HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-11-9, Page 8TON'S I;i{aA.l)l.iy (i Iia W L+'L.E1. SSTOI!i,Ii le '0 DELL«LASSES have the rat in dar:'1* aria light color's at rerseneble prig This is the wedding season, Amorig the many gifts, for' the bride what rsortld be niece: ythen Mine Silverware and Cut Glass? 1 leave an excellent selection of both these lines, irieluditr>=4 x..,` iLVERVilARE Cottee end Tea Spoons, Desseet,Spauns and' Forks; Dinner and Dessert hn}ves, Berey Spooirs, Cold Meat Ferks, Sager Shells, etc., Sandwich or Cake Plates, Pyrex Pio Plates and Ceeeroles, Sugar and Cream Sets, CUT :GLASS Water Sets, Celexy Dishes, Spoon Taye, Sugar and Crean Sets, Butter Bisbee," ' Yon would .have to see this stock -to appreciate' it so I invite you .to inspect it. EYES, TESTED FREE Jeweller and,.-Opticia& JO INSON ?Next Hovey's Drug Stet*l li or Coli EVOtlier Our stock of Fall and Winter Clothing, Underwear, Shoes and Rubbers ate., is how most complete. We are ready to ]meet your requirements Tor the cold weather to come: ,We are -showing the best values in Sweaters and wool goods of - all kinds we have had since'asre--'vrar days. MEN'S, SWEATERS, FROM -,$2.00 to 137.00. MEN'S HEAVY WOOL UNDERWEAR FROM $135e.,tJI MEN'S WOOL --SOX FROM &PAIRS FOR $1.00 UP TO $1.00 PAIR; ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE GOOD BATH TOWELS AT 290 EACH LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES ON ALL LINES FOR CASII..' umsteel Bros. ?ITONE°25. SMALL PROFITS MORE I1USINESS asmsstsassossitia SPECIAL BLEND TEA • If you • enjoy' a tea with a pleasing flavor, one that satisfies Your 'thirst and "enables you top really enjoy your meal, one pos- sessing full'. strength ,possibilities without the necessity of using an abnormal amount 'of the leaves, to secure it, then try a pound -of "C. & S. Special Blend Tea"—blaek or mixed. at 60 ., cents per pound. This is 'a,high quality Tea at a fair price. "• Our first :chest has just arrived from a reputable Tea Housewith years of ekperienee .behind it, where this tea is .specially sorted and blend- ed for us.` We believe we have esomething unusuall good to offer in tea, and;: invite you to give it a fair 'trial.,." - We shall continue to carry our other lines of tea also, OUT two lines • of High Grade COFFEE at 60 cts. and 39 c. per lb. 'fie C. & S. Grocers; Phone 125 EXQUISITE STYLE IN DRESS belongs to .the roan who has his - clothing made to treasure by an artist tailor who knows the value of perfect lit, beauiful finish and line workmanship, and who selects his fabrics with an ..eye' to please the taste of the, well bred gentleman, '"The tailor' tdakes" the man" is an old saying and" we can supply all de- fects of ,form, and give „you both. style and . satisfaction in 'Fall and Winter Suitings and Ovsrcoaf P13 325.00 ' TO 355.00„ DAVIS & IIE-RMAN ,, THE VETERAN TAILORS Over Brown's Gents' Furnishings' Store. " The Secret of Mang a Wonan�"s •- ee 'r O'LII�e� Success in Housekeeping. It works for ; its user, it pro- hibits -failure and makes success sure and certain; no loss of time or increased irritation by having to wn. t b minutes in -s,o valuele minutes coaxing it. A good Range works silently and efficiently—the same -reliability each and every day. It removes alt guess work; its oven bakes, evenly all over. It is a daily delight to possess.ono. utter HARDWARE_ 'nee Range illustrated here is ' good;.built by McClary, makers of good stoves and cooking utin site far 74 years. Let the eoM range 'go•—bpy a good one, You deserv•e it. • ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Misq Pringle, one