HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-11-30, Page 4517. MONARCH YARNS To knit the best `gar=ments first get the best ala=rms. MQNAR H Yarns are the recognized standard in hand knitting e • Carry Large _ a Stock COOPER. CLINTON i THE BEST PART OF THE DINNER that isi the ubstantjaI part of at is seeure&from the butcher. How would ydn list without our meats? 'The, other foodstuffs are used merely 9 a 'fill -in -just side dishes. Of colorse we admit that there are poor grades of meat,, but we don't handle"that' kind. tVleats Reduced to Rock ;. Bottom Prices THIS WEEKS SPECIALS '` " Choice' Steak, any cut .. ,..20e. j. Sausage, ail pork (bonienbade) ,20c Roast,.Beef, 140: to 18c. Hag (eared).8c• Boil Beef,, .. .5c. to 14c. I C. Roll 30c. Pork, any cut..... ..,.....20e.+ Baeon ..,. ,... .,...,40e. WATCH FOR SATLIRDAY`'NIGHT WINDOW • ')latter Eros. Phone .7171) LARGE STALLION TO BE AT SHOW, The , picture of a giant stallion,. weighing 2,450 pounds or about 250 pounds more than the ordinary heavy weight sire ]las been appearing ins the metropolitan press all over. the country and has created considerable. interest:' In answer to numerous inquiries, Mss B. H. Heide, Secretary Manager of the International Live. Stock Exposition to be held in Chi- cago, December 2nd to 9th, has a71- nounced'. that this horse is entered in' the International and will be one of the many yiattixactions .of ,the great live stock exhibition. IaIJCKY FOR IUS" The ;1ollewmg story:, told by (4, \Yaa'd ' .Price, 0 alewspaper coo res-' pondont who was at Mi.laatait, 11011s to ;1ernish the explanation wily the Turks agreed- to the term';; of the Allies in the recent nein East true llle; ` I''sinet began putting questions evincing a certain mistrust as to the loyalty et the Alli'is intentions in the creation of the newly defined neutral zones, The reply Carle 'with a touch that reminded one of Lord ltitchener'a historic `Cheer up, Do Wet!' when the lattor had sur- rendered ii1'the '.Goer_ war. Gen. I:Ia1•ringtonsuddenly .broke into 1ss met's 'criticism' with. `Ii isn't the form:, but the spirit ot, an agreement like this that .counts, and as a pledge of {mutual good faith 'I shall now Shake .hands with Ismet Pasha. With these words be stretched' out hislong arm across the table. A slow smile crept into Islnet's sombre reflective face, and ho took Gen. Herring•to ll -band 111 a ready grasp. That little incident seemed to 'me to sum. up in one gesture just hove' Gen. Harrington has won this re- markable diplomatic' sUecess; of which on Monday most of us had be- gun to despair, During .the last week of discussion linnet has been, studying Gen. Harrington and his officers, gradually arriving at the belief that they are inert whose peg- sonal frankness and honour' are to be trusted, He began icy suspect- ing that the Mudania negotiations were a plan to trick the National ist Government. I think he has ended. . by realizing that • Great Brit,. ain has been playing at rah ht.• 'It is=lucky for usall that in Gen. Har - "r ington and his colonels; Gribben' and HEywood, ,ltie has fbeeli icon'frpnted ith three soldiers of such extraor' dinary patience, straightforward- ness rind sei2-control," The Goderich Lion's Club has re, ceiveil its charter -and thus becomes a unit .with 'the International As- sociation. Hon. F. C. Biggs, minister of highways, officially opened,. the new street at Hensall on Fridaylast, the last day of a three -dap celebra- lion. The Board o'f' Trade, enter- tained the minister, Andrew"Hicks, M. P'" Py L. W. Oke, M. P. P., the warden of Muron county and others to a banquet at the Commercial ho- tel and after US- opening of the street all repaired 110 11110 town hall, where; Hon. F. C. Biggs, 1\2r. Hicks, Mr. ;,Oke and Warden Trewartha spoke. 