HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-11-9, Page 1N. 2I75 -43r4 Year
Wheat, $1.00 to $1,05, •
Oats, 35e•
[Barley, 55c,
, 13eekwheat, 65e-
Eggs, '40e. to 45c:
Butter 30c. to 33e,
Live Hogs, $9,50 • '
, ,
A number pf friends gathered- at
the 'home .of Miss Berta Jaelcsen one
evening prior to her marriage and
gave her a shower of miscellaneoue
articles both useful and pretty. A
jollY time was spent in games, etc,
Mrs. SWinbaifit was hostess at a tea
also held in her honotir and a kitchen
Shower WaS'` presented to her just
vier to her marriage..
Mrs. S, McCool and flintily wish to
thank their friondS and neighliors
()).• the kindness showirthem and also
l'or tile flowers sent during the sjek-
nes s andat the death of their bus,.
band and father, '
„IVIr. S. G. Castle has a fine speel-
men of a eat owl, in a cage in- his
window today. This bied was caught
M a .trap on Mr. N. Sundercock's
farm, where it had been stealing
'chickens. It is rather a vicious
looking bird it-iid one could easily
imagine; that it would, iital.e short
Work of any Mot -revive chicken that
came in its way. Mr, Castle purposes
killing 'it and having it stuffed11.
atint eo bp otitis te ' .
with 'distil tptieg
._, For a thorough eye exa;mina,tion and glasses that
fit perfectly, ,consult' W., 11. Hellyar
(Optometrist and,Optician)
" Good Glasses, if you need them
Good Advice, if -you don't." -
W. •.e1izjcir
eweler and Ontieien ,..". Phone ,,1,74w:, Residence 1,74J
- .
_ ..-
Ilave.you the, money with which to. do it? .„-,.
have. .1 i
. . i
t gp 1
, ,Start tp win 6 they ar
T you .
,. ootrimencelife known:4, otY.allrei,a7t the back
, ,
,?rt•rt--$,,,,,-••„•,,k, . , i- .- ' '
Accounts are a specna-ity with
. ._
J -
• fields,
• styles
• .colorin,.,(03
l'OtrIATIDur-eZw EAR '
1 , cm
he Fu°1"Sh ,',. '
Clothing, Co.
are all
,siagle and
And when
trade with
the good
its best.,
in ,Boy•s'
and trimmings,
ready for you with the
Ulsterettes, Raglans,
double-breasted s,taple
it comes to• (
for 'YottaT4
made special, provision-
many exclusive styles
dressers of this community
NeW Fabrics New
them before'you buy
$15 to $35.
Slip -Ons
the young
• '
, tv
Season and ottr
We show all sizes and
Sweaters,, There are a
, iA the time for Joys
1.25; 1.50 1.75
Motto 4MA Sqoare Deal
BRO.,'12HER. AN SISTER 1A, rp1).-
, ,
Tffi sclaY:last ltne a meitiorab1e4aY
/in the family of Mr. and, Mrs-, Fred
Stade of Brant, ,when two members
or their Pm -WY, calbariced on the sea
of matrimony in the,porsons of their
• eldest sea, Henry, who took t wife,
Misa Margaret Dean of W'alkerton,
and their second 'youngest daughter,
Mias Laura, Stade, who beeame the
bride of Mr. Seraphine Barry, second
eon of 'Mr. and Mrs,...Win. ,Harry, of
'Clinton, formerly of Dunkeicir The
latter ,event was eelebrated'at?dlin-
ton ft. C. church, while sthe:tying. of
the -knot on the 'it:Miner occasion,
which made Mr. Henry Stade and
Miss Dean husband and wife, was
performed,.at the Lutheran .,chture.h,
-Walkerton, Both. the brides Were
formerlyon the Bruce county hosple/
tal staff...and are well and favorably
known. A reception in honourof
the two bridal Parties wae, held at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Pied Stade
near. Dunkeld on , Tuesday, evening,
whenthe youth and beauty .of the
neighborhood ,gathered and regaled
theinSelves in dancing, games and
other amusements': Mr. and. Mrs..
Harry will reside in Hlyth where • thb
'groom has,. established, a • hoot and
shoe repairing business. Mr. and
Mrs: Stade.,.wilt, reside ,for the time
being on the old homestead in Brant.
