HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-10-19, Page 2G. D. MeTAGGART
A genera Banpig Business transact-
ed, Notes Discounted, Drafts Issued.
Interest Allowed on Deposits, Sale
Notes Purchased,
„ .
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial, Iteal Iistate and. Fire III-
eurance Agent, Itempenting 14, Fire
Insurance comPariles-
Division Court Office, Clinton.
Barrister, Soljeltor, Notary Public, etc,
Office Eultrs ;---1.30 to 3.30 p.m,, 7.30
, to 0.00 pip. Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 P-ta.
Oilier hours by appointment only.
office and Residence Victoria St.
is recumidg practise at his residence,
, Bayfteid.
Office Ilotirs:- -9 to 10 a.m. and 1 to 2
nam Sundays -1 to 2 p.ra!, for con.
D,D.S„ L.D.S.
Graduate Royal College ot Dental. Sur-
geons and Toronto University
Has office' hours at Bayfleld In old
Peat Office Building, Nionday, Wed-
nesday, Friday 4.4 Saturday from 1
to 5.30 p.m,
' ''gether; iMrle Wiilleciiiilide and- be sliM;.
wrecked; the one,Whose candle burns
the lengeit will bolthe first one Mar-
01.4driaa COMMUnioatigne ta Aproneinlit, 7ZAdsiaide 8L West. Toronto
testines w1Ffl te twice normal size
from worms. The in.tostines of one
hen that died were perforated, There
are some thirty-six varieties a tiles,.
worms, The worms fourrd in the up-
per intestines are fairly Soft, and
-could readily be killed an digested,
with the ProPer internal means', There
is a large variety of "dop,es." treed:for
.fighting these -worms. Many of the
dopes' are harmful to the bird and to
fertility. The commonest a these
dopes 'Are tobacco, olivo-att and tun.-
pehtine. Tobacco has been used for
yearsas an "eipeller," but more of,
fective, and,less harsh means are how
being used.: One mart even uses eoal-,
oil. More nruelity.
One, experiment station •foulnd that
the best; vvay to. fight the worms was
to give the ground a g000ll scraping
and Cleiviting d'ovvn to fresh earth, and
then treat, the birds. ,
One SiniplY can riot get away from
the need of limited or free range, on
good •grass paSture, for greivling put..
lets. It's nothing less than a crime
to shut up growing pullets in an eight
or ten -foot coop, on &sand floor,'Leg-
harms are'elways busy; we might just
aa Weill let. themspend their energy
scratching for hidden grains, flying
and Chasing the elusive bugs and, sing-
ing, as using thier vices. -I've Seen
blood &opining from a•Leglernepalet,
of which the was 11110/1111Te. But her
metes.knew of it. .Thf, time will eorne
when more of us 'will put the growing
pullets in the green path, instead of
shutting up the :birds in a coop and
cutting the greens" by machinery.
,Wtreddn dropPingboards prevent
the hens front 'getting the :soft-shelled
eggs, and thereby prevent them from
learning to peck at good egigs till they
break. Clearer eggs can be had in
this way, as the hens' feet are not
soiled.' This means fewer hour a spent
cent. of the binds vvill be found on the at night, Washing off stains. One hurt -
roosts, ,ow scratching on the .droprping dred hens ,average from two and one
boards. . A few minutes spent putting half to five soft-slielled eggs a night.
wire over the boards wild help vastly These are valuable, in the yeaeS run.,
in, fighting the worms, as well es pre- Put inclined frames of wire and
'venting the liens fron. eating the elate all around the four aides of the
soft-shelled eggs. ., brooder house, so the chieles will: al -
The first and greatek reason for ways have fresh, cool air under them,
fighting these worms from the, very no matter where or when they try to
beginning; is because Or the food tilicy "pile up." , One ean- use this idea to
take from the flock,day and night. the &ticks' advantage in .any sized
Standard • growth for thenbreed, nor- flock. Thousands of chicks are loot
ma production a normally -shaped ,annually for lack of insurance like
eggs are not the-regulat results when
'there -is an excesS of intestinal worms. An automatic ,water -supply rs fax
The second reason is, the' werins de-- more necessary than. we realize- The
stray, and injure laro-numbers of the hen is helpless, no nrattenjhow well
tiny, delicate cells lining the lutes- bred, ion how gota the laying 'mash,
tines. These Cells play a major.part withent. a steady supply of fresh,
in the final extraction of the blood- clean water. Aileck will average a
enriching nutriment in the pneviciusly-, gallon to each sixteen ;to twenty lay -
digested food, so that the chick is tin- ers. Dry water dishes ,iand red mites
able to reneive any benefit from What will quickly put the egg yield. in half,
little flood the worms have not direct- or, lower. One party reported: "No
ly eaten We' must make every ounce eggs fax four 'spring months." Red
• , .
