HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-12-7, Page 5o s eco>L'cl' 11' not '0 9. of intoiesinig news 55,;� another. :firtcught Christmas 11'i be ;Inst a few days ail'. Are you nearly ready Tor the 'great festl , 1 tjs you would lilac to be' Rev. Dr, tinowles in the St Marys athodisi, ehurch, and Rev. J Gib • en Inkster, of Knox cllu ,ch, "Toros-. to itothi spoke to their cengi`egationn on Sunday eveniic„ on " Yoananhoad" and both maintained tilati WO'men:in the liner and final issues- were lespon sable- for ,the metal, and -relig'ion's -conditions of the people.—St, Marys Journal -Argus. .cert so! 4ien^haven't'changed ';so miaolr sirreti Adam's tiro S. ba"ve they`;, 111. C. Camel/on. IC. C.,:of'Goderich who was asked to become, a cointeis- sioner to leek into the cases of'ci- vil servants• who had beefil taking more:; interests in elections than : the law allows, with a view, of course; 'to ousting as many as possible wlco were on the wrong ;side, and thus make room :for, othersfriendly to. the preoent Governnieot, hes deelin; -ed to act. Somebody will be found •.'who ; will act, owver, if' it i e tho intention 'of the Kind :Government •1,0 -return to ,patronage„-: The only way to :prevent such a -return seeane -to be for the Conservatives and tho Pro sh rives to sternly: resist, 5uelt a trend: ' The; Conservatives can bo depended upon to ,put up -a' strong re.. sistarice but cannot carry it to sub - cess alone. Will the Progressives stand with thein? Senator Proudfoot Buried in Goderich on Tuesday SENATOR W111. PROUDFOOT, K. C. Senator William H,, Proudfoot, K. C-, a native oi' Huron county and for Most 'of his life a resident :in: the county, died at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, .on Sandal k, g,.,ter a week's ,11liness. Senator Proudfoot operated on for appendicitis 'on , Saturday week but the operation caste too late, ,as 1.`'gangrenous _conditidn of the ap- pendix was found with spreading peritonitis, and his recovery from the first was considered very doubtful. He lived throughout the week, how- etier, contrary to the expectations_ -pi attendant plcysicienS, The remains were brought to God- erieh for interment, the funeral talc- ing place. from St, George's church on Tuesday, on tice arrival of the - noon train. The late Senator Protidfoot was born in Colborne township sixty-four years ago, being a son of the; late Chief 'Justice' Proudfoot..• He was sducated in the Public and High. schools' of Goderich and by -private :tuition and et 'an early age- entered the law officeof Justice Garrow and oras called 'to the bar, in 1880. In the sante year he entered' into part= airship with Mr. Garrow and com- menced the practise of -law. in God erieh tinder the firm name of Gat, row and` Proudfoot..ForeSoine years. the :has been senior member of the law firms of ,Prondtoot,' Killbr'an and "Holmes of Goderich and' of Prouclfoot, `Duncan,Grant and Gilday of Toron- t,o, Ira 1902 he was created a 'K.' C. `ilo was a mail who always took a lagan interest in the town in which so Iong lie made his home and 'for; ten n years ho was reeve, of Goderich. He , was secretary, and treasurer of the Huron Law Association and way Tor years president of the 'West Her-; on Liberal Association, 111 1902 lie was for :the first. lila^ political. candidate and was ' elected to present 'Centre Huron' in the Legislai- Lure and was- re-elected in 1911 and 1914. In 1918,he was',.appointed :temporary leader) of the.I,iberal Op- osition' in the :Provincial 'IIonse bot, owing to his stand as a TJnionist and to the fact that -he worked ,in har- 'mony with the Hearst Government during` the war period he lost falter with his party and did not receive