HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-9-14, Page 5The Clinton
Win. Ornll Hamilton James
7}na bride, (iiee..Miss Margery
mie,) of Montroai are spending their
honeymoon as guests at Miss Fer-
gusons, •
Mrs,; Lovell and son Mr. T. S.
Lovell and Mrs: Bore and Miss Co -
boon of London aro occupying Mr,
W. R. Robinson's cottage on Dele-
van street for September.
Rey: S. Anderson of Clinton oc-
cupied the pulpit of the Methodist
ehnreh' on Sunday evening- last, when
he administered the sacrament 5rf, the
--Lord's Suppe}.
, Mrs, Cleave -who spent the past
three weeks at Bad Axe Mich.,: re-
turned, home last week. She was
.aocornpanied by her daughter and
husband, Mr, and Mrs, Gingrich
and son of Bad Axe, 1Viieh., who will
spend a few weeks.
R. Penhale' who went west two
weeksago, on a.lbusiness trip return -
,ed , home on Saturday.
Rev. A, Macfarlane, Mr, and Mrs.
John Fraser, Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs.
D. Dewar and Miss Josie Stirling at-
tended the Misisonary convention at
Seaforth, on Tuesday.
A farewell "teawas held on the
lawn of Dr. Woo& on Tuesday even-
ing for. Rev. Jt C. Pitts and fain-,
ily onthe eve of their deRarture. for
-their new field of labor at Petrone.
During the evening a presentation
'was made by the Guild and Sunday
School to Rev. Pitts and wife; to
Mr,' Pitts, an umbrella, and to Mrs,
Pitts, 'a 'comforter. The address.
was read by Miss Cameron `and 'the
presentation made by Miss. Luny
Woods. 1. Speeches were given - by
Rev. Mr. Hind and Dr..: Woods,
Mr.: and Mrs. Heinrich and child
of Kitchener are guests at the Al-
The week after next is [Hospital
"Mr. Carl Wagner of Port Dover
-spent a few days with his parents.
Miss Alma Youngblut is spending
week with friends at. Hespeler.
The Auburn and Belfast 'baseball
teams met, on, the Westfield 'diamond.
last .Saturday afternoon:, The score
being. 10-5. ,in. favour .of Auburn.'
- Mrs J, Mutch and Miss E. Nich-
olson .took iii the. Toronto Exhibition
last week.
Mrs. Chas. Wightman of Westfield
hays been spending •a few days with
i1'Irs. J. Philips, who is ill,
Mr. T. Ratcliffe of Sault Ste.
Marie,. Mich., is renewing acquaint-
ances : in tfhis vicinity.
The week after next is Hospital
Mrs. Bell is -Spending 'a few' days
--of this week at the home of icer
son, kir. Wm. Bell of the 13th con-
Ars-. John . Grainger.: and Miss,
Gladys who spent the summer with
relatives in the west returned home
last week.
•'Miss. Pearl Moon entertained a
number of girl friends one afternoon
bast week.
Mrs. Wren Waters and son, Billy,
of London, returned home Saturday,
after a short visit with friends in
'this locality. Miss Lawdy Young
motored tp London with them.
Mr: and .Mrs. Frank . Little, ac-
companied by . Miss Lizzie "Mains,
motored to Jarvis, Ont., where they
are visiting, friends. ,
Mr. Joe Campbell of Walton spent
.Sunday at Mr. Robert Young's;
Miss Flossie"Jamieson 'is spending
a few ..days with her friend, Bliss
Jean Young near. Goderich. •
Thelocal W men's n's .Institute.was
,.', oe.
entertained b ' the BlYth Institute en
Thursday of last week and the meet-
ing was well attended. • After the
ibnsiness part of the meeting the vis-
iting ladies took charge of the pro-
gram. At the close of the. after-
noon tea, was. served and a very en-
joyable half hour spent. The
Londesboro Institute are looking for-
ward to a meeting in the near future
-when ;they are to entertain the lad-
ies of Blyth,'
We are indeed glad to report that
Mrs. Edith Ball who has been ill at
he home of her brother Mr. Thomas
Sampson ii greatlyim roved.
