HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-11-23, Page 5sameeorsessrees rel bQaton h a in Ssetlatnd, a Britishpeeple nave always lekiers ; for Law and order., ant demonstrated their love u ai, lie trolls loet Week, Ih hunting in the North" re - Globe 9s a farless fasein- tiort 'lett Mr. T'doody and 11Is tiye officers find it';t9 be in Obi s been suggested that Lloyd. y who .las decided to take a seat in the Mouse of Commons, hilt "acting' upon the hint the couli- t;y gel's° him, And now the Sultan has had to take. refuge e on a British warship. John E< g is a great oldprotector of. the ;;friendless. Friend or foe.' makes little difference to John;; When a man's "under", ,]leis th'e man •who. needs help, so John Bull argues and •so ho nets, ' d is s' Limited." a "`Tho Oonverter , newcompany; just, formed in. Han- -over, " Here's hoping they get a lot s: of the folk up p there converted. It hurt em a bit. We were ' '.Poing to suggest that they start on the Post man;' but perhaps we'd bet 'ter not be personal. 'Could Canada support one hun- •dredmilltons;Y"is the, somewhat start- , ling-questioniof a heading in a daily :paper recently; Why, yes. 'We do ,not doubt but that it could, if they 'were all ready -handed and willing to -work. ` But we dornot wish to, have to hunt up winter quarters for all that many people at once. Let 'ern ,cone gradually. Those "hoggish," we use the^word advisedly, Toronto people are at it • again:: A Toronto morning daily recently inaugurated a new feature, ealled> "Mail Order Advertising,?' ' a. ',page.is,run on Saturday and erowd- •.ed with small advertisements of ev- erything used in the home, to which' the : attention of • the out-of-town 'readers is especially called. , Then• a letter has been sent out, no- doubt hundreds of them came to Clinton and -vicinity,' two reached this office, In which this special mail order scheme was- explained and a questionaire „is ',enclosed asking Tor. information as to 'the :num?er of things bought in Toronto during recent visits, etc. 'The object"7s'elearly to'"hog" all the trade, not :only' of 'the •people' who; Ermatune to time visit tho' city but to keeP it throughout, the year, ar ;along this mail order' abuts. The circularalso„ goes on to explain that the' Dona -hien Government has re-. •cognized.`.`.the'importane of mail or- der:'buying'and .has -.passed regula- tions .,which are now.;;eli'ective, enab- .ling you to order goods by mail and pay ,a cash against• delivery of;.Sany .parcel, up :to the _value of,,$100.00.." The letter goes on to say, "it is a big step 'forward, and our 'mail order page; ~till put this, new Market place within your reach."'Thus clothe 'big cities -reach out with the long Farm of advertism 'i for 'without'tlhat • the Toronto merchants couldn't do a dollar's worth of business in a town like Clinton, and pull ",in the trade' 'erhile the merchants of Clinton, some of them at least, do nothing fo Pre - volt it, The News -Record, and al- most every other weekly paper has. . refused ,oven and over +`again to 'take .advertising from these big snail. or der firhis but they find a way to get around the loyalty of the weekly newspapers. TJIE WEEKLY NEWS- PAPER I5 THE ONLY VOICE, THE TOWN. • MERCHANT.; • IIAS TO: REACH 1115 CUSTOMERS. IF IIE DOESN'T •:SPEAK WITH THAT 'THE SILENCE IS UNBROKEN, •SAVE WIHIIN TI IE 1310 MAIL OR- ':RER HOUSES THUNDER THEIR' .NEWS TBROTIGH THE DAILY'.PAPER, COLOREDD CATALOGUE AND CIRCULAR. rlC Tito following lesae llkl Mrs. John Bead 1{4%VS1z, .