HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-11-16, Page 8THURSDAY, NOV., let) 1022 ()LINTON'a LEP.l)ING W.ELER Y STO.Ii:+, • WINDSOR SHELL GLASSES I have iheln in dark unci 1i ht colors at 1.'eesont.b10 prices, This is the wedding season. Among the many gifts for the bride what could be nicer than fine Silverware and Cut Glass`? I Have an excellent selection of both these lines, including SILVERWARE Coffee and Tea Spoons, Dessert Spoons and Forks, Dinner and Dessert Knives, ;Gerry Spoons, Cold Meat Forks, Sugar Shells, etc., Sandwich or Cake Plates, Pyrex Pie Plates and Caserolee, Sugar and Cnemis Sets. CUT _ GLASS ,Water Sets, Celery Dishes, Spoon Trays, Sugar and Cream Sets, Butter Dishes. • " • You would hada to see this stock to appreciate it so I invite you to inspect it. EYES TESTED FREE R. H. JOHNSON Jeweller and Opticiax Next Hovey'e Drug Store d or School ool College r" .�t Gr} ars VV4trAAtr anf.7 Ideal fo Pen The New. "Packet SeIfFiller" r^r This little levet has. Leen added to the World's StandardPen, to help you to refill the pen. Simply raise and lower the lever with point in ink and it r411e'slmasl inotantly. farm �'l�tVi�� For Cold �e�tber Our stock of Fall and Winter Clothing, Underwear, Shoes and Rubbers etc., is now most complete. We are ready to meet your requirements for the cold weather to come. We are showing the best values in Sweaters and wool goods of all kinds we have had since pre-war days, ee MEN'S SWEATERS, FROM $2.00 to $7.00 MEN'S HEAVY .WOOL UNDERWEAR FROM $1.35 UP MEN'S WOOL SOX FROM 3 PAIRS FOR $1.00 UP TO $1:00 PAIR 'ANOTHER LOT OF • THOSE GOOD BATH TOWELS AT 290 EACH -LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES ON A -LL LINES FOR CASH. u11. -steel Bros. PHONE.: 25; .: SMALL' -PROFITS; :' 1'• MORE'• BUSINESS • l 4111111111111111011011 anted--- tied : Apples 1,19t Writ' be=da.rk.in colour 1 lghest prices: .paid Christmas stock now arriving. New 1922 Sunmaid Raisins` expected this week also Prunes and Currents Only the best new fruit wi11 be handled. 'Ire C. 6 S. Grocers 'Phone 125. :,EYQUISITE STYLE IN DRESS belongs to `the •ma'n who `has his clothing -made toe -measure by etn artist ttiloe who knows the value of perfect fit, beauifulefinish:;and fine +workmanship, and who selects his fabrics with an eye, to please the taste 'of- the well :,'fired `gentleman. "The tailor"naakigethe man" --is an old 'saying and we can supply all de- fects of form, and give you both ' style and satisfaction in . Fall and Winter Suftings and:; Overcoat' FROM $25.00 TO $55.00. DAVIS & MERMAN THE VETERAN TAILORS Over Brown's Gents' Furnishings Store. \: �.1 a The Secret of Mang a Woman's Success in Housekeeping. ' It works for its user; it pro- hibits failure, and makes success sure and 'certain; no loss of gime or increased irritation by having to. waste' valuable minutes in coaxing it. A good Range works isilently and efficiently the same reliability each and every day. It, removes all guess work; its •oven bakes evenly all over. It is a daily delight to possess one. The Rauge 'illustrated here is good; built by McClary, makers of good stoves . -and cooking utin- sill for 74 years. Let the old range go—buy a good one, you deserve it. Sutter ,& Perdue HARDWARE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING I iierisall Dotted of Trade lies boen organised, .with,..the following di - "ere; President, Cornelius Cook;. vice-president, (neon Geiger; secret- , :ary, Mark Drysdale, eticl treasurer, Harry Arnold:' About forty bust-. ness men present at the nesting bee carne member's. It is planted' to :have a forma opening` o3 tho new paving on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday next nd straits committees were appointed to look aftet airitise- reents, decorations,•etc.- Mrs. John Jaokson, a respected res- ident of 131y11i,' died Mast week after a severe illness. Slie wase former resident of Morels and the remains were intoned in Brussels -cemetery, SOLD BY W. D. FAIR CO. Always the Sesta Often :lie' Cheapest— EYE'SPECIALIST A. L. Cole, Eye Sight , Specialist, an Honour Graduate of the Canad- ian ophthalmic College of Toronto. Godcrich, Ont. Office hours: 9 -a.m. to 5 p.m. Practice limited to the,eye. 914 q•r {tlpptlllnuuuli,miner Ilnaq :'•nnuHlL. .11x. Cecil Farnham is in town et'1`iis week, Mr J. Ireland is; rn Hamilton this week.,; Mr. A, Tori'ancewas up from Toronto Over the week»end. Mrs. Cull of Mitchell has been visit-.