HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-10-5, Page 4'• • ct)opr,ift's STORE
TO those wbo wish to do eOme papering this
fall, we arell fully prepared as oor 0tOtek
large and recently replenished with the new
lines, •
Our papers are either semi trimixied or
trimmed ,by
A. T. 000PER.
Auction Sales.
• ,
Auction Salo
a 60 head of choice steers. Mr.
Ezra Fisher will sell by public auc-
tion at hie grass farm, lot,11, con.
2,Eaet Colborne near (Turtle Lakes)
on Saturday, October 7th, commene-
ing at 1.30 sharp, 60 head of choice
feeding steers, two -year-olds and 3 -
year -olds. All - Grade Polled Angus.
Shorthorn or Herefords. These are
all first class Huron County cattle
that Mr. Fisher has had on the grass
all, ‚summer. They are in good or-
der, and include a number of choice
butcher and beef -ring animals. Terms
-Eight months' credit will' be, given
on furnishing approved joint notes.
A discOunt at rate of 6 per cent, per
annum allowed for cash. Purchas-
ers may leave their cattle on the pas-
ture until the next week if necessary.
Ezra Fisher, Proprietor, R. R. No. 4
Goderich. • T. Gundry, Auctioneer,
Auction Sate
'Of hem stock, implements, house-
hold effects, etc. The undersigned
auctioneer has been instructed to sell
by Public auction art lot 14, conces-
sion 11, Stanley township, on 1VIone
day, October 16th, at 1 o'clock p.m.
shar_p, the following: , -Live Stock, -
General purpose Mare; heavy draft
gelding rising 4 yrs; cow supposed
to be in calf, due in March; 7 steers
about 1,000 lbs. • each; stocker
steers; yearling heifer; 2 2 yr old
heifers; 2 pigs; about 75 hens. /m-
plements, etc. -Deering mower, 6 ft
cut; hay rake; •cultivator; Massey...,
Harris bean cultivator and scaler;
scufller; .set Diamond harrows, M.-
1-1. seed drill; fanning mill, 2 walk-
ing plows; Congaree plow; wagon;
wagon boxy stock rack; hay rack;
'top lingg'y; road cartn Portland cut-
ter; bob sleighs, -wheel barrow, cut-
ter pole, neekyokes, and whiffietrees;
set heavy team harness, set single
harness; 5 tons of hay. Household
effects -Pandora range, Quebec heat -
e7, new; sideboard; cupboard; Mm.
her of kitchen chairs, 6 dinning rooij.
chairs.; bedateads; couch; sewing ma-
chine; hall rack; hanging • lamp;
cream separator'; Connor - washing
machine; New Perfectiori coal oil
stove, 3 beepers; oil" Aleater
; arid
numerous other articles. Terms of
sale: ---35 and under, eash. Over
that amount 12 months' credit will
be given on furnishing approved
joint notes. 5 uer cent, off for cash'.
on credit amounta. Geo. W. Elliott,
Proprietor, Geo, H. Elliott, Auction-
eer. •• • 70-2
Auction Sale •
01 farm seoele, implements and
household furniture, lot 20 Huron
, t
:Road,..1 mile east of Clinton. on Tees- ,b
day, October 17th, at 1 o'clock sharp,
the following: Horses -horse, 11
years old; horse, TO yrs old; gelding,
yre old. Cattle -Cow, due Oct." t
cow due December; cow due January 0
cow due in April; cow due in May; 2
Jersey cow due March 1st; 4 steers
1 yr old; heifer, 1 Yr old; 4 spring s
calves; brood sow with litter; 8 2
store pigs; 60 henS, thoroughbred
rocks; 35 pullets. Implements -M. -
H. binder 6 ft cut; mower 5 it cut; e
Deering hay rake, :nearly new; 20 b
sap pails and spiles; Clovet Leaf a
manure spebader; Massey-I-Iarris hay b
oader nearly new; 10 hoe Seed drill; 2
lisk harrow; cultivator; single riding of
aim; walking plow; set of iron har- op
"ows; fumber wagon; old wagon; 2 "a
niggies) set of bobsleighs; cutter; (1
euffler; Massey -Harris root pulper;
eating box; crusher;!Clinton fah-
sing mill; 215 h. p. gasoline engine;
imp jack; circular saw; set of sin- Du
rle harness; set of double harness;
let " of plow harness; grindstone; 18
V ladder; buffalo robe horse bletek-
rts; 15 tons -of timothy'hay; black- er
mith bellows and anvil e 57 stooks of c'n
min; 600 imicks; grain bags; chains; un
0 cement tile; forks; shovels; whif-
letrees and other articles too num- .`',;
rous to mention. Household effects
-2 Art Souvenir coal heaters; wood ,ea
oater; quantity of .stove pipe; kit- 'en,
hen table; kitchen chairs; sideboard,
xkension table; 2 lounges bed stead "0
Auction Salo
Of hrna stock and implements; at
lot 13, London Road, %smile south
of Brueefield, on Thiirsday, Qat. 19,,
at 1 o'clOck sharp, the following
Horses -Good 'work horse 7 years,
1400110; mare 4 yrs 1300 lbs; Agri.
cultural colt" 2 yrs; driving mare,
euiet and reliable; aged working
mare Cattlel-Cow 4 Yrs due Dec.
