HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-11-23, Page 1117, --43rd
A r,
OVEMBER 23ird 10)2
TIIE S11611i ClitilISE IN A6V111601rU11E 1111[1110ME ECUNO1ICSUPEP4SiPJGLINTON
cinnot be tptomistk
fvith tptieg
For a thorough' eye exai,nination and g1fISF3e that
ri perfectly, consult W. 1.1,,;FIellyar
(Optometrist and Optician)
C.)tood Glasses, if you need them -
Good Advice, if von
. • '
e'er and Optician
, Phone 174W
Residence 174J
2o nrot ;forget gen' firrietidg at 'Christina*,
4ee 'ear 6tock Vx,elti$ive 6tqles
The News -Record Office. 1
ICTORY BONDS maturing on December it
1922, may, be redaeinc,d. tbr cash at Any
Branch 01 this Bank rnithDut charge To pre-
vent delays, 1Bonds should be delivered to the
Bank at lea.t fri;irdi pno to Debeillber Tat
fOr examination and listing.
The Royal Bank of Canada,
he glorilsh
Clothing Go.
37-,ft'11 ccOrinienitre-'
- , C.Lo canto
We are all ready foi-You .with the lateststyles' in
Storm Llisters.--Olsterettes, „Raglans, Slip.ons ,Cheeter-
fields, single and '-double,,breasted staple styles of all
kinds. Lind when it 'coines to
Sinart. OVerCOatS for Young relIOWS.
Vs have made Provision for the young
an trade with many exclusive styles that will ap-'
peal to the good dressers of this community,
New Moclels New Fabrics New Style Touches
See thea before you buy
Price $15 to $35.
This is Sweater Season and our sweater stool( is
now at its best. We show all sizes and All the good
styles in Boys' Sweaters. Ttiere are, a variety.of new
coloribigs and trimtnings,
The fall season is the time fo _Boys' Sweaters
Sweaters 1.25 1.50, 1,75 to 5;;00
1 for Every Ma"
Wheat,91 03
Oats 40e,
Buckwheiit, 70c.
I3ar1ey, 55e.
Eggs, 33e. to 350.
Butter 30e. to 35e.
Bogs, Uneettled.
Mr. W, IL DaviSon, who condueted
a hardware business her for eome
,little time end 131et moved to Sinicoe,
has sold out hie business there to zt
imam Mr. Davison's beelth,
we regret Ito say, is Car from sat-
isfactory, which is his -tciason for
Tho Girls' Auxiliary, through M.
Ramres, made 'a shipment of waste
paper, last week, the proceeds 01:
whieh wore handed over to the Hos-
pital The young' ladies are
however, endeavoring to build up
their own funds as they have taken
the responsibility of fittng tip the
operating room in the new hospital,
Whieh it is expected will cost several
hundred dollars, and they also have
the rooin which they maintain in the
hospital, to decorate before the move
is made from the 'old 'building. ;
IVIessl,s. 5, Snell ez Son, 11tillett
township's well known eheep breed-
ers, began a most strenuous few
weeks' work on Monday; when they
left for the Royal Agricultheal Win-
ter Fair at Toronto/where they wiR
exhibit m number of Sheep. As soen
aseethe animals are judged they will
be taken on to big Winter Fair as
Chicago and aS soon as the fudging
is over there they will behurried
back to he exhibited -at the -Guelph
Winter Fair, Meese% Humphrey,
and Ephraim Snell accompanied the
exhibit to Torontb and Mr. Jas. Snell
will go over to Chicago to eeo how
things look, he having been an ex-
hibitor there for many Years;
, Willis °Mira
, •
The ordination' of elders takes place
at the morning service on Sunday.
The pa tog's evening ,subject wilt be:
"The peach of power." ,
'The Mission Band will , hold its
annual thankOfferng rneetng on Fri-
day evening at half past seven. ' A
good program is being prepared and
Vieitors are cordially invited.
The- Christmas entertainment will
be held on Wednesday 'evening, De-
cember 201h.
- The pastor Trenched .a very im-
pressive sermon. on Sunday morning
on "The Working God."
Wesley 'Church.
Ntext Sunday is Missionary day in
this church. In; the morning the
ReV.' L. W. :of Parkhill will
,Preach and in the evening' the Rev,
Dr. I-lartweil, ,of China will be the'
Speaker. The aimual collection and
'subecription for missions will be_
taken at the morning service.
