HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-10-5, Page 5APER
To diose who wish to do some papering this
fall, we are fully prepared as our stock is
large and recently replenished with the new
Our papers are either semi trimmed or
trimmed ,by hard—free,
►uctian Sales.
Auction Sale
Of '60 head of choice steers. Mr.
Ezra Fisher• will sell by public auc-
tion at his grass farm, dot 11, `con.
2, Ea"#t. Colborne near (Turtle Lakes)
on Saturday, October 7th,.corinnenc-
'ing at 1.30 sharp, 60 head of choice
feeding steers, two -year-olds and 3 -
year -olds. All, Grade Polled Angus.
Shorthorn or Herefords. These are
-all first classHuron County cattle
that Mr. Fisher has had on the grass
all sunnier.' They are in good or -
dere and include a number of choice
butcher, and 'beef -ring animals. Terms
-Eight months' credit will' be, given
on furnishing approved joint notes.
A discount at rate of 6 per cent. per
annum allowed for cash. • Purchas-
ers may leave their cattle on the pas-
ture until the next week if necessary.
Ezra Fisher, Proprietor, R. R. No. 4'
Goderieh. T. Gundry, Auctioneer.
Auction al
to S e
Of farm stock, osis implements, eats house-
hold effects, ete. The undersigned
auctioneer has been instructed to sellfi
by public auction at lot 14, conces-
sion 11, Stanley township, on Mon-
day, October 16th, at 1 o'clock p.m.
sharp, the following:. 'Live Stock--
tock=General purpose mare; heavy draft
gelding rising 4 yrs; cow supposed
to;bein calf, due in March; 7 steers
about 1,000 lbs. each; 3 stocker
steers; yearling heifer; 2 2 yr old
heifers; 2 pigs; about. 75 hens. Im-
plements, etc. -)Jeering mowerr, 6 f
cut; hay rake; cultivator; Massey-,
Harris bean cultivator and scufer;
scuffles.; set Diamond harrows, M.-
`11. seed drill; fanning mill, 2 walk-
ing plows; Cangaro'o plow; wagon;
wagon boxh stock rack; hay rack;
top baggy; road carta Portland cut-
ter; bob sleighs, wheel, barrow, cut-
ter pole, neckyolces and whifletrees;
set heevy team harness; set single
harness;, 5 tons of hay. . Household
effects -Pandora range, Quebec heat-
er, new; sideboard; cupboard; num-
ber of kitehen,chairs, 6 dinning tonin
chairs; bedsteads; couch; sewing ma-
chine; hall rack; hanging - lamp;
cream .separator~ Connor - • washing
machine; New Perfection coal ell
stove, ,3 burners; oil -heater; and
numerous other, articles. Terms of
sale: -$5 aucl under, cash. Over.
that amount 12 months' credit will
be given on furnishing approved
joint notes. 5 icer cent. bff for cash'
on credit; amountt. Geo. W. Elliott,
Proprietor, Geo. H. Elliott, Auction-
eer. an_�
Auction Sale
0f farm stock, implements and
household furniture, lot 20, Huron
Road, 1 anile east of Clinton. on Tees-.
days October 17th, at 1 o'clock sharp,
the following: Horses -horse, :1:1
years old; horse, 10 yrs old; gelding
5 yrs old, Cattle --Cow, due Oct
cow clue December; cow due January
cow due in April; cow due in May;
jersey cow clue March let; 4 steers
1 yr
old; :heifer, 1 yr old; 4 spring
calves•' brood sow with litter.; 3
tore pig's; 60 hens, thoroughbred
oelcs; 35 pullets. Implements--,M,-
ET, binder 6 ft cut; -mower 5 ft -cut;
Deering hay rake, nearly new; 20
lap pails and spiles; Clover Leer
nareire:spreader;. Massey -Harris hay
oader nearly new; 10 hoe seed chill;
lick barrow; cultivator; single riding
rlow; 'walking plow; set of iron bar
;OWN fumber wagon; old wagon; 2
niggles; set of ,bobsleighs cutter;
;cufler; 1Vfassey-Harris root plainer;
tutting'i box; crusher, Clinton fee-
ling mill;' 21,4. h. p. gasoline engine;
rump jack; circular saw; set of 1111 -
;de harness; set of double harness;
let df plow harness; grindstone; 18
'V ladder; buffalo robe, horse blank-.
,ts; 15 tons -of timothy hay; black -
ankh bellows and anviI 57 stooks of
orn; 600 bricks; grain bags; chairs;
10 cement the 'forks; shovels; whif-
letrees- and other articles too num-
-nous to mention. Household effects
-2 Art Souvenir coal heaters; wood.
seater; quantity of „stove pipe; kit-
hen •table; kitchen chairs; sideboard
- etension table; 2 lounges, bed stead
tands;,set of bedroom dishes; gram-
phone; pictures; dishes; hanging
amps; 2 feather ,beds; washing ani-
hint Daisy churn; No, 12 DeLaval
ream separator; incubator; brooder;
erandah sceeens Eeterything to be
old as'proprietor hat 'sold his farm.
