HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-12-7, Page 6il^ 1'pe0l d a Ii' itateresttnl new:; w x, r• x Ia1 another fortnights Cbristaiias ill be jut a few day:: 011; Are you netltiy ready Tor tht gee at f esti- y}t1 as you would 1'flc to be? Rev, t 1{5tovules in •theSt.11garyy I t 4.6thodlet church, and rev, J son Inkster, of Knox church, 7 cron- to both sPOIto to their' eoragiegatione :.•,on Sunday ovoning;on Welnanhopd" and both maintained that Woanen in the finer and ilal b ur stwere }0i0.911 s s:hlo• for ,the moral, ;and•re17 io tiff conditions of the people. St, "Mtllrt's' Journal -Argus. Just so!, Men haven'tchanged 0o much since Adam's time,'have they'.' L C. Caanerenr, K C,, ol:''Goderich at. who was asked 10 a )0come s coininis- stoner to look into the cases• of ci- vil servants •wha bad been taking more ,interest, in elections- than the -maw allows with a view, of course; - 'to ousting as many as possible who were on the wrong side and thus mike room ^for other$ cfrriendly to .the present Government, hens d. elfin;. • ed to aot. Soinebody will be found. • -who . will act, however, ,•if` 11; is the intention 'of the lfbne Government to return to patronage ;?The only way toprevent such a 'return -seems 'to be for ,the ;Conseryatives and ilio Progressives to sternly resist: such a trend. The Conservatives can by depended upon to -put up se strong re- sistance but cannot carry: it to suc- cess alone. Will, the - Progressives stand with thein? • Senator ,Proudfoot Buried in Goderich on - Tuesday SENATOR W/M.' PROUDFOOT, K. C. Senator 'William 1-I, Proudfoot, K. C., a native of Huron county and for Most , of his life a resident in the county, died at Wellesley I-Iospital, Toronto, on Sunday after a week's - illness. Senator Proudfoot was operated on for appendicitis 'on Saturday week but the operation camp too late, ,as a ,gangrenous condition of the ap- pendix' was found with Spreading peritonitis, and 1110 recovery from the first wasconsidered very doubtful. Ile lived throughout the week, how- ever, contrary to the expectations 02 ,attendant 'physicians, The remains were brought to God- erich for interment, the funeral tak- ing place - from ` St. George's church on Tuesday, on the arrival of the noon train., - - Te late Sena'tor,Proudfoot was born in Colborne 1township sixty-four years ago, being a son of the' late Chief Justice Proudfoot.' ]-Ie was educated in the Public and High .schools - of .Goderich and by 'private tuition and at an early age entered :the law office' of Justice Garro. and -was called to the bar in 1880. In: the sante year he entered into part.. aicrship with Mr, Carrow and coni- -menced the practise of 'law in God - elicit under the firm name of Gar - row and Proudfoot -For;some. ,years.. ie.has been senior member of the law titans of,Proudfoot,'.Killoran and "Holmes 0T' Goderich and of Proudfoot Duncan; Grant and Gilclay of Toron- to. In 1902 he was created a'52. C. He was a malt who always took a keen interest in the town in which. so long Ise made his home and for tea gears he was reeve, of Goderich, :[le was' secretaryand ..treasurer of the '(iron Law Association and way Tor years president of the West (fur,;: on Liberal Association. i 'In 1908. he a.'as for,; the first. time.•political- r u ii�lnt e ,t and •is elected to re ac present Centre Duren in the I e 'isl i•• tune and was 're-elebted`in 1911 and 1914. In 1918 he, was„appointed temporary leader of the Liberal Op - aYnits tea of tbo bat7cins 5n'l - of: Mrs ;Tonkin a Clinton, to 'Henry Wit liam.^(d 7'14sworLh, son of the late k}ly'lkliWQxth and of it'll•s, T4s Angeles, Ual, VfSON—At Kipper, en'tlldr', 20th 1>, .the Rev. J. l?