HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-10-12, Page 12171 --43rd Year
We say as many good words about other people as we can.
We would appreciate it if our friends would commend The People's Paper to their friends
TI -IE 1119141E PA 3 .lt •
Wheat, ,95c.
Oats, 32c,
73ar1ey, 50e.'..
Butter, 25c. to 280,
Lggs, 32e, to Sac,
Live Hogs, $10,50:
te death tools place at Ailsa
' 1'l
Craig the, other day of Mrs. Jessie
Fraser, widow of the late Alexander
Ira' ser inher SeyenLy-third"`year,
Ile late Mrs,.Fraser wase, native
ofStaiiley township, being a daugh-
of the late Donald Boss, and was
sister of Miss Annie Ross, for many
years a resident of Clinton.,,,, Mas.
Fraser is survived by one son,gJohn
Fraser of Ailsa ,Craig. `'
hon d'ir+eeter1 has
A new telephone
just been distributed';` by nail to
Clinton subscribers and Mrs. C.
Rumba'', the local manager, will be
glad to hear' from any, of the users
g a
who have, not received a copy of the
new issue.
The new room, in school in the
is 'ready ' at'ad' will be opened on Mon-
day, da Mr. Nelle,: Anderson having,
been engaged to take .charge of
fitting. up of this tuna Was
The ,
made necessary owing tg the large
number of new pupils attending and,
with the•eight.rooms there -will be an,
averag'e of about forty pupils to a
FTEN spoils his,' future because he thinks
his savings s too smallto be worth banking.
• Do not wait'until ybu have
$l00 to deposit—open an
account with $1 and make
it grow.
„ The C.
C. L annual field day is to
be held on Friday, tomorrow. The
boys' championship events will be run
off `at Recreation Park at 10 ani, and
at the same time, the girls will hold
their championship events on the
.school grounds, At 2 p.m.'a the
bicycle race ,will be Put on at t
Park and at two -+thirty the baseball:
game` between Seaforth and Clinton
teams will be played. There will
be' •a charge of •i5c. ti; the gate, to-
raise'money for the Athletic Associa:
Hari. ' After the baseball game the
girls will play p lay basketball - on the
scitoo >;
1 undil. The baseball and
x p
basketball •games • between Seaforth
and Clinton area ,keenly contested
and ,the citizens are invited' to come
and enjoy them 11.5 a5 the otlrisa,
school sports.
When word -of, the great fire in
Northern Ontario came last :week the
thoughts of those in the_ older parts
flew alf once to the many whom they
know in that pioneer section, rela-
tives, friends; or acquaintances. CIin +.
ton and its vicinity' had 'manysinter-
ests there and ^many anxious hour(
were spent before all were satisfied
that those in whom they were most
interested were safe. We are glad
to be able to say that,as far as known
all those from this section who were
in the fire zone'.are safe.
r� /ime Were
this Wrk
Our $2 25 alarm clock is a reliable clock,
the differ-
• of .
pieces of Material used in its construction are
_got pq service. It
good quality, years of satisfactory f .
will q Y i 't —'et one today
+ u wish It o
wake' you at a time you to—get
Talking Machines and Records
A int for Victor T g
neo tiler and Optician:
Phone 1'74w Residence
READ.X-To-WEA, 1 he Motitsh r.
In these days of fancy titles, when
good old fashioned names 'are con-
sidered out of place, and more or less„
degrading; ; 'there is ne saying to what
extent this modern fad may not ex-,
tend. • In• fact it hits already gone
farther than some people may im-
agine.. Time, was when art, under-
taker was an 'undertaker,, pure an
simple. Then these' gentlemen cal,
led themselves `Funeral Dhreators.'