'orms:--Hay, hens, household effects'
lid all sums of $10 and under", cash.
)ver that amount'tWelve 'months
relit Will be given on furnishing
ankable,paper, or .a,. discount of 5x73 -
er annum allowed for sial: • on Bred-„
scrionete. Wm. Shipley;,,Proprt-
ter, Geo; II, Elliott, Auctioneer. 70-2,
Auction Salo
Of farm stock and implements, at
lot 13, London Road, Ysemije south
of Brucefield, on Thursday, Oct. 19,,
at s1 o'clock, sharp,the following
Horses -Good work horse 7 years,
1400 lbs; mare 4 yra 1300 lbs; Agri-'
cultural colt 2 yrs; driving mare,
suiet ' and reliable; aged working
mare: Cattle -Cow 4',yrs rine Dec.
24, cow 6 `'yrs" due Mar. 28, :cow 7
yrs -due Dec. 21, heifer 3 yrs , due
Dec,; 3, heifer 8 yrs due Dec. 9;steer
rising 3 yrs, 'heifer :rising 2, 2 steers'
rising 1, heifer rising1, 3 s
calves, 5 pigs, about 150 l. each, sow
due to profit 25th' of November, 80
hens. ' ,Massey -Harris, 7 ft .binder,
Deeringmower-6 ft,; 11 hoe fertiliz-
er drill, M. -H, cultivator, roller, rake
10 ,hoe grain, drill, fanning mill bu -
gy, lumber,wagon, hay rack, -gra el
box, ` walking plow, : (Verity), riding
plow, Perrin; 7 se. harrows, sleighs,
cutter, set of :butter scales, 4 Ib.
pacity, sei ar kettle, l aPP1 r in
s n door, Iawn :croquet
set, pulpeie wheelbarrows giasollne,
engine 2i/ h..p., quantity of shafting
and pulleys, DeLaval cream -separa-
tor, Daisy churn No. 3, galvanized
water trough, wooden water trough,
galvanized lining; "40' ft, rubber drive
belt, set of-breechiug harness, Sot of-
•backlSand'Harness, 2 set. single har-
ness, number "of kitchen chairs, quan-
tity of floor oil cloth, coel beater
with oven, quantity of - rag carpet,
lounge, bed stead and springs, 2
small cupboards, large, kitchen table,
:folding leaf table, chicken ecops,
dishes, pans, pots, milk pails,' Rayo
hanging, lamp, grain °:bags'`, forks,
shovels, whifIletrees, nechyoke, and
other articles too nO-merous to men-
tion. Everything. tp- be sold as pro-
prietor is giving up farming'. This
is tin exceptionally 'good line af'inr
elements most of them nearly new.
Terris: All sum's of $10 and `under,
cash; over that amount 12 montlis
credit will ,be,given on furnishing ap-
proved notes or a dihc3unt of 5 p.
c. per annum allowed: for cash on
credit ' amounts, DAVID BEATTY,
Proprietor.'" CEO. H. 'ELLIOTT,
Auctioneer.' . 70-2
Auction Sale
Of farm, faun' stock, implements and
household furniture, lot 10, ;conces-
sion 1, Hullett, Huron' Road,. 4 miles
east of Clinton, liye miles west of
Seafortll, on Tuesday, October '24th,
at 1 o'clock sharp, The fares con-
sists of 100 acres more or less, "3
acres of hardwood bush, 2 aches of
good hearing 'orchard, balance 'good
tillable land in high state"of cultiva-
tion, well adapted for pasture ox
grain growing. 20 acres fall 'pldugli
ed :balance seeded to grass. ` On
the preniises are a good nine -roomed.
brick residence, barn 40x06, stabling
in first class condition, Iaige straw
shed ;and driving shed 20x50; Horses
--Brood mare, 11 yrs old; agricul-
tural mare, 4 yrs old; filly, 3 years
old; driver. Cattle:: -2' fresh cows;
2 milking ,since July; 2 2 yo old
steers; 2 yearling heifers; 4 calves;
2 yearling heifefrs • 4 calves;
2 sows; about 100 hens; Implements
-Wagon and box; set of,babsleighs;
top buggy; 'log bunks; open buggy;
cutter; walking plough; scufer; ,19
hoe drill; No. 12 Delaval cream sep-
arator; root "pallier; speed jacks;
bag holder; bag tpck; stable' boat;
2 iron pig troughs; pig rack; 2 set
of heavy harness; stringof bells; sec
o1 dingle' harness; flow .churn; " small
quantity of 'tile; number of cedar
posts; iron vice and tools; pile 'aft
pine lulniber;`neckyokes, forks; grain
bags; and other articles too numer-
ous to mention. Furniture --Bed-
room suite; spring; mattress; : coal
oil stove; tables and chairs; -sewing
machine) kitchen cupboard, refrig-
orator; dinner -bell; (lour bin. Terms
on chattels: -All sums of $10 and -
under, cash, over that amount • 10
menthe credit will be given on furn-
ishing'approved joint notes. A'dis-
count of 4 per cent. straight off for
cash.' Terms on farm made known
on day of sale. , Mrs. J. D. McDer-
mid, Pr•oprietrees, G.'11. Elliott, Auc-
tioneer. 70-2
Mrd Clarence: Harvey -Ham, mann_
gerof the Molsons•13ank, Brucefield,
and . Miss Alice. Jane 'Swan daughter
of Mr. James` Swan, also of •Bruce -
field, were married on September 20.