• ing , Zfrs: 11. B. Combe. Mr. Harry Bartliff is expected home is n from Vancouver th e evening. Mrs. A. J. Grigg returned yesterday after a fortnight's visit with Lon- don friends. • Miss. Mary McBejen , of Seaforth Is spending a few' days with het sous- an, Miss Jean Mi11er.. • . Mrs. A. T. Cooper let on Tuesday morning for Evanston,• Il] to visit her :pother,' who is very ill. Rev. S. Anderson will take mission- ary • services in the Methodist chn.rch at Ilensall On Sunday. Mr. Sohn Ginn left yesterday for. Detroit to :.attend the funeral of his .eister, Mrs, Mary .Beurley.' Mrs. 'C, : Bartliff and Mrs. R, J. Clue have -returned from, a Svidit with the latter's daughter in„Hain- ton: MisIls Bullen 'left this ire ruing far :London to . undergo treatneait for her eyes. ; Her sister,; Miss Hattie accompanied her. Miss B. F. Ward of -the School of Cenunerce was . called home 'to Maryla>iid, ,State last week owing to, the illness of her mother. Mr. Silas .McFalls,, :formerly of the Molsans Bank staff here, but 'lat- erly .et Waterloo, has been trans- ferred to` the -St. Marys branch, and• entered on . his new duties • .last week: Mr.• Win. Rutter and his dt'lughter, Miss Myrtle, spent the holiday. period as the guests of another daughter, Mrs: Wardin of London. lIstre Hunter returned after a short; visit but Miss. Myrtle remained for a Ionger visit, - Mr. and Mrs. John Moon and Master,' Jack and Mr. and -Mrs. Thos. Cole of; Toronto motored up and spent a week with Londesboro and Se- bringville friends, returning to the city last week, Mr. Moon•likes to' take a little run up to the old home locality occasionally, and since taking to motoring finds; it comparatively easy to do. Mr. and Mrs N. Brady, ' Mr, said Mrs, Weller and Mr. and Mrs. Milson -,-of Niagara Falls were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Johnston during, the past weer;. Mrs. Brady, who is Mrs. Johnston's sister, mot with a painful accident resulting in a fracture of her wrist. -She did not return lionie ;with the others but is remaining with Mr. Johnston for SWIM time longer. Auburn We are pleased to see Mr."•Geo. Sturdy, out again after his illness. "Miss Viola Milson entertained the Harmony class of the Mothodist Sunt: day' schoo1 at her home last Friday e,Vening. Mrs, ' Thes, Lawlor died at het home here on Sdnday November 5th, after a short illness of heart trottbie, She leaves to mourn her loss one btother, Wm. Neave of Goderich, also five daughters, Mrs. Adams and Mrs, 'Will. Ferguson of Windsor, Mrs. A. Kat of ituliett; .Mrs, IT, Medd of Colborne-aud.Mrs, A. Rel, lirison of Auburn, also three song, Leander of Manitoba and' Sanford: and George of Auhutn. The fun- eral whiehtook place on Tuesday to Hall's' cemetery, was largely attend- ed. the pallbearers being the three sons, W. Medd and A. Icing and n grtundsoMeisel n, ssel_ Tiring, rich. Mr; Baunes so'nditetode the ;fut1eeel ser- vice, Me, John 3terg1ieon, whohas been in. Brantford all summer with his• deoghtor, has returned home. Cliptuf News-ideeord O'NEIL'S WEEKLY SPECIALS Golden I3antam' .Tants _ Corn Pineapple on cob 40c 25c C• ` The good kind °aril's special , Corn , Golden Banton' 30c Seeded; and Seedless Raisins 18c New fruit New mixed Peels 60c per ib New Cooking Figs 22lbs 25c Soap Powders:, 3 pearliue 25c 3 Gold dust 25c A 3 Rills() 25c , Watch for special Currents ' Announcement 23c per ib n this space New Dates Next week 2 lbs'per •25c „, packages 2'5c Starches Fresh Lake Huron_ Laundry Starch Trout 2lbs 19c 2 f' Corn' Starch h d °.pkga lOe 15c par Ib New Nuts Choice budded WALNUTS per Ib 50c large wase Brazils ° per Ib 20c SPECIALS Grapes dalif ornia and Mala as Grape Fruit 'Head Lettuce Finnan. addies Fillets Herrings Oysters • .Cash & C.arrg IkAir 2 Deliveries W W • Miss Frances Nickawaa who• has recently returned from a successful season in_the Old Country, will give an entertainment' in ;Ontario,, Street Methodist Church Under the auspices of, the ,Epworth League on.. Monelay; .Nov. -20th ameA Niekawa having • been here before scarcelyneeds.an introduction to a Clinton -audience. She posseses a wonderful „gift of dramatic power, is, indeed. -4 'worthy successors to Pauline, rjohnson. s ' Thoae,iwho-heard her before will want., to:Iv:fail, themselves; of the en • Ne Phone 48i 4444.**4444.440•4#*#4.•?•44,440444440446. •�r • Our ; Furniture W Ynstalled- Tjiree .1We have a fangs stook of DiningroomPilot'Superior Pipeless Suites in all tine neatest designs and best finishes including . walnut and ' Furnaces in One Day. fumed and golden oak, and the prices are surprisingly low;• 3 3 portunity, of again hearing.her. • Re- 4 member tithe date November - 20th. •g , Admissidn,5c. 'NOTICE 1 4 The Philathia Class 1 Of Ontario Street._Chureh - Are, holding -a - - • A •• � ZAAR�. uncap 1 Nov.' At 2.30 P.