It will be miseionavy day in the
Sunday 'School, as well, and it is
hoped Rev, Dr. Har.twell will addrest,
the teachers and scholars of the
At the board meeting; last week the
pastor, the Roy. D. N. 1VIcCanitts, who
is cempleting Isis fourth ,yearawae
given a unanimous invitation to re-
main a fifth year. -
Baptist .Church
It hae been deeided.to hold the an-
nual Chrrsimas Tree and entertain-
Meaton the ,evening of Tuesday,
December 19th.'
Otir Mission Band Meets in church,
on Saturday 'afteeneon t theme
The pastor will occupy the pulpit
next ,StuidaY Mon.ning and "in tho
ening Rev. Mr, Ilawke will ,tal:o the
501 5 100
The Mission Dand held a birthday
party at the parsonage on Friday
evening. last, Ivhen a most pleasant,
time was Spent in games and, con-
tests, after which, claintY refresh -
Monte !were served. Theproceeds
go into the mission fund.
The Rev. G. I. Timms will preach
.at Goderich me &Indus, evening, the
Rev. C. N., Dewey of Goderich tak-
ing anniversary SerVieeS in' the Bap
1c( church at Auburn.
Ontaiee Street Cluii:ch
SundaY 'last was Sunders, sallow
.anniversary, when. the 'Rev. G,
itivo'S of Hen til was the special
pteachet and deliyei,ed two able dls.
courses and addressed the Sundav-
'school in tho afternoon,
Mcg.s Fiancee Nickawa sang at both
morning, and everimg services cind in
the 'afteenoon she recited. Large
congregation were, present 'at each
servica, .several being turned awfl
• nt night. The offerings, Which were
ed to 3121.
Tor the Sunday :school re:haat-mount
'Sruiday next the pastor will
M'eath a missionary sermon in the
moruing aDd aleo01 Tneneris chute
14) the afternoon.
0n the first Sunday in December
the pastes' will Meech in the 10010 -
ng, again o)1 a mssionary them), and
155 ibe evc>iiing De. Wallace ,OraWfora
he the Prettebere end will, or
gentee, disconree on iniesiens, Ite
Will he eseisted at the evening sere
viee bY the Rev, ,f, 11.,. Foster of Vcoe,
na, On the following evening' a
intesimiay boiquet will be held,
At a Well atl,el'ided meeting' in the
Paetime Club rooms on Monday even-
ingofficers were, eleeted roe the eore-
ing hockey eceson. It WaS cleeidea
to elect only officerthattake an
active part, in the sport atid away
with , all nreliminaries. A junior
team will be entered in the 0, H. A.
and they 'ate alveady comeioncing to
'train. The following Mile:ere ware
elected: Manager, M. ,Elliett; train-
er, A. Sineleir; eeceetary, G. Middle
tone Committee, M, Selidethals, ,r,,
'cad Manning.
.V1ci,s Frances Nichawa paid a see-
ond visit to Clinton on Monday evem.
ince, coining under the auspices of the
Epworth League of Ontario Street
chureh'end giving a prograin which
was much enjoyea by the Imege aud-
ience- present. -
IVIiss Nickeeva, who has just return-
ed"freni a very successful -Lehr in the
010 Country, has lost nothing or her
charming nalairalnefris but has gained
somewhat, perhaps, in pgise ,and
The first part of the pecikrain was
varied, geuVe 011(1 p4 and her se-
lections were such as to hring out
tIle talents with Which 'she is so
richly endowed. -For the latter part
of the progrem she dressed in Indian
costume, -which certainly anits lier
admirably, and gave several Indian
selections.' She is especially at home
in dramatic numbers, although ehe
can spiri off a funny little ,slcit very
nicely, -Ulm She gave eby„, request
"The- Song My Paddle Sings," and,
beceige she Saici it wa.5 176-7 PoPolar
in England and shd liked it herself
and liked to include it -in her pro-
grams, she gave I was Beru'iii Can-
ada.", We would not like to ,saY
which number was the best but per-
senally we liked her in the portrayal
of the _fierce bu-61 faithfula "Ojista."
and her sweet tendering of "Iiyawee
tha's Wooing." Altogether it was a
varied and enj17 ab1e-40gram and
had. something for people of all
'tastes: .
