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The Clinton News Record, 1922-9-28, Page 9
Clinfgn New& -Record' '.Lal. '1'IITJRSIkA I', SR . •08th, 'aradise of the Rockies 4' > ,:ti as :. ' fi'i ,te We,° 'r't qa epi'. er t. fle,,ry 7lf,u •; o �,' 1 rleliitiAlivil t'I x tali• rt ,ref v!!1 t {r1 r)t��rt Ip 4Q0 aSi .,l , 10 � ,.4 vi 'cfr3 t s, ..11i��aw: ",� �•'�;lqr� �Y`llf'I' �e j r riwnif ME AMONG III JASPER PARK LGE ISTA REAL . H THE MOUNTAINS Jasper Park, embracing 4,400 square miles of the most magnificent virgin mountain scenery in the world, has long been known to the sportsman, alpinist and tourist, but this summer it calls to holiday seekers with a new voice. It now offers ideal accommodation in Jasper Lodge, the first of a series of Alpine ' chalets to be built in the Jasper and Mount Robson districts, and was formally opened to the publkc•on June 15th.. a The lodge is beautifully situated' among the singing pines and cedars on the shore of Lac Beauvert, while towering in solemn grandeur on all sides rise the rugged snowy domes, sometimes gleaming like opals in the shimmering sunlight and sometimes lost amid the low -hanging clouds. It consists of a group.of log rustic buildings blending' with the rugged surroundings. A spacious lounge building with an'ample stone ,fireplace; an airy dining -room, a dance pavilion and a number of separatesleeping cabins each containing four bedrooms and a sitting -room, are electric -lighted and 'fittingly furnished throughout. Here in the Northern Canadian Rockies the tourist will find all that makes• a worth -while. holiday. - The joy of adventure in exploring and mountain- n climbing, boating on Lac:Beauvert, fishing in the wild mountain torrents. riding 'through the :valleys with the fresh mountain breezes in your face, dancing with the guardian purple mountains keeping watch -all offer a.most interest ing variety of recreation. The best ofaccommodation has associated with it congenial corepanignship' and scenery rivalling even that of the Swiss Alps. . These, lodes not only tend to make Jasper Park one of the'great travel centres of the Dominion thereby increasing the revenues of out Canadian National Railways, but also add their share toward ultimately placing Canada on the map as one of the outstanding meccas orthe world traveller, tee_ of hfr F tit:ist The. Schools of Clinton and Sur ounding Country Make Good` r • Showing at Annual Fair. • RACES Small Girls' Race -1, Lydia Steep; 2, Clara 'Ball; 3, 4sunet Me'I',avglarh;' 4;' Muriel Downs, Small Boys' Race -1, Gordon Hoy; 2, Stewart Cook; 3, Ross -Carter; 4, Kenneth ,Cook; 5, Donald Levy; 6, .Harold. Gibbs. . Back.Rlce '- 1, Harry Venner; 2,. Lorne Cook; 3, Bab Hudson; 4, Btu Jaeleson; 5,. Pill Hovey; 6, Morris 'Rozeli. High feinting Race -1, Harold Lang- ford