1 , P.
Londesboro has quite a large rep -
representation attencling Collegiate 'in
Clinton` and Continuation in : Blyth,
MissSara Barr had a very pleas-
ant tea, on Tuesday afternoon in
honour of Miss Lawdy. Young who
leaves very soon to resume her
;teaching duties in Regina.
•Rev. Abery and family have re-
turned from Deer Lodge, Bayfield,
where they spent the month of Au-
very quiet but pretty wedding
took ,place: on Tuesday- September.
12th at 12 o'clock at the •home of the
bride's' parents, Mr: •and• Mrs. A.
Reid, Londesboro When their daugh
ter, ICatie became the'bride of Mr,
"Frank Marshall of Blyth. Mr, •and.
'Mn;s'. Marshall left on a motor trip
to Toronto and on their return will
live near Blyth.
Mr and Mrs. 'Albert
Nett of
Lennan, Algona, spent, a few days
with Mr. Nott's uncle, Mr, Richard
Mrs. Edward Younghlut and sora,
Leonard, spent a few days with •Ther
sister",, Mrs. Cutts, of Forest. •
„ Mr. Hutton- has completed the
cc•nent work on the "dam. and is.
now ill running order' again.
Mr, ,and Mrs." Ituppe. af. Yoeliors,
N,Y., have been ,spending .a few
days with 'Mrs, Ruppe's' sister,
Mr; : Hutton,
Miss Smith rind Miss Kssto, of ;Ni-
hgara;Fails, who have been visiting
their brother,' Rbbott Smith of the
Base Line, returned home Tait Thurs
Mr. Not. Bali bus been in
1 Tor -
,onto this week'.
Hallett- Township
Miss Mary Cartwright has been
visiting friends in- Stratford and
Toronto While In Toronto she
spent some time at the Exhibition,
The week after next is Hospital
Miss Victoria Taylor, of California
is visiting her cousin, Miss Helen
Taylor and other friends,
Miss Mildred .Britton is attending
Seaforth High tchooi,
Don't forget to attend the revival
'meetings held in the.. church •every
evening at half past 7. Rev. Mr.
Gilbert of Winnipeg is helping the
pastor. •
Mrs. Thos.' Andrew of Calgary,
Sask., is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
B.cB. Stephenson..
Mr. Frank Hall' spent a couple of
days in Bayfield last week at their
• Miss Vera Colelough spent a few
days last week with friends in God -
The week after next is Hospital
Mrs, Wilbert Leppingtonalto Mrs.
Leppington Sr.. and family, would
like to express their sincere grati-
tude for the many kindnesses shown
thin in their trouble, and also their
appreciation of " the beautiful floral
tributes.. /
• Auction Sale - -
Household furniture on Saturday,
September 28th, 1922 at 1 o'clock
Rattenbury Street. W. R. Counter,
proprietor, Geo. H. Elliott, Auction-,
eer. 67-2
Second-hand Bicycles
I have a number of good bicycles
to go cheap.' Come and look ,them
over,--Paxman's Garage 67-2-m
Clearing Auction Sale,
g ,
Of farm stock and implements on
lot 37 part 38; . 9th concession . of
Goderich township. On Thursday
September 28th, 1922 at 1 o'clock
sharp. Agricultural mare, 1' years
old,.supposed to he in foal; general
purpose mare with foal at foot; geld-
ing, ,..four years old; gelding
five years' old; driving mare; " 3,'
2 year old steers; 8 1 year old steers;
2, 1 year old heifers; 3 spring calves;
farrow cow; 7 pigs about 90 pounds;
4 ' spring lambs; 25, year-old hens;
25 'pulletts, thoroughbred rocks. Im-
plements—Massey.Harris' binder, 6
foot;eut;.' McCormack, mower, 6 foot,
cut; 12 foot Deering take; Massey..
