HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-11-16, Page 1N a. 2I74 —43rd Year
Yaizn�t be `�ptvrn4tc
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ta ma
9G �'fct� erg et cur.r .. r reed� at 'Gkrast g
private *eetrng d arils
$ee `fur $tock 'xeluiire $t les
The News -Record Office
Making • Money Grow
PERHAPS there are many thngs you would like to,..,
A. buy—but:.
you cantor afford them now. Why not
save up fol then-?
There is much personal satisfaction' to be found in sav-
ing money --one ,dollar grows to two -in a short time it ie
five -then ten and so, on ,but if you are saving for a defin-
ite object, you should open a bank account. Whilst the.
-stoney is always therh for you when you need it, there is
less temptation to 'spend small sums—it grows; quicker'.
and is safefrom loss.' You will find our Managers and
Staff willing to help,you.•
READY-To-Wn fi "
c7r� f
%!C c1Y101'JiSll
- ClothingCo.G
- GL[i
We are all
Storm Ulste s.
;fiI s, single and
kinds. And when
Smart Overcoats
We heve
man's trade with
peal to the good
Models N oriels
` -y
This 1J
novo 1st its. est.
styles'in Boys'
colorin i; and trimmings,
The fall season
S`tar at rs
ready foryou with the
tlsterettes, 'Raglans, Sli
double-breasted staplestyles
it comes to
for Young
made special provision
many exclusive styles•
dressers of this community.
NoW Fabrics s • New
See them e�
beforeyou bu
5 t �
.latest styles in
n' s Chester
of all
fo�., the young
that:will a .
Style Tonehel�
wen er stockis
a 11 the
variety of new
' S eaters
to 5.00
weaker Season and our.
, e s ow and
Sweaters. Thereare a
1 the time for Boys'
a iYfw
1.25 5 1. 0 .x...75
HE.. 1.,
motto :t,
(mare' ea r.
Wheat, $1.05
Oats 40c,
Buckwheat, 70c.
:Barley, 55c,
Eggs 4Gc. to 48e.
Butter 30a, to 35e.
Live Hogs, $10,00
The Goderich Star this week says,
under the heading:
"A successful Military Concert at
Clinton: The military concerti at
Clinton last Thursday evening was a
very successful affair linaneially,/and
one of the richest musical treats ever,
given in the county. Nearly 100
persons attended from Goderich."
\ But the item appears in its
"Twenty Years Ago" column,
The Baptist congregation served
their annual supper in their Sunday
school rooms on Friday evening last,
when a number ofs their own people
and others': ggathered to enjoy -their
evening -heal. The supper was stump-
tuous`and well served and the even_
ing being pleasant a large number
took the opportunity of going out to.
supper. The ladies of the congre-
gation 'added quite a little sum to
their, treasury from their venture.
The pastor's subjects on Sunday
will be as follows: Morning: "The
Working God." Evening, "The
Inspiration of a Triumphant Spirit."
The W. M. Se meetsat eight, o' -
deck this evening at the home of
Mrs. W. T. O'Neil.
- The' Girls': Club will hold its "an_
nual thankoffering ‘-.,meeting onthe
evening of December 7th. Mies
Agnes Dulntage, a - returned mis-
sionary, will' give an tladdress. •
St. Paul's Church
Thefirstmeeting of the A Y. `P.
A. was held in Owen Memorial Halt
on Monday evening last.. The press s
dent formerly elected being unable to
act withdrew his name and the Meet-
ing elected Mr. Holloway to this of-
fice. . Mr.. R. Roy -was elected to
take" Mr. Holloway's former office
as treasurer.•
The next meeting will be held to
the parish .hall on Tuesday evening
next. The -programme will be in
charge of the- Social Committee, pen -
sifting of Mr. Jack Bawdeu, Mr. C.
,Hovey, •Miss Mabel Claiff, Miss, Rose
Schoenhals, and'Mrs. T: Herman.
Ontario Street' Church
Sunday ; school 'anniversary -ser-
vices will be held on Sunday 'next
when, the Rev. G. W. Rivers of Hen -
preach ..morning
preach.ntoxning and even-
ing and address the Sunday school
in' tiie afternoon. Miss Nickawa will'
sing at both thatch services and will
give a reading in the alternoon.'The
collection will be in aid; of the
Sunday school fund.