+;;ostea', Grata Marie, ,daughter, orMr, and MrS, 'lune, (vise*, to Jnntto Reid !Tar ettce of , Gpderich township, . SPENCER—CARTER . - At Christ �r cltunch rectory, London,, on- Nov. :26th,,by tlie'itev Caner Gut}are,;Re. becca' Mary, only daughter of ilir. 00d ,Mis..John A Cartel fortuer- y o't Clinton, to John' Speneer son of -Ma. and Mrs • Jtrlin Spencer of London,• . i ,:,.13 . Joseph's YOU�TG CARB'IJP,.1"; At ,t P cleuich,'Cliathi', on November 29th by the Rev., Father. Gaffney, -Mary Alts ,, only daughter of Mr. and lbs.`:Matthew• Carbert of IIullett, t o Alexander g Texan er L. Your , only: son L ''of..Air, and Mrs. Joinf Young. et. Goderich. I Births' HARRIS—In Clinton, -:on Dee.`,_ 4th, to Mr; and -Mrs, G.'1'„ Harris, a SIIORTREED-In Goderich, on :No- vember 27th, to IIIc. and Mrs, W. J, Shortreed,'a son:, Deaths ' COWAN—In:Colborne township, on November 24t1t,.,Alexander ,Cowan. in his 87th year. BERRY -In Hensall, on November 23rd, Thos. J. Berry, in his 67th ,yeas'. ROBERTSON -In Cleveland, Ohio, on November 28th, Martha Dorsey 'wife of the late Matthew Robertson of`Goderich, aged 8b years. - MAHAFFY—In Clinton, on -Decem- ber 1st. Sadie A. Mahaffy, daugh- ter of Mr. James Mahaffy in her 44th year, •, Box Social and Concert ' There will be a box -social' at :S..S. No. 9 Goderich townghip, .(Tipper- ary),- on; Friday, December..15th at 7. 80 p. in. Ladies' please bring boxes. 79-2. Cows For.,Sale -- (Fresh Milk cows for sale—Apply to S. R. McMa,h, R. R. No. 2, Clin- ton. :•;; Phone'34 on 601; Clinton cep- tray„ 79-tf, .Cedar Posts For S le The Commissioners of the' Tttcker- smith Telephone System will sell' the following parcels- of cedar posts at the time and places mentioned below; Monday, Dee, 11th.' at 1 pan. in Brucefield; 2 p.nt.- at Grantor's -,cor- ner; 3 p.m. at Baird's school; 4 p.m. at corner one mile west of Hensall. —T. G. Shillinglaw, 79-1. lar O ear iliPosed of • 14nti'' GQhei "kal'1n1+b6 da, th1� vielnaty, s he childron s ol�y blas ' nolo On Sattedey ai'toin 4i i rept,rkin £or. their Christina oaltdttanlmente,' Ti i3upti.,1 Sunday sebool'is reProduoiag• their Cytutettt';;on December 20th. The' Methodist Sunday school . ts• preparing foe a Christians tree on December 21st, and the Presbyter upas are getting up a cantata fisc. December 22nd. .Mr, A, T. Cooper of Clinton: gave t :,very interesting 'I addresp, in, the Methodist ehurch on Sunday'evonin'g.• Mr. AmosAndrew is attending the Bee Keepers' Convention •lit Toronto thin week. Our winter came to an encs very suddenly and, we are noWe enjoying, Indian Sutniner, Mr. R. Jenkins of :Clinton visited his sister, Mrs. 0. E. Erratt on. Sunday. Breeder's Sale "The Huron County Breeders As- sociation are holding a; sale in Wing - ham about ing_har'about March est. Parties, hav- ing stock to dispose of, are request- ed to give this inforination to the Secretary, S. B. Stothers, Clinton. Entries close Jan. 15th. Dec. 7-21. -position' in the Provincial House buf •owing to his stand as a Unionist' and to the fact that he worked in har- naony with the IIearst Government during the, war period he 'lost favor with his party and did not receive the, nomination .in 1919 but ran as alt Independent. He was defeated, m a,uee core red fight,the Party Liberal, J M. Gowenlock, being elect- ed. Ile was appointed to the Sen - to by the Union Government in the same year and too1C the stand that senators should he independent and° support t]io measureses which we re. 