The Clinton News Record, 1922-7-27, Page 519, Interest to You, and; Me ' She bill o l 1 c t t of the �Ct t h it 1 >• z ••' lift o cnla a 1 0 IAN been carried by the 13Pitish 'arin'inaent, a "matter for congratula- tion in Canada, It hos still to naSs the Lords however, A British Columbia astrenemen is said to have discovered twin suns, We have heard of people who saw LWO ,noon* but such a discovery eves usually 'forgotten by?norning. If Premier King would busy • him - ,self with the thousand end • one things that need doing in Canada insteadof meddling with_ an :agree- ment' which has Iasted aver a hun- dred" years already without eo much 00 a nraek in the varnish andlooks good for another, he would be show- ing himself more of a'statesmen. The Blyth Standard man is of, the ,o inio p n that all thisr t , t oniteying with monkey glands is foolish. Tn his :opinion it were better to try anu' .finish our course, if not with/joy, at least without going to any monkey. for , help, He remarks, too, that it "doesn't 'seem difficult at an y line for a woman, if she; has a mind, to snake a' monkey. out pf a man." We. hope aur dear brother hasn't had any unpleasant personal experiences.' Some fuss has been made about the mobbing of a returned soldier who gave an unpopular'' decision' on the baseball diamond at Thorold re. cently. Why should the mobbing of an umpire he condonned, soldier ar ne ,'soldier? No man who toes not understand- the game or who es not known to be fair need be asked to fill' the position and • when he is asked his word ought • to 'go' without -question. Play - heI. game for the gang's sake and let the `best team Chautauqua• is over in Wingham .and "for all time" says The Ad- vance. This is the third year they have. had it and each : year it has been going; a little more In the .hole, which is considered.,.a. great pity •by. anan- as it ,las: a-moat.:edncational infiuenee, Clinton ,line-,been•.more,- ' .£artunate than most. other towns,; in, 'that we have: always. had: a.. nice, bal- ance on, the right side;. But nee doubt;: the result has been due large- ly lo`.the energetic efforts •of the Girla' - Auxiliary. This year, the .surplus goes to the hospital. *" * '°Why" asks The •Orillia,Packet, "should not the County -Council al- ter the harsh name,- "County house `of Pefiiga," to Simeoe•Home for --Old People?" The paper goes on to say thathithat case some elderly people ,avith means but with nobody to, look ,after them night spend their der alining '.days.' there, ' Huron,` County 'Council' changed the name of .IH'ur- ain's 'House of .Refuge to "Huron County Hosie.'. a couple or • three years, ago, and,—when we remember to use it,. it has gone by that name since. It sounds much better,; all ,gree. John Bracken, a graduate of., the. Guelph Agricultural College 'and for ,sonic;' years pprincipal of. the Manito- ba Agricultural College, has ,been hdsen as'•leader•.of the Progressives, the largest group elected in ,last week's :general i election, and will be premierof the Province, Mr. Brack- en is not 'even a member of the'Pro gressive organization, and has hith- rta taken no part in polities, • His call to office came as a .great ,sur- priseto all who were not-in•the. un mediate inner cirole but his seems to be a popular choice. He is deep- ly interested in agriculture and has written several' books:'''' Speaking of Sunday '''observance the Rev. Dyson Hague says "Co lhonor ,it ; and' hold it will inean n, fight' and perhaps' -a' sacrifice. especially ,on the part of the