'A missionary '• banquet will beheld
• in this, church' on the first Monday
evening in December, following the
miss r r i niv r a d a.
ons 'i X e s r ofr S nil
The Rev. Dr. Crawford will be the
rachet 00tfida willis
preacher SL y and a alio
speak at the banquet.
Wesley Church.
• The missionary anniversary
held ,,on November 25th. The Rev.
L. W. Hill of Parkhill will preach in
the morning and the Rev. Dr. Hart-
well, who is .one of the pioneer 111/8 -
sip -navies of the Canadian Methodist
'Church China,preach
hu ch initwl in the
On :Sunday next the pastor will
preach, at both services., Class' meet-
ing at ten o'clock„ Sunday School 'at
half past two:
Th0 Mens' brotherhood held ' their
annual supper 'oft Thursday evening,
when a`fine" 'spread was •provided by
the Ladies', Aid, and enjoyed by the
mien' of the congregation. After the
supper the company adjourned-tb the
body-ef the ei arch, where a tirograni
was given.. Col. Graham's address
was the feature of the evening and
the highest expectation of the aud-
ience was more than met by -his very
exeellent 'address as he brought to
view the hind of men and women who
sante as pioneers to this new land
and the type which today is needed
in the' present g.enero f n, so 'that
entig'rants frons the older lands may
look up to them and be ambitious to
capy. His lucid desetiption of the
part played, burdens carried acid suf-
ferings endured in the great war by
the youn
Canadian manhood was in,
ren elY and alisorhingly interesting to
the audience, and especially the sy',ni
pathetic, comforting and encouraging
part the repressntativee 01 the
Church (the padre) played in en -
heartening the boys on the eve of
of their great struggles. He urged
the people of the churches not to al-
low the ministry to bear all the bur-
dens cit the church but assunje- their
full share of cultivating the highest
moral and spiritwcl manhood and
life possible to obtain.. At the close
a hearty vote d outfits was tendered
the' speaker which was enthusiastfe-
a)],y endorsed by the audience.
A musical heat Was afforded the
by the tetrenclothlg of three
nu leat
numbest bY in
Revs, C L.
Bdkey, D. N. httCatnuspp`, and J, ]1'
Ilogg, and also solosIl Ttac. Mr,.
Tiillte and 1'Vzr.
Y„I.IS, Doherty. All
present by conemett consent pronotuto-
ed the Hupper'and atter meeting a
vary unusually enjoyable treat.
'The Girls' ,Club of Willis -.church
gave a very nice supper in the lee-
ture room of the church on Tuesday
evening and, although ' the weather
was not so pleasant as' we have been
favored with for some time, there
was a very good turnout. The sup-
per was abundant, nicely cooked and
nicely served and -where it was over:
the young ladies had a nice little
sum to aid their treasury.
On Saturday tate macid tge was
solemnized at Stratford of Miss Ed
na Pearl Edwards,,daughter of Mrs,
R. Y. Cox of ,Goderich township, and
Mr. William %George Fulford, some:.
Mc, Thos.' Fulford of Clinton. The
`Rev, Mr. Martin of Krtox Presbyter -
ion chuveh .pexforined the • ceremony.
Me. and Mrs'. ,Fulford will continue
to reside in Clinton.' Congratulatione
and good Wishes are extended.
The Methodist church at'V etaskt,
win, Alta., on a recent Sunday held
its anniversary services and lifted
the last cent of debt from: the Pro-
perty. In IV larch last, the debt.
amounted ,to $1250.' The church,
which wes 'organized ltwentty-!clighi
years ago, is considered, a pioneer
one in that new conutry and; the
reason Clinton IS. interested in it
particularly is because its present
the' Rev.
W. H Irwin is • a
in citizen,M . J.A.
son f • Clinton x
0 o a n
Irwin, .and. its c'ecording-steward for
the past twenty-one years has been'
a former citizen, Mr. V. C. 'French;
only' son of Mrs. F. French,. of "town,
The mortgages were'burhed at z
social gathering on the Monddete"ven-
ing following .the gathering.
The two, minutes of silence ,was not
very well observed ' 'on Saturday,
Some doing it and -some going about
their -ordinary dttties'as usual. There
should be something" to call etre at-
tention of the people to this observ-
ance, Thetown hell might be rung
at the hour, just as, a reminder.