'for - the the good of the country withoutbe-' int, trammelled by party , zlleg}ance In .lune of 1886 Senator Proedfoot was married to 1Vliss Marion Dickson of Goderich,,: who survives him, with their two ehldt cin, Isabel, II. and William A,, the latter being, a student at Trinity College, Toi'en-' ears ale f ,h�' t couple o Y For t itis t0 1 1 the 'family 'rave resided in Toronto. For almost, his Whole life Senator Proudfoot was a lnelilber of St.- Ooorge't Anglican church, Goderich, from which the funeral took place ' en Tuesday'.''' It Was very largely •att'.ended, the Oddfellows, Law So. deiety' 41.111- County Cotinoil alto/14111g, • Wanted ' Poultry, ,Eggs, etc. All -)rinds of Poultry bought at -•highest market Price.I will be at, Mr: Groves,'Hur- on Road on ,'Tuesdays iron' now un- til. the end..of. the year.. -W. Shob brook, Phone 7eon 641, Clinton. 79-3 Ialis.,•David Hastings of Turriberry died at •her residence on Friday week at the age of seventy-six years. She is survived by her husband, one daughter and four' sons. Last In Clinton A pair_of Spectacles, with tortoise shell rims. ' Finder,kincby,leave aro Plumsteel's store or phone- No. ,.201. Pig Strayed Strayed from the'' premises of_ the undersigned,, a white sow. Any in- formation leading to her whereabouts will be gratefully accepted and all, charges Paid. Dominick Flynn, R. R. No. 1 Clinton,' Phone 2 on 637. A: Vacuum Gleaner . - Put in car bymistake in Goderich` on November 17th,'n vacuum cleaner. Owner may havesame'by: proving property and paying for this adver tisement, Albert Leitch, Bayfield. 78-4-p. REVISION OF VOTERS' LIST, TOWN OF CLNTON`' 'Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to The Ontar is •Voters' List Act, by His Honour the 'Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Coun- cil Chamber. • Clinton, on the 22nd day of December, 1922 at 3'.o'clock in. to - hear and deterniine com- plaints of errors and omissions in the Voters” List of the Municipality of ':Clinton, 1922. Dated at .Clinton this 4th day of. December, 1922. D. L. MACPSIERSON, 79-2, Town. Clerk. Auction Sale , °' Of cows, young cattle, 'and farm implements. The undersigned has received .instructions, to sell by pub- lic auction ublic"auction at Lot 57, Bayfield woad, on Wednesday, ,December 20t1i, com- mencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the fol- lowing: + 2 fresh cows; 3 to freshen. about,time of sale;'5 to freshen Jan. 20th; 2 to 'freshen Feb.' 10th; 1 to :freshen Feb., 15th; 1 to freshen Feb. 23rd; 3 tofreshenMarch lst; 1 to freshen Apxil 5th. Six of the a-.- bove mentioned cows are choice Hol steins, the remainder are all good Durham grades. Young Cattle: - 9 choice -steers, rising 2 years, all in good condition. Implements:— Baine wagon; Adams wagon (new); set bobsleighs; M, -H. cutting box; Frost &_Wood hay loader; root pul-, per; Babcock milk and create tester. Terms:- Six months 'credit will bit given on furnishing approved joint notes ora discount of six per cent, per annum for cash. Guarantee: Any cow sold to bewith calf prov_ ing not to be so, one month from date, of sale 15 per cent.of,purchase price will be refunded. Sale will be conducted indoors. W. H Lobb, Proprietor. Geo. H. Elliott, Auc tioiteer. .79-2, : and Seif fiR iS *sot' t them ; ost deli icious"Tea yo ut ewer tasted.' " )r 'Moat :;'IC a �rinke , h s neat'' TIME waits for none ' of us. Christmas is on. 'ue again, are you ready? Wo have gathered- ia1 our store from far and near Fruits, Nuts, that take that you ride yourself in making. etc., that yoii'�i'aiit for p See SantaClaus in our window. 