HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-11-2, Page 9Ie 'l1wi ecni4 ot C IN TON'S LEIAT)INO JE WE iJi " STORE wiN)SOR ,SHELL GLASSES I have .them in dark and light colors at reasonable prices.. This is the weddinli; season• the ataany gifts for the 'bride what could be nicer than line Silverware and Cut Glass'. 1 have an excellent selection of both these lines, iiaeluding SILVERWARE Coffee was Tea Spoons, Dessert Spoons and Forks, Dieter and Desaett Knives, Berry Spoons, Cold Meat Forks, Sugar Sheila, otc., S<lithNIC.11 OT Cake Plates, Pyrex Pie Plates and'Caseroles, Sugar, turd'Cteam Sets. CUT GLASS The I ri , CUT G Water^Sets, Celery Dishes, Spoon •Trays, Sugar and Crean' Sets; Butter Dishes. You would have to see this steric •to appreciate it so 1 invite you to inspect it, i EYES TESTED FREE R. 11. JOHNSON Jeweller and Optician Next Iovey'e I/rug.,Store For Cold �Ve�the�r •Our stock tof Fall and Winter Clothing, Underwear, Shoes and: Rubbers etc,, is now most complete. We aro ready ,tomeet your requirements for the cold weather to come. We are showing' the best values in Sweaters and wool goods of all kinds we.have had since pre-war days. MEN'S SWEATERS, FROM $2.00 to $7.00. MEN'S HEAVY WOOL 'UNDERWEAR FROM $1.35 UP MEN'S WOOL SOX FROM 3 PAIRS FOR $1.O0' UP ''P0 $1.00 PAIR 'ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE GOOD.BATH-TOWELS AT 290 EACH LOWEST POSSIBLE: PRICES ON ALL LINES FOR CASH. Pluiiiisteel Bros,. PHONE' 25. SMALL', PROFITS MORE BUSINESS c VIII ��1/�.`er)'ars(31 ads Ideal ®'il Pen uito the New "Pocket Self -Fillet" This little lever has bele added to the World's Standard Pen to help you to refill the pen. Simply • raise and lower the lever with point in ink and it refills almost instantly. SOLD BY W. D. FAIR CO.. Always the Best. Often the Cheapest 0r Cor*er Go eI' EVE SPECIALIST A. L. Cole, Eye Sight Specialist, an Honour Graduate of the Canad- ian Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Goderich, Ont. Office hours: 9 axe to 5 p.m. Practice limited to the eye.• C SPECIAL BLEND TEA If you enjoy a tea with a pleasing flavor, one that satisfies ourythirstand enables you to really enjoy your meal, one pos- sessing full strength possibilities without the necessity of using • an abnormal amount of, the leaves to .secure it, then try a pound of "C. & S. Special Blend, Tea"—black or mixed. at 60 cents per pound. This is a high quality Tea at a fair price. Our first chest has'dust arrived from a reputable Tea House with years of ' experience behind .it, where this tea is specially sorted and blend- , lend - for "Us. We believe we have something unusuall',good to offer in tea, and invite you to give it a fair trial. ' We shall ebntinuo to carry our other lines of tea also. our two lines of High Grade COFFEE at 60 ,ets. and '39 c. per lb. e C & S. Grocers. Phone 125 EXQUISITE STYLE IN DRESS belongs to the man who has his clothing made to 'measure by an artist tailor who knows the ,value of perfect fit, beauiful finish and fine workmanship, and who selects+his fabrics with an eye to please the taste of the well 'pred gentleman. "The tailor makesthe man". is an old saying and we can supply all de- fects of- form, and give you both style and satisfaction in Fall and Winter Suitings and Overcoat' FROM $2t5:00 TO $55.00. DAVIS & HERMAN P1213 VETERAN. TAILORS ?,Over Brown's. Gents' Furnishings Store. ' Oninonneksresonskannessannassztswonnensurnew dennteannonosnonnors The Secret of Mang) a Woman's Success