Harris Fertilizer drill, 11 hoe, -nearly.
new; Mann •cultivator;, steel ,'roller;
bean harvester and scufiler combined;
nearly new; lumber wagon; old wag-
on; ,;buggy; cutter; set of sleighs;
Massey Harris cutting box, nearly
new; rubber' belt; gasoline engine,
41/ horsepower; walking plow; hay
rack; gravel box; combination stock
rack and box; stone boat; puiper;
Melatte 'cream separator,;' robe;buffalo
horse blanket; wool knee rug;
32 oot extfion ladder; set of
slings; set of heavy team harness;.
set of scales; 2,000 pounds capacity;
Clinton fanning mill; 50 cords of wood
set of plow 'harness; • set of single=
harness; 2 acres, good feed corn; 4
rows ' of potittoo6; forks; chains;
shovels and other articles too num-
erous to Mention,. Terms on chat-
tels all sums of 510 and under, cash,
over that amount 12 months credit
given on furnishing' approved joint.
notes or a discount' Pi 4:' per cent.
per annum_ allowed for cash or cred-
it amounts. " Farm 'consists .of 105
acres of good clay loam, well adapt-
ed for grain or grass,'. farm: is in, a
high state 'of cultivation all under
grass. On the farm is erected: a
good 1% storey brick house, 'bank
barn, 50x80, pig pen;' 14x20, abund-
ance of, water with good windmill.
5 acres of good hardwood bush, 4
acres, good hearing orchard. 'Terms•
on farm, 10• per cent. of purchase
price to be paid down on day of sale,
balance in 30 days.. Everything to
be sold as proprietor is " in failing
health and is giving up farming. W.
H. •Cole, proprietor, Geo. H. Elliott '
Auctioneer., 67-2.
For Sale
A': geed "big driving' horse, -'4 years
old, quiet to rideor drive'' and 'a
good worker: Apply- to Mr'. Henry
Snyder, Clinton, R. R. No. 2, phone
2 on 604 674f.,
Farm For Sale
23 acres on the 16th Com; Coderich
Tp., 1 mile from Clinton. All 'good
farming land, 7 -roomed frame' house,
woodshed and driving 'shed. Good
bank barn. Apply to II. J.. FIibbs,
R 11, No. 2, Clinton. `Phone .12 on
604. • 67-3-p
Screen Sensation of The. Year
with AGNES AYRE+ S: and
Biggest Paramount Special
ever produced
'will be presented.at'the
Strand. Theatre
T1iiiR DAY, 21st (once)
8,15 to 10 p.m.
FRIDAY 22nd (4 times'
•3r rtWice.
SAPi:�I�DA"Y 2
7.45 to 11 p.m,
Adults 30c
Childl''en antler J.4, 20c'. -
,TENKINS--cA TEL(1N-1n Sarnia,:
on Thursday,. Septcanber 7th, Ma-
bel Llva,•only daughter Of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur .Cantelon o1, Clinton
to Gorge T. Jenkins, son. of Mr,
and Mrs: Roland" Jenkins, also of
Clinton. '
September 11th, in Clinton, Jessica
Gertrude_ Lake 01 Kincardine to
Mr.' Robert Marshall; Mao-ef Kin-
noon on Wednesday, September
6th, Elizabeth Anne, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. August; Wankel,
Seaforth, to James Grey Carnochen
also of Seaforth.
ROWDDN=.AtC m bellville nttzr-
io, on Friday, September 8th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil W. Rowden, a
McKINNON—In Monlcton, N. B., on
Wednesday, August 30th, to Mr.
and Mrs. J. McKinnon, a. daughter
(Margaret Eleanor.)
GOVIER—In 1-lullett on September,
12th, to Mr. and Mrs, W. Govier,
a daughter.
The week after next is Hospital
iGoderich was visited on Saturday
afternoon by an extraordinarily •se-
vere electric storm. It was over
ill a very few minutes. but .,.during
these few minutes -Mr. Hector Hays"
residence on St. Patrick street was.
struck sand some damage done.