young, but :it's worth de TO have only. sacred music, to out out secular visiting and 'Sunday 'travel, to make it a Medo- Persian rule to attend God's House to hear; God's word and. worship Hinn —these are part of 'the price.. It 'would 'be a great thing if all Cana- dians, Catholic and Protestant alike, r would remember what the' little ley said to his father: .'Father, is it really Stmday if we don't go 'to C"hurch?' " Constance-. John, King M. P. and Mrs. King ,of Blueval callers e were c a l ere in our vii - Stage on Thursday eventing. - Mr. and Mrs,: Wilber MoRorie and children and MTs. Wynn and child of Forest were visitorswith the'for- nur's sister, Mrs: Wan. Briton, last week, On 'Lhurday' while unloading a load of hay the trip rpm?, caught and threw Bert Stephenson off the. load. His arm was very badly sprained, Mrs. Tyrell and ` children'oi' Wind - or are ;spending n 'couple of weeks with the, lady's aunt, Mrs; Colhlopgh, Mrs; Wm, Britton and children are visiting the;; lady's Mother in Forest. , Mr. Wee, - Smith is at present very /Moldy, Mrs. 'Thtiell is spending a week visiting friends in London. Mr, ,and Mrs. Ben. :Snell, spent leeway with friends in Blyth. Rev,, Mr, Conway and family of Nile, visited friends 'hero, on .Sunday' Nils. Colcloteb Spent:a day last week in London. We are glad to, report teat !'Tiss .. Brittonpascal the eft - trance examination, taking hontittrs; nates Attica Dale,, also passedspn gnatulations aro orticinded :: The Methodist . and Presbyterian churches` of Honsall 'held their iin- ion ,picnic on ,Thursday to Bell's Grove, There ryas a largo attanil- ane and .the day •p • r n assed c Jf ma. Si , •9tecr 5flli1, with the usUal pienie :sports and gables; ' Holmesvil(le Messrs. Edward and henry Be; dour, who will spend ai few weeks` Tr. ' B.,cCartwrightN clnux ai' andC. Bedour of ;Drysdale motored up last week akld spent a few dais with Mr. and Mr•s. 'Wm "Bednar and otlt, er friends hereabouts. On their 'return they were accompanied by Piissgs Kathleen and Annabel 13ca- dour, whq:-Mall (ponid a few weeks' holidays with relatives, Hullett Township Mr:' and Mrs; Mack. Montgomery were visiting her father on. Sunday, Misses Alta and ,Luella 'Glazier and Mr. 'Saar Castle were visiting' TIullett friends on` Saturday: Mrs, 'John Johnson who last week suttered a stroke, was removed to and is being cared for at the 'home of her son:ili-law, Mr, J. H. 'Free- Miss Eveline' .y Johnston of neat' Blyth is visiting her aunt, Mrs, 3. Il. I'reeuan. hollowing pupils were cueccss- ful in , the recent examinations to connection .with the London Conser- vatory of Music held at Hensall and Zurich: Pianoforte: ' Grade III, -Alice Hardie,' 81;; El- eanor •Fisher, 79;. Sara Petty, 67, Grade, II—Laura Foster, 85; Har- vey McClyment, 81; Eva Epps, 80es; Marian ;Middleton, 68. Gradel-hazel Johnson,' 81; Alma Johnson,' 77.' grade IV Ruby Erratt, 81. • Bagfield Mr, and bars. Stradley, and 'daught er,- Miss Pauline 'Arnold, Mr. New- man, Mr. and Mrs. Thomson Striit-' ford; Misses MnCelpin;^•Petrolia; Dr and 'Mrs. Donley, Sebringville; Mr. Scott, St. Thomas; and Mr. Thomas" Sherritt and -. bride, London; are guests -at the Commercial. The members of T'r'inity 'church are'having their annual gardenparty on the' .Rectory Iawn On She :evening' of 'August 8th. , 'Mr .