24, cow 6 yrs due Mar. 28, cow 7
yrs due Dec. 21, heifer 3 yrs due
Dec', 3, heifer 3 yrs due Dec. 9esteei
rising 3 yrs, heifer rising 2, 2 steers
rising 1, heifer rising 1, 3 spring
calves, 5 pigs, about 150 lb. each, sow
due to profit 25th of November, 80
hens. ' Massey-Haeris 7 ft binder,
Deming mower ft, 11:hoe fertiliz-
er drill, Ma -H, eultivator, roller, rake
10 hoe grain drill, fanning mill,bug-
gy, •lumber Wagon, hay rack, gravel
box, walking plow, (Verity), riding
plow, Peerin; 7 se. harrows, sleighs,
cutter, set of butter scales, 4 M. ca-
pacity, spgar kettle, 2 apple"' drying
screens, screen door, lawn croquet
set, pulpei.e Wheelbarrow, gasoline,
engine 2M, h. p., quantity of shafting
and pulleys, DeLaval ceesun Separe-
Apr, Daisy churn No. 3, galvanized
water,trough, wooden water trough,
galvanized lining; 40 ft rubber drive
belt, set of breeching, harness, set of-
back...rand harness, 2 set- single har-
ness, number -of kitchen chairs, quan-
tity of floor oil cloth, coal heeter
with oven, quantity of rag carpet,
lounge, bed stead and • springs, 2
‚small cupboards, large kitchen table,
folding lead table, Chicken coops,
dishes, pans, pots, milk pail, Rayo
hanging lanip, grain 'ibag ..forks,
shovels, whiffletree$, YiecicYoke, and
other articles too numerous to men-
tion. EVerything• p.be 8o1d as Deo-
prietor is giving up faeming. This
is an exceptionally good line of im-
plements snit of them nearly new.
Terms: All sunis of $10 andeunder,
caila, over that amount 12 anonths
credit will be‚given on furnishing ap-
proved notes or a discOunt of 5 p.
c. per annum 'allowed for cash on
credit' amounts. DAVID BEATTY
Propeictois GEO. H. 'ELLIOTT,
Auctioneer. "- 70-2
- Auction Sale
Of ftlein, farm stock, implements and
household furniture, lot 10, conces-
sion 1, lIullett, Peron Road,- 4 miles
east of Clinton, 'five miles west of
; on Tuesday, October 24th,
at 1 o'Clock share. The farm eon-
sists of 100 acres more or less,'3
acres of haedwood bush, 2 acres of
good beaeing• orchard, balance good
illable land in high state -of cultIva_
ion, well adapted for pastpre 011
ram i glowing. 20 acres Sall pldugh-
balance seeded to grass. On
he preMises aro a good nine -roomed
rick residence, barn 40x66, stabling
n first close condition, large straw
heci „and drivieg shed 20x50, Perses
-Brood mare, 11 yrs old; agricel-
ural mare, el yrs old; filly, 3 years
lci; driver. Catt/e-2 fresh cows;
milking since July; 2 2 yr old
tears; 2 yearling heifers; 4 calves;
tears; 2 yearling heifefrs; ealvesr
eaves; about 100 hens. Implements
Wagon and box; set of,bobsleighs;
p buggy; log bunks; open buggy;
utter; walking plough; seuiller; -10
oe drill; 310. 12 DeLaval cream sep-
rator; root nnilper; speed jacks;
ag holder; bag truck; stable boat;
iron pig* troughs; -pig rack; 2 set:
heavy hotness; string of bells; set
esingle' harness; hew churn; small
entity of "tile; number of cedar
its; iron vice and tools; pile of
no /limber; neckyokeS, forks; grain,
gs; and other articles too menet.-
s to $neetion, • Fureituree-33ed-
om suite; spring.; mattress; coal
stove; tables and chairs; sewing
achine; kitchen cupboard; refrig-
Mee; dinner -bell; flour bin. Terms
chattels: -All sums of $10 and
der, cash, over that amount 10
enthe credit will be given on fun -
ling approved joint notes. A dis-
mit of 4 per cent. straight off Inc
sh.• Terms on farm made known
day of sale. IVIrs. J. D. 1VIeDer-
d, Proptietreee, AUC_
neer, 70,-2
tands;‚set of bedroom dishes; gram -
phone; pictures; dishes; ba»ging
3mps; 2 feather beds; washitig ma -
bine; Daisy chtirn; No. 12 DeLaval
ream separator; incubator; brooder;
erandah so:eerie. Everything to be
old eS pToprietor has sold his faint.
