HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-11-23, Page 8(sttIN'i()Is' . r t;a1)1Nc, IFW1r1 RIIY °TORC 'WIN DS Cilt .SHELL (t IASSEs I have theta in dark and light colors rcasertahlo Prices, This is the wedding season, Aniong the many gdf'ts for the bride wnat cottld ha nice); than fine Silverware ad Cut. Glasse I terve :m excellent seleetion of both these lines, illeinditIcr $114VEIR Wit.F101 Coffee :ina Tea *thos, Dessert Spoons and Folks, Direr and Dessert lriiivos, Berry Spoons, Cold Meat Sugar Shalis, etc., S:tiidwich or Cake Plates, Prrex Pie Plates and Casoroles, Sic:gar and Cresin Sets. cur GE/ASS Water Sets, Celery, Dishes, Spoon Trays, Sugar and Cream Sets, Butter Dishes. You would have to see this stock to apprecihte it sb 1 invite you to inspeet t, EYES TESTED FREE R. H. JOHNSON Jeweller and Optica s Next Hovey's Drug Store Th e en School College ter}ars an's Ideal 4 0 Pen The New "Pocket This little levet bus,lteen added to the World'a Standard Pen to help you to refill the pen. Simply rain and lowfr the lever with point in ink and it refills almost inttaritlY. Al ways the Best. Often the Cheapest— . 10 Our stock of Fall and Winter Clothing, Underwear, Shoes and Rubbers ete., is now most complete. We are ready to meet your requirements for the cold weather to come. . •We are showing the. best values in Sweaters and wool goods of — all kinds we have had since pre-war days. MEN'S SWEATERS, FROM $2.00 to $7,00. MEN'S HEAVY WOOL UNDERWEAR FROM $1.35 UP 'MEN'S WOOL SOX FROM 3 PAIRS FOR $1,00 UP TO $1.00 PAIR -ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE GOOD BATH TOWELS AT 29' EACII LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES ON ALL LINES ft'OR CASH. Plumsteel Bros. PIIONE 25. 1 i SMALL PROFITS• NIORE BUSINESS' . , . • Must not be dark in,colour Highest prices paid .. Christmas stock now arriving. Now 1922 Sunmaid Raisins expected:this week also. Prunes and Cur`rents. ' I Only the best„upw, fruit will be handleci 17e _C. Co' S. Grocers, Phone 125 EXQUISITE TYI1N DAMS belongs tothe man' who' has his clothing r made to measure: by an artist tailor who kaows the :value of perfect -4t, beauiful finish and. fine workmanship, and -who selects his fabrics' with an eye to please the taste 'of the well -bred gentleinan. "The tailor makes the man" in an old saying and we can supply all dei fects of form, and give you both style and satisfaction in 'Fall and Winter Suitings and. Overcoat' FROM $25.00 TO $5.00. • - DAVISn. & IIERMAN THE VETERAN- TAILORS Over Brown's Gents' Furnishings Store, .1818111==.11100146trdarA71114111ER=21 Success in Housekeeping. The Secret of nilanU a latoinan's, 711) , 41::, APrYK1 "11"1- 11 wor1vs for its user; it pro- hibits failure and makes success sure and certain: no loss of time' or increased irritation by having to waste valuable minutes in coaxing it. A good Range works silently and efficiently—the smile reliability each and every clay. It removes all guess work; its oven bakes, evenly all over. It is a dalliklelight to possess one. 'Rho Range illtistrated here is good; built by MeClary, makers of good stoVes and cooking utin- ' sits for 74 years'. Lot the old range go -307 a good one, you deserve it.r itter Perdue ARDWARE ELECT1Uj PLIJIVIBINGr CANADA COMES SECOND AS A WIDEAT,GROWINC. COUNTRY thiS y(,11.5 liOld.F.11 the production of -cylv.a.t, The United States comcf.% first With 810,123,000 bughels, Canada second with 388,773,000 bushels, India third With 306,251,00 liushels, and Franco Inarth. Wi1i 2315,380,000 bughcdt.t. 1,1.)M; Ykr Prnrico took seeond Otte among -,,vheat producing. countries. ie:ading Canada by about 23,000,000 bnshels. a EYE SPECIALIST A. 14. ewe, Eye Sight , • Commencing Dec; lst up to Christinas Eve. The first custotner bringing to us the biggest amount of groceries puro chased in the tnonth of December for cash will receive this beautiful set of dishes absolutely FREE. No money deposit- ed. Simply save and bring your counter check slips which „ will show us your standing. Everybody has the same chalice from Dec. 1. , We will not hold ourselves responsible for slips Lost. ' See the dishes in south wind'ovv. Our regular monthly and • two -weeks' accounts will be accepted up to date of Dec. 23 Somebody will win them. Why not