HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-10-5, Page 111 ,CLINTON ONTARIO THU We say as many oo C1tINTON MiUU ETS. Wheat,H p. Onta 32e.. Barley, 50c. Butter 80c. c, tp 330. Eggs 30e ale. gS ,to Live Hogs, ,s, 11. C. C, 1. 1P1ELD DAY. The Collegiate Institute is boldin its annual Field Day on Friday Oc- tober 13th. The inter -form 'sports Wil be held on the schpol grounds in the :merning,,'beginning et 10 o'clock The Ohampionship events will be run off in the Recreation' Park in the of ternoon. There will also be a, base- bball m a arch -between the Seafoi'th anis' t 1 nton Collegiate teams in the park at 3. 80,'followed ;.,by a basketball '"latchbetween the ,S.C,I..and ,C.C.I. teams on the school grounds: All are cordially- invited to attend and enjoy these sports: 1i0NoUR1:D CTII'EFS , , The { ittln8 Company Y s taf yes- terday Pre cuted Mx. Frank LibbYi Termer manager, with . g a handsome library table and iMx: G. 13. Harris,: superiutencient, with a fine chair. LADIES BOWLING A number of bowlers went, to God;; erich on Monday, among them two rinks o£ .ladies. Mrs. M:c1VIurcliie' and Miss Ilowson skipped. Miss Howson and Mrs. Wheeler stood 10-5 respectively, 'Miss Howson. and Miss Edwards 8 and 10. Mrs. McMurch.ie and Miss Edwards stood 17 and 11 and SvMrs.;Mc1V1uatchie and Mrs; Wheel- er 11 and: 7., so the 'Clinton ladies .were thirteen up in the. round. In the ladies' doubles beingla P,Y ed off for some time past, Mrs. Axon and Mrs. Merman won first prize plus Ti; Mrs. Fair and Mrs. IVIeMurchie. second 'prize, plus 9. or that 70eddin ' you will find' choosing easy at • IIELLYAR'S Jewelery Store.' We have the newest and best designs ` in SILVER, CUT . GLASS, S, CHINA, ETC. Our stock is well and',earefully. selected, and will' make choosing easy and satisfactory. REDUCED PRICES ON VICTOR TALKING MACIJINES Lee - Call and hear our newest His Master's VoicesecoidR o will b e pleased to have you `call. A monthly catalogue will bWe- sent, to' you each month on request. 'w,, • • �l r� Jeweler and Optician Phone 174w Residence1743 -+..,oma, 1 - Conversion of Victory.Bonds THE SERVICESof this Bank are ofte red free. of charge to those who wish to arrange tha,conversion of Victory Bonds maturing on December 1, 1922, to the new five or ten-year bonds.:A Application pp anon should be made ,as early as' possible, but not later than -e Sep-, tember` 30th. The Manager aha er of any our branches :will bo. l gad to furnish full particulars upon request. THE ROYAL '�s n �T A READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING.: 7 he' 1 jf7orrrsh 1 Clothing- Co I " ORD}]'RIvD OEOTHJNG r Announ6ng the arrival of our Choice Overeoats for and WINTER You are invited to inspect our overcoat stack which .includes' the best models of the most noted all ors. Weare rc,ad 't y o suit any Man's •s Ilkngs We are sure thatyou can find here just you R OVERCA.OT whethero ' y ur ,taste breezy be: quiet or 'e z y, If yon are atall particular about your overcoat cotrie and make your selectionearlywhile have we yourparticular style and.size. Overcoats alt to TNS Motto. Extra, special at '$25.00 ?AOR.RISH CLOTHING CO. 61 A Square Deal for Qr Evelr Mai 1 AY OCTOBER :5t11 22 words abbot other people as we can. We would appreciate it if our friends would cornnmend ,, The People's Paper to their friends A SUDDEN DEATH Miss Washt onr• trreceived o b otd ,wor Cl 00 Sunday t morning'. y of the death which occurred zedatS Swift t Current, Sash., on Sunday, of her brother, Jabez Wash, ington. Miss Washingfeh was not 'aware that hey brother had been ill and :has not yet received particulars of his 'death, 11e had lived in the west for a great many years and 1s survived'', by his wife and. two This is the third death in the lra tnl- ily . within the past twenty -ex anon - WISHING HER. 110N -VOYAGE On the afternoon ]i noon of September 27th the ladies of the W, M. 5, of Ontar- io street church, gave' a