—Walkerton Herald -Times.
The council met on Tuesday even-
ing, IVIonday. being a holiday, all
members present, Mayor Cantelon in'
the 'chair. •
A -eornintinication was , feed fr7m.
the% Raileybury Relief. Committee
asking a grant, which ,was filed: Al::
so one frthrr residents on 'Ontario
street asking for an additional light,
Whir?, -.Was referred to the street;
committee for 'further report.- .
The bylaw emninittee radon:and-1(16d
that a bylaw- be submitted le the
ratepayers in January authorising t55
council to issue -debentUres for the
raising' of $5000 td loaned to the
Hospital Association for the temocela
ling of the.huilding recently presented
to the Association.- Chairmen- Ceop-
eirof.'the-bylawramotriMittee .explained
that ale Associaiion had requested
that such a bylaw be submitted arid
the conneil was but passing.,.-it'an to
el.; 'people for their'Veidiet. • The
council wl1lbe but garaiiteeing the
boh,ji »of ,the _Association and. the
money wilt be repaid in teh. years.
The,hylavi ,Will be advertised later on.
°Tife,CaaTt4itibri'cinne in-TOFS'erna
discussiOn,- the report of the itiel
ommittee being against gettthg-MorC
epalas some of the councillors adyis-
ed; the buying :Of another 'carof coal»
but others 'pointed out that there ,7Arah
o advantags in buying ,coal which
had to be sold out at a highor price»
than the local dealers are .chargingl
and the report -Of the coniinitte Was
'adopted, ' '
fingineer Grant ' presented a leng-
hy -report. of the. Rand's drain affeir,.
which the council ,.accepted, and op-
'ered typed, and en Mothin ef 'Reeve
l'liller and Councillor Kemp, it Was
eckled • that the tOwn' sblicitoi- be
nstructed to adjust the matter,in
legal way. Mayor Calitel4n-sa'14f-0.4.,
tatter should be satif.actorilY set -
led by the present council and nor'
eft to the incoming one. • There, was'
erne idea that if the council .tomc
esponsibilitY in regard te this• clrafn
ther claims. might he brought. for..
vard,,,hut the motion passed.
District Representative Stothei:s
&Tressed -the' council -asking that hit»
e .allowed the » mse of the council
hamber for. one , of the classes in
he winter agriculturalcrourse to be
pencil in •Clinton on Novembei, •27th..
n motion Oil •councillors Cooper ant
ollaway this Iva§ .done.
Following is the financial report:
• •SalarteS We'count
B. Fit;:simons for .October $54.17
. L. Macpherson, 8 months ,
:salary . . , . , ..$137,50
. Welsh, 3. months' salary .,,,$125,00
. Welsh, collecthig war .tax ..$5.00
Property Aecount
, Welsh, work on Town Hall $5.00
ighting, Town Hall ,•
Iawkins & Miller, supplies ,
ohn ,Ransford for wood • , .$8•50
,'',,,,,,Insurance Account
ere). Mutual Ins., Town Hall $11,75
epitomical Ins.; Towlt Hall
rovident Ins., Town -.Hall» ..-..$21.15'
Street 'Account.
din Steep, cleaning „streets
. E. Hall, printing.'voters lists
Electric Light » Acconnt
tree,tlighting-, for October..$14L41
.Grapts Account,•
ospital for lighting i.,....
• 'Law* Costs'
Brydon6 (including aceount •
Charles Garrow), . , , $130.75
Patterson, ongirieering ...$35.00
• Telenbone Account
elePhone_rentals ;$4.5
elephone Tolls . „
ings Printer for Municipal .act. 50c,
ayer, Clerk ,and ,AsseSsor 'for ''.
selecting jurors •.
