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The Clinton News Record, 1922-10-12, Page 4
• ER'S STORE NEWS To those who wish 1S to do cpm© papering this ,: fall, .:... r A g we a e Fully rarapareci>'�s rrur'`stool is large and receiitlj'.replenished• with the new lines. ) A -ROOM :WELL 'PAPERED is': HALF -FURNISHED OurpaP ers are either seri trimmed or trimmed by hand -free. T. C0OPE :CLINTON' . ucti6n Sales. ,Auction Sale 01 farm stock, implements, house hold ,effects, etc. The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by'"public auction at lot 14,:•conces- sin 11, .S Stanley, tow uship, on on - day,. October 166, at 1 o'clock pan,' sharp, the following: Live Stock General:purpose'emare,:'•heavy -draft', gelding, rising -4 yrs; cow supposed to be in calf, due in March; 7 steers: about 1,000 lbs. each; '3 stocker steers; yearling heifer; 2 2 yr old heifers; 2 pigs; about 75 hens. Im- plements, etc. -Deering mower, 6 ft cut; , hay .rake;;cultivator; Massey - Harris bean ,cultivator and stuffier; scuf8er; set Diamond "harrows M- IL Seed'. drill; fanning 66111 2 walk- ing plows; Cangareo plow; wagon; wagon box; stock.: rack; hay rack; top buggy; road cart; .Portland At - ter; bob sleighs, 'wheel barrow, cut- ter pole, neckyokes and whifiletrees; set heavy 'team harness„ set single harness; "5 tons of hay. Household effects -Pandora range, .Quebec leav- er, new; sideboard; clipboard; num- ber of kitchen chairs, 6 -dinning room chairs; bedsteads; couch; sewing ma- chine; hall rack; hanging lamp; cream separator; Connor` washing, -machine; New :Perfection .:coal 'o11 stove, 3 burners; ` oil ''heater; and numerous other articles, Terms of sale:- 45 and under,, cash. Over that amount 12 menthe' credit will be given` on furnishing approved joint notes. 5 per cent.' off for cash, en credit' amounts. 'Geo. W.. Elliott, Proprietor? Geo. H. Elliott, Auction- eer. 4 70-2 Auction' Sale„ Of farm stock, implements and household furniture, Iot 20, Huron' Road, 1` mile east of Clinton.. en Tues day, October 17th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following: Horses -horse,- '11 years old; horse, 10 yrs old; gelding, 5 yrs; old. ' .Cattle -Cow, clue Oct. Bow due December; cow due Janua0 cow due,. in April; cow 'due in may; Jersey cow due March 1st; ..4 steers 1 yr old; Heifer, 1"'yr old; 4 seeing j calves; brood sow with litter 3 store pigs; 60 hens, thoroughbred :rocks;: 35 pullets. Implements-41.- E. mplements-eM:II. binder 6 ft cut; mower 5 A But;. Deering hay rake, nearly neiv;' 20, sap pails ander spiles; Clover Leaf manure spreader; Massey -Harris' hay loader neatly new, 10 hoe seed drill; disk harrow; cultivator; single riding. plow; walking plow; set of iron her- rows; lioinber wagon;. old wagon; 2 buggi,es; set of .rbebsleighs; cutter; stuffier; Massey -Harris, root pulper; - cutting, box; . crusher; ,Clinton fan- ning mill; 2 , h, p., gasoline engine; pump jack; circular saw; set of sin- gle harness; set of double harness; set of plow Harness; grindstone; 18 ft }adder; buffalo;robehorse brant, ets; 15 tonss'of timothy.hay;'bladc-.' smith bellows and anvil; 57 stooks of corn; 600 bricks; grain bags; chains; 30 cement tile; forks; shovels; whiff- fletxees and other' articlestoo nuni- crous to. mention. Household effects' -2 Art Souvenir coal heaters; wood *heater; quantity of stove pipe; kit- chen table;' kitchen chairs; sideboard e'teneion table;,2 1ounges,'Ibed stead stands; set of'bedrooni dishes; gram-, -opheie; pictures; dishes; hanging lamps; -2 feather beds; washing, ma- chine; Daisy churn; ,No. 12 DeLaval cream "separator; incubator;'brooder; verandah screens. Everything -to be sold as proprietor'has sold his farm. Tennis: -Hay, hens, household effects' and all sums of $10 and,under, Bash, 'Over that\ amount twelve months credit will be given ore ,furnishing bankable, papeas or a discount -of 5, per atiiluln, allowed for cash on cred- it