HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-9-28, Page 1T PAYS TO ADYERTISE" CLINTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 2801, 1922' THE HOME PAP ADVERTISE CLINTON BV 601N6 OVER THE TOP IN THE HOSPITAL DRIVE CLINTON ,MARKETS. Wheat, 96c, Oats,; 32c. Baxley, 50c, Butter £10e. to ;)c, Eggs,28c, to .29c. I;Ivo hogs, y11., PASTORS INVI`l."1.,D. Che Rev: J. A. Agnew, a former pastor of Ontario Street church, Clinton, has ibeen invited to reinam, in Ridout steeet•church, London, for a fifth year. : He finishes his foar- year';pasteeatie in June. The mean - „'i berslt p of the church has greatly fn - creased during his pastorate and. his wore has been most successful and acceptable. The Iiov, IL Urea ofMM � it c shell - thodi dz.,t ' church, tivho' has on more than ono occasion preached in Clin- ton, lln-ton hase ' b c.t invited to Colborne Street, church, London. MOP BAXFIELD FAIR• The Bayfield, annual fall Emir took yesterday „' place y s opday :ant} lutsday,t rho;. weather-•beinee ideal, The exhibits, both 'outside and in, wore of a high order and large c'ro'wds were prey- ent. The list of prizes, which is too long to be put into''1.Ype this week, will appear next week, GOULD—FARRIRR The mrieriage took place at Kitch-• ever on September 15th of Mr, Wn1, A. Gould, eldest son of Mr, and M'xs. H. oul of Clinton and Miss w,G a„ alb: Alice Farrier of that; city, Almost iminecliately: afterwards, the young couple left' on a -honeymoon trip'- ro, New York; (lity. They ,will. reside in Kitchener, where Mr. Gould` holds a good position. The Clinton friends of the bridegroom extend• good wish- es for a happy and :prosperous mar- ried life. or i t14e `dE t• you willfind_ehooSing easy at LLXAR'S J ew1 Y - Store. We 'have the newest and best designs in •SILVER, CUT GLASS,' 'CHINA )TC. Our stock is well. and careful] selected and. will:.,: , Y make choosing 'eas• and 'satisfactory. REDUCED PRICES ON VICTOR TALKING MACHINES, • Call and hear . our newest -His Master's Voice : Records, . We will beP leased to have you, call: A, monthly„ catalogue•: will be',sent: to • you each month on request.. • , Jeweler'' and Optician Phone 174w edlqar Residence .1743 Conversion of dieterY y JBonds TUE SERVICES of tbig Bank are offered free of charge to those who wish to arran ti,the-'conversion of Victor ` Bonds maturing on December 1, 1922, to y t five .,.b he new or: teas ear bads A • lication should..." Y PP J•„ be made as early as;p possible, but not later than Sep- tember p. tenbdr 30th. The 1M111 ger of any of our branches will be glad to furnish full;, particulars upon request. THE ROYALS: BANK OiF CANADA", EFADX-TO-WEARI`)�I` the, t9Ylorrtsh CLOTHING Clothing Co. ORDERED OLOTIIINE Armon cin a 'v the PPi aI Of OUP Choice Overcoats for FALL and WINTE: You are invited to inspect our overeat stock, which incl des the best models of the moet noted U e � C S makers: are e11• W� r �a to suit a max vela y Y 1.,.. ". We are sure that' you can find here• 'last y J YOUR whether . Reth OVE CAO1 w your taste - be ante`be`quiet or breezy If you are at all particular about 'yourovercoat come andmake your selection early while we have your particular style and size, Overcoats at $l3 to $49 Extra special at $25.00 CLOTHINC ,C0motto. M Square D al for '�i�'�l'� r '=��.11 fG IMPROVING FARMSTEAD Mr. I3.. la, Rorke has taken the con- tenet of panting .the buildings of, •Dr, Moffat' at Varna. ` lar. Mofi' tt is making a lot of improvements to his place out (here and when it Is completed le will be a most attract- ive and comfortable honnestead,h, EN GAGE'M1dNT ,: ANNOUNCED - Mr. and 'Mrs. W. J. Miller ,of Ontario street, Clinton„ announce the ,en 'a 'ennent.of their: niece Mottle hazel Biggins, til Warwick P. Cole, son of M1•. and -Mrs Peter Cole of Goderich township, the marriage to take place at an early elate, 'COMING FRIDAY 1. L. 0. 