in Housekeeping. It. works for• its user;: it pro- hibits .failure and makes success sure and certain; Flo lobs of time or increased irritation by having to waste valuable, minutes in coaxing it. A good' Range works silently and efficiently—the salnc reliability each ,and every day. It removes all g1.le5s, work; its oven bakes evenly all over.. It is a daily delight to possess one. The ,Range illustrated here is good; built by MaClary, makers of good stoves and cooking utile. sill for 74 years. Let the old range go -buy a good one, You deserve it. , Stutter -& Perdu HARDWARE ELECTRICAL : PLUMBING On Thursday week the font of Mr. Robt. Doig of Ilowick town hntp Was destroyed by filo. It contained at number of, farm imploutonts. 006 :,,pine hay. t win ..bas pears•- 1)r lC, • C;orssiu , a been . •rising as a •vcitor!ostty,itt Uxoter for sdme thrte,, has rrm6V'4tl to Crediton nit mtu,tununuoauuuu;, Ih'llt 'miuIt ilt. Miss Zetta Bawden was in Blyth over. the week -end, Mr. Hugh Miller was in Norwich on business on,'Saturday. Mr. Wellington Crich spent the week- end with friends in London. Mrs. Laurie Greig of London is vis- iting relatives in town this week. ,Mrs. Clatworthy of Ailsa Craig is vis- iting her mother, Mrs. Whitting- ham. Mrs. W. Wheatley and Mr.. Percy 'Wheatley visited friends; in town. last week. Messrs: Andretii Porter. and 0. John - of ohn_of` Goderich were intown yestes'day kr. and Mrs. R. Morrison and Miss Morrison of 11eneall were in town on Sunday. Mrs. Cole and ser of Toronto have boon visiting Capt. Thorne of the Salvation Array. Mrs. Annie Colcldugh has returned home after spending a few mon- ths in the west. Mr. W E. Greig .of Toronto was in town over the week -end visiting ' his. wife and family. Miss Rhea Lewis of London spent a. few days as the guest of Mrs. D. W. L. Cantelon. Miss Roxie Ellis, of Clinton, spent the week -end: with. her parents In Listowel: Listowel Banner, Mr. Harold Burns returned on Sat- urday after having spent a couple of months or so in the west. 'Mr. and. Mr. S. B. Stothers go to Kincardine • on Saturday to attend the wedding of the former's broth- er. Mrs. R, J. Cluff and Mrs. C. BartliT will spend Thanksgiving with Mr:, and Mrs• N. A. Pheonix-in HamiY- and will carry on his practise there. Ladies' church, Ttrrtvborry'r was re- opened en Sunday; The Rev, W it, West, a former pastor of the church for, fifteen years, was the preacher; The day beingt,idoal a large number •ivorc in attendance and a nlost sues oessful to--openiitg Was held, Sweet Potatoes^.{. Cranberries Chestnuts Brazil Nuts and Fresh Oysters and Finnan Hadclile if you have not started to think about Christmas, let' us remind yon that we have a tine display of'' • Bodley's Christmas Puddings and Cakes in stock. -Come in and see them and leave us your order Fresh Seeded Raisins in bulk 2 pounds' for 35c New Dates ?, . ...:. per. lb 150. Peanut Butter per ib. ..23e. Laundry Starch, 2 tbs. .19e. 6 •lbs. of Rolled Oats ..25c. / Minute Tapioca 2 lir gs. for.. . , 25c. ' 7 lbs of Corn 1VIeal ..f25c, I 3 Jelly Powders 25c- 4 lbs. Cream of Wheat 2bc, ,3E§sences . .25c. Golden Bantam Corn just arrived also Hunt's Pineapple' ' Corn Starch," 2 pkgs. .... , ..19c. Large Bar of 'Soap . . 23c. - 5 Bars for ; IL05 Broken shelled Walnuts .. ...GOc. Pop Corn per lb, .. ...