To -day the proper word we are told
is. "Mortician!" We remeiiiber when
people simply sold marriage licenses
and on styled 'themselves. Tp -ally
they announce themselves as "Matri-
monialistsl" So a?so ;people who
-make acid sell stockings and socks,
to -day would-be offended if not ad-:
dressed', as "1Iosierists!?' A shoe
store, if you please, is now a "•Boot-
cry-," and - the smiling proprietor 'a
"Booterist'" Bankers ::are ealled
"Financierists." But where' will it
end? Rumour has it that the : C.
P. R. town agent, in, order to tnaldi
a feeble attempt to get ahead ,of his,
'G. T. R. opposition,. will call himself
in future, a:"Transportationist"!
Three graduates of Clinton, Colleg-
date Institute have been teaching in
New Ontario, Messrs. Fred Lawrence
and Gershom Anderson 'and Miss
Marie Snyder. The fortner who was
there last year had a school at Hill-
iardton, near Thornloe, one of the
towns which was completely des-
troyed. IIis school was burned and
he lost everything' he had up -there
except what he had on. He, him -
sel£ was 'unharmed .and was with
Liskeard when friends at New
from. - He was awaiting develope-
nients as it was not known whether
n teaching 1 to go o
uld•�be vvo
not. .-.„i'Ii. Anderson 'who was near
Englehart' had to fight to save his
school the fire ,coming 'to within
fifteen feet' of the building. Miss
Snyder, who was in charge of her
first school- at Sutton_ Bay, near
Haileybury, had a narrow escape,
with some of the ehildren'under ,her
care.., .An,..inttresting.,,letter, •des'
'eribing her experiences,, appears on
another. page, Her school was burn -
but the' neighborhood was not
completely destroyed• andshe is go-
ing to teach in a [House.'
Mrs.: McDonald and family, Mrs.
McDonald was formerly .Miss Ila
Bawden, who only went to Nev,* Lisk-
eard a few weeks ago, had a narrow`'
escape with her -family, being in the
part of the town visited by the fire.
The Macpherson, Dowzers and
McKelveys of New Liskeard are re-
ported safe.
Mr. G. E. Hall had a sister living
near Thornloe but has heard nothing..
from her and is anxious as to her
Mr. J. W. Stevenson ofClintonwas
a heavy loser financially, as over
three hundred acres of valuable•
spruce timber land at Thornloe, was,
Theman who
charge of getting out timber for Mr.
Stevenson every winter saw the fire
in time to get his family and Iive
stock to a cleared space at the river,
into which he'.dumped-sleighs, har-
Hess;When the etc., for safety. fire
had passed over he went back to find
his house, with all its contents, In
-ashes. They. got' the nigh in some-
how and next morning discovered
that the shack or Mr. Stevenson's
land was unharmed, though "how it
escaped is a marvel, so they moved
into it, taking three other families in
with then; : and .they were twenty-
four hours without food, until relief
cane. Mr. Stevenson was; through
the last big fire, in which there was.
so heavy a loss of life, and can.form
a pretty good idea 'of conditionsup
there at present. -
The marvel is that the loss of life
in this case was not far greater,'
The problems confronting the peo-
ple in Northern Ontario aro aimany
and varied.Problems of rebuilding'
thein; towns, so Completely destroyed;
of rte -establishing themselves upon
their farms, which are barer` than
when they settled capon' therm; of
trying to re-establish an organized
community'such as they had before,
only after yeajs'of struggle and of
hardship in many eases, But the
0111 great pressing need as for
mediate relief from ' physictl want.
Food, clothing, liedding, household
effects of all sorts are needed at
once. Much has alreadybeen
but the need is so great that it 'can-
not be all satisfied for some tine,,
Thousands . of people have keen left
without a single poSsossion which
makes for comfort as We understand
it in this country. Winter; is coni-
ing' on, already snow :flurries are oc-
curring, and much Suffering will be
eic'pertenecd if assistance is not
quicltly sena. The Povincial Govern-
ment will belI
but individual citi-
zens can do Pinel[, and much should
be done, to make as comfortable as
it is possible those who have suffer-
ed so terribly, We should endeav-
or to put ourselves hi their places and.