( George 13esattt by Um ane {11s,of L. Q. L, No 1036, :after tcir; last meeting. "Dear Nit and MrS, John Beatty and Bre, C, '.l3ti:'ttty:-=Tlie ollicere and ieinbers of L, 0, L. 1035 extend to you their - deepest sympathy in the death of our late 'brother, Samuel Gaiiiadeu. We also extend our sin- cere thanks, for the ,great kindness shown in ` caring for our brother through his illness. He wasa reg::-, alar attendant at his lodge and we have missed him much since he was unable toattend,•-=Signed on behalf of the Lodge. Ben Bothwell, ' Master: Elinor Webster, Sevretary, rr IAT ,a140 AGRICULTURE mimmillodounnutlannee gaufleld Mrs. Reid and daughter, Miss Mary „Reid, spent a week with friends at London. Mrs. F. A Edards and daughter, Miss Ploy Edwards, spent a few days last. week at London. Mt:Walter alter Boug and ,wine 'of, Wind- sor spent last week at their sunnasi' residence 011 thdi terrace, The annual meeting of the Bal, -bold' branch Bible Society was held in St. Aar `e'ws cliui'ieh-mi •Tlwnsday evening last when a 'goodnumber turned out.The secretary, Mrs. -I'orguson, gave ,a report of the past, years proceedings, which was very 'encouraging, :after which the follow- ing officers were elected :Cor the en ;suing year: President, P. 'A, Ed- wards; vice-presidents, the .resident eclergynteb;,;secretary-treasurer, Mrs. •James Ferguson. And the past eiollectors were. re -appointed for the year. The Rev._ Mr. Colelough of Trinity church gave very interest- ing g , ing acddress,illustrated by -lantern views, on the "Peace River District." Mr, Richard McDool whe spent` the slimmer in. the west returned hone last week. Brandonand child are Mrs. Abe e visiting :frriendl ,at Winghane at pres- ent. Miss �, Norah Fet' •bison is visiting , friends in London. A. social' and lecture under the was - "cos of the Methodist church, will be held on Thursday evening, Novem- ber 30th. •Supper will be served rn the basement of the church from six to eight, after which Rev, R.' Fulton Irwin of ,Sezforth will give '.his fir- • mous lecture, entitled "Ireland and :the Irish." 1 Brucefield The Kelly, Circle held their regular monthly meeting on November 2nd: in the session; room of the church.: Miss Edythe Bowey ,gave a very in teresting paper on British Guania. The business part :of the meeting was then'taken charge of ;by the president. It was decided to have. the ; annual sale of Work on• Friday 'evening De- cember 1st.' A chicken dinner will also be served. Sale of work,. starts at eight o'clock. Mrs. George Baird and Mies Jessie Aikenhead will be leaders for the next meeting, to be held on December 7th, The Thank - offering amountedto forty-seven dollars.' • Goderich Township kMrs. H. 'Murphy `and Miss Jessie returned this week from a three months' visit with Toronto , Port Credit and St. Catharine friends. Mry, J. Leslie Cox 'had a most sue- eessfulsale `• on Friday last, his stock and implements going at good prices, ,although the ,'farm was not sold. It is matter for regret that Mr. Cox's health is so unsatisfaetory that he finds it necessary to give up farming. He has never fully re- covered from the effects of an acci- dent, when he was run into bya mo- tor ' ofor:' last year near ' London and his car torn from under him. On Saturday, November 11th, the 3narriage Of Miss Edna P. Edwards of .Goderich township, formerly of Clandeboye, daughter of Mrs, R. Y. Cox, and Mr. William G. Fulford of Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Ful- ford, .took place at Knox, :.church, Stratford, : the ceremony being: per- formed by the Rev, Mr. R. Martin. The bride looked 'very, dainty in, her travelling .suit of• navy velour, -with black, picture hat, She also wore :the. groom's -'gift,. an_ Australian red shower She carried a S e fox stole. bon eet of sunset roses ses and maiden- hair ferns. The bride was attended' by. Mrs. Della Brown, who ,wore a handsome gown of black dutclless satin trimmed With radium lace. Mr. T. C. Pulford, 'brother of ,the,: groom, acted as: best man. At the conclus- ion of the ceremony ;the bridal' party drove to the home : of Mr. W, W. Brown, where a buffet lunch was served. Later Mr. and Mrs. Fultora' left Stratford on the 7.15 for points south They have since returned to Clinton for stay before leaving for their' home at 51 Cambria Road, Stratford.: 1 -Stanley Township. . Much sympathy is felt for the family of tho late Pied Aikenhead,* son of Mr. Was, Aikenhead, whose death occurred on Sridi'.y 110 Tor- onto. His early death is snitch re- gretted. • Miss Mabel Castle 'returned last week from a visit in Burk's Falls.' 