HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-9-7, Page 5BagHeld Auburn
s Edna Beatty has returned t
After e month's vacation a
and Mrs, Archie Agnew an
two children, Eldred and Norval; an
,Mr, and Mrs. Lorraine Vail return
ed to Detroit 'lnesday after motorltr up to spend e fe'v days wits
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harr
o The semi-final gam at .ilasobal
tt between Belfast and Auburn Was
played on the. Auburn. diamond on
d IViondey evening and resulted m a
d seem of 19,5 in favor of the locals,
- • Miss Lizzie Service of Stapler is
, visiting with her cousin, Rae' And
y'Rev, W, R. Alps of Toronto has
boon invited by the Smiths Hill ane
- Auburn Presbyterian congre etion to
o be their pastor.
h Mr., and Mrs, W J;'Andrew and
Mr. Ainos, motored to Collingwood
s ' this week, ,;,
Miss ,Fein• 'lumber of Goderieli•
spent the v;eekc=enol with'Miss Ethel
Mr. Wm. Robinson and Mr,,' Am-
os Andrew are attending the Toron-
to Exhibition, . ,
Mr Elwin- " and; Albert Ifillough
have returned 'from their visit to
A number of our; young farmers in
this vicinity are contemplating tak-
ing in the Judging conspetiti'on to be
held at the Western. Fair.
The ibalI game between Belfast and
Auburn which was to be played
last Friday evening was 1ro$tponed
on account of the rain until • Monday
evening of this week' -when the two
teams met again on the Belfast dia-,
mond, the score being 9-11 in favor
of Belfast, this will mean that the
two teams meet again in the near
Mrs. 0. E. Erratt spent the
week -end at Clinton.
Mr. Norman Match, who .has been
spending a few weeks 'with his par-
ents, here, Ieft for his position in the
We are sorry to report the very
serious illness of both Mrs. H. "Phil-
lips and Mr: Medd. , -
Mr. and Mrs, Johii Wilson and
family spent the week -end in Lon-
We :'egret to announce the depar
tore of the Rev. R, C Pitts,'wh
has been rectoref 'the Trinity china
:for the past two Mid a half years
-for Petrolia next week. Mr, Pitt
has shown himself an`,enterprlsine
citizen and has alway's been ready
to assist in any of the affairs for the
interest of the village.
Mie; J. C. ,Tolly and daughter
Miss Jolly and Miss Moughton of
'London are the gaests''of Mrs.' W,
Hunt at her summer home in Huron
Harvest Thanksgiving services will
be held in Trinity church next Sun -
'day. Holy communion at 8 a.m,,
preaching service at 11 a. nn:, Gosh-
en at 3 p.m. and Varna at 7 p.m,
Mr. and .Mrs, C. W. Milligan of
London were the guests of Mr. and
Mse.:Hunt at their summer cottage
on Huron Terrace,
The public school opened on Tues-
day n1orning after ,a vacation of two
months with Miss Smith of Ilickson
•a5 principal and MissAnna Woods
as assistant.
Mr, E. A. Saucier and wife and
-family and Messrs. Wilbur and
Frank Erwin of. Kitchener spent the
weekend the guests of the Patter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Er-
Miss Ruble. F•tsher of Kitchener
-was the guest of her, aunt; Mrs. P.
os A. Edwards over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Colliday and
Mr. and Mrs.- Earl Colliday'. and
daughter, Mr`. Smith and Miss. Craw-
ford. of Detroit were the` guests of
the former's sister, Mrs. Cowie over
the week -end.'
Mr. and Mrs, Frank, Hall and tam-
ale et`Kinburn have taken a cottage
Tin Deer Lodge for September.
, Mr. F. V. Martin of Detroit spent
a few clays last week with his wife
and family at their summer home,
Delevan street, befor 1' their re-
•turn' home after an enjoyable'.: and'
pleasant vacation for the -past two
months. He was accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. 'Nathan` Simons of
who w o were the guests of Mr:
-and Mrs. Martin for a few days,
M. and Mrs. Robert Gunrbolby
spent Sunday in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley of Cleve-
land, Ohio are visiting relatives in
-and around the 'village.
- Mr. and Mrs, Charles Hall and
son of St. Marys ,and Miss Mamie
:Han of Hanover spent , a few days
the guests of ,their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Hall.