try to imagine What it oita
to be'loft desolate among the ashrs
a 'former prosperity, . To (lei*
] t
otn•selvrs some luxuries to send ne-
cessities to the fire seffero's in Not;,
tll'e1'tt Ontario would scents ,now to
be but one's Christian duty;
nappy,-- N8W1
you with the latest styles in
all ready for
Storm Usters.'Uisterettes;_Raglans, Slip-ons Chester-
fields, single
le and double breasted staple styles of all
kinds:And when it comes to
Smart Overcoats for Young Fellows.
the yours
for Y
i n g
.made 5 eclat provision have P
We { 11
man's trade with manystlethat will ap-
cal to the good ' exclusive
dressers of this community.
Fabrics New'St le Touches
New Models New �'abI Y
See before you buy
,J60, them
$15 to ,
and our sweater stock
This i9 Sweater Season
at.show •all sizes and all the goo
now its best, We , are a varlet ofi ne
Boys' Sweaters, There R Y
styles In y
g trimmings,
colorlil s and, �
�for Bos' Sweaters
The fall season is the time y
Sweaters x:.25 9
THE 11101111151i
k6 Maui"
Ever!; � e7'�IiaABA,A� ����. �Q .n`
Union Thanksgiving Service
A union service will be held, in
Wesley church' on 'themorning., of
Thanksgiving Day, November 6th; at
which the Rev. G. I. Burns, pastor of
the .Baptist:church, ,will deliver the
address. A liberal [collection is
asked"for, which will" be given to the
Hospital Association,
Ontario Street Church
Apple -picking time ,is a time : of.
accidents, Mr. John .1 Vnt, M, P.
P. fox North Huron, fell ; from a tree
yesterday and injured: his leg. Ile
will bo laid up' for seine, time, IIe
aright use his enforced. [Holiday get-
ting election ,campaign stuff ready.
WOULD LIKE ;5,000 •
'The total amount irealiifed rima
the -hospital drive thus 'far is .$3,900
The Association is gn'atetul• for the
hearty response to the appeal for
funds and desire to say that if any.'
one still wishes to coritsibuto a suin
large or small it will; be thanlcftilly
received: The Association =would
be much pleased to have the total
reach $5,000.
„Mr.; Elton Rozell is laid up with
bfeod uoisoning in his band and Mr.
.G, H. Elliott is assisting in the
creamery this week. If: an improve-
ment, or otherwise, is noticed in the
batter turned out the reason will be
at oa'ee guessed. But if "G. 11" is
as handy with a butter ladle as he is
with the auctioneer's hammer.every-
thing will be all right.'
Anniversary,;serviees- will be held
on Sunday next;• the preacher being
the Rev C. S. "Cragg of Wingham,
• who will preach. morning' and evening
in. Ontario street church;and at Tur-
ner's in the afternc)on.= The choir
is preparing. re uing• special music for
a large gathering
each service is. expected.
The League will conduct the prayer
meeting on
Wednesday Y
St. Pauls Church
The Harvest Thanksgiving Supper
on Thursday evening last in the par-
ish hall passed off very successfully.
The proceeds amounted to $100.'
The Rev. C. Llewellyn Gilkey will
be the special prealter at Harvest
Thanksgiving services` -at Grantors on
Sunday next. It is expected that the
Rev. B. S. Robinson of Granton.- will
conduct services in St. Paul's.
The W. A. held their regular meet_
ing at the home of Mrs. D. Liver-
more on Tuesday.
Mrs, Win. Churchill of Goderich
township picked, some apple 'blossoms
from tt .tree in her oa:char3 last l+ri-
day. k It is, we think, a most unus-
ual 'thing to see apple blossoms in
O •tober and probably even as mild a'-
winter as last would hardly see the.
fruit develope.and mature. But the
seasons seem to be growing milder
and it may be that in time we •shall
be able, to grow two crops here in
Old Ontario,
The Huron Medical Assticna
Piet in' Blyth nu. Wednesday, last.