and Ross M06wanr; 2, Lorna Cook and Earl. Fulford; 3, Paul Hovey and Everet Downs; 4, Morris Rent] and Hugh Hawkins; 5, Harry Veinier and Bub Hudson. .Leap Frog Race -1, Harold Langford and Ross Mcliwen; 2, Harold Jervis and Larne 'Crsak; 3, Jack Levis acid Harry Venner; 4, Earl Fulford and Grant Rath B, 1i. Il6N klns and Bub Hodson. Hoye' 3 -Legged Rece-1, Harold Jen. vis.;and 'Lorne Gook; 2, Ross Mernvara land Harold 1.attgtord; 3, Bub Hudson 'dad Harr Verner. 4,Stewart Cook and Harry , -Joe Doherty; 5, Gordon Marshall and Berl Pulford. • Back Race -4, Harry Venner, 2, Paul Hovey; 3, Wilfrid Hudson; 4, Earl Fut- ford; 5, Prank lfooper; 6,Gordnd Hey, , 'Relay Mace --4, Sala Castle, Ross Mb Ewan and II -Langford; 2, Everet boons PAW Hovey, 611134 J4eklson; 3, Gordo, PA Yq, Marsltafi, Jack Elliott; Earl Fulford, Boys Raee under 10 1, Willie *right; 2, Gordon Marelia11; 3, Bart Fulford; 4, Jack Ilallam; 5, Hugh liaw. butes4 I:, Paul Hovey, Girls' Race 12 or..over-4, Mary kips; 2, Bertha Watkins. Consolation Race 1, Malcolm Mc- Farlane; 2, Lorne Cook; 3, M. Labeau; 4, OrVal Hooper; 5, Stewart Cook. Wheelbarrow Race - 1, Bill Jack - sou and Joe Gandier; e, Harry Venner an'd Earl Fulford; 3, Stewart Cook and Gordon Marshall;,4, Lorne Gook and Janes Cook. Open to Town and Country - Judging Beef Cattle 1, , Fergus Wright, 1 Hullett; 2, Bill Ball, Clinton; 3, Willie Wright, 4 Hullett; 4, C. Ball, 42,Godericlr Tw'p.; 5, Grain hath, Clin tan; 6, Jaek Twyford, Clinton. Beef Calf -1, f•Iarry Snell, 5 Hallett;2, Robert Turner, 'Clinton; 3, A, ..Car- ter, 6, Tuckers-mitli; 4, 13111 Ball, Clin- ton. 4, Galdevin Smith, 12 Hullett; 5, Ver - Agricultural Colt -1, F. Wright, 1; nice M, 'Ball, 9 Iiullett; 6, Arthur Hal- Hullett, lam, 9.,inIleit, Halter Bickea Colt -1,W. Wright, D oole s-1 , DonaldSmith, 42. Hul- 1 Hellen, lent; 2, Elmer Townshend, 6 'Tucker - Spring Land) - 1, A. Carter, 6, smith; 3, Graydson Neal, 12 Goderich 'l'uekersmiith. and i•Iullelt; 4, Fergus Wrj,ght, 1' 1i111- Hoge- 1 ROY Mason lettRay'Cark'wright, 4 Mullett; 4, Pair BaCori Y + lett; 5, Y. 12, Goderich & Mullett; 2, A. Garter-, 6 Gordon Shell, 5 Hullett, Tuckersmith.. Mangels 1, Eleanor McEwen, 1 Rural Schools Stanley; 2, A. Carter, 6 Tuckersmith; 5, AncireW Fraser, 2 Godereh TWO; 4, Harold Tyndall, 2, Hullett; 5, Rata Fear, 4, Tuckersulbh; 6, .Bunte Cartwright, 4 Hullett. Field Peas -1, C. Wright, 1. Hellelt•; 2, E, Snell, 5 Hullett; 3, Ii, Radfotid, 5 Iiullett, Field .Corn -1, George Wri'ght,• 42 Goderich and Hullett. ' . • Sweet •Corn -B,- McEwen, 1 Stanley; 2, M. ROSS, 1 Mullett; 3, D, Matheson, 4 'l'uckers;mith; 4, M. Fear,' 4 Tucker - smith; 5, G. Manning, 4 Tuckerstnith; 6, 3. Nott, 4 Tuckersmith. Irish 'Coolers -.,Grace McEwen, 1 Stanley; 2, Marion Forbes, 12 Hullett; 3, Frank Fowler', 1 Hallett; 