HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-12-7, Page 4You Can.Have Your i h
This is to notify you, that we are fully prepared to
tako, tare contract of 5npplying you 'kith just what, you
want for Choi pnias. 'Our beautiful liendiiy stock Is,
fiz11 of quality vazhctY, beauty and goocl taste displayed'
do scores.of the nicest lifts ilna,g'iriable for old sand younn,
itli the best oieverythizig,,,tizia.newlrollitdy season
brings,"we invite your patronage, because yogi cannot a1'
ford to pass us 'by.
Peptalar . ?h e. etrt i' at
f'optolar 'ices
are our inducements to one and all. (ah i`riaa2 busing'
,tit our store results in the delight of the folks at home.
We put at your, disposal tarp opri,d'e gifts for every'
member of the family. We insure von a saving; of time
and worry in selection and t, merry iiionoy-saving
This is Santa Galls' Headquarters
,Come and let its show you Christmas gifts that aro
just what you want.
We offer you tate happycombination of, a- Superior
stock, a large assortment andthe fairest prices.
. ,"" :141�,F.,x.r..',`l..i4^�C.1^4111Lvk-.a.a•..T [ew.,�.�
A quiet and pretty wedding was'
solemnized at high noon on Wednes
clay,. November 29th, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry ; Ivison, when
their eldest _daughter, Gretta Marie,
was 'united in `marriage to Mr,. .Jas.
Reid Torrance' of Goderich township;
The marriage was performed by the
Rev. J. L Poster, the bride's pastor.':
The wedding march was- played by`
Miss' Jean- Ivison sister of the brides.
The bride entered' the -parlor, to
the strains of •Mendelssolm's wedding
march, leaning":on the arm of her
father, and took her place •beside the
groom before -a'hank of' flowers. She
looked charmingly sweet. in -a dress
oaf: ivory silk onessaline with geor-
gette trimmings and a bridal veil
caught up : with .: orange -blossoms.
She carried a bouquet of Ophelia
roses and ferns.' After' the . cere
mony and the usual congratulations
and good wishes .had been .extended
and the register signed, all repaired,.
to the dining; room to enjoy a very
dainty wedding luncheon., •
The ,bride received many useful
and costlygifts."
Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Ieft for bear,
home on laic grooms finefarm amid`'
showers'of, confetti. Their,.. anpny
friends. unite in wishing them a long,
prosperous and 'happy: wedded life.
Londe: ache
IRov. C. J. Tiffin of Blyth preached
in the Presbyterian church on Sun-
day, owing to the illness of Rev. J.
Abery, .who is confined to 'the house
with a Heavy cold.
The community hall board purpose
celebrating the. anniversary of the
opening of the hall, on Wednesday, r.
December 18th3 and they have scour-
ed Jim' Pax- & .Co.. -for the occasion.
The local Sunday schools aro busy
preparing for the Christmas' con-
The annual meeting of the Ladies'
'Aid of the Presbyterian church was
held at the home of Mr. Robert
Scott; on Tuesday of this week, with
an exceptionally large ..attendance.
The :following officers were elected
for th ensuing year; President: Mrs.
Robt. Young Vice, Mrs. Fred John-
ston; Secretary: Mrs. John Nott;
Treasurer: Miss Mary Scott.
M. and Nrrs. Albert Radford and
Mr, and- Mrs. Jahn Radford spent
Monday in London.
Mr. Chas. Lee, who has been vis-:
r�V s Idai,'o to„Ger° Elhasmalism
vocal caber haus ate easy.
AJ -S 4WgG
u15 (FaP.F se's
i;Uivarf - ikh ut4
yOU,can depend upon TR.C,'s to
do 'their work. Wheu T.R.C.'s
are used, there 1(0 chance'' of error
in judgment, no chance of mistakes
ming made : Dose is accurately ureas-'
&red, ingredients absolutely pure, and.
*uaranteed not to be injurious or,
rabit.formiug. 31.00 at your druggist's.
ree sample, Templeton's Ltd. Toronto
tbn¢ dricq 0trongthcn
ho oNg4 nri 0:. ,digestion. bed
sliYPtipetIoh itnpM ood popoti4o,
(9top siibit dbtideti trbb, retieVO �il.`
They g ss dirrr'dct ,cbnotipatione
They cot Ppjomlf4iy plonatlntly,.,
mi I lyp. yet, thdreuurlsly,
Toll 0Ki” o690 Aand igh
tot lel
l$b box,.