„...1.5c. This Soap. has splendid . cleansing ,,,:properties, yet is not harsh. Lathers Broken Sodas, 2• Is, for .25e.. • 2 lbs, for.......................25c. I well in hard water. Home-made Mince Meat per pound 20c Buy your Christmas Groceries early Cash & Carryil Ptne 2 Deliveriesn.T. 4 Do You Like, Home-made Baking? If so, go to Mr.' Stothers Office' on SaturdAO Afternoon; November- 4th! where The W. M. S. of Wesley church is putting on a sale, and buy some.Sale commences atthree o'clock. Mrs, Quinn of Londesboro is spend- ing a ;few days this week as the guest of her. sister, Mrs. T. Her- man. Mr. Clarence Johnson left last weetc for Chippewa anq will spend'some time with his brother and mother there. Mr. Edward Wended' and bride ar rived in pltnton last evening and are getting Settled in their new hoiue. Mrs. Fred Paulding, left Friday ,for' her home in Buffalo after a visit with her :brother, Mr. Hugh .Millon of town. Mrs.. jellies Shepherd and Mrs. Rob- son will spend "Thanksgiving with the formeS's .son, Mr. J.. E, Shen- herd' f 'Toronto. Rev, and Mrs. Hogg spent the weekend with 'Southampton friends Mr. Hogg taking anniversary' ser_ vices there on Sunday. Mr. Elgin Maton of New: York City, son of Ms, and Mrs. T. Mason of town,, .will spend Thanicsgrvnrg at his 1lorue. He will alalto the trip by Motor. ,Mrs. Iiansain and Mrs, McNeil of Ailsa "Craig' are in town today at- tending the: conference in Oltar,o street' church: and are the guests of Miss Walls, Mr. and Mrs, R.'M,ehlwen spent the week -end with the latter's sister and mother .Mrs. Phelan and Mrs. S, Agnew, and have now gone to take tip housekeeping in 'Montrriii, Mr. IIaz'ry Irlsrhh of i')cteoit,.web motored over, a,. fortnight; ago an6 has been visiting bit parents at Auburn and ,relatives in Clinton, left Tuesday for his home in the City of the Straits. Mr. T. 'I'. Clark of "le editorial stair oC the Toronto Star sai'ad 1.11 Saturday for Tddngland to repres- ent his paperl in the British e'lee- thins. Mr. CIark is well known In Clinton, Mr. and Mrs, W. Itarnblyn ,and Ma's - ter Oswald wove in London on Wednesday attending the wedding o,Pk lir. Oswald blunt and Miss Marion Calcott,' dnrglii,er of Mats, 1a1eo l all of that city. rucetieki The MissionS3and held its 'annual closing tea Saturday afternoon; which. was quite a' success. Their Thank- offering a•znounted to over thirty dol - Mrs. b. D. Simpson gave a Hallow- een party to the young'folks 'Tues- day evening. The ',Christian Endeavor •Society is holding a Halloween party in the basement of the church, this Friday evening. Miss MeCaul of Brussels spent a few days ;at the home of Mr. James Swan. ' The many friends of: Mr. A. T. Scott and Mr. " Fred Tomlinson are pleased to seethein on our streets again after their recent. illness. Mr. and Mrs. Neuart motored to Brantford ,Saturday last, Miss Reah Rowatt of London is the guest of her nether, Mrs. Rowatt. The young friends of Misses Eva and Anne Beattie had a party for them at Mrs. Hugh Aikenheacl's prior, to their leaving fol, their new home in London, and gave them a hand= kerchief shower. Mrs. Grainger of Seaforth visited her son, Mr. John Grainger this week, A very quiet but pretty autninn wedding took place at the Home of Mr,'John Swan on Wednesday, Octo bee 25th, at high noon, when his only ,daughter, Mabelle Anne, was united in marriage to Mr. Edgar W. Mucin, only son of Mr,' and Mrs. "1'. Munn of Hensel 'The' bride enter_ ed the parlor leaning on the arm of her :father to the strains of the bridal chorus played by Miss Eliza - both Scott, and .stood under an arch of evergreens wedding bells, red and white berries banked with ferns