From near Bayfield; ' two -heifers,
small two-year' olds; grey color; A
reward of $5.00 per head =will be
paid for information leading to their
recovery by ROBERT` S. WINTER,
Goderich, Ont., phone 326. 67-tf
Stanley Voters' List
The Voter's List, 1922 for the
township. of Stanley, County of Hur-
Notice ishereby given that I have
transmitted or. delivered ,to the per-
sons mentioned in-. Section 9 of he -
Ontario"' Voter's List. Act the. copies
of the 'list, made persuant to the said
Act, 'of all persons appearing bythe
last revised Assessment Roll of the
said Municipality to be. entitled -to
vote in- the said Municipality at el-
ections of members of the .Legisla-
tive Assembly and at Municipal _el-
ections and that the said List' was
first posted up in my office, Stanley
-township, on the eighth ,day'' of Sep-
tember, 1922 and remains there for
inspection. And . thereby callupon
all voters ,to examine said,list and if
any errors or, onmissions, are found
therein to take immediate proceed-
ings to have the same corrected ac-
cording to law. Dated at Stanley,
his 8th day of September; • 1022. J..
E. Barnwell, Municipal Clerk.
For. 'Sale
,House •and 'four lots 'on, east side
of Ring street between Gordon and
Bond. •Good house 11/ storeys high
grid barn_, Good basement under
house, hard. and soft water, consid-
erable:fruit on lot. ` Terms reason-
able for quoit sale. Apply to Mrs.
Bertha Hayward, ,101, Wellington
Road, London, Ont. 67-1£.
For Sale
A Capital Cream Separator, second
hand, in good' running order, for
quick sale at 520. " Phone 12 on 600
Mrs'. 3. R. Sterling, R. , R. No 2,
For Sate
An upright piano, is in a 1 condi-
tion has recentlybeen cleaned and
tuned, an'd will be sold at- a reason-
able price.' This is • a splendid in-
strument -anti--intending
n-strument-and''intending , purchasers,
,will do well to inspect this bargain.
Mr. A, McKenzie, Kippen. 66-tf
House For Sale
Cottage on Albert street,,,call on
Tuesdays or Wednesdays. ; Miss:
Jessie Thompson. 65.. tf
Music Lessons
Mr. A. W, Anderton, Professor
of music, cert. teacher of Piano-
forte and . singing, T. 11.. C.,. Lon-
don, England, resumes tuitions at
3. E.. Cook's residence on Tuesday,
September 12. 66-t£
Farm For Sale
Lot 11, concession 8, Hullett, con-
taining 100 acres nearly all cleared.
There are on the premises a good
bank barn 72x40 with good cement
floors, driving shed 40x20, pig house
141/2x12. Good' 2 story brick house,
with frame 'Ititcheii;' and wood shed,
soft Water' in house. All fenced and
tiie drained, Windmill ' on barn,
small' orchard, McKillop .'telephone
and rural mail. 5 Miles from Lon -
ashore, 21/'idles from Constance 11/2
miles from chtir-eh ` and" 1% miles
from school. For 'further partic-
ulars apply to Percy Glazier, R. R.
No. 1 Londesboro or phone 6 on 250.
Piano For Sale
High grade piano will be sold
reasonably for cash. Apply p yt o 'Mrs.
Frank Gibbs, Princess street, 68-t1
Animals Astray
Came to the prerhises of the int-
dorsigned one guile east or Varna,
on the Bayfield road, about June 15,
2 spotted steers and one roan heifer,
all one-year olds. Owner may have
same by proving property and pay-
ing expenses. Robert Webster, Var-
na, Ont. , • - - 62-tf
house For Sale 1
Frame cottage With two lots, on
Huron street, bantr"on prenlsos,
garden with stinal fruit. ' For
further particulars apply to Miss 13.
Cantelon, on premises, 0141
Team For Sale
A pair of geldings, 5 and 7 years..