4, Luella Powell, '41 Goderich Tnvp; 5, Laura Wagner, 9 Hullett; '6, Hugh Bell, 4 Tuckersmith.. Green Mountain -1, H. A.' Ball,- 4 Tuckeremitlt; 2, Alberta Snell, 5.Hut- ton; 3, Norman Conk, 4 Tuekersml'th; Wheat, 1 Quart --1, E. Radford, 5 Hullett; 2, C. Ball; 12 G0d6rleh and Hullett. Wheat S'iteaf-1 Ra,y Voddefri 5 Hullett; 2, E S Hullett, Oats, 1 Quart -1, G. Smith, 42 Hal- lett; 2, W. Badkill, 11 Goderieii Twp, Oat Sheaf -.G. Lindltiy, 11 Goder16h Twl. Barley 1 Quart -M. Hakim, 11'Gade, ti6l+, Twi; 2, R. McMichael, 11 l4Uilett, 'rendes -.- 1, E. Whititiore, 6 Tuckersstiitlt; 2, Pletcher Whitmore, 6 'rucketsmith 3, Peed Vodden, 5 Mul- lett; 4, Roy 6113011, 2 Goderich Twp; 5, Geo. Radford, 5 tiuliett. B'leet$-t, beu,Sicts :Mathesonr,.4 'ruck era ilt2; ,- NariSaa Y9eil, 5• Hullett; 3, Pen 4f three (Cockerel' and 2 pullets B.1''.1'4, - 1, Bessie Mcf;wen, a St1ltley; 2, Flugh Radford; 5 Hullett, 3, Norman Cook, 4 Tuokensmath; 4, Grant Lindsay 11 Goderich Twp; 5, Luella Paweil, 11 Goderich Twp; 6, Grsuee Me6wen, 1 Stanley. Pen of two (cockerel411d pulet White Wyaridottes) - 4, Audrey Garter, 6 Tuckersmith; 2, Ivan Carter, 5 Hullett 3, Dorothy lubes, 1 Stanley. • Pen of two (cockerel and pullett White Leghor11S - 4, Harold Tyndall, 2 Hullett; 2, liaael Potter,' 1 -Stanley; 3, ;Audrey 'Carter, 6 Tuckersnritlr. Pen of twc (cockerel .and pullet Rhode Island Red) - 1, Audrey Car- ter, 6 Tuckersmith. One dozen white, eggs -1, Stewart Dale, 1 Hellen.; 2, Ray Mason,'>i lid 10; 3, Jean Melrose, ;9 1'luilett; 4, Luella Powell, 1,1 Goderich Twp; 5, Fergus Wright, 4'"4ll?Ilett; 6, Verm.4 Ball, 9 Hullett, One dozen brown eggs - 4, Audrey Carter, 6 Tuckersmi'h; 2, Marjorie Mc Ewen, 4 Stanley; 3, Warren Whitmore, 6 Tuckersmith; 4, Margaret Fear, ` 4 Tucketstnfth; 5, John Hezzlew'ood, 4 liullett; 6, Lauri Wagner, 9 Hullett. Collection .of six iippfes-=4, Percy Carter, 5 Hullett; 2, Ray'Towi1Shend, 6 'i'uckersm'tth; 3, E. Townshend, 6 Tuck -ersnrith; 4, W. Batkin, 11 Goderich rive; 5, F. fowler, 1 Helle'tt; 6, E. Whitmore, 6 Hullett, Milkln'g Stool -1, .Stuart $all, 4 Tuckersmith; 2, Hugh Ball, 4 Tucker - smith; 3, f{, McMichael, 1 Hullett; 4, E. Radford, 5 Mullett. . Rope Halter=S.'Bell, 4 Tuckersmith; 2, 11. Radford, 5 Hullett; 3, Elva Smith; 12 Goderich and I•fullett; 4, Stewart Dale, 1 Hullett; 5, Earl Cartwright; 4 Mallett; 6, Roy •Cartwright, 4 Hullett. !Pencil Drswl'n'g-4=1, gine Flynn, 2 liullett, 2, Melbern Ball; 4 I'u,.i4ersruttl1 3, Gordon Snell, 5 Iiullett, {, Pelee Cook, 4 Taeleersmiih 5, Madelcn Clew, 4 I uekersnnth Water Color Drawing --' 4, Luella Powell, 1"4 Goderich Twp; 2i Stuart Ball, 4 Tuckersmith; 3, Hazel Potter, 't StenleJ; 4, Hugh Ball, 4 Tookereiuith; 5, Andrew Fraser, 41 Go"derleh Tw'5; 6, Susie Castle, 3 Stanley. Collbc4iion of Weeds ---1, M. Me- I:wen, 4 