HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-9-7, Page 7EDUCATION BY DR. 3, J. MIDDIXTON Provincial Board et Health! Onterio Dr. Afiddleton will be gled to anewer queetiens 011 Publio Health neat. tete through this column. Addlees Ithli atSPaditla Eouoe SPadina OreScent, Termite. A:e.ew feature wee trie,c1 out by the ovincial,Boired of Health at the Categliou National Exhibition this ail. A number d 1diic were ar- nged whereby not only children hut adalte were warned aliget, 'physical' de- floatsand cenditione Which, if not et - 'tended to, rally lead to i11 -health and ineepecity in later yeeee. A number ,premiremt playsiciaes in Toront,o lincl elsewhere effered their eervicee No treatmen.t wila given, the purpeee edueative, to Stimulate public interest in the question of health, so that well-peeple might keep' them- eelveg well, end •theie who arehemlirig f or trouble from ea leettath• paint ofi view might he warned in time to ,eoeo, mit, their doctor, before 'conditions', that orig,ht he put right have become chronic. . Why oybrhaul your metor-beat and' neglect overhauling your own body? • Why, have, your niorecar examined • pericelleallY, and not your stomocb, yew,' heart, your liver,. 'yoitr lenge? Did .you over e'eti• a I-ante:aye erdployee vtrike the eel -Kele -Or a eettin^before. it leaves the station?' De yOu`knovi why Iie deee that? It is 110' ECO if there are any ,ereeks or flaws, m 1111c, wheels that might cause a breakdown on the jour - e Is it not far ibetter to do this than. to wait until the crash comes? Why' should the same reaSenvieg nOt be , applied to.our health, to our .physical condition? IVInch.stOltnese ecui.d 199 •avoided if people .had only the senso. to seek "medical ,advice In tirne. The endeavor ;of "the Provincial, Beard of Health to diffuSe informa- hoe to the public that may strike borne tom a health point of vieW and • improve the personal and general health of the cominunity. 11.,har, been . cold that cure is-th'e Voice of the, past, hut prevention is the hoPe of the future. Though this May MA hold geed in every case_it is e,.'Sertainly‘bete ter , for „well' people to remain well WAIT '411 't)kin To botitrikot down ,eith eoree dieense 1111 aiinteet that a litt, o prevention inight' have everten. IlaltOf the ih-heelth. and MdispoS1- 111ense et Adult life. Is due to early neglect of symptoms niel defects which eoultl. easily have been pat eiglit 11 To educate the public in the laws el: /mall 'and hygiene is the guiding Principle of the Provincial &mid and with that end in view the different branebee or digisione inte which the Werk ef the Board is divided,. endeav- °red to show through the medium of attractive booths just what le ;being, done in Sanitary( Engineering, in In due trial Hygiene, in Child Welter* and' Public lieelth Nursing, in the Laboratories, hi the Depa-rtmente of Venereal Dieeasee and Health Educa- tion, 'rhe Eidhitit tvas taetefally de- oioited, .aa proved an attractive ,epot for the th011SOTAS who, daily visited the Oreat Fair and who take en In- terest .in good health and the methode that ere being adopted to maintain it theoughout the ProVince. ' Attereetive exhibitte were also pro- vided at the, Exhibition -allowing the valuee of pure water and pure milk; and a large glass of seemingly pure water inoculated with, millions a ,germs wee on display. _ Literatere • that •should peeve both inetructive ere' interesting was on herieLat the Provincial Board's Health Exhibit in tho GOVerlOISCS•rt Building; daily 'thronged with interested Spada - tors. ••• A novel feature whith proved a 'great attreetion was) the ehort talks on health ,giVen by wirelese;in conneCtion with the daily radio program at the , Then, healthetalles were heoadezet,ed over a.radius of 500 milee, so, those xadlo enthusiaste .with- ama- teur receiving sets were able to .pielt up the messages -throughout .the Pro- vince. wieter derierted !eel:ticked. Fides are seen. in the mists of the paler , ceas,,deifting at the.neerey cf wind and ourreet, their . broken Meets- and mumbling rigging hang with ghost- • 11111e their deaks,and cabins • buried inedrifts of ono*. At least, se innethe, stories of -Eskimo narraters. .4•• 11A17,31.E111 s'-de-wileeler, the "Polo- • tofelti "'built 70 years, ago, le the latest addition to thme"phantore fleet. Sho • was discovered, toward evening,by e • party ofelaskimos hunting • walrus. Plans were made to board her next , morning; • but during the night the wind . swept, the ship for tooth, into ,the unexplored westee. The "Poletofski," accerdingto the only accoents, avadlableewae, caught in the, , ice at, St. Michael., ,inODeeember, 1915, and disappeeeed :the eollowing engine in the, gloat storm - off Cape. 