildmay ;1s
lid' e forthe holiday period. ,-
Mis: Jule Bill'lllff of Toronto Came
'" Monte for the ` festive holiday.
Miss 'Lottie Sloman of Toronto lids
been visiting her home in town,
Misess Winnie and Sadie Draper are
•spending the week at their (tome.
Miss Delle O'Neil of Toronto came
home' for the Chr'istn-oas vacation.
Misses Mary and Jean MoMurchie of
Toronto are home for the holiday
period.f••^ '
Mr. and 33ti,'E5f Wen.'endor spent the
- eahristma5tide ' with relatives at
C11esIey. r
Mr. 'Wilbur Ford of Pete54010 ;s
spending the cek at his home'
i 'town.
Mrs `~ II Mercer of Woodstock nil
visiting; her :brother, :1!C -t' G. 11._
111x. and ;311•s. Richard Hensley were
„ with , relatives in Ilensel), for
Chtiislanes. '
Mr. and Mrs. Les ie'.,W
spend' no•'