A. 5. McMurray, meeident of
the , League, presided, the Rev. S.
Anderson spoke, ,btielly, Ocl•
spersed in the program vd,re musical
numbers. Miss A. s,tevTart, miss M.
Gibbings and Mr. Steele' rendered
Miio5 H. Ariluv3on 0011 '3
-Treleaven- . :11
, •
Treleaven presided at the .Pia119.
:piss .and
It was with feelings of Sincere sere
xow that the word was received on
Sunday afternoon last that Mrs. Ge
A. Bradshaw of Essex, formerly ot
Clinton', had died after a' few days'
illness at Windsor that day.
1IVIre.-Bradshaw - had visited her
Parental home here, that. of Mr. and
Mrs. George Davies, Tor several
-Weeks this autumn, leaving for her
mine t_hessex about, a month ago,
She had notbeen in, th -most robust
healib for some years but 11 was
until ; a few days ;previous to her
death tha,teher condition occasioned
Alarm 'and it was 'concluded' that ber„
only chance of recovery lay in an op,
oration; which was performed in
Windsor on " Thursday last. She
seemed to rally and was getting -on
very well until Saturday evenMg,
when her • condition became serioas
aiid she gradually sank until the end'
came onSunday.
The deceased lady was the eldest
daughter of .1\1t. and Mrs. George
Device Cf. Clintee, and simrit' nearly
all her /ifhere, NearlY seven
years ago she was'marriod to Mr. G.
A. Bradshaw and they continued to,
live here until about foUr years ago,
since which they have resided it To-
ronto,'Learnington and EsSeN:, Mov-
ing to the latter place only 0 Cew
inontle ago. 'She :was held in high
esteem by all who knew her and her
sudden taking oft is much regretted,
not only by.her own Memeclicite fame
ut by -a large 01rC] 03 friends.
She is survived 'by bee. husband, a
stepson and daughter, Mr. Ernest
'Bradshaw and Mrs. Lawrence Steph-
feociusnishteeili,sp:armenn.,,ts,loianierybromtharesiih and
Detroit, Miss IVIargaret, Device, who
is engaged in Deaconness work hi
Chicago, and Misee,s Mae' and Besie
and 1VIr. Newton Davies et ,home.
The remains were brought to Min-
ton for blirjal, the ,funeral taking,
plaee from the home of 'lee father,
Unroll street, yesterday afternorm.
The seevices were concilieted"by the
Rev, D. NeMeCamna, assisted by the
Rev. 33, Andereon, and the pallbearers
were: MOSSVS. 13 j., Miller. W. Walk.--
er. II, E. Rerleo, J. 'C. IVIcIVIath, A. .1.
Tyndall and it. Bertliff.
The, casket was covered with beau -
flowers. sent by friends in De-
troit, Toronto and Leamington, be-.
sides many 'from ,friends here.
Amongst those preeent.from a, dlee
tence wore: Mr. G. A. Bradshaw, Es-
Ficlxi 13. Bradshaw. Mr. and Mrs.
3.1 Marsh a»d Me -Norman Mareh,
Detroit.: Mfgg Margaret Devies, Chi.
cego; Mr, and 'Ales. W. BradshaW and
Mr, Fred Bradshaw, lIrigclen; Mr.
bral 75T:q, TI. Bradshaw, Courtwright;
Mr, end Mrs. Gem St -tweet end Mrs,
IV, Smith, Seaforth; Mt, and Mrs. 8,
Cticinvore and Mrs. T. 'Workman,
Ki.onee; lire. B. 'Joe, Dungannon
mei Mr. Bort Morel), •Atiblum.
110e. Ilteniehaw and IVir, and Mese
leayiee. xelS11 Ir, 'elKnr^gg
iVnrireelatilni Of the kindness and
aveleathv of theie :fidencls, elloWn 311
10,,, sending ar 1,110 ass of
their ears end in many other thought.