7 0 will a receive e 'Vis- itL No. front the Rev. S. T. Simpson Grand Locige Field Secretary, on -Fri- day, evening of: this week. Members are asked to bring refreshments: Visiting brethren from outside lod- ges will be ,made cordially welcome. A SUCCESSFUL ° JOURNEY, The following appeared in Satur- day's Mail and Empire and is, of. interestto many News -Record zea - ers, ps Prof. Chant is 'known to many here, being a brother of Clin- ton's efficient Public. Utilities sup- erintendent, H. B. Chant. • It will be remembered that Prof, Chant, went 19 Australia to witness the sun's eclipse. I -le was accompanied by ,his •, 5ill� aughter: r I. " Robert ,: Falconer �' ,-' Sir, • yesterday. Morning received' from Professor, C.' A Chant,' via: the Licic Qbservato> y, . California, the following cablegram: "Successful observations. Beauti- ful conditions. ,A,11 'tivG11." 'Friends oi' Professor. Chant and his family will be delighted to know that a' venture on ,which se much depended has been successful, and ihat,the Professor and his'party aro well. Iiad the day been cloudy or weather conditions in 'any way :un- suitalble, all the preparations, the tirnd'and.the energy expended, would have one for naught. Professor -Chant's - achievement will mean Much to the world of science."" AMONG THE- CHURCHES Si, Joseph's Church The • r_egular'"m onthly meeting. o[' the; Catholic Womens' League will be Yield on Tuesday October 3rd at three o'clock, in the Parish hall. St P tul'.s Church' , ,: The semi-annual meeting of the Deanery of Huron will be held in Trinity ohimeh,'Bayfield, on Wednes- day, 'October .4th, A. large nu)nber of St. Paul's congregation hope to attend. • • Rev. C. Llewellyn Billcey will be tlie, selecial preacher at the Harvest. Thanksgiving• services at Kirkton on Sunday. The Rev. C. 0. Pherrill, rector of Kirkton, will combed the services in ' St. Paul s. Harvest Thanksgiving supper will be served in St. PauI's parish hall on Thursday next. / • Ont, St. Church. The meeting of the Ladies' Aid will be held in the lecture room on Wed- nesday afternoon ed-nesday"afternoon nextat three o'- clock. An invitntion --is extended to all members to 'be present.. Tea will be served by the ladies of the Gravel Road, and the second cones- sion of Hullett.. e , The Sunday school Rallies in this Church and at. Turnor's on `Sunday, Were most succesbful. ' A collection: taken for the General S. 5 Fund amounted to over thirty dollars, On Sunday nest the pastor, the Rev. S. Anderson, will preach at the morning service and in the evening the Rev_ P. Barnes of Auburn will. occupy the pulpit. October, 8111 will be inaugural mis— sionary day. The subject in the morning' will be the "Thirtieth An nd er ar Y ofMet`h odest • Missions in China." Wesley Church Miss Edna Wise has accepted the position of organist of this ehtireh and began her duties on Sunday, Sunday was "Women's Day" and the,,women of the W. M^, S. and the Ladies' Aid had charge of the ser-: vices. : Mrs, McCamus. coilducteil the morning service and Mrs. Nedi-. ger,. Mrs. Pattison, Mrs, Fgwler and Misses Washington and'Cuninghanne topic part. Miss Margaret Saunders of Toronto, a deaconess of the Wes- leyan church, England, who is spend; ing• a few ,Years in Canada studying conditions, gave the addressateach service, speaking most' interestingly and earnestly. On Monday 'every, ing Miss Saunders addressed a gath- ering of'yoting women, telling some- thing of,; conditions in the 'Old Land and oC the difficulties encountered by thee° coming to' this ' country, end making a strong, appeal fox synnpea thy and good feeling towards Mew-- 'comers, ew'comers, She also ]made a strong, appeal• to young Women to consider the giving ,Of themselves to definite Christian', Work, On Sunday afternoon the Sunday School' :rally wits hoick A 'Urge. ntrreh 3' ]wore tnl'Fcrat sod enioved Series of pictures shown, "lleavbrn" and the "Angel of Duty." Next Suiiclay 11 "League eague Roily Sundae'," when the Rev. D. Williams oe Grand Bond will pn•eacin at both Y �VC t Cs. Ai 1v 1 people t 1Dari 1e P. the tl o congregation are es