brims -Pay, hens, household effects
rid a11.atints of $10 and 'linden, coals
Ivor that amount 'tWelve months
redit will be given on furnishing
artkable papereor diseetint of 5ree,„
er annum allowed for caah-on‚creti-
ornonnts. ,Shipleye Prepel-
`ear, Geo; 11, Auetioneer. 70-2,
• Mr. Clarence liarvey Hann mann,
ger of the Molsone•Bank, 13eueefield,
and -Miss Alice Jane Swan, 'daughter
ot no.. James" Swan, also of Bruce -
field, were inarried on SePtember 20.
"Last week Warden. Teesvartha and
Peeves 13eavers Exeter; Irwin, Bay_
field, and keNole Grey, were here Is
on ern inspectorial .visit cenneetion 11
With the Good Roads program of,the ,'"dt
Coenty. • Engineer Patterson " was w
also with the 'company. •The work L
40 reported to lbe Drogrosaing'faY*1"- Pa
•ably."-Brassels Post, ,1 1 1 01
Highly Sucutssfiti
MARE.W, Stewort, Lon MeKeri-
eie., VOAL---,Don IVIeKenzie. Wrn,
Stewart, 8 YEAR OLDS- Wie,
Stewart, Virellington Johnston. 2
YEAR OLDS -Archy Arnastrong. 1
-Wm. Decker, H. H.Neeb.
IVforton Elliott. 1 YEAR OLDS -
Colin Campbell, , FOAL -Ben Jer-
son, Joe Foster,.
-,Eloyd Scotsmere, W. N. Key
FOAL -,--W. N. Key's, Lloyd Scot
mere, 3 YEAR CLDS---Henry,:Stel
boch:2 YEAR OLDS -J. R Sti
ling, TEAM -J. R. Stirling.
-Wsn. McAllister & Son, W. W.m
• Wise, FOAL -W. McAllister &
•Son, W. W, Wise. 3 YEAR OLDS
-Wlm, McAllister & Son, W. W.
Wise, 2 YEAR OLDS -Wm. Mc-
-Allister & Son. 1 YEAR OLDS -7-
W. W. Wise. TEAlVf-Robt: Web-
ster, °C. Truemer. •
Wm. Decker, Robt. Blair, TEAM.. -
Henry Steinbach. SINGLE ROAD
STERS-Dr. Whitely, John, MeKi
Chas, S. Beduin', 14111ne Rader, Hems
Eggs, blown ehell, Laimelot Beatty,
1Viiine Rader. Display of Bee' pros
ducts, Lancelot Beattie, Wm, Mo-
Dool, Quart of strained holey, Mee.
11 Geiger, Lancelot Beatty, Quart
of Maple Syrup, F. Keegan, Robert
l'Urner, Herne mode Fudge, Mrs.
,It. Geiger, E, And R. Snowden. Iioal.
'cd White Bread, John Stewaite E. &
Snewdon. Loaf, Graham 13read,`
Mrs., A, E. Erwin, Lucy Woods, Bos-
ton Brown Bread, John Stewart, E.
& R. ,Snowden. Leaf of Nur Bread,
E. and 31. • , Snowden,' Lucy Woods,
Six Buns, N. & R, Snowden, Lucy
„4- Woods, •Six Tea, Biscuits, Lucy
W d G met' Jacobe 6 Ginger
Hermits! F. Keegan, Garnet 3acone.
Plate of Cookies, E. Keegan, E. & R.
Snowden. 6 Plain Miufin$, John
Sf:ewart, Mrs. R. Geiger. 6 Scones,
Don McKenzie, John Stewart. Meat
Loaf, Lucy Woods. Apple Pie, Inc).
Stewart, J. It, Stirling. Lemon Pie,
John Stewart, Garnet Daters. Plain
Baked Beans, Meg, 31. Geiger, Lucy
Woods. Best Cold Luneh, Lucy
Woods, Mrs. E. A. Erwin. Cenned
Feta, F. Keegan,' W. F. .1VIetealf.
Canned Vegetables, W. F. Metcalf
F. Keegan. Pmkles, Mrs. Ada Et
liady, F. Keegan 3 jelly, 3 M
malade; F. Keegan, W. F, Mete
Catsup and Meet Sauce, IVIrs,
HallidaY, W. F. 1VIetcalf. L
Cake, Garnet Jacobe, E & R. Sno
OUTFIT, -Dr, Whitely, Dr. Woods.