amounts • Wm. Shipley, Propri- etor, Geo, 14. Elliott, Auctioneer. '70-2 Auction Sale • Of farm stock and implements, at lot 18, London Road, 14 -anile south of Brucefeld, on Thursday, Oct, 19, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following • ;- I-iorses-Good work horse 7 years 1400 lbs; mare 4 yrs 1300 lbs; Agri- cultural colt 2 yrs; driving mare, euiet and reliable; aged; working mare. Cattle -Cow 4 yrs due Dee. 24, cow 6 yrs due Mar. 28, cow 7 yrs due Dec.: 21, heifer 3 yrs due Dec. 3; 'heifer 3 yrs due Dec. 0; steer' rising 3 yrs, heifer, rising 2, 2 steers rising 1, heifer rising 1, 3 spring. calves, 5.pigs, about 150 ib. each, sow due to profit 25th of November, 80 hens. , Massey -Harris, 7 it binder, Deering -mower 6 ft, 11 hoe fertilis- er dti11, 174L -HH, cultivator, toiler, rake 10 Ilse grain .drill, fanning -mill, ?rug- gYr lumber wagon, hay rack, gravel, box, wanting plow, (Verity); riding plow, Perrin; 7 se, harrows, sleighs, cutter, set of butter scales, 4 lb: to - • parity, sugar .kettle, 2 apple, drying screens, screen, door, lawn / croquet set, pulperi Wheelbarrow, gaso)3ine, engine 21 h. p., qu'antity of Shafting and pulleys, DeLavalcream separa- tor, Daisy churn, No. 3, galvanized water:trough, ''w d wooden water trough, galvanized lining; 40 ft rubber drive belt, set of breeching harness, set o1 backbend harness, 2 'set single har- ness, number of kitchen chairs, quan- tity of door oil cloth, coal: heater with oven; quantity .of ' rag "carpet, lounge, bed stead and ` springs, 2 small cupboards, large kitchen table; folding' lead table, chicken coops,. dishes; -'pins Bots, 'milli "pails, Rayo hanging lamp, grain bags, forks, shovels,-whiffletrees;' neckyoke '=and other articles too numerous to men- tion. Everything to be sold as pro- prietor Is giving up farming This is an exceptionally good line of ini- �iloments most of ,them -nearly new. Terns: ell sums of $10` and under, 'cash, over that amount 12 months /credit will be given on furnishing ;ap- proved notes or a discount of 5 p, c. Ter annum allowed for cash on credit amounts. DAVID BEATT9, Proprietor.. GEO. II. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. 70-2 Auction Sale • 01 farm, Earth stock, implements and household furniture, lot 10, conces- sion 1, Hullett, Huron Road, 4 miles east • of Clinton, five miles west of Seaforth, on/Tuesday, October 24th,. at 1 o'clock, sharp. The farm con- sists of 100 acres- more gr less, `3 acres of hardwood bush, 2 acres of good' bearing orchard, balance good, tillable, land in high state of cultiva_ tion, 'watered by four good wells well 'adapted for pasture •"or grain growing. 20, acres fall plough- ed, ?balance seeded to grass. On •the premises are a good nine -roomed brick 'residence, barn 40x66, stabling in ,first class condition, large straw shed and driving shed,20x50.(FIorses -Brood mare, 11 yrs old;.agricul- tural mare, 4 yrs old; 'filly, 3 years old; driver. Cattle -2 ;:Fresh cows; 2 milking 'since' July; 2 2 yr old steers; 2, 2 yr .old heifers; 3 yearling steers; 2 yearling heifers; 4 calves; 2 sows;;'about 100 hens. Implements -Wagon and box; set of bobsleighs; top buggy; log bunks; open buggy; cutter; walking plough; stuffier; 10 hoe drill; No. 12 DeLaval cream •sep- arator; root pulper; speed jacks; bag holder; bag truck; stable ,seat; 2 iron pig troughs; pig rack; 2 set of heavy harness; string of bells; set of single harness; new churn; small quantity of tile; - number of cedar posts; iron vice and fools; pile of pine lumber; neckyokes, forks; grain bag's; and other articles too numbr- one to ,mention.. Furniture -Bel - room -suite; spring; • mattress coal oil stove; tables and chairs; sewing machine; kitchen 'cupboard; refrig- erator; dinner,bell; flour bin.. Terms on chattels su5ns.of $10 and under, cash, over that amount 10 months; credit will he given on furn- ishing approved joint notes. • A dis- count of 4 per