of food count. Third, by taking .the _mites aid. it. ;
foo; they starie- the ditick,_so thatIt • Cads have ntanY eauses;wormS „are
not only :slows up in grdwing, Mat it prin.-tartly to blame, generally, as they
is overpowered by lice, •and weakened home .so linclermined the bird' s health.
further by 'colds.I have seen whole that it, is ready for a' eold. It is the
flockS- ruined in jUst this way. . sante with poultry as With humans,—
Birds with nn eXcess ef WOrrnS seem illness and poOr health are bbund to
eager for -food, yet they are thin; In resulCfroin a .eillearlY lack of..•stifficient
a short time, there is "nothing to neurishing. feed 'anti elemilineSs. One
therm" Their combs Wattles and of the oldest makers of Taiultry ;die -
faces, loge all color,. anicl-all strength infectantseadvisee us tcekill•an;d burn
and ambition is gape. A brownish, all bad cases,of row, anti never Use
s•ornetinies bloody, diarrhea is often a bird that has hadroup, even if
noticed. I have 'seen sections of: in-. seemingly ourede as a future breeder.
Poultry's Dangerous EnetuY•
Worms exlst in poultry flocks in
o'rerY stage. VV•herea filiek -is raised'
year after year on the same ground,
the soil becomes satUrated with the
tiny egg,s. and growing worms which
are abSolbed into the intestines in
eeveral vvays. Puddles of water around
a well cause much trouble, for the
Chickens will drink this water as they
always prefer dripping or running
water, Oen if ft is contaminated. The
grain arid ,greens grown on this
ground will positively transmit, the
tiny start of mere worms to thesrow-
ing pullets.
Practically all chicks, when hatched,
are normally. endoiVeCl with a few of
these worms. These appeer as very
tiny vihit e specks, that grow and turn
red, and serve -as scavengers in differ-
ent blind sections of the intestines. If
kept at 'normal numbers, they have
our approval, but when they become
so numerous thet they clog up the
intestines, it is long pest lme When
Something drastic should be done to
fight them.
It is easier to kill the excess of
thes:e worms when they are in the
„seed or germ stage, than when ma-
ture ind hard. The lactic acid of but-
termilk will do this. Th .e trouble is,
most of us don't realize what we are
up against until the birds commence
to die. ,
Another and common way fresh
birds &soothe infested is through the
medium of the &lopping hoard. Some
poultrymen use a harmful "expeller,"
such as 'turpentine Or tobacco, which
merely •spreacis the worms on the
dropping boards, fax the other birds to
scratch over and eat. Even if the
worms are dead; they are full of eggs,
and soon beeorne a hotbed of propaga-
tion of disease germs. -
On :cloudy or cold days a large per
Conveyancer, Notary POblic, Commis.
ston'er- etc '
," • Issuer of .Maretagii-Licenses.
Licensed Atictioneer for the County
of Huron. •
Correspondence promptly answered.
Inunediate, arrangements can"be made
fax Sales bate a t TIae. News -Record,
ClinCon,•00 by calling Phone 203.
Charges..Moderate and Satisfaction'
• Guaranteed.
Trains will arrive at and depart . rom
(..ninton as follows:
.buffato and "Goderich Div.
East, dePa
59 -ring We -St dr. ' 1110 .am.
6.08 dp. 6.51. p.m.
Lorinc;u, orein aBruce Eiv,
Gm:1g SOIttil, a.r. 823 Op.' 8.23 WM.
Ging NO‘rtli;depe..tr', 6,50.
." 1.65. [133 a.m,
Fire Insurance Company
'Head Office, SeaiOrth, -Ont.
President, James connolly, Goderich;
' Vice., James Evans, Beechwood;. Sec,
Treasurer, Thos. E. Hays; Seafortla.
Directors: George McCareheY, Sea:* •r.
forth; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; 7. G.
Grieve, Watton; Wm.. lling, Setiforlh;
M. McEwen, ciintenn Robert Ferries,
ilarlock; John Benneweir, Brodhagon;
Jas, OraMPUT. Goderloh. ,
• ,
Agents*i. Alex. Leitch, Clinton; J. W.