'Nome. It was thought that she had been ground to kindling and sunk. - VeSsele have been disappearing in 11111,5 great unknow e,ver since.the be- ei.nning of arctic navigation.- In 1805, . the "Erebus" and the "Terror," of the 'British, navy, eajletl with souls, on beard to etterapt the northwest Lase- • . They were, last seen.bY cJvillzed Baffin Bay. Mote than a score ef,,,ShipS, with crews of nearly 2,000 nen,, at an eepenee of millions of , doh aW,Xialnig:SOuglit, between 1347. and 1853, news of the nilesing 'keedrcte The fete of the veseele is throudea in mystery.. Another mystery ie that et the "President." She war doe in Liver- pool from New York in November, 1841. Severe weather had prevailed In the Atlanlie and unusual cmantities -of, ice' were reported in low altitudes For menthe the owners querried ad- jacent ports in a vain, effort th get some news, of, her.. Years later there wee 'f:ound in the logbook 'of a Portu- guese Sailing vessel aii entry which stated that a large steamer, resemb- ling' the "Preeklent,", withher ma- chinery apparently Oise.bled, bad been ,eighted. This entry eves dated amenth after -the dieappearance of the "Pre,ei- Ceuld these ships have drifted abeth- ward? Are they. too, part -of that fleet of silent shies held hard and Diet in the great, lee pack, white with frost, and manned by froeen. erevve? The little schooner, "Teddy Bear," missing: „ eight months and believed loot, was found this June, feezen near the mouth ef the notate Itiver,12 miles. emith of Drama, a village on East Cape, Siberia • , Only mleaculcue heck saved tffe e"l'eady Bear'' Orem joining the phan- tom fleet, of which the "Polotefeki" TO - maine t.lie sole materialization. Town Moves Itself at a Profit eeuthwestern Ohio there 18 esrsdI ton named Oatern. This vil- , • lekge ofabout a thousand ,pepelation geew op along the banks. of Mad River keine 12 Miles noetheageof Dadytriii,-het ar „from the Seen() or, the Wright brotheee' wer,0.1.-re.reowne3. eiperimests, Prim' to the great floe.d of Maieli,',1913, Osbore',9 exietence bed been Oonipnrh tively -oneventful. TYp' icO that ,thee there had been no .110-uSu'al eirduei- stance to 'diStillg u figim th1)sCl'ei°- 1111 thetisatul, similai• yilld lecatt ..;red theoughent the I.Tnited'ArtleS, -TtediV, leeweyeie the Sittte,tierale-ilifferentt'llS eomle ate now doing :Sethetliine out- ot the e-rdinaey; they ateuntiViti,gtheli Ien.tire,town.'trom its presenrkefffion the, bottom Of the'rValley to'a site n higher ground about two 1101195 01111111011KED IiItESV k() Ii1141i4 SiletleSSt111 Treatlatenl. bo TkirOlig,14 the 13100d. Tho eerly staeee et nervous debt)* are noted'he restleeeuess and'.itritabill- ty in whieh 'the victims ,eedit to` he op, pressed by theie nerves. eAe the , X.ivaineces, 000)1000 symprgoes nee e' tired feeling; 1.1.01111) 0050 ;le the knees arid arel(lee; lieedechee, 1)4001011GS alla 4,0e.p1e00310,,40, The matter lequiree Mee ediate attention, for nettling lint eultable treatment will peoveet a coug- pieta 'breakdown. , The nervoug system gOVOrcee the whole body, coeteolling heart, likinge, digeselen, tied braim so that 11 10 not eurprieing that nervous dietutbericee tame acute dletress. Per thoublee 00 this kind Dr. Williams' P1u1 P1110 pup- eeed when other treatinent fails, for theso Mils make new bioad, enriched with the °Demerits on which the -nerves thrive, and in 'tele way reach the root of the trouble. In proof of 011ie is the tetaternent. Of , Mre,. Dockerill, StratOord, Ont., Who