Sound and right For cash or bank-
able paper. A. Townsh'otad,r 16th
eon. Goderich'township,.No,
2, Cilni,on.,, Phone 22 on 604, •62-tf
[ways Delicious
Always Refreshin
Tirli, ', SEPTE111BI ft 14, 022
M •
Sold in sealed aluminum %sach ets only
Never in Bt1)lXi.
Getting Pickled
Now that pickling season is at hand it will pay you'to be
sure, of the vinegar and spices you use.
Our delivery service is second to none. You get prompt service
at our Quality Store. TRY US,
Get the Habit of Dealing at
OHNSC N & C®'S GROCERY Phone 111
MODERN HOME- Williain at Princess.
LOT—Full size; garden, fruit shade trees, large lawn.
HOUSE—Frame,full .size cement basement, • hot water .heating,
extra large verandah, balcony.
GROUND FLOOR—Ilall, living -room, dining -room, den, kitchen,
pantry, wash -room, side verandah an kitchen.
• FIRSTFLOOR—Hall, five bedroo ms, three-piece bathroom, large
size octagon pedestal: basin, glass towelrods, etc.
Each sleeping apartment equipp ed with individual heat and an im-
proved system of ventilation.
Everythingfor health, comfort and .convenience.
Apply on prellhises, D. S. Cluff.
Clinto »LeadingtiCentral Bakery
ice Cream Parlor
Bread, .Fancy aking and all kinds of
We ,.rl ding Cak -. s a Specialty
Neilson's and Bisset's lce Cream
in Bricks and Bulk
Neilson's and Robertson's
Telephone No. 1
Dinner Dance
Hotel Bedtord
Next Saturday Evening
September 16th,
Dancing from 6.30 to 12.00.
Music by Miss Gene Connon and
London Orchestra.
— ic, 1"to
Sttnday.`Dinnor Mus 2.45.
Sunday Supper—Music 5:30 to 6.45.
Write or phone for'' reservations to
Hotel Bedford, Goderieh.
Saturday Evening, 6.30 to 12.00
58.00 per couple.
After 8.30 $1.00 per couple
With additional charges for• lunch
a la carte.
•63'arm For Salo
Lot 29 concession 13 Hulett, on
the premises there is a good , bush
and never failing creek, land 'suit-
able for all kinds of grain and roots.
Apply on the premises, to the leg-
atees. , 61-4-2-p
10% Cash— 'BaSance, in 25 years
amortized,. The ' Soldier. Settlement,
Board of Canada offers for -sale: -by
public tender,: 107 acres, Lot 18 and
south 27 acres of Lot 17 concession
15, Goderich. Township, Huron Coffin=
`ty, well situated, goad water, clay.
loans soil, brick house, bank barn.
Terms of :sale are -10 per cent of the
purchase price in cash, oft acceptance
of the tender,' and the- balance in
25 :equal, annual instalments with
interest at 6 per cent. per annum on
amortization plan.
Each tender must be aveompanied
r .t 07,0U
by an accepted cheek for o
If tender is accepted this sum wilt
be credited to 'he plir//i,o,o. price of
the lead. 11 t..ndei is not accepted
Ibe money will be returned to the
tenderer. .
Tenders will, be opened at Toren -
to, Ont,., on September; 18th, 1922,
The highest or any : tender not
necessarily accepted. If the laud is
not sold en the. elate above Men-
tioned, the Board will be prepared
to receive oilers to , purefiasc until
Such time as it is finally , disposed
Tenclers should be its plain envel-
opes 'marked "`Bender for the pur-
chase of Pt. of. Lots 17 and 18 con-
cession 15, Goderich, Innen CeOnty"
Address tenders and enquiries to.