LADY DRIVER- Sara Aldsworth,
Lucy Woods. •
('GRADE- miLcH COW -Thomas
Brownet, E. H. Wise & Son. HEIR.
ER, 1 YEAR 014)=-W. W. Wise, C.
Ratliwell, 11EIFER GALE-- W.
W. Wise, J. and R. Reid. STEER
CALF -Thos. 13rownett, Beatty Bros.
STEER 2 YEARS OLD -E. 11. Wise
& Son, W.' W. Wise. STEER ,1
YEAR OLD --Chas. Rathwell; E. II.
Wise & Son. FAT COW, HEIFER,
STEER -E.. H. Wise& Son, J. & R.
Wise & Son, E. 11. Wise & Son.
Wise & Son, J. and R. Reid: HEIF•
ER, 1 YEAR'OLD-L-R. M. Peck, W.
W: Wise. HEIFER CALF-. R. M.
Peek, & -R. Reid. BULL CALF
-R, M. Peck, W. W. Wise. ,
' •JERSEY -Milch Covv, Mrs, Bran-
don, James Johnston.. Eaton's Spe-
cial, Chas. Rathwell.
, 'LEICESTER ---"-Aged Ram, E. JI.
Wise, William Stowsmt. Ram
E. H. Wiae, Wm. 'Stewart. Ram
.Lamb, Wm: McAllister & Son. Ewe,
noised lambs, WM. McAllister & Son
Wm. Stewort. , Shearling Ewe, 11.
& R. :Snowden, W. W. Wise. Ewe
lanab, E. & R. Snowden, Wlln. 1VIcAl-
lister_ & Son. Wether Land: Wm.
• McAllister & Soh let and 2nd. .
LINCOLNS-Aged Rem, G. Pee -
hale. Shearling Ram, Geo. Penhale.
Rain lamb, Snowden, Geo, Penbele.
Ewe, raised lamb, Thos.'Snowden,
Geo. Penhale. Sheerltng Ewe, T.
Snowden, Geo: Penhale. Ewe lamb,
Geo. Penhale, lsif and 2ncl. Wether
lainla, Thos. Snowden, E. & R. Snow-
den. • „
, FINE WOOL --Aged gam, J. 31.
Manson & Sen. Sheaeling Ram,
forton Elliott. Rate lamb, F.
Weekes; -1st and 2nd. Ewe raised
lambs, Morton Elliott let and 2nd.
Shearling ‚Ewe, J. A. Manson & Son,
1st and 2ncl. Ewe Lamb, A. Man-
son, Morton Elliott. Wether lamb,
J. A. Manioe. Best fat sheep, Goo.
Penhale, AS Manson & goe.
BERKSHIRE -Brood: Sow, 4. A.
Manson, Thus: Snowden, Sow littered
in 1822, Thos. Snowden, • a
YORKSHIRE -Sow littered in 19-
22, E. & R. Snowden, .1st and '2nd.
RED PIGS -Aged „Boar, Thos.
Snowden. Brood Sow, Thos. Snow-
den, 4, A. Manson. Boar litteeed" in
1922, Thos. Snowdee. Sow littered
in 1022, Thos. Snowden, J. A. Man-
son & Son, Bost Boar any breed,
Thos. Snowden. Pair of Bacon hogs,
Thos. Snowden. • -
POULTRY -Pair Brahmas cocker-
el and pullet, Thos. Brandon. Ply-
mouth Rocks, barred, cock and hen,
Colin Campbell.. Plymouth Rocks,
barred, cockerel and pullet, Colin
• Campbell, Archy Armstrong. • Ply-
morrth Rocks, white, cock and
Thos. Blandon, Thos. Snowden. Ply -
month Rocks, white, cockerel and
pullet, Robeet Blair, Thos. Snoivden,
White Wyandottes, cock and hen,
Lucy "Woods, lit and 2nd. , 'White
Wyandottes, cockerel and pullet, Lu -
Cy Woods, 1st and 2nd. Silver Wy-
andottes, Robt. McClinchey. Butt'
Orpingtons, cockerel and pullet, Gar. -
net Daters, lst and 2nd. White
Leghorns, cockerel and pullet, Robt. I
cOlinchey,• W. W. WiSe. Anconase
ock ,end he, Jas. Johnston, W. F. s
Aletealf. Anemias, cockerel and
ullet, W. P. • Metcalf. ,Campines, t
ock ,aed hen W. F. Metcalf, Jas. ri
Winston. dampines, ‚cockerel and o
ullet, W. P. Metcalf, Black Min- S
nag, cockerel and pullet, Beatty
roe. Houdane, tock and hen, D.
cDonald. Hondans, cockerel and
ullet,D. IVIeDonald, Any other var-
ty of fowl, cock and hen, Robert 1'
cOlinchey, Pekin Ducks, E. & Y
nowden, 4. A. Manson & Son. Rouen P
ueks, Theo. Snowden, Talouse G
eese, Robt. Blair.) Any other var- Y
ty -of Geese, -E., & R. Snowden,,
lair. Bronze Turkeys, Robert Me- M
linchey. Pigeons, Dr. McKinnon, 0
has, Bedour.