sags,; -"My daughter, Matil- da, was sufferlag from nerveue de- bility, and the usual remedies did not seem to help her: I was advised by a friend to give Dr. Williams,' Pink Pills O trial, and soon we fennel the,y were doing her a great deal of good. She complained of pekes, in the stomach, end a severe fluttering GT the heart, with.a general. weakness. ITneler ,the use of these pills she continued tel gain, and I believe .they have saved her from going into a decline." ,You eau get these '1'1118, from any Medicine dealer or by mail at 60 cente a box er six boxes. for 32.60 from The Dr. Williams.' Medielme Co Brockville The World's Ships. Some interesting figures are -con- tained ia the now edielon of Eloyd'e, Register of Shipping. There are 'altogether 33,935 sea -go- ing vessels in the world 8111,11 their total teenage le 64,370,786. Of Ude num- her, 4,680vesels. are sailing Teasels ag- gregating 3,027,834 tons, and 29,265 are steam and motor Shipe, of 61,342,962 tons.. Great Britain heade the list with 19,053,000 tons, art' increase ,of 'only 176,000, tens since June, 1314; ; the Untied. Statee conies second with 12,- 506,000 tons, en Increa,se of 10,669;000 tons slece 1914. In 191'4 Germany reeked second. to Great Britain with 5,000,000 tons; while new she possesses, only 1,783,090 tc-nse Norway liao deeeended from third place to seeeentle, and Japan leis, rieen frem sixth te third position,. The total increese in the world's shipping Since 1914 16,14,288,000 tons. The countries' 10 which the largest in-' croasest are recorded are Japan, with 1,683,000 tone; France,, with 1,385,000 ions; Italy, wills 1,172,000 loos; and Holland with 1,142,000 tens., Out of 29,255 ships of mereethan, 100 tone each, 8,522 are less, than, five years. old, 4,165 are between five- and too years old, 3,540 between ten and fif- teen yeareg3,750 betwee,n fifteen and twenty years, 2,899 between twenty and twenty-five years, .and 6,379 of nmee than twenty-five years' service. ;There- are 2,793 ,vessels, Of a total. teenage of 14,383,000 burning liquid' fuel in place of coal. The number of motor -driven ships -is 1,639, totalling 1,511,000 tonge' lionie.s and busteese TWO,S,Ut wees. rented to their former owners, The In- tention of the flood-reiVvention direct- , , . ors was to hold tee property until they cculd dispooe• cf it advantageously. It was then tho,le'ading men ef.the vil- lego `get together and worked out a plan for buying back their town and mov.ing.. it in it entirety. to hig.her ,..greandi , Headed the, mayor and the city attoreCY, they „orgenized: the Oeboen RereaVarConapeny end 'assured the '•peep:le Itliat there would be ne Profit- • cerine thW the interests of the people would ,come first and the matter of 'Meta gecofnd:'', The new site, covering 129 ,oe'ree7, and all Of the movable pro- perilYat the old, were PUreleased, from the fl'Obil;nreventlen, authoritice, 13e- sitlee4he new site it was necessary to purcha90 a drip of land 'running be- tween the two, locations. The reason for this was' that Gee ,Olelo laws, pro- vide no method her moving a town, They do, however, previde for the'an- 'neication of contiguous territory and for the separation of unnecesory Mode: Consequently the strip of land leading te the ROW fiite.and `the new'Site'100010 were ahnexed by the village Council, according to law, and as soon 'as the Moving is completed, the oldlocation will be given ,sup by the came p,rocees. Aboiit 200 hoitsee wII,be moved, prao tically all ef Which are residences. , ()shore Is being moved because .its ,,,jortginal location is within the retard ,, basinfornsed by the I-luffinan Dam, vekie ofAhe recently completed Dayton pod -prevention dams,' The village Was acquired :by the flood-eontro "thithorities In 1918, 'about 75 per cent :Of ,the property being obtained by di rect mirchaee and the remainder by 'Condemnation. lees/ma as there WAS at that tithe no need -for haste in wrecking or otherwiee diepoeing of th structures, owing to the. feet that' the Slam had beee 'barely started, th /ORS. COOLIDC4 TO TOUR WEST WiTif VJCE PRE'SIDENT • Helped by Ozone. ,IIitherte piano -makers have bad to keep wood foe a period of ten yea,r,e or mere before they coal convert it into `piano frames, and in the building trade timber Often remains. in :the yea' el .for sevefal years beeore 11 can be fashion- ed into doors and window sashes, This ie to permit it t0 dry thorough- ly. Until th,e sap has exhaustedritaelf, the wood is liable to warp. 