1 1
The Ilorticnittxa Society 'is Y dis-
tributing fall bulbs this week.
1VIr. Gordon Lawson is out'again
after having. undergon50 an operation
All Canadian National /Express
Company agents in the London di-
ivision, including our .local agent, J.
Cuninghame,;this week received the
following circular; which speaks for
"Shipments consigned to points in
the file stricken area of Northern
Ontario, addressed to the Ontario
Government Relief Trains, in care o1:
G. 51. Lee, Cotmnissioner,of the T.
and N. Q, Railway, may be waybilled"
With the raihvays and 'express',
companies carrying stuff free to fire
all that is
directly 'fon
the relief of the suffer-
ers and will prove a vast saving.
It , should - be ,remembered that in
such a se
as ,this "he
ca - g
who gives quickly."
for appendicitis.
The Salvation Army held a tag day
on Tuesday: for the fire sufferers of
Northern Ontario\
Mrs.Janiies'Scott and Mrs. W. D.
Fair received together on Saturday
afternoon last at the "hone of Mrs.
East Huron Teachers' Association
convenes at Brussels today and to-
morrow. West Huron Association
meets at Goderich.
Subscriptions' for daily papers or
weeklies left with The News -Record
receive prompt attention. We save
you the trouble of handling this,'bus-
mess yourself. 1
Wesley Church
*'. On Sunday last the Rev:' Mr. Snow
don preached in the morning and iii.
the evening Mr. 0. S. Hawke had
charge of, the service.
On Sunday morning next the. Rev.'
W. H. Irwin' of Wetaskiwin, Alta.,
will preach. The evening service
will be withdrawn owingto the anni-
versary services in the Ontario street
church.. 1
A special offering will be taken
on Sunday Morning. for the fire suff.-
erers in Northern Ontario. A very
liberal response is 'asked for as the
need is great and -immediate.
g $ d
Bible Society Meeting
The annual ,Bible :Society 'meeting
will be held in Wesley church. on
Monday evening at eight o'clock. A
invitation very cordial v n is extended
to all to .attend this 'gathering. The
Rev, W. E. Ilassard will be the
spealcer and he has a most interest-
nteresting stow to tell and his address
will be worth hearing All young
people are especially' invited, The
League sleeting in each of the Meth_
odist churches is. being withdaavn
and the young people of all the con-
gregations are urged to attend. Pic-
tures will be shown[ as well as the
address. '
Willis Church
A special g
meetin • of the Presby-
tery of Huron will be held on: Friday,
tomorrow, in Willis ctn.-melt. In the
afternoon, from three to five o'clock
there will be a conference on the,
work of ,the church, Rev. Dr. Clark,.
Moderator of General Assembly, and;
Rev., Dr. Murdock McKenzie, ex-
moderator,- Will participate in this
The eveningsession *111 be held
in the church at .seven o'clock. At
this meeting Dr. Clark will deliver
his Moderator's • message. Dr. Mac-
Kenzie will' also sue.tk. These meet-
ing's are both open to all. It is ur-r
ged that every one who possibly can
will be p
resent to receive` the mes-
sages from these
t foremost leaders
• n
of the church
Tho annual thankofleringlneetiug
of the W. M. S. will be hold on Fri-
day, October 20 in rho lecture room
at three o'clock.
This r '. meetingwill be -addressed by
Mrs. (Rev.) Henderson,
The regular meeting 'o1: the Mis-
sion Band will be held on. Monday'
next at sever o'clock in the school.
Next Sunday morning'morning'the pastil['
will continue his discourses on J'ohn's
Gospel, "A Psalm of Lilo,"
A large congregation gathered fel'
the service
in this church last S
Dr gimp -
sem field
imi-5a7fek ser ctarY for the Orange
Order, addressed the Orangemen par
titularly, the eelnt] e pews having;
been reserved for thorn and a large
number being present.