"Last week Warden Trewartha and
Reeves Beavers, Exeter;, Irwin, Bay-
field;; and lileNab, Grog, were here
on am inspectorial visit.in conneetibn'
with the Good Roads program of the
County. Enginoe, Pa^tterson'""was
also With Inc 'company. ; The work
is • reported ,.to• be progressing efauo0..
ably. Brussels Post,,.;:,,.
Ilowrit liltris' woollen Mitts; 1VIrs�,
Ilowxie, Mra, Houstem,Ladles., yruRa4-
y Sueccssfiiltoo'VITUS, John Stewart, VIxs Houston.
Ladies' Bedroom Slippexs
', I'', M?l d1t, lVIga. Ilowrie, 'T3, l al>y'rs's
krrrttod Jateket tlnij 13onriot, 1l opl
THIS IS T ' 'i 'lUZE r iT : AiI lfilllid ly, J3 uby1l Ct:ocho4
Jaeltet and I3onuott wool M
MARE -Win, Stewart, Don IVISKon:;
zrc, FOAL -Don McKenzie, Wm.
Stewart. 3 YEAR OLDS- Wm.
Stewart, Wellington Johnston, 2
YEAR OLDS --Archy Armstrong, 1
YEAR .OLD --H, 11, Neeb TEAM
Lecicer, H. II„Neob.
Morton Elliott. 1 YEAR OLDS
Colin Campbell. , FOAL•. -Ilea Pear-,
son, Joe Foster.
Lloyd 'Scotsmere, W, N. Keys.,
,FOAL -W. N. Keys, Lloyd Scots-
mere. 3 YEAR QLDS--I7anry,Steip.
bath': 2 YEAR OLDS -J. R, Stir-
ling. TEAM -,J. R: Stirling.
-Wan. McAllister & Son, W, W•
Wise. FOAL --Wm. McAllister &
Son, W. W. Wise; 3 YEAR OLDS
-.Wim. McAllister & Sop, W, W,>
Wise, 2 YEAR OLDS -Wm. 1VTc-
A.11istex' & Son. T YEAII,'-OLDS-
W,• W. Wise. TEAM--Rebt, Web-
ster, C: Trueanner.
Wm. Decker, Robt, Blair, TEAM -
Henry Steinbach, SINGLE ROAD-
ST'ERS-Dr. Whitely, John MnKin-'
J A. ; ; Manson. GENTLEMAN'S.
OUTFIT; -Dr. Whitely, Dr. Woods.
LADY DRIVER-- Sara . Aldsworth,'
Lucy Woods.
M COW -Thomas
Brownet, E, H. Wise & Sori, HEIF,
ER, 1 YEAR OL.p=W. W, Wise, C.
Rathwell., HEIFER GALE-- W.
W. Wise, J. and R. Reid,' STEER
CALF -Thos. Brownett, Beatty Bros.'.
& Son, W. W. Wise.' STEER 1
YEAR. OLD= -Chas. Rathwell; E. H.
Wise & Son. FAT COW,, HEIFER,
STEER--E'sH. Wise & Son, J. & R.
Wise & : Son, E. _ H. Wile & Son.
Wise &.Son, J. and R. .Reid -HEIF-
ER, 1 YEAR'OLD--,R, M. Peck, W.
W: Wise.' HEIFER CALF- R, 3±.
Peck, J. & R Re'
rd BU '
-R. M. Peek, ec W. W. Wise.
JERSEY -:Milch Cow, Mrs, Bran-
don, James Johnston. , Eaton's' Sno
sial, Chas. Rathwell.
Aa'erl Ram, E. •I•i,
Wise, William "S'tenw)rrt: :Rani
E. II, Wise, Win, "Stewart. Ram
Lamb, Wm: McAllister & °Sen. Ewe,
raised lambs, Wm. McAllister & Son
Wan. Stewart. Shearling 'Ewe, E.
& R. ,Snowden; -W. W. Wise. "Ewe
lamb, E. & R. Snowden, Wan. McAl-
lister- & Son. Wether Lamb, Wm,
McAllister' & Son 1st and • 2nd.:
LINCOLNS=-•Aged Mani,, G. ?ec-
hoic. Shearling Ram, Geo. Penhale.