` Rev. Mr. Gilbert of St. Marys is
holding revival .meetings: in the Me-
thodist church` each evening com-
mencing at 8 o'clock. All are wel-
Miss Beata Scott left on Monday
'morning for her school in tlre;Ni-
agara district.
Miss Thompson died on Sunday
morning at the ;residence of her ne-
Thew,' Wrn'. Them -insole, Town dine,
Quite 'a number of our villagers
spew Tuesday in Seaforth listening
-to ' a ase in court,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Riley and
hildreu of Brussels spent Sunday-, as
-the ggest of Mr, Riley's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ben. Riley, .
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Dayment of
Kitchener were visitors rat T. Poll-
ards one day last week. •
Mr. Will Cole of Ethel visited his
sister Mrs, T. Pollard, on Thursday.
Mrs. Win McIntosh and Mrs. D.
Tudor visited friends near Egnrond-
;ville on Thursday. •
We are'sorry to say that Mrs,'M.
'McIntosh is so poorly that she had
to go to her daughter, Mrs. Mills` to
lbe cared for, -
The young 'lady teachers, of whom
this particular locality has furnish-.
,ed so many, aro once mare dispers-
'ed to their respective- schools, many
of them to distant points in eastern
,atid northern Ontario and the West -
,ern ,provinces.
It has been the happy duty of that
noted cavalier, the uptown agent of
-Canada's National Railways, to fur-
nish the transportation for a great
nearly of these fascinating young
ladies. And that no 'one can per-
forin this pleasant duty' in a more
satisfactory manner 15 well known
to our 'readers. As well as hand-
ing out tickets ,-with neatness ons
,despateh the efficientagent usually
accompanies them with much fath-
erly (or should wo say'grandfather-
ly) ,advice, instruction and admen: -
tion, with that grace and urbanity
-that sits so easily upon him, acquit. -
,ed, no doubt, ..in the ducal palaces' of
Isis associates of the mother coun-
It has been said by those of his
.jealous rivals in the ticket i,buslnoss
that this assumption of the' position
of guide, philosopher and .friend :to
all the- handsome: and brainy young
ladies; who patronize hiin ie
r p i not ape
preciated at itsfull value by • the
aforesaid charmers, and' that, as it
were, they are laughing in their
;sleeves when the eloquent stream Is
turned tipan thein, regarding It as.
the garrulity of old,age.: ,•.Any one
who has noticed the alert action and
abounding vitality of our geirlal
friend Will give ;'little credence to
this slanderous` statement, The fact
that SO many young teachers 'have
,continued their pa�bnage for Gtr
lifter :terhr 'i5tovee obnclust 1t,: tinct
t1reit wop d not>; 'bo happy . if they
were compeller( L'O' go o1eewlisise for
their tickets, and that he may long
'be continued • in the position which
he so efficiently' fills is their earnest
wish and prayer:'
Miss Margaret Mellis who has
been in Toronto for ten days re-
turned on Monday evening and will
conuiienee fuer . duties as teacher in
No. 2 Tuekorsmith, , the school
she herself attended during her
younger years.
-Mrs. T. ;Anderson of Goderich
visited- 'her, sister, Mrs. A. McKen-
,zie on Labor Day. She was accomp-
anied by her daughter, Miss C. M.
Anderson, de
sunerintendent of Lincoln
Hospital, Detroit. Mich.. and her
son, Alex, wireless telegrapher with
headquarters at Milwaukee.
Rev. Mr. Lundy preached at his
old charge, Walton on Sunday, Mrs,
Lundy left on Saturday to visit her
father at •Streetsville. They will
both visit ;the. Exhibition. '
On Friday of last week Mr. and
Mrs. McKenzie were visited by Mr.
and Mrs. J, Houston and family of.
Auburn, Miss Olive Young also was
one of the party. Mr. Holston is
one of the most progressive farmers
of Wawanosh Township.
Mr. and, Mrs. A, Bennett and son
Jack 'of- St.' Thomas visited with Mr.
and Mrs. A, McKenzie the fore part
of the week.
Rev. F. E. Chandler. of Walton'
occupied the pulpit of St. Andrew's
church, last. Sunday,. His services
were much appreciated.
Mr. • and Mrs, Thos. Stranghan
of Auburn who have been guests. of
Mr, and Mrs, McKenzie for the
past fortnight returned , to their
home on Monday,
Mrs. John Anderson, 'who has
spent some weeps with members of
her family has returned home again,
She went and returned by uiotor'lar•
and her son. Albert and his wife re-
turned with her,
Mr. Will;, Finlayson who has, been
a 'successful student, at Seaforth is
entering the Normal school at Lon-
Mr, R. C. McLean, son of J. B.