'Pell the children to write 'hint• letter and. 1et,s know what they want in Candies, Nuts, Oranges, a Xc , etc,, HaveYR ti seen our 1923: Calendars for our Patrons?' , Get the Habit of Dealing at. JOHN (N & CO': CR ie CBRYC !Phone 111 • THE. STORE FOR EVERYBOD. : a STORESh ' � LIMITED CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS QUALITY — CLEANLIN]SS SEP. ICP` BUY WHERE: YOUR 11,t0NEY GOES FARTI-IEST New Large 21bs. Granulated 10, lbs, ,Plres' .2'?c' Saar. Sac, Sliecial? Blend Corn Meal G lbs: 25e. All New lb Relied "Oats .. 6 ➢bs, 25c ' Mixed 1`3c 'VJheailets .41bs.25c. Nuts Rice.3 lb. 25c. Whi.t`e Beans .41hs.,28e. Lennon ,Machine Sliced Roman, Meal1 :„ . ..85c. aeon.Shredded Wheat 2 , Lux ... '• Washing Soda ,Silver DarPearldye APRICOTS �C Babbitts .1, . . Old Dutch ,Sliced Soap Chips ..2 Singapos•0 tin, Rinsol. , P.ineapploC Palmolive Soap Gullets Lye;, Orange PEEL oc for. 2 11c .9c. Clark's .8c, Tomato 90. SOUP ..11c. lbs. 27c. - 2 for 15e. Aunt Dinah" ®C 3 for 24e. MOIxASSII 2 for 29c,. 3Sc 11c Old City RASPBERRY JAM 1 lb. Jar 29c Seedless 2 lbs, g��adIlS& 33c Y 1 No. 5 Tin Dotfostic Shortening \ 51c •'o':..-, h ado Sunflowe Sal>1 iron Reindeer COCOA 19c A 'good Winter Drink /Shelled '1n . lb. 2Sc. lOc' Alonds Dominion Brand il, lb. potit BAKING 'i>�IZ C I D I Camel Brand 1 DATES 3 :Co). Albert Street Clinton' t. etNeCII now and -Christmas is the. Greatest: • Buying Season of the Year. . !Don't Fail to look carefully over our Chocolate , Pa ges . ae beforo decidingon the gift for that friend Cowan's Lunch Bars, Medallions, Maple Buds, Chocolate Beans, Wafers, Orchids, Etc. Robertson's and Neilson's Chocolates in packages and in bulk Fullline of Cream Carmels, Butter Flips, Peanut Crisp lob Roys, `Jelly Beans, A.D, Mints, Scotch Mints A:varied line of Pastry at your command each day Watch for our Saturday'Specials Try our Special Creamalt and'. Butter -Nut Loaf W Telephone ,:No. I Pullets, For Salo' A number of Leghorn, pullets for sale. Apply to Mrs. -'Geo Layis, Clinton. a 79 -if. Auction, Sale of Cows Young Cattle and Pigs On Tuesday, 'December ;12th, at 1 o'clocksharp at Walkers Hotel • barn Brucefield: 4 fresh cows; 3 cows due in Jan.; 6 cows .clue in Feb.; 9 cows due in a March;' 12 steers and heifers, 2 years old; 3 young calves; 2 brood sows due Feb. 1st. Terms— All sums of $10.00 and 'under, cash. Over that amount 9 months - credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes or a discount of_ 5 per cent, straight allowed for cash on credit .'amounts. ' Guarantee -Any cow sold to be in calf and proving not to be. within one month, 15 per cent. of ptuchase .price will be ie - funded. Ilolland & Tyner, Props. Geo. Elliott, Auctioneer. 79-1, , _Farm Por Sale - Lot 10, concession 1, Hullett, sit- uated on Provincial highway 38.1: miles from . Clinton, and 5 miles from Seaforth. `Contains 100' acres, well. drained and fenced,, in high state of cultivation: -three acres hardwood bush, two acres. good orchard and 20 acres fall ploughed. On place is good pine barn, G0x50, stone founda- tion, stable all cemented, in first class. condition; driving shed" 50x20; ten -roomed brick house 4vibh good etlllar, For further particulars ap- ply to Mrs, J. D. McDci'irid, Clinton Ont., br C. McGregor, R. R. No. 2, Seafortn, ;Ontario. 78-tf. �`17 tiY� Btithm- Shop in the Normandie Block Meat delivered to all parts of the town We solicit a share of theyp at- nonage of the citizens of Clin- ton and vicinity. See our goods and,, get ac- quainted with our prices. CONNELL &] TYNDALL Phone Els.2 ,T .. Farm For Sale= . ,':.,. Lot 26 concession 8 Mullett, Gravel Road, 1N miles south of Londesbore. Thisfarm contains 99 acre], more or less,- drained and an first class con - clition' with 6 acres of bush, with a spring creels mining through; about 90 acres of good workable land. There. are . 