you? an Iioour Graduate of the ' Caned- Remember thi.s jail Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Goderich, Ont. Offichours: 9 aan, 5 p.m. Pyaetice limited to the eye. New Raisi Xi>ns pe e 11101100 nnitm111110, Rev. C. Llewellyn Bilkey.is itt Toren. - to this week. . • Miss Edna , McCaughey rhos been spending g few days in London this gssex • are the 'guets of Mi His.at,onNe.ayler and lit.tle daughter 1V1r. A. T. Cooper is attending the I) temperance cenvention in Toren • this, week. Mrs. Rame of Winghaln has been cvt titing with her parents, Mr, a Mrs. George Jackson. Mr, Will Lancey of Toronto spent few hours in town This week vi • Mr, ,and Mrs. •W. H. Watts. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Emerson of 13ery have been the guests Of their con .111rs, R. 3 Cluff, this week. • Mrs. Murray McEWair bilt Saturda unorning to visit he sister, Mr J. 11. Twitchell of Windsor, for week. Mies Margaret 181cPniart return on Saturdy evening after visith with friends in Hamilton. H little nephew, Master Crer,ar, a cornpanied her hoMe. , BIG FRUIT WEEK is the week to buy fruit for your Uhristtrias cake r ib 17c • New Peels per Ib 33c Shelled Almondsper lb 60c New Figs per lb 10c New Dates 2•lb,s for 25c •' Cash ek Carry,. Deliveries Phone 48 Iteeoviyetaiwilposmormovaiwitaios*woomowomommtoliwompie~ga tie Atitifth 4111••••=1110M00014•01..01Me • ANNUAL ig• • t'{) Under the Auspices of the Ladies' • Guild of St. Paul's Church nd' • Will be held in th Owen Memorial Hall, le On 40444.46?..T.44,?..?..1)47•46 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 THURS0 AY 11 r .1- 4444407044•444,4)41644066461vite4640 We Installed Three t Pilot Superior Pipeless Furnaces in One Day. Our Furniture We haves, birge stock of Diningroona Suites in all the neatest•designs and best finishes including walnut and • fumed,. and gOlden oak, and the prices are snrprising/y low. We are showing'.sbme real Chesterfield Suites with Marshall loose cushion a , upholstering, at specia prices d ve Nomber 30th e•. lg Homemade Baking, Fancy 'work,. er Rummage Sale, Fish and (5c, and It 4 '• 4 4 4 Mrs. John Emerton, Who has been, vsiting during the past week or so at the home of herbrother, 1\i. J. 7.`orrance leaves this weelc for Kin- bardine where she will spend tile whiter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marsh and Mr, Norman Marsh of Detroit are here this week, hying come to a ttend the funeral of the lady's sister, Mrs. l3radshaw, which took place yesterday afternoon, Miss Margaret Davies of -.Chicago uccompanied the remains of her 'sister from Windsor on IVIonclay and has been with her parentSy Mr. and Mrs. Davies. She leavet, todaY for ESSeX. and returns "co her work in Chicago in a few , 1VIrs....Thos. Livingston of IIullett :s this week visiting her sister, Mrs. R. J. Gibbings: Mr., Livingston left grhurSday last to visit his br0. Cher in California. •He will be absent allwinter and will visit friends- in Texts and other states before returning. Mr. G. A. Bradshaw of Essex and this son, Mn'. Ernest Bradshaw of Detroit, have been staging with fiends in, Clintoci _and the former's daughter, Mrs. Lawrence ,SLephenson of the London Road this week. They accompanied the remains of Mrs. Bradshaw, whose death on Sunday was a severe Shock to her family and friends. Prof. C.A. Chant, who was a mem. ber of the Canadian section of the Western Australia solar ecilipse ex- , pedition, arrived at Victoria, 13...0, on Sattniday on his return journey. Prof, Chant Says that no pronoun- cedlent concerning the effeci; of the ecopse can be made .for some time 1)1811 it may mean "a complete revol, 'Olen of physieril science." Prot'. Chant is known to many hove, bo. ing a brother of our worthy towns- man, ,Supt. Chant of the ,Publie Utilities Commission Mr. and IVErs. J. N. : Gray and little' daughter of Toronto sitent a 'few days recently visititlg their aunt, Mrs, Wm. Graham, and tmelo, t3. It Higgins, of town. They Were returning Troia a visit with the lortner's brother at Lansing, and bad been there during the re- cent election, When Mr. Gray's brother -was shccossful in being 13. laded for the third term as regis- ter of titles for the eennty, This is something: nnusuaI 0503 there, it S80111't 40 Ft thigTO 011)1, Or at