email invited. p y On Tuesday evening a general eel-` ly of all the youtng people of the tonbieAation will be held 1n the, Leagee rectos, The pe Train Will be .followed by a social hour and re- ri.401.1ilionte will he 1050 id, A SUDDEN DEATII' Albert Evags of Goderich died in the, office of: Dr. Thompson on Stu1- d4y evening 'under :unusual cleanup - stances. He, and another man nam- ed ' Steele, were coming up from Lon- don, hvane driving•„ when tlrey,failed to raked the Huron street turn, and drove north on Albert street to Rat- tenbury street.' They then turned and ill `doing so struck the post in front of the: Agricultural office. The impact was not severe, the car being but slightly amnagecl, but Evans eel - lapsed and' died a few minutes :after being'' carried Onto ,prix Thontpson's offrce,'to which he was rat once hur: 1•ied. M Dr, Thompson, Coroner, tordered: an inquest and the following juey wee empanelled: A. J. 1VIenTurray, Sora i Man: W. L. Johnson,' Geo• �Gool er, L. Stong, R. Warrerier, J. Dodds, E. Wenclorf and A, Butler. They view- ed the body and adjourped until" to- morrow afternoon. " The: general impression seems to be that the roan was ill before the car struck. The car ]belonged 'co Steele' but Evans was driving. .uv-. an is survived byhis wife an a s� i e d fainly. The body Was : removed' to Goderich for interment. CONCERT ON TIJESDAY e, The Mamie. Quartette of Toronto' gave a concert in Ontario st. church on Tuesday evening, conning under the auspices of the ,Epworth League ofthat ehurehS'" 1 • The' quartette was : con poseil.o"f Messrs J Riley II tllitian' first tenon; Albert Dovming, secgn ld'toner.; J. 0, Moana, baric ne and H. Ruitltyein ]blas-' donild, basso. They together, all sang sing - len and Messrs. Downing and 'Mac- donald sang several. duets. Mr. Hallman, tenor,, who made such a."good fimpreasion n'when the /sang, at the. Choral Society : concert last spring, . was 'equally .well received on Tuesday. He has a true 'and very" sweet flexible voice., The, other mem- bers of. the quartette sustained their parts well, Mr. Downing's tenor and Mr. Macdonaid's bass blending well in their duets, and Mr.O'Nieara's fine baritone being displayed well in sol- os. air. Macdonald•also proved anis versatility by contributing `'a couple of mu`Sical monologues, which were. well received. Mrs` Treleaven 'act- ed as accompanist dcnring the even- ing. Altogether it"'was a' good 'en- tertainment. • The attendance was,not as large as the prograie merited but this .vas no doubt owing to the earliness of the season. People have .not yet begun to attend insjde concerts. Those who were present Were well •pleased with the program. LITTLE LOCALS • Mrs. D. Steep is picking ripe rasp - .berries her garden this week. The News -Record has ten pages this week. Don't miss any of it. . This is " Ilospital Week." Have you ;passeci in your subscription yet-? Have you looked at your label -late- ly, dear reader? ' If not do so and see how the date stands, Mr. Herb .Sehoenhalsr and family have returned to town and have tak- en rip their abode in the Mountcastle residence, , Six auto loads of ` young people from Willis church event • ever 'to "the , YoungPeople's 'Rally op e s n ]y at Bayfield on Monday evening. Young McLean, 2110 AVaS so badly injured by a fall from Is tree while picking apples last week; is still in a serious state. Mr. and Mrs: W. R. Counter' have taken' up their residence: in Mr, R. Rowland'scos home on 'Hi h street. Y g tie t Mr, Rowland remains with them., Clinton School Fair prize list, held over .owing to lack of .space, appears on page nine 01 this lesue Porter's Hill hat also .ffenears in_ this issue Five one -hundred -dollar sebscri1r- tions for hospital improvement have been received : to date. The . com- mittee wouldlike at least five more. Yesterdhy was the last weekly half holiday of the season and many will add; "neoee'i the p:fty." It .was a darling of a day for a holiday' too. It would be hard to find