muidian - National
CometerY -A.Zeonnt.' ,
. IIimter; salary. for October $0,0.00
Fire and Water Aceount
• Schoenhals.' truck to fire
3. E. Closet AccOunt
Steep, salary for October. $70,00
LetM1 Improyentent
3», , • , ...$448.58
• 13, Fitzsimons, market Suites 1$10,10
Hunter work ill» '...emetery .$44.26
ntnitet in perpef.uity , ;.',$45.00
all volts
:Prof, A, Anderton, Who has been
for some time .or ;anist ;Md. choir
master in the James street Methodist
church, Exeter, hes :resigned the posi.-
tion.to take a lil e position in St. -
George's . Anglican church, Goderich,
,Pref. Andel -ton Spends one day in
each week. in Clinton, Where he has 0
' class' arid is also t aining the Choral
Society, so is well gcnown here. Mr,
Anderton has taken over his new
'work in Goderieh but ha's „not -.Yet
moved, from Exeter. -The- cl-kangt,
will make no difference to his local
class. r
• A 'very •pretty :wedding was sr:g-
enii-Aced at high noon, on, Saturday
at the hone of Mr, and Mrs. George
Jackson, IVIaple street,. vvthen their
only daughter, A berta Muriel, be-
came the bride of Mr. 'Arnold J.
l3ame, only son ol..• Kr. and Mrs. F.
. Hill» of Wingharn. Promptly 'at tne
hour the bride e tiered the parlor
leaning on the arm Of her father, Who
gave her 'away, and took her Place
beside „the groom before abank ot
Tema...-. She wore, a handeOnni• suit
ofnavy blue duvetyne. with, beav,er
triinniings with bodice if burnt or-
ange ahd e navy blue hat- with or-
ange tribmmings. • She also wore a
corsage bouquet of roses. The young
couple were unattended., The Rev.
E, Hogg performed the epremony
and .,Miss Vietta Hill, sister of » the
.groorn, played the ;wedding music.
Only the immediate -friends' 95 the two
fainites» were present. Afte? con-
grathlations had been extended to
the bride and grooni all sat down to
sumptqous wedding. dinner.", The
tables, were prettilY, decorated in Or-
ange and white. :The young. couple
received many useful ,and beaub101
tPhreQ.sealfIttesr. noolln fiVIMI:!TeBraOririlteo .tagiloCk
other points, and •on their return will
reside in-Wing:ham; The •best wisli-
-1110)91f ftehreiar afit'ujelll'ed.! go with
• A » Spiritual Conference of the
ministers, officials and -church ntlem-
' hers of the Exeter and Goderich
Methodist DistrictS which ...was -held
on Thursday NoVeniber 2nd,- in On-
tario street church.. NVIIS- well attend.,
ed and: 'very helpful exiq interesting
to thoSe ptesent. .-,2The addresses on
es,f2e‘ire ':s1
a rniMber took, part: -1 The melanin;
session was» presided over by •the
Rev. Win. Anderson, chairman of th
Goderich - .District, the -afternoon
sessian by Rev. Mr.. Rivers, chairman
of the Exeter District.
A solo -by -Miss Gibbings. and. a duet
hraMissee »Anderson and Treleaven,
enlivened respectively the inetning
and afternoon sessions,
Rev. Mr. Armitage of Hayfield,
sboket on "(The. Urgency of,. .'„Tne
Tirnes,'!'SaYing,Wo. are.,living in su,
perlatively serious -,days, which
the ehutches hay,e.lailed to take their
rightful part.» . There- are -forces- in
nations which only God can control; •
• only the Divine (3arpenter can gather
the'sgatterecr pieees ancl rebuild into
a thing of beauty and value, yet the
forty..million'.Members ofthe Metho-
dist church should and, can effect
their share in remodelling worldtcon-
ditions.-'-The raost wonderful thing
in, the 18th ,century was the 'rebirth
of religion through the instrumental-
ity of John Wesley, Who Produceo
restilts greater than Bunyan .or WY -
or Miltoii7, If we cannot move
'the world vve can effect some change,
moraland spiritual,„in' our WW1 Inn-
itect surrOundings; if» we are as our
Mgster was "about our Father's .bus..
• - •
Rev. lVfr.- flitileY'S topic was "the
,Old -tine Religion," A: revival of
fltildamental _doctrines Is
needed: the atonement,. Witness at
the spirit, Christian perfeetion be-
lioN,ed in by Anglicans, Presbyterians
and. Methodists, though in modified
:Corms. A 'revival,of unction to ITIOVe
the whole natare and, Of..LperimentAl
religion' through »co/iyersion» » not
merely an education,- moral process.
We must get» back to 'the old-time
doctrines of the Bible.