113 0,03o,, They aro AconlY graterrni
all theSe 'eXpreSsions 1r3 syMpa,
4Our, Collegiate Institute was well Mr. G. I -I. Elliett, Clinton'e, genial
repreeented at the inter-colleginto and pepelar auetieneer, who Rolle
cliampionehip Rugby games, PlaYed is sPreadilig °Yet a wider 0,1e11
off 1» Kingston and Ifientreel veeent- ihe time, is aleo something Of
Miss jean MeMurchie was 'the success as an iasUrance man, For
representative Tor her Year from October last he' wrote' up more In-
-Oneen'S Residence,, when )7meell,3, euranee far tile CariadmLife than any
played Queen's at Kingston a `colple other ageet in, Ontario and won the
of weeks go, and Miss Einnm Higgina Company's prize, ten dollare in cash
Messes. Fred Wallis.' and E. Liver- and handeonie piet,Ore of pne of the
more were the ones who wen the ()Waste directors in the '000'IPanY.
lucky tekets for the final' game at "G. II," nialces very little HISS as he
Montreal last 'Saturday- when Varsity golvabout but be- °vide/111Y "gets
wits defeated. The 0.. C. 3. usually there."
shows up well both in the class room
and cm the 110108p oit, WHAT' OF THE FUTURE?
GOVERNiVINNT HEILPiNG "When this eine. was organized,
some fourteen or fifteen Yours ago,"
1Vir. G. E. Hall recently received a writee• a Tuelcersmith:'correeponcient
letter from his sister , whose:12mile in regard to the 'West L'nd 13eef
weS in the fire area, of New Ontario, Ring, annualmeetirig of which wa.s
near Thornlee, but which was J:dr- reported in oer last issue, `ia few.
innately spared 'cf/,'om the ilamee, 0 Di' the members held minor public
though the, barn ararall outbuildings- offices, such as path,s
master, cheol
were burned. Her husband 'wise trilstee, panndlce'eper or black, knet
awayfe,..;.,..e„,,,nalfonie at the time and she inspector, but now among oue mem-
teleplionficl him not 10 xet-urn as she: bers we have a reeve, .an ex -reeve
thought he would be' unel-de to gee and our local member of parliament.
through the fire.' He came, howev- What the, future has in' store for the
en, and they got their family and live organization time alone will tell."
stock tO 0 place .of safety.. She Stige enough time only can tell, and
and her husband stayed right in the in, the mean -One thoee chaps are
house and it turned out all right, She eating more beef and becoming bus.
saysthe Government js suPPlYing‘ kiek every claY,
lumber fee building purposes and the eirewpae„
people are -as rapidly as possible get -
The Woodstock. Sentinel-RevieW has
the following account of the marriage
0:1 a former Clinton girl, a niece of.
kb% G. E. Saville:
, "A , quiet wedding teek plaCe thio
morning, .0etober 1,11th., at Knox
dhurch manse when Gladys Madeleine
daughter of the MIs Samuel H. Mere.
cer, Edward stgeet, this, city, became
the bride of Ni.„. Stanley Edward
Wade, formerly of Peterborough". The'.
Rev. Dr, L. E. Gibson- officiated in the
presenee `61'. immediate friends:, IVIr.
ancl Mrs. Wade left on 'a wedding trm
to Montreal. On their return they
will make their home in Woodstock,
where Mr. Wade is inspector at tile
Independent Concrete Co. Its a rep-
resentative of the Canadian Inspec-
tion and Testing Company, Toronto,
He is Well-known in local amateur
sport circles."
ing up shelters , toe themselves .and
,stock. She says! "No one Could believe
. how,' well -We were looked after by
tbe Provincial Police.and how .quickly
they got here a.ncl, got busy helping.,
everybody... Where they . eouldn't,
get a building they were given a can
:and worked,from that."
Latest subscriptions to the Clinton
Public Hospital s re as follows:
1-Ingh Miller $25; Mrs. W. T.
Havvicins 325; Sale' of paper '320;
Mrs. B. ' • .35; RzeP.e.Wat-
son $3; 'Mrs -Edith Ball $2; A. Cur-
rie $2; 3. Johnston $2; Hugh" Aiker,-
head 32; Robe,rt. Allen $2; T: Stramg.
. •1 ,
Brucefield.'total $104.75. ,
I. 13. Mustard $10; 3. G. Kaiser, $1;
John ;Kitchen 59e.; L. Neuert 31; J.
'Addison $2; Mrs, ,McKenzie 50c.; IL
McGregor ,31; Stanley Dutat $2;.. M.