a busker spot than the cooperage :these clays and, according to reports from the. (rcbercis of the eounty,'every, availe able barrel will , bo needed, 'Whether repaint or not a number of citizens are determined to he'dry this wintern i and to this end are re. shingling their roofs, The rat -tat - tat of the shing lei's hammerie heard. o1 all sides. • Btt is o c 'v t C you ttnncrt give hundred dollars fifty makes' a nice little sub- scription, or twenty-five, or even ten. Every dollar , of your subscription will be used in the remodelling of the new hospital, • Mrs. Joseph Jer vis of Ilolniesvillc has purchased Miss .Jessie '!,`tromp. Sons ]louse on Albert street and takes possession on October first, 011)110)1 citize115 w111 welcot?ne ,1/ns family to tow n, rl the begonias tnakc, a Bravo show- ing along the north gide ar 'the town hall ];hese bright Waim= days, And have you enticed how the vine Ys creeping up? "Twill soon seven that grey, old wall, praise be, H.AV.G YOU TRIED) l'JIEM ? Last week The News -Record, car- ried an adVertisentient of soiac' metra ideal ihonde, which were for sale, The paper is published on `l'hursday. end at Mien on Friday Clerk Mee, Pherson notified us to cancel, the ad vertisement 1s the bonds had all been sold diming the' morning. The advertising, columns of this great family journal serves to bring buy- er and seller together. If. you don'tbelieve' ' z 't ., Utz y it,. MINGAY-D>WAR„ A maeria `e hi which a number S n t r of News -Record readers will be in- terested tools place' at London ' on the fifth o( this month when Miss Margaret 1. Dewar becan1e the; bride of Mr. Fred Mingay of: that city. M rs. Ming•ay; as Miss Mag- gie Dewar, was ; for years :a well- known resident ellknownresident of ,Clihton and many. old friendshere wall .waft good wishesto lher on the occasion• of`' her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Min - gay will reside at 196 Central Ave- nue, London.` LADIES PLAY BOWLS ..Three rinks of Stratford ladies came u:p yesterday and played a like number T Clinton. ladies on the lo- cal green.. ';Was a pet of a day for an outdoor game and the ladies thor- oughly enjoyed it, the more so for the reason that the' bowling season is waning, Iff s. ' McMtuchie, Mrs. Sharp::ancl, Miss Howson were the • lo- .eat".skips, Three ga'ories` were play- ed all round and the score was a's follows;, u; Mrs,' iileMurchie'' 11' 11." 1-23 ' Mrs. Sharp,: 15" '9 2=20 • Miss Howson, 3 ' 7 ' '7-17-G6 Mrs: Hyde, G 8 8-22 Mrs. Vanstone, 5 2 ''11-18' Mrs. Farquharson,' 10 ' 3 9--22;62 CONCERT COMING The Bob Wilson ;Co. is coming to Clinton on Monday, October 2nd, for one' of their great, shows under the auspices of the Girl's Auxiliary as a Hospital benefit,' , The hall will be packed to the doors for so noble a cause, as the Company is giving a specially reduced price to help the Hospital. But what about the show?. Listen! Bob Wilson is the great- est Comedian in this Dominion and. his comedy is clean. Hie costumes are great. No such entertainer has been, -heard: in. Clintpn.:for , many.. years. Grace Bonnicic Is an -enter- tainer of continental reputation, In single numbers and in comedy skew' ches Miss Helmick is unexcelled. We positively guarantee that Miss Edna Reed is -the greatest,soprano in Can: oda, - She is a,niarvellous singer and probably the hese ever heard in Clinton. Miss Helen Codd is the most celebrated cancer in Canada, 'the has filled engagements recently in Massey Hall and AlIen Theatre, Toronto, and at Toronto Fair op. Music Day, The Panntages Theatre showed a moving picture of Miss Codd's Peacock dance in August, Herr costumes are gorgeously beau- tiful. ^>" This Company, will give one of the biggest, funniest cleanest musical shows ever staged in Ontario, .and practically all the money goes to tine Hospital work. e - Plan opens at Fair's Book Store on September '29th, and tickets are on sale there. Reserved seats50 cts., rush seats 35cts. Order early as hundreds are being