McLean, who 'has been successful in
passing at the Normal school in
Stratford• has secured a school at
Wing]nani and has entered on his
Mr. W. Love, Manager of the
Sterling Bank, Palmerston, coifed on
his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. A. Me -
;Kenzie on Friday of last week.
The W. M. S. of St. 'Andrew's
church will, meet at the home . of
Mrs. A. Monteith on Thursday.
Room and board or either for one
or two teachers. Apply, News-
For Sale
Jersey cow, supposed to be in calf,
age, 8• years. F. Livermore: 66-1
10% Cash- Balance In 25 years
amortized. The Soldier Settlement
Board of Canada offers for .sale- by
public tender: 197 acres, Lot 18 and
south 27 acres of Lot .1 7 concession
15, Goderich Township, bluron Coun-
ty, well situated, gond' water, clay
loamy soil, brick house, bank barn.
Terme of sale are 10 per e nt'of the
purchase, price 'in"cash on aceopta» ce
of. the tender, and the balance in
'25 equal, annual instalments, ents, with
interest at 6 per cent, per annum on
aiiertization plan.
Faeh tender must be •aceers,pauici
by an accepted check for $L00,00
'If render is accepted; tbie sum will
be, erediied oto ,he perch , .e price of
the lend. If c, nder is not accepted
ti,e money will be renamed to the
Tenders will be opened at Toron-
to, Ont,, on September i lth, 1922.
The highest or any tender not
neeessarily accepted. If. the land is
not sold on the slate above men-
tioned, the Board will: be prepared
to receive offers to purchase ,until
such tithe as it is finally disposed
of, ,
Tenders should be in plain envel-
opes' marked "Tender for . the per -
:chase of Pt, of Lots 17 and 18 con-
cession 15; Goderich, Huron County",
Address tenders and enquiries to:
82 Adelaide- Street, East,
I',, D. SHAVER, District Sup.
Dated at ' Toronto, Ont,, t11is''23rd
day of August 1022. • , 664'.
IioLlMES— so).iitD'ER Iit Chin -
eau; en September Gbh, by th,e.
Rev D N. McCarnus Edna,
Seiirider ol'rTlverton to Mr. Fred.
crick Thonnas-Holmes of, Kineai'd
Births ,
DALE --On Wednesday, August 16,
1022, to Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Dale of Hullett,, a 5051. (Keith
Reginald. ,
TORRANCE—On Friday, August
25th, in Toronto, to Mr. and Mrs,
Mel vizi . Torrance, a daughter,
, (Edythe Marguerite)
GEPPINGTON—Iii Clinton, on Wed-
nesday, September 6th, 1922, Mr. W, Leppington,laged 28 years and
six month,.
In loving memory of Pies, Harvey
and Kenneth -Currie, who were kill-
ed in Franco on September 9, 1916,
and August 30th, 1018.
Mrs, Chas. E. Jervis' wishes to
express her heartfelt thanks for and,
and deep appreciation of the kindness
shown to her by all relatives and
friends during the long illness and
subsequent death of her beloved hus
husband, her sincerest thanks and
appreciation also to all those who
showed sympathy, by the beautiful
Moral offerings.
Tenders for .Ceaxnent
Tenderswill be received by the
Municipal Council of Clinton for, the
construction of a cement •sidewallc on
the -south side of ;Wellington Street.
Work to be commenced at once.
Furtherinformation may pe obtained
from C. G. Middleton, Chairman
Street Committee or the undersign -
66-1 Clerk
For ,Sale
An upright piano,is in a 1 condi-
tion has recently been cleaned and
tuned and will be sold at a reason-
able price. This is a splendid in-
strument and. intending purchasers
will do well to inspect this bargain.
Mr. A. McKenzie, Kippen. 06-tf
• .Millinery
Something nets in Sports Hats.
"The Vogue." 66-1.
Our Elberta peaches will be ready
this coming week. Place your
orders with your grocer. If your
grocer does not handle then., we
will have them for sale at our resl-
dence, 10th concession,, of Goderich
Township,. all next' week: — John
R. Middleton. GG -1-p.
House For Sale
Cottage on Albert street, call on
Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Miss
Jessie Thompson. 65. tf
Music Lessons
Mr. A. W. Anderton, Professor
of music, cert, teacher of Piano-
forte and singing, T. R. C., Lon-
don, England, resumes tuitions at
J. E,, Cook's residence on Tuesday,
'September '.12; 66-tf
Farrar For Sale
Lot 11, concession 8, Hullett, con
taming 100 acres nearly all cleared.