Ram lamb, Snowden, Get. Penhale,
Ewe, raised lambs, Thos. Snaw,den,
Geo, Penhale. Sheerttng� Ewe, T.
Snowden,' Geo. Penhale. Ewe lamb,
Geo. Penhale 1s± and 2r1d. Wether
lamb, Thos. Snowden, E. & R. Snow
den, •:
FINE WOOL --Aged -Item, J, A.
Manson &.' Son. Shoarling Ram,
Morton .Elliott. Rem lamb, 10.
Weekes, lst and 2nd. Ewe raised
lambs, Morton Elliott 151 and' - 2nd.
Shearling Ewe, J. A. Manson & Son,
1st and 2nd. Ewe' Lamb,. J. A. Man-
son, Morton Elliott.. Wether lamb,
J, A. Manson, Pest fat' sheep, Geo.
Perlhale;._J. A.' Manson & Son,
BERKSHIRE -Brood- Sow, 7. A.
Manson, Thos. Snowden, Sow littered
in 1922, Thos. Snowden. • o
YORKSHIRE -Sow littered in 19-
22, E. & R. Snowden, -1st and 2nd.'
RED PIGS=Aged 4Boar, Tilos..
Snowden, Brood' Sow, Thos. Snow-
den, J. 'A.. Manson. ; Boar Tittered in
1922, Thos. Snowden. Sow littered
in 1922, Thos, Snowden, J. A. Man-
son & ,Son, Best Boar any breed, . ne
Thos. Snowden, Pair of Bacon hogs, Sn
Thos. Snowden. Y
POULTRY -Pair: Brehreas, cocker P
oI and pullet, Thos. Brandon. Ply- M
mouth Rocks,'barred, cock and hen, Ca
Colin Campbell...' Plymouth Rocks, T
barred, cockerel and pullet, `Colin J.
Campbell,: •Archy Armstrong. ; PIy
niout1) Rocks,, white, cock and Hen;
Thos. Brandon, Thos, Snowden, Ply -
month Rocks, white, cockerel and
pullet, Robert Blair, Thos. "Snoiiden.
White Wyandottes, cock and hen,
Lucy Woods, 1st and 2nd. -White
Wyandottes, cockerel and pullet, Lei-
oy Woods, ;let and 2nd. Silver Wy-
andottes, Ro'bt. McClinchey,' Ball'
,Orpington.s, cockerel and pullet, Gar-
net Daters, 1st and '2nd. White'
Leghorns, cockerel and pullet, Robt.
McClinchey, W. W. WiSe. Anconal,
cock• and lien, Jas... Johnston, W. F.
Metcalf,' Anconas,, cockerel and
'pullet, W. F. Metcalf. Carnpines,'
cock ,and hen, W. F. Metcalf, "Jas,
Johnston. .l Casnpines, ,cockerel and
pullet, W. P. Illettaif, Black Min -
press, cockerel and , pullet, Beatty
Bros: IIoudans,. cock and hen, D.
McDonald. , Houdans, cockerel and,
pullet,D. McDonald. Any other var-
iety of fowl, cock and hen, Robert
MoClinehey. Pekin Ducks, 77: & R,
Snowden, J. A, Manson & Son. Rouen
Ducks, ,Thos. Snowden, Talouse
Geese, Robt. Blair. Any other var-
iety -of,
ariety-of• Geese, .E. $1• It., Snowden, R,
Blair. Bronze Turkeys, Robert Me-
Clinehey, Pigeons, De. McKinnon,
Chas, Bedonr.
DAIRY' -10 lbs. Salt Putter, John
Stewart, Mos. R. Geiger. 5. lbs, of.
Butter in blocks, John Stewart, Geo„
Laithwaite. 5
lb. Crock of Butter,
John Stewart, Mrs, J. Heard. 1 ib.,
print of butter, Mrs. R. Geiger;,,Gar-
net Jacobe. Cottage' Cheese, 1 .lb.,:,
Lucy Woods, .W F. 'Metcalf. Half
Han,. horns cured, John Stewart, E.
;& R':' •SiioWden, 3 lbs., Bacon, Lucy
Wiiodt, E. & R, Snowden, 2 lbs. of
Lard, John''Stewart, „Garnet ,lacghe.
Pair" of dressed Chreken3 ltobt, Mo " ,'.Say
Chun, :$. Bedour, Milne 'Iteder, Hens
Eggs, brown shell, Larlcelot Beauty,
Milne Rader, AleplaY 'ef Bee pro-
ducts, Lancelot Beatty, Win, Me-
Dool. Quart, of, strained honey, Mrs.