and autumn leaves. The . bride was at,_ tended by Miss Ina Scott and Miss Laura; B. Swan, as flower girls car- tying red and white cantations. The bride wore her travelling suit of navy blue tricotine with mink choker, a small black panne, velvet hat and car - vying a lovely shower bouquet of Opbelia and Sweetheart' roses, The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W D. McIntosh, During the sighing of the register Miss 'Oa.lira B. Swan, niece of! the bride, sang very.sweetly, "I gathered a Rose'After con- gratulations 'arid good wishes a buf- fet lunch %vas served and later the bride andgroom motored to Setiforth and took" the three ,,o'clock train for Toronto, Montreal and Buffalo.,On their return the happy couple' will talto up liotisekeepiag on thegreenre fine' farm, in Hay township. Among. those' froth a 'distance who attended the 'Wedding 'were Me. and Mrs. Peter Maim of Ilonsahl `.Cather and mother Of the greo.m, Me, and Mrs. Milton Ortaveirt and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ilourd of London. ti The North Huron 'Cl, F: 0. dict not select a candidate at its meeting In Wingltaun recently. It inay ba that1 Heron will be re -distributed so as to have hr51; two representatives n1 the local hoose, as lit ilio .tederiil,.,. 444444414444::444444464"443444664446444464 1p 44, ...tt 114 RUGS '�I�VI,""41' AFullLineof -11 14'ti, J � ; Lin A� •^ ._L�' � 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4i 4 4 Come and select your Range or aT low prices. Pilot Superior Pipeless Furnace Consult us about 'your heating system. We guarantee the Pilot Su. perior Pipe]ess Furnace to heat your home. The most up-to-date furnace on the market... Saves 25 per cent of fuel over a pipe furnace. 4. 4 4 4 4 Watch our Windows for the Latest in Hardware and Furniture 4 4 4 4 m V Heater:. Also a tete second-hand wood and coal heaters t) nevy., shipmentofCilraniteware Axminster Tapestry and "GOLD SEAL" Congoleum A Full Assortment of Furniture Clinton.114 ilardware and Fiiriiitare 1 Try our Bulbs for Winter and Spring Bloom. Quantities' now in stock: HYACINTHS DAFFODILS NARCISSUS CHINESE ISLI;LES & TTJIsIPS .Prepared soil 15e. a pail, delivered, uoin_ film �m toloribt heltc 31,, 78.2. A new butcher sho died it Goir:ie, has boon op - tato Wonieti an t Giris The Clinton Knitting 'Company Limited have a number of pos. itions to offer girls and women to learn Knitting, Looping, fin- ishing., arid other -operations belonging to the manufacturing of Eine Hosiery, - In the field of, opportunity a Knittieg Mill offers the greatest advantages. 1 It is a well known fact that' no good knitter or loaner need ever be out of employment. 2 The wages earned at this trade are high. 3 Reasonable hours, pleasant and sanitary surroundings; 4 Freedom from nerve rackin • Clanking of :machinery used in other textile factories. ` Ti If Yonlearn your business here, where, we make the finest grade of goods, you sore equipped to Make a position anywhere. 6 We pay you while you are learning, 7 Wo employ careful all 'capable teachers to teach yen a highly remunerative trade. . We areopen to receive 'unlimited applications and will take on the applicants in the order in which they apply' Apply at tete The Clinton Knitting Coi. Offices OP anisonventannemenronnentrosanraterineentennxcreranear m^®ttar ieststononenromnimmein C f t. ro x icl►n rlo�tric Pan ar „Ta�l�acp , Bulbs, Irmo, r FBrs ando� er Appliance e >< ,Xlit W � � e' a.ii; sr f flet � Wiring A8ri ,� lr