S'ta'nley; 24,'13, Mc1wee,'1 Stan- ley; 3,' F,. McDwep, 1 Stanley; 4, S,` Dale, 1 Hullett; 5, Ray Elliott, 11•,00de rich Twp; 5, J. Melrose, 9 Iiullett. Collection of weed seeds 1 Ray 6111411, 11 Godereh Twp; 2, 13, Snrith, 12 Goderich and Hallett; 3, F Wright,' 1 Hallett. Collection of insects 1,. h MC - Michael, 1 liullett;' 2, E. Mctwee, 1 Stanley; 3, Harry Snell, 5 Hallett, 'Colleetton of plant d acieses-1, Roy 5111014, 11 Goderich Twp; 2, Jack Hal- lam, 9 Hullett, Collection of Forest Leaves -.1, F. Wright, 1 Hullett; 2, Roy Elliott, 11 Goderich Twp; 3; M. McENen, 1 Stan-. ley; 4, 13. McEwen, ' 1 Stanley; 5, 'B. McEwen, 1 Stanley; 6, Laura:.Wagner, 9 Hullett. 'Colleotion of dative woods -1, 3,, Fowler, I Hiillett;'2, Roy Elliott, Gode rich Twp; 3, M. Babl3in, 11 Goderich Twp. Public Speaking -i, C: Bali, 12 Gode deli and Hullet4; 2,. Agnes Wright, 1 Mullett. • School 'Chorusl=S'un1n1srhull, 12' Goderich and Hulletit. School Parade -1, Suerenenhtll, 12 Coderieh and Hullett; 2, 4 Tuckersmith 3, 5 Hullett;-4, 1 Hallett. Clinton Prize Winner§ Oatmeal Cooklel.-••'i, Ruth Cart- Venner; 4, Norm St eeis 5, Joe Pitr .wrlgl3; 2, Helen Melntyre; 3, Ruth 430; 6, sepl;ane, B10nsuns I,JoF Rorke 2,[llrris Rutli 3411. 3, Dorothy Banthffl 4, Hilda Thorne, • `Parte.-.•a, Florence huller, 2, ?retie Schoeirnpis; 3, D. Bartlitf;•4,Nettie Taj' lor; 5, Beulah MeIntyre; 6, Hirzel Har- ris. , .l4omelnade Candy -4, 1', Rorke; 2, Clara Gordii; 3, Ja-cic''Rwyfard; 4, 'Porn Twyford; 5, Roy Fitzsimons; 6, 3.111434. Thorne. ' School Luneh-1, Dorolity B;trtliff; 2, F. Rorke; 3, Dorothy Steep; 4, Helen Bnl•ns; 5, 'Margaret Cuctrnere;, 6, Dun can twri'hG WhMtCake-g4itt; .2, MargCararete McLeod; 3, I5bobel PI lleidckeSon; 4, Edith Glazier; 5, Jennie Lavis; 6, Mar- jorie Hunter. ar•iorieHunter. Patch on 'Cotton -1, Isabel Biggart; 2, Irene Swinbank; 3, Violet Morrison;' white Bread- 4, Elva Snaith, 12 Oats, 1 Quart -1, W. McGill; 2, 11. Goderich and Hullett. Fenner. . Bran Muffins -i, Reta''Fear, 4 Tuck- erstmlth;'2, E. McMicheal, 1 Hullett; .3, Grace McEwen, 1 Stanley; 4, Dorothy Innis, 1 Stanley; 5, Bessie McEwen, 1 Stanley; 6, Mabel Wright, 1 Hullett: Oatmeal -Cookies -1, Irene Vodden, 1.1 Goderich Twp; 2, Marion Forbes, 12 'Hellen; 3, Thelma Lovett,' Goderich and Bullet¢; 4, Grace M'clwen,'1 Stanley. Buns -1, Ethel Ross, 1 .liullett. Tarts -=1, isabell Lindsay, 14-Gode •rich Twp 2, Marion Mason, 12 Gode rich and Hullett; 3, Jean Fdrbes, 12' Huliett; 4, Grace Glbbings, 6 Tucker- smit11; 5, Agnes Wright, 1 Hullett; 6, Edith Gibbings; 6 Tuckersniiht. Homemade Candy -1, Helen Stewart a Stanley; 2, Margaret .Ross, 1 Hullett. School Lunch -1, Bessie McEwen, Stanley; 2, Isabel Lindsay, 11 Goderich 1'wp; 3, Stuart Ball,,4 T•uckersinith; 4-, Agnes, Wight, 1 Hullett. ' White Gake-1, Eleanor McEwen, 1 