DAIRY -10 lbs. Salt Butter, John W
tewort, Mrs. It. Geiger, 5 Ms. p
utter b blocks, John Stewort, Geo, la
aithwaite. 5 lb. Crock of 13utter, b
ehn Stewart, Mrs, J. Heard. 1. /b. II
int of butter, Mrs, R. Geiger, ,GatL
t Jacobe. Cottage°. Cheese lb 1131
lowrie, MAW" WdellPli KRA
tkolo(r3 miei,tt$K,re,r.0411310tlesitilw,
Delieton. badiesi Thglrooni S//1).Portl
Metealf; Mite‚ Howrie, Baby's
twitted Jacket end Boneidt, wool, Jerre
Ada Halliday, •13aby'e Crochet
Jaekell and Bennett, wool,Xre.
Howrie, flaby'a knitted DootoS,
Mrs, 8. Houston Howrie. Tux-
etio Cellar end Set, Lucy Woods
Genet Jecobe, Irish Croehee laeo,
Pete Day Slipe, Mrs. Jr. 1VIcKinnoo,
Mrs, Ilowrie, Mrs, R. Geiger. Elliot
wOroroode81mt liatte:esyTAbopal:Qatl,ammerero, ,Luueciy,
ger, Thes. Camerom Plan Kitch-
en Apron, Mrs, R. Geiger, Mrs. A,
E, Erwin. "Eyelet Embroidery, Mrs.
flowrie. Roman Cut Work, Mes.
ITowrie, W, F. Metcalf, Hardanger
PrEnolubsTona,e1• 7'EMrtebilYg. olVireLocuittilfiimMertsiteSii,
Mrs, S, Houston, Mrs. Howrie. Mod -
don, Mrs. J. Toms. Drawee work,
Garnet Jacobe, Ade Galbraith. Lunch
ivioretaTaeiat 'LGaloctyh,weemecibstO,IdLearenda,b Wer, TeaF
Cloth Crochet, Gannet Jacebe; Mrs,
Howrie. Lunch or Tea Ciotti, Lace,
W. F. IVIcinalf. Washable Tea Cosy,
Ada Galbraith, Lucy WONIS. ErnbrOi...
deiced Sofa- Cushion, W. Y. Metcalf,
Mee, S. Houston, Crochet triinmed
sofa CushionThos.. Cameron, Garnet
Jacobe. 4 'Modern Handkerchiefe,
al- Luey Woods, Ada •Galbeaith. Tat-
ar- ting, Lucy Woods, Garnet Jacobe.
air, Curtains, handma e, Garnet Jacobe,
Mrs, R, Geiger, Table Runner, Mrs.
yer S. Houston, Mrs, R. Geiger, Fillet
sy_• Crochet Yoke, Mrs, W. Ferguson,
Mrs. Dr. MelCinnon, Pin Cushioe:
washable Mrs. R Geiger Lucy
Woods. Embroideeed Centre Piece,
white, Mrs. Howrie, , Garnet Jaeobe.
Centre Piece, Colored, W. F. Metcalf,
Lucy Woods. Embroidered Dresser
Scorf, Mrs. Howrie. Set Bed LinA'
en, Lucy Woods, Mrs. Ilovvrie, 3
Embroidered Towels, • Mrs. • Howrie.
3 Crochet Trimmed Towels; Mrs. S.
Houston, W. P. Metcalf, Bath Tow-
el, Mrs'. Howile, Ada Galbraith.
Ladies' ,thicierwear, ,hand". made, Lu-
cy Woods, Mrs. R. Geiger. Man's
Cotton Shirt, Mrs, S. Houston, Mrs.
,R. Geiger. Bedank•ead, 'Crochet in-
set, Mrs. Ada , Child's
Dress from old garment, F. Keegan,
Woman's Dress, Mrs. A, Erwin, G.
Jacobe. Sampler, Patch, Hemmed,
F. Keegae. . Darning: on worn Sox,
John Stewart, F. Keegan. Patched
Quilt, cotton Robt. Turner Mrs: R. -
Geiger. "ached Quilt, -cloth, Mrs-.
Ada Halliday, Mrp. Brandon. Goose
down Comeorter, Ada Galbraith, Mrs 1,
Brandon, Braided Mat, Mrs. S
Houston, John Stewart, Hooked Mat,
F. Keegan, Mrs. S. Houston. Fancy
Hand bag, W. F. Metcalf, Mrs. W.
