HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-9-14, Page 4• COOPER'S STORE MISW • Come to Cooper's 'Book Store for,. School B�oIs and Sebool. Siipplies BIC SHIPIVIE;NT O ' Bridal JR, just received d►rec t from Cecho-Slovakia This is what you have been waiting for A. T. COOPER. CLINTON Tuckersmith Township 1 SCHOOL FAIR DATES'. The funeral ne al of Mary. Chesney, re x Ashfield lit of William Dale, and daughter Helens MS. of the late Geo. . Chesney, sr., of S Il le . Tuckersmith, took place from the BCorrie .. residence' of her son-in-law, Mr. Wesley Nott, Huron Road, on The Mon- day, to the Clinton cemetery. service: was conducted by Bev, F. II. Larkin. The deceased lady, who was highly respected, was one of pioneer residents ' of this tovinship. She moved with her parents to the farm where she was married, forty- --eight years ago and on which she resided until her death with the exception : of two years spent with' her -:only _son in Hallett. Mrs. Dale ;possessed remarkable vitality, and being very active• and observant took an interest in all' the affairs of the clay. On Saturday she was her usual health and was sitting onthe" verandah when `her soncappipached ,in ,a ear. She rose tro4'welceine him anal expired in his arms. " Mrs. Dale was in her seventieth year, her husband having predeceased her ,four years. She was a consistent mem- ber of the First Presbyterian ;Church and a woman of more than ordinary capability, A son and one daught-' er are left to mourn her loss: Mr. G. C. Dale, of Bullett, and Mrs. Wesley Nott of Tuckersmith. She was one of a family of eight, five of ,whom survive. , • The week after next ,as Hospital week. Kipped A large number attended the Presbyterial at Seaforth on Tuesday. A gang of rowdies passed through village, Monday. at midnight. They threw large stones through two • of Mrs. Miller's windows, a widow lady• living alone and also through Mr. McKenzie's show window breaking a large light. The night was made hideous with their oaths, Whatev- er place they belonged to have not much reason to be proud of thein. Mr. T.... Mellis is still, quite. stiff and sore since his accident: when he got three' ribs broken. Mrs. Hudson of Hensel" who has been visiting' her daughter, Mrs. A. Harvey had the misfortune last Monday morning to fall and breake a bene .in` her .ankle. ,. The doctor was sueninoned .and set .. the break, but she will the confined to her bed for some time. Mrs. "Hudson, al- though still active is upwards of 80 years. We sympathize with Ver in her affliction. Largo ,numbers have passed thru our,Vallage on'their way to London ' to Visit' the big show. • The' Messrs.' 'Bowey and wives visited with Ilderton friends this "week. Mr 13owey Sr. went, on to London: to see the- show, '`• ars per pupil to educate them in the section. During the coming sehooi term the pupils were going to' be limited down ,to four or five and it, ,would' cost between twohundred and three hundred ldollars per pupil:. to educate them in the section, Now at a meeting of the members of the trustee hoard of Un. No, 2 held in the beginning of June, for the pur- pose of considering the matter of en- gaging a teacher for the coming tears I was led by the impression that three or four of the five pupils that were left tot s art inon the fall term Were probably going to attend: the Clinton school as they ey were nearly just as convenient and -I perceive would 're- ceive :a Ibetter education, and also conveniences ees far inxc e ess of what they would have at Un. No. 2 school,'' Thus meaning; that in all probability that the trustee hoard would have to engage a teacher to teach, and the r ate-pa er s would Iane. toanal " ntaIn the school to educate one or two pu- pils for:the poining term, Then a • gain at the above mentioned meeting the other two members of the trus- tseboard inquired of ills t I what thought about closing the school for the conning term. They said they, had .been consulting some of the rate- payers and had received their approv- al of the action. They asked me if I was willing' to close the school. I' said I was, providing it met with the approval of the rate -payers;• the inspector and also the Department of Education and also, providing :the Clinton public' school board' of trust- ees could and also Were willing to provide sufficient accomodation Tor all the pupils in the section, We considered the Matter'together and the conclusion we to vll'ed at was;' that already there being a number of pupils of Inc section attending the Clinton public eo11ool and that nearly expedioni; that Sufficient inferreae ail thc'rest worst going to start at. on s'1lenrid be revealed, and that ilio;fa tetm,,we (leek ed to meet the .::Sept: 13 Sept. 14 ,Sept. 11 Sept.. 18 ..Sept.,19 •Ethel ............ ...:Sept. 20 Wroxeter ..Sept. 21 Co'.iborne .'.Sept. 22 Porter's IIill ...Sept. 23 Winghtum Sept. 25-26 Walton .Sept. 27 McKillop ..... ... .'.Sept. 28. Blyth.'.'.. ..Sept 28. Varna Oct, Dashwood Oct, 3 Winchelsea , .• , . • Oct. 4 �y M �-'.Fever : ASrlllllll, StIMMEEt COLDS: You don't need a month's trent. Y rove the worth, orient to p of rr 3 >t7l5l,lFaF 1g IMMEDIATE: It restores normal breathing,- stops mucus gathering' in nasal anti bronchial, peerages, assure*, long ,nights of quiet sleep, , e for sI,00.xt your druggist's, or v urat ret 1rial to Temp etons, Toronto Sold by J. D. Hovey, Clinton, Ont, Members of the Clinton trustee board to ascertain if they could and on what terms and conditions they Would accomodate all the pupils of the said section, providing it met.with the ap- proval of the rate••payers, the Inspec- tor and also the Department of Ed- ucatien, The terns and conditions the 1Jn. No, 2 school board received from the Clinton board are as foll- ows: They said they could and were willing to supply sufficient aceonimo- clation for all the pupils of the said Un, No. 2 section at a cost equiva- lent to the average cost per pupil, It took to maintain the said Clinton nub• lie school which would be somewhere beween twenty-five and thirty dol- lars per pupil, providing it met with the approval of the Inspector and al- so the Department of education. Now my fellow .rate -payers does it appeal to you or to any other inter- ested reader of: this aricle that eith- er the members of the Clinton public school 'boardof trustees of myself, have executed any action of Atonomy whatever as has been intimated by our erroriet friend and some more of my intelligent fellow rate -payers::' I presume your answer would be nay VACATION IS OVER Again the 'school bell rings at. 'morning and at `noon; againwith tens of :thousands the -hardest kind of work has begun the renewal of which is a mental and physical strain to -ell except the most rugged. The little girlthat a short time ago had roses in her cheeks, and the little boy whose lips were then. so red you would have insisted :that >they had been "kissed by strawberries," have already lost something. of the appear- ance of health. Now is a time when many children should .be given a' tonic, which may prevent anmch .serious trouble, to other is so highly to be recommend- ed as Hood's- .Sarsapar•illa, which strengthens the nerves, perfects mental development by 'building up: the whole system. Equally geed as a medical preparation are Hoods - Pills which are so well adapted for "both children and adults, In: small doses they axe a gentle laxative, in. larger doses an active cathartic. •. soma of the statements thatwere published in the above mentioned issue of. August 1711 should be ex- amined 'ancl, corrected" for the interest he above saki s o t o -na f r of the rate -payers Yer school section and' also for ,all 'the other readers concerned, and princi- pally to •sustain and defend any action that either the members of the Clin- ton public school board or myself liays executed in regard to the clos- ing of the above' said Un. No. 2 school, for which we have been criti- cised by our friend. Now I wiii politely invite : our erudie friend to disclose one action whereby either the Clinton "public school board of,. trustees or myself have executed any: Atonppany iii •regard to closing the said 'Un. No: 2 school. Now I' will try to reveal to you. ' the genuine facts as accurately as pee- sible, that brought the above men- tioned Clinton trustee board and also. the trustee iboard of 151. No. 2 'to- gether..in regard to the closing of the above said school :for the coming school term. In the past year it has cost the rate -payers in the neighbourhood of one lntndned doll - Clinton News -Record in the issue oi''Augpet bOth, appears to 1150 done, by ,hls article of at, gust ?.7th. 'Now tray tbda otr good friend hail a spell' i treaot ,larmary just eirnihar i11 netureto the one 1 e has at present, and in the beginning of February he attended , a special meeting of the ratepayers Called by the,trestee board for the purpose of discussing the question at that meet- ing. The Eceulpiaft chairman di- agnosed my good, friends` trouble .eo thorougbly, and provided the Recta. lent information so abundaaitly and was edmnnieteing it. to hum so dili- gently and unceasingly, that before one half of the information had been administered to hien, ` his digestive system bad been so restored, and in- telectual powers so' revived that in his revivification he `arose and ex- cleinned, "that will, de, I'ye had e- nough, I want to go borne toget some dinner." Undoubtedly