82 Adelaide Street, Fast.
F D. SHAVER, 'District Stip.•
Dated at Toronto, Ont,, this 23rd
day of August < 1932, 66-2
Sale of Lands
Town of Clinton
By virtue of a warrant by the
Mayor of 'the Town of -Clinton bear-
ing date the First day of August a
sale of lands in arrears for taxes. in
the Town of Clinton will be held at
the Council Chamber in the. Town of
Clinton at the hour of three o'clock
in the afternoon' on the Fourth day
of December, 1922, unless the taxes
and costs are sooner, paid. . Notice
is hereby given that the list of lands
for sale for arrears of taxes is be-
ing published in The .Ontario Ga-
zette, the first insertion being the
26th' day of An'gust,,1922,and' that
copies of the said' list may be, had
at my office. D. L. . Macpherson,
Treasurer, Clinton August 31st, 1922
For Sale
A piano case organ, walnut settee
and child's sidewalk sulky. Mrs.
Geo. .McKenzie. :62-tf
Horses For Sale at Bayfield
To close the estate of the late C.
Tippets; there will be 'sold by private
sale two horses;. 4 and 7 years old.
Fred* McEwen and Chas. Marks,
"executors for the estate. Bayfield.
Farm For Salo
Lot 16 pt. 17 concession'1 Mullett,
Huron road' 11/2 miles east of Clin-
ton. This faun contains 127 acres
100 acres drained and in first class
condition, the balance ,is ' pasture•
land and bush. On the premises is
a good balm 40x74 with stone stabl-
ing and ceirient floors; also hen house.
pig pen and drive shed on cement
foundation. There' is a two story'
brickhouse" with modern convenien-
ces. Farili is well watered with first
class springs' and also spring creek
running aoross one ,corner.. Farm.
is well adapted for mixed 'farming.
For terns and conditions make ap-
plication on the premises or Clinton,
R. R. No 4.' John Noble 58-tf
For Sale Or Rent
Brier residence for sale or rent,,
Rattenbury •street at present oe
copied by W. it, Counter, Possession
October 1st, apply Jacob Taylor 24
Ellerbeek Ave. Toronto. 5Z-tf
' Farm For Sale
Lot 26, Con. 17th, on the Base
line, anile' north of Clinton. 221/2
acres first class land, good house,
bank barn and young orchard just
beginning to bear. Also 7 -roomed'
house on Albert street, Clinton. Wa-
ter, good garden, barn. Apply en
latter premises. Mrs. John Halstead,
Spirella Corsets fur hee thfulness
style, comfort and durability. Ev-
ery corset made to mea5dre. Mrs,
Elizabeth Ken re t
shorn i dy,Ontaxiogtreo ,
Clinton, Phone 142, - 12.1921
Hawkins �c Miller
Snecesaol's,to 'Ni, T. Coulees --Rowlands old.starld
ee our . weekl�r spejal .
for ca o l
Victor mouse traps 3 for 1Oc Rat trap 12c each
Never fail 5 gal oil can with pump, $2;00 reg, $2 50
144 ft of 1 -in hay .fork Manilla rope $9.50 reg $11.50
63 ft of I in hay fork Manilla rope $4,00 reg 85,10.
80 ft' in hay fork Manilla rope $4.40 reg $5,40
Imperial Oil Co. Genuine Polarine Oil for your car
$1,10 per gal., ($Oc per half' gal., 35c per quart
See our new $100 White Drophead
Sewing IVIachane to be sold to the
highest bidder. for cash. onlu
111111111111IIIPIII1111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
IIII111111111111111111111111111111111I1111IIIIIIIIIII II111111filit11111111!
Phone 68.'
9.30 to 12'a.m. 2.00 to 5.30 p.m.
7.00 to 9.00 p,m. Sundays by
DR. W, R.'-NIMMO,•.
Chiropractic Specialist.
Specializing in Spinal,; Nervous and
Chronic Diseases.: '.
Normandie Block, Clinton, Ont.
'Heater For Sale
A good coal heater; only used a
couple -of winters. G. E.. •Hall,
,Rattenbury street, or The News -Re-
Special :Valves
In: Ladies' and ' child-
ren's Fine' Shoes, Oxa
fords and Slippers.