, GRAIN AND -SEEDS -White win-
ter wheat, Thos. Snowden; U. Truem-
• nel. Red, winter Wheat, Milne Ra-
der, Garnet Jamibe; Spring Wheat,
Milne Rader.' white Peas, C.
'Trueninen IVIiine 'Rader. 6 rowed
Barley,, C. Trueinner, Garnet Deters.
2 rowed Earley, Robt. TUrner, E. &
Re Snowden. White Oats, W. John-
ston, Robe McClineheYi Timothy
Seed, C.nTruenmer, - Wm. Johnston.
Red Clover Seed, J. W. Reid, AlsOke
Clover, Wm, Johnstori; 6 Ears of
Yellow Corn, A. E. Erwin; Harold
Penhale. 6 ears of Dent Coen, E.
& R. Snowden, Garnet DaterS. 6
ears of Sweet Corn, Vel, Johnston,
E. SZ,R. Snowden. 6 ears, any other
variety of corn,' Thos. Snowden, G.
Jacobe. Field Beans, Milne Rader,
C. Truennien' Collection of Geain
in Heads,' Garnet Jacobe, F. Keegan.
FRUIT -6 Bunches of Grdpes, W.
P. Metcalf, Mrs. Hewson. Collec-
-tion of Grapes, W. F. Metcalf, Mrs.
Hewsori. Plate oe Peaches, 3. R.
Stirling, Milne Rader. Plate of
Plums, Thos. •Brownet, 3. R. Stirl
ing. , Plate Prunes, F. Keegan,Yel-
lw Crabs, Don 1VICKenzie, ,E. & R.
Snowden. Red Crabs, J. R, Stirl-
ing, Mrs. J. Heard. Collection of
Pears, W. F. Metcalf, J. R. Stirling."
Plate Fall Pears, & R2 Snowden,
X. R. Stirling. Plate Winter Pears,
J. R. Stirling', John Stewart, Col-
lection of Apples, ,fall 6 winter, G.
Laithwaite, J. R. Stirling. :Collec-
tion of winter Apples, Robert Turn-
er 3.11.Stirling Plate of Bald-
wins, Haro/d. Penhale, "F. Keegan.
Colleclioe of Fall ,Amples, Robt.. Tur-
ner, Garnet Deters, Mann Apples,
F. Keegan, Robert Turner, Spitz-
enburg, J. R. gtirling, F. Keegan.
Northern Spies, j". R. -Stirling, Wm.'
McDool. Ring- of . Tompkins, Thos,
Brownet, F. Keegan. Greenings,
Joe Richardson, Robt: Turrier. Rib-
s -ton -Pippins Joe Riehardson F
Xeegan, 20 ounce Pippins, John
Stewart, -Georg-e Laithwaite. Wag-
ners, Robert ,Turner, P. Keegan.
Golden Russets, J. R. Steeling, John
Stowaet. Blenheim Pippins, Geo.
Laithevaite, Joe Richardson: Snows
John Stewart, George Greenslade.
Onta.rios, "George Greenslade, F. Kee -
gap., Wolfe River, J. A. Stirling,
Wm. McDool. .
• VEGETABLES - Early Cobblers,
Thos, Cameron, C. Truenmer, Early
• P,otattiee, riamed, Milne -Rader, Geo.
Greenalade, Green Mountain, Itobt.
Purner, C. Truemner. Late 'Pota-
toes; named, Robe Terrier, C. Truem-
nes'. Mangolds, long red, E. and R.
Snowclen, C. Trueniner, Mangolds,
Yellow Globe, Thos, Snowden, Rebt.
Penhale, Mangolds; Inteamediate,
Milne Rader, Win, Edighopher, Field
Carrots, Milne Rader, Robt. Penhale,
Table Corrots, Mrs. P. Clark, ivrrs,
4. Heard. Table Beets, A. E. Er-
win, Don MeKenzie. 3 Field Ter -
nips, Robt, Turner, Milne Rader, 8
Sugar Beete, C. Truemner, Wan. Ed-
ighopher. 3 winter Radishes, aim.
A. Murray. 6 Salsify, E. and R.
Snowden, W. F. Metcalf. 2 Heads
of Cabbage, George Greenslade, Jno.
A. Murray, 2 Heade of Cauliflow-
er, Mis. P. Clark, White cdory:
Mrs. Ada Halliday, Garnet Jacobe.:
2 Muslt Melons, C. Truenmer,
Edighophen 2 Wa:teene-eons, Wm.
leY Woods, W.e.F. Metcalf, Half
aninhonie cured, John Stewart, E.