cent. straight off .for cash. Terms on farm Tilade known on day of 'sale. Mrs. J. D. McDer- arid, P oprietrees, G. H. Elliott, Auc_ tioneer, 70-3. • ' Auction Sale : , , Of farm stock and implements will be held at lot' 21, Con. 16, Goderich township, 11/2 miles west of Clinton, on Friday, October 27th, at -1 o'clock sharp. Ilorscs-Genei;,a1 ' purpose horse, 4 years; driver, "6' years. Cat- tle=Cow, 0 years, due March 3; cow, 9 years, due April 1; cow, 4 years, clue May 10; cow '4 yrs, due May 24; farrow cow 3 yrs. old; 2, 2 yr, old heifers; 4, 1 year old heifers; year- ling steer; 3 spring calves; 20 hens, 30 pullets, Barred Rocks. Irnple- inents--M.-H. binder, 6 ft cut; M'. - '.TT. disk; 1.0 hoe dxi11; root .pulper; set of. Diamond .harrows; set drags; horse rake; Deering mower;, scufller; turnip chill; top buggy; Clinton ;fan- ning• mill; pheaton; sit single harn- ess; satdight botbsllelgilis; ?cutter, neatly new; buggy pole; and whiffle. times; Harness cupboard, tool chest; Uncia cream separator; Daisy Churn; 3 sap kettles; 2 ladders;:somo'liouse_ hold effects and other articles. Terris Ali sums of $10 and 'under, cash, Over that amount 12 months credit will be allowed on furnishing approv- ed joint notes or 41, discount of 5% giVon for Cash, H, J. Hibbs, pro- prietor, G. IL Elliott, Auetio'neee'. 714', AaiCtlen Sale Of farnt stock 'and'il1np1emefits at lot 28, con 4, Mellott, 1 /. sibs north of Clinton on 13ase line, oa SVdch.1es- jf -Octobi;r 25th, at sx Bloch sharp the followings Iloi eb--•Tlorse, 9 yrs. 010;, horse, 4 1r.. ell; brood mare, 6 yrs. old general i>urpe c mare, 4, yrs; all; 2. Yearling colic Cattle - 3 , the -3 fresh cows with calves et foot.; black Bow to'freshen 'time of Sala; 0011: Bow to::,freshen time of , sale; cow to freshen' January 4th; 2 yr, old heifer to fres'lieau Fehivary 21t; heifer to freclxen "November. 14th; heifer to.freshen, April 21; 2 spring calve -s, 6 yearling heifers; 2 year- ling steers; 3 pigs; 3 young brood sows, all stock i* .in good shape. Tinplemonts-Cutter; buggy; Deering disc; scaler; coon scufllot and bean harvester; 3 inch time wagon; 21/2 in. tiro wagon; pea harvester, gang Plow; walking plow; _set scales; set of single harness set of double hor- nes and other articles, Terms; All sums of. $10 and cinder, cash, over that amount 12 months credit on ap- proved joint notes, 3 per cent for cash on credit amounts. Walter Mair proprietor. ' Geo, 1I. Elliott auction.. '71-2 TIIE COMING CHURCH (By Byron .Stauffer.)' (Reprinted . from Toronto Star),, This was among the last published articles of `the late • preacher and writer: "Social salvage will,. be the supreme program of the church to -morrow. No other excuse for living will be accepted by thinking mien from reli- gious organizations.' . ' A Methodist Bishop visiting' a„CoL orado village of a thousand people was, shown a •Lutheran church, then a, Methodist, • then an- Evangelical, ,then a Baptist, then an Episcopal, fxnallu anotherEvangelical. "Why h y the two Evangelicals?" asked the bishop; "don't they both believe the same doctrines." "Oh, no!" exclaim 'ed the native. "The people in the • brick Evangelical believe that Adam was innocent at first and then. •fel., into sin, but the frame church folks, assert that,he was just an ornery son of-a-gun'froni the very start." • • • From our practical viewpoint :of :iso -day,, that. -illustrates about all the difference the vl.i1_0 man can see'. between.manv of, our churches. Net that note of 'divergence: in antiquat- ec: doctzins is' keeping apart many little companies of earnest social workers in villages and towns, pre- venting their holding united meet- ings for worship, violating their en- ergies and pauperising their churches and their pastors. When once the rank and file of these- religious wdrkers realize that 'the -Moral", mental and even physienl uplift- of men, women and. children constitutes the church's supreme task