very. .infor- mal farewell to Miss Louise Beaton, who is'^'leaving shortly for China; to engage in teaching. The president, Mrs, Geo. Shipley, expressed the kindly wishes of the Society, god - speed in he e new field` of labor and bon voyage, after which,, Mrs. Eq - win Jervis presented her with a lea_ therbound portfolio, as a'slight 'co Iden of esteem. Miss Beaton very fittingly repIie"d, thanking' the ladies foe their kindly, thoughts and good wishes. Light refreshments were afterward served. A FISH STORY ' here's a fish' :story which, we tell for What it is worth' but Tor which we will: not vouch. A_ Clinton young man was at. Auburn this summer. spending a holiday and while there enjoyed sone fishing',; for -which tl bright x ght little btugis.noted, using• his father's pet fishing rod. Dur- ing .his stay the young man,; got, a fine fish on his line butsiv]ti]e try- ing to land hitt the big fellow, got away; taking with hien the reel. The young man was extremely sorey to lose .the - reel from his .father's rod and the father was equally carry, when the loss vasutt a. 1c known owl, to him, and a reward was offered for its recovery. . Just recently word has come from Auburn to the effect that a large pike wins caught there whieh;on being opened contained the almost as good as new. : At last reports the reel had not yet been received by the owner.' Well, 'that's. the story; anyway., i . MISS BENTLEY HONOURED sons, A number' of ,Ire friends in the choir of St. Paul's church of Miss Norma Bentley, -who, leaves, town week, lied a little informal gather- ing after : the, evening' service on. Sunday and presented her with a -handsome wrist •watch as a little re- membranes of the manyltappy 'as- sociations' ass-sociations' irl church and: • Sunday school. Col. Ranee made the pre- sentation, expressing ina few elo- quent words the, regret felt over Miss Bentley's intended departure and good wishes for her future. Miss Bentley replied, expressing her sin, cera thanks for the kindly sentiments' as well as for the beautiful gift: Miss Bentley has been a most active worker in the choir arid Sunday' school and will be utissed in church circles. A member of the choir composed the following little timer - ick, which was very feelingly read on this occasion: "We all love a dear girl. called Norma, And we're sorry to have to inform yer That she's going away For a very long stay And all we can do not is mourn her." LITTLE LOCALS Mr. Rivers has rented the house. recently vacated by Mr. W. R. Count ter on Rattenbury .street. The youngest son of 1VIr. and Mrs. Thos. Cardwell ,is quite ill, we are sorry to report: M z. and Mrs. J.rl .,t tion have talc, en Mrs, Perdue's furnished house on Ratteilbury strbet. for the whiter and take possession- next week, Varna School Fair was a hummer. The prize "list appears on another page. Balfield fair prize' list ap- pears iu this issue also:' Miss Christina McDougall of Hen - eon, niece of Mrs. J. D. Atkinson, hes a entered the Clinton Cement -tray Hospital as•a probationary nurse. 1 y Mrs. Eli Cutch' fell mutt a tree one day last weep while pielcieg ap Plea and sustained it fracture of her aria. The hospital bazaar will be held on October 31st, Booths are being. arranged anged for and there will be tea roems, ore. Tim last day of October is the date. Mt. Bert :Levis ]las had the old bowline alley, opposite the. Princess theatre, pulled down and will use soma , of the material in the new house he is erecting on Joseph street. Mgrs. Frank A. Jenkins will receive ler the first thee since her marriage ,n'_Friday, October 20th, front three to six, and afteewares on the fust Friday. The Iiospitttl Drive ,lash ween resulted',in the collection _of $3600, as will be seen by the "cloelt" in W ij. T aux s window. Thi! run re - Cults ns Ar not U e{ 1111 and ' ,tm anyone t a5t Y wish- ing Y. lit to e elft 7.11 rl Bute may ,u still o Y d s. 0 Russ Noma Bentley, who Itis