'Phe hold- ing up of large stael of 'thither in this way is expensive ansi exceedingly tire- some, when this wood le required ur- gently. , True' some have attempted' to over- come the difficulty by dehydrating or drying the timbee in specially con- structed oeene. Now a French scient- ist, M. Otto, has discovered that all kinds of wood. can be seasoned rapidly and efficiently by -means et ozone.. He hao es,lablished a factory in Parise and another at Milan, in Italy, where variouSespocies of -wood are bee. ing treated `by the now process, In two -weeks freshly -cut timber is ready for Use cabir,et.rnalter, and is as dry as 'if it had been expoeed to irSe•'air for years, The timber le 'laid in epeciallY-built chambers, through which cione made to pess at a enifoim heat Ozone eir' highly. charged with, certain elec- trical qualities, The Use of Music. We sae only beginnir,g to realize the time Meaning and sigeilleance of music in everyday life. The uge to which mugic la put after a Man or woman 'leaves college, when compared to the USC he er she nsakee of French, Gee - Man, chemistry, 101111161100, philosophy, or many ether sebjeets which one might name in. no -way thisstantistes its,' ab- sence from our school curriculum. Meek has been eleesed for manY yeare among the ,culturel subjecte; and a stigma, has been .attached to .thiS weed. cultural., It le, indeed fortnnate thet we have been so-intept upon prac- tical ensi. technical edu,cationthat we put off into a _seperate close certain subjects, call thorn' cultural, and 1105 .115 reeult, Iestve them almoet unnoticed and alwnys unreqUired. Neat Device for Holding _ The Fish That Takes ‘Cow's Place 11.Ootclo is the month when the In- tliaus on the British COlninbia conat put up their butte" for. the entire yeer -and it ig gathered 11eon1 a 1181,, which 1, appeers only once a year, for abet, , thee° weelre" time. It sounds ' Idle to tell of a butter -giving fish, but that is tletualli what, t114.9 eniachati, Or tanelfsh, 6, tor the fate derived i'ronl It serve the, 1111115.110. s0 an equivalent for the life-stistaining material Whiell, A.nglo,Saxons, get out of butter, and Ita tans and the people of the Smith ef Prance out of ollye'oll, 4 The 'oulaelean is, the Indising' meet reelous fish, attLis (Mite 110 myeteri- . oug hi Ite we,Y O0 the much -told -et sal- mon. „elite the meter, it eemeseyearty froM the unknown deeps of the Paeltle and gees tip freelewater revere ttlong the Pacific eengt, On the Columbia theinn to in fr'ohtnatV, forriher north, It Iheis 'eon 11100 to 1:1.10,; V.,,001{;,.. 11111 March The Indians are on the lookout for the beginnieg of the 51111, and take Mils lionof the fish. TheY are dumped 'in geeat bine of eedae loge end left to soften. When the eulachan. heve eefts died Dom a week to 10 daye--or °titer Perieds, a eeat deal depentlieg on the Weathei---they ,ttre tteneferna to gi'eai Vela and belled 1111 bot water. Tho rhethc,d of heating the -water Is te dren 11010 tit,031CS into the.vate; and thoUgh this, M a much more leborioue Way tha11. belling in modern Itettleoy may of the Delione teelay, though they have adoptee the white mane!, phonographs., drag eaves, motethoete, do, still stick to thte mottled They claim thet the gene° predueed in their own way is superior le -Raver end tex- ture to that belled in the White reee'e waY. Ana 'Rik, 1 811111, A eeet.' '1' 10,15 he cited le tho oel nal zee se, `GT Inalsieg maple eyrrp, I erierei Saved Perin lVlschiPliryWItll LarLit. , seistaut Chief 'clew inisetenee 'John A, Stileee ef Dom Mime Headquartere, Ottawa, is M'recelet, et a communicte don from Western Oetario whieli elsowe the prate:Mal worth of lariat throwing, which wp,e introdoced to at. fondants at the