R Geiger, Lancelot Betty, Quar t
of Maple Syrtis), F. Keegan, Robert
Turney,: Home made Fudge, Mrs,
It, Geiger, E, and R. Snowden. Leal,_
of White Bread, John ;Stewatt� E. &
It, Snowden, Loaf, Graham Bread,'
Mrs.; A. E. Erwin, Lucy Woods. Bos-
ton Brown Bread, John Stewart, E,
& R. Snowden,' Loaf of Nut Bread,
E. and R. Snewclop,' Lucy Woods.
Six Buns, E. & R, Snowden, Lucy
Woods. Six ,Tea Biscuits, Lucy
Woods, ,Garnet' Jacobe.' 6 Ginger
'Hermits, F, Keegan, Garnet Jacobe.
Plate of Cookies, P. Keegan, E, & R.
Snowden, 6 Plain Muffins, John
Stewgrt, Mrs. R. Geiger. G Scones,
Don McKenzie, John Stewart. Moat
Loaf, Lucy'Woods. Apple Pie, Inc).
Stewart, J. R, Stirling. ' Lemon Pie,
John Stewart, Garnet 'Datere. Plain
Balked, Beans, Mrs.•R. Geiger, Lucy
Woods. Best Cola Lunch; Lucy
Woods, Mrs, E. A. Erwin, ' Canned
Fruit, F, Keegan; W. F. Metcalf.
Canned Vegetables, W, F. Metcalf,
F. Keegan, . Pickles, Mrs, Ada IIt
liady, F. •Keegan. 3 Jelly, 3 111a
:naiads; F, Keegan, W, F. Metca
Catsup and Meat Sauces,,.Mrs. A
Halliday; W. F. Metcalf, Lay
Cake, Garnet Jacobe, E: & R. Sno
GRAIN' AND': SEEDS -Whit win-
wheat, Thos. Snowden; C. Truem
ner, Red; winter Wheat, Milne Ra-
der, Garnet Jacobe, . Spring,Wheat,
Milne Rader.' 'c ,Small white Peas, C.
Truemner;, Milne 'Rader. .. 6 rowed
Barley„ .C. •Trueniner, Garnet. Deters.
2 rowed:Barley, Robt, Turner, E. &
R:' Snowden. White Oats, W. John-
stone Rbbt.,McClinchey, Timothy
Seed, C.” Truemner, rW'm,, Johnston,
Red Clover Seed, J. W. Reid, :Alsalce
Clover, Wni.,Johnston.: 6 Ears: of.
Yellow Corn, A, E. Erwin- Harold
Penhale. • 6 ears • of Dent Corn,: E.
& R. Snowden, Garnet Daters.. 6.
ears of Sweet Corn, 'Wm, Johnston,
E. &:R. Snowden, 6 ears, any other
variety of corn,', Thos. Snowden, G.
Jacobe. Field Beaps, Milne Rader,
C. T can
ru er '
n Collection
f Grain
o ,stn
inHeads, ads Garnet Jae
t obs, P Klregan.
FRUIT -6 Bunches of Graipes, W.
F. Metcalf., Mrs. Howson. Collec-
- tion of Grapes, W. F. Metcalf, 'Mrs.
Ilowson. Plate of Peaches, J. R.
Stirling, Milne Rader. Plate of
Plums, Thos. Brownet, J. R. Stirl-
irlg•,'„ Plate Prunes, F. Keegan,, Yel-
low Crabs, Don McKenzie, ,E. & R.
Snowden. Red Crabs, J. R, Stirl-
ing, Mrs. J. Heard. . Collection of
Pears, W. F. Metcalf, 7. R. Stirling:
Plate Fall Pears, E. & R. Snowden,
J. R. Stirling. Plate Winter Pears,
J. R: •Stirling•, John Stewart, Col-
lection of Apples, 4,fa11 6 winter, G.
Laithwaite, J. R. Stirling. ;Collec-
tion of:winter Apples, Robert Turn-
er, J. R. Stirling. Plate of Bald-
wins, Harold Penhale, `"F. Keegan.
Collection of Fall Apples, Robt., Tur-
ner, Garnet Haters. Mann Apples,
F. Keegan, `Robert Turner. Spitz-
eabueg, J R. Stirling, F. Keegan.'
Northern Spies; J. R. -Stirling, Wm.`
McDool. King- of Tompkins, Thos,
Brownet, F. Keegan. Greenings,
Joe Richardson, Robt: Turner, Rib -
sten -Pippins, Joe Ridhaedson, F.
,Keegan. 20 ounce Pippins, John
Stewart, -George Laithwaite Wag -
noes, _ Robert -Turner, P. Keegan.
Golden Russets, J. R. Stirling, John'.
Stewart. Blenheim .Pippins, Geo.
Laithwaite, Joe Richardson'': Snows
John Stewart, George Greenslade.
Ontarios,'Geoige Greenslade P. Kee-
gan. Wolfe River, J.; R. Stirling,•
VEGETABLES - Early Cobblers,
Thos. Cameron, C. Truenmer. -Early
Potatoes, .filmed, Milne -Rader, Geo.