•:ands.:Vlro ..F:, I -I,• Weeds and.; family, .Mr::. and' Mxs L, ;:rtPender, 'Goderich ,Miss• D Aanderson, Loil ' don;-MessrseiS Scott, E. erson,, and •I . O'Neil; ,Clinton"are. cainpiieg on -the „Flats on, .the Ter- • Messrs Wes. Herd -and George Yendell dind'Gordon M. Galbraith, of London apent the week -end at the former's parents Mr, and Mrs, R. H. -Herd, at their sainimer home on. the Terrace. Mr. ' and Mrs. Charles Reid of Goderich spent Sunday with IDs. Reid's parents, Mr and Mrs. R. •IIerd on the Terrace: Mrs, H, B.. Coombe andparty of Clinton are. occilpying .W.., Middle - ton's cottage. On. the:;Flats, • 'Mr, and Mrs,, McMillan and fam- ily of ,...London ate spending the etunmer in Miss •Cartiipbell's cottage on Clliniquy- street. • Miss Hawkshaw ;of 'London, Mr, T.. J, , Robinson . of Vancouver, .-and .Mr. and .Mrs... Shanahan of:.Lopdes-. bore spenit. the.. w,eelc--end as: the guests of Mr., and, Mies. W. II:, Rob inson,at .-then snneener home, on. .Tnyll street;' Rev. Mr: Cres, -Can$ pommel -al. Met, Rev, A. -L. ti..Cgrrke,,,quai•ter- pastei; Rev.'•Denny „Bright,"• 5t, Paul's Catli'edral, Leaden, .Rev.. C.' M„ II•lllietvell; St. 'Tomas, Rev, 1T. Messand' several- Toy. Scouts rived this - week and";, are in 'camp south of the',villag'e. Miss TiIl:Mann .and... Miss. , HelenCochrane, of London hre 'the guests', 'of Mr's.(D;,,) Trllnnantn at her slun- mar 'honie''oni the •Terrace'. Mr. and mrs'Henry Conal and fancily of Sarnia 'spent'the ive:l. end din the village ` Miss H. '1' 1 rebrieocic and •Dr: Mc- L• .spent the week -end at the or- Pier's summer:" 'otfaage s :i ani-- Lakeside. Mr. and''. Mrs. Fox,, Landon; Mr. and Mrs:' Poole, Bridgeburgh; Miss McLean, Mies Young, Seafor•th, are guests at the Albion. Mr• Keith' McLean of Seaforth *pent the week end with his family, "who are summering at the Albion, Me. E. .1. Se ,pair of Kitchener spent a few claya tris week with his feebly, •Y, tyke'"'are sinnancriiig 'with Mrs, Sander's; tiarents,;Mt. and Mrs, II. W. Erwin, Mr. asci Mrs. Oliver ithynas and son, Philip Rhynas, of; Brantford Mr. _and Mrs, Downing, Mr. and Mrs.', Roy 'Moore and 'son, George Moore, Miss Cowie, Mrs..Wil1goose; Miss, Peggy'tBiillgoose, London,'; Miss Abraham, Chatham; 'Me: •• Numbly, .St. Thomas; Mrs, ' (Dr,) Kenning, - Mrs. Raymond, Walkerville; Mrs. S. Bartlett and the Misses B'artiett, Mrs. Adams, :Windsor; 'Dr: Strutt-‘ ere and wife,; Toronto Mrs. Sine - ons, Goderich and.'•Mt, and 'Mrs. Keays, ,Preston, are guests at Miss Ferguson's. Mr, and Mrs. It, T. Harding, cola family, Mts.,'Hamilton and Miss Nigoi of London,. are slnnmcering in the- farnier'.5cottage in Lakeside, Rev, Mr. Argo' and family of London are occupying Mrs. Stan- bury's summer home 00 Dow' street. Mt. and NTis, Scott; Miss Jean Scott,. Clinton, and Mrs. Baird, Van- couver; ,annciI\fts: Adonis, Windier• spent Tuesday as guests at Mies Ferguson's The ,assessment of Hayfield this. Year is $22,500 higher than' -last, years'" 'ttssessinent, :Some idea of' the amount o:f building' done. during the past year may he gathered frena this, especially' when it is borne in mind that in several "eftses assess Matt has been .lowered. 1V1r, harry, Darrow. has a crop. f.' , 1, o oats ih his garden this year, which wonicl,,da horse?s•,heart peed to set+' tn1eSI, ,,thein: tl five feet ten D , toe, c 5. ik,4 t .i a , k� c •. elsuch e,x l s oafs, If wauidn't heed ta,worry about wintering his team and °flexible them. come out sleek and fat, in the spring: !Che Bayfield' Voters' List has been printed and was first, 110510dtrip in - the cleric's office on Wednesday, The., L t• l o a number •of voters is 208 and those qualified to sect as juror's num- ter 96. " • THE FARMERS ANI)''1`IIEIll (Ciontinued,E'nom Page 1) the