turned away at every concert. Boost for the Hos- pital and .'get 'twice your money's wortht the-. same time, ato ANNUAL RALLY OF HURON PRESBYTERIAN YOUNG' ' PEOPLE' The weather man was inthebest. of moods on Monday last and fav- ored . the convention with delightful autumn weather, Hayfield, with tts. special'attractiveness was the place of meeting. Accordingly from all over. the Presbytery, repvesentatives in goodly numbers aSseinbies in An anal Rally. . Net ufany •Groin Willis church were' able to attend the af- ternoon session but they nntstered an attendance of six auto loads Cor the evening, The program, while some- what of the order bf young people's programmes, generally, was of an exceptionally„ good character. -Business.. was etlieienttyconducted. unclerr-the' presidency . of. Mr, Jas. Love of Egniondville.' Special mus- ic 'was rendered by soloists and At the afternoon seasioh addresses nvere given by the Rev, R, A. Lundy of Kipnety on. the "Neale 'of Young People's Societies," and -by Rev. ,A. Macfarland of Bayfield on "The Gos- pel" '0:1 St Luke " In these acldres• sea (he. speakers excelled themselves. both in subject- matter and delivery. Rev, C. A. Meyers of Toronto is one of the General Assembly's. expeeee in Young Peoples' work. lin a masterful way he showed. his aud- ience the -splendid he, of Y. P. Societies and how' to secure ,de- sizable results, The adtb'ossos of the oveeing were more of an inspirational nattme. Revs Geo, 'Telford, o:C Blyth, in an, address on "Building a Nettie)" carried his audionec evitili. hint 10 a clear and Corceller allegory between balding a house and -a nation. , Mr. Meyers •e e ie climax f t r eti ,a P a l cl ]lie o the n c n in his ociclrcas How to have it Good Time.' The npinlon genres sed by Mr, 'Meyers that it was one l , beat c Yl crenees to ever oi' the n 1 had t atf.oncled was eterpticseeci in by all. Next Mean.' 111c roily will be ateld Egnlondv`tlle. c�9tanleg"Tovarnsbip , . Miss` •Margaret McGreg'•or lett. Tuesday for Stratford',' where see will eettend Normal, IVIiss ,,Ida Taylor spent set. the week-' p G end with friends at Walton. Miss Myrtle Peal eon' was a week- end visitor at the home on Mr, and Mrs. A. Ilugil1 of Seaforth: Mr. and Mrs; 'John 13uteharttook in Seatorti fair .on Friday last. Mrs', Will Spear or Highgate, is at present, visitng her parents Mr, and Mrs, Malcolm McEwen. Ul F mvel � C� i lie Prof. F. C. and Mrs. Elford and Miss Jean of Ottawa, who had been visiting ;Mrs, 111£ord's parents, _1VIr,. and Mrs. A. J. Courtiee, for a ;'week, left on Monday for Jamestown, N. Y., to visit l the Rev. Dr. Courtsce. They- were motoring t and enjoying their, outing very .much. Tine W. M. S, and Mission Circ:.e of the- Methodist clinch se1ved re- freshments at the Porter's hill school fair, on Saturday -afternoon and ,lo0c in quite' ii. bit of money . for their ti•easuri n es, I loh esville made a good showing at the 1air,'which was a• fine etre. Auburn Mr, Thomas, Hamilton fell from the roof of his' barn our Saturday and was very seriously injured. " Harvest: Thanksgiving ' s_ ervie'es were held iri the Anglican church here :last Sunday,. Rev: J. R. Alp, was inducted into his nh'sigo that of Auburn and Sinn ths' Hill Presbyterian; churches on ,Wednesday September 27th, tend' lias. become a resident of our village. We welcome him. The Baptist young peoplegave their Cantata, "The Beautiful City," at Bclgrave last Monday night. Mr. T. Clark of Goderich visited. friends here this ,week. Goderich Township The anniversary services held itn Sharon church :on Sunday last were most successful The'Rev. A. Mac farlane o1,St. Andrew's church, Bay-, field, preached. in the afternoon' and 'in the evening the service was con- ducted by Mr. Stone, evlio has been supplying ,the pulpits of t-ne Bayfield circuit .'during the summer. Miss Harris of Goderich ' assisted in the musical part' of the services.: Mr. Stone;is retuianing to college and Mr. Baxter o.f • Chatham will have charge