mosr Iwo, 1; the limit, for bolding oflitte. Mr. Gray says they aro dtway be. hind Canada in the numner of eo13.. chietany, elections, no 'returns being recoved midi the following risk, and this in a City of. 8101,31 thou., nd. 10c. fish.) Afternoon Tea Served Sale conntelices ai...3-o'8loelc 77.1. CLINTON CHORAL SOCIETY and SOUTH HURON CHORAL SOCIETY ft HANDEL'S MESSIAH" Will be sung on " Friclau, December 8 In. Ontario St. Methodist Chin:oil . •Soloists Soprano 11/fiss ,E. Rearge contralto bliss A. Ilalst Toner ' V, 0, Goodwin I3ass bir. IVE. Rennie OrganistRennt° C,onductor ' Prof, A. W. Anderton' Tickets' on Sale by members of the Chorus and .A. T. Cooper -and. 'W. D. 11"air, ' 77-3: People 'Irbil Know miss Scarlett or Walter: viited with Miss 11, Ttovettler a few days this ‘76el Mr. and IVIrs. Geo. Rutledgi e" and - Master Wilmer and Miss J'ennie Marquis of Nile •spon 11211 week- end as the guests of Mr. and Inis. W. Marquis of the Base 1in113 jtist, north of town. STANDING OF PARTIES IN BRITISH HOUSE Following was the summary of the results of elections in the Bribish House of Commons on November 16: Conservatives ,1145 343 Liberals . „ „ , ......... 62 .... • . . ' '633 .Forty-four candidates out of the 1,883 who went to the polls last week forfeit their deposits of 91150 each, through failure to poll one. eight3 of the 'tetal hinaher or vetet, r&ordeci in their respective 001)5111- P 1113811 included Sir George Paish,' the noted financier, wile ran ugninst, Premier Boner Law. ll'Wo \Vomen candidates also lose their do., Mrs, Andrev Price of Zurich died 31 hes home 01) the 91:11 Inst, in her ttventy-minth year: She leaves bo. - sides her 11 083331)13 au intent child. 4 11 110 Consult us about your heating , system. 'We guarantee the Pilot Sue p110101' Pipless Furnace to heat your CoMe and,see them 0,9 they are real beauties and, oh, so com , oi a • home. The most up-to-date' luivace on f bl •- 4 A large stock of Bedroom Furniture, 4 ' Bedding and Pillows ce' 4 4 4 4 8 So]e agents for—The famous Columbia ()raphonola and Records Singer Sewing Machines and " Eureka Vacuum Cleaners —ask for a demonstration of any of these household converiences.' • the market, Saves 25 per cent of fuel -V over a pipe furnace. Now• 'is..the time to do your. own wea •tiler striping and save oa,the coal. We have 135onze .weather striping --storm and dust proof. Frost King,' also other lines at low pricss. Another shipM eli i; of Craniteware, 48e W electric heaters left; at low price 4 WATCHOUR WINDOWS THE STORE WITH A STOCK V41°7r1"45VVIVVVVV-VciristertigetP.#YttniVeinr%3q' A ,ROPULAR COMEDY 'The Young Country School IVI'ani " ' PreSented by tlie St, Joseph Dibematill Club in tile P11111S11 111111 CLItliON Friday, November 24th At 8.15 111-0.to-date 111111.1:1 13(311 Sittglt1,3 1)11' tweeri. acts by ,sNIV, 'McCauley of Stratford an(1.toc3l A5118i8. l'holan'a Orchestra in attendance, Dancing, Play—Admission Ii0e. • Children 8(1t Danging 23t, Tfo-tv (toes your 51.1b. 3'011; I'lle N133\ -o- 1 , „ , APPliaice$ 11130011 f43111? •Wirog and tpnfrs,, Phone t 5 POP' W men and Girls itions to Offer girls and women to,. learn Knitting, Looping, fin - The Clinton Knitting, Company•Limited have a millibar oE pos. ishing and other operations belfinging to the manufacturing or 1?iiio 810510731. In the' field of opportunity a Knitting Mill offers the greatest • aci"vttsa agie. 1 Iwell knowrt foot that no good knitter or looney need • ever be out of employment, 2 The wages earned at this trade are high. i 8 Reasonable hours, pleasant and sanitary surrounding's. 4 Freedom from nerve racking Clanking of machinery used in other 'textile factories. i 3 If you learn your }rosiness here, where Wo make the finest grade of goods, you are equipped to take a position anywhere. a We pay you white you are learning, 7 We employ careful an capable teachers to :teach, 'you a highly rennmeratire trade. „ We are open to receive unlimited applicatiMis• and will‘ take on the applicants in the order it which they apply. Apply at t ,Oflices or he The Clinton Knitting C*o : pergemlefinetraweentioliWommissemomonstmespronsvemartrilmaromtAttwitmemottryiKuttwittsiftx , C. H. VENNER; Electrician nee(rie RangioS,Tixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and othet