that if the remainder of that Esculent infor motion that was prepared last ,Tan- uary was given to my good friend when this spell is on, that in .all prob- ability he would have no more similar spells until the 27th day of December the day of the annual school meeting, Now there is never a trouble but there is a cause and also a cure. And I 'presume that if all my fellow rate -payers" and also all the ether intelligent readers of this article will give this revealed information of the facts of the matter, a direful tintellectual consideration Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules have become the Standard Remedy. for, Rheumatism, Scfatica, Neuritis and Lumbago.' Thousands have been ggestoredlo healththroughT R.C.'s. -If you suffer, get. a :box at your Druggist's to -day. • Don't let pale spoil the best.years ot. your ;lite. Tr+w T R C'S $fiaYldprd Reified' avoid, ny d. L. covey, Clinton, Ont. instead of ,yeti as our good hiencl would desire you to believe. Um donbtedly; if our good friend and some of his few zealous supporters had been members on either of the two above mentioned trustee boards, they, by their own erudition would have had and also would have exec cuted the ascendency to close either or both of the two above'mentioned schools regardless of the approval of the rate -payers, the Inspector or the Department of Education or any .oth- er competent. authority: The sim- pleand foolish iielieveth every word; they are wise in their own conceit; They err and stumble and fall by the way, and'know not at what they fall, thereat. -Now I am very grievous indeed that our good friend has mis- lead aosne 81,- the readers and 'partic- ularly my fellow ratepayers in re- gard to this matter but T perceive that the essayist friend ivho attemp- t ted in an issue of August 10th, to forward the readers with a little in- formation on the matter, did not dis- close the facts explicitly enough, so that the intellectual powers of our good friend could easily interpret the actual circumstances by the informa- tion' given, therefore it has `:so. 1111 - paired his digestive system and also his intellectual powers, thus causing hint all this inquietude on this mat- ter. Undoubtedly if our good friend had attended the special meeting of the rate-payets called• -by. the ;trustee board for the purpose of disclosing the necessary information, and also to discuss the matter and to receive their approval or disapproval .he would have received sufficient infor- mation on the matter; that it would not have se "seriously affected his ln= tellectualsystem as the ,information The week after next is Hospital LETTERS TO THE EDITOR We are not responsible' -for the o- pinions expressed by. our correspond- ents, ' • Dean Sir; In the issue of a local paper dated 'August 17t h. "I noticed an article in one of the columns in reference to school matters pertaining to Un ion school section No. 2 and of which some of the statements, I would presume were misleadingand have left an unjust and wrong imp- ression on the minds of the, readers and particularly the rate -payors of the above said School Section. By waY of correction, also by being approached by` some of my intelli- gent "Fellow ,Rate -payers" to give thea some true information on the matter, if you will please allow me soma of your! voluble space, I shall tray answer that requestt estes efficient- ly and explicitly as possible. So that the "readers" and chiefly all any "Fellow Rate -payers" "may receive a fair knowledge of the ciremustances of the case as I see it face to race; ,anei. I presume that if they give the facts careful introspection, they will be able to interpret the 'exact situ- ation, which is altogether dit:t- orent from what my " Errorist Friend" has ritterhpted to disclose his intellectual powers upon in so an abrupt and ungentlemanly manner. In the first place I desire it intellec- tually understood, that I"realetaln no malice or prejudicial l"eoling agbinst any fellow ratepayer, neither ant I desirous of entering into an hitt-, trate correspondence, But 1 deem '1'IICASI?A"Y SEPIA! J28 elt; as las ,been so'`ungracfouSiy and they will not 3121-' receive' coa1veil- lences far far ewes of what they Wive at the O'n. 'o, 2 school for' the' pupil$, also I Presume a better edu»r. cation and besides if the trustee board reeeives no more grant on the tee hor's salary this year than they received last year, The rate -payers would cavo between eight .and Raine hundred dollars find, even if they do not receive the giant on the teach« ungeutle manly proclaimed through - mit the said Un,. NO, 2 school sec- tion, and also the surrounding vicin- ity, 'by a few of .nay unintelligent fellow riatepayers and also by a few. of their 'supporters. 