Teo, Goderich;'.124 Ilinchray, Sea --
forth; W: Chesney, Egmondville; IL
G. Tarmuth, lithdhogen.
Any, money to be' paid in may be
Pil•id to Moorish Clothing Co., Clinton,
orat Cute's Grocery, Goderich.
. .
Parties desiring to ,affect Insurance
or transact: other business will, be
. ,
promptly attended' to on application to
any a the above officers addressed to
their respective post odic-. Lessen
inspected by the Director who lives
nearest the scene.. •
Any of the Old games, stieli as "bob-
bing fax apples," taking a ring With
tho teeth from a dish of flour, are ap-
ProPriato, for they belong distinctly
to Hallowe'en and we would miss them
it they diti.not appear once a rear.
When it is time for refreshments,
line the boys up according to height.
Have the guile fOrin g line in the
sane manner facing the boys, but
have the line turned, around so that
the Shortest girl stands opposite the
tallest boy. Thus the tallest and
'shortest go together to the dining -
room. Have apples, gingerbread,
doughnuts, pop -earn balls and eider
on tha table; let_ each one take n paper
plate and napkin and help himself
or herself; then the couples eon find it
quiet corner in whish ,to enjoy their
meal. And they will enjoy it.
When baking the doughnuts, put in
ono a ring, in another a small key, in
b.nother a thimble; a penny, a britton,
etc:, in others. . Say nothing about it
to your guests. The one who is Sur-
prised with the ring will epeedily
merry; the key means along journey;
the thimfble and button denote spin-
sterhood or bachelorhood, as the case
may be, and the penny stands for
wealoinith. eke pe
Tp'-cern balls, take one-
half pint of molasses with a pinch of
leech,. stirred Into it, one-half pint of
sugar and one cup -water, Cook with
it makes a soft ball in water. Pour
over six quarts of popped corn arid
-press into shape
Fortunes at a Hallowe'en Party
muko 8on-ae little cakes in muffin or YOU'% e a gaY coquette. I fccr,
geln Pans, droPPIng an imitation dia- But your capture now is ;
inond ring (wraPPoi in waxed Railer) And beforo your ronaance
ir.to ,Orte of them, When ready to You so meek as MOiSeS!
serve refrealimentS) fdieee en a plate
as many calces as there are girls. (49 in for .agrieulture
Serve the cakes to the girls, and the As a modern faimerette,
Poe finding the ring is execled to bo And. You'll raise the biggpst, cabbage
the tlrot one to become engaged. That the world has seen yet,
imudil.43,,.f°1'0;t:locelfb()t5:0' netlquirttliii: You would surely be welcomed l'N'ith
it into squaxes, which Are to 1,,lo .,,,orop_ Yell have such an air and m. fgenion
should bavo wrapped with it a small
mitten eat out of clan/heard or out
of a white kid glove. Of course no
one wants to "get the mitten." -
Forttmes in wrse are always pc:Pil-
lar, so the following inay be copied
separately and placed between the
A witch and an owl began tO Mewl
around the house one night;
The witch had a broom, and bats filled
the room; the kiddies aaa ran 'Ist
And a cat with a tail as high as a
sail, talked "meow -ow—" found
the house,
A pumpkin grinnocl, "Glad I never
sinned ansi was a ways as meek
n as a mouse."
"Hoo-hoo-hoe," esied 'the owl with
never a -*owl, "A :game I have for
the kiddres,
Donkey's tail is off, pin it on, and
aloft, a .fine ,game, too, fax the
When doorbells ,start to ring, and hack
doors to swing, and ghosts tread
lightly the hall; ,
A creep and a shiver down your back
till you quiver and want to fall
thro' the wall.
J.aJck o' lanterns aswing., lights hob-
goblins .bring, be, good in your
awn happy home, '
Fax the awlfulFst things, Jaelas can
sure bring, to boys and girls who'
roam;• -
Once a little brother sassed back at
mother and a ghostess caught him
in his bed, ,
Took him ,and .shook him most out of
his skin, that bad --little brother
in bed.
t;LIINITON, t1 10 r.
'[arms si Subscription,-;ii2.00 per year,
• in 5(55 nee, to Cindiai addresses;
12.10 to the Cr -other foreign
, No paper fliscootInued
. 'tient Sit I ri`OLIVS are paid unlessat
the einem of- the neldiehen The
date to Which, every subsetlntiori 15
paid is denoted on the label.' ,
Advertising Rates---Trensient ad.ver.'
tisenionts; 10 cents per nonpareil
line 'tor irist insertioa and 5 cente
,ner line for eabh subs•equent
tioh. • Small advertisements, not to
exceed One inch, such as "Lost,"
"Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., inserted
once for 35" tents., and each subse.