Greenslade, Green Mountain, Robt,
Turner, C. Teuenrner. Late ,Pota-
toes, named, Robt, Tur>ier, C. Truem-
r. MVIangolds, long red, E. and R.
owden, C. Preens/ler. Mangolds,
chow Globe, 'Phos. Snowden, Raba
enhale. • Mangolds,.Inteemediate,
:lee Rader, Win. Edighopher. Field
riots, Milne Rader, Roble Penhale,
.Carrots, ,Mrs. P. Clark, Mrs.
Heard: Table Beets, A. E. Er-
win, Don McKenzie. 3 'Field. Tor -
nips, Robt, Turner, Milne Rader.. 3
eats C, T
g rnenuier, Wm. Ed-
ighopher. 3 .winter 'Radishes, Jno.
A.Murray. 0 Salsify, E. and R.
Snowden, W. F. Metcalf, 2 Heads
of Cabbage, GGeorge Greenslade, Jno.
A. Murrey. 2 Heads of Cauliflow-
er, Mrs. .P Clark. White celery:.
Mrs. 'Ada Halliday, Garnet Jacobe.
2 Mush Melons, G Truemner, Wm,
I9 dighopher. 2' Wa,tc m eons, Wni.
71kl gliopher, Thos. '.Snowden. 2 cit.
eons, Thos, Snowden, George Green-
slade. Pumpkin, -table use, Georgo
Greenslade, A. E. Erwin. Squash,
table use: Thos. Cameron, Milne Ra,
der.• Largest Pumpkin,'feed, Har-
old Penhale, George .Greenslade.'
Squash, for feed, 'John A.- Murray,
Wm. Edighopher. English' Potato
Onions, Wm, Edighopher,' John A.
Murray. Large White Onions; W.
E. Metcalf. Large Red Onionsf-W.
F, Metcalf, Mrs. ° J. Tough. Large
Yellow Onions, W. F. Metcalf., Mr's.
P. Clark. Large Red - Tomatoes, G.
Greenslade, W., F. Metcalf. Large
Yellow Tomatoes, W. P. Metcalf, E.
& R. Snowden. --Poach Tomatoes,
Mrs, .Brandon, Mos, J. Toms. Head
of Sunflower, -Mrs,14. Geiger, Garnet
Jacobe. Collection of Gamlen herbs,
W, F. Metcalf, E. & R., Snowden.
Plate of 'Peppers, George Greens-
lade, Mrs, Heeseon,, Plate of cucum
bers, Goorgc Greenslade, -Mrs. Ada
Halliday.' 'Vegetable Marrow, V. ii".
`Metcalf, . Wm, Edighopher. Green
Hubbard Squash,; Harold Penhale,
Mrs,' Hewson, 'Yellow Ittbbard
Squash; A. E. Erwin, Lucy Woods;'/
LADIES" WORK. -•Ladies Knitted
wool Sweater, MrS. ^ Ada' Halliday,
Luoy `Woods -Ladies Crochet .wool
eater, 1r. Keegan, - - Knitted cagy
GlinChEv Stens Eggs, 'White' i
and,Scarf, Mrs. Ii•wrie, 31±4, R.,
Howrie, , t o,
wot>i Bit>y s knitted Ilootcs,
flousten Mrs, Ilowrie,
1tthbroidered Collar .arid Cutin Set,
Airs, S. Ilouston,'Mr3. Jiowrie,
edo 0011ar tants 01.41 Set, Limy Woods
Pcli:e Day Slips Mis, Ih, iylefimion,
Garnet Jaeabo IV1sh Ca•ochot laeo,
Mrs. Howrie, Mrs It, Geiger. Fillet
Geroehet Lace, Time. Cameron, Tamy'
Woods, Earley Apron, Mrs, IL, Gei-
ger, Thee,Cameron; Plain 1£itehs
en Apron, Mrs. R. 'Geiger, Mrs. A,
Be Prate, Eyelet Embroidery, Mrs.
Ilowrie,' Rorpan Cut ,Work, Mrs.
HaWric, W. It. Metcalf. Hardanger
Embroidery, W. 1'r, Metcalf, Mrs. S.
Houston, Etuhtng or outline stitch,
Mrs, S. Houston; Mrs.. Howrie, Meer
ern Cross Stich, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs,
%. Houston. Braiding', ides. Bran-
c1on, Mrs, 7, Toms.- Drawn° Work;
Garnet Jaeabe, Ada Galbraith,' Lunch
or Tea Cloth, embroidered, W,
Metcalf, Lucy Woods., Lunch or Tea
Cloth Crochet, Garnett' Jacobe' Mrs,
Howrie. Lunch or. Tea Cloth, Lace,
W, It. Metcalf. Washable Tea Cosy,
Ada Galbraith, Lucy Woods. Enlbroi
dered Sofa' Cushion, W, F'. Metcalf,
Mrs, S, Huston. Crochet trimmed
sofa Cushion, Thos.. Cameron, Garnet
Jacobe, 4 Modern Handkerchiefs,
Lucy Woods, Ada • Galbraith. Tat-
ting, Lucy Woods, Garniet Jacobe.