been in the. office of the 15oher't Y Planus for Some time; revered iter' -'itt'etion With }he;flran last"weep and goes' to :I'oeonto this week to nag an lake a position, erring, 1 111 31 NATURAL CAUSES At the inquest heli] last Friday to inquire into t q rn he cause of death in the ease Albert Evans of Gaderiell, who died en t01 Previous' Sunday ev. ening,the jury concluded, feoth the evidence given, that death was due to natural causes, and brought in a verdict accordingly. THE// NORTI-1 WINS • "the bowling 1 g snatch between the north anis southhid w h has been, participated in by both men and'wo,.' men, was terminated' yesterday, the; north winning' by -two";shots• This series' of .names, woe , � s t of merely for the fun but eaeh rink en- tering the contest ,hid a fee and this, . together with '..some, donations made by spectators, %:amounted to thirteen dollars, which'. Wes handed over to, the Community Hospital committee, FORJLEST•ER-.McDONAr,D The marriage took Place at' God- eiioh on Thursday last of hiss Ag- nes D. McDonald, n ld, to o t e' daughter g 1 t atcr h of Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, and Mr.;•Donald Ross Forrester, son of the late D, A. Forrester of Clinton. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. R. C. McDermid of: Knox church. Miss B. Tufford was bridesmaid 1110!. Mr, Leslie Huller •of Clinton was ben man. • Mr. and' Mrs. Forrester, who have, been in Clinton for several days, and may locate here, have the good wishes of all for a Itsppy future. B F BRIDE OP FEW WEEKS CALLED Word was received in Clinton on Monday morning of the death • at Wasagvt Beach on Sunday' of Jessie Kathleen, wife of Dr, W H..Hunter. of Orillia, who was 'a daughter of Di F; and Mrs. z W. H; Wright of t 'Tot- tenham - 6 4t tenham and granddaughter of„ Mrs. Thos. Jo e w tt .o f Bayfield. ci. The young lady, who was married only :a few- weeks ago,: was taken ill with typhoid ;fever immediately af- ter her marriage ,and although ev- erything possible was clone, her Bfe could not be saved Much sympathy. is felt for the so goon ,' bereaved young husband and the other mem- bers: of her family in their unexpect- ed sorrow, Mrs; Jowett of Bayfield and Miss Walls of town left on Mon_ day for Tottenham to be present for ,the funeral. COLE-•BIGGINS On Saturday last the marriage was soletn{tized at the Methodist par- sonage,Seaforth, by the ;Rev, R. Ful_ 'ton Irwin, of MattieHazelBiggins, niece of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller of Clinton, and Warwick P. {Cole, tee son df nit'. and Mrs, Peter_Cole. ofC Goderieh township, 1 1 The bride wore her travelling suit r of navy gaberdine embroidered In I P sand and gold, with bodice of blue laq radium lace •over honey dew satin; a a black feather ttiimmed hat and•f mink choicer. She also"wore a cor- sage bouquet of Ophe1]a .roses .and W baby's` breath,, The couple,. were- un- attended. . ,Me.' and Mrs. W, -Miller, Ir,, witnessed the nuptials. • P - Inunediately after the, ceremony a the.b'ridal party, returned to the „re home of Mr. and. Mrs. Miller, where it the wedding luncheon was served, spa immediate relatives of the contract- m in .art' g parties only being rest fr nt. 6 P Ira, er Mr. and Mrs: Cole `motored;„to "p Seaforth and took the df�noon wl train `for a ltoneytnoon trip and Ian- do er. will take up their residence in th Toronto. rho The ' 'bride. was the renipiont oP by many, very beautiful presents, that , W of the groom's parents being a hand- ab some sunt of money. pa The News -Record joins. with the we :Friends of the `young couple in is wishing tltent many happy and pros- M perons years ',together. get ed AMONG T ; THE CHURCHES S ne St. Paul's Church son if. The Deanery of Huron fuer in Bay- wo field yesterday. ab The Rev: 181 Pherrill of Irirltton the conducted services in this -church, oh gat Sunday last, the rector, the Rev., C. rou 'Llewellyn. Bilkey,•• taking special: fKE THEY G() TO SFAFOR'FIT The Co17e ga tD institute tF b aseball and basketball •team go to :Sealorth on Friday, of this week to play the Seaforth ' Collegiate teams. 