riv'si @ ' a 1 @ @ d t ou d iv is a t the t h l to > 1 t young people gathered; Wound up the very enjoyable day ". Tho Farmer's pieele was a lilg success The only disappointment was the failure of the speakers, Miss MacPhail and Hoar, Re II,,Grant, to appear, but such disappointments ai•e by no means tare nor are they confined to .any one class of people, Chairman Scott gave it as lits opinion that in the holding of. .poi- itiaal picnics the United °Partnere, were striking; out a new trail but he spoke without refection. ` The fath- ers and-g'randfathet•s of he men and women who listened to him, the mo- thers and grandmothers too,, had at- tended political :picnics -before and since he was born. The political picnic was a feature.pf both old par- ties in times. Some of the, most eloquent speeches of ,leaders In, the ,two, old peeries, and bot1r. boast ed orators in the old days whatever' may be said of today, were deliver- ed in the open, air, under the can- opy a the' blue` stet', at just such'. gatherings as last Thursday's. The woods in many parts of this Pro- vince might still re-echo some of the eloquence of these former drays, in this, as in manyother things, the Farmers have found it wisdom. to follow the lead of the two: old par- ties. o4:a: ,Mr. Hicks told the people that Hon, R. H. Grant wasmost anx- ious to come to Huron County to talk about school' natters an ' d that h h had no doubt 1 ei that arrangements Would be made for a .visit before'', long. We eyeuid suggest Clinton as a central place for the holding of: a meeting so that till electors in the county night have an opportunity of hearing the Minister of Educe - tion. - 'Oarna The union picnic of the three Me-; thodist. ehurches::of; the .Varna ;Circ suit, which was held at Bayfield on ;July„ l9th,;:was, a:gaand success:. ;The. 'appointments were:. well represented, and as the day,was ideal --for ;such. .an oecassion, all.Seemed to enjoy themselves to the tallest, extent. The tables fairly groaned under the good things so amply provided by the ladies, while the sports - committee enthused the crowd , by the various amusements which' occupied their at- tention. during the afternoon, The following': are the ,tames of those who - obtained prizes in the several racing contests: Girls of eight and under: a3catrice McQueen, Laura Webster, Gladys Coleman: Boys eight and under: Calvin Fos- ter, Harold Glazier, Thompson Col- clough. . , Girls nine to twelve: Rachell John- ston, Jane Langford, Mary Cudinore.' Boys nine -,to twelve: Will Clark, exnartl•Keys, Edgar Snaith._ Girls :twelve to fourteen: Grace Coleman, Irene Chiller.. `Bo ys twelve Y we ve to fourteen;'^Elwood Epps, '.Stewart Keys, Melvin' Web- ster, • Girls fourteen to -eighteens Vera Dowson, Ruby Erratt, Eleanor Mc - ley, 'Boys' fourteen to ,eigirteeu: 1111•-. buICinr Keys, Gordon Hayter, , "Melvin, Clara:, ' • Young ..men:. Ebner.: Webster, A. Keys, Roy Connell, , Wonrens' race: Mrs. Howson,Miss,Felly, Mrs:. D. J. Stephenson • Men 26 to 40: Rev. ,I. L. Foster, G: E. Johnston, Fred Reid. Men over: forty: G. Coleman It. Robinson:,. ' D. J. Stephenson andt R.;,W,ebster.," tied Ladies tinder' 60: Mrs. Connell and Miss Ifelly Bachelor's' •• 1 r s' race: , :Jas. Robinson Elmer Webster,' Tom Stephenson. Three legged race: Webster and Johnston,. Johnston and .MeClymont, Webster and Clark. Stand and .lump:' ' Ruskin\ Iters, Elmer Webster, 'IenryDaynent, Many took trips y 0o on the lake and rowed in the 'liver, all returning home after a good days sport. 