(merit insertion' 15 cents.
Comniunications Intended for publi.'
cation miot, 50 a guar, antee of good
faith, be accompanied by•the tiarne et
the *writer.
0, E. HALL, M. It. CLARK,
Proprietor. Editor.
lrfert eadubtrr n hheari r bee anidt riec e • swriVea pi 'Yea fax
teeth. Sylvia had a lover., Who had
given her as large diamond ring. Now
, , the eldest sister coveted both the lover
and the ring, so one dark stormy night
she killed Sylvia and Ind her body.
())escribe the storm:and the hiding
of the'body.) One night a short time
afberWard, s'bhe eldest sister heard
footilieps descending the attic stairs;
a tall, white figure entered- her room
and stood beside her bedside.
"Who are your' askedthe sister.
. •
"I am Sylvia," •cane the reply.
"Where is your beautiful hair?"
s t 05,
If you'd go into busyness in Paris
To develop Canadian Styles.
For the 130Ye
Y(xu will take wp aviation,
And; discarding boats and train,
You will travel over country
In your private aeroplane,
The shells are then fastened together
with a touch of paste and the nuts 'You'll be it farmer u•p •to date,
piled in two dishes, one fax the girls you'll accumulate wealth and marry
andh the other fax the boys: ' .late,
; But ,this delay you will not regret
For tho Girls For you'll marry a famous farmerette.
Get your "hope chest" ready, .
Never mind the cost; saving up 1" 'a diamond ring; hut, since that was clean cut off and
You think it's a secret—it's no such
Living's high, but he or she over, practically a uselesrs
si thingl
who hesitates is lost.
Relief feormi
dii1;01.1ciecounialttiscirei jcso aloecoolnasethlv3191-07,1,1,1l
59(590 i 11 a pi e el joints and c,tiff
mausolea., but cannot be perinanenti,v
inlievesi bifcalione.t in10-uett9
91 en1onol PitiltIcin'it'le. great blood -purifying arnl
tonic medicine, lfood's 151traaParilia,
which COrItqitS the field conditleo of
the blood on Which rhetunittlien die
Pftelc'grintililtleae tritileeifIncirs'trel'Ye'ePt.T\*Hot ergPelit(litie.
in the treatment ei this dismnic•
'Some years ago a Canadian Lore t
engineer ivho was doing Some work in
the aentre of one of the secon.d -tier of
counties northward from lake Qattrie
met a men who was fencing -in a hen
died acre lot, The land vra.i what is
commonly,known as a pine barren, an
area once covered by a pine ferest,
You will have a proposal
Placed at your disposal
E'er forty-eight hours roll away.
You needn't start humming
You know it is coming
And you know very welt what you%
You like the military
And the navy you adore;
A soldier ow a sailor
You never find a berm.
I see a little <aloud in your sky;
Engagement "showers" will fall by
and by. -
A ,"Spooky" Hallowe'en Frolic.,
Of course, ,you -will want to have a
H-allowe'en party, for that' is when
stiffness and forinality are thrown to
the winds, and every one has a jolty,
frolicking thne.
Have, your . guests wear the regula-
tion" Halllowe'ml. eostume—a .sheet and
a vvIluite mask. Or the boys may come
as ghosts,. whil'e the girls represent
witches. Evany one 'loves 1 'dress up,
and boys -anc0 girls talk mere freely
if they 'think (their identity is not
known. The Masks can 'be oblong
pieces ,of •clioth,",with slits for the eyes,
"Ail gone," „'
"W.here are your' beautiful teeth ?!'
"AM gone."
"Where is your diamond ring?"
"YOIJ have tit,"
Mgt .s.tringa atoide for ,tying around jump up suddenly • as you say
head. The entire face ' shoul.d be "YOU," and'at this point haye Rome
Coveretl. , one Who knows the st,ery sereani.
' Cut a witch from ,black paper, to fit 'When all have qnleted down tell ,
011 -
any 'envelopes yoti may have on 'hand. other •one ,ae tWo. . • in the nurture. a the growing young. Milkwesid pret• give ninth plentore,-
Write .yoUr inyitation On this jn White Then ple.ce a table in the centire. of Brit this neesen.4impartent es it:111mA arid Many things can be made 100111
ink, The. invitation might read: tlie roont and, ,have yourguests join e,,10 one of tho least. of tile reasons. th,sin, By Tracing two ,black pins
"Hallowe'en we'll celebrate hands arid stand in a circle tisound it why dairying intist centinueeis t c 01 1 ef 1h rod los ,,,yee,!