'llhe young people will be very grateful to any citizen who will volunteer to take members of the ,.teams, in his car. ENTERTAINS C11301R Mr, and Mrs,. Meiritt Neis-e d ,, z em• textained'the, choir' of Wesley church at their home on Friday (evening last. - A very happy time was spent in music, games and song, follow- ed' by dainty refreshments. Miss Evelyn- ,Gruff entertains on, -Friday evening of this week. THE W. LR G ATEPUL The Women' s rIalstitute wish to thank all who'se contributed to the "Cemetery .Gates Fund," , during their., recent canvass. Owing to contr]butions still, comingl yin no statement will be made until a later date. There may be some inter- ested who have not yet contributed, •thS ladies hope none will' hesitate because they cannot give's a large sunt. No matter' how small the a- mount sent, it will be very .accept= able and gra•tful{y aeknowledgd. LEAVING TOWN Mr. Gr B. Harris, who has been with the Clinton . Knitt]tig+ Company as superintendent „for the past ten years, has resigned his positionand leaves for Guelph, -where he takes position tvith ache. Lander hosiery' pe ople. 14Tt'• •Harris -is thoroughly interested in the hosiery busines, and has invented a 'needle, which it is '.thought will prove a boon to hosiery manufacturers : when it Is finally perfected and put on the mar- kat. Clinton friends .of 1VIr, HanesY will be greatly interested in the suc- cess of this' invention in x. Re- gret • e ' e- gree `is felt over the 'removal oi' Harris from town, which will; be .Col_ lowed by the removal of his family, although - they may not go /immed- iately. AN ORANGE SE±VICE• The Rev.' Dr. -Simpson, .Field Sec- retary of the Most Worshipful Grand Orange Lodge of British North .A- merica, will address the members and friends of the Association on; "Sone of the Struggles -in the Interest of Civil , and ,Religious, Liberty," in • the Presbyterian Church, Clinton, next Sunday evening, ootober 8th, at the regular hour of the evening service, 7 o'clock. The lodges throughout the county of,Huron, both.Ot•ange Royal Black gndeLadies' are regiiest- d meet feet at the Ledge roogis . of linton L, 0. L. No: 710 at not later hat. 6.45 o'clock and march in full egalia to the chinch. Dr. %Sin pson reached in the Presbyterian church , t Sunday with much acceptance, nd'those who heard him a1•e looking orward to his Orange service. • ILL YOU HELP? The News -,record is -desirous of ublhsQling' all the news of the town nd' district for • which it can make o10, choosing the most important ems from week to week. It is no all task to gather this news and any an item would elude us if' our ie nds diel not keep us in mind and tit us wise"occasionally. This is tat we like,..the- hearty co -opera - n of all our friends. When any_ in ha-' g en5- PP w ti to ]t you think we w. ould now about lion us a hint" wore] of mouth, telephone or carry, e are just as glad to publishrnews out people who do not read our, per as about. Chase who do. And don't care a copper whether it a Presbyterian, Baptist, Anglican ethodist or Roman ;Catholic who s married or dies or is bequeath fortune, ortwl e w us ph• . e just z olticle the we the sane. He may be a-Nla- or' net a Mason, Grit or 'tory, `ire' ` has 'done ',anything which 15 rtlty of comment we want to hear out hint. And we shall welcome assistance:. of all our friends in bering news from all the sur - Tiding country, Will ,you }fern 7 EP CLOSE T0: NATURE services at T i •lcton. Baptist Church D The ' Missr ' Circle on Ci ' will wll bold a el' ant Than];ofY •' o et n meeting in the e clinic g h. �rr on Tlairsday October 12th at 8 p.rn, Rcv, S. Anderson will deliver an address on missions. A cordial in- vatatip)1 is estbnded to all Mission. worriers to flttend 'Services meat ' Sunday! • at usual hours. The •pastor, will conduct both services. °",'hey that'feared the Lord, spake oftcm to^one anoth- er." ungamton will viii anon of It than three Clinton ave no coppice r ton young cotillles Mary its residents. Mr and 1V1rs Wesley Clturm The: Rei'. D. VPi11]ams ,of Grand Bend ,,reached at both services on ,Sunday hist, it being League anne, versary. His ;sermons wet•e both ,appropriate and were Iletened to With interest. A{, the evening service Mies Agnes Holnte5' sting a solo very acceptably, Mr: Williams Also ad-. dressed ,tho Sunday school in -the afternoon, On:rtiesday evening the League held rz rally 11E ,its tnembero. The peesiibit., Miss Freida' Wallis, occupied the chair, and ham' a short ra tfii 1 P a at adjournment � 1 4lrnlr10 J n 115 4 w made to Wesley ball iv re re a social l time wad enjoyed by aha young pcople. Next Suitdtty, in the :absence er the 511 v pastor ` tsar 1 ten ding' ;Gene, a, Conference in '11.1111 o, the Rev, T. J. Snowdon will preach in the )Hurts d 11Sr. S C1. Haeaite in the ev ugll Itlaguia:e are already there 1-. and Mrs. R. l'ox•rester are moving up this weelc and, 11/11', George McKenzie bas secured a house and will reil. his family almost'imnteaiatel r. eve two first named young, m3 The en have started a battery business in that lit- tle town and Mr. 'tt[cKewele is in ollai'g'e' of. rite bank branch there, The News -Record commends the wisdom of theseyoung people, in cast- ing itt ,their lot with the :small ,town people where there is space to breath and plenty of good air to :fill one's lungs, especially now when, the lure of the city attracts on "tinily. There .aro in all our large cities plen- ty o1' families who would be much better in health, morals and finan- ces if they were content to live in the smaller centres. Anyone who has thought 'about it at a11'tarnst con_ fess that livbig conditions are amici, healthier in the country end smaller towns Num in the crowded spaces of the' cities Wehat s 1 haven to here va law r. a soba to tt' n tIt . rd a alt Sec' r 1 i' t fail to the writer just the other (lay, "(/- 0)11)15' iearlfl], children in. the,:tty Many people hove to live in the tios, of.:course,'! ;tarn added, '{but it is cin place for children." And the 1 ct nti1tione nee equally beneficial to i grewmr-U o ' in the cnur5tt'7. e THE lit) l ] PAP E'R MIGHT BE BETTERED Ayear e 11.4 y the beginning g G r • -Le r 5f c- be to ° wn clerks were x. appuilati:cl. vendors of mareia �•e ., licensee Clerk Ma her i t res end RP soh of Clinton has sold forty-two in the twelvemonth. ft isn't such a lot, either. (hie would think ']f the sales ',vert pushed 'a• lit- tle we might have a bet Ler showing. L, 0. L. IIAD SOCIAL TIME 'lite Orangemen had a pleasant little social gatherin on Friday, et- elin • t g last, when they :woke favoreii with a visit from the Rev. S.T, Simp- son, Grand ' Lodge fiel;l set•etaxy, who gave an address. Refresh- ments t h n s were served at the. close of the program.. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED • The following. announcement e - peared in yesterday's Globe: p "Mr, and Mrs. S. Bruegen-an, of Chesley, Ont„ announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter; Ger. ,aide, to Mr. Edward Wendorf, Olin- ton, On�tr - the marriage. to take place in October." • MONDAY'S CONCERT • -The' Beb Wilson Co. gave ga a con- cert in the town hall on Mottdav ev- ening, eoaititag under the auspices of the Girls': Auxiliary, the proceeds to go. to the hospital. It was a vac led' program, music,• song dancIttp` comedy sketches,`' and was a clean, amusing -entertainmenit. e' Tile hoose was fairly well filled foe so early 01 the season, FORMER 'I -111130N LADY CALLED, Miss. R. A. McGillicuddy died : in Toronto on Monday at. the .home of her e Moth ez Thomas McGillicuddy, , G udd Miss Y, Mc Gli•" ale dd u 'was' associated sociate d with her -her brothers, Thomas and .Dani i el, when they