in -4113, eorniiunity, they -will take natters into their own ,rands and put an end to'the present intolerable situation. , They are doing this in the beauti- ful ' village of Exeter, where" the Presbyterian church and oneof the two. Methodist churches have made a compact to unite; next summer and form the First -United Church of Ex- eter. It sounds pretty good. They will have larger audiences, (better music and even though. ' the same preacher offiieiates better preaching, for .better congregations will always make, for better sermons,: .Wewill, suppose that all the church-` es of 'Exeter will ultimately uflite. Since the .entire Population of the village is but sixteen hundred, and that of its tributary, territory 'about the sane, one church would' not have such a stupendous task after, all when it is :remem-bered that many a city' church as ' a congregation of five thousand and more, counting' child) e adherents,• non -attendants, and all And think what that would mean for ' Exeter. The leading ` citizens would meet as a church board te. plan for the moral : needs of the town. Wliiat the village " 00011011 does as to sidewalks 'and highways, lighting and water supply, the church vestry meeting would do for the community's spiritual welfare. -"- It would be hard o exaggerate the dignity of .such az/ institution in a community or measure its power Social salvage would be practical then. .The family that has, slipped a cog would feel the tug of the en- tire village,'. The youth would sec the leading- Hien o£ the town at,' "l1iurch; that alone would mean'liiucll' to him all through life. Every man and woman 1n a co ii.v nitinity is either an asset oi' a liabil- ity, either adding; or subtracting' from its iilora1 capital, either plus A or minus A. The aim of the Master and all His real followers -. is to change the minus 0550 5121) a 'plus. Away with thespeculattons about the end of the world, the return of the Jews, .the rising and sinking of continents, the possibility of talking with the dead, "The Son of .Man is come to seek and- save that which 4s lost." 'Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin of Ilonsall were given a reception. on re_ turning from; their wedding trip, by J. Young and family, at , the Com- mercial Hotel. Afterward they were presented with a couple of handsome armchairs by the employees : of the Jackson factory,, of which Mr. Good- win is manager, Tuesday evening they were given a kitchen shower at the home of. the bride's cousin, Mrs. •3. Clark, .by a ntnnbor of girl friends. ' At the annual meeting of the Sea forth Highlanders' 'Band, held recent-. ly, , the fo'lloWing officers were elected, President, Melvin McPhee; vice-president, E. L. Boit; secretary_, treasurer, D. Reid; managing coin; inittes, M. iMeLeod, .De Reid and 0 Snowden; auditors, M. McLeod and M. ,Smith, TSO reports read by:• the' van lens ' offieialls showed the , past seasoft; toy� have: been a meet a suite " t1111one 7r,om,C'V03-71 stiniclpeint; UNDAM SCHOOL CO,NVE,NTJON 1� ffy-eeventh Annual T'rgvinc'ial Convention' of the Ontario 7leliglouo Edueation.•Coun it Meets, in �., 'Toronto, October 23=.,2 $ The fifty-et:venth Annual Provincial Convention of Sunday School,Workero or the Province of Qnt'ir'io is to be held in 1\lasaoy' Slap, Toronto, dur- ing the Met week of October. 1t is,4xpected; that 3000 delegates from ad ; parts . of the Peovinee will ,be in attendance. The" arrangement for carrying through the extensive' prograreneof addresses, conferee• cos, departmental and denomination- al 'rallies and sessions are being under x taken by nine Committees set up by the Toronto Religious Education Council, under the direction of Rev. G, W. Donnie, Ouccessor to Rev. T. A. Ilalpegny, as • General Superin- tendent o; the Ontario Religious Ed- ucation Council. AT LAST A GLIMM'ERING OFI SENSE That those centres desiring. day- light saving alter ilheir business hours to suit, instead of inconven- iecning others by installing' daylight saving, was the basis of a resolution passed by the Ottawa Oominereial Travellers' Association on 'Saturday' Wendorf's - Homemade Candy is fresh and ,good, , Have you tried it? Ernest .Laxton, of Usborne town- ship, while operating a grain grinder on Friday afternoon last on the farm. of les brother-in-law, Frank,Cpates, got his right hand caught in One of the cogs, and so badly mangled that i was necessax'y to amputate four fingers. 