'Marriages ULMAN-NELSON ---At Kitchener, on, JuI•y• 12th, -.by the Rev. ,Mr: Prescot, Mildred :Doris, .daughter es, Mr. and Mrs. John Uhnan, to Walter McKinley Nelson,;son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson 'of, the. Base line north of (Hinton. suieneemerstatumemeraser Renewer Energy Wholesotine, ,well -made Bread Is nature's best cure for that worn-out feeling. � Brown li S w good bread Ninth, lq str , t n l Ceti. 'i tt' c y st tt }ons for 'Young "Itiid ' okl because It's richest in food•valuo. st I' A i your Grocer for it. F, J,' ,BROWN & CO, AGOODBAKERY PHONE NO. 1CLINTON' c Ptaw Service or :the ,hi hest order, ever 1 .i'' v'� t sold, IP stands behind 10259 8x lt.. � M lc,e ,cera-.rsealed' Pacliet Only. A Real Special in a'Cohoe Salmon(Red) ing and fine for table use, , A Iarg utility Jar Rubbers the kind that t keep your jars airtight and saves your fruit, per dozen ,. Ginger Snaps and Lemon Crisp Calces per lb,,, ,, ,,,,,,,,l6ets. Our delivery is now up=to-date deliver your goods promptly to all the country Get the Habit JOHNSC N & CO'S CR Just the thing for picnic or camp e tin fax 30 eta, We still offeruf yo`tea at the old price air' bulk'' or packages. Choice assortment of tartrit filled led: calces, per lb. . 25c,_. and is always at your service, We parts of the town and sometimes in of Dealing at aCERY Phone tit TILE STOT'E FOR EVBRYBOI Y Try a Ton of Our Chestnut Coke ,It is cheaper and cleaner than Anthracite and burn.' without smoke or gas ' Just the thing T summer f0cooking and early winter heating Exclusive Agency for H. L. & W. Scranton Coal:.. J B. MUSTARD Phone 74 Office opposite 0. T. R. station: C. H. VENNER, Electrician EIectnacRn es,Fix a res ,. Bu16sn !eons , k ins and other Appliances Wiring irin . and Repairs. P hon e SIw.; • Auburn Mr. and MTs. Mcllvene and fam- ily of Nova Scotia aro, visiting the latter's parents,.. Mr, and: Mrs. A. Asquith. ' Miss Cora McCool of Toronto, for- merly of the Sterling ;Bank staff, 1s viiting friends here: I4Ir. W, McNabb and son, of Tor- onto are visiting his cousin, Mr. W. J. Andrew. A convention of Sunday School workers, will be held in the Baptist church next Monday afternoon com- mencing at 1.30 p,m. Oivio iloliday In compliance with .a largely signed .petition 1 hereby proclaim Monday;, August '4h, as Civic • Holi- day for'. the Town of Clinton,'and call upon all citizens to observe it as such. - 1 DAVID• CANTELON, Mayor. Clinton, ' to , July 26th, 1922 , 50-2 Cod rich Races Aug. 2nd ia. d 3rd COME TO GODERICH` FOR 'THE' RACES ON AUGUST 2 " AND 3. SPLENDID TRAGIC AND2000 IN $' P1J ISES. 60-1 Hayfield's Voters', List t The Voters' List, 1922, for the Village of Bayfield, County of Him - oh: Notice is hereby given that 1 have transmitl;ed or delivered to the persons mentioned in section 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act the cop- ies of the list, made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the Iast revised Assessment Roll of the said, Municipality to be astir. led to vote in . the said Municipality at elections of ,,the., Legislative As- sembly and at Mnnieipal elections that the said listwasfirst posted up in my office at .Bayfield on the 26th day •of July, 1922,,and remains here for inspection, " And I hereby call upon all voters to examine said list and if any errors or omissions' etre found therein tb take immediate pre-' eeedings to have same corrected ac- cording to law, Dated at Bayfield this 26th day, of July, 1922: H.W.,r Erwin, Munieipal Clerlt. 