of the cfrouit ,° r the . remain, der of the year, While driving along the Ifuron road on Tuesday Miss Bessie Osbalcleston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Oshaldeston, was run into by the. Stratford-Goderich bus, which was coating east, Miss Osbaldestoon wase turning into T. R. Jenkins' gate and she says the driver of the bus didn't blow his horn, at all and she wasn't, aware that it was behind her until it bumped into her buggy, upsetting it and throwing her out. For'tun- ately she was not badly injured. The buggy Was smashed and the horse broke loose and ran away, not being. stopped until it was going: up Vin- egar ]Till,: Clinton. The bus ran into a telegraph post ,after lcrioeking Miss Osbaldeston over"and it is said the driver was in a verybad Menotti- i t our - u bout the whole thing, The parents of the young lady are verst thankful that no more serious damage was alone. ATeeScool Fair held on♦• .Sntu da y at 'Porter's hill, when ten schools participated, was an , excellent • suce cess. - The exhibits of the children weee exceptionally fine, showing' both' ear kill ` i th is e and on c} ntofthe exhibitors, . A large.number of pee.' plo foregathered. to see the produce of the ehilrens' hands and. to 511end a' few hours in the open. The wee 'duel was 'ideal.' '`During the atter-'- croon ,,the ladies of the I olniesville W. M. S. and Mission Circle conduct- ed a booth, selling ice cream ' and oth- er refreshments. They seemed to do a roaring "trade and before`' evening' Caine were pretty well sold out. The fair prize• list will; be :found on an other page., Mr. aml-Mrso W.' Towinsbencl of Mancha motored `rate and spent the, weep -end with relatives. Mrs. AI 'beet Townshend, who had been Arts icing w11h hoarsen: at Monello, for some weeks, returned with them.. She reports a most enjoyable heli clMay,i. John 'POwnsh rd er returned this' week to eesnme his studies .at :Kings- ton. His brother AIvin, wild pas been at honthil!, joins hien at Queoin's autumn term, 't• for the. arta er Mrs, .Chas.'Bottck and Master •Ral- ph ' of Niagara are visiting' Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Crich, Much regret was .felt when Ovoid was eeeelved, on Thursday last.by.Mr,' Thos. Elwood that hie eldest son, George, had been Milled In a motor 011±1515111 the evening prevl011sly When' travelling between Fernwood and Pentland, B. Co Young Elwood wets driving and was ateontpenied by several others- whet they duet era s other car which carried bright lights hec1ri r•s i which blinded t ve o teed hip lc eon rolof his car and ' ' took 1 lost t •t I it to thti' ft ditch, and he a cceived fatal ]mien ies, G Tho young ,man Nile i marriod, The eelnain5 were interred 1u British COI- a nnibia, Much sympathy is felt ,Cor 1 Mr, Elwood and family in their inn e,1peeled bereavotoeht, °J People You 14.1ncerta 1Virs, W. J, Mecdonal n -t " rt cul d Ilutietl who have beani 'f 0,• v st tt a relatives here for some time, 'left. en Irfon- day to join Mr. Macdonald at Now Lisle card, where the family intend making thein hone in ft'tture, l`r!C9lu lesbero Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Gov.er: of ,;Port Colborne aro spending a fury clans with relativesinthe village. 'Wise L s. Brigham, g t who has had many exhibits et the fairs rs this i': -iii, attended Wingh sni fair• on Tuesday where she got several first prizes. Mrs: Shafer' and family of Gow anaton-5 n.