It would not hurt us either if a
,short service were arranged, for, a
brief prayer and a baring of the tread,
as oilr thoughts travel back to the
great Struggle and 'the many who
made the supreme sacrifice, ,would
not do anyone" any hares It would
be a' gracious act, too, if on that
anniversary, a:;wreath of flowers were
placed upon the tablet in thepost-_
'orrice. . sight la's"(1paytowir'at
east Ihat'niuelt tributeto our heroic
',Theg e
followin front the ICincard
ins ,Review ,;refers to- the 'marriage
of a brother of Mr. S. .B. Stothers
of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. ' Stothers
were guests at fhe wedding:
"A pretty'"'lionse : wedding took
place on Saturday, November' ldth,s,
at highs noon, `when 'Verna Wilda,
daughter of /Vb. 'and Mrs. Wm. Sta-
ley, ;Kincardine, became the ,bride of
Carman Stothers, 13. A.,.of Toronto,
son of Mrs. Stothers' of Lucknow.
The bride whir -was unattended, Was
given in marriage bYh her father •a
the ceremonY s performed- ei by th
Rev. 'A: Barker e . W at er of theMethodist
church. The bride 'looked charm-
ing in her gown of orchid georgette
trimmed with radium '/ace and
ried'a showsr bo ret ofo hella roe -
es. She also wore a• string of pearls
the gift of the gaoom.
The Mendelssohn wedding march
was played by Miss Jessie Stothers,
sister of the groom, who 'wore a
cameo ring set in onyx, the gift
the groom. Miss S. Stanley, of
Purple Grove, who sang "0 Perfect
Day" during 'the sie*ning of the eeg-
ister received a bar pin.' After a
buffet luncheon ' they left for a;'
short honeymoon, the bircio's gob
costume being sand canton
crepe • with brown bolivia coat and
smart brown hat. -'' On their return`
they will reside `at 759 Blom. Street
Apts.,- Toronto."
`STilliain • Currie, all ]tis lifetime
resicent of Goderich 'township until
bout a year ago, when he came .to
live in Clinton, passed away. at the
home of his son, Mr, Russei Currie,
Rattenbury street, west, on Satur-
day at the age of eighty-three years,
The deceased was a native of. Goa
erneh township and spent hs111c
that township, farming on the sev-
enth conce5siotu foe many years.
Ile was,almost a, lifelotlg member tut
the Orange Order,
Mr; Devils; had eat ,boob in the
bestof health for soine little thnc
and on Thursday suffered n stroke
from the effects of which h0 did not
Bally, P
Lee is survived by two sons, Wit-
ham in Alberta and Russel 01 town,
and two daughters, Mrs. A. McGre-
gor of Detroit, who was with Irian for,
a few weeks before his death, and
Itiet. S. Emmerson ' of Goderich town -
shill, Mrs, Currie (lied exactly mix'
Years to the day before her husband,
The e funeral took place 00 Tuesday
RA0111o0n from titre Heine on :T;atten-
bury street to 'Hayfield cemetery. The
services were conducted by the Rev.
l' 13, hfeCa,rlue and the pallbearers
were old neighbors 1.011l 410 olcl home
in Goderich
srs, 0, VAn aer10urrhr George and
Adan;' Cttittelon, hall Rutledge, 11.
Weds and R. Grigg.
r i wish t
ni of alit l b
The pier 1. ors n e family e
express their appreiatlan of the
kindnesses showy thein in their bet.
.eavement, •
lir. Robert. Miller wishes to ex-
tend leis thanks to his neighbors and
friends for the kindness shown
throughout the illness of his young.
nett, the late Wilfrid Miller.
Wni, Iedour $1.00; A. T. Cooper,
325.00; Collection, Thanksgiving Day
$1150; G. 11. Hall $10,00; Friend $10
Chas, Hagan $5,00; M. Stock $5.00;
S: 'R, McMath $5.00; Geo. Burnett
y12,00; Mrs. Burnett ;62.00; Mrs. S.
Acheson $1.00; Jahn Cudmore $1.:00;
P. .J. Reynolds $1,00; Mrs. W. SInI-
holiand $1.00. Total, ' November.
1415, 1922, $5,158.70.
The Royal Agricultural Winter,
Fair opens in Toronto on November.