Stanley; 2, Agnes Wright, 1 Hullett; 3, Ncnma Snell, 5 Hullett; 4, Ethel Ross, 1 Hullett; 5, Irene Smith, 11 Goderich Twp 6, Helen Stewart, 1 Stanley. ' Patch -en. .cotton goods -1, Marion •Mason, 12 Goderich and Hullett;.,.2, Viola Jolinston„ 42 Goderich and Ht lett;'3, Ethel Ross, 1 Hullett. Sewing -on 6 :buttons - 1,. Mabel Wright, 1 Hullett; 2, Dorothy Innes, 1 Stanleye3,Evelyn McMichael, 1 Hullett; 4, Edith Gi'bbings, 6 Tuckersmith; 5, Vera Sundercock, 4 Stanley; 6, Isabel Sundercock, 1 Stanley. Three buttonholes In cotton_P- 1, .Agnes Wright, 4 Hullett; 2, Dorothy lanes,, '1' Stanley; 3; Vera Colclough,'11 Goderich T*p,; 4, Norma Streit, > 5 Hal- leit; 5, Norma Gook, 4 Tuckersmith. Darning on woollen goods - 1, 'Norma Snell, 5 Hallett; 2, Agnes :Wright) 1 Iiullett; 3, Doris Wagner,. 9 Hullett. ' Sample of crochet work -1, 'Viola Jhhn•ston, 12 Goderich and Hullett; 2, Marion Mason,"' 12 Goderich and Hul- lett; 3, Agnes Wright, 1 Hullett; 4, Bertha Nrott, 5 Hullett;-5, Hazel Free- man, 1' Hullett; 6, Thelma Lovett, 12 Goderich and Hullett. • Knitted Scarf -l; Marjorie -trodden, 5 Hulle-tt. Patch Sewn. on grain his-1,Audrey 'Carter,'6 Tuckersmith; 2, Orvelle.Hoop er, 1 Stanley; 3, Harry Webster, 9 Iiul- lett; 4, Stewart Dale, 1 Hullett; 5, M. L,telteBeau, 1 Stanley, Carpenters Mallet -'t, Stewart 'Ball, Tuckersmith; 2, G. 'Lindsay, S 1 Gode 'Poli. Bird House -1, Hugh 'Ball, 4 Tucker-. sntitit; 2, G. Lindsay, 14 Goderich Twp, , Map of Huron -1, Marjorie Vodden, 5 Hullett; 2, Grace Scott, 9 liullett; 3, Edwin.•Radford, 5 Hullett. Hap of: Quebec -1, Stewart Dale, 1 1 Tuckersmith; liull+gtt; 2, Hugh Ball, 4 Tu k 3, Laura Wagner, 9 Hullett; 4,Mlidred Scott' • 9 Hullett; 5, Willie, -Pepper, 4 Tuckersmith; 6, Marion'Fo'rbes, 12 Htrl lett, M.ap -of Menitoba 't, Frank Fowler, 1 Hullett; 2, Stuart Ball, 4 Tuckersmith 3, Flaiei"Feeeana•n, 1 -Hullett; 4; Gladys Freeman, 1 Huliett; 5, Elmer Town= shend, 6 Tuckersmith; 6, Norma Cook 4 9'uckers'nitlr. Writing small letters= -i, Edna Cook 4 Tuckersmith; 2, Ru'th Magill, -1 Hut- lett,• Wetting "Hepaticas'1. - 1, Marjorie Vodden 5 Hullett; Ethei Ross, 1 Hul- lett; 3, Gordon Mantling, 4 Tuckersiuitli 4, Marion Mason, 12 Hallett; 5, Grace Scott, 9. 1lutlett; 6, Granit Snell, 5 Hui- t. Writing "After Glow" 1, Pearl Pepper,4Tuckersanith•2>Reggie Mc. Michael, 6 TvlekeJrsiniltle; 3, Gedrge Wright, 42 Goderich and Hullett; 4, Grace Jtsliton, 5 Tuckeesmith; 5, Anna Beadle , 9 Hullett; 6, Ol'rpe Gieiw, 4 TuekerS;nith, 4, Grace Fitzsimons. Sewing on 6 buttone-1, Barrett Taylor; 2, Isabel ,Bigga'rt; 3, Violet Morrison; 4, Grace McIntyre; 5, Jose. phine Harris; 6, Ruth Veneer. Thlee buttonholes in Cotton -1, Florence Rorke; 2, Iielen Burns; 3, Nettle Taylor; 4, Fredia Sclioenhals. Darning en;;,Woollen Goods -1, F. Rorke; 2, .'Bertha Ramras; 