•, pe t the Week -end with the lady's . Ys Chas. Ruddell: Evangelistic' services are being _ e b g h ld' in theMethodist church ever night Y nig t this week, a • Anniversary services will be held in the Presbyterian church on Sun. day, Qctober'8th, a week from next Sunday, Rev. A. Macfarlane of Bayfield will preach at both the mor- ning and evenm6• servat e. The 'Wis B• 1 ort., ros. of Mottkton will assist with rune music. The regular las monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will -be held in the Community hall on Catcher 5. Mrs.'' I3. M. Snell will demonstrate the,,making of paper flowers. Solo by Miss Abery; reading by Miss Moon, 'Hostesses,Mesdam'es !Moun- taini, ' Sprung and Radford: Conic and enjoy.. an interesting meeting. Ragfiield, Mr, and Mrs. McDowell Miss. Mc- Dowell and Mr. Morris of Thames- vine were the guests of • Mrs. W. H. Woods 1'over the week -end, On Monclay she returned home witlf them for a short visit. Dr: and Mrs. Tillman and family of London spent -the week=end; at their summer home' on the Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. McCoughey of Strat., ford- spent the week -end, ; at theins summer cottage on Huron .Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore of: South Bend, ' Indiana, arrived home Beast week and will spend a while , the guests of the former's father, Mr. Samuel Moore. Mr. A . R. Stone, who Inas : suppli- ed the Methodist pulpit for the Paso .three..nlpntbsj., left on :Monday; for. London. '• Mr. Robert Bailey `of. theStaffing g Bank, Millbank, is hone on his holi- days this week. Mo.. and Mrs. E. A. Sander and child and Mr. •Art :Sander of lUit- chener were the ;•nests of Mrs. San- der's"parents, Mr; and Mrs H. W. Erwin on Tuesday and °Wednesday of this week. iVIr. Sid Castle of.;;Stratford spent the week -end at his home in the village. The annual rally of Huron Pres-' ,bytory.Young: People's Societies, held in St. Andrew's church on Monday, was a great success.' A very large number *eve present, especially for 'the evening 'session.- A. most inter- :,esting and inspiring program._ Wee given. An adjourned meeting of the Huron • Presbytery was also held. Once more the sunlnmmiis hag -bonie and called away another of our °m - est and most respected citizens :n the person of John Ferguson, 1011 passed: away on Saturday evening last in his .84th' year. The decees- ed .was born in the township'of God crick in 1839 axncl came, to this Vill- age w ena Yowif g mantmc1 weint into the blacksniithing business: For a number of years he held the pos- ition of bailiff of the Seventh Divis 1011 Court and was also constable of the village. Buti1 g for' a number ot years' he Morel been unable to work on account of 111-11eat1111. His wife pre- deceased hini in,Jam:lary 11)17. The funeral tole place from o l a o tons t :h o residenom c of daughter.. - e 1. i da Iter MissNorah '' . yer.- g, gnson, 'oh Tuesday, September 26, at; 2 o'clock p, in, Rev, A. Maclar• lanio of. St. Anc}iew's`ohtaroh officiat- ed at the • hogs° and grave. Main- land Jethro No. 33 A. T. and A. 117.• of whichheWas tut old aneuibe.h'al so' tools. part in 'the obsetluies, -'The pallbearer's, who.'were also'.'mem/teem rose. tWheillMam oWniecs`to0ndeIrarivgldbtr StiMieone;'. and John and James Lindsay. Those,' left 'te' mourn his loss are: Mrs': .; Reid, Detroit, Mrs'. O. W, Thyn-i `Brantford, Mrs. 1;. E. Sharpe, Win- nipeg; -Mrs. W Hallowell, London; Alcxantdei• and Charles b ergui on_on the Great Lakes, Capt: John A. ands William Ferguson and Miss Nolan Ferguson of this village: The flor- al ofleritigs were Many and Beauti- ful. Among' them Were sprays, .from Miss Baxter: Air. and Mia. In, Moorehoifse, Landon; ]iris Spades, Brantford; Clara Ferguson, Strat- f00d; Mrs. Metcalf, Ml's, Moorhousc Mt5, ' l h5 G s gild : Mis. Brg'g'arl, Bay. •field; .Conpaes and Square from the Maitland Lodge, Goderiel1n wreaths from the Rhynas :fannily, Brantford, Anchorfrom the, grand chitchat, and et pilloW and anchor from .aim :fatntil y t'1Osg wlto attended tlne funeral Cron a distance wore: Mr, George Fergu- son, Colborne; Miss Lily Ferguson attd Archie hon; inion, MCS. S`nao arae] 7]r. ,Gallaw, Gotiorich z n5t > Mrs, O. Sitoppitrd, Parisi Miss Clare Fermis on, Stratford; Mr, and Mrs, 0. W. Iih n Y as ;died son Philip of BraattlOrcY Mr. Jtnes I et isoi' Detroit: Ver. nl Alex Porterfield, Vii I , oddos, Beln'rave; Mr, and Mts. 3tsin. Govendocic, Mr, John Goventorlc anut nd Mr. Bort Govenioodt, 1gmondvil- c, Mr, Thigh Gilinorn, rfisrtos Marry aft (Cottinuod bra P0'ge 8)