22nd and continues -until 29th, eThe
show is being held in the Royal Col-
iseum. There will be on exhibition
740 horses; 1782 cattle, 1060 sheep
and 650 hogs. Irt addition there
will be a large exhibit of poultry,,
fruits, flowers'.. and vegetables arm
the largest show of silver foxes ever
seen in Canada.
Mitchell basket hall team carne up
Thursday last to play a return'match,
with the local ball tossers. It being
Thursday The News -Record' was too
busy sending out this great total
sheet to its expectant
subscribers to
witness the game but the official
score furnished us is as follows;;
Mitchell 1, Clinton 12. Whether
we'd have been able to make any
change in the score,' had;wo'been do-
ing the countig will never be known.
The basket . ball season is just
about over but it is likely ilia the;
young ladies,; who shave had such a
successful season, will take up hock
In six weeks Christmas will be.
• The'°Salvatlon Army` hall is being
re -shingled:
The Agricultural. Short Course op-
ens in. Clinton on November 27th..
The Middleton-tiolmesvtlle Angli-
can parish- has been amalgamated
with that of Bayfield,
The Eckhardts, Swiss Bell Ringers,
put on a -concert in; the town hall on
Friday evening- last before a erocddee
/sense, , • It was geed n
l?a �' d e textaininorlt
too, and was enjoyed by ,the. largo,
audience present.
Miss Maude; Torrance, who has been'
quite Ell, is ,now well on -the way to;
recovery,. we are very glad to report:
The Huron; Trustees' and Rate-
payers' Association will meet in
Clinton on. Wednesday next.
)A serious, ac ident 'happened to
Mr. Cliff Lobb:of Goderich township
on Friday afternoon last` which will -
keep him confined: for some time, a:.
though he is already improving yap_
Mr. Lo was down
btl toell
w at
his home tn k t
seme repairsairs and
fi nshe d had almost .reached
the top, climbing up the curbing, when
it supposed Ile fainted' and fell to
-the bottom. Mrs. Lobb was at the
top andhad of the well h had a rope
which her hubsand had 'attached to
his :foot, but whieh,.he had . just un-
fastened ;as unnecessapy,
As she was alone she had to gets
help -from
the neighbors, who were
quickly on the sceneandgot Inc
q Y
unfortunate man up. Ile was uti-
conscious, and did not regain cone
ciousness until. late Saturday night
and it was feared that his. 'injuries
might. be Very serious. At last re-
ports, however, be was improving
very satisfactorily. .Itis face ' and
head wereconsiderably 'cut and
bruised but no bones were broken,
There was some water. _in the Well
but! fortunately he :landed on his
feet, otherwise lig would' probably
have drowned 'before 'help could have
keen obtained: It VMS • bad enough
but i n
ht' have been worse..
There passed away at his home
at Snohomish, Washington,•. where he
has resided since April 4909 on No-
vember 8th, Murdoch McMttrchy,.
aged 86 yearsaftera 'Severe illness,
Matdoth MtMurchy was born in
Kintyre,' Argylesitie, Scotland, in
January 1836, and sailed to Canada
in the spring of 18',¢. He resided
in gonad eaandthe
t ClintonC
htot. o e t in Y
8 m
spring of l 76 he removed to the
Red River Valley, 'settling• as o Pi-
oneer on a skyline North Dakota,
Ott''his ` farts there he remained
for thirty-three years.
In Clinton in October . '1869 he
married Ann Lindsay, sister of Mr.
Isndsay of town. Eight child-
ren were horn to this ttnien, The
eldest ' soul- William is 'buried 51
Clinton cemetery.
Mr. MtMrrrchy is survived by his
wife and datughters t Catherine, B-
lizabetlti Anne and a marded daugh-
ter, Ellen, note Mrs, A. F. Schwttl+c,
0110 grandaug'hter, Elnino .Lindsay,
.h rt. all o1 Sri b miss Wyatt.
Sr wa a o p
r 1
'CI d is VMS Member of amt
to ec,et ere +1 is a t ci T
1'or s0010 years an elder 111 i;he Prosy
{;et l 1 C1
l lUL'Ch+
Y a
Burial took piece at :the old home
cehnetery,' at Marwood, N. 1),, en
Tuesday Novernbe141h,
Report from September. - let, 1122,
Balance , . 1354,1a
Wilson Concert Co .. 97.00.