4:. Once more voe W4111 1,,0 direct 5L1.en Cion to our Shell', Courses in Ai i leek• taro and I•Ionie Leonoiilirs P11i,' Town Council has very kindly grant- ed the use of the Council Chamber Col, the use of one of the classes, Th13 neons' class will : use the Council Chamber and the girls' Cass the Ag- riculturel ofile?. Caalondats have been distributed pretty freely but if anyone has been missed will be, glad to supply fur - thee' calends4 rs and information on request,, We strongly 'recommend these courses to the' attention o1 the young hien and' woolen of the district, ' To some three months' may loots Iike ac long time but it is a very small per- centage of an ordinary life time and if spent in .the study, of Low to make ourselves more efficient it will be time well spent. Sacrifice will bo 'entailed on the part of both, pupils and parents but no progress is 'made without sacrifice of some kind. -To those who Snay wish or may be able to take specified parts of the course we wish to say, youaro wel- come. Watch the press weekly for an-'. nouncemnt as to "who's who" from week to week. Present indications point , to good classes. We are anxious that this course be a record breaker for ,Huron County and the Province of Ontario. To reach that point we need every young man and. woman in the itis trict. .If there are any explanations you would like, do not•hesitate to write or phone the office or better still, call in person. —S. B. ,Stothera,` Department of Agriculture, Clinton, Ontario. Tht'P:resbyterian Sunday school entertainment and Christmas tree will be held on December 22nd. Mr. W. McGowan of Blyth spent Sunday with. Mo. J. Laidlaw. , The Wonan's Institute' will meet. at the home of Mrs. Oliver. McBrien on Tuesday November ,25th. The subject of suggestions for Christmas gifts will be token by Miss` Carter, and Miss Ilowson. Mr. R. D. Munroe, has bought Mr.: n J. Phillips'house and _lot t and•Mr.: Phillips has bought Mr, George How -S act's house. Mo. Albert Naegle has bought Mr, E. Phillips'' blacksmith shop and has moved in. And Mr. E. Phillips has rented Mr, J. Carter's .blacksmith shop and has moved in., ' The Methodist, Sunday school ill'- tend holding a Christmas ;tree and entertaiiiinent on .'Thursday,' Decem-_. bei 21St. THE LAW TO RESTRAIN TIIE` USE OF TOBACCO BY YOUNG PERSONS • 1 GREEN 'TEA i161 It reenea in erfection—flesh, clean and�and� T' S�� fl vor� u erior ,to the: finest Japans yo+tt ever tasted. Sold 1»' all Grocers..,-. • '.the session of the Wroxeter, Pres- ;,byte:Oen church has ''extended a Call 'to the Rev. Mr. Ferguson of Conquest '$:sic, In case he accepts the In - ,Auction wile probably .take place a-' iiputthe beginning of the new year,: Marriages LUCAS—TRl7ES--At, All Saints' church, Toronto, on November 18th, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Reeve, the Rev. Canon Cody and the Rev. T. W. Murphy, Edith Jane, daughter of the late Samuel Trees and Mrs. Trees of Toronto, to Hon. Isaac Benson` Lucas, K. C., also bf, Tor- onto. Births GIBEINGS=In Tuckersmith obi No- vember 21st, to Mr, and Mrs. Berm Hibbin'gs, a son. Deaths WATT—In Clinton, on'Novernber' 21, Thomas J. Watt. Tho funeral Makes place from his late residence Rattenbuiy street, west, on Friday afternoon, service' to continence at. two o'clock. BRADSIAW—In Windsor, on N o- vem er 19th, Bertha- wife of , s ex and Mr. G. A. BrdshawofAs a , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Davies of Clinton. AIKENHEAD—In Toronto, on No- vember 19th, Frederick A. Aiken - head, syn of Mr. Wm. Aikenhead of Stanley township, in his 22nd ' Year. Farm For Sale Lot -26 concession 8 Hallett Gravel Road, 11/2 miles south of Londeiboro. This farm contains 99 acres, more or less,- drained and do first ,class con- • ditibn with 6 acr'es of bush, with a spring •creek running through; : about 90 acres` of good•workable land. There are 11 acres of fall wheat and fall 'plowing all done, On the premises are a good barn 56x60 ft with stone stabling,' a hog pen, a drive shed, .a .good frame house' and a never failing well, and a young. 