Rev. Mr. 'Hunter's topic waS "Equip-
ment for Service." 'Every phase of
life- demands 'equipment, • and pro-
paratfon is neeessary ili ,ev,ery depart-
ment,' specially .so for Christian use-,
fulness. There is required cleansing
of the spiritual nature, and of prac-
tical 'life,. and the 'presence and :L
»dwailiag» 05 tl Spirit, RSV Mr
Holmes» Wroxeter; in the .Wingimin
-District ,who. was. preseni, was In-
vited to take part in the' discussions,
, ,
anu, spoae a iew earnest words wnich
were appreciatively received.
.D. Mover made 're.forcnce
to the„Sunday'School Times, in which
Evangelisin was tabecied' and the.'5d-
acatiodal proecss accentuate/1,. but we
should 56 tolerant or 'other peoples
vieWs. We ..are' On tht eve.'of great
da,Ys 'When,,„aod Wil use great' Cos-
mic ..;rerces to shake., the. world,
Rey. R. F. IrrYizr,'spelt6'l do
right ofway.of Old' Spirit Th His-ewn
work:". The. ,a., great.ealMui,fY,.
for Whi C thnl:n remedy,
the. • ittoneMent,, A 'Isfat3r hotutt of
life cannot function.' The Holy Spirtt,
railS if the life does net function with,
it: The Spirit life is life given up
to God,. whether.'-aseetie Or pradtiCal,
Christian iStennI'dShin will correct
Many o.f.the mistakes we have made,
.At th8 close(d". the sessions is feW
minutoS was anent in very profitahte
e'onversation on the spiritual." and
practical experleriCeS of the 'religions
We hate at hand a programme of
an e itertainment presented last» week
by the Modern Language Club of Un-
iversity College at Hart 15001/0.» It
comprises two ene-act French plays
with..hotlm of which is eonnected tbe
mune of M. Louis A »"MacKay, a
recent atlident of the Clinton
legiate Institute. In one he played
an important- eole; Of the other, a
most amusing comedy, IVir. MacKay
is himself the author. .
We are alwaYs pleased to note the
klecess of, our ex -Students,
(From' Dungannon Correepondent• to
• ' • Goderich. Star,» )
Two valuable . acquisitions have
been made to the -litleiness and indus-
trial life of this -village,--that of Mr,
McGuire, of Clinton, who has re -op-
ened . the , bakery within the Past
month, and is turning out such whole -
„some bread that •it is expected the
'flentand. for it will soon tax the cap-
acity of his ovens. The other I9
Mr; Fred•Barlow who has opened up
a shoe repairing shop in the Allen
block. . •
»The marri10;0 » took' place at the
horn..of -the bride's mother on Wed-
nesday,: Noiendier lst,. of Marion,
only daughter of Mrs: Caleott,,,42
Euelid'Avenue, London, and Mr, Os-
wald Harry I -hint, yeunger son of
Mr. Harry Hunt formerly of Clin-
ten. The ceremony was perform-
ed by the Rev. Mr. Redman, former
pastor of the bride, utile bridal party
,standing beside a' bank of ferns and
palms,while Mrs. IVIorlay » Calcott
'playact the weading march. The
bride was given away by 'her twin
brottrer, • Mr. Morley • Caleott, -and
looked charming 115» her weddimagown
of white canton crepe,.trimmed with
seed peafls and hand embtodery, her
bridal veil; caught with orange blos-
soms. ' After the ceremony, the
guests, numbering:twenty-five enjoy-
ed a well prepared luncheon eerved
by threeofthe bride's young cousins.
The bride' received many beautiful
'presents including a handsome cheque
fronf the ,greom's father. :The happy
couple left on the afternoon train
for. Toronto and Niagara Falls, the
bride travelling in a navy blue trie-
otine.Suit with hat to match. Mr.