the nomination - in 1919 but ran as an Independent. :' [lo was defeated in a three cornered. fight, the ' party Liberal J,YG ove1 c , bem" c1ee z ed. Ho was appointed, to the Sen- ate by the'Union Govetnirlent in the came ,year and 1.6014 the stand: that senators should be indopcmdent and support the measures whteh wore, for' the good of the country withoutbe- ing trammeled by party , alIegiance. In Jtiile, of 1886 Senator ISr04111fo9) was: married to Miss Marion F. Dickson of Goderich, who surviVes: him, with thoit two e1ildrein, Isabel -II. and William A., the latter being. a student at Trinity College, Por'oh- to, t or the past couple of years the .faiiaily have resided in Toronto, aver allnosr his 'whole lite Senator.' .Proudfoot was a member of St,..' God130'a Anglican clittrch, Goderich, frost W111011 the funeral took places of Tnc.gday. I It ryas dery largely, attended, the Oddfe11ows, Law-So- u1ety and Cib1151by Council attending.. 0* thiich, 011111�01:,t+4t, is y the Itev. 11ae tientii'ade, dllS1 te, of lite Oto John.” Jell1tu13'a, of Mrs, .)eukins of Clinton, to enry liatxn Charlesworth; son of the late •:;Vlar{,uc Charlesworth anal 91; Mrs Cha lesworth of Los Angeleef cal. T'Oi21 d414 C T TVISO 1. -At Kippen, ;On Nove+nber 29th, by.,the Rev, J. 7, Foster, Gretta' ilia ie, dayghter of Mr, and .Mrs, Derry- Ipso'', to Samos -Bold 1 orrtiidsf ,Goderich townshijs;, SPrNCER CARTER . zeeorty, ,LS , is l� c hrist cc1rah - o,,aAi`t�`Nov, iX!d n' ,., 28th, by' the';Rey, Canon Guniie, Re bocce Mary, only daughter! ;of Mr. and, .Ms, John A,Carter,' former-. la ,of Clinton, tA,41:211i $pepcor,'son 4f Mr.•14f't�: ,lin ; spencer of 11-)ondou YOUNG—CAR' ER. — St. Joseph's ehiucli' Clin iii, On November 29th by the Beta. Father+ Gaf'ney,cMary :',Alice; only dauglitor of 31r. and p rS :11Tattliew Corbett of Hullett, to Alexander L. Young, only son, .--of 'Mr. and Mrs,'Johii, Young ,of Goderich, ry , Births � HARRIS—In> Clinton, on Deo , 4th,•; to' Mr, and -Mrs. G.r'B ITar'rs, ,a. son. SHORTREED-1n .Go,ierioh, on No- vember 27th, to Mr, and : Mrs. W. 3, Shortreed, a son: Deaths GOWAN—In^;Colborne 'township,on November 24th,. ,Alexander C_ owari. in his 87th •:year. -BEIIRY-In Hensall, on November 23rd, Thos. J. Berry, in his 67th year, ROBERTSON—In Cleveland, Ohio, on Novemlier 28th, Martha Dorsey i bvife of the late lVfatthely Robertson of Goderich, 'aged 85 years. MAHAjFFY-In Clinton, on 'Decent.' ber 1st, Sadie A. Mahaffy, daug-h- ter of Mr. James Mahaffy" in her Box Social' and Concert There will be a.box-social' at S.,S. No. 9 Goderich town1hip, (Tipper- ary), on 'Friday, December.l5th at 7. 30 p. m. Ladies ' please bring boxes'; 79-2. Cows For „Salo Fresh Milk cows for sale.,: -Apply 13 S. R. McMath, R. R. No. 2, Clin- ton. , lin-tong.: Phone 34 on 601, Clinton.cen- trdii '79-tr. .Cedar Posts For Sale The Commissioners Of the Ttteker- smith Telephone 'System will sell the following parcels of :cedar posts at the time and places mentioned_below; Monday, Dee, 11th.: at 1 pan. in Brucefield; 2 p.m. at"Granton's cor- ner; 3 p.m. at Baird's school; 4 p.m. at corner one `mile west o£'Hensall. —T. G. Shillinglaw.- 79-1. Breeder's Sale "The Huron County Breeders As- sociation are holding:a sale in Wing_ ham about March 1st. Parties hav- ing stock to dispose of, are request- ed to give this information to the Secretary, S. B, Stotlrers, Clinton. Entries close Jan. 15th, Dec. 7-21, Wanted Poultry, Eggs, ets •'All kinds of Poultry boltght at 'highest market Price, 1 will; be at Mr. ,Groves, liur on.Road on 'Tuesdays front now un- til the end,of the year. brook, Phone 7s on 641, Clinton. 