1 ' iill0l�II�IIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111I1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIlPlllll9�l Fruitr-, & Produce `C� Sale' are re increased e Ity Lona Distance Quotations from :recent Deports: "Of 48 cars of fruit for immediate Sale, two-thirds+,, were sold by Long Dis- tance." •"%i of our calls are from customers "CoIlect," our Company, paying the charges.' "We use Long Distance frequently at night, by arrangement with corre- sporideut5. 'Sold most Of our canning pack ,by Long Distance." . "Whenever T have a sur- plus of produce I use your classified directory to get in touch by.Long Distance with new .customers." Tee can tell ye t how to apply Long Distance to almost any business MRS. C. RUMBAED Manager 14111.441):1* s c71'H. ft ppe it in the aunt and bi,stric;t 1tiiss 1llabel Adella, d31uglltef n't Mrs. J 75: Jackson, 114orriO, ?vas quioi, ly married on Satrudity ;week at the home of her brother.). Mn.Arthn Jackson, Mimico, to i'• a+rederick Alfred. Ilag-gilt, also of Mortis. The ceremony wee performed by Rev Mr. Johnston, ate newly" wedlod 01uie10 returned 011 "Motiduy to tlio g home 0)i the 9th :of Morris. 0' The port at Goderich stands third as a grain handling port, the ship- ments from . Aug. '1st; 1921, to July 111h, 1922. totalling 16,63.8 bushels, IC has handled an 1 ed 322 G38 bushels of flax, the seeopoi largest amount handled a`: any Canadian port. The new filtration plant at ,ICin- cardine is nearly finished and the town. will soon . have a Supply of pure water, The, neighbors and friends of Mr. and 'Sore,Townsend of. Gorrie ,pre. sented them, on their return from their wedding trip, with a handsome mantle clock, - The Walton School lair, held Wed_ nesday week, was a great success. 'A concert was given in the evening at which a,comediair from Toronto, Miss Cook, Hensall, ;elocutionist, and "the. Phelan, Orchestra, Clinton;, frunished the program • The Proceeds of the en- tertainment anionuted to $175. The induction of" the Rev. W. D. McDonald o?Atwood'into the Pastor- ate of Egmiohdville Presbyterian church .will take place' on Friday of this week, • . The anariiaige .was solemnized ate the Seaforth manse on Saturday week Of •Anna Elizabeth, daughter of a. and Mrs J. G. 14I cMi heel of Ffax- c purhay, and James Alexander,Rerr Of Seaforth; The Rev. 'Dr. Larkin - Performed the ceremony which made them one, • Mr. and Mrs. William Stanley,, Kincardine, announce the engagement of their youpgest daughter, Verna Wilda, to Carman Edmund" Stothers, B. A., son of-NTrs. William Stothers, Luelcnow, the marriage to take place - early in November; GET READY,' EOR THE 'CHASE Special Train for Bunters- 't The open' season for hunting) dem. anmoose in Northern "Ontario is rapidly approaching. South of, the French and Mattawa rivers Novem- ber 5th To November 20th inclusive; north and west of these rivers, Octo- ber 25th to Novefiibel 30th inclusive. North of the Teanscdhtinental Rail- way Line thecseason is from: Sept. 45th to November 15th' inclusive., The ,Canadian National Railways traverse the fines£ hunting territory' in this country. This fact with' their special and "regular train ,ser- vice :hakes "The National Way" the preiiii00 Inc forthe hunter. The hunting grounds are so vast there is game for everyone. The selection of grounds us•a: most important matter and. one, which .re- quires careful study. The territory reached