Smith 500.; R., Young 50e.; 1VIrs. Carr
Forest, .1; Mrs. 'F; Wele'll$1; D.
Alkenhead $1; Christina, Baird '$.;
ThoMas Baird $5; IVIiss Beli McCowe
an $2; ,JOhn MeCoWan 35; -Mrs. Col -
wen ,32; Wits. Taylor $1; Mrs. J.
Graham Mrs. Wooley 250.; 'qrs.
5.. Thompson $2; Johnsons $1; Neil
McGregor $5; Mary Gilinour $2; Jno.
'Pepper $2; Art ilicQiieen $3; Frain(
Aficenheed $2; Mary Gibson $8; Mrs.
,Thomson $1; Mrs. W. Collins $1; W.
Ross' $1; Mrs. H. McLachlan $3.; Wal-
ter Stevens $2; J. 0. Cochrane $1; 3.
13. Hyde.$1; L. Forrest $2; 5 Rath -
well $2; W. D. McIntosh $15.- C.
McKenzie $2; Mrs. ,John Walker '31;
Bessie McGregor $1; Jean Murdoch.
$1; IVIeS. C. Wright -50c.;. Mrs,,T; W.
Elliott 50c.; 'IVIrs. 11. .C. Zapfe 31;
11/1r. McCully $1; James Swan' 31;
Mrs. 5. McQueen $1. .
Total, November 21st, ..$5,247.70
The followingqro'm the Deckerville,
(Mich.) Recorder. refQrs to the death
of, a former Clintonian and e cousin
of several of our, citizens, Mr, H.
Glazier, Mrs. J. S. Andrews and Mrs.
T. H. Cook, Mrs. Andrews and .ther
daughter, Miss Marion, and Mos. 'I'.
gook Went wren to St.'
to be present at the funeral. The
deceased lady often visited in 05»
ton during her year of 'absence and
will be relnerahm,ed by inanY
"Isabelle Autterson, wag bo '11 at
Clinton, Ontario, May 6,, 1853. Died
at Argyre, Mich:, October 2'7 '1922
aged 64 5e1111S,'5 :months and 21 days,
Wien about 14 yearS of age sae
came with her 'parents to St. Clair
city: At the ago 0:C 21 She was mill,
ried to 'John MeAIlister of the 'salne
place. She eentinned to reside there
until 'several years ago, 'When she
evas agein married, to Mateliall
Smith, of Argyle, Mteh., Mr. Mc-
Allieter" having flied, several years
peeviously, Tile spring fallowing
their marriage, Mr. and,Mrs:. Smith,
took up their residence in Decker-
ville and e.ontinued to :reside there
until the time of bet death.. Undee
the 'circumetances a doable :CI:Moral
serViee WEie '1101d, first at the home oil
()has. Smith in Argyle, on Sunday,
October 29, conclucted by Rev. Mr.
Firth of, the Deckervillo, 331. R.
church, later on Tuciday the 31st,
in her former home in St Clair,:l.rom
the ,reSideiic of Olin Martin, condnct-
ed by Rev. B, Johnston of Royet
Oalt, a forme' pastoe, essiSted bY
Rev. DunInvey all 81. ,Clair. She.
leaves to mourn her' loss besides her
husband, tWo daughters, Mrs. Joseph
Thisbe and Mrs. Olin F. Martin of
SteClair, two step -children, Mrs.
Cora Scollay and CharleS 34. Smith
of Argyle, three beothers and ono
sister, Capt. ;Joseph AuttersOn and
Capt. john Atilt '15011 o St, Clair,
Capt, Charles Autterson of Duluth,
Minn., and Ms-'. Joseph 10, Bolfiler of
Detroit, and a host o5 sorrowing
friends. Theee attending from out
of town weee:' Me. end Mies. II. E.
Smith, Lapeer; Me, and Iltre. Chas.
Autteraon, Duluth; Mr, and Mrs. J.
F. Bolger, Detroit; Mrs, Itahnah
Sen, Detroit: MrS, LIzzie Auttereon
Detroit; Mrs, Goo. 314 111.11, Wayne;
Mrs. Jc11•01110, Andnewg, Olinten, Ont.,
Missi 'quiet Andretve, Clinton, Ont.;
Mrs, ''.1"hos. Cook,, Clintoa, Ont,;
and Vire. 5. Clibbe, Sarnia; and iiCes,
Mary, Mulios of Serifia."