79-3 • Lost In Clinton A pair of spectacles, with tortoise shell'; rims, '• Finder-kinclly leave at Plumsteel's ;store or phone, No. 201. ur :1101x111 iiV1r, .0, I 1 taatt 'shipped in a clip „lo d of cattle and 1r as dispgsul pt tlasni to the fainters in this vicinity; Tie children are very busy now on Saturday afternoons p ep tiring for theta Christmas, °Mortac,lments .1'i:e Baptist Skinday seliool is repijodue. ng their Cantata on Decomber 200th.:The', N1'eticodiet ;: Sunday school ts: preparing for a - Christmas tree on December 21 t, caul the Presbyter, inns are getting ap a cantata for December 22nd, Mr, A, T. Cooperof Clinton gave a` very interesting ' addresb' in. the Methodit' church on Sunday evening.. Mr. Amos `Andrew is attending the Bee Keeper's' Convention in Toronto'. this week, • Our -winter cameto aa1 end very suddenly and1 we are noir+, enjoying. In Ian Sulnniea. Ilfr,, R, Jenkins of Clinton visited his sister, Mrs. 0, E. Erratt en. Sunday. • ;, Mrs.,David .Hastings of Turnbert'y died at her residence on Friday 1veek al the age of seventy-six years. She is survived . dy tier husband, .one daughter and four' sons, Pig. Strayed 1Strayed from the premises o£, the undersigned,a white sow. Any in., form`tion'leading tO-her whereabouts will be gratefully " accepted and all charges paid. Dommiek Flynn; R. It.' 1o. 1 Clinton,` Phone 2; on ,637;' A Vacnuin.,Cloaner . Put in car by mistake in Goderich' 011 November 17th,' a vacuum: cleaner. Owner may have same •sby.: proving property and paying for this adver. tisement. Albert' "Leitch, Bayfield: • REVISION OF VOTERS' LIST,. TOWN OF CLNTON O'Notice is -hereby' given that a Court will be held, pursuant to The Onta - is .Voters'- List Act; by His honour. the Judge of the County' Court of the County of Huron, at the Coun- ell Chamber,- Clinton, on the 22nd day of December, 1922, at 3:o'clock p. m, to hear and'deteriiiine com- plaints plaints of errors and omissions in the Voters! List of the Municipality of Clinton, 1922. Dated at Clinton this 4th day of. December, 1922. D. L. 1VI'A;CI'•IIERSON, 79-2. Town . Clerk. Auction Sale Of cows, young "cattle, and farm implements. The undersigned has received •instructions',to sell- by pub- Iic auction at Lot 57, Bayfield road, on Wednesday, December 20th, com- mencing at 1 o'clock, sharp, the foI- lowing: , 2 fresh cows; 8 to freshen about,time of sale; '5 to freshen Jan. 1011; -2 to 'freshen : Feb. 10th; 1 to ,freshen Feb. 15th; 1 to freshen 'Feb. 23rd; 3 to freshen March 1st; 1 to freshen April 5 Eh. Six of the a,.. Bove mentioned cows are choice II0I- steins, the remainder are all good Durham grades. Young Cattle: - 9 choice .steers, rising 2 years, all in good ,condition," Implements:- Baine wagon; Adams wagon (new); set bobsleighs; M. -H cutting boxy Frost & Wood hay loader; root puI- per; Babcock milk and cream tester. Terms: Six months 'credit will be given on furnishing: approved, joint notes ora discount of six per cent, per annum for cash. Guarantee:— Any cow sold to be with calf prov- ing not to .be so, one month from date of sale: 15 per cent., of;purchase price will be refunded.. Sale will be conducted. indoors. W. 13.- Lobb, Proprietor. Geo. H. Elliott, Atte- tioneer. 79-2. It�,{.p,t� ., per^ 11I tAf�A M}au• ui3, � :IUAtW9e11d1LD CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS QUALITY CLEANLINESS SERVICE BUY WIIPRE YOUII 11133ONEY GOES FARTHEST New Large N w1 . 2 s rn , b G a nitited 10 lbs, fi'runes 27.c , aa, +lr 83c Special Blend Corn Meal ,.. 6 lbs, 25c All :Now lb �q Rolled Oats , ,G llbs. 25c Mgxed `!r,7c"Wheartlots :. .:4 lbs. 25e, Nuts Rice 25c.. Whito 13ean1 , :`.4 lbs. 25e. Lear ,Machine .Sliced:: Roman Meal , .35c. on g Rolled Oat, 25c. - Orange 35c PDIL `Shredded''l heat 2 for. 25c. ]bacon' 3�c,.. . 