Scoutrineetere"realeing Camp field near Ottawa le July, The letter Mlle of the feat et Assist- ant Bell, of the 8011 Donden Troop, who, a ,feee days, ago, saved yaluable farm emelthife,eY from a burnieg Vara, Deal' London, through the use ef the lariat. Bell Was.out on it hilte with a party of Scoute'whon they elisceyered the lire; aridafter getting out some of the meelaineey: 'we're ,Stop- ped from. renimeing the tea ii0 the 'in- tense heat of the advanelegeflames, Remembering thelnstruction he had received In lariat throwing, -while in attendanee at the Scoutmasters,' Camp, Mr. Bell used his lariat, throwing the , big loop 0,1.rer.lroriolis Ampleieeptsgand then, with the add of the kouts, ceedecl, in milling every-, leSt -machine from theentrning - • 'The Book Dleb it. . , fie Reeves, ef Brithdheelowned 0011 old copy' of Sir koboit Badiqn,i,owows book, "Scouting for 202e,,7 to b young friend In a rural Selma Soon efter he was visited by a delegation of boys' bearing a petition that lie for them intod. Boy. Scout troop. He doing ,Prescott Scouts Prevent Fire Panic., ...During.a drill, which formed part of the programme of an entertainment in yrhich the' Scouts of the 2nd Prescott Troop were participating, the lights in the hall went out, leaving the large audience In darkness. Someone cried "Fire!" ImMediately the pianist was directed to plafaoiiio popular the 'Scouts' ruehed out meth the plat- , , . form aeitt sang, the possible panic was averted. The Scouts: Weremtiebi0. to find Out Who ga.ve'the lalte alarm, but you may depend up,on'it that he will never forget it if they ever do. Scout Rally at Colithowood Fair. ' ,order 00 etinedate'public intereet in 'the Boy Scent 'movemeet through- out Slincoe mesi neighboring counties, the inanagemeet of the Great North- ern Exhibition to heeleeld at Coiling- woodon September 12th, 13th, 14th and 1.6110 is arranging for a' district Boy Scout rally' te be held on the Fair greunds. en 'rlmnsdaY, Septeinher 111111. The Fair management Is' Wise giving a prize wbich ,will be awarded,to the, troop making the best ahowing in a comPetitlen, points for whitch will be given.for attendance,o2 troops at the Fair; appearance of troops QV parade, and generale efficiency in Seout. work as demonstrated by a series of con- teets, coVering such ,eventsa.,e firefight- ing and water bolling,, bandaging,sig. nailing, knot tying, ete. Scoutmaster E. A. Slemin of Stayner Is in charge of arrangement. .----------- New Cub Beolo'Readj,. John Lewis's' new book, "How to Run Wolf Cubs," is now ready' and will prove to be a real help to every Cub - master, who uses it. It is fhll 'inig- gastiOns -with roference to all phases of Wolf CA "Work. It is available at Peovin,clal Headquarters, Tomato, at 46 cents per copy. A Troop In Your Town This pall? • If there isn't a Scout Troop in. your town now willethere be one this WI? Will you be the, penson to "start the rollirig"-in the &real:don of Secur- ing the formation of a troop, for your local boys? If so, the -Field -Secretary at Prollincial flea.dquartera, 288 Bkor Street 50004 , Toronto, 'Would like to , have a letter:from you. He will send full particulars to you upon request. Phonograph Records. Believing' that there- lo room for fee, provemobt in the reethode of keeping Pliont,grant 'records, to denadian In- ventor bee patented a holder iliathas, eeveral good ,featu.rae. An unright, rod 19, fentened te one Side of. the cabinet, and the reeerde ,are held, in a hori- zontal ildvitiOn, on light phisli-covered arm0 tliat's,wing,,Ort the rod Da elh arm 111111 o pin' that fits the hole' im the ,eentre of Ibo 50000)1, and small -Spacers nee provided betWeen the arms to keep the recorikt apart, Pletunce ef 11nge-1' prints 50110 L.atero 11,'ea t 41C144 4,4 144 BARI'S GREAT DANGER DURING ROT 'WEATHER oiv Bars. Calvin Coolidge in a new pose. Mrs. Calvin Coolidge, wife of the vice president, Will be minted from' the ,Social functions in Washington. for a while because she has left; with her husband for Boston, where' •they will spend some days before! going to California. After attend.' ing the convention of the