Donation, Mrs, Elise Seale , , 4,0e
G. C. I. piano rent . , , 5.00
Lacrosse Club, piano tent , 8.00
Sell Ringers, piano relit ....., 5;00
Proceeds booth at Bazaar , 138.95
Donation to Hospital Drive :$100.00
Insurance on piano . • 3.30
Advertising, hall rent etc. int
Wilson Concert Co, .. 14.25,
Wilson Concert Go., 60.09
Balance ,432,18,
Huilett Township
Mr. and Mrs. George Snell of Wa
ivanosh celebrated the fortieth- annt-
versary of their wedding recently by
entertaining many friends and rela-
tiVes, . Among the guests were Mr,
and Mrs: William Snell, also Mr. and,
M'is. Humphrey Snell of Londesboro,
Miss Charity Snell spent the week
end with her grandparents, Mr: and
Mrs. +James Sne11:
Mr. and Mrs.' George Bayley end
family spent Sunday With th Mb. Wan.
Moor andhis motherof Constance.
e -s a
Mr, and Mrs. John Mann and son,
uspemphntrey SundaySnelh at the home of
Mr. H
Mr. Sanies. Reid of Stratford spent
the, week -end with, his uncle anti
atint, Me. and Mrs. W.H: Hill of
The council gave a- gint of $50
to the fire sufferersin the north and
a public subscription netted $65 more
which together with several valuable
bales of clothing" and provisions grave
been sent to the north.-•
avir. John Pollock, „who has Spent
the summer in the west, 'returned
home last week.
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander ,of London
spent Tuesday in the village;
Theannual meetingof the Hay-
field' branch of the Bible Society will,
be •held in St. Andrew's ,church ort
,Thursday evening of this week at
7,80 o'eloek, The, Rev.': Mi Cor=
slough. will: give an illustrated ad-
dress, :using lantern : views of the.
North West.
Dr. and Mrs. Tillman of London
spent Sunday in the village,:
James, Ferguson of Detroit return-
ed home with his mother, -who WES
eali40h to" him last week on account
of his illness, and will.reatin at home
fora while to recuperate.
Goderich Townshi
Rev.' L. Naftel, an old Goderich
townshipboywho has r
o been fo a
number "£ yearsrector at
liars, has
takei charge of the Anglicantitan parish
of Milton. He took over las new
charge the 'middle of October.
Miss' Martha Cook spenttheweek-
end withher sister Mrs T. of T.
The following clipping from the
Yorkton. (Sask..), Enterprlize, tells
of the rescue of some rare specimens
of d dogs deer from d g by Dr. T. V.
Simpson, .a brother of Mrs' Harry
Thompson of this township:
"But for the, timely, arrival of Dr.
T. V'" Simpson 011 Friday morning•'.
last 'the magnificent' herd of elk,deer
and antelope 'in Mr, J, A.. M. Pat-
rick's private gauze preserve near
town might have been Completely ex-
terminated by a couple, of vicious
mongrel dogs,. As it is one of Mr.
Patrick's invbluabie white deer, of
which there are but eight n'o'w in
existence, -has since died from, the
injuries received and the rest of the
herd, ivhiclt were practically tante,
have been made wild and tinap,•.
Dr.. Simpson happened to be passim.,
the reserve and hearing the yelps of
dogs he got out of his car to
tt 'te, taking his shot gun with him.
He discovered two dogs worrying a
white deer, which wan heavy with.
sloe at the time, and these immed-
iately took off. Dr. Simpson fol-
lowed and shot one of the dogs as it
was eauleavortnR to escape tthugY
`the fence. He foliowetl'the other to
its home: -
The deer lwasi cruelly torn about
the haunches in'the legs and behina
the oar and died the sante day from
its injnrios, Without 'doubt these
dogs would have killed 'off the herd
bad their work not, been interrupted;
As in the confined space Si which the
animals are Rept they aro at a res;v
•clise(Ivantago in escaping 'from .lage.
Mr, Patrick believes brat these are
the same aliinialk which 'killed two
of his elk last spring,
Mr, Patrick has spent tiitiusrtnds o,
dollarson his private game preserve,
Which is an asset tothe town and
province as well, The
fencing a
'pest a large saint End ho has done all
in his Power to guard his hnima75
the • 7i•edatfpna o .: 1 .
against tk, £ de ' ,t
T gy
spite o1` ail itis lr'eeStitiotis lie suit-
ors perietdical lostses from thle
eouree,��,. ,..