1 L ttx o l.l.c. Silver Bar ' p Washing 'Soda 9c• Clark's APRICOTS 410%. $c. Tomato Babbitts .. , , .. , ,9c. SOUP 013 Dutch .11c, !Sliced Seal Chips .. .9 lbs., 27c. Riirso ; . , .... ..2 :for 15e. Aunt Dinah Singapore • s� 1S L+ £ �C Pineappio, 231C Palmolive Soap 3 for 24c. ,MOIa� S (Inlets Lye„ ,2 for 29c, 11c OId City CASPBERRY JANE 1 1b. Jaz 29e Seedless 2 lbs. Raisins 33c No. 5 Tin Domestic Shortening , 51c Reindeer COCOA:' 19c A 'good Winter Drink' rniiower oi';'Cascade Salmon 1c 'Shelled lb. Ahhnonds 28c Dominion Brand BAKING POWiDEII • 19c Albert Street lir Camel Brand DA`C1i,S 3 tbor 29c Clinton IIl I1flionQp qlNsimi1ij)1iiitspI lV f(ll lllll(mI lillflll mmi nib+' 4e adveitisgmQ11 and seeif�teaX it X:3i not the' most ciddici u Tea, 'roll ev.rer tasted. '" st, Tea -Drinkers Think It Is." ir waits for none of us. Christmas is on tris again, are you ready? We have gathered i5 our store from far and near Fruits, Nuts, etc that'yoti'want for that Cake thatoupride ourself in making. Y y , g See -Santa Olaus in our window, Tell the children.to write him; a letter and, let's know what they want in Candies, Nuts, Oran es. etc: g , IIave ,yeti seen our 1923 Calendars for our Patrons? Get the Ilabit of .Pealing'; at, JORRISC: d & CO'S GEL:e; CERT Phone 111 n TUB STOKE FOR EVERYBODY Bet*eea moi sand -Christmas is. the. Greatest .Baying Season of the Year Don't Fail to look carefully over our Chocolate packagesbefore deciding on thegift for that friend Cowan's Lunch Bars, Medallions, Maple Buds, Chocolate :Beans, Wafers, Orchids, Etc.: Robertson's and Neilson's Chocolates in packages and in bulk Full line of dream Carmeis, $utter Flips, Peanut Crisp Rob Roys,'Jelly Beans, A.D, Mints, Scotch Mints A. varied line of Pastry at your command each day Watch for our Saturday Specials Try our special Creamalt and, Butter -Nut Loaf . .,BROWN' CO. Telephone No. 1 Pullets For Sale A .number of Leghorn- pullets ;for sale. Apply .to Mr's," `GeoLevis, Clinton. 79-32 Auction, Sale of Cows Young Cattle and Pigs ,On Tuesday, December 12th, at :1 o'clock sharp at Walkers Hotel barn Bruceleld: :4 fresh cows; 3 cows due in Jan.; 6 cows due in Feb.; 9 cows 'due, in March; 12 steers and heifers,2 years old; 3 young calves; 2 brood sows due Feb. 1st. Terms— All sums of $10.00 and 'under, crash. Over that amount .9 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes or a discount of- 5 per cent. straight allowed for cash on credit amounts, Guarantee -Any cow sold to be in calf andproving not to be, within one month, 15 per cent, of purchase price will be re- funded. Holland & Tyner, .Props. Geo. Elliott, Auctioneer. 79-1 ,Faris For Sale Lot 10, concession 1, Mullett; sit- uated on provincial highway 3% miles from Clinton, and 5 miles from Seaforth, Contains 100 acres, well•.drained and fenced, in high state of cultivation: three acres hardwood bush, two acres good o'r'chard and 20 acres fall ploughed. Oe place is good pine born, 60x50, stone founda- tion, stable all cemented, in fist: class .condition; : driving shede 50x20; 'ten'roomecl brick house with good collar. For further particulars ap- ply to Mrs. 3. D. McDermid, Clinton Ont, or C. McGregor, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth,.,Ontario.,. 