Reg. $7.50 to $8 for $6.00
Reg. $Q50 to $7,00 for $5.00
Reg. $550 to $6.00 for. 84.00
Mang more 'values
just as good.
Wm. Barry
Opposite the Postoffice. Clinton.
Osteopathic Physician
Graduate, Des Moines, Still College
of Osteopathy.
Licentiate Iowa and Michigan State
Boards of Medical Examiners.
Spinal "adustments : given to remove
the cause of disease.
Catarrhal deafness,: adenoids, and
enlarged' tonsils treated.
without surgical • operatibmati Wl :;
Stomach and intestinal diseases.
treated without the use of dings or
Successor to Dr.,Heileman.
Office, Goderieli, Ont.
At the ,Graham House' every Tues-
day after 6.30 pan.
If you have any grain' to sell,
give us a call. We will pay the
highest market prices,
A car of Swift's "Red Steer" Fer-
tilizer for fall wheat just arrived..
Swift's Red Steer fertilizer is made
from Bone, Blood and Tankage; and
they are now using pure Nitrogen
instead of Ammonia, A trial will
Purity flour, Five Roses flour, Pas
try flour, Bran- and Shorts always
on hand,
For fall seeding we have Govern-
ment grade Timothy seed.
Gunn's Maple Leaf Lard, 5 lb, pails
Gunn's Easifirst Shortening, 5 Ib.
pails. . . , ......90c.
W. Jenkins & Son.
Phones: Elevator 199, Residence 141
Clothes Cleaned and Pse'aaed
Clothes cleaned pressed and re-
paired, Woolen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over Ileard'S barber shop.
W. J: Tags, -88-t£
Nara for Service
Champion breis, big typo Itericshire
and -Chester White board for service.
At homeevery forenoon, ---A. C.
Leyey, Phone 5 on 639, Chilton —25
The South -End
Try' our store for .your . supplies,
•you; will find our prices
Prompt delivery, to all parts of 'the
Mrs. M. J. Brown
PHONE 144.
Chestnut Coke
Also some good Hardwood.
Leave orders at my Residence,
Huron street, or Phone 1.55.
Orders taken at residence. Phone 118
Ontario ::Grail Seeds
Experienee has taught us the
above seeds are the only ones for
our district. We have on hand Gov,
ernment Graded
Red Clover . Alsike
Orchard ` Grass Alfalfa
Timothy. Blue Grass
White and Yellow Sweet • Clover
In Baby Chick Feed ,
Blatehford's Milk Mash
Pratt's Buttermilk Mash
Royal Purple•
H. 0. Cooked Chick Feeds
Always on hand:
Western Oats, Shorts; Oat Flour,
Linseed,:Meal,' Purina Chicken Chow-
der. -Flours: Five Roses, Hunts, Sil-
il-ver.- Crown. Special prices on Hunt's
for a fewdays.
4'Wanted,' a quantity of Peas, Buck-
wheat and Red Clover. Submit san- .
J. A. FORD do. SON
Phone 123.
Flour and Feed Merchants and
Grain Buyere
Also issuers of Hunters -& Trapperd
Live •
' Poultry
V• 1�
'Farmers who raise poultry for
profit sell all their old roosters and
broody hens, also young cockerels
weighing about two pounds each
during June and July. Coops:sup-
plied. Write or phone to
N. . . Menage?,
W . T1ttEW ,nh a
Ti3A, Bb
Phone No. 190 HHolnsesville 601 r 1b
The demand" for our butter is inn
To supply 'this demand we reciuite
more cream. ''•'.1
We .request you to ship us your
cream. .a
We guarantee you the Highest,
Market Prices,'!aecurate tote and.,
prompt service. '
Our firm is known to you and needs
no further reeein rend.
We pay all expreSb charges, fain-
ash cream cansand pay Woe eaelt
Write for cans or further infertile -
tion to the
T1 13 $13AFOhE of CREAMERY CO,,
b, A, BA10351414, MANAGER,