3, Frieda Schoenlnals; 4, Helen Burns; 5, Beulah. McIntyre; 6, Delores Harris. Sample Crochet_ Work-- 1, GGraee Evans; 2, Melee Nedl.ger;` 3, Bertha Ramras; 4,, Nettie .Taylor; 5, Myrtle Cole; 6, Madelon Streets. Knitted Scarf -1, Beatrice McCtin- chey; 2, Margaret McLeod; 3, Dorothy, Mutely. ' Wooden Spoon -1, Benson Corless; 2, Howard Venner. Milking .Stool -1, Harold Langford; 2, 13111014 Bartliff; 3, Roy Fitzsimons. Rope Halter -1, Jack Lavis. Patch sewn on Grain Bag -1, Carl Burns; 2, Jack Lavis; 3, Win. J. McGill;, 4, .Edward Rorke; 5, David Finley;- 6, . Geo. Gould. - Carpenter's Mallet -1 ' Ilarold Glitz- ter; 2, Harold Langford; 3, George Potter. Bird House -1, Billy Mural, Map of Huron -4, Gerald Holmes. Map of Quebec -1, W. J. McGill; 2,'; Macon Scruton; 3, - David Finley; 4, Cyril Hale; 5, Bub Hudson 6, Marion Dew. ' Map of Manitoba -4, Doris Durnin; Albert Salter; 3, Lorn Cook; 4, Bertha,Rernras; 5, Elva Cook; 6, Norma Stevens.. Writing small letters -1, Clara tall;; 2, John McGill. Writing "Hepaticas" ---41, Elliott Bart- iiff; 2, Laura Thorne; 3, Helen 'Cooper; ' 4, Carl Furniss; 5, Dorothy Watts; 6 I•lelen •Deeves. Wri'ti,ng "Afree g5ow"!-i .I4clttie Livermore; 2, Margaret McLeod; 3, Bill McClinahey; 4, Bruce Bggart; 5,. Prank Dale; 6, David'Finley. Writing "Recessional" -1, 'Bertha Rennes; 2, Margaret Cudmore; 3, Mary Watkins; 4, Doris Durnin; 5, Madelon Streets; 6, Helen Burns. Essay on School Fair -1, Annie Judd; 2, Margaret Cudmore. Pencil Drawing -1, Ruth Cartwright; 2, Robbie Hale; 3, Ellwood Camp'beli; 4, Rabin Lavis. Oats, s'he'af -1,: W. McGill; 2, F. Fowler; 3, H. ,Veneer. 1. Barley, quart -1, Ruth Venner. Barley, .sheaf -1, Ruth Vernet. Field Peas -1, Rt Gantelon; 2, Jack Doney. Field Corn -1, Ray Cook; 2, Mildred Cooper; 3, Grace McIntyre; 4, Mabel Bezzo; 5, Harold Gibbs; .6, Helen Copp- er. Garden Corn -1, Minlu Hodson; 2, Dorothy Bartliff; 3, Edwin Hodgson; 4, 'Clara Steep; 5, Joe Gandier; 6, Clara Gould. Irish ,Cobblers -1, Janet McTaggart; Norma Streets; 3, Myrtle Cole; 4, Annie Judd, 5, Jean Mair; 6, .Grace Fitzsimons. .Green Mountains -1, Irene Hollo- way; 2, EMIL Cole; 3, Dorbhy Ward; 4 Stewart Cooke 5, 'Benson Corless; 6. Nettie Taylor. Dooleys-1, Norma Stevens; 2, Fier - ewe M'oCalium; 3;, Edith Hunt; 4, Gordon Cudmore; 5, Lorne Cook; 6, Harry Cooper. • Mangels 4, Lloyd Rumiball; 2, Reg- gie Noble 3, Bill Match; 4, Kenneth Pickett; 5', James Cliowen; 6, Morris Rozell. Turnups-4, Norris Picket; 2, liar - Beets -1., Mungtaret Plunnsteei;' 2, Russell 'Miller; 3, Prank Hooper; 4, Irene Venner; 5, Carl Furniss; 6, Lot - ale Livermore. 'Carrots -1, Evelyn Burns; 2,.11arry Vender; 3, Barrett Taylor; 4, John Mc.' 0111; 5, lsabel.Pi'ckett; 6, Elliott Layton. Parsnips' --4, Margaret McLeod; 2, Ruth Cartwright; 3, Clarence Liver - Stewart ,Dale, 1 liullett;' 4, Lawrentce balconer, 4 'Tuckersmith; 5 Carl'Rae- ford,' 5 Hullett; 6, Gladys' Perdue, 2 Goderch Tswp. • Carrots 1, Pearl Pepper, 4 Tuck- ersmith; 2, Earl Cartwright,. 