• M. • on' Sat Y 4 'In Mr. Stothers' Office 4 Bedding and Pillows 4 Sole agents for—The famous. Columbia Homemade baking, candy, and sewing Evergbodg Come 75-1. SOME MAY—SOME MAY NOT There is much ,of sound philosophy and 'homely wisdom in the foIIowing• whimsical rhymes, written by a local' youth: There's only one method of making,- life's akingilife's test Just keep on a-strivin' and hope for I the "best. . Don't give up the game and retire in dismay 'Cause' hammers are thrown when • We are showing some real Chesterfield Suites with Marshall loose cushion. 'upholstering, at special•prices : �►.•"' L' '' Consult us about your heating ,a system, We guarantee the Pilot Su. Goma in and see them♦ as the are real Perini• Pipeless Furnace ti) heat your home.•':The most n 'tordate'furnaceon beauties, and, oIr;'so.'comfortable s • the market. Saves 25 per cent o#''fuel A large stock of Bedroom Furniture, over a pipe furnace. �. 4 Oraphonola and Records Singer Sewing:Machines and Eureka Vacuum {gleaners 4` —ask for a demonstration of any of these household conveniences.' ' Now is the' time to do your own wea ther striping' and save ou the coal; we have Bronze weather striping --storm and du :'proof. Frost Xing,' also other. lines at low prices. Another shipment of (Irarnittware,,48c Few electric heateri left ,at low price ti •. 6111A011� ar to and atE o you'd like a bouquet. WATCH OUR WINDOWS THE STORE wNTtI A STOCK -loft rvespe l t T ,qty y;m,.,,0412410114$ /V This world 'lad, be tiresome and we'd ,all get the. blues If all the folks he it held just the same views. So finish your work, show the best or your skill Some folks won't like -it, but other,: :folks will, Ii you're leadin' en army or buildin' \\a fence Do the best that you can with your own common sense. One smallword of praise in tits •jdurney of tears . Outweighs in the balance 'gaihst car loads of sneers., The piahts that Were passin'.as some Sort of weeds Oft prove to Ito just wait Sonia sue% erer,neeis. So keen on n gain', don't stay standin' sti1� Some people won't like you, but 'other folks will, —A. R. Ftilford. aondolli Road Mr. and Mrs. 13' Perrin and NIS:, and Mrs. Roesiter of London visited friends: here over the week -end. Miss :Tda 13 ll, graduate Burse of Goderich, is shedding a few days with meal parents, Mr. and ;Mrs. J. _ie, Ball, Miss Mary Turner is visiting God - oriole friends.,' The annual meeting of the west - end Beef Ring was held on Monday; evening at the home of Mr. and•Mre. J. G. Crich and was followed by the annual fowl supper. The business meeting was very satisfactory and the years' business.was found to be In good shape. The'ring was operated thirty weeks during this last season," forty-three families were served and during the ehesdn about seven tons of beef were consumed. The ring. has been in operation for fliteen years and, exeept for a few ciuingoe in the directorate, the same officials have officiated and 'these were re- elected on Monday evening, asiit- lows`presideiit, G. B. Hanley; vice, J, G, Crich; secretary,' Ira W. Johns; treasurer, G. W. Layton; directors, 7,`. Livingston, I3, Crich and 3. T. McKnight. Butcher, Mr, Divers, who has also oflieiated during all the Years the ring has beet in operation. Atter' the trensacties of business about eighty-five sat down to a 5011111., times Cowl supper, prepared in the beet style at the ladies 01 the carr. :nullity, whose reputation for that son's of thing, is well 'known. The ineii,t urs of the ring Wete very veto- fel to Mr, and Mrs. Crich for the use ,of their hone fat the irioetite and pleasant social gathering, iiiionten and Gins The Clinton Knitting Company Limited have a number of poe- itions to offer girls and women to learn Knitting, beeping, fin- ishing and other operations belonging, to the manufacturing of Fine Hosiery. ' In the field of opportunity a Knitting Mill offers the greatest advantages. 1 It is a well known fact that no good knitter or Cooper need: ever beout of. employment, 2 The wages earned 'et 'this trade,ave high. 3 Reasonable hours, pleasant: and sanitary surroundings. 4 p'reedien,froan nerve racking Clanking of machinery used in. other :textile factories, 5 I:f you learn Your business here, where we melte the finest grade of goods, you are equipped to take -a position anywhere, G We pay you while you are learning. 7 We employ careful an capable teachers to teach you a highly remunerative trade. We aro open, to receive inrlilgited applications and will take on the applicants in the order in which they apply. Apply aotf the bflices The Clinton Knitting Co. IMMIteestente C. Ce H. V t 1�' Electrician .� 9 e f a.rr laMti, to l<` ge;�,r�t 'r�lula a,5, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and tatlie Appliances iritrg and Repair ne /51