of the operators of the Boll Telephone Co., at Wing - ham;, w'as severely injured when she: was kicked by a Morro while dis- mounting frmn ���.a baggy the other alaY . The force of the kick broke' rt which >E:anplo oi' ribs,. w li t r 1 ii a4rced the lungs. The drreetoes of the West Wawan- osh Mutual Eire llnsuriance Company, at its' recent annual meeting at Dun- gannon voted the stini: of $000 to aid the `T'etniskatiting ;rite tneukanet Co. at Neve Liskeard hi meeting their heavy losses hi the eccent ltig fire, ai ,Lege terX ars ideal �o Fey The New "Pocket Self -Filler" This little levet has been added to the Wodd'i: Standard Penpo help you to refill the pen. Simply rose- end Iotder the lever with `point in ink and it veldts element instantly. SOLD, BY W. D. FAIR CO. s 1114 Cor Always the Best.' Often the Cheapest— `t E9E SPECIALIST A. L. Cole, Eye Sight Specialist an Honour :Graduate of , the Canad- ` ran ;Ophthalmic College of 'Toronto.. Goderich, Ont. Office 'hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Practice limited to the eye. q 1 �11atttt1laatta1n titttltto'� Ih,lll '.L..w,n1 o: -i*•--- .n—,: inNuu I111. Postmaster Scott was in Windsor over, the week -end. Mr. Ed.• Nickle was. in Hensall on Thanksgiving Day. Miss Ferrol. Higgins spent Thanks..' • giving Day in Hensall. Miss Susie Simian is spending a week or ,so in Toronto. Mie: Walley Crickvisited in Stratford ,e'er the holt le period. Mr. Fred •Simon was home "from Blyth over the week -end, Miss Sadie Draper was home from Shelbourne for Thanksgiving. iss Delle. O'Neil was up from Tor • onto for .over Thanksgiving. Miss Bessie Chowien of Teeet titer was home over th'e week -end. Miss 'Elizabeth Ferd spent .the Thanksgiving holiday, in Buffalo. Mr. and :.3lrs. George Roberton spent Sunday, with ,friends at Innerkip. Misses Amy Rowson and Jennie Rob- ertson were .in Buffalo over tate week-end.uu10 Misses Mabel and Eva Oluff were the guests of Miss Morrison of Hots- all on Monday. Mr,. E. C. and Miss. Clete Beacom of Targnto• spent the -week-end anti holiday .with relatives in town. Mrs, J, W. Shobbrook „and son, Mr, i Stanley:Shobbrook, went to Buff' alo for the week -end and holiday., Mr. and Mrs. J. dtricker of, Kitchener• spent the heliday period as the. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mil-. ler. Miss, Clete Ford of theteaching staff of Alma College, St. Thomas, Vas- a week--endvisitor at her home in' Miss Eva Brown of Brantford was the . guest of - her aunt, _ Mrs. Pe lIoi'sley, over the week -end and holiday. Mr. Harry Lawrence of I6trkti n• and Miss Annie Lawrence of Stratford were •home over the week -end and holiday. M'rs, Jolnt Glut£ and Miss MahneClufF spent Thanksgiving with the for- >.ner's son, Me. Robert bluff of tee Bayfield line. Mr. W. 18. B. Medd'•end Mr. Edward Medd of Trowbridge visited at the home ,of their brother, Mr. J, G. Medd, over the holiday. Mr. and ;1VIrs. W. Bagler and family., of Toronto wcrs the week -dad guests of the formet's ,parents, Mr. Ind Mrs. Baleen - of town. Mrs George Suitte• has returned t'tl,,he> ,, bond in •,lKitchener after a / three -months' visit. with Mrs, Hugh ltliher and Mrs. W. T. Hawkins,, MY. and Mrs.John. May and twrr .daughters of Toronto and Mr. H. Jones and Miss Rowe of Exeter 'spent., the weep -end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hooper. Mrs Mill 'Coll Collyer of Toronto was. Y o the guest of, Mr Relit. Miller and faniily last week, coating up to at- tend the.funeial of her nephew, the late Wilfrid Miller.'