78-tf. Farm. For Sale, Eat 26 concession 8 Huliett, Gravel Road, 1r/ miles south of Londesbor'o.. This farm contains 99 acres, more or less,. drained and do first class con- dition with 6 acres of bush, with a spring ,creek running through; about 90 acres of good workable land. There, arc 11 acres of fall wheal; , and, fall plowing all clone. On the,paemises are a:goocl barn 5,6x60 t with.stono stabling, a hog pent a drive sited, 'a good ,frame house and a never failing web and : a young orchard. ISo. u school house is situated on one cor- ner of the :farm. For further par- s W. Me000Y I to--Ja , l 'clu rs � Y. , ti a aPP Y :Londesboro, Ontario, R. R. No. 1. Hides and Tallow Wanted illorso:: Bides, beef Irides, sheep skins, horse hair, and tallow. —4, Steep, Clintod.. Representativ,c Wanted District Representative wanted for Clinton and surrounding territory to represent the Old Reliable 1 onthill A splendid opening NuiserioS: 1 for the right roan. For full informa- tion 'write,—Slone & Wellington, Toronto, 77-4 Wanted Three or four ,persons with from $800to$500 each to take interest With "Advertiser in exceptional in- vestment proposition. Mtist act promptly. For full particulars ad- di ess•. by letter in first instance: '1'o "Advertiser" care News -Record oil- Ice,' Foe Sale In Clinton, south of the G. T. R, tracks, good house and barn, also 4 lots, some fruk tries, town water and, cistern. Cheap for quick sale, easy t%ians: Apply 13. Hayward, 101 Wellington Rd., London, or II. 11', Ranee, Clinton. i14 -4E, NEW Butcer Ship in the Normandie • lock Meat delivered to all parts of the town We solicit a share of the pat- ronage of the citizens of Clin- ton and vicinity. See our goods and get ac- quainted with our prices. CONNELL &j TYNDALL Phone 162 Town of Clinton Taxes, 1222 Ratepayers are reminded that .the, second instalment of Taxes is pay- able not later than December 14th. No notice, oticeo than this advertise- ment will be given. R. B. FITZSIMONS, , 78-2, Tax Collector Raw Fur9 Wanted highest market price paid.. Do not sell your furs until you get niy Prices, Which are often 5 per ,gent. to 26 per cent, higher titan prices paid by other. dealers. Phone or. write H. A. Hovey. Phone 89, Clinton. 76-tf. Faris for Sale or 'Rent 'Lots 57 and 58, Maitland conces-, -ion Goderich township, containing 1641 acres, more or --less. Bank barn, 50 feet square, stabling under- neath, driving.. shed, hsed, 30x56; a lra •, l c of use. ' Pos- session House, rbc Era e session given at once. Andrew' Shepherd, Londesboro, Ontario, 76-tf Farrar For Sale Lot 16 pt. 17 concession 1 Hallett, Huron road VA miles east of Clin- ton. This farm contains 127 acres 100 acres drained and in 'first class condition, the balance is Pasture land and bush. On the premises is a good barn 40x74 with stone stabl- ing and cement floors, also hen house pig pen and drive: shed on cement foundation. There is a two story brick house with modern convenien- ces. Farm is well watered with first class springs and also spring creek Sunning across otio corner. Farm is well adapi:ed for mixed farming. For terms and conditions make ap- plieotlon on the premises or Clinton, R. R. No. 4. John Noble 58-tf Farm ForSale Lot 26, Con; 171:1x, on the Base line, mile north of Clinton, 224i acres first class land] good house, .bank barn and young orchard just beginning to bear. Also 7 roocioed house on, Alhert street, Clinton. Wa- ter, good garden, barn, Apply on latter premises. Mrs, John Halstead, S ccossoi°O to M, 7.', Gories1i Rowlands GIT111:S'l'MAS is near oirrtu411 to 1,nalce inr:ntediratq' the .Ilolidriy. Gift, Ctz11 in and see oar assorIn hale CATALOGUE is at your disposal whether you buy furnis1) you. With a Bost of suggestions. AR',l ICLES which we do not carry' rn stoelc we will and prove to you a•saVhlg of from 25 to 50 p 431411oyue these: CARVERS in cases and sets George Wostonholm & aSEngland, g STAINLESS STEEL Table and Dessert Knives, COMMUNITY PLATE Grosvenor and Adam deli; Forks, spoons, Servers, Ladles, Spreaders, etc, TUDOR' PLATE, Marquis Pattern in above and et pieoes. • 1847 ROGERS I3ROS. Ambassador Pattern in above, ROGERS 