American Bar asaociattok on the west coast' they will go tagVanoonver and re-' , turn_ by way of the Canadian; Rockies. • , Value of: Canadian Motor Highways. A remarkable increase in the voluine of motor traffic. into Canada in 1921 le -shown by 'the returns, compiled by the Department of Customs'. A.ceerding to their negiatrattone, 617,285'a:eon:Ogles entered Canada for touring purpazee dthneteng6150.11,0074°wri:inn"raineYdi°fale7,r118e5:;; thi21„ one month and 2,211 for a . period k)tt more than one montheand lese than six months. The total number of 1920 was only 93,300, or, ten inereasie Of 523,-: 986 cars in tone year. Adloyring axo aYerage ex.peadj.tprp ef $25 per day Ine eluding gasoline mad garage charges for the Drat lass of car and an aver- age length of Stay of seven days, thie traffic repreeente art expenditure of over 5107,000,000, wilatle.,tilie second car on the basis of an esti- • mated expenditure of 620 per day for thirty days was 'worth. approxims,tely 31,326,600„ This means that the motor highways, of Canada bronghtin, a' for- eign eevenne last yeaof $108,826,600. Estimatetl'on a five per cent basis. It Means that improved roads are worth over two billion dollies, to this conntry without etakhig ink account the ser- vice they render Canadians there- - The registrations according to proe vinces were: Nova Seale., 223; Prinee Edward Island, 22-; New Brunswick, 1,820; Quebec, 48,264; Ontario, 288; Manitoba, 8,020; SastateheWan, 427; Alberto., 363; 'British Columbia, 26987.11 Litdri Follto La/14, • o you travolied afar Item title beer krilfal lend, 00 tho suneltitte, the 10,112li ter and • play'? )'0u hare, doOreat, beert, oli come bnelr, eoree bask, And pretend yeil'to a Child for to, day. Pied your way tete (hie 1101 y,biiglit pittee, Yonr peeepert 19 happinese, elkowe 11) ' 3101110 0000; ,0ome ewee, from the world witla lte covetous. hate, • late again. Childhood's hright state, A magical place, where they all play In Miniature Of Your grown -tip Wer/d, deer theart; Such a catefree place filled with keen- est delight, Into this land come the fairies, by night While the Giants, the Goblins', and tiny Dwarfs, these Mingle with 11ttllo folks juet as they please. • --Maude Pepper Todd Aid to Cookery. - Metal femme. Lave been designed to (hold 1039000) 0110 'or macaroni ',together while cooking and enable them to be s.erved neatly and without breaking. More little ones die during the het weather than at any'other time, of the year. Ditto/he:ea, dysentery, cholera im- fent= and stomach, troubles come without warning, add when med itine io net at haiad to give nroniptly the short delay too frequently meats that the Child has passed beyend Baby's Own Tablets should olyrays be kept in the house where there are young children. An occasional dose of the Tabletsi win' prevent stomach and bowel troubles, or if the trouble comes suddenly the prompt use of the Tablets will relieve the babY,.The Tab- lets are told by,medicine slealere or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, William's, Medicine Co., Broc.kville, On t. assitiod Advertisements ixonms WahreiliS 1101.14 011 PRT AT011318TO 010L2r our earopiefe line 01 t,deeteie turee oii4 eepliencee trete our eatelogoe, Liberal 'coMMISSIOD, gario nice - trio Sppply tl,, 1294 Clato Ave,, Ter - 13 IONS WANTIeD A tiVel; 114 050NiVi3 v17.8 1)00111111.1'411'510 LuWI'' 000 Pun- , kOn.4), LiAR.4R:rRic7(0;lcino91'ZCi4(tnic1 nentois any 101540(5.00,ne, ,niton1010;' $8: duty free; agente waited. re 5T17. P ii:oNsoN, 92 QtilneY iitreet, 011100500, 0 Nt illyrok4NriDatra?P4VgiClairtolifwgiT iwar'two 51111)11150n Nylondia good orehard and fences. VOr terips and l'urthor portieulars apply tO:' C4. A. 9. Erlokenden' Co,, earrislere, • London Loan Bids., Lonitore (Mt. NvIolizr.y nzrasp.arma w.a.wrrin , , , E nAvE A-CASO' Puttctritsnn vv. for a weekly neWspaper In Oa. tarlo. Prloo Pluaybe iittraotlyo sone . full information to Wilson Publiehimi Co., Ltd„ 15 Adoinide $t. W., Toronto. BEL,TINa.F0.11:.SALE . Allf) $100- 'l'SON hese; Dew and used, shipped , Sublect to approval at lowest ”rices Canada, Yorit 