. Mr. and Mrs, -W. T. Jolineton -of Godeeich end Mr. ani Mee. E. C. Johnston of Atibern were guests at t•ne home of Ma and Mrs. F, Johnston fox the holiday , Mr, J. Howes and Master Harry, the Misses Howes and : Miss Lock - Weed motored up front Hamilton and were guests of Mr. land Mrs. aGorclon Howes over the week -end. Ma, and Mrs D. Hooper of the State of Michigan, Mia, A, Hooper or Loudon gild Mrs, E. Bowslaugh of Centralia were the 'Vests . of Mr.._ and Mrs. A, Hooper of town last Mr, and Mi'tT' l3l adforcl tend little son Frank and Mr. Wilfrid Medd ee Listowel end Mr. and Mrs,Taylee of St, Helens visited their "nide, Mr. J. G. Medd during the holiday' period, Me. W. McCarnus of Brantford, Miss :Basle McCallum of tendon and.: Misses Mary avid Marian 'MeCatntrn of Porouto cpon,t tha'weelc-end and lraditley at the Parental home, Wes- ley petsottafre, 1 From now : till' Clhristirias---only six weeks. Everything you need for your cakes and puddings (just arrived) `Best quality at lowest possible prices. What cake or pudding would not -be delicious wheIt made from the good Things from ()'Neil's Raisins newly seeded,:per lb 18c. 1 Seedless Raisins, per ib:" . ..18e. New"Dates, 2 lbs. for,; 21c. Watch this' space =for special' an, nouneements this month, Currants, best selected,` per lb:,23e. Shelled Waingts, per ib. .. ,600. Shelled' AImonds, per lb. 00e, Mixed Peels pee lb; r ... eoe.. New. Cooking Figs .. Magic Baking Powder, per lb..35e. -Our Own Baking Powder, lb. ..238. 6 lbs: of Rolled Oats c' .25c. .. Long Bar of Soap 23c. Any Brand, 10 for .72e. '-Rinso, 2 for Dutch Cleanser 2, for `. 5c, Bodley's Christmas, cakes, iced and decorated in one and two pound'Holiy Boxes, for Sc. . a � 6 and 125 , "Bodley'e' lum Ppddinga in one and two pound Bowls, Put up in -Holly- Boxes, HollyBoxes, 60c. and .• :..31,20 Almond Paste icing per tin , .Ole Finnan :Eladdie Grapes Oysters Fresh Sahrnon Trout Sweet Potatoes Celery Cash & Carrg 2 Deliveries Harvest Home Supper Under. the auspices of the Girl's Club Will be held on Tuesday 'November 14 in Willis Prespgterian SundagSchool Room ' -Commencing at 5 o'clook, An excellent supper is being prepared Admission Children 25c. 4, Phone 48 444444W464 44 4 01 44.4 44664 Our Furniture We Installed Three' 4,1 e-havealar e stock ofDinin 'room Pllot-Su e''°Pi W g g WM , rroreless Pipeless Suites in all the neatest designs and •� Iurnaces in 'One ..:best finishes `includin walnut and'_ . �. Day. � g fumed and•golden oak, = at,d the prices are surPriingly low. 4 4 4 We aro showing some real Chesterfield. • Suites -With Marshall loose cushion - 4 upholstering, "at special prices Adults 35e, Miss FrancesNitckawa who has recently returned from a -successful season in the Old Country, willgive air entertainment In Ontario Steeet`Methodist Church Under the auspices of the 17pwor•th '; League- on IMOMoncjag,Nov 20th Miss Nic1 awa having been here before scarcely needs an introduction to a Clintain audience. She posseses 'a wonderful gift of dramatic power, is, indeed. a worthy successor to -Pauline Johnson. 'Those who heard her before ivill want to avail ;thetuselves of the op- portunity of again hearing her. ' Re- member the date, November 20th. Admission,. 35c, Batjlle)1d The November meeting of the Pres- byt'erian W. M. S. was held ae usual at the home .of Mrs. Campbell last 'Thursday afternoon, eleven members being present, Thesubject for seedy was , "Our Smmigrants, and the .pa- per was given by Miss Brownett. The Yearly election of officers will be held at the December meeting. Misses Ethel and Addie°Drelnnann havo returned from r visit to Mus- koka and are spending a, phort- while r with their father, Mr, fl. Drehtnann *' in the village. e ° Miss,Ruby Fisher of Kitchener was sa the guest of her . aunt, Mrs, F. A, Edwards, a few days the past week Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Wall and fain- ily of Londonspent the week -end az their summeb cottage on Deleaven st. ,Mr's: Monkhouse'and family of Toe - onto -spent 'Sunday in the village. Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Saucier and family and Messrs. Wilber and Frank Erwin of Kitchener. spent a few diiys the past week as the guests or the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. W. Erwin. • Mrs. George Woods anti daughter, Miss Nan Woods, spent^the week -end. _with the feemet's; other daugfliter, Mrs, (Rev.). Crosby of Woodstock, 4 4 4 4 4' 4 4 3 44 4 4 a 4 4 Constance Mr. Win.Riley•or Brussels spent a'C."hcntcsgivrng with his bi:ether-1n„ law, James Mann. Mrs. McArthur aed son end' laugh- tei "4of Goderich spent a week with her sister, Mrs; Adam Nicholson, Mr. Milton Moo e of. Toronto spent i s ' Mts. tt few days with � ht mother, n ther Moore, Nei. end Mis. Rad1oid %pent Slin- Clay end Monday with; ":Cricoids at Blyth. Mrs; 'Nesbitt and Mrs, Move of I3rucefielcl visited their 3rfencl Mr'.e, McIntosh on Saturday. She refute:. ed with theme :Cor a few days. Come in'and see them as they are real beauties, and, oh, so comfortable A large stock of Bedroom Furniture, Bedding and Pillows Sole agents for -The famous Columbia, •Graphonola`and Records Singer Sewing Machines`'arlci rEur,eha Vacuum Cleaners 1 ask fora demonstration of any of - these household conveniences. Consult us, 'about.. your heating system. We. guarantee • the Pilot Su. perior Pipeless Furnace' t'o heat. your home. The most tip -to -date furnace on the market, Saves 25 per ceut of fuel over a pipe furnace. Now is the •titwo to do your own wea- ther -striping andsave ora the coal. 'dire have Bronze weal her olriping-- storm . and dust proof:' .1tvast King, also other lines 'at -low. pficEs.' Another, shipment of f;raniteware, 48c 'Few electric heaters left' at low price Minton or WATCH OUR WINDOW ✓ tirrifttire THE STORE WITH A STOCK 1i9Pt 4 el uw, a uib Try our Bulbs for Winter Spring Bloom. Quantities hew in stock. nd I:HYACIN'TITS DAFFODILS NARCISSUS_ CIIINESE' LILLIES & TULIPS Prepared soil 15c. a pail, delivered. J. Cuninghre Fi orist Perone 31, 13-3. Me, Rebt, Bell of the Boll Tingine, Cb, ,Scaforth, Lias just rammed .l'r`om' u. business trip to the ;vest. y emarlerreaetstwaresuartariorostata Women W6'Girls �A en )�Ad The Clinton Knitting Company Limited have a irumber of pos- itions to offer girls, and women to'learn I8nitting, Looping, fin- ishing and other operations belonging to the manufacturing of Find' Hosiery. In the field of opportunity a Knitting Mill offers the greatest advantages.= ' 1 It is a 'well known fact that no good knitter 05 lobper need ever be out .of employment. 2 The wages earned • at this trade are high. 3 Reasonable hours; pleasant and sanitary surroundings. 4 1Oreedoln from •: nerve racking' Clanking of mnehinery'used in other textile factories, 5 If you learn your business here, where we snake the finest. grade of goods,, you are equipped to take a position anywhere. 6 We pay yotl white you are learning. 7 We employ careful an capable teachers to teach you a highly i'omuneretive trade. We • are opeii to receive unlimited application's and will take on the applicants in tite order in which they apply. e .AThe pply at the Ofrrces a£Clinton I�lllithQila Cot H. VF;NNIEtt Eleetrica�n Electric Ranges,. F i ctuc'Elg, Bulbs, Irons, Fane an of kel Wiring and Repair's. Appliances _' bonebonev IMP. �,