founded -The Brus- sels Post, fifty years .ago, and after- wards when they: became /milers of The Goderrcit', Signal, The family lived in Huron .Gonnty for litany Years.... OIIORAL SOCIETY PRACTISE The Choral Society 'beun its g practises on Tuesday evening in On_. tario .street church, a- good number being present for the opening meet- ing. The following are the' efficers:,. Zion. President: Col. H. T. Rance. " President: J,,, E. -Doherty. Vice Presidents The - resident clei:gy of the totvn;- Secretary: B. J. Gibbings. - g Treasurer: ItE. Manning, Leader: A W. Anderton. Executive Committee: The above officers and- two appointed from eaeh church choir. Practise will be held each Tuesday e(kening. CLINTON BOY MARRIED' The marriage took place at First Methodist' church, London, on Wed- nesday of last week - of Miss Irene Marshall of Medford and Mr. Lloyd Willcen, youngest son of Mr. A. Wil - ken en of town, • who has been 00 the staff of the Thedford branch of the Molsons Bank for sonfe time. The: Rev J. F. Reycraft performed the c ret e non y Mr. ' and Mrs: Wills caste to Clinton on Thursday and spent a few days at the honfe of the bridegroom- here, Mr, Wilken's Clinton ,.friends con- gratulate - him and extend cod wish- es to 'the young.eouple for a happy; future, BUNTER -COULD The marriage took, place at, North. street Meth'odisi church, Goderieh,'at -eleven o'clock yesterday of bV iss Elizabeth Gould, daughter of. the late William Gould of Goclerich township, and Bit. Robert Hunter Iu township. rater of Colborne The ceremony was performed , by the Ret' 1-1 D. Mo;V,ez and at4as wit- ness'ed only by immediate relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter will reside: in Colborne township. The bride is very well known lu Clinton, as she has often visited her. brother here, •and is especially well known in Tiolntesville, the saucily having' vn resided u7 es , g e t d n Gc dezich township before removing t n G ere o tcu d oni • l ,y a r few years ago, The bridegroom is' a cousin of Miss Hunter of town, Friends extend good wishes. THE 'COUNCIL MEETING :The council not on. Monday even ing, 1. onut ialiCati ions weP0 read from the Bell Telephone Co., asking per- mission to :open William street east of Princess for the erection of poles, On the eecominendation of Chairman 1Vliddleton of 'the street committee permission was granted: The clerk was also instructed Lo ask the Con,. pany' to paint their poles on the main streets. The Feel Controller for (intone weoae to the effect that: if any ammo laipality wished pini to fix coal prlecs within the mttttieipality the emus. cil might, appoint repreeental1505 who might go to Toronto and, to- %gethee with representatives 01 coal clealert in the, same municipality, ne would go into the mattes" with them, The • fuel conllnitteo, Coutiaillor r,iv t e,att 5 0 (.. a'F 1 C }t t k1 i2 1 a 'mewl-finely/0d , r ,min , em do d t that the ca LtItG'll nut ha. /e r'', the 110 ]tnr- eitase of throe tars of Gaal, provided eanl'd be seemed nli an c rly 1115101 and that the elerlc eeeeivo otdeee and pap -emit for same, 'i'hc report Was adopted, - 1'he first meeting of the 00rlsrt; bf+ Revielo11 18 to be held nil Otitoho: 27, People You (l' Know A Mt and Mrs. Tilos. Johnston and iVlr. ,yI'ostill of Petrelea were week,enf[ visitors at the home of -Mr. and Mrs:' Jas. Cornish, Rattenhuu'y, et. I3ajfield Me. H. W. Irwin has been •spend- ing the past weelc at. Kitchener and other points in Waterloo .County: Cleric Erwin is ar•ett bus • span ,� Y y usually and his friends hope he, on joyed his well-earned' holiday. Mr. E. A. Edwards has been holi- daying at Kitchener and London. The Rev. C. R. Pitt's :or Petrolea' has been calling on old friends here - Abouts this weep, having' come up to attend the Deanery meeting, held in Ttimrinity church yesterday. The evaporator is runnin full blast "now and ` there .: are plenty of apples to keep it going for