'Now you have been aecusing,me wrongly, anti unjustly, you have been exacting in- nocent blood. T3utaleel you shall r rr for verily, verily o • •owe d v x coal your r o Y, I say unto you venge ante- is mine, I shall repay smith the Lord,' Foi these six things doth the Lord hate, t ' a ev r• anabomination t Ye s en a e ante }Inn. A prowl. look., a lying tongue hands that shed innocent bl000d, an heart that deviscth wiciced'imagina- tions feet that be ':swift in running to mischief, a, false witness that speakebh lies, One that seweth discord among the' brethren. As you will see I was not' the instigator' and pro- moter of the seheme to close the said Un, No. 2 sc000l. I only ap_ proved of the actiop, subject to the proper ascendency, not for nay own sole benefit, but for' the benefit and interests of: the rate -payers at large, et';i salary and also ,the other' grants, tbo mite Pay.0rs would still be ahead nearly sex limatired define. Wake alp! illy fellon' rate -payers, you've been }slumbering long enough, Get your :nasions enlarged andyour hearts more 'generous. .A. hate payer•. St, Marys trounced St. Themis fn the semi-final lacrosse. game. no was -2. score IO and chiefly for the conveniences and. the advancement of the education for all the pupils of the said. 'Un. No. 2 section, similarly to the approval the trustee., board received. from the Inspector. Now I presume that by the time my good friend and also all nay other fellow rate -payers and also all the other. readers of this article and stat , interpretthisinformation • they will or introspection that it may be eae- imagine that neither my good friend ily coroborated or confirmed' that; nor any other unintelligent fellow the real cause of my good` friends - rate -payers need hunger'' anymore, trouble is one of two things. He neither thirst anymore after right - has either been misinformed on the eons infoxmaition• in regard to ,school matter or else he has not given the matters; For he and they can be matter a true' and sufT t Intro- spection so as to conceive of the actual circumstances. :And the exact cure for his trouble is this; if he had attended the special meeting of the rate -payers called for the purpose of discussing the matter, and to receive: their approval or disap- proval of the action. My pres- umption is this; that he would have received suflciont true information - ori the matter se explicitly and so abundantly, that it would not have been so unconstitutional toward •frim,. the dope he referred to in his essay of August 17th appears to have been, as he intiinatedthat it would not lie absorbed by some of the rate- payers. Now T' would like to asic .niy good friend two questions. 1st if the twoabovementioned trustee boards executed the ascendency to - close the said tin. ,No • - 2 . school. why did the erudite members of the Clinton public school board of trust- ees be subject to the inspector and also the Department of Education? 2nd, why did I, myself inform the other two members of the Un. No. 2 trustee board, that they would have to be subject to the Inspector and also the Department of Educa- tion? My answer is this; because it is absolutely in accordance with the revised Statutes of the Public Schools Act. The prudent are up- right .and 'seek wisdom. They that seeketlh; wisdom getteth icnowledge, and they, that getteth knowledge get- teth 'understanding' and looketh well. to their 'going. •. 'My presumption is this: That when my fellow rate- payers and also all the' ther intel- ligent readers of this article, inter orate this information. correctly. that they may explicitly conceive the fact that neither the members of the Clinton school board of trustees nor I myself are guilty of executing any ascendency' in regard to the closing g of the said Un; No. 2 school what- ever, neither am 1 myself guilty of being the instigator and promoter of the scheme fon the purpose 03 eloshlg the said school for my own sole ben - sufficient in filled. In regard to, the amount ,of mon- ey that would be"saved the rate - Tori% h t to tono andstrengthenthe" organs of digestion, and elimination, improve .appetite, stop sick' headaches, relieve bit - Wildness, correct correct constipation. They act romptly, pleasantly,. mildly, yet thoroughly. Tomorrow Alright Get a 25c. Box Your Dnlgllgr Sold b J. , E. Hovey, nt. 0 Y Y Clinton,, ' "1 AV �'' N TRU ►.��(( ��� I1SYST'�.M TRAIN SERVICE TO TORONTO Daily Except Sunday. Lve Goderich . , 6.00 am. 2.20 p.m. Lye Clinton .... 6.25 arm 2.52 p.m. Lve Seaforth 6.41 am. 3.12 pan. Lve Mitchell , . 7.04 a.m. 3.42 pan. Arr Stratford .. 7.30 Ran. 4.10 p.in. Arr ILitchen..r... 8.20 a.m, 5.20 p.m, Air Guelph . • , . 