'orchard. No. 5 school house is situated: on one cor- ner of the farm. For further par- ticluars 'apply to—Jas.-'W.i, 1VIeCoel, Londesboro, Ontario, R. It. No, 1. •77-4-p. Some •abstracts as taken from the Dominion Law 1 Selling, giving ea furnishing cig- arettes is ig-arettes,is absolutely forbidden to per- sona 'ander Sixteen years of age under any cireunsstances,",Tobiicco in other forms cannot be :furnished such per - sone sons when for their own use..Penalt les $10 to 5100. ' 2 The constable must seize cigaretes. etc,, when, in the possession 01 such persons, in filly street'or public place -- 3 It, is a crime 'Cor any one under sixteen to chow or smoke in any 'pub-, lic. place or to purchase or possess. any cigarettes or eigarettepapers; or to have any tobacco in his possession for his own use. Penalties, a relii'1' mind or, fine up to 54.00, Also the magistrate mast demand Under oath, where cigarettes, etc., were obtained. Refusal to reply iS deenied "contempt of court." 4 Forbids youth under sixteen ob- taining 'cigarettes in slot machines, and gives authority to ro lleye them. 5 Defines cigarettes. 0 Places ontts of proving age On defendent, No tobacco .• kind can be oo f any* iegally'.laotd on Sunday;, : Standard hotels have no license to"'scut tobacco Qts the Lord's Day. Notice All any out -standing accounts must be paid by the end of this mouth. L. Stong, '77-1-p. Hides and Tallow Wanted Horse hides, 'beef hides, sheep skins, horse hail', and tallow. ^J Steep, Clinton. 77-4-p. Auction Stile Of 50 head of choice Durham, ,cat- tle, soiree horses and pigs,' at Lot 46, Bayfield road, 1/-• mile south of C hinofl- tol, on Tuesday, No cuer 28th, at 1 o'clock' sharp.. Stockconsists th ' following: Gelding rising 4 years; : Tilly rising 4 years; Durham grade cow freshened 1 month; Durham grade cow, due January 1st; Durhaln grade, due Jan. 20; Hereford 'heifer,' due Jan. 5; Durham grade heifer, due Jan. 8th; 2 Durham. grades, 'due in February; 2 Durham. grades, 'due. Feb, 2; Durham grade, due Feb. 18; Polled Angus heifer, :due Feb. 14th; Durham grade cow, due ` Feb. 27th; Airshire cow: due Fob. '25; holstein cow due; Feb, 1st; Durham cow clue Feb, 25th; Holstein cow due,February 25; Durham heifer due Feb. 21st; ".S Durham grade-oo,vs due: March '1st; Durham grade cow due March 4; Holstein heifer doe March 1st.; Hots Win cow clue. March tett.; Holstein heifer` cite March :i.; Dur- ham cow clue March 16; Airshire cow' due March 25th; Durliam grade cow due March 26; Durham grade cow April 1; Thorobred Durham cow One April 5; 2 Durham gracies duo April 15; Durham grade, duce April 22; Holstein due April 28; Durham cow with calf at foot; Durham cow, ferron', niillcing : web; Airshire, far- row, milking well; 2 fat heifers; 6, ttto-year-old steers; 4 yearling steels;'21 store pigs, average 150 pounds; 2 Berkshire sows, due Deo. 28. An exceptionally fine lot of Steck, GUARANTEE:-=;•AilY cow s0111 to bo. in calf and proving not to be 30 clays from daffy ,of sale • 15 per ,cent, of pur- chase money will be reftncied. TERMS ;, All ' stuns of $10 and under, 'cash. On .over that a- anounti;9 months credit will .be allow- ed, on approved joint notes, or a disoonnt of 5 per cent, for nob, Holland & Tier, Proprietors, 0, IIF Elliott, Ahtctieneer, ARE YOU ;'" l✓A `t Christmas is on us again. ' Our Chiistnias fruits have arrived and better than -ever: Now is the timo to get Your supplies for that Cake you always take a pride in. ' EW FRUIT PRICE'S REAL SPECIALS 2 lbs. o Seedless It isins ......35e, 1 ib. ot Blaek Tea, . , , . ,, . ..48e 2 lbs. of Seeded Raisins 3i e, 10 bars of Laundry '.Soap ..4811. c of Ammonia .. ...25e. 2 lbs, of Now Dates .:'... , ..:: ,, `�,5 , 3 pkgs. •s. k . . 