1847 Silver Plate, Old Colony design also i Canadian Silver.' Plate, Niagara, in above, WA.VERI,EY Silver Plato, Waverley design, in abov NEVADA (Canadian) Silverware, Tipped Pattern in Aladdin T.hermalwfare Jars, Bottles, Lunch Sets, Jug CUT GLASS, First Quality, Popular Patterns. ENGRAVED GLASSWARE in . Vases, Water Jus Sugar and Creams, Berry Bowls, Marmalades Sl PYREX WARE; With and without frames, all indivi ALUMINUM WARE, Completee. in every possible pie, ELECTRIC APPLIANCES, Grills, Toasters, Plates; Urns, and Percolators:_ ' $111011111111 11111111 I1 (ISI IIi1 �0111 ul I { l31lhll 8h® 1111 11 1111101111111 OM I®1 Mg iI MEM Phone .68. OFFICE HOURS : 9,30 to 12 a.m, 2.00 to 5.30 p.m. 7,00 to 9.00 p.m. Sundays by appointment. DR. W, R. Nit111W0 Chiropractic Specialist. Specializing in Spinal, Nervous and Chronic Diseases. CONSULTATION FREE.'. Normandie Block, Clinton; Ont. 62-4 SRirella Corsets Spirella Corsets for healthfulness, style, comfort and durability. Ev- ery corset made to measure. Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, Ontario street, Clinton;. Phone 142. 124921 - Clothes Cleaned- and 'Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed .and re. paired. :Woolen goods ' dry cleaned.. Roonis over Heard's barber, shop. W. J. Jago.—83-tf I3eilae For -Sale Frame : cottage, with two lots, on Huron' street, barn on premises, garden with . small' fruit. For further particulars apply to Miss B. Cantelon, . on premises.' 61-tf M€D'S Work Boots Less than Cost Friday and Saturday We have several pairs of men's solid leather work boots which must be cleared regardless of cost.: Rog;, $7.50 to $8.00 going at $5.955 Reg. 36.00 to 37.00 going at $4.95 Reg,; $5.00' to $6.00' going at $3.95 1111. `1E3.rrg Opposite the Postofice. Clinton OSTEOPATHY. DR. A. M. HEIST Osteopathic Physician" Graduate, . Des Moines Still College of, Osteopathy. Licentiate Iowa and Michigan State Boards of Medical . Examiners, Spinal adjustments given to remove the cause of disease.. deafness, adenoids and Catarrhale , enlarged tonsils treated. without surgical' operation. ' Stomach and' intestinal diseases treated without the use of drugs. or surgery. Snceessor to Dr. Heileman., • Office,, Goderich,-0n$,: At the Graham House every Tues - '.day 'alter 6.80 Pan. GIIAJN. Wheat, Buckwheat Oats and Barley • ®a; • We pay the highest market ranee. It will pay to give us a Call i£ you have anything in this line to offer. • Brace and Shorts in largo orsntall quantities, good quality, prices mod- erate. Purity and Five Roses Flour always in stock, also Jewel, Manitoba: Hest, Model and Pastry. : Gunn's Eesifrrst and Pure Lard, try a 5 pound pail of ;3asiiirst and nota the improvement in yoitr baking, Our Stock of Lard and Fasilirst is always fresh and prices are very reasonable, " Jenkins & Son. s FLOUR ;AND PIM» Photiedl: Blevtatoa' 1994 R4513098* 141 Th Try our store you wili' f AS LO FULL STOCK F Prompt delivery HIGHEST PRI BUT' PHONE ORD DEL Mrs. M. PRO Hard We .are receiv hard coal. Solt Coal Leave orders Huron, street. or E. . c NUT. ST ALWAYS FOR IMMED Orders taken at r Highest prices Oats, Barley, Pe We have igen phalt ,Roofing,: if ing,to do you wil call on us, our p and the roofing on the market.,' Bran and Short Five Roses and Stock Foods an on hand. J. A. Fe Ph Flour and Fe Grai Also issuers o Valve Three °,Thou Thousand Hens 'Special price finished millefe Ourrice p .s high grade you GUNN, L CLINTO N. W. TRU Phone No. 190 CREAM The demand creasing. To'supply-t mere cresu i.. We request cream., We guaran Market Prices prompt service Our Orrin is 1t no further ree We pay :all e ish cream can month. Write for can tier. to the T1Ihl SEA 'Olt 0 lARI