, The, specipAjecturer,s, at Ale Sq11.001,
'at Agriculture aael Borne Economies
for the 1595-5 two weeks .will be as
Science" ---November 27
to December 6th, Dr. W. E. Baker,
eighk lectures of two hours.
."Civics and Rural Organization"--
lIeeember 411 to December 8th, a
Hart, B. S. A.,, five lectures of two
FFerestey arid Birds"---Decern
ber 5th to D,ecember 603, L. Ste-
vensmla B. S. A., two lectures of'
three hours.
' English and Aninial Iluebandry
lectures will, be given, throughout the
• Home ECOAornice •
bi'ovember 27th. to December 221109
iss' 0, 'Campbell, Sewing. '
Domestic Science lectures will be
given throughout the Course by Miss
E. Hopkins, 'Lindsay, Ont.
Toronto housewives have been
quite excited lately over tho fact that
certain feuit dealers made the com-
plaint that they insisted upon eat-
ing-impoete,d fruit instead of the
home grown apple and even in apples
insisted upon the -British Coluarbar
fruit insteld of that grown in Omar-
im The 31oront9 women say that
they .earmot le'ee the same class ot
Ontarie fruit and that they
prefer sorincl, goodelooking apples
oven if they came from British poi=
Theee is a lot, in what' the ladies
sav Who ever vet, saw g 5011ta1114.
er with fine, polished, attractively
arranged, sound, Huron -grown an,
Plos on sale in a Clinton fruit bilep,7
The writee never did, Although tile
writer knows that out to the, orchards
off the surrounding townships there
groWs as fina a clees of apples as will
be Sound anywhere, The fruit grew-
ers of Oniario bave not yet awakened
3301(1343 If, 353931LE5
' John Torarnee, Porter's
returued hom ,from Blyth 115 '1 week;
after a,s'eieting51s 5007111-l1IW, A,
Sloan with the hie apple
crop. From fourteen acres' of: or.'
..chard there wae, Packed 13 Scan ban'
,dredebarrels, beside, a lerge ntmetity
fes' evaporator use, Inhe fruit 'wee
of fine qcielity, being fully fifty pee
cent,. No. 1. One car load'wlis Ben
Davis, winch was ineluded in a con-
signmeet of five thoyeand be -mole
ehipped by the firm Of Seriptnl'o
leaned -lain of Brighton, to Sooth Af-
rica, on which tho freight alone 11.
mounted to $35,000.00, Huron County
.growe the appIes, there' no. question,
about that.
The following refere to ,cc fanailY
recently moving here from Wing -harm
Me. Green has taken ci Position with
Schoenhals at The WEIL
1111'. and Mi's. W. rf. Gi.een ,and
family are moving to Clinton tlkis
week. On. Tliesdav evening the
beys of Mrs. Green's eless in tho
141ethodiSt church presented her with
a handsome Bible and an address and
a Presentation of a silver, Meat fork
was also given to' Mrs, Green by the
Membere of 'the Loyal' True Blues at
the hemp of Mrs. Thos. Joynt: Gooci
citizens are leaving Wingham when
the Green family gm—Wingbans Ade
vanee. •
Last week we suggested that- the
town bell should be rung to cull the
attention of the people to the two minutes of silence on Armistice Day, 15
seems that the town bell was,fung cet
Armistice Day and The News -Record
is accused of being asleep, and not
hearing it. 'Wehave made
anirieS and find that some heard It,
aiiti ea,me eid, not,- Anyone who
happened to,be outside at the Ind- -
relent did, and seine of them didn't
know what it meant. We ehduld
suggest' abat it be rung 31101'0 arrest- ,
ingly, 55 that even if -we are inat-
tentive we shalt not fall ito hear, xneet
of us hear it at noon, for instance.
It might be well to have it announced
. that'the bell will ring-,
• 'I'he C. C. I. commencentent, will be
ftld�n"D15on'Ibet.2'1st, ,e -
Mrs. Hogg entertaine/1 tlhe board
of truStees of Willis church to Supper
at the manse on Tuesday ,everting.