3 1b. Pail of Lard ..:.... ....Q5c. 3 pkgs. of Pearline ' .•,..•26c. 3 lb ,of. Crisco .850. 2 lbs. of Macaroni .215e, Highest prices paid ,for Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples: New _Peels, Almonds, Walnuts,' Etc, Get the Habit of Dealing a t • JOUNSCN & CO'S GROCERY Phone lit THE. STOIC FOR EVERYBODY Between now and Christmas is the Greatest Buys. in Season of the Year Don't Fail to lookcarefully over our Chocolate packages before deciding on the gift for that friend 1? g Cowan's Lunch Bars, Medallions, iviapie Buds, Chocolate Beans, Wafers, Orchids, Etc. Robertson's and Neilson's Chocolates in packages and in bulk Full line of Cream Carmels Flips, Peanut Cris , Butter P Rob Roys, Jelly Beans, A.D, Mints, Scotch. Mints A varied line 'of Pastry at your conamand each day. Watch for our Saturday Specials • Try our special Creamalt and Butter -Nut Loaf r J.BROWN & C®•.,.. Telephone No. 1 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY, COUNCIL ,The Council of the: Corporation. of of Huron will meet in the Council. Chamber Goderich, at 2.30 o'clock 3n. the afternoon of Tuesday, "the 20th say of December 1922. All accounts against the County must ,be inthe hands of the Clerk not later than: Mondaypreceding the meeting of the Council Gode'ieli, November` 20th 1922. ,GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Cleric. 71-2 Representative Wanted District Representative wanted foil Clinton and surrounding territory to represent the Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries, . splendid opening for the right man., For full informa- tion write, -Stone &Welliingtoli, Toronto. ' '77-4 •Wanted • Three or four persons with from' $300 to $500 each to take interest with "Advertisers' in exceptional in- vesbment proposition... Must act promptly. For full particulars ad- dress by letter in first instance: To "Advertiser" caro News -Record off- ice. . 77-3-p.* • Farm for Sale or Rent ne ce s- Lots 57 and 68, Maitland c o sion Goderich• township, containing 1641/2 acres, more or less. Bank barn, 50 feet square, :stabling under- neath, , driving shed, hsecl, 30x55; hen.: house, large frame house. drew Pos- seasion given t -once. Andrew a Shepherd, Lonclesboro,'Ontario. 76-11 r To Rent Pair of rooms; en suits, Well adapted for light house -keeping, or dressmaking. ' Including use of bath- room; and all conveniences. also,• single rooms, furnished; with or with- out board. Apply -"Spruce Lodge," Ontario Street, opposite Ontario St. Methodist .church, '76-4. Raw Furs Wanted Highest market price paid,' Do not sell your furs until yott get my Prices, which aro often ,5 per cent. •to 25 per cent. higher than prices paid by other dealers. Phone or write, 7I. A. Hovey. Phone 89, Clinton.^ Wood For Salo Dry hard and soft wood. Apply George Mann, 2nd, concession of Hullett, phone 13 on 686. , 15-4. For, Sale In Clinton, south of the G. T. R. tracks, good :honso and barn, also 4 lots, some fruit trees, town water and cistern. Cheap for quick sale. Easy' terms. Apply Il. ITayward, 101 Wellington Rd., London, or, It T. Rance, Clinton. 74-tf, Stoves For Sale Coal he coal oal heater with oven, range, and parlor wooclheater. Ap- ply to ,William Higgins, Rattenbury Street, Clinton. 