3 li STORES LIMITED CA,DA'S LARGEST RE.TM 'GROCERS GRANULATED Sugar 10 lbs. LAUNDRY r 17 CAKES 80c SOAPe^aC lI'vhir1.00 ,Bull: Dates As. 25c. Brazil Nuts, per Lb.... ,190. Walnuts, per lb, '25c. Mixed Nuts, per Ib. '19c. Seedless, Raisins, per 16'17c. - ., Valencia 110101ns,, per 1b25c. Orange & rLeinon Peel 1'b35c. Bulk Cocoa ....A.:2 lbs. 25e. Special ,Coffee, per lb. 39c... Ritegood .Brew , .. 900. 'Shredded Cocoanut, 11). :23c, Oxo ..........100.,& 251. Pure Clover looney 1b tin 73c. H. A. Oleomargarine 1b. 24c. Cheese,per lib, ..27e. Aunt Dinah Molasses Ride ...31bs. 25c,Tapioca,per lb. .100. Shredded Wheat . ,2 for. 25c. Cori) flakes .. ..3 for 29c. White Beans', .. , .4 lbs. 250 Jelly Powders .3 for 23c. Prunes (nice size) 2 lbs. 29c. Toilet Paper'. ..,7 for 25c. OUR ENORMOUS BUYING /POWER ENABLES US TO SELL HIGH QUALITY GROCERIES • AT A „ PRICE AWAY. BELOW OTHERS. Campbells Tomato (only) SO -UP 2 Tilts 25c Rolled 6 lbs. Oats 25c 11101111.01)1 Crest 2 Tine Corn 23c 1 Bulk MINCE MEAT per lb. 19c. Mountain Crest 2 `.Gina Peas • 25c Lenton Crisp Biscuits 17c CANDIES per Jelly Beans,,; Creams, 51'2 Ilumbtigs and •, . y Dominion 8 Boxes Matches 34c ,gitol?ine Siked, eA:Tllreat,. ^.r Valencia par lb,. Ca .c ' Sold elsewhere at 45c, SA * C t } A`G ER -te • «, ,.,CT �� „ 1 7 id in is ..Ido+ r,•?i Get Acqummiotl Only a Youth, but Never Knew a Boyhood ,George Adams is a very Weak boy -he's so Weak he can't evenurn the pages of a book without feeling pain.. He has' a good many brother�Y and He and hia parents are very. poor. So when George'tput on long trousers --he was Arai: 12 at. thetime he `became a than and took upon' himself 'the task of : Darning money for the family. He went to learn a trade In an iron 5opndry,.where Eames and 'hard ork' ° 'W undermined,a weak system and sowed future trouble. Now and then one other working• member of the family •` Would cease earning through atoknaws ' or. loss•of job,' and .George 'Would have., to keep his nose to the grindstone a few morelroura eagle• day,, to make Up for it. Ills life was just work; work, work', until, one_.day he drop- ped on the, floor. The eonipahy Physician, who examined him, ' pre • - scribed a year or two at the Muskoka Respite? for Consumptives. He ,can't Underatnd why be never had• a boy- hood 0120 noSo of the good things of e but he's Sa[rl ha� p Y - he knows separation from his faity safeguards them. Hes: conteht, and he etillhas. There, are 0)10 just Such deierving' aroma in: need of treatment at the Muskoka Hospital. Will you lend a hand. • Oontrlbutlons may be,sont.,to Hon. W. A. Charlton, 228 College Street, Toronto. Mr., Robert. Clement of Kincardine, grand i;uperintendent of South Sur. on District No. 6, was welcomed'by the principal and companions of Malloch..Chitpter Arch Masons; No. 60, Seaforth, on Friday evening. Visiting. brethren were present from surrounding points. The Oran (Munk untie '121.11'4)1 at `3a'us- sols was burned about six o'clock on the morning of Sunday week, The. &01120 ;Fos not given .in time 'to •ave the thudding but adjoining buildings were saved. No 010 knows hot the fire aripd fated, r - Soma ox?rese and & few hundyetl