On 'rues:day evening just at .eight, Plage on 'the teible.,n imw1'..uentaining . The tow hos ld,e,in 'tabs.'. appropriate- • liVe make a bin') ‘v.l.th a be*. . this •
Como as so `spook' aUtl, don't beiate." water. .flalie Roma one play a dirge ly ..designated .eliCifosliter., mother Of slit :along' the t.(de, lreSide, and
The first*Mart of. the evening should op • the piano:While the guests danee Abe 'Inunati raOei ...-pliildb.00d.',S;depten.d- you see a fish Neoli'.1 tee.,:less
be a very qUiet, "spooky" affair. Have aretind the table.: Have ',ready a sal- ence:tipon milk ter its; 'normal,grOwth The chil-dren take the contents ea,
the _roonis flglited, only with Jack -e'- ficient nurither.of fortmies wrapped jn and , healthy, deielOpment is, .so abso- else the trinity pedi fax 'a 1.181(1
lanitirns. Irep know_ it would not he tinfoil,. Toss these,inta the water 'and, lute and co 'vital' to our national Wel- pareArig 111 -911011 .s,tiadc ,aerctiS the 'centre ;
1i,a11shWeeit 5559Lihoul; the porn -stalks,' ask each guest,to ,Snate..11a forttnie .as "fare that darY ' 10- 01 scat, ,ands,aildr.g it -on- the -water.'
,the witches, \the bl,aelt eats and the all continue to :dance., Stith fortunes to be' 1;,be 'One indisriensab'e Ont Cr& eir,o..rds it. is fun 'ta' 1low1,...'i1100e
pumpkin face,s. U•Se these for de- as thoSis, NI:26111dd be lappropriate: ••• • indristry, Textiles may be ."fabricat- c(2 the rs2,E14,4 Up in 4&....‘e air, and try,
°orating. Quetir-theped equaehes make You'll Meet; yOnr wheni- ad•;" foods-produlced by "synthetic pro.- Isake-ro there up.
even more coinica faces than the in youreightieth. pear.' ' .cesses," bthiclinglinmeterialS "substitut- Mothers an neeke beet-J.:ULU fluffy
pumpkiris 1 1 Per ,td- distant...lands Lroarniesi but , gthe,re tom ;no :aaostlimies. for rc.,1,0,7,1, eTionq l eown oil t11,6 myjk_
When the el...tests •begin to arrive, but when you're- broke -you'll conm milk.: It is •atie'protestive- foed -wtozd by taking off the .r.,e,e',3,and, put-;
Station a "spook" in the hall to open back home. :' •dn:the 'human dielarY." ' tegg the eliwn in a ,ce,se. Do this be,'
the door and point the way :upstairs; A 'hand.sonie youth With eyes' of Hence,' dairying carinct 10 °Verdi:the f ore .the clown 1131-0011101 too dry, or it
another should stand inthe upper hall 115555 longs to Sten1 as Itisa:frean you. and the dairy .cow, will neVer. he re- le.:•;•1, fly rfl ahnut, pl',1"„,ows are,
and .point ant the room in which' II-appy,•and jolly yee'll ',Still be when placed, n'either in the nurture Of the o y uzlcfol, V.hey are .soft and ,
guests are td take off their wraps and your 'twenty-fifth grandchild' sits en rate ner the fundaMenbal eoonomics -Refry, 'Even the, trown 553563 may 1111
of the faa'In• . titized, if saved, In the winter, the,
goo' d -srelad Contain ;3a-11-11.1,dpaT,Ty titlim°,!dr:'°e'rs • ornaatli'ael
at least two kinds of, rougha'ge and
making circles, ,..(151.1y10-8, Wreaths
shlottld re:ceive one of these; then be 'When You'Te too olei to chew, a mil- throe kind's 01- gra'"' •
taken by the hand ,andi led clownSteire. lien. dollars rted ..etircr flat picintes. •
hs in -50d c.1-
Thoso assembled will. rise from the , Now it is tinie to, unmask atial The 5jlo Ithui genorallY aeocoied SlrhI'411c'thel. tl'13 c"11
&lot to ineelthe newcomers, and bow pare fortunes; then' they 'will ' -want an..irr4nrane.e; 0, 51114 'f'ar1n d-115 59111 °r!bulut,e11-.toib`IT:::;n.o'117'bsi:o',bTfuhe-‘;..Ybix,Sefiagn,
low, Seat the gnests .in Icircle, and to test the 'foante.sm,nhgdaaivn.e/o,Teshoev.Itliribye , Other c,,,,elges ‘seiclit
try to keep absolute salenee. If any candles used, b
are inclined to Whisper, point to yew: fastened MA -he -halves c.d.' A fruit cee0eniecc ,nontborM"te 0'5 "g" '61 'Pt.,41,1.