'Snowden. 3 lbse Bacon, Lucy
ioesig delt. Snowden': 2 lbs." of :w
,SteWart, Garnet 2,Tacolie.
ir f 'dr s S ,
iecheY:' Hens 'Eggs ' Shell, -a
iki`nihophee, Thos. Snowden. 2 cit.
ions, Thos. Snowden, George Green, -
lade. •Pumpkim 'table use, George
Greenslade A. E. Erwin. Squash,
able 'use: 'Thos. Cameron, Milne Ra_
er. Largest Pumpkin, feed, Hay -
1(.1 Penhale, George Greenslade.
quash, for feed, John A.- Murray,
Wm, Edighepher. English Potato
Onions, Wm. Edighophee, John A.
Murray. • Large White Onions, W.
. 1V1etcalf. Large Red Onioes;131.
Metcalf, Mrs. J. Tough, Large
ellow Onions, W. F. Metcalf, Mrs.
. Clork. Large Red Tomatoes, G.
reenslatle, W., F. Metcalf. Large
ellow Tomatoes, W. F. Metcalf, E.
R. Snowden. Peach Tomatoes',
rs. Brandon, Mrs, J. Toms. Dead
f Sunflower, Mra..R. Geiger, Garnet
acolee. Collection of Garden herbs,
F. Metcalf, E. & It., Snowden.
late of Peppers, George Greene -
de, Mrs, Howson, Plate of mumm-
ers, George Greenshule, Mrs. Ada
alliday, Vegetable Illforrow, V. F.
etcalf, Wm. EdighoPher. Green
ubbaed Squash, Harold Penhale,
rs. Hewoon. Yellow Hubbard
quash, A, E, Erwin, Lucy Weeds./
LADIES' WORK -Ladies Knitted
*01 Sweater, ;Met. Ada Halliday,
vfimeayteWr,00rd.s. g,eeTagiwie, s Cloacilstieetd wc�8001
senScarf Mre.. Ilawrie. Mrd 11,
qua, large, Mrs. Hewson, Lucy
Woods. Bouquet, small, W. E. Met-
calf, Mrs, Howson. 'Collection of
Dahlias, W. F. Mete:11f, Mrs, Powrie.
Collection of Fuschias, Mrs. Hewson.
Collection of Pansies, IVIes..Dr, Mc-
Kinnon, Lucy Woods. Collection of
Tuberous Begonias, Mrs, Hewson:
Collection, Ferns, and Foliage, Be-
gonias, W. F. Metcalf. Collection
of Geraniums, ‘16.cs. Hewson. Col-
lection of Asters, W. 31. Metcalf, DI -
Cy Woods. ^ Coiled/on of Petunias,
W. F. Illete.alf. Collection of house
plants, --Mrs. Hewson. CoIlection 0(3
Colens, W. F. Metcalf, Mrs. Halli-
day. Collection, Cloxania, Lncy
Woods. 4 varieties of Amulets, E.
& R.- Snowden, -Lucy Woods. Display
of Cosmos,•Mrs. Hewson, Ddn Mc-
Keezie, Collection of zinias: Mrs.
HoWson, Ada Galbraith,
FINE ARTS -Mrs.. IVIetcalf, spe-
cial: W. F. Metcalf. Lanseape, or-
iginal, oil: W. F. Metcalf. Still Life
lob a mild, vegetable Itikative to
in relieve Constipation and Bili—
ousness and keep the digestive and.
eliminative functions nortnal.
Cat a Med Aron'?
25o, list/Z1t•
.9,01,4S.'S ar(dc''
Chios off he Ohilthick.
Littto No
One.third the regu-
lar doeo. Made of
same ingredients,.
than needy coated.
Pot children and adults.
Sold by 3. E. Hovey, Clinton, Ont.
Daily Except Sunday.
LVe Goderich 6.00 a.m. 2.20 pan.
Lve Clinton, 6.25 a.m. 2.52 p.m.
Lve Seaforth .. 6.41 a.m. 3.12 p.m?
Lve Mitchell .. 7.04 a.m. 3.42 p.m.
Arr Stratford .. 7.30 a.m. 4.10 p.m.
Arr Katchene.r.,. 8,20 a.m. 5.20 pen.
Arr Guelph .... 8.45 am. 5.50 p.m.
Arr Toronto .. 10,10 a.m. 7.40 p.m.
Leave Torcinto 6,50 a315.; 12.55 pan.
and 6,10 pan.
rarlor Cafe car -Goderich to To-
ronto on morning train and Toronto
to Goderieb'6.10 pain Ulan, • '
,Parlor Buffet car Stratford to To-
ronto, on afternoon train.