4 liullet•t; 3, Dorothy Innes, 1 Stanely; 4, Gladys' Freeman, 1'Hellett; 5, Doris Wagner, 9 Ilullettt; 6, Grant Snell, 5 !Juliet, Parsnips;� 1, George Patten, 2 Gode, rich Twp; 2, Melburn Ball, 4 Tucker 5mlth; 3, Grace Gibbings, 6 Tucker - smith;, 4, Marjorie McEwen, 1 Stanley; 5, Gonion ':Radford, 5 Mullett; 6, W. Rogerson, 4 l'uckersmith. ' Onions -1, Wilfred Freeman, 1 Hul- lett; 2, Mervyn BItkin, 2 Goderich Twp; 3, Geb.- Potter, 2. Goderich Twp. Asters -1, Beatrice Snell, 4 Tucker - smith; 2, Melbourne Ball, 4 Tucker; smith; 3, Jean. Fbrbes, 42 1-1uhett; 4, 11 Godericli Two; ; 4,E41114 Luella owe Lue a P Whitmore, ,6 Tuckers'mi;tll; 6, Helen tewart, 1 Stanley. Phlox -1, Bessie Mcgwens 1 Stanley; 2, Annie Beadle, 9 liullett. !Heine. Garden Bouquet -1, Irene Vodden; 4 t Goderich TWO; 2, Verna Cplclough, 11 Goderich Twp; 3, Gor- don Lyon, 5 Hullett; 4, Fray Elliott, 14 (3odericlr Twp; 5, Norma Cook, 4 Tuck etsntith,; 6, Agnes Wright, 1 H'uiiet•f. Cockerel, B,F 1i, -t, relarjut'te Me. Ewen, 1 Stanley, 2, trance McEwen, 1 Stanley; 3,.Eleanvr Meiwen, 1 Stanley, Pullet 8, P. R. -'-1, Grace McEwen, 1 Stanley; 2, Bleanor/MCBWctr, 1 Stan. lay; 3, Mary Mctiweir, 1 Stanley, Pen of two cockerel and pyftteJt' B;P,R, -1, Eleanor MCEWen, 1 Stsnl'ey;, 2, Marjorie Mclwen, 1 Stanley. Writing "Recessional" -- 1, Susie Castle, 1 Stanley; 2, Hazel Freeman, t Hullett; 3, Ebner Townshend, 6 Tuck- ersinirth;; 4, Teti -s Flynn, 1 Iiullett; 5, Norma Shlell,•5 Hullett; 6, Gladys Free, min, t f1'nitet4. ) Essay an School fair --,i fie, 1 Stanley. nmre. -. Onions -1, Helen Dew; 2, Florence Rorke; 3, Irene Swinbank; 4, Delores Harris; 5, Beth Cartwright: Six Varieties Apples-, Irene Swjn- bank; 2,' Norma Stevens; 3, Cameron Henry; •4, ,Howard Venner; 5, Stella - 6, Harvey Cooper. Sweet Pens -1, Dorothy Corless. -. Astees '1, JIJ'anat ' MIcTa'ggart; 2, Helen Manning; 3, Margaret Moss; 4, Clayton- Dixon; 5, Dorothy Bartliff; 6, Florence' Rorke. • Phlox -1, Isobel 'Ghowen; 2, Clara Gould; 3, Edith Glazier. Home Garden -i, -Bessie Livermore; 24 Elva Cook; 3, Menial Taylor; 4, Oswald Hamblyn; 5, Florence Rorke; ,6, Helen Nediger. Cockerel (B.P.R.)-a, Marion Mo - 'Brien; 2, E. Rorke; 3, Hazel Harris; 4, Rey. N'dble; 5, Jack Twyford. , Pullet (a. P. R.)-4, Rey. Noyle;'2, i4lcl3rien; 5, Hazel Hanes; 6, Marion Hudson. ' Pen •of two (13: P. R.)-1, R eg Noble 2, Jack Twyford;• 3, E. Rorke. Pen of, three '(B. P. R.)-1,. -No Name-; 2,•M.'trl n`Pickett; 3;,Mariioit' McBrien; 4, Reg. 'Cook; 5, E. Rorke; G Jack Twyford. Pett 'o¢, two (White Wyandottes) r'--- 4, Reg, Noble. Pen of Iwo (White Leghorns) .