sigin• d:;;;;111g;''';',' ,f,or any' an't,tnin; entert-aininent,
Vyhen ',onriugh, have gathme.d and ineitePtaill t 1.1 -1 11 ` s° .f"ir 'S°1eA
Peitkoll' *Ito, is a goad s0 -teller tile candle down in it while it is still P16.1Pl'in 11'nd cut 'it' int'" la;'1'..e hnucitl&'.
stitolilikegiln lie tag .ghost, stories. soft. Paste a letter 5-11 front of b°rd• A citb'ild'ut ;in '7- and1V59 '21Iala0 calc' 4111'10
11n0i0 'tlests detained ai)aboirO light the candles ata'to 1910 11 9 [l er 1000.YEs'
funthed. Ifere is the boats aticol't 10 ii large pan cf.' water, 10a31110 vv,o:'16tnilcs'Ell'.11,1.al
otiblihe'dt One yon coal use filing in Give. oath. guest, a letter So may `the, finnliin,n Witn o time. "They •brighten the
olth' otrittylmotionsfol!Lo owntietccliin.thedlo,proevctclit'i.illeoalni,;(yvan,d have soni'e nelnovo ilia. seeds and I'lle'
• bliprovisOci 'boa.' high with &helm woriclerfultiY. . Terns lend
tvv, .11`7:46itleCtue-a•iii4ettl• wgr:lac: 0W000y06S. 111,U different •Iniats. Seine will cling to the'-•rruil', 'nat. 1.'r118 01''''ea fic'wtrS 1111937 -bb l'iect 16r pi -ase
homely, sides of the pan and their 'o '1•1 ta'accd undetnea411 tile` cadq9.01r0soroh'fajanl'18;ts offerd a great deal
'but Yogliger slater, was lead gine' lives'; soma ivi°11 vita' - b°W1 'With gboa eftet.
. ,
Your Iove is dark and rudely
Brace uP/ 29550 553)5 real eearegea
,Ty Blank" (namino. a oelebrated botadat)
' With a.dashing black mustagite. e
Reverse . your faife--vv,ho knows.; personally nasured rue that they iv -ere
He'll ask you to elope with him, .
But do not be so rash! A taste for showy neckties • ' the most profitable kind of trees. Ono
And fax fashions up to date! has y•eagly harvests of nuts to ;bring
You are naturally fair 'enough If these go wrong it puts you in money while his trees are growing
To need no help from a Powder Puff; In a very nervous state. to timber size." .,
And the man who wins you will surely you are iabliag. melancholy, en;Allin.elertl,i,,a,,tbultsmtrnfen,l'-'ensika.ildivtelsreinf car:isi!
. , carchuistathael:avitepe nael7ithffecerakernewate;sortyriaen.lsanpu:Log,: , foeen,ta,j; i 0 , and is is lavtoticauy certain
The girl who looks well in a gingham , , , , „ I do not think he e • v ec i
Wa., e C. n
1..e. was never in thls country, Walnuts
. will•-gnrow here, but they are native
Before next moon shall wax and wane
Your fate will meet you, it is plain; There's a picture that you carry --
Your love will run neither smooth nor She.'' 'a' wid that you wi..1.11ab.l.ni,eal.rbYli'ild I hE°.11.1Ye. a. d'Tohnd'ag
fast ' 1 if walnuts are no. aval i -. ege is cui w ai is is more
. . ,
But all will come out right at last. fold the guestseand lieaci them one nt 1 piertficullarly tome of -a special •arld
* tirne into a dimly lighted room jUst probably tender variety, This land
You feel as restless longing— before refreshments are served, Re- once grew some of the fittest white
. discontent— " Hove the bandage and, to weird music; pine Canada ever produced.. In spite ` -
You think fox bigger things that ythi produced by tin pans, 'whistles, -etc.,' of fires and ,catible, white pine is strug-
gling, as you s,ee, to" cover the pound.
again; Why ndt grow white pine, when
nature is meaity to meat you halfway?