60-3' Raincoat Lost Between Elliott's livery; and Bay field, ss- heavy rainproof coat. Fi d- er kindly ,connrittnicate with, 1Vliss K. Lovett, Clinton. 60-1-p Farm For Sale. • Lot 28, coneessiotl 4, I-Iltllett,: 100 acres, 11/z miles north o£ Clintpn on Base' line, Ori the premises are bank barn 40x60, shed 00x50, stone foundation, driving shed. 18x04 new, Also a good frame house. Never failing ,.w ell, f itn well Watered. Ap _ plY on the promises. Walter Nair,• 59-tf L Mens@ Number Lost 1,ic@rise No. 1.48825 lost,' between' Porter's :1.1111, and Clinton: Finder Waft coinniunicate with Sutter' dt ly'e due Clinton,- 594" t ' t:, To•� Pell 4r Rent' nt totse• onPrincess streets. . .14‘or particulars apply..,to,' '',r Drydnne, COME WITH US TO Ooderich' AND ATTEND THE - Dinner Dance —AT— Hote . Redior Hotel d Next Saturday Evening JULY, 28th. Dancing from 6,30 to '12.00. Music by Miss Gene Connon' and London Orchestra. ' SundayDinner—Music 1' to 2.45. Dinnr—Mu Sunday PP u re7 S e Musi c 5,30 to 6.45 Write or phone for reservations to Hotel Bedford, Goderich. ,RATES . Saturday Evening, 6.30 to •12.00 $3.00, per couple. After 8.30 $1.00 per couple -With additional charges' for lunch" a 'la carte. Farm•For Sale Lot 16 pt. 1'7 concession 1 Mullett, Huron road 1r/a in$les, east of, Clin- ton: This farm contains 127 acres 100 acres drained and iii first class eonth-He , the -> balance ' is pasture land' and birsh , Oh the premises is a good barn' 40x74 with stone -stabl- ing ' and cement Soove also hen house, pig pen and;drive, shedon cement foundation ;'.There is a two story brick house with modern convenien- ces. Farm is' -well watered with first class 'springs and also spring creek. running across one comer. Farah is Welt adapted for mixed farming. I+ or terms and 'condit'ions make ap- plication on the premises or' Clinton, R. R. No. 4. John Noble 58-tf .Wan Boarder o ted Any gentlemen' 'wishing for a pri- vate boarding house,' inquire at' The News-Reeotd office, 56-tf For Sale Or Rent Brick residence for sale or rent, Rattenbury street et present oc- cupied by 'Re Marshall, Possession August '1st, apply Jaloli Taylor 24 Elletbeck Ave. Toronto, 57-11 Douse Tainting - • General, house painting of ` all hinds. Orders promptly attended to. Apply atpaint shop, opposite The Mill, Clinton. Ward & !;vans Phone 63. 55-tf ... - Parc For. -Salo, ' Lot 26, Con. 17th, on the Base line, axile north of Clinton. 22% 'acres, first class land, good house, bank barn and young orchard' just beginning to bear, Also '7 -roomed house; on Albert street, Clinton. Wa- ter, good garden, barn. Apply on latter premises, 111rs, John Italetead, 41-tf Spirella Corsets Spirella- Corsets for healthfulness, Style, comfort and durability. 'Ev- ery corset nude' to . measure. 'Mrs. Eliizalleth Kennedy, Ontario street, Clinton, Phone 142. 1.2.1021 House" for Sale solid rick 1 ou town 8 -room, so rd o b n s, t wn Water and olestate lights, goodgar- den and, chicken • house., „Apply,an prentises. Conner of North and Spencer Sts. --A. C.' Clarltson,---80-t1 1 Hay For Sale 00 acres of choice timothy' and cle- ver' haf, 1t/a; miles south' of Clinton, Would sell.' in if, or 10 neve lots. Toxtits to suit.piirebeser, As .I` ani ,retiring • from business ail 1. aCCann;S-'iflt{^it•:" 'e .: i li Settled h jun') o y 00thN Ir, A l10 er ton. Phone n 10. �F,. nCr 1f TfICIRSI)AY, ;Jt11"jY 27th, 191:2 1400>JUIIIiN1Il0111IlUIIIIDI@I11111114Wi 1p lulnl1l11I11iIiUMIlSE11UIV�IIUIIIIEIIIIIVM10DRINpll EQ, lIlilIer-- Sciccelsors to Ni, 'Li, Corless—Rowlandst' old