Curtains, hand made, Garnet Jacobe;
Mrs. R, Geigda•, Table Runner, Mrs,
S. .Houston, Mrs. R. Geiger. Fillet
Crochet Yoke, Mrs. W. Ferguson,
Mrs: Dr. McKinnon. - Pin Cushion:
washable, Mrs. R. Geiger, Lucy
Woods. Embroidered Centre Piece,
white, Mrs. Iiowrie,., Garnet Jaeobe.
Centre Piece, Colored, W. F. Metcalf,
Lucy Woods. Embroidered Dresser
Scarf, Iyfrs. Howrie, Set Bed LIMO
en, Lucy Woods, Mrs. Howrie. 3
Embroidered Towels, - Mrs, Howrie.
3 Crochet Trimmed Towels', Mrs. S.
Houston, W. F. Metcalf. Bath Tow-
el, Mrs, Howrie; Alla Galbraith.
Ladies', Underwear.; hand- shade, Lu-
cy Woocls, Mrs. R. Geiger. Man's.
cotton Shirt,. Mrs, S. Houston, Mrs.
R. Geiger, Bedspread, :Crochet in-
set, Mrs. Ada , Halliday. Child's,
Dress from old garment, F. Keegan.
Woman's Dress, Mrs. A. Erwin, G.
Jacobe. Sampler,Patch, Hemmed,
F. Keegan, • Darning' on worn Sox,
John Stewart, F. Keegan. Patched
Quilt, cotton Robt. Turner, Mrs.
Geiger. 'er. Quilt, ,Patched Qu It, cloth, Mrs.
Ada Halliday, Moe. Brandon. Goose -
down Comforter, Acta Galbraith, Mrs
Brandon. Braided Mat, Mrs. S.
Houston, John Stewart, Hooked' Mat,,
F. Keegan, 'Mrs. S. Houston. Fancy
Hand bag, W. F. Metcalf, Mrs, W.
Ferguson. -
Ruet, large, MIs: Hewson, Lucy
Woods.' - Bouquet, small, W. "F. Met-
calf, Mrs, Howson, Collection of
Dahlias, W. F. Metcalf, Mrs.: 3oyvrle.
Collection of Fuselrias, Mrs. Hewson.
Collection of, Pansies, Mrs.. Dr. Mc-
Kinnon, Lucy Woods. Collection of
Tuberous Begonias, Mrs. Hewson:
Collection, Ferns, and Foliage, Be-
gonias, W. F. Metcalf. Collection
of Garanlunis, Mos. Hewson: Col-
lection of Asters, Ws F. Metcalf, Lit-
cy Woods. Collection of Petunias,
W. F. "Metcalf. Collection of house
plants, " Mrs, Hewson: ' Collection of
Colens, W. F. Metcalf, Mrs. Halli-
day. Collection, Gloxinia, Lucy
Woods. 4 varieties of Annual$, E,
& R., Snowden'Lucy Woods. Display
of Cosmos, -:Sirs. Hewson, Dan Mc-
Kenzie. Collection of : zinias: Mrs.
Hewson, A,da Galbraith. e
FINE ARTS -Mrs. Metcalf, spe-
eial: W. F. Metcal'f..` Lanscape, 'or-
igintil, oil: W. F. Metcalf,. Still" Life
law- -w
a mild; vegetable razatIve to
relieve Conetipatien and 0111—
onenese and keen the digestive odd.
etlminativo functions normal.
Bela . Wed ferover
25e. 90>%!' `Oyt'Rrs.
v�oy4y� cv.- /p
Chios off he Otiittitck•
Litho [CRs
One-third the regu-
lar dose. Made of
same ingredients,.
then .candy coated.'
For children • and eduitn.•,-
Sold' by 7. E. Hovey, Clinton, Ont. t'
Daily Except Sunday.
Lve Goderieh .. 6.00 a.m. 2.20 pan.
Lve Clinton. 6.25 a.ni: 2.52 p.m.
Lve Seaforth . , 6.41 a,sn. 3.12 p.nif
Lve Mitchell , . 7.04 am, 3.42 p,in.
Arr Stratford .. 7.30 a.m. 4.10 pan.
Arr Kitehen„r. 8,20 a.m, 5.20 p.m.
Arr Guelph . 8.45 a,m. 0.50 pan.
Arr Toronto ` 10.10 a.m. 7,40 pat,
Leave Toronto` 6,50 a:ni.;, 12.55 p,in,
and 6.10/pan.
Parlor Cafe car "Goderieh to To-
ronto' on morning train and Toronto
to Goilerich 6.10 pan. train,
Parlor Buffet ear Stratford to To-
ronto on afternoon train:.