There are, on the, -premises a good
bank barn 72x40, with good, cement
floors,driving shed 40x20, pig house
.141/242, Good 2 story brick house,
with frame kitchen, and wood shed,
soft water in house. ' All fenced and
tile .drained. ` :Windmill on barn,
small orchard, 'McKillop telephone
'and. rural 'mail. 5 miles from Lon-
esboro, 21,> miles from 'Constance 1?/
miles from church and, 11/.1. miles
from school. For further partite
Mars apply to Percy Glazier, R. R.'
No. 1` Londesboro or phone 6 on 250.
6D -4-p.
House to _Rent.
Brick, residence, .Princess St., 8
rooms, good basement, suni-iner kit-
chen, town Water, '/nacre o'i3 land,:
I hone- 33-006. Mins Mabel Rath -
well. , , 63-41
Piano For Sale
High grade piano will be spiel
reasonably for.; cash. Apply to Mrs.
Frank Gibbs, 'Princess street. 63-tf
Animals Astray
Came to the premises of the un-
dersigned one inrile .-east of Varna,
on the Bayfield road, about June 15,
2 spotted steers and one roan heifer,
all one,year olds, Owner may have
same by proving property and pale-
ing expenses. Robert Webster,, Var-
na, Ont. ' 62-tf
Cider Mill and Apple
Buttes Factor N
Will be ready to make Cider or
Apple Butter, or Jelly, on Monday,
Sept. 4th, and every day after until
further notice,
To make Apple Butter bring .11,3
gallons of pealed and cored (sour
apples preferred) to every bag of
cider apples.
If you want Jelly g 'brim 30 to 50
pounds of white sugar for every 40
gallons of Taluian sweet eider and
.5 gallons of ewer cider.
We can make Sweet Apple. Butter'
out, of sour apples.
rf' anyone wishes to have •a n1 51e -but-
ter made at our factory, `please do
not bring less than eight; bags of ci-
'der 'apples.
Mira., 'AT 'REAR 01 FLAX "MILL
M :R
Is the Essence of all That is Best
in Tea
"To Taste is to Belie e"
Getting Pickled
Now that pickling season is at haind it will pay you te, be
sure Of the :.vinegar and s]5liee$ You use,
Our delivery 'service 'is„second -to none. You get prompt service' ,
at our. Quality Store. TRY US.
Get the Habit of Dealing at
Phone tat
Try a Ton of Our Chestnut - Coke
It is cheaper and cleaner than anthracite and burns
• without smoke or gas
Just the thing for summer cooking and early winter heating
Exclusive Agenni,g for D. L. & W.
Scranton Coal',
J. , a, USTA vi Phone 74
Office opposite G. T. R. station.
MODERN HOME -William at Princess. '
LOT—Full size, garden, (runt, shade trees, large lawns'
HOUSE—Frame, full size cement basement, hot water heating,
extra large verandah, balcony.
GROUND FLOOR—Hall, living -room, dining -room, den;' kitchen,
pantry, wash -room, side verandah on kitchen.
FIRS'TFLOOR—Ha11; five bedroo ins, three-piece 'bathroom, ,large
' size octagon pedestal basing glass t owel rods, etc.
Each sleeping apartment equipp ed with individual heat and an im-
proved system of ventilation.
Everything for health, comfort and convenience.
Apply on premises, D. S. Cluff.
F. J.a�r'
irown&Co I
Clinton's Leadinglee>latral Bakerg
IC " 'Cream Parlor
Bread, Fancy aking and all kinds of
ess ding Cali R s a Specialty
Neil"sou's and Bisset's Ice Cream
in Bricks and Bulk.
Neilson's' and Robertson's
Telephone No. 1
Dinner ance
-AT—Hotel Bedtord
Next Saturday Evening
Saturdag, Sept.9
Dancing from 6.30 to 12.00.
Music by Miss Gene Connon and
London Orchestra.
Sunday Dinner—Music 1 to 2.45.
Sunday Supper—Music 5.30 to 6.45.
Write or phone for reservations to
Hotel Bedford, Goderich.