sortie e, The'' fine summer-like weather we have been having the .past week has _revived .interest;. in summer cottages and several who had concluded sum_ mer- was over have been; coming back for another few happy days at Bay - Mr. and Mrs. W, 1-1: Robinson and family" of..Landon spent: the week -end at their• cottage here. Mrs. H ' Tuesday foe her home ill DulIetroit_left after having, Spent the summer at her cosy and pretty,,: cottage nil the Terrace. • 1V1r. John Darrow of Lucicnow fa visiting. his brother, Mr, H. Darrow of this village: • Mrs. Thos; Jowett lefft Monday the Tottenham, on learning .of [it, death of "her granddaughter;,. Mrs (Dr.) W.' II. Hunter, daughter. of Dr. and Mrs. Wright of'that'town. This, death was attended with a pecixli radh s ess •as the. -young lady was a bride, hav- ing 'Married xled t her o• now bereave ed young' husband only y a` foty weeks go, The fair last week was favored with the best of weatherand passed off very pleasantly and successfully. The crowd was laT y large and he :exltib- its in all classes were numerous and of good quality. The Clinton Kiltie Band furnished itmsie during the last clay, their services being much enjoy_ ed by the patrons and appreciated by the management. Not only was the exhibit• of products of excellent quality lent' the show e . f live stock was also good and the,races in the cafternoon of the second n day were features of much interest. IA' the evening, the Brunswilk. Trio ,put on an excellent concert' in the town hail. to which many stayed' over and many others saute hack,. Altogetb- er, 'tilts fair of • 922 was ' a decided success and the directors were piens- ed with the results of their labors in Connection with it. �dolmesv�ei a Mrs. Draper and family- of De- troit motored over last week to vis it the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mulholland, Mr. 3.. R, Holmes , returned Iast•: week after a five -weeks vacation• in, the west; Anniversary services were ,held in• the Methodist' church on Sunday, the. special pcl a preacher being the ;Rev. Y. Sinclair of Centralia, a former pas- tor. He 'was; greeted, by a fu11 church both morning and evening and preached most acceptably. The ;E choir ef the church $ supplied the h t e nus. is and their services were., mneh ap- preciated. The offering - amounted to over $260. : A number were'pres-- ent from Godel•ich and Clinton aft both services. London Road - Mrs. 1,ral ea of Toronto and her daughter have been visiting at the home of the former's brother, Mr_: G. B. Ilanley during the past week., Mrs. Walker, goes to Detroit with her daughter .and son-in-law; who, will make their home in the City-of- the-Straits. itry-o C -the -Straits. • The U: F.- W. O. had quite .an', enjoyable picnic at the home of Mrs.•' Wm. Lawson ort Tuesday. The day was tt tartlea an P s t and 1130t" ou ing: was enjoyed by the Indies. Miss /EY;hel'Lane spent the week- end with her sister at Lueait. Mt.' and Mrs. 'Ray Fear, visited Brussels friends over the '"week -end - A number of people from this vi cinity attended Bruse I 'f i wee]c. Corn cutting and threshing is be- ing --finished up,about here. The'. ground is too c&y to plough bet the weather' is fine :for dbiirg outside tvoric. Coderich Township Mr. Joint Costella of Redlands, al. was tate guest last week of hisbro- ther-in-law, titer -in-law; Mr. W H. Lobb, This. was Mr, Costclla's ;fir's{u vi'i'it to Canada cold he was much pleased with what be saw of the country: Mrs, Guts: SWitrei of Exeter ,tars been v]sltilrg her parents, Mr, and, Mee. Arthur Currie, Mrs. Agar, and dau .bier of 1 Mime, fi 1 St,- „1 g r l t Pw ViSttnt �1h t the 1, It utts cbltsiil4f Mr, , an a d Mee. William Connell, The Unity Club ivili meet at, the home of Mrs. With Connell lt ot the, Lahr line oat Tuesday next, 15,r. CoapiO •atic1 ,la sisteer 112.su. !litri]Cy nloiorc l L , /gain Toronto on Satetelay and spoilt the weel:+e116. at their ,house.