Dr. Woods has been al/Pointed
dealer :f:or the Delco Ligtlt Co. of
Dayton, !
Ohio d expects to instal
ana • vi-
several lights in the village
„ man who is
Mx. 'Thomas t
ati ndt
five of ;Hayfield, and sons, Roy,
Robert and William's, Twenityman, of
W 6 p
aculceNan Ill., spent' a few clays
last week renewing old acquaintan-
ces in the village and vicinity.
M7, Johns, manager of the /Sterl-
n gbank, is spending his holidays
Wiarton and other points. Ile is.
being relieved by M. 0, Anderson.
d returned home
H. Woods x t
" after spending' this weeka a few weeks
'with friends at,Thamesville.
Three- car loads of young people
went out to thehone of Mrs. Quinn
at Londesboro"`on Tuesday evening
and spent a Very pleasant, evening:
Dancing: and cards were theamuse;
,Mr, and Mrs. 'ICullis of {London
spent 'a few days the past week at
their sunnmer cottage on Huron Ter-
Mrs. Janes Stephenson of .Stanley.
fs the guest of Mrs. Bailey.'.
Miss Kate Parke of New York was \ `
eallmg ' on friends in the village one
day last week.
Rev. A. Macfarlane preached anni-
versary sermons at Londesboro last
Sunday, while Rev, J. Abery of that
place took the services here- in 'St.
Mr. and Mrs II. McNay; and
ily attended the funeral of his mother
at Egntondville on Wednesday ofthis
,Mr.. Baxter of Thamesville,'who
has been appointer' pastor of "Bayfield
circuitroccupied pulpit,of;the
Methodist church on Sunday evening
The following fs . clipped from a
Midland City, Mia,, Paper and re-
fers to the death of a former resident.
of Bayfield. Mr. McCann.. was
hotelkeeper in the village uptill his
death. He was a member of the
Canadian Order of Forresters. The
fancily will be well remembered by
all the older people o the villagee and
1 another of
`Midlan Cit '' has lost ano ci y
its -pioneers, and a loved and res-
pected woman who has been a citizen
here for forty
long years. Mrs.
Jane McCann, mother. of 'Thos. C.
MoCann, prominent business man of
this city, passed away Sunday even-
ing at 6.10 at the home of her
daughter, Ma's. Edmund, P. Rice on
West Main street after an illness of
only six days;.with pneumonia, though
rhe• has ' been an invalid for some
Jane Twentyinan was born in Car- •
lyle, England, 81 years ago next
Janaury and came to Bayfield, Ont.,
at the age of 13. At Goderich, Ont.
she was married to Wm. Henry 'Mc-
Canh in 1562 .and moved to bIidland
40 years ago, :Following his death.
There were six children, two' having
died in infancy.
Four children survive, .Mrs. E. P..
Rice and Thos. E. McCann of this
city, Mrs. Archie Stalker of Cheboy-
gen and Mrs. Will E. Reardon all of
whom Were here at her bedside.
A brother of the deceased Thomas
Twentyunan made every ',effort to
reach , Midland, motoring through
with his three sons Roy, Robert and,
William from their hone at Wau-
kegan,Ill., but they were misdirect-
ed along the route and due to these
delays did not :arrive here until nine
o'clock TttesedY night a ni •h • after the fun-
eral. n
lie You Know
Miss Margaret Holmes left Friday.
for Brantford to take' a position.
• t of Southampton ton 18.
Parke .
visiting at the home• of his sister,
Mrs: John Oluff.
Do you realize that at the present
time, Clinton boasts the busiest Pi-
ano factory in the British Empire?.
Tli ough the untiring- efforts. . of the
management the "Doherff" and
"Clinton" ' line of piatlo's aro Divor
ably known throughout practically
every: civilized country in the world.