73.tf. NEW Butcher Shop in the Normandie Block Meat delivered to all parts of the town We solicit a share of the pat-, ronage of the citizens of Clin- ton and vicinity. See our goads and get ac- quainted with our prices. CONNELL & TYNDALL Phone t62 r Salle ttp1L 1Lda els for Taxes Town of ClitiliG.,1(1 By virtue of a warrant by the Mayor of the Totvn of Clinton bear - in, date the First day of August a sale of lands in arrears for taxes in the Town, of Clinton will be held at the: Council Chamber.: in the Town of Clinton at the hour ofthree o'clock in the afternoon on the Fourth day of December, 1922, unless .the taxes and costs aro sooner paid. • Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes is be- ing'title • Olitario n fished m published Ga- zette,' the first insertion being tho. 26th day of August, 1922, and that copies of -:the said list may be bad at niy office. D. L. Macpherson, Treasurer, Clinton. August 31st, 1922 64-tf kin slmllpmUl VIVIf I liltmidn0q111 1 '1 Idl1,,II f. III it ill tlIiCessore'to M.,'1', Corhies.--- OWI• ads old 8 k CBRIS`dYLAS 15. near enough to make immediate preparation for the r'Iolitlay Gift, Call in and see our assortment of suitable urs:. CATALOGUE is at your, <disposal whether you buy or not and will burnish you with a host of suggestions. ARITCLES which the do not carry in stock We will order for you and roveto you saving of from 25 1 n prove y a s va. g oil to 50 per cerin. We. catalogue these: CARVERS in eases and . sets, Geor6e Wostenholtn. & Son, Sheffield, Tngland. STAINLESS STEEL Table and Dessert Knives, COMMUNITY PLATE Grosvenor and " Adam design in Knives, larks, Spoons, Sorvers, Ladles, Spreaders, etc, 'TUDOR PLATE, Marquis Pattern in abovo and other individual 18471rROGERS BROS• Ambassador Pattern in above, 1100ERS 1847 Silver Plate, Old 'Colony design also in above, Canadian Silver... Plato,•Niagara, in above. LEY Silver Plate, Waverley design, in above. WAVERLEY (Canadian) ',Silverware, Ti le atter inabove.ove. Aladdin Therralware Jars, Bottles, Lunch Sets, Jugs, etc. OUT GLASS, First QualitY, PoPular Patterns. ENGRAVED GLASSWARE in :Vases, Water Jugs and Ttptblers, Sugar and Creams, Berry Bowls, Marmalades,' Spoon Trays etc. PYREX WARE, With_ and without frames, all individual pieces, ALUM INU WARE, Complete in every poasible piece. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES, Grills, Toasters, Plates, Irons, Coffee Urns, and. ''Percolators. 111111111i1e1111ll lillllll IIIIIIIIII111111IIII III IIIIIIlIII 111 1111111111111111111111 11111111111111111116111111111111111 1111111111111 111111111111 11111111 111111111111 1111111 1111111 2 11111111111 9:11181111. Phone 1I68. "OFFICE HOURS'; 9.30 to 12 a.m.' 2,00 to 5.30 p.m. 7.00 to 9.00 p.ni. Sundays by appointment. DR.` W. R. NIMMO Chiropractic Specialist. Specializing in Spinal, Nervous and Chronic Diseases. CONSULTATION FREE Normandie. Block, Clinton, Ont. 62-4 Farm For Sale Lot 16 pt. 17 concession 1 Buffett,, Huron road 11/2 miles east of Clin- ton, • This farm contains 127 acres 100 acres drained and in first class condition, the balance is Pasture land and bush.. On the premises is a`good barn 40x74 with stone stabl- ing and cement floors, also hep house pig pen and drive shed on cement foundation. There is a two story brick hone° with modern convenien- ces. Farhn is well watered with first class springs and also spring creek runtlong across one corner. Farm is well adapted for mixed farming. For terms and conditions snake ap- plication on the premises or Clinton, R. R. No. 4. •John Noble 58-tf Ronso For Salo Frame cottage with two lots, on g Huron street, barn on l,rolnises, , garden with ,For further partieularil apply to Miss 1.t., Cantelon, on promises., ' 41-tf Farm For Sale Lot 26, Con. 17th, on the Base lino, Sahel ,north of Clinton. 