Saturday Evening, 6.30 to 12,00
$3.00 per couple.
After 8.30 51,00 per couple
With additional charges for lunch
a la carte.
Sale of Lands
for Taxes
Town of Clinton
By virtue of a warrant by the
Mayor of :the Town of Clinton bear-
ing date the First day of August a
sale of lands in arrears for taxes in
the Town of Clinton will be held at
the Council Chamber in the Town of
Clinton at the hour of, three o'clock
in the afternoon on the Fourth day
of December, 1922, unless the taxes
and costs are sooner paid.. Notice
is hereby given that the list of, lands'
for sale for arrears of taxes is be-
ing published in The Ontario Ga-
zette, the first insertion being the
nth day of August, 1922, and that
copies of the said list /nay be had
at my office. D. L. ' Macpherson,
Treasurer, Clinton August 31st, 1922
For Salo
A pianocase organ, walnut settee
and child's sidewalk sulky: Mrs.
Goo, MeK 62etf_ ...
.Team For Sale
A pair, of geldings, 3 and 7, Years.
Sound and right, Far cash' .or bank-
able paper, A;. Towitsliond, 1613
'con, Goderich township, R. R. No,
2, Clinton, Phpne. 22 oh 604. (12-t1'.
Horses For Sale at Bayfield'
To close the estate of the late C.
;Tippett there will be sold by private
sale two horses; 4 and 7 years old.
Fred McEwen and Chas, Marks,
executors for the estate. Bayfield.
House For Sale
Frame %cottage with two lots, on
Huron street, barn :011 premises,
garden with small fruit. For
further particulars apply to Miss 13.
Cantelon, on premises. 61-38
Farm For Sale
Lot 29 concession 13 Hullett, on
the premises there is a good bush
and never failing creek, Iand suit-
able for all kinds of grain and roots.
Apply on the premises to the :leg-
atees. 61-4-2-p,
Farm- For Salo
Lot 16 pt. 17 concession 1 Hullett,
Huron road 11/ miles east of Clin-
ton. This farm contains 127 acres
100 acres drained and in first class
condition, the balance is pasture
land and bush. On the premises is
a good barn 40x74 with stone stabl-
ing and cement floors, also hen house
pig pen and drive shed on cement
foundation. There is a two story
brick house with modern convenien-
ces. Farnn is well watered with first
class springs and also spring, creek
running across, one „corner, Farm
is well adapted for mixed farming.
For terms and conditions make ap-
plication on the premises or Clinton,
R. R. No. 4. John Noble 58-tf.
For Sale Or Rent
r residence for sale or rent,
Rattenbury street at present • oc-
cupied by W. R. Counter, Possession
October let, apply Jacob Taylor 24
Ellerbeck Ave. Toronto. 57 -tel
Farin For Sale
Lot 26, Con, 17th, on the Base
line, mile north of Clinton. 2213
acres first class land, good house,
bank barn and young orchard -just
beginning to bear, Also '7 -roomed
house on Albert street, Clinton. Wa-
ter, good
garden, barn, Apply on
latter premises; Mrs. John Halstead.
Spirella Corsets ,
Spirella Cdrsets for healthfulness
style, comfort and durability, 'Ev-
ery edreet made to''mersure. Misr.'
Elieabeth' Kennedy, ' 014014 street,
Clintelr, Phone 142. - - 12.1921
1'llTI1.ZSDA ", weir aI
ER t
uulu'alpipumillilI IlilliiiiiiinliilltERIIIiliii tlpivoinemiI U IlVco i1JuUlf utitut giu
llawkius- "
Succ(lssoi'.3 to Nh, T. OQrless-r-.I-tofvlands old otazud;
We Carry Plow Point.
� for
Sylvester No, 7; international tractor 7, 8 and 10; Frost ,84 Wood'
20; Verity 7 and 21; Flonry 13, 21 and 21 wing.
, Perrin 02B and
6313; Tudhope-Anderson 41 and 51; ,.Oliver 121 and y21 wing 0005 -
shut 21 and 21 wing; ;Kangaroo -Judy 8 and Nip 9,
We also Carry Soles for
Verity 7 and 21; Fleury 13 and 21; Cocicshgt 21; Sylvester 7; Wil
kinson 7; Oliver, 121; Tudhope-Anderson 51.
We also fit Paris
21; Farmer's Friend; Verity 21riding 1lo
Wilkleson:7 and 21; Percival 12. ,,d
Ike=111®MIIIIMININlilnlj Ii111lIIiIIII I
Phone 68.