doltalz,' W0a all 4f. freight was also lles1l0Yed, A. pas. s0nger 0011011 and box ear are doing duty as a statien ul'ltil i2 new bui111- ing' eon be. err0cted, One or t(u teachers has resigned from, the stall of the W1.nglianYt High school because 0110 has been assign- ed I110110 subjects than, she deemed air. ,Goderich had •s, dollar day last week and the, two lawn papers came out with sixteen •pages of reading and advertising.: It was a success in every way, so 'tis sod. Bette' ThanPills'' For Uverr;lll.' You 'can't feel so good b but what Nt will make you feel better. Your Dru¢giS Sold by J:E Hovey, Clinton,, Ont. 4 2-GZuicltly heals, cankers o£ the tongue or mucous membrane, 'and ."Prevents ,infection. n v tw ) i m•°.1 N. ra1 F., H 9O G maw 4 -Brush your teeth with "Leveleen"• Tooth Paste, no other quite so per- fect. 75-10-p. TRAIN SERVICE TO TORONTO Daily Except Sunday. five Goderich .. 6.00 a.m. 2.20 p.m. Lve Clinton .... 6.25 a.m, 2.52 p.m, Lve Seaforth ,. 6.41 a.m. 8,12 p.m. Lve Mitellell 7.04 a.m. 3.42 pan. ArrStratford. .. 7.30 a.m. 4.10 p.m. Arr Kitchens... 8.20 a.m. 5.20 p.m, Ant Gliielph ... 8.45 a.m. 5.50 ;p.m. Arr Toronto .. 10.10 a.m. '7.40 p.m._ RETURNING Leave Toronto 6.50 , arm; 12.55 p.m. and 6.10 pnl i Parlor Cafe car-Goderich to To. tonto on morning train and Toronto to Goderich- 6.10'. p.m. .train. Parlor Buffet 'car Stratford to To- ronto on afternoon=train.. C y. Horning, D.P.A., G,T.R. System John Hansford & Son, Phone 55,. Uptown Agents. A full-size, f1 ll -eve ght, solict bar. of_ good soap is SURPRISE." Best for any and all household use. Afsi I'm coming around to see you! J`M the Fuller Man. I represent the largest manufacturer of high-grade brushes for personal and household use, in the world. lam located in ,)bur city. 1 -lope to call on revery woman whoreads this ad. • To every one i Visit, l gine a Fuller Handy lBaials without cost or. obfige6en••,-to prove •the quality end )3 ful C 1 of ni lime, Bythis token, : you'll know wh � n , Y Y ,d at 1~ il •r 13z apes are to a ed a ct yq`0 u t u , y v, 5, 00,000 homes' •�'ldCntifY runty the Fuller tr de -m rk b ttonlwear on mp lapel. Identify Fuller Brushes bydui Fuller Rcd Tip Tag and the Fuller trade mark on heir haadtet, • 1, n '75l gad )>)e.'e('/ s r Y. s 2, F. G. ,ti t6) G ,� 1i .; �T'i I'T.�+;4�ritll' �i�i�+:`l�I�i , , , s ,r l n .n;: 1.. 203303205 ('21 11813. 4 116.1;rdh dP .; +lust;;• auf.ri IiV4p r .4 •tD, y, The, Rev, W, A. 'Donnelly of An,- he)•atbtl•g has ueeept(11 an invitation t¢ the. ;)211l)ey Sbr131. 1visthodilit 11h12(11ll. Exeter.", 1112 s;iltta'y •111111 be 19200, The Rev. James liarailton, who flag been in charge (13 t11e heuburn a Ii Presbyterian 11 tini011 b n d t i t esti G 01 n •re •a-. )4 Y i g s trona since 1893, has resigned cn ac- count of failing health. IIe also resigns the clerkship o1. Huron Pres-. bytoa+y,vrldch he has held Ter a dos - en years, ('' a Mails to r' Got" Rheumatism x . s s : Nissl utter pains an easy. (hU MAN c!„D' ,briAyY1, 1 U "Trout Pa;n to Ease svjthl �+IIOUSANDS :of , Canadians have tried T.R.O,'s and found they' do drivei put rhenlnatism,: and all similar pains. T.R,C.'s reach the seat of pain, for their medicinal pow- der is carried in the blood. $1,00 at your druggist's. Free sample Temple- ton Co„ Toronto. Canada's Standard Remedy for Pain. Sold by J., E. Bovey, Clinton, Ont. NEW KIND OF HEAT' ' Mato Som• ateve au 013•tlne Stove. Do away with coat and I wooddrndgar5. The wonderful Oliver 0f•GOOBorner dace tido Better bast. Ing or baking are saj P�!gi j \ inutautl9. gave. time, tumor, labor. CHEAPER THAN COAL OR WOOD The Oliver. Burner; makes Ste own' gam from cold. o33 (koroseee), 011 0 cheap- now and getting ` er060o.u5t05o.f t 88 tting nbocnconogeyta0A0aeLSTEL2,11 OASD. Peotoctn 6022,. Leet. afotlwo THREE TIMES THE HEAT of oo.1 or wood. rim Oliver glace rdoch heat or little. as desired, by elmply trolling 5.300, 053ta say stove, range, Furnace. 