921/2 acres first'class band, good house, bank barn and . young orchard just beginning to bear. Also 7 -roomed house on Albert street, Clinton, Wa- ter, good garden, barn. Apply on latter promises.. Mrs. John Italstead. --11-U Heater For Sale A good coal heater, only used a couple of winters. ' G. E. Hall, Rettenbury street, or The News -Re- cord. Min's Work Boots Less than Cost Friday and Saturday We have several pairs of men's solid leather er w ork hoots which e t must be cleared 'regardless of cost. Reg., 57.50 to 58.00 going at 55.95 Reg. 56.00 to 57.00 going at $4.95 Reg„ $5.o0.to 56.00 going at 53.95 Ease. 1130,0113 ,.i Opposite. the Postoffice, Clinton OSTEOPATHY. DR. A. M. HEIST ' Osteopathic' Physician Graduate, Des Moines Still College of Osteopathy. Licentiate Iowa and Michigan State Boards of Medical Examiners. Spinal adjustments given to remove the cause of disease. Catarrhal deafness, adenoids, and enlarged tonsils treated. without surgical operation. Stomach and intestinal diseases treated without the'use of drugs or surgery,. Successor to•Dr. Heileman. Office, Goderich, Ont. At'the Graham 'House every Tues- day after 6.30 p,m. Spirella Corsets Spirclla Corsets' for healthfulness, style, comfort and durability. Eye cry corset made to measure. Mil. Ii'li aboth•knnnedy, Ontario street,_ Clinton, Plaine 148, 124921' HAIN The South -Enc 1 Grocer y Try our store for tour supplies,' you wIl find 'our prices • AS LOW AS ANY FULL STOCK FRESH GROCERIES Prompt delivery to all parts of the town. HIGHEST PRICE FOR BUTTER AND EGGS PHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY DELIVERED. Mrs. ' M. J. Brown PHONE 144. Wheat, Buckwheat and Barley: Oats B.ly, oa.e•al We pay the',highest market price. It will pay to give its a call if you"have anything' hi this line to offer. ,Bran and Shorts in largo or small q uantities, good quality, prices mod- erate. Purity and Five Roses Flour always in stock3 also Jewel, . Manitoba. Best, .Model and Pastry. ,Guiur's Easifirst 'and tie Lard> try a 5 pound pail of, Easifirst and note the improvement in. your baking. Our stock of Land and Easifirst is always fresh and prices are very reasonable. W. Jenkins & Son. FLb1JIt" AND PEED Phones: Elevator 199, Residence 141 s--: Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired,,; Woolen: goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's barber shop. W. J. Ago. r-83.tf f Boars for Service Champion bred, big type Yorkshire and Chester White boars Air service. At home every forenoon ,,---A. C. Lavey, Phonta 11 on 6211 Clinton •c-288 Hard Coal We are receiving a few cars of hard coal, Soft Coal now on hand. Leave orders at my Residence, Huron street, or. Phone 155. E. WARD COAL --•' 1 . NUT. STOVE & EGG j.. ALWAYS ON HAND ' FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVe.RY • 1. R. J.. MILLER . Orders taken at residence. Phone 119 Highest prices : paid for Wheat, Oats, Barley, Peas and, Buckwheat. Wo have agency for Toronto' As- phalt Roofing, if you have any roof- ing to do you will find it advisable to call on tis, our prices are reasonable. and the roofing is the highest grade on the market. Bran and .,Shorts, Purity, Thorobred Five Roses and Fine Jewel Flours., Stock Foods and Calf, Meals always on hand. J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123. Flour and Feed Merchants and ( Grain Buyers Also issuers of'Hunters er s & Trappers licenses Live . ou itru Wanted Three Thousand Chickens—Two, Thousand Hens per week. Special prices paid for properly finished minded Chickens. our prices aro unsurpassed for high grade poultry. ' GUNN, LANGLO S CO. CLINTON, ONTARIO. N. W. TIREWARTUA, Manager, Phone No. 190 Holmesviile 601 r 15 CREAM WANTEDI The demand for our butter is in- creasing, ' To supply this demand we require more cream, Wo re bestyou to ship us: your q p cream. We guarantee you the highest Market Prices, faceurato tests and prompt service. is knownd and need. Out firmto yo no further recommend. We pay all express charges, furn- ish cresin cans and pay twice each month, 'Write for eats or further infertile- tion to the 'I'UE SEAI+ORTH CR1p5A.141i91tY 0, A, BANDER, i&Ai'7il004, of