8.45 a.nr. ir,50 p.m. Arr Toronto , . 1.0.10 a.m.. 7.40 pan. RETURNING Leave Toronto 6,50 a.m.; 12.55 pan. and 6,10 1r:rn, Parlor Cafe earn Goderich to To- ronto on morning' train and Toronto to Goderich' 6.10 pan. train. Parlor Buffet ear Stratford to To- ronto on afternoon trains, C.> , fierning, D•P.A,, G.14R. System John Ransford & Sprit Phone 57, Uptown Agents, J payers by the elosing of the school. and .securing thegolden opportun- ity afforded them by the. Clinton pub- lic school board of trustees. 1t was the conveniences and the better, edu- cation for all the "children that was the trustee boards and also the In spectors' 'oreinost consideration. Now as for money; if, the rate -payers se- cure the opportunity afforOed them, WET . E I' +1ST •m. ( THE WESTERN ONTARIO UNIVERSITYL LONDON To Every ,Father and Mother This is the era of progress, «.The call for trained men and women to carry forward in Medicine, Science, Engineering and tine Acts issd,ronger than ever before, If you would help your children make the. most of their lives you should give them the best education you can afford. A university education is the first essential for our future leaders. A college stands at your door with open gates ready to . give them complete courses in Medicine, Arts and Public Health, Admission' is by Western University Junior Nlatricula- degrees are universally tion except for recognized. special or nurses t,r •r courses, and the For For information apply to fees are so low t , 4f DR. K. P. R. NEVILLE that any one may i,a , Registrar attend. London, Ontario 10,14 One of the five grades of •Imperial Polarine Motor Oils is exactly suited to your car. Use this grade regularly and get, trouble-free service from your car at the lowest • possible - cost for lubrication. Consult ' the Chart to determine the grade you should be using. IMPS IAL OIL LIMITED Manufacturers and Marketers of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils and Marketers in Canada of Gargoyle Mobiloil. +,7NputhiiItwn I Ick dV9!llglgll v shah . ' nplf 4":5 r r. ?este ',<a oe m „ iln un a int 'o Holders of Five Year 5'2 per cent Canada's Victory Bonds. Issued in 1917 and' Maturing 1st December, 1922: CONVERSION HE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers to holders of these bonds who desire to continue their investment in Dominion of Canada securities the privilege ofexchanging the maturing ng bonds for new bonds bearing 5i per cent interest, payable half yearly, _ of either of the following clsasci; (a) Five year bonds, , dated 1stNovember, 192.7.' 1022, ;to mature 1st Novernber, , (b) Teti year bonds, dated lat November, 1922, to mature 1st November, 1932. While the maturing bonds will carry interest to 1st December, 1922, the new bonds will commence to earn. BONUS N 1st November, GIVINGA from 1 1922, interest , OF A FULL MONTH'S INTEREST TO THOSE AVAILING THEMSELVES OF THE CONVERSION PRIVILEGE.. This offer is Made to holders of the maturing bands and is not open to other investors. The bonds to be i,rued under this proposal will be substantially of the seine Character as those which are maturing, except that the exemption frotn taxation does not apply to the new 'Me.P PROPOSALS Holders of the maturing bonds who wish to avail themselves' of this conversion privilege should take their bonds AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, BUT NOT LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 30th, to a Branch of and receive iri exchange inCanada any Chartered Bank an official receipt for the bonds surrendered, containing an to deliver the corresponding end ing bonds of the new issue, Holders of maturing fully registerediste red bonds, interest payable by cheque from Ottawa, will receive their December ` 1 interest cheque as usual. Holders of coupon bonds will detach and retain the last unmatured coupon before surrendering the bond itself for conversion ur oses. P P • The surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banks to the Minister of at Ottawa, where they will be exchanged for bonds of the new issue, in fully registered, or coupon registered or coupon bearer form carrying interest payable 1st May and 1st November of each year of the duration of the loan, the first interest payment accruing and payable 1st May, 1923, - Bonds f the new issue Will be sent to the banks for delivery immediately after: the receipt of the surrendered bonds. The bonds of the maturing issue which are not converted under this proposal will be paid off in cash on the lat December, 1922, Dated et Ottawa, lith Atigt et, 1922.' �N. $, FIELDING, - Minister of 1 inanee. .,,. i 1 ,' r:i e' t -r, "r) ,'..1. i.: ..moi i .r t'.1.111 , ., i. i t: ; ti I 17...1.1-13