20 .different models. JUST TURN A VALVE to boat' or cook. Flo arae bowlike, no ashes. dirt smoke, chs.p ping, shoveling. carrying dirty cosi' or wood: -Beata and token better.. quicker. • 90 DAYS' TRIAL 050096aYn n0riof rho OiTosnt.aa easdye . many hoaYi�med; Elk ioe$iulssSu vW T. 3. SIERRITT, Mensal], District ,Representative Local Agent 7, T. TURNER, Clinton, N0.50 $62.50 This portable ictr 1 is an ideal • Irnas girt Can be carried as easily as a travelling -bag. plays any "His Master's Voice" - Victor record, 'either 10 or n inch size, with a beauty and volume' of tone that: is sukvrising. This is an instrument any- one would be pleased to 'OWtt and would surely make a hand- some Christmas; gift. at any "His ' Master's Voice" Berliner Gram -o -phone Co., Limited, Montreal Will there be a Victrala in Pour home this Xm Jeweler HELL, . Sole Agent for s c arlY c z', ' t� "'t6 i r-4 1. Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. 3. Famous Malahat Dr vc, Vancouver Islam., 2. Golf may, be played ,every day in the year. 4. Vancouver is a beautiful ,modern city. 5. Magnificent etiouritein scenery en route. • Nature ,fja. dealt most , geoeiously With Canada, m respect to her climate. While in the, East we have winter weather }yWorthy of the name, with lotti.;;of, show, which nowadays proved an attraetioo t0 thousands who revel and 1d the bracing winker atmosphere 'tinloy%our whiter sports of tobogganoing, akung, skating, ete,, there are many who, seek a wormer:' clime. We Kaye this in Canada i *Within kaptafeta Years, fho. usand' .l of ',air Canad,as people have file . mtOortkt otheirannual Winter n c r i1 F Am a e Pe"fiC .�trMellytoffwo.d e fi filters of wlntert, ai ki numy Shop! edidalge ata whiter vaca ion.) t 1 :Victoria and Vancouver, on our own 'Pacific Coast, , ; offer ideal retreats. Here flowers bloom in `winter, and the grass and trees are liways greed. Southwesterly tweezes prevail through, out the year, reaching the land warmed by their passage across the vast breadth 'of the PaOtfie,,, whose waters on this coast have,A temperature of 52 degrees. a Itt V,etoritt,; 49 degrees has been the mean dntitiai't1`inpetatiue for the fast ,thirty year1i,wan0lVaocouver,is a little oidpt;+,'frit• olatxe123es.,d0 ,weather are p0Vef a 5per4t9tedr,,..Golf and ,;.other, oaidocr a orb0 J) ' `h)3 engaged` 11 wirier 'vhifc loth, Gulls'"hive"`li15t0i- fice'dt"ti1ltit"5"41' settings; 1011 httkdtsids'of' niiles,of the finest roads on the tenth invite motoring. You have the grand of mountain scenery, glorious scascal lukurions evergreen forests and vigorating sea air, with all the vantages to he found in a plod ntetropolrs, for Victoria and a 0101 are two of rho finest Cities in 17onlinion. The mountains en route through Canadian Rockies are magnificent their sombre Winter dress -a fairyl of rsurp'issing',beauty,, The C8naj IQatsonai, ttiiaS, pp'asSes. throe h, ao,,tlta inI at the toWest altitu „ st t grsidititsts?i1f iin0„triinki{'thne rcl'away id';Atiltir{1a +F' 1 i 0,9)40 v)