11 acres of fall wheat and, Tall plowing all done. On the ,Promises: aro a good barn 56x60„ ft with'stone stabling, a hog pent, a. drive slied, a good,' frame house and a. never failing well and a young orchard. No. 5 school house is situated on one cor- ner.' of the farm,. For further pa l os. W. 1VTgCo t t o -,I, r trcluars �aPP y Y,ondesboro, Ontario, R. R. No. 1. ' 3 Hides and Tallow Wanted Horse liides, beef hides, sheep skins,, horse hair, and tallow. -4 . Steep, Clint oil. Representative Wanted District Representative wanted for Clinton and surrounding territory to represent rho Old Reliable Foothill for opening splendid A s P • cries. 8 Nils P the right man. For full informa- tion write, —Stone & Wellington, Toronto. 77-4 W anted Three or four persons with from 5300 to 5500 each to tale interest With "Advertiser" in exceptional in - Vestment proposition, ^ Must,.: act promptly. Foe full particulars ad- dress, by ter l t fi •s msi.ance To let 'n l "Advertiser" care News-Reeord : oft ice. 77.3-p. Town of Clinton Tees, 1922 t01.0111^ Ulu III I'll I IINIi tVQIVIIUI1IVVtlIG 1 1 111 111111 011111111 II (010E111 Minna, r I U0905301F] tc 1', Co e$13. --Rowland o CX-i'ItISTNSAS is near erg ugh f•o 050110 irntnediate p. tile 1-1:csliday,Gift. Call in and see our ustortln 111105. ` CATALOGUE i5 at Your disposal whether you lauyo furnish You with a boat of suggestions, ARTICLES which, we do not carry' in stock we will catal t111dprogue oee thtoele:: you tz'sa. Ving of frons 20' to 50 pe CARVERS in cases rand sets, George Wostenholm & JPngland. STAINLESS STEEL '.Fable and 'hiessert Knives, COMMUNITY PLATE Grosvenor and Adam de5ia Forks. Spoons, Servers, Ladles, Spreader's, etc.' TUDOR PLATE, Marcmia Pattern in above and oti 184791teGsF,* RS BROS.' Ambassador Pattern in above, RoGERS 1347 Silver Plate, Old Colony design also i Canadian Silver Plate, Niataara, in. above. NEVADA (Canadian) Silverware, Tipped Pattern in Aladdin Thernialware Jars, Bottles, Lunch Sets, Jug CUT GLASS, Firdt Quality, Popular Patterns, ENGRAVED GLASSWARE in Vases, Water Juga Sugar and Creams, Berry 13ow1s, Marmalades, S1 PYREX WARE, With and without frames, all indivi ALUMINUM WARE, Complete in every possible pie ELECTRIC APPLIANCES, Grille, Toasters, Plates Urns, and Percolators..`: 410111411111M 1 I smoumpazommung I11I 1111 ID q IIImllIV11V@IVolmll ffmumf / .Phone .68. OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 a.m. 2.00 to 5.30 p.m. 7.00 to 9,00 p.m. Sundays by appointment. DR. W. R. 'NWNIMO 'Chiropractic Specialist. Specializing in Spinal, Nervous and Chronic Diseases. CONSULTATION •FREE.' Normandie Block, Clinton, Ont. 62-4 Snirella Corsets Spirella Corsets for healthfulness, style, comfort and durability. Ev- ery corset niado to nteasure. 11Irs. Elizabeth Kennedy, Ontario .'street,. Clinton, Phone 142. 12-1921 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired. .Woolen goods dry cleaned.., Rooms over ' Hoard's barber- shop. W. J. Jago. —83-tf Ratepayers are reminded that the second instalment of Taxes is pay- able not later than December 14th.' No notice, other than this advertise- ment will be given. R. B. FITZSIMONS,. 78-2 Tax_ Collector •'4 House For Sale France cottage% with two lots, on Huron street: barn on premises, garden with . small'. fruit. For further particulars apply to Miss- S. Cantelon;' on premises. 61-tf Raw Furs Wanted Highest market price paid. Do not sell your furs until you get my Prices, which `are often 5 per cent. to 25 per cent. higherthan prices paid 'by other dealers. Phone or write. H. A. Hovey. Phone 89, Clinton. 