The present policy of the firm iss
010 furnish a high grade piano at a
reasonable price. Just how well this
policy has succeeded is shown -by the
present time the
fact that, at the p s
firm is approximately 250 pianos
behind in their orders, a considerable.
percentage, of which are for player
For the past few weeks the fee -
tory has been running. ten hours a
dray and has taken' on over a'dozen'
Men, making their present force aI-
nmost once hundred. Immediate em-
ployment' can be given an additional
At -present the company is turn-
ing out eight pianos per day, and
expect an increased output in the
near future.
It is our opinion that the 'citizens
shouldrive their whole -hearted ole -h
ed and..
loyal support to Doherty Pianos, Ltd.
which has proved to be such' an as-
set to the town of Clinton.
Miss McLeod, returned missionary
From Japan, is visitinig at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cour
Mrs. J. h. Spooner of Virden, Man.,
isthe^"guest' of her sister, M1s:
Clara Rumball. Another sister,
Mrs. N. J. Cornell of Cleveland,
Ohio, is expected tomorrow.
Rev. W. 1I. Iawin of Wetaskiwin,
Alta,, who has been, attending the
General Conference at Toronto will
spend the week -'end at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Miss Louise Beaton left' Saturday for
Toronto on her way to Vancouver,
iB, C., where she meets her bro-
ther, Rev. 11. Beaton, and family
and sails with thein on their re-
turn to West China. •Miss Beaton
will,; teach in Ghina,
Mrs. ' W. Marquis of the Base line
has returned from,a ' week's visit
• with her sister, Mrs. Clark of near
Atwood. Mr. `Clark had the mis-
tfortueie to 'have his barn bustled'
some little time ago and recently
of his dairy Y s
Ina a
may locate in this section if some-
thing suitable presents itself.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mulholland and
two children. arrived at the home
of the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W: Mulholland of Hohties-
ville,; on Sunday, having motored
' all the way from Winnipeg., They
came by way - 'of Chicago. Mr.
and Mrs. Mu
land have taken
Mrs II W. Cool's house for the
winter. Miss Donna remained Si
Winnipeg. .-
Prem line Swift Current, (Sask.,)
Sun we learn that the death of the
late Jabez Washington, of ' w111011`
mention was trade last week, was
to burns•
ret i
e ved while endeav-
oring to extinguish a fire in his son's
barn The barn in question, belong-
ing to his son Jelin was being filled'
with' oat straw, the threshing ma-
chine being run ,with a gas engine,
arid the fire broke out suddenly x"ronx
some cause unknown. Mr, Washing-"
ton it is thought went into the mow
to try to put out the fire and becom-
ing overcome with smoke' he could
not find his way out again 'and finally
fell through the trap,to the floor be-
low. His,clothing was all . ori fire
` r t
and before it could be. eatn gaishedl
he was So badly. burned that he died
about sevens the next morning.
The late Mr. Washington was born
in Darlington township in 1858 and
in 1878 ;was married t(} Miss Harriet
Luxton of Bruce County, who sur-
vives hiin with her two sons, Arthur,
who is in the:furniture 'bstsiness l
Swift Current, and John, a fanner
near. by. The family had come to
Saskatchewan from North Dakota
seventeen years ago. The Sun has
this to say about the fancily: "He
and his two sons homesteaded tog
ther,and they have all been together
down through the years, for the
Washingtons have been more than n
family, they Have been a clang and
what one had they all had, to a very
large extent. Ho• wag a pal With
his boys and .worked with th011.1 and
helped them to the end. He was an
oxenpiany citizen, neighbor and
Besides his insniediate'atnily Mr.
Washington is survived by fdt4r bre-
rntincts and two. ,sisters i
Rev Geo.
Washington, Stoufrville Andrew said
Levi, of Ileac[ Lake, Ont.; Ezra and
Miss Elizabeth and Mrs. .Southeom e
of Clinton,
S if
t •al tools nl c� at ..w i
lho filet 1 a a
C rtencon Vncic daY of last Week,
Mtic1i .5ympatlty, is felt :for Misa
Washington and the -other iliolnber",
of I;he ;fafriily iii 'this 50(13001 sorrow.