O,T,y'. Horning, '1D.P 0., G.T.R, System
:John' 'I4ansford & Soli;' Phone' 57,'
Tip tAHT1-' Agents: :1
Real Good' Soap
A Big Bar of Good Soap—Bright, solid soap -
with fine lathering and cleansing qualities
for the family wash and household usee
For usein washing machines shave or stip()
u portion of the '' SURPRISE" bar direct
to the machin-lt will do fine work,
original, oil; W, -F, Metcalf. Land,
scope, original, water color: Mrs. W.
Ferguson, Mrs, Howrie. '`Fruit, or-
iginal, water color; W. F. Metcalf,
Mrs, Howrie:Flowers, original,
water color: W. F.; Metcalf, Ed Tal-
bot. Pen and ink drawing: Mos.
Howrie, Drawing, crayon or lead
point: John Stewart, Lucy Woods.
Water color painting on silk or satin:.
Mrs, Howrie, W. P._Metcalf. Hand
painted china, 2 pieces, Mrs. Ilowr
re, Mrs. Dr. McKinnon. Stenciling
on. fabric; VP. F. Metcalf. ,
et of single
harness: Thos, Cameron, J. W. Tip-
pet, Set of double harness: 3." W. ,
Tippet, Thos, Cameron, Skein twist-
ed yarn: Milne Rader. Skein' woollen
yarn: Milne Rader. Quart jar of
soft soak: Thos. Brownett, Mrs, Ada
:Halliday. 2 bars of hard seep: Lu-
cy Woods, Mrs. Dr. McKinnon., Corn
door mat: Milne Racier, Thos. B,rown-
ett,' Best collection of weeds, nam-
ed: 'IVfargaret . Ferguson. "-
The races' o W nes
n ed day afternoon,.
occasioned 'emelt interest. ` - Their
were four entries and the follewing
were ,tlie •winners: 'First,`Jahn Hey,
Zurich, with Little Hal. Second:
Mowat McDougall, Porter's 11111'. with
Maggie `McKinney. Third: Samuel
Hey, Blake, with Grey Bird.
Horses -W J, Dixon, Seaforth,. J.
McCuskey, Gode$ich,
;Cattle --J. J. Biggins, Clinton, H.
Charters, Seaforth.
Sheep and Pigs`- Ilumplirey Snell
Clinton, G, C. Petty, Henson.
Poultry -N. W. Tiiewarth, Clinton.'
Dairy --Jas. Connc,tly, Goderieh,
A. T. Scott, Brucefield,
Vegetables -Wm. Johnston, Zurich
Grain and Seeds -Les, Williams,
Ladies' Work -Mrs. Jiin G
King, oderieh
Mrs.- Les Williams, Zuris.
Fine Arts -Mrs. Geo, A. Stewart,
Plants arid Flowers -G. A. Stew-
Baking Department -Mrs, ' James•
Connolly, Goderieh, Mrs. Dr. Mclfin-
non of Zurich,
Manufacturing -Jas, Connolly and
A. "1'.'Scott. -
�iotiill g News
Mr. W. 0. Goodwin, superintend-
ent of the Mensal' branch of the
Jackson Mfg. Co., was married to
September 26th. at St. Paul's Cathe-
dral, .London to Mise Ethel Maills-
, t
inson, recently 'from'- England.:: Mr.
and", -Mrs. Goodwin went, on an exy
tended motor tour immediately atter
the wedding breakfast ; which was
served at Belvedere Hotel, London.
Mr. Sohn F. Groves of Wingham
has. gone `to'Toronto, having, bought
out •a grocery business there.
The eleven year - old son of Mo.
and Mrs. Ed. Bennett of.Gorriewas`
kicked in the temple by a colt at
Wingham fair last week and pretty
badly injured.-,
Have you Rheumatism or Neuritis,
Sciatica, Lumbago? -Now is the:
time to get rid of it. Nature Is
doing ail she can for you: Just.
help things along., Get a box of
Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules
from your Druggist and you will:
soon be fit and well again,
Sold by J. E. Hovey, Clinton, Ont.
In this community are hundreds of indivi-
duals and families on the watch for an ad-
vertisement which will offer them what
they want at an advantageous price.
Gall them bargain -hunters it you will, but
there is nothinIn 1
wrong wa tingwfor a bar.
ain, esp eciall when the sellor is anxious
g p ,9 i o, .
to sell at a reduced price. '
One family wants a new carpet—the need is.
not urgent, Another family is looking for
ward to buying furniture—it mY
a .not be for :
a twelve. month.
One'rnan is thinking, ,of buying himself a
watch. One •'shoppingg;
�, woman bay, another
an umbrella.
All eau be made to .buy earlier—byad
3 vel'-
in The News -Record
V1/ R
Stimulate, business by the offer of some slow-
moving lines at special rices. Bra ten up
business by 'advertisingisome e
.,ea deeii'able gouts at
reduced prices, Make advertising banish dull
business. Often you can tempt the buyer who
is biding his or laer time, to buy front you—at
a' time of your naming.
Shop Where Youe ii e
ur � vlked' to Shop