76-tf. For Salo •, S T. the G. T. R. In Clinton„ south of e traeks, good liouso aucl' barn, also 4 lots; some fruit noes, town water and ,cistern. Cheap for quick sale, iSasy 'teems. Apply 13, IlaYward, 101 Wellingtoai Itela^ London, or 'lI. T. 11ail00 Clinton, 574•11 1V1E;n's Work 'Boots Less than Cost Friday and Saturday We have several pairs of men's solid leather work boots which must be cleared regardless of cost.: Reg., $7.50 to $8.00 going at $5.95 Reg. $6.00 to $7.00, going at $4.95 Reg $5,00 to $6.00 going at $3.95 Farm for Sale or Rent - Lots 57 and 58, Maitland conees-, sion'. Goderich township, containing 1G41/2 acres,more or Mess. Bank barn, 50 feet square, •stabling under- neath, driving 511011,. hsed, 30x56; • trio ho use.. Pos- session 'louse, large fla session given at once. Andrew Shepherd, Londesbor;o, Ontario. 7642 r. ' Barr Opposite the Postoiiice, Clinton Th Cr Try our store you win 'fia AS LO') FULL STOCK F: Prompt delivery t HIGHEST PRI BUT PHONE ORD7, DEL Mss. M M. P1101 rd We arereceiv hard coal. Soft Coal i Leave orders Huron street, or OSTEOPATHY. DR. A. M. HEIST Osteopathic' Physician' Graduate,. Des Moines Still College of, Osteopathy. Licentiate Iowa and Michigan State Boards of . Medical Examiners. • Spinal adjustments given to remove the cause of disease. Catarrhal deafness, adenoids, and enlarged tonsils treated. without surgical operation. Stomach ;and' intestinal diseases treated without the use of drugs or surgery. , Successor to Dr. Heileman., Office, Goderich, .Ont., At, the -Graham House. every Tues - ',day after 6.30 p.m. Farm For Sale Lot 16 pt. 17 concession 1 Hullett, Huron road 11/a miles east of. Clin- ton, This farm contains 127 acres 100 acres drained and in 'first class' condition, the balance is pasture land and bush. On the premises is tab'- with e sStO 40 74 wl n a• d barn x 0o g ing and cement floors, also hen house pig pen and drive shed on cement. foundation-. There is a two stmt' brick house with modern coaivenien ccs. Farm is well watered 'with first class springs and also spring creek running across one corner. Farm is well adapted for mixed farming. For terns and conditions snake ap- plication on the promises or Clinton,' Noble 584f John o R. No. 4. N R. 4 Farm For.. Sale Lot 26, Con. 17t11, on tlio Baso lino, mile north of Clinton. 221/$ acres first, class land; good liOtse , bank barn and young orchard just beginning to bear. Also '7 -roomed house on Albert Street, Clinton. Wa- ter, good garden, barn, Apply on latter premises. Mrs. John Ilalstcad,. :--41-tf E. C NUT. STC ALWAYS FOR IMMEDL ,n. ,JA Orders taken at r Highest prices Oats, Barley, Pea Wheat, Buckwheat :. - Oats and Barley . We have agen phalt ;Roofing, if ing.to do you wil call on us,- otir p' and the roofing on .the market.: We pay the highest market price. It will pay to give us a all n to •'n the; line '1tIY1 1 9 a t have ri (,' i you h e Y f offer. Bran and Short Five Roses and Stock Foods an on hand. Bran and Shorts in latgo or small quantities, quantities good duality, prices mod- erate. Purity and Five Roses Flour always in stock, ; also Jeivel, Manitoba Best, Model and Pastry; , Gunn's Easifirst and ?tire Lard, try a 5 pound pail of Easifirst and note the improvement your baking. Our Mock of. Lard and Easifirst is always fresh and prices are Very reasonable W. Jenkins & Soo. FLOUR A1'70 i+IIED )P'honen; U1ev'ator 199, Eeaidence 1141 J. A. FC Ph( Flour and 'Fey Gra Also issuers of LAlly` We Three ",Thou Thousand Hens Special price. finished nnillife Cur prices rices 1 t high grade Poll GUNN, L CLINTO N. VP'.' THE Phone No. 190 eat CREAM The demand creasing. To'supply-tl more create, We request cream. We guarar Market Prices prompt nl service p Our' fifin is 1I no further re We pay all ish cream can month, • Write for es tion tri the 111117 SEAPOI C. 4n IttO