Ca Horning, System
'John Raneford & Son, Plume- 57,
Uptown Agon
Real Good Soap'
A Big Bar of Good Soap Bright, solid 9oap
with fine lathering and cleansing qualities
for the fautily wash and household use,
For :ace in washing machines shave or slice
a portion of the " suittPafsiEo bur direct
to the machine -it will do fine work. "
original, oil: W. F. Metcalf. Land-
scape, original, water eiders Mrs, W.
Ferguson, IVfra. 11(3031, or-
iginal, water color; W. F. Metcalf,
Mrs liowrie Flowers original,
water color; W. F. Metcalf, Ed Tal-
bot. 1 Pen and ink drawing: Ivirs.
Howrie. Drawing, crayon or lead
point: John Stewart, Luey Woods,
Water color painting on silk oe satin:
Mee. Howrie, W, F. Metcalf. Hand
painted china, 2 pieces, Mrs, gowr-
fe, Mrs. Dr, eIVIcKinnon. Stenciling
on fahric: NW F. Metcalf.
MANUFACTURERS --Set of single
harness: Thos. Cameron, J. W. Tip-
pet, Set of double harness: 3, W.
Tippet, Thos, Cameron. Skein twist-
ed yarn: Milne Rader. Skein woollen
yarn: Milne Rader: Quart jar of
soft soap: Thos. Brownett, Mrs. Ada
Halliday. 2 bars of hard soap: Le-
cy Woods, Mrs, Dr, McKinnon. Corn
doer mat: Milne Rader, Thos, Bxown-
ett. Best collection of weeds nam-
ed: Margaret Ferguson.
The races on Wednesday afternoon,
occasioned much interest. 1 There
were four entries and the following
were the winners: First, John Hey,
Zurich, with Little 11a/. Second:
Mowat IVIeDougall, Porter's Hill with
Maggie 'McKinney. Third: Samuel
Hey, Blake, with Grey Bird.
Horses -W. J, Dixon, Seaforthe J.,
IVIcCuskey, aciderich
Cattle -J. J. Biggins, Clinton, 11.
Charters, Seafortla
Sheep and Pigs-eHumplirey Snell,
Clinton, G. C. Petty, Hensall,
Poultry -N. W. Trewarth, Clinton.
Dairy -Jas, Connolly, Goderich,
A. T. Scott, Brucefielcl,
Vegetables-Wni, Johnston, Zurich
Grain and Seeds -Les. Williams,
Ladies' Work. --Mrs, King, Goderich
Mrs, Les Williams, Zuriqh,
Eine Arts -Mrs. Geo. 'A. Stewart,
Plante add Flowers -G. A. Stew -
Baking Department -Mrs. James
Connolly, Goderieh, Mrs. Dr, IVICKine
non of Zurich.
Manufacturing --Jas, Connolly and
A, T. Scott.
• Count1j News
Kr, W. 0. Goodwin, superintend-
ent of the Hensall branch of the
Jackson Mfg. Co., was married M
September 26th at St. Paul's Cathe-
dral, London, to Miss Ethel Maulks
inson, recently 'from England. Mr.
and Mrs, Goodwin went On an exa
tended motor tour immediately after -
the wedding breakfast, which was
served at Belvedere Hotel, London -
Mr. John F. Groves of Winghain ‚
has gone 'tosToronto, having, bought
out 'a grocery business there.
The eleven year old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Bennett of Gorriewas
kicked in the temple by a eelt 01
Winghani feir last week and pretty a
badly injured.-
. •
Wive you Rheumatism or Neuritis,
Sciatica, Lumbago ? Now Is the
time to get rid of R. Nature Is
doing an she can for you. • Just
help things atong. (let a box of
Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules
from your Druggist and you will
soon be flt and well again.
A :S
Sold by J. De Hovey, Clinton, Ont.
11.1.101•101•461•11.1•0131(11.111.1 16111.11.06,A.Malliminqrt
• a
Bar al
Is es
In this community are hundreds of indivi-
duals and families cin the watch for an ad-
vertisement which will offer them What
they want al; an advantageous price,
Call them bargain -hunters it you Will, but
• there is nothing wrong in waiting -for a bar-
gain, especially when the seller is anxious ,
to sell at a rednctd price.
One family Wants a new carpet—the need is•
• not urgent. Another family is looking for-
- ward to buying furnitore—it may not be for
a twelve. month. e•
Oneinan is thinking ,of buying himself
w\atch. One womaird sbopping-bag; another , • •
an umbrella,
All can be made to buy earlier—by adver-
in The News -Record
Stimnlate business by ;the offer of some slow-
moving lines at special ,prices. Brighten up
business by advertising some desirable goods at
reduced prices. Make aqvertising banish dull
business. Often you can tempt the buyer who
is biding his or her time, to buy from you—at
a time of your naming. •
Shop Where Von are Invited to Shop
" • ,