by the Csanadian National lines north of Parry Sound Is already a favorite one, but the new country, east and west of Capreol is as yet comparatively little known ;to 4@re hunter and should, therefore be high ly attractive to the follower of the deer and moose. The Canadian. National Railways are providing special, train service, which 'With regular trains will neer all demands.. , . Special trains will be operated'' as follows:` Leave Toronto Union Station -11.15 p,m. October 31 for Capreol and intermediate points, and 1L15 pini, November 2nd, '3rd and'4th for Key Junctionand inter mediate points. The usual ample accommodation of sleeping cars, bag, gage cars and coaches will be 'pro- vaded:Gi�k The Annual Hunter's Leaflet is - shed by s-shed;by the Canadian National Rail- ways is now ready for distribution," and may be obtained en : application to any agent of the Company, or write General. Passenger Department Room 207 Royal Bank Bidy., Toronto, 71-4 The 1ll11011 IVledieol A isooiation met iii ,Blyth host VVe;thetday, oloig the pests of Th'. Milne, Mr, C. 1,, Moore, who recently re, signed as malaa0•e5 'of the Coderieh branch of `the Dpininicn ,toad Man 0100017Co., wins tendered ti banquet by 'the staff and presented with as gold -headed cane' end bars, Moore with a handsome boualuet, Mrs. Alex :McNo'vin pf Goderich end her `son and two daughters leave ti;ls week for Los Ang,'elea, Cal., where' they ,intend Snaking their home, RH'E11T!Si: Templetou'a Rheumatic Capsules have become the Standard Remedy for Rheumatism, Sclatian; Neuritis ittldi,utpbugo ?bousandshave been ' restored to heultitthroughT.R,C,'a. Kt you suffer, get a 'box at your ,Drugglst'q to -day. Don't let paip apo the best years of your, lite. TH L standard Remedy t; , ,S Sold by J E. Hovey, Clnton, Ont, 'ltiav, AM' C, to Mrs. 'J'ifinf of :lar atternied tl Se-ailaerioge of his nephew Mr, John Ewart Taylor, to lIlisl • Ida, daughter of Mr. Joseph 1laeketl, of Ashfield. The corcniony Was , per- formed by Rev, A. C. Tidin; losiamasi Foolish Savings A penny saved is not "always' ,a penny is earned. Sometimes penniesto etlliles ittwo et. The merchant who s pA ends nothini; on ad- vertising verth.ing loses Much more than saves; The money,,s ent for plate glass windows is 9 P °nut looped on as lost; nor is the money spent on better interior, g li htin .. g Anything that•iucreases favor, that adds to sales, that multiplies customers,. is very properly regarded as a good investment. Advertising is a good investment -just as lass windows are. Advertising plate g g in - ±' sell more goodorto more persons ;than, shop windows do. ' A W � TO iikE PUBLIC L)oou resent having ai y avi g a ecercb ,1s t address his message to ydu in the form of an adver- tisement in ()tar co columns? lu ? Onthe Io contrary is not, your impulserespond to res• and tdy' his • friendly overture? Shophe Invited Where You are � v;l>t d fo Shop 1:114110 MT. rardiaorrabg1 Alright '41R Tablets stop sick headaches a'rolaove bi ietis attacks, toneand,regulate_ the eliminative organs, make -you feel 'find. - "Bettor Than Pilin Per Cher ills” a cut 260. Dox,' Sold Iby J. E. Hovey, Clinton, Ont. is ` Real Good Soap. Quality and. Quantity. "Do you . use it in, your. house?" 147 [:R•AN I:HMI ► K s',ri,rl>; mat_ TRAIN SERVICE TO TORONTO' Daily Except Sunday. iJ Lve Goderich , . 6.00 ,a.m. 2.20 p.m. Lve Clinton . ' 6.25 a.m. 2.52 p.m. Lve Seaforth ., 6.41 a.m. 3.12 pen, Lve Mitchell .. 7.04' a.m. 3.42 pen. Aro Stretfoed... 7.30 a.m. 4,10 p.ni. Arr Kitchen,..?., , 8.20 aan. 5.20 pan. Arr Guelph .... 8.45 a.m. 5.50 p.m. Arr Toronto , . 10.10 min. 7.40 pm, RETURNING Leave Toronto 6.50 a,m.; 12,55 pm. and 6.10 pan. Parlor Cafe ego Cederich to To- ronto on morning train and Toronto- to •Goderich 6,10 pm. train Marler Buffet car 'Stratford to To- ronto on afternoon trill% 0.E, horning, i).P.A., G.T.R. System Jobit. Ransfoid &• Son, Phone 57, Uptown .A.g'enth., '