?zt k;tiendy in T'ooeut° for tiles past
cough; of w(je,16, r tu5iiiea tau iii>: , t:
'i3tr.'s. Delon Quinn is opending tale
week in i lhiion With he t i tee, Mrs:.
ihvs.: ]141x11 in, talo has been very
ill with the ;r'snlre, • -
Lendesboro Jt 0, 5,, No. 802, at
the hist ineetim elected oflictrs .fwr
rho ensuing year as fellows; W. M.,
E. Ires1; D I4,i f Ra}aeon, chaplain:
C. S.an in,•; -financial-sec etary: R.
T'orynsaml; reeeodrng-sehteta1y:' 51.
Biovar.; t stable,, Il. Dunking., first:
lecturerJ, i edalluni; .scuond' los-
taros'; A 1Veysnouth; in rde'tyler.s,
J : Nott outside' tyles: J, 1351iinlc5
auditors D.Ewinlg and R. T'owuseial i -
committee: 4; ,:t9-8$, a3, McLeod, > S,.
Little, S. .Lansing, 31, • Shabbroolc.
Mrs, ; r - Tanrblyn who has been"
visiting Ile sins;• Will in 9'orottto for
the past alaoutlr , returned hom+o Pr,
Thursday: While there she had. tha'
pleasure of attending, the great tem.
peranco Comeftiofi.
Miss,, illi rnanrblyia who hay,
been in. Toronto for the` palst year,;
has returned tothe vi1111.2Valso.
, Goderich Township
Mr. W, 3-l. ;Lobb'rettu;ned on' Tues-
day from a trip to Alma and Wallace.
townships, where he 'has been gaily-'
ins a lot of cows '
School Section' No. 4 intends .hold.
ing its annual Christmas 'entertain-
ment on the evening of Tuesday, De-
cember, 19th, Something extra in
the way of entertainment' is said to
be in course of preparation,
Last Saturday morning Mrs Jas.
Elliott, who makes his Home with
his "sister -in, -law, Mrs. R. H, Elliott,
met with a 'bad' accident. Mr. .EI-
liott was out in the yard and noticed
a team ramming down ;the road' and.
somebody trying to• catch them, se
he hurried out to stop them and
when a short distance from the gate
stumbled and fell,' his head and
houlaa;r 4i,
'orae; '
le ga with �,t°oat
rattier badly, hitt'e
Double 'action Goe arther. Try' it and
you'll ' e lighted with the results.
A.:lig Bar of u Good Soap—Bright, solid so
with fine .lathering and cleansing qualities
s� tea
for the family wash'' and household.use.
For use in washing machines shave or slice
a portion of the-'' SURPRISE'' bar direct
to the machine—It :will do fine work.
hopsu 1113 i� 11 •3M l*0 a'hgsst 3531rt'
It r}afg'li4 hate br+eta ri.nre ".4x11311;
u€ --
q (lniclkly Beals cnnss'r,l 4,7x1
tan} 6'e ey mxieou,, inomuhm ss re, Sanl'I
pz'eFs'nts rpfeetion,
qy `,ij n
4,—Brush your tectal with `rl ovoleen'+
Tooth Paste, no other :quite .se .Por.
feet. 73-10-p.
Daily Except Sunday.
Lve Coderich .. 6.00 ,zp,rn, 2,50 pain.
Lve Clinton ,, : , , 6,25 a.m. 2.52 pan.
Lve Seaforth , 6.41'' a.m. 3.12 p.m.
Lve Mitchell 7,04 a.m. 3.42 ,p,an,
Arr Stratford 7,50 aaii. 4.10 pan.,
Arr. ICitehen„r, ,.. 8.20 a.m. 5.20 pan.
Ayr Guelph .... 8.45 a,na. 5.50 pen.
Azr Toronto ' , 10.10 a.ni.. 7.40 pan.
Leave . Toronto 6.50 am 12,Ij5 p•nj.
and 6:10 p.m.
'Parlor Cafe car Goderich to To-
ronto on morning train and Toronto
to Goderich 6,10 pan. train
Parlor Buffet ear Stratford to To-
ronto on afternoon train.
0.22. ,Horning, D.P A., G,T.R. System
John =Rainsford & Son, Phone 53,
,Uptown Agent;.
EN and women -of Ontario—it is time that we should all realize the terrible corn-
pleteness of the fire calamity that devastated Northern Ontario'. in the early days of October, Fires and
calamities we have had before, but never such complete destruction as this.