13e1ting CO" 116 York' 01, Toronto, 'CM 5. ' POT years I have neVer'oonstdered my stock of household remediee complete,,,, unless•a bottle of hfClaara'a 14"1ntent wee Included.. For burns, bruises, sproine.,I. frostbites or obillblains it excels, and 1 know of no better remedy ;or a severe cold In the head, or that will give more,' Immediate relief, than to ,inhale from! the bottle through the nasal organ.. ' And aete In ellry of veterinary re- np medics it is eeeential, as it ham In verY BUY YOUlt -FRUIT Fft(11111 THE GRowErt Six Large lioskets No, 1 Poodle's, 68.00, r.O.n. Shipping point. Get them Ripe; Fresh - and ,Quick Delivery Special. prices on largc lots. Ask for rriy dornestic Remit with order. Got in tooth now. G. R. GARi.tNTER WINONA, ONT. Ti.ef erence: Boys.) .111,01,r, Winona. InanY instances rreveli its value. A re- ----- supposed.to be a lost section of 5, valua- ble eories, udder has again demonstrated ltS great.worth, and prqmpts me to re- commend it in the highest terms to (11 'who have a herd of cows, large or small, think e am safe in eaying among all the patent- medicines there is none that eovers a,s large a field of ursaierineee Se does =lard's Liniment. A. real.truelsm -,good for man er beast ' CHAs. K. BOBBINS, Chebogue Point. 'bent exPerleneei n.reeisemieg,Whet Wes , He Paid. An Engliabtroan,was staying with a friend in Ireland; and driving -up from Ole station, asked bow much the fare would be. "Oh., give btu as much as you like," was' the reply, "and hell still ask for more. Yeu can never satiety' a jar- vey." r. "I bet you a Aver I clor , *laid the other. When he reached, their destination he handed the driver a pound note, saying, "Keep the change." The Jarvey looked at it a moment, and then: "Sure, 1110'W, your honor," he said, " 'twould be an awful thing .to.brealt into a beautiful ,note like tide for one pint of beer! Doea your honor happen to hiame<eight.pence wideyeur • The unglishman paid the eightpenee --and the, five pounde, • . Match -es Do Not Think. You all have had the sad end tragic experience from the result of fires caused by careleee, handling of match. es, and MINT particularly the heart rending 8CCTleO of innocent ,child life ,being emitted ...cut by children playing with matches, carelelY left within their reachhy parents, wee, like the match itself, do not use their beetle for thinking. -Deputy Flee Marshal petvie, Ofitario. Minard's Liniment ear tile AverYwhers A Geed Joke; , A prosperous barrister wes recount - Mg hie carter at a dinner -party, "When I took my first briefef he said, "i wa9 n.erVolis and excited, especially as my client was a bad egg, 130 1.010) a Men of good family,, whede name would have beenfatally telenielied had the reseal been' convicted, Lteltlily, I into -paged to get him off," , After dirinee o, millionaire entered, Ho was friend of the host, who pre- sented the ha rrieter to him. "I do not need to be introduced to ibis gentleman," observ.ed the million. air°. patronilingly. "1 met him long eve I gave 11401510 start in life, in feet, I was hie fleet client," Tho noisy hilarity which greeted the n'eerneenies t IMPS terCr. 151)510100(100 tel., lets Lower. • The Selfish Husband. , Boeth Trirklegton was talkinrabout a woman noyeilecWho thatetegien. , "She does hate us,"-- he, chuckled. "Accordieg to her, all men. areas tab as Hitaltiosort. 11 "Hankineon ,eame home frOhn, blbei- nees the evening of 1110 wife'sebirthday, and Itlasled her fondly.- Then he put a small 'packet, done tip in white, paper and ribhon, in her hand, , ''4 token of blaihday remeare Mance,' he .sald in a warm, voice. "Cele, how good of yeti!' cried Mre. Hankieson, and she opened the pack- age eagerly. Then she made an excla- mation of disoppointin.ent. " Tipc-cleaveree,she gupped. "Hattcluson, gave a delighted 'laugh.; " knew they'd please you, love,' he 'said. 