Walnuts •are a gamine; pine is a
certainty." ,
-However, the -walnut 1555529 with his
California guarantee was not to be
Th,e girls all lilce you;
Eind your voice,
Step boldly •outt
And make e choice.
A scientific farmer
Of reputation rare,
You'll have a prize exhibit
At every county 1 air,
You'll be a breezy auctioneer,
YOu've •sueli a winning way!
You'll hold the crowds ,and sell the
And how you'll make them pay!
Doomed to be a bachelor? -
Too timid to propose?'-
weete. Any fanin taken up in the
.airea had Ibsen abandoned, and the re-
peated fires -and the running of cattle
had up to that time frustrated the
attempts a pine to comn
e in agai,
although around, old trees that had
been left, clumps of young trees were
bravely maleing .start,
Learning that Ire. was talking to a
forest engineer, the man doing the
fenein,g proceeded to ex..P!ain that he
,was a Canadian, who had reslded a
long time in the United, States, and
that he hakt now •come to Canada
to try his fortune growing soft-shelled
walnuts on tins cheep land. 'file for-
est engineer saitY•that growing trees
was a geed; inirestthent, if a long-time
one, but he asked, "Why plant ,soft-
shelled walnuts?" "Beeaat3s
.. Were•Mearte; " " . tu el eeradtiences to a witch
'Tis womies (lay, keit all your powers whoaseatecl in 'et .' dim cave and re -
be spent • . I opivedl. his or her fate, written on
To -rn,ake you the first woman conise, brown paper,- and- tied with-
- President, . black thread. Those who enter -first
are allowed to yernain in a dark:earner
You're nevernnore bewitchin' to watch the ,others: ,When the for -
Than when you're •in the kitchen, tunes have been distributed the witch, dizsaeaded; Re „pea 0.0fisitterabq,„
With the color in Yonr 'Cheek: like -a disappears- to,tho clatter of pans, and' money in planting Solteshelled wai-
1 rose, , . , the g'ileisfaa'll'file'?into the dining -room nuts-, ,and is now back in the United
Whea I was a girl ---a sort of a whir/ And a 'little smudge of -flour on your *here they •open' anci; reaci„their -for- States at hils,old job; convinced that
.. ..--a. hobgoblin saw 000 one nig!lit, : "' :note! - tunea'. ) • " • -.., •', foaeilry is,a boosoosi. In the =entwine,
Washin'.dithes'en Hallowe'en, wora- the--wdrite piirshas tontintrecl to come
- est faciTd 'ad seem popped 'at back and in a few yearS there will -be
goth.oliehat. t,, my face aS white as a Parents as, Educators
walnuts were as failure. It is ,a good
the township in -which his eolteshelled
that winder in Sightn . ,county forest of fine y•oung pine in
My heart pit -a -pat, didn't' ,stop e'en
And .a pie -face was., there, • "No!" The Uses of Nature -Material in the Horne
but ras a 'butiniess proPosition-tt is 'bet -
plan te experiment with exotic tree:s,
.. "No!" "r -wasn't scared" ( ?) that ter to -start growing the best of atm
Hallowe'en night with that host. , ' BY EM1VLA. B. DASHLEY.
, , • ---L--.) --- The little -child should make na- of •ainirseinent. Tio make as baby doll, Caneffian native species, than which
Dairying, a Permanent In- turre's acquaintance a.S. a friend and use three sizes of these nuts, ithe,sniall 1 for the ,production of structinal Mtn-
. , . . ,
• • playmate and hi so doing he will store one for dim head and, the large one'her there are no finer in the World.
up joY an& 'peace fax his after yearsfor the b•ase. Punch a hole through . , o - -.,
No matter what •thials beset Agri- KnOwledg,e of nature makes a child the centre if the middle end lower The Vagabond Song.