--1 Ken; Pickett; 2, Flo, Rorke 3, Ed. Rorke 4,: Gerald, Salter, Pen of'two (Rhode Island Red James Cltowei, Pigeons -s, S, ilitzsimons; 2, Ben-, son -Unless; 3, Bert Glitldon, ' One Dozen white eggs -1, Viola Hol 1a0d; 2,' Norma S'tevenS; 3, -Helen Ne'di., ger; 4; Ed. Rorke; , 'Bruce Bi'ggart; 6, Geo. Gould,. One dozen, z brawn eggs: -4, Dorothy Watts; 2, HaWard Venner; 3, Brenton H•ellyar; 3, James Ohowen;.5, Jack Twy- ford;6, Gladys Freetiiafi. Rabbits -=.1, Ross FiItzsin ons;, 2, Duncan Laithwi,ght; 3, Earnest Brown; 4, Earnest Brow(); 5, WhitneyeY Carter. Barrts-t; Whitney garter; 2, Earliest Brown, 3, Geo, Cardwell. Dogs -N. pitzsilnoms. , Cat -43, Streets, White Bresi4-1, P. Rorke; 2, C. •13a11; 3, Ruth Venter; 4, Dorothy Bartliff', Brine M,113iinl.---1, M'ari'on Pickett; 1, Grace faitesi'nttstis; 3 Riltit Castle; 4, 1(ltltleeit 'Cameron; 5, Violet Mot•ris6'ir% 6, iteite D6'herty, Brown Bread -.•'l, F. Rorke; 2, Viola Holland, d;il usie Gas' Water color drawing -1, Annie Judd 2, Edward Rorke; 3, Lorne Cook, Collection 20 Pressed Weeds - 1, Hazel Harris; 2, Delores Harris; 3., Ed- . ward Rorke. , r !Collection 20 Ontario Weed Seeds- ., Doris Durnin; 2, Nettie Taylor. Collection 20 Mounted Insects - 1, Douglas Kennedy. Collection 12 plant diesases and in- sect injuries -4, Joseph Harris. !Col'lection. 20 Forest Ledves,- 1> Doris Durnin; 2, Ruth Ball. iCollection Native Woods -1, Sack' 'Lavis; 2, Edward Rorke; 3, Sam Castle; 4, Elliott 'Bartliff; Fred Fowler.. Puylic Speaking -1, Mary Watkins. School;Exhibi, -•,Division II wins the Shield. , • School Chorus --•1, Principal Strong's room; 2, Miss Draper's Class; 3, Miss Ford's Class, School Parade -1, Autumn, Div, 5; 2, Canadian, Div, 2; Milky Way, Div. Z Shade ,'.Frees on '331giaways. Our highways would be much more attractive if Iined'with shade trees. These trees could be set 50 or more feet apart and Would ' do little damage either to the adjoining property or. the roadway. They would make the road pleasanter to. travel over and' also to live by. Go through the grain fields 'with the obledt of removing impurities and noxious weeds. ° 4R�„� L,•Wq'Vir RAN, 'aTRl t ItT4'sr:E •TRAIN, SERVICE TO TORONTO Daily Except Sunday: t Lite 4oderich . 6.00 amt. 2, 20 p.m. Lve Christen , . 6.25 ei.tn. 2.52 p.ni. Lve Sea ort! 6.41.ari. 3.12 pan. Lve Mitchell .. 7.04 `a.n1,' 3.42 p.nn. A-rr Stratford .. 7.30 a.ni. 4.10 p.m.' Arr Kitchen,.m... 8.20 a,m.-5.20_ pew Ayr Guelph .... 8.45 a.m. 5.50 p.m. ,m.40 . Aix Toronto .. 10.10 ton. 7.40 p ILETIJRNING Leave o T ,onto 6,50- eau.; 12.55 Pam and 6,10 p.in, Palm) Cafe car Goderich to To- ronto on morning train and Toronto to Codericlt 6.10 pan. train. ' Parios! Buffett cat,Stratford, 46 To. ronto on afternoon train, C.V. Morning, D.1.A., G.T.it.'6ystetn John Ranslford & Son, Phone 57, "Uptown Ageiate.