9.30 to 12 a.m. 2.00 to '5.30 p.m.
7.00 to 9.40 p.m. Sundays by
Chiropractic' Specialist.
Specializing in Spinal, Nervous and
Chronic Diseases.
Normandie Block, . Clinton, Ont.
• G2-4
Heater For o Sale
4 good coal heater, only used a
couple of winters. G. E.' Hall,
Rattenbury street, or The News -Re-
In Ladies' and child-
ren's Fine Shoes, Oxa
fords and Slippers,
Reg. $7.50 to $8 for $6.00
Reg. $6,50 to $7.00 for x$5,00
Reg. $5.50 to $6.00 for $4 00
Mang more values
just as good.
Wm. Barrj`
Opposite the Postofi'rce. Clinton
Osteopathic Physician
Graduate, Des Moines Still College
of, Osteopathy.
Licentiate Iowa and Michigan State
Boards of Medical Examiners.
Spinal adjustments given to remove
the cause of disease.
Catarrhal deafness, adenoids, and
enlarged tonsils treated.
without surgical operation.
Stomach and intestinal diseases
treated without the use of drugsor
Successor to Dr. Heileman,
Office, Goderich, Ont.
At the Graham House every Tues-
day after 6.30 p.m.
If you have any grain to sell,
give us a call. We will pay the
highest market prices, •
A car of Swift's "Red Steer" Fer-
tilizer for fall wheat just arrived.
Swift's Red Steer fertilizer is 'made
from Bone, Blood and Tankage, and
they are now using pure Nitrogen
instead 'of Amanonia. A trial will
Purity flour, Five Roses flour, Pas-
try flour, Bran and Shorts always
on hand.
For fall seeding we have Govern -
anent grade Tiirlothy seed:
Gunn's Maple Leaf 'Lard,:5 ]b, pails
Gunn's Easifirst Shortening, 5 Ib.
pails, " 90c.
W,` Jenkins & Son.
Phones Elevator 199, Residence 14
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes 'cleaned pressed and re-
paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned,.
Rooms over 1leatd's barber shop.
W. d. Jago, - 83-tf
Hoare for Service
Champion bred, big type Yorkshire
and, Chester` White boars 1'or. eetviee.
At home every forenoon.. --•A, C.
Levey, Phone 5 en 639, Clinton' 4--28
The . South -End
:Try our store for your : supplies,
you will find our: prices
Prompt delivery to all parts ;of the
Mrs. Id, Brown
PHONE 144.
Chestnut' Coke
Also some good Hardwood.
Leave orders at my Residence
Huron street or Phone 155,
Orders taken at residence, Phone 113
Ontario Grain Seeds
Experience has taught us the
above seeds are the only ones for
our district. We have on hand Gov.
eminent Graded ; ?1
Red Clover Alsike
Orchard Grass Alfalfa "''
Timothy Blue Grass
White and Yellow Sweet .Clover
In Baby Chick Feed'
Blatchford's Milk Mash i.
Pratt's Buttermilk Mash
Wodehouse `3
Royal Purple 1
H. 0. Cooked Chick Feeds'
Always on hand.
Western Oats, Shorts, Oat Flour,
Linseed Meal; Purina Chicken Chow-
der. Flours: Five Roses,Hunts, Sil-
ver Crown, Special prices oh Hunt's
for a few days. „f
Wanted, a quantity of Peas, Buck-
wheat and. Red Clover. Subm'ff sant-
ples e.r
3. A. FORD & SON
Phone' 123.
Flour and Feed Merchants and
Grain Buyers
Also issuers of Hunters & Trappers
Live Poultry
Farmers who raise poultry for.
profit sell all their old rooster's and
broody hens, also young cockerels'"
weighing about two pounds each
during June and July. Coops sup-
plied.: Write or phone to
N. ,W. TREWARTHA, Manager
Phone No. 190 Holmesville 601 r 31
The demand for our butter is in-
To supply this demand we; require
more cream.
We request you to ship us your
We, guarantee you the Highest
1Vlairket Prices, 'accurate " tests'. and
prompt service.
Our firm is known 1 wn to you sad needs
no further, recommend.
We pay all express' clsalrges, fern-
ish;croanl cans and pay twice.each
Write for carts or further infnrnra.
tion to the n
C. A, BARkihil,, li AN &G . ,