, Parties with rooms to rent, or
who can furnish looarc" are asked to
please notify the Department of Ag-
A. number of the pupils and Mein
bees of the staff of the Collegiate Ine
stitute attended the commencement
exercises at Mitchell on. Friday- even-
The 'Clinton and South 1-Iiiron
Choral Secieties; comprising over one
hundred voices, will sing Handel',
"Messiah" in .elinton on the evening
of Friday December Sth.
This is "Telephone Week," when •
the local central staff is being ate
home to anyone wishing to look over
the plaitt and see the inner wed -binge
°Ube "Hello" busineSS.
The three Carter Scholarships for
Huron go 'this year to Goderich and
announcements of the awards were
Made last week. Miss Ruby Kilpate
rick won first, Boyd Taylor, second
end Miss Ethel a Washiegton, thirli,
Although it had not been unlooked
for Sor some days, yet the news of
the death of Mr. T. 5. Wcitt on Tues-
day evening was received with some-
thing of a shock. Mt, Watt had
been 111 eince July but in September
he had so fat recovered as to be able
le he about and it wag hoped he
tight be on the way to receovery, but
tor the past six weeks or so his .c.015-.
clition had, been such as to cause his
friends eerious anxiety and foe some
clays he -was • known to be rapidly
Me. Watt was born in Oxford
County but; had spent ananY. Years 01
to the fact that they have to cater Ilmon, having resided at Bluevalc,
to the onetomer in order to get his Wingliam old for several years peat,
trade. The apple grower looks after in Clinton. ..Wherever he lived he
his .apples in a kind of a Way, sprays was held in the highest regaled for
them n bit, and when. :Call comes sells his kindly, cotmteous manner and Ills
the product by the barrelor bulk 1,0 sterling. qualities . integrity and
O dealer, who sentit a er,atig of- Men uprightness. His going is a (Ilse
out to piek and pack in barr9is ans tinct loss to the emnintinitY. lie
these are.' shipped. west, ,overseas, was o. member of Wesley church, in
various lilt -tees. Scene of them ar- which 110 -was an'billeb-beater and,
riv0. in good .sluipe, some do not, ac- until his. health Sailed, was a teacher
cording to the way they are packed- 3» the Sunday school. IT will be
But the dealer insists upon taldng much" missed • hi the life of the
only the best, the culls eye about all elmeoh. He was twice married, being
Oliateli 'leaseholders ever sem Last milted lees 'filo i,bree yeaxs age tt,
season we had British Columbia ap- Miee Mabel Karl', W116 survives him,
pies sold right bore in Clinton. They He is .alse eurvived by Cour beethers
were attractive looking apples, a and rear atetej'A: ,Thhil Watt or. Cat;
good Color, attrAttively boxed and winiarn and David Wnti, of Bbl -le,
sold ()1" a g'00d. figure. But; they Man,; F. 5. Watt of Curries; Mrs,
are not in it with the Ontario -grown (Rev,) A,. E. Smith of Toronto; Mre,
aRP1" -Eer flaver. the growet, 1i% Gibson, Vancouver, B. 0., Mies
isi British Columbia Can aitOrd to Nettie, Watt 03 Woodstock ztna "Mee
111;c',111a011t0ealeilt8 atsple, 111‘Sthilielnl'elligNV,:lYnealti; A (,.1.1;111011°.r •1\1.eost.lree,Y°3;)11c...,,et,
ne real reason why the Ontario aLs tete reeidenee, •Raitembury steeet,
greWee cannot., The buYers' tenioreoW aftoriumn the 1''1'',' er4n1
e 3 C.IV }VIVO ' net a e time and meneteg et., two e,clock,
tInar are lutfulling too ,many, 1r IP
10337 change ice made in the 1111110111155
of! our Ontario apples it 30111 have to
Itude the many kindness
Watt Wiehes to ex her
be, Made 34' 11 00.0110.141157.0 T""PvtiTI"" glfewii. 'by xrkyti& iicite4boig
en the Part Of the growees theme .intg hot husband's longAlineA ThoY`
srives, to(117Itioal. growers n10 to., hop 0,„ tlatt to: Ntumor,, ,
itt"gOinethillkUt', 31118 thein would be ImposSible, bUt "she
Whieh iieedse*ci:opliation: 1145 • , ver , tite ;A.
one of i?be 04. • .1, the p, aproo(.1o.c.,
tercet ef their :friends.