'You never Slid like Me to use your hatpins.' " Beat Him To It. A. veterinary suegeoe woe, inetruct- ing 10 farmer as to a suitable method for adminietefing medicine te a home, "Simply place this powder in a, gas , . . pipe about twe-feet long, put coo end ef the pipe well back in the home's month and blow the powder down hie threat." Shortly after the fawner came run- ning into the vegerinary'e offiee In a very dietraseed condition. . "What's the matter?' *sired the vet- erinery. ' "I'm dying" <vrioa the femme. "The horse blew fleet!" What Old He Mena? The rich uncle weo. very 111 indeed, The favorite. nelheve 'had came 10 pey him a visit. The riclo tucks bade 'him pone bine eelf out et gimes of wino. "Well, my deer 'uncle," t1o1 thh nephew, la hO, raisedthe gleee, "here's a sipeetly end 40 Vol'su gs•" Millard's Liniment foi Durna, ettir "Miyetery roads" on which motor- cars: travel, more.. quickly aotf-their own free will" are now said to be dlue to Ole extra profuse vegetat'eae on either Side; the plants give off oxygen which helps' the Ireton -engine to run more fregy. • MONEY ORDERS. , Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. If leet: Or stollen you get your money back. Natural History Teaeher: "Frank, You may 11ed1 us What a hedgehog is." "14 yon please, ma'am, it's, an animal that 130148 sixty -those gallons."' . Minardre Linirrient for Dandruff. The Uglily' geed Will g0 to sleep. in church rather *en let his mind - Wander on the eprice of hogs. HmHESTOASQ PRICES for EGOS and POULTRY Ship to Us arid Be Satisfied. R. A. BOOTHBY 1282 GILIC•EN ST W. TORONTO 00A SE SALT 'LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TorioNto SALT WORKS C. - TORONTO tSSOE No. 35--.)22, liansellosIs mimeos Dog Remedies • Book on DOG DISEASES and Row to Feed 'Mailed Free tO any Ad. dress by the Author.L2 FL mar mover oo.anai • 151.9 Woof. Mith Street: „ Ner7, Yorlt„.,144.A.,111 11 Use Cation And Watch -Your Skin imorove Nothing better to cleanse and petIfy the skin and to keep it free front pimples and blackheads than Cuticura Soap for every -day toilet use. Assist with Cnticura Ointment when necessary, Cuticula Talcum is also ideal for the 13/111. Suap25c. Olaitatat23a.¢.150c. Talem25c. Sold throughouttheDommion, CanadianDepot: Lmant, Limited, 344 St, Paul St., W. TiloatreaL Egr-Cutieura Soesebeves without raolY4 , • . I DOCTO • Lydia E. Oinkham's Vegetablatom- pound Often Does That. -Read • Mrs. Miner's Testimony Thurubusco, N. Y. -"I was under the doctor's care for over five years for backache and had no relief frorahisinedi- eine. One day a neighbor told raw ..,.. about your Vegeta- ble Compound and I took it. 11 helpedine so much that x wish to advise all womers to try Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound for fe--• male 'troubles and backache' It ki groat help in parrying a child, as I have 1. noticed a difference when I didn't take • it. I thank you for this medicine axidil ever come to this point again I do not ,-vont to be without thoVegotable eibmid. 11 give you porniiEtionto-publish :t,',1,hin letter so that all women can. take ,:tzny ndvice.”--Mrs. FRED MINER, Box ,1012t,,Csh t'llilebtlasacmeNs'tYor.st over again- '. .Women Suffer from ailments for years. They by doctors and different rnedi- .t cinem bet feel no better.' Finally they :take Lydia. B.. rinklunt's Vegetable ea, Compound and you can see its value in the case of Airs. Miner. That's the troth of the matter. If you/ •are suffering from any of the troubles: women have, you ouglitto try this Med- icine. It can be taken in safety by yening or old, tte 01 containe no harmful &lige. UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an Punbfoken package" Of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," Which 'contains directions mid dose worked out by physicians .cturing 22 years and proved, „safe by.,millions for, Rheumatism Colds Headache Toothache Neuralgia ' Neuritis Earac to Ltumbago Pain, Pain lIamly "Bayer" boxes Of 12 tublets---Also battles a 24 and 100--Broggis A. esterle 0 kbe irrldo Mark (rogisterod in 15,11,e001 of llaYee MilmAceetere et ,''''16ne" fico(loeeldostor il Salioylicaolth, "While it ifl Wen 14)160(48 0104 ASPIVitt I008579 ViVet• 10511U1104410C, 10 g51111144 tho polulo agaludt Iroltatioaa, iho Vableie of naser Comeimit, will be ateropod With, thelt gonotat,tradis mark, oto 4,,99ayor ONO."