cincture, dairying is and will always realize more fully hie 3)5001- 111 the in- ones,and the ihiase ,of the• upper one. There is soine thing in the:autumn that
con,tinfle to be one of -Its profitable finite concePtion and • gives . him a Then put a •toothpick through to cone , 1,0 „dative to my ba,00dc_
and its most secure venturea. The background 'of beauW, Through gijaY 11.!ccb 'them 'and 1.1110 half ableks'01.; Touch of manner, hint of mood,
resions 4?.,',.e 110,1- fax 'to seek. Ever the child can first be introduced ete arms. _Mark or pierce eyes, nose and And my heart is. hike it rhyme,
since` the days of primitive man the 'the absorbing vmrilicli of nature about mouth for th.e fai6e, soeet a
liarge With the yellow and the purple and
hurnan race his used hinge prellog I i n. ' ' flat rart:for a ,stool, ,using three Pine the crimson keeping time,
tions of animal; food. - As popaation The stringing of nature moterialein fax legsl'eor pert a.aeiv •of five pins ••
presses, ,meat id partially replaced"bY the fall'iS very fascinating to children on top along the edge 'and weave Yarn The scarlet of ther maples can 'shake
vegetables in the'diet. Nowhere, how- beoause' of the- various cams and In.and. (int fax a back, and we have .al• me -like a cry ,'
ever, has, aninita food been entiraY 'shapes averhable. Cam and peas, chair. &Ilk nubs' and cones cart be Clf bugles going bYi
abandoned. . Since the dairY cow is pninpkin and squash seeds may be ilisetl for hiding' games and nineepins, And my lonely 'little spirit thrills
the nrost econonoical-Producer of hu- gathered land strung With the joint- In gathering seed,s, look far ..as To sce the frosty asters like smoke _
man food frona4he grain and' vonErn- ;weed, that is found, In damp places many of their.seed houses as you ea,ni; • upon the hills. -,e
ages of, the farm, the .inorea,sed con- and can be cut in. inch., iengthq. This and in 'opening the, pods, ,emphenaze mii,s,re is someb.hirig. Ili octo3er setscal,
sumption of 4-1EqtY products -is coinci- reed gnows to n height of two feet, the .pff
roteetion aorded by each, In '
dent with the inorease of human 1)05911- and has a Mack and white ring' be- tlis way, the chrldren come to know gypsy blood astir;
kitten. This is :onentital reason, why tween the joints, which midis greatly We must rise and follow her
dairying moat Continue. tpmliefiriap'oefwe ii•nei eae ,nbu :T.:he' a ne ,,,,01,:t'aha 1 roe ri Re .4:se. ,,:rt it 1::: nt:::d51:1:: When from every hilt of flame
Of all the enterprises in which -men hboiipl'.sb,1 tahiP,013rneilaripanplc.:•,an, lidi'tbt:ra-usiwbYeetil. °'asne.c-I
engage, love stock husbandry is the mountaineash Then:des are very artigie
in -oat alluring and the most enjoyable. strung With this joint -weed, .combin- it's far better, to have the cemsnt
But live stock husbandry rests wholly ing 'one, tWo cm three ef, the red ,With- floor a -ahenhOuse set ,on a ,s#, to ten
upon mammalian. life ---life that de- .one i -Jif the green., We string them, in inch layer- of ece.rse, stones. ;Damp, dry room where there is a gOO,C17-01 0 -
pends upon mother's milk. In ,ordinatY the fields using No. '3 Sh,aape's needles ness is fatal to hens.. • .ctilatiOn c.f. -air. ' , .
farming the nrilk of the 'sow to freely and No. 30 thread, and tat- the children • ' ,
substi•tuted LOT ',that of other unimads 'Uaear their thiini home. • -
She calls and calls each vagabond by
name. - .
—131iss Carman.
Squash should be stored in a worth,
Biraffes Freckles,
Mx, Doolan, and Mrs. 'Doolau were
standing -in astonishment before the
giraffets cage. In a travelling meting -
"Be the povirdS, Biddy, but that
baste must come 'front a Country
phwere the tun bennoighy sarong and
"What etae yez mean, Polix?"
"Be the taints, just look at the size
of hiS frecklee."
Save a, few the best headfs of
sunfloWers, we pick them from the
tallest and stoetest stalks with the
largieSt heads that are Well filled With
viunrp Seed, 'The heads are thoretigh.
ly &led ,and then shelled ea in a
large boX Where .iirey eat be stirred
otertaionally .60 prevent mead,
don masks. Neither .should speak,. but your knee. •
each should wear as sign On the l There's ,one here to -night' who loves
words, "SPEAK, NOT," shoUld, be you well, but this ones name I river
printed; Each guest when ready,1wili tell.
Many women with disfigured complexions
never seem to think that 'they need an occasional cleansing
inside as well as otzt8ade, Yet neglect of this internal
bathing.shows itself ih spotty, and sallow complexions -0a
well as in dreadful headaches and biliousness. It's because
the liver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates
which Native canna t remove without asststunee. The best
remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach andLiver Tablets. which
stimulate the liver to healthy activity, remov 11 fermentation,
ent.ly cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone the whole
igestive system. Sure, sae and reliable. Take one at
night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning. Get
Chamberlain's today ---druggists 20e., Or by mail from
Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto 13
recessC eY greg;74720
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