and Mrs. Hunt will Make their home
in.Lendon. '
In regard to the three Tmontbs
Short Course, to be held in Clinton
November 27th, to March 21id, the
public may be interested to know
something of' the calibre oY.the in-
-structars engaged to lecture at this
Course. The complete list has been
published and we cell attention to
,the following:
, Mx, John Buchanan,. B. , S. A.,
Grifitsby, who Je to lecture on ,Field
Husbandry and Agricultural Botany,
was for a» number of yeats Associate
Professor in Field, Husbandry, with
Professor C. 4. Zavitz, at the, On-
-thrio Agricultural College and, he
demonstrated considerable ability in
the Field Husbandry work. ' Front
there he went to the States and for
a number of years was County Agent
and had the» distinction of being
the» most highly paid. County Agent
in -the United States. • Two years
ago Mr. Buchanan quit professional
life and started on'a farm in Grims.;
by. The Department is particularly
fortunate in having a • man of this
calibit to •locturo on this inrportant
suhjeot... 'c»»
'Mr,' Andrew FUlten, B. S. A; who
will, lecture on HorticUlture and
Vegetable Growing, has .a ' great
deal df practical experience isi the
actual growing and at the, presenr
time is in- charge of the Government
' Cold Storage Plant at Brighton.
Beside having a thorough knoivledge
of the» fruit section, he is also a
gentian ' grower on a large, scale.,
MT. .0. Bell, who is to lecture
on' Soils and 'Fertilizers - has had a
wide experience not only in actual
farming, but has also for a numbet
of YearS, devoted his entire time to
educational and • investigational work
in connection with fertilizers, 00 ap_
plea to farm crops.
IVIr. Win, A. Agar of l3rook1in, wbo
lectures on Apiculture bas not 'only
a 'college training, but has had very
much practical experience in Oki
Ontario an'd also 'in New Ontario.
)le was.really the first man • to in-
troduce beekeoning hi the Great
Clay 1,3elt in Now Ontario, where hts
efforts have met with great steccess,
He is not only ff good praetical man
but is gifted wil;11 splendid talent as
t * r
been a poultry expert for a number.
of years and at present has charge
of the Extension branch of this parr
of the Ontario Agricultural -College
V°1I1::,' '
Chas. A. 0811)1,4in-1, 13, S. A.,
Hornby, lecturer (in Economic Ent_
ontology, Baeteriology, Elementary
Chemistry and physics, graduated, as
,pecialist in 13i.ology'.but ;for a
iltilaCT of years has been engaged
in farming in Halton County and has
been vary successful, ,
Vsr. A, Baker, Toronto' is not it
stranger to this section, hating eet-
tired at the .Short Course at AulMrtt
last, whiter. He is a man 3Oell gifted
in %Cart of leoturing on a Subject
of this kiad, Dr. Bilker M eonnem,„
ed with the Ontario Veterinary ,Col,
lege; as 0110 bf its instructors.
A. union Thanksgiving,service Wa
held in Wesley church oxi' the fore
noon a To.pkq,,,iving. Day, Th
gathering viias arranged for hY tho
Ministerial Association, all the 'Pro-
testant churches to be united 14 the
service, and -four of the'resident
'titers were present and repreSenta-,
tives from all the congregations, a/
though not as many from each, as
cute might suppose amid gather far,
the annual service ofThanksgiving.
The: R:ev. D. - N. MeCanios, Pastor or
the church, conducted the service ancl
all .the Ministers' took some part. The
Rev. G. 1, Burns, pastor of the Bap-
tist chureh and ,president ef the Min,.
isterial Association preached, • .Nis
sermen, was of an pnusual charactei,
and WaS an extremely well reasoned-,
out and thoUght-provoking discourse,
`and „wee -ptesentecl with singular
force and emphasis. It was -listened
to with much pleasure by those pres-
ent. The choir leader and. organiii'
and -some of themembera of the chop'
of the 'church led:the singing: A.
collection was taken in aid of -Lim
On Thursday evening, after..an 111.
..,ness of several months, Wilfrid David
the second son of 'Mr. Robert' Miller
of town, passed aivay at his home on
Queen street, • ...
Wilfrid was a bright, winsone lad
and his early passing is cause v.or
much_regret, not only in 'the home
circle but among a larger circle ez
friends and acquaintances.
Wilfrid is survived by' his father,
his-inother died nearly six» years ago,
one sister, Miss Jean, and two bto-
niers, •Eliner and Russel.
-The funeral took Mace from St. -
Paul's church on Sunday afternoon.
The service Ayes conducted by the
Rev. 0. Llewellyn Bilkey and the
pallbearers' were Orville and Walter:
Jinks, Roy Fitzsimons; Ernest Ran-
ter, Harold Livermore, and Jack TwY-
'A number of ver,' handsome floral
offerings. were laid on the casket
amongst-"thoee, sending them being
the Class in St. Paul's Sunday school
to which- the boy' belonged, the pu-
pils in his division in the' • -ptiblic
school, iDe Jackson Mfg. Co., • and
many private individuals.