Over 1,200 square miles Laid desolate, town after :town nothing but a " bleak expanse of ruins, hundreds of , farms
swept bare, thousands of your fellow citizens “cleaned outs': and thrown abruptly back into man's primeval struggle
against- nature and her grim forces: fire, hunger, iceand the stark northern .cold.;
Give 1,800 families a 'fighting chance to get on their feet.
Temporary relief must go on. We must not ' fail the North.
Winter'=the::. relentless foe
Coming as 1.1•43srterrible fire ilial, in the autumn,
with the ,harvests -. in; with• the townspeople
already preparing for the rigors of winter—the
complete -,destruction rwrought is the harder to.
overcome. .
Thousands of people at first had literally no
place tor' lay their head, little to wear and nothing
to eat They had to be taken care of at 'first,
somehow, and then, desperately -as the days went
by, and the cold grew more intense, rough but
serviceable': standard shacks, 16' x 20',
have;: been ::replacing. tents, old street
cars, packing boxes .and sheet iron—a
r`egixlar food•-auPPlY .has been es-
tablished, and rough clothing ` is tieing
distributed. -
What can a man do with
his house a blackened bole
• in.the ground, his barn a
chgrrecl ' heap, his work
shooa tiriisted pile of
aaxI i h -rind a northern
lbltziand'.raging .,over
Temporary Relief Unntil Spring'
In thename of humanity we must see these
fellow citizens through until. Spring opens up the
land and general business activities are resumed.
Money must be forthcoming from: the citizens
of Ontario, from . municipalities, . industries, -soci-
eties, public bodies, lodges, • churches, etc.—not
for rehabilitation or re-establishment, but for the
supply of bare necessities, "temporary relief's `
in fact, to the stricken North.
The Brighter Side of the Picture
;'Everywhere throughout,:the fire swept district
one hears'only.a strong, manly note' of confidence,
of resolution to go forward, to : "stick to the
country" if body and soul can ba.,held together.,
to, make good once 'more, to restore the hundreds has been enlarged and now is thoroughlyrepresena
All for One—One for All
Here is a portion of our Province in ruins
and for the sake of the whole Province as well
as for its.own sake, this section must be restored
to prosperity and happiness. We (need the North,
we need its vigorous,: pioneering ' spirit soone.
and all, let's "give a hand into the saddle"-
and do it NOW.
Money is needed. The Relief Conj-
mittee can 'buy ;in large quantities,
get big discounts, and often free
gifts of merchandise from the many
manufacturers who are generously
co-operating 'tt'it'h the Committee. .•
The exact needs' are now known.
The Northern Ontario Fire Relief
of burned farms, to rebuild the eight or ten tative of the Province, of Ontario, The Provin-
destroyed towns -rand it will be douse if the. cial Government is co-operating to the fullest'
stream of temporary relief from Old Ontario extent and is doing everything that a Govern -
merit can properly do to assist in temporarily
sloes not dry upI relieving,, the, fire sufferers.
To give immediate relief the Committee ytxust secure actual cash without delay. if each municipality or
county would' devise some means of rasing an arneusat equal to one half mill on the total assessment the relief can
be continued. The raising of relief funds could be undertaken by public spirited citizens, clubs, churches or
councils and prevides.a most descrying causefor.Christnmas giving. Now it is up to every comexnsn'aity"in Ontario
to help`a neighbouring district in its hour of trial,. Make'cheques payable fo-- '
The Northern Outhrio lire Relief Go, :,E ittee, Royal Baud Building, Toronto
GEO, S. MATTHE:WS; Brantford/
Western Ontario Associated .`
Boards of Trade. .
sad MRS. M, SOUTER; Trout Milia and
Trade R. A. McINNIS, Iroquois Pails;
T. & of N. O. Associated Boards
Trade, and Farm. Organizations 3S
see Northern Ontario..'
W. H..ALDERSON(Chairman
TiSrgnto Board of'Trade,,'
A. J- YOUNG; North Bay.
Ontario Government.
GEO, C. COPPLEYj Hamilton.
JOHN EL1:,IOTT, Belleville,
Ontario Associated Boards of;
and Chambers ol'' Commerce
GEO. BRIGDEN,Toronto,._
Canadian Manufacturers As
K. W. McKAY;,St. Thomas
Ontario Municipal Association:
J. j• MORRISON. Toronto,
United Farmers of Ontario..
MRS. H. P.PLUMPTRE, Toronto;
Ontario Division,
Canadian Red Cross Society, -
MRS. A. H. WILLETT, Cochran
Women's Institute