MR, A. T: C12ERAR•
Who last week' resigned as leader
of .the Progressive Party.
On Sunday, November 5th the an -
Adversary services :of the Methodist
Church were eeleiirated•, when )the
Rev. 1;.. C. Cragg, of Wingham,
reach morning service and
ed at the o n
p Xe g ,
Rev, I3, D,Moyer ertch in the
e Goa
evening, The attendance' was ex
ooptxonghly good in the morning and
in the evening the edifice was illed
to overflowing, - The sermons were
helpful and. instructive and` an in-
spiration to all. The choir render-
ed .special music at' each service and
deserve' credit for their' efforts; On
Monday evening, Thanksgiving Day,
the annual fowl supper was held in
the Community Hall. ' On account'of
the Targe ' gathering present 'the
concert was held in fife church, which
was packed to the doors. The con-
cert was given by the Hamonicees
quartette of London and speeches bY.
the Rev, P. Baines of Auburn, and
the Rev. James Abery. The otter.
ings on Sunday and the proceeds
of the fowl supper amounted to
$525. On Sunday last' the Sacra-
ment of the Lord's Supper, was sob
served and at a reception service
six young Hien' from the Sunday
school joined the thumb.
The Rev, -J,'H. Osterhont, former-
ly pastor ' of the Methodist church
here but now 'of Luccnow, calledon
friends; here -last. Fzhiday.
-Mr,` and Mrs, R. Kerslake of Ex-
eter spent.. Thanksgiving at the homes"
of Mr. Harry Lyon and Mr: Shob-
IWC. and Mrs. S. Mothers and Mr.
and Mrs. Scampton of; --Palmerston
spent .Thanksgiving at the home of
Mr,`' W, Gray.c
Miss Sadie McCool, of Ottawa,
Mrs.' Awde of Woodstock and Misses
Margaret' and• Della McCool:of Tor-
onto spent ,Thanksgiving With 'their
mother, Mrs. W. McCool.
Miss Jennie' Dewar ofd dr'oronto
-spent :last week visiting friends hi
this village.. i 3
The Methodist gilts elton met t iecentl
atnew h
the w o me
of Mi Err est d-
i A
ams and afteri'
practice, lunch was
served:, following which Mrs. Ad-
ams was presented with a beauti
ful combination oak and wlck'er
flower sthnd by the ct rt
. The
presentation was made and address
read' by, Mrs, S. Carter, which was
as. follows: "Dear ',Mrs. Adams:
—We, the members of .tlte Landes -
hero choir, as we ate gathered
gether for practice,
take this otter-
tunity of expressing on>, apprecia-
tion of your service with us in con-
nection with 01.117 choir, also to ex-
press our good will to you as you
are entering your new home and.
hope and trust; that you will long be
spared to enjoy its comforts. also
to labor with us'ab members of the ;
choir,' to help further the cause or
the Christian church, We asst You
now ,to accept this gift, not for Its
intrinsic vahie; but as a token o1 our
esteeni'towtira you. Signed in be
hell of the choir; Mrs. Geo. Axoon,
Mrs. T. Sampson and Mrs, Si, ,Car-
ter." Mrs. Adams, replied riefly
thanking the choir for their kind
words of appreciation and gift.
141'r, and Mrs. Johnston and sou of
Blyth visited, the lady's sister; Mts.
Radford for a, few clays. •
Mri, and Mrs. Itobt, Grimboldy and
daughter. returned to our village
boa It 1"
f o neva] Where h been
r S e, o had 7 t
helping his brother thresh,
The prayernteeting this week was
held at Mrs, H. Colclough's on Tiles -
day evening:
Mrs. Pollard spent Tuesday with
he` the` , i.. is not
r brothel' ,n Clinton, who r p
very well.
Mrs. McIntosh
h to our,
village on Saturday after visiting
friends in .3rucofeld.
I'Io11 a
1111'9. sville
Missionary anniversary services will
be held on the iast
inNo crn
b r, when the Rev. Di. Hartwell,ellr one
of tete first; missionaries to go front
tate Canadian Methodist Church to..
China, and who ie now hong on fur-
lough♦ will troch In the horning and:
the Rev. I,. 153, hill, of Parkhill in
the evening,