Amongst those who were present
frona out of town Sot the funeral
were; Mr. aTncl Mrs, B. Burkholder,
.and,Mrs. ,Motrison, Mr..sand
Mrs, Miller, Mrs, J. S. Miller, Mira.
Miller and Mrs. J. IVIcGratten,
Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Miller
and family of Detroit; Mrs. A. R.
MeHrien ancl Miss Olive, Essex; Mrs,
W. W. Collyer and Mr. and Mrs. W.
Hagler, Toronto; Mr. 'and Mrs:Tlar-
vey Mid Miss Mabel Harvey, Landes -
bora; Mr. 'and Mrs, •W. j. Mcl3rien
and Mieses Mary 'and Amy McBrIen,
mt. Sneed, Mr. E. Mel3rien, Mr. and
Mrs, W. Mason, Mr, W. Rhin and
Mr. E. Pri6e, Seaforth. and Mi. and
Mrs. George Dixen,
• Willis Church ..
!rile pastor, the Rev. J. E. Hogg,
pteach 0> 00,' own pulpit bet
Sunday, taking for his subjects:
Morning; "The Venture of Faith.”
Evening; "When Duty Calls."
TheSacrament of Baptism will be
observed on Sunday,,November 190,
at the morning service. ,
The W.' M. S. will meet at the
home of Mrs, W: T. O'Neil on Thura:
day evening at eight o'ffiock.., '
Wesley Church
-Before the sermon at the...morning
setviee on .Sunday the 'little son of
Mr, and' les. C. R. Holland and the
two • little sons and the daughter of
Mrs. 'Sadie. West received' Hie Sac-
rament of Haptaarn at the hands of
the pastor. The Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper Was observed after the
mass meeting of men will be
held on Thursday evening at 8 pan,
when the lecture, "The Church in the
Life of the Nation," will be delivered.
by Col, M. C. R. Graham'D..S. o'5''
the 1811 Battalion. For ,veteran,
there will be a epecial weleome. Act -
mission free, A collection will be
received. '
Armistice Day will be rememend
with suitable services on Sunday.
Quarterly Official Board meets on
Tuesday evening next at eight
St. Paul's ChM:eh
The Ladies' `Guild held itS regular»
monthly meeting, on Tuesday, when
final arrangements were made.for the
annual bazaar. Tea was served by
Mesdames Frank Hovey; T. Hermat,
E. 'Herman and C. L. Bilk/y.
A »siiensQtisi service for the men
who Sell in the grot war will be
hold. next'[Sunday evening, . The xeg-
Mar subject -will be. "Character: the
Most Endurinv Memorial." The G,
W. V, A. has been invited to attend.
Ontario Street Church
Thi pastor will preaeh.at both Ser.
vices -on Sunday next.
On Sunday week, November 10th
the Sunday school anniversary will
be held whoa the Rev, 0. W. River:,
of Honsall Will preach morning and
everting' and address the Sunday
school in ills afternoon. Mi.ss Fran -
011 Nickawa will sing at oacli of the
church service,S and will give'a read-
ing itt» the aftetitotin session. A, spe,
cial collection 'will be taken for the
Sturtlay school fund.
*- The following subscriptions were
inadveri enllY omitted from last
week's list or have heen peid Sine,
The total (Msh subscriptions amounv
to $4580:00 up to Novenaher
David Cantelon, $ion,op; A,
Morrish $25.00; Dr, F, A.
Axon $25; Andrew Holmes $15; C.
Cuninghente $15; Kt. .;incl Mrs. Thos.
Mason -115; Friend's $15; Briicefield,
additional 510; F. C. Elford $5; 3».