Mr. Gordon -- Hall arrived [norma on
Saturday after having spent the
-, past few months in the west.
Gordon tried his band at farming
and latterly went as cook • with a
'threshing gang. "'Chose' threshers
eat an awful tot. You can hardly
keep "them filled in fact. Cooking
fon' a bunch of Scouts on the sunny
slopes of the Huron, during a two
weeks' holiday IS child's play, to
=siding food for fifteen good men
and true who Inalce ready No. 1
hard. for the elevators of the west,
so; we gathered, anyway. Gorden
thinks he'd just as 50011 live in
Ontario and it is his present in-
tention to got at job. here and atielc
to .
The funeral was held at the E. P.
Rice home Tuesday afternoon with
the service cond>uucted by Rev. V. V.
Nicholas of the Presbyterian church.
of which she was a member.. The
following relatives of the deceased
acted as pallbearers:; T. E. McCann, ,
Russell and. W. D. G. McCann and E.
P. Rice."
'1110 (51 11n3011100 of the Goderich
District of Ili
• r rof x S
otith-.will attend
divine Service in the Presbyterian
church, Goderieh, on,Sttnday, October
I.5tlt at the regular hour of the ev-
ening e service'. '11he, Rev. Dr. S9inp
soli, FieldSeootary; will preach the
sermon, addressing .,the members and
friends of the Association on. "Strug_
g•les in the Interest of Religious and
Civil Liberty.!' -Dr. ,Sinilison is an
officer of the Grand Lodge of I3r tisii
America, a 8001/c111,1.1`18111,Presbyter
Lau; tho'otlgltly .British,'snd a strong
preaeher. ,The mentber3 of the Or-
ange, Royal ;Black Knights, 'Orange
Young Britoil and Lathes' Orange
lodges, will moot at the lodge 1'00(11
of L. 0,
L. No, 1S> Colc
late ida
r linin 6.45t> 'nail., Stu y
in fall r,mthn 'tathe (duvet).
A, ;frill attendance, is requested,and
visitors krohi othol• 11(istriets invited,
A happy gathering was held at the
home of Mr and Mrs. E. Crawford
on__ September 30th, it' being the
birthday, of the host. Mr. '1. Snell,
who is a cousin and jitst exactly one
year older than Mr.Crawford, was
the honoured guest. These two. al-
ways contrive to spend. their birthday
together at -on Thome 11(1 the; -other,
Their friends hope.. they may live
to celebrate many another mitniver-
tMrs. W, R. Osborne was: called to
Contain on Monday'"owing -to the
serious illness of her mother, who
missed away on, Tuesday. Rev. •
Ni Osborne Went down to attend the
funeral, which takes place today.
Mrs. Wilken of Galt is spending a
'few days this week with Mrs.` Will
Br'uicsdon,' t
Mr. Ernest Adams 111oved into Iris
now house this week. This is the
first red brick house near the village,
Mrs, G. King ofi Bayfield spent
Miss S, C.
with her sister, s
Sunday � � M
Miss Jewel -Grainger and Miss Belle
Roberton aro attending. the ` Teach,-
ers' Convention in Brussels which 98
being held 'on Thursday and Friday
of thi5 week.
Mr, and Mrs. George Grainger or
Stayner• spent Sunday at the home of
Mr, John Grainger.
Mr. and Miss. Thos. 'Herman and
Miss M. Mahafty of: Clinton visited,
at Mr. Will Calchvell's on Sunday
We Oro Mcleod sorry to know that
Mrs, Wm. Lyon, Sr., is very i11, We
Bono she will soon 1•6601or.
l l�ti will hold
h Iu1. e
i ahtri c
nivelcary 811.171008 011 Sunday, Oat 0•
McConnell Rev. , el
her 221111.
Hensel] will have charge oft h, � ser'