L. Kerr $5; Mrs, S. II. McLeod $5;
H, IVXCItenzie $5; Clifford Lobb $5;
Herbert Crieh $15; IVIrs. Geo. oavla
52; 8. B. Reynolds ..$?; ;tames Sims
$2; W. D. Fair Hallowe'en Collection
$2; Alex IVIcEwen $2; John MeEwen
$2; ,John » Innis. 52; Geo. Fairservice
$1; Mr. Finch .$1; ',lames Dodds $1.;
; 00liep
tinrirncglia$1116; IVfrlia;s. 7.1
Bennett $1; 13ert Langford $1; Henry'
Wagner $1; Wes. Vanderburg P.;
1110 ,
. Will Wbii,se 5 r
0e.; Ms. A. Cole
A rather serious aecident happen-
ed on. Mendel, when Mt. W. 10 El-
liott,.who has the contract for the
mason work on the alterations gt the
hospital, , fell about eighteen feet,
when the 'scaffolding gave way be-
neath hint, and alighted upon a Pile
of bricks and .waste material, A
doctor was suniinoiled and Mr. El-
liott was taken te the hospital at
,quicklY as possible. It was quickly
found that he had sustained a ser-
ious fracture of the hip, besides _
eral bruises and mifior injuries, and `
it will be several nronths ,before 10>
is again able' to use his limb. Mr.
Elliott was endeavouring to get as
much work as possible done before
the cold weather set in and was hur-
rying on with it. The plank which__
broke and let him _down had support-
ed four men the day before and was
thought to be safe.' It was a had
enough accident but it might easily
have been worse, •-
Mr. A. G. Sutherlanct, Listowel,
has taken charge of the local branth '
of the Dominion stores. •
Miss Marion Gibbings sang at St. -
George's church, Goderich, last Sun-
-day and assisted Prof. Aridertan in ,
his recital at» the close of -the even-
ing service. » » ,
A pleasant time was» spent at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Mason,
Rattenbury street, on Hallowe'en
night, it being the former's/ birth-
day when a surprise party was held.
-1VIr. and Mrs. H. J. Hibbs have
moved into their new home on Prin-
cess street, that lately occupied by
Mrs. » Argent. 'We bid them welcome
to tom
Misses Elizabeth Kaine and her
sister, Miss Nellie, »who has been here
from the west for some time,' have
taken the furnished home of a friend
isi Hensall for the -winter and went
down last week to take'possession.
Pet lple.-1( CPU 11,-.11% &VW
Mr. R. S. O'Neill was in Toronto. this
• MiNsvsVo
eeki.la Cook was in Taronto aver
the holiday.
Mrs. E, Walters has» returned from
a trip to the west,
Mr. and Mrs. A. McCartney were in
• Toronto for the holiday.
Mr.,Elmer Wendorf spent Thankagav-
-ing at his home in Hanover.
Miss Winnie Thompson WU'S 1101110
from Toronto for the holiday.
Mr. Geor,g,.e EVATIS has returned front
the west, whete Ise spent some
• months.
Misses Warcl and Ston» ,spent the .
holiday peried at the lattet's 'home
at Essex.
Miss »Agnes Walker of Clifford spent
the week -end and holiday at her
home here.
Mr. Inkerman Cantelon of Watford
spent is few days M town and vicin-
ity during the past 'week.
Mr, Flank Watson of Winghem was
the guest dn 'Thanksgiving Day of
• Mt.' and Mrs. W. lIamblYn. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Tourney have
ret4rneci to their home in Hamilton
• after visiting. Mr. and Mrs, R, C.
IVIrs. W. S. R. IIelmes, Master Cecil
• \and little 'M/ss Gertrude spent tis
!Thanksgiving holiday period with
Hamilton frimids,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton and Miss
Irene and Mt. ancl Mrs. Fazed Pep-
per and children motored to Strat-
ford and spent the holiday with
Mr. » Willis Cooper and a fellowetu-
dent at the School or Science, Tor-
onto, Mr. Mayten Grabell spent the
5.Week-endj0s10riin w
1lttIItIonlidna! at the Ibr-'
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston and
family mid Mr. Lovett of 81,-
Cathetines motored uP on Saturday
and spent the week -end and
Cay with their parents, Me. and
IVIrs. C. Lovett,
Goderich Township
Mr." arid MI'S. Wm. Lobb acconip.
allied by lVfiss Joy Lobb and Mi,s."0,
Cox motored ,to Sarnia and Spens
Thanksgiving with the formers
danglAter, Mrs, N, Wiiisi.-
Oar. F. Savauge and Roy. It. Irwin
of Seaforth Were the gueSts ei: Mr.
Lome Jervis on Friday last and spoilt
511 adorable day, hunting.