stand "Save the Surface and you Save nil" Everything for painting, including genuine Lend; and Baden Puce linseed oil, Everything in general hardware including .ces ,See our 1900'W,a Cataract Electrical l sier> italid power Washer, Watchh the, papers .. for clays on these labor saving device "Plephapt'.' White ',: Elepte eal Applian- also 1900 Gravity, our demonstration 'espeonoq Otte ao3 s° CR•EONOID—Tho popular Ply Oil, Lice Destroyer, and Cow Spray, • Now is the time to order eavetrough Roll and- Valley icon. conductor pipe, Ridge .We can serve you promptly on your plumbing, "heating or roof-' ing problems, PLOW POINTIS TO F3T ,ALL PLOWS ;_ SPECIAL—while .they last "a Never 'Pail 5" • with pump filled with `Coal 011 for 33,25.' 'gallon • oil can lti 1nll�u�u�uu!uuummullm!uull�p�O�IIV�I�f�ll�i��6 11 1111111111!111111111 11111 0111 11 III@EDIIORMIIIIlii iElimlOISHISTE i .til Y. 1S A MONTH OF Speoia! yes In -Ladies' and child- ren's Fine Shoes, Ox, ., fords and Slippers. Reg. $7,50 to 8 .for ,4$6 90:' Reg. $6.,50 t 7,0Q'for . 5..00 Reg $5,50 to $6•.00• for: ' $4.00^ Mango more a v atueS just as good. Wm. Barry Opposite the Postoflice. Clinton Oagfield Shoe Shop Just opened first•chess'Shoe--repair shop. We put on:,new heel's, rub ber heels and ai` d hlf soles whiley ou wait., Bar ;- Fred low 57-4 OSTEOPATHY. DR.' A. M. HEIST, .Osteopathic Physician " " Pat Des'M i G ra d e, ' Moines Still College of Osteopathy. g Licentiate Iowa and Michigan State Boards of .Medical Examiners. Spinal .adjustments- _given 'to, remove the :cause of disease. Catarrhal deafness,, adenoids,` and; enlarged, tonsils treated, without surgical operation: Stomach and intestinal diseases treated "without •the use of drugs or surgery. Successor to Dr. 3'eileinan. Ofee, Goderich, Ont. At the •Graham House every Tues- day after 6.90 p,m. • Sced Corgi Wisconsin No. 7,, Improved , Leam ing, Golden: Glow, Bayley, White Cap, Croni,pton's Early, Longfellow, Eureka Ensilage and Golden Ban- tam 'Sweet. - SEED BUCKWHEAT. Japanese, clean; cool and sweet. SEED MILLET, Yellow and red. SORGHUM. a Early Amber, Sugar Cane: CALF MEAL Royal Purple Calf Meal and Stock 'Foods. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR WOOL . Jen1 • W. Jenkins & Sp1I. • FLOUR AND FEED Phones: Elevator 199 R es , idenC. 141 4 ?Clothes Cleaned ttnd Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed anti re-' paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's barber shop. W. ,I. Jago, —,:8344 Boars forr Service Chats ion bred, big type Ytarlshr q aud chugtnr White bear % for $erVieb. At: home every forenoon A, C. Levey, Phone 5 on 639, Clinton '-48 The South !End Cr it Try our store your su pe a, you will find our prices ; AS LOW AS ANY FULL STOCK FRESH GROGES4TES' Prompt delivery to all . parts of the town, BIGHEST. PRIDE FOR BUTTER AND EGGS PHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY i DELIVERED: l . Mrs. M. J. Brown: PRONE .144. ' • Chestnut C _....lDlfe We. have osi :hand for, iinmediatee- delivery a ear of: real Chestnut' Coke'. KENNEL .AND SOFT : 00AP Also some , good Hardwood:0 . Leave orders at my `. Resideiice# Huron street, or Phone 155. B. WARD CiI AL .. NUT. STOVE & EGG }� ALWAYS ON -HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY R. J. MILLER Orders taken at residence, Phone 118: Oita o �1 Grain Seeds Experience has taught .• us the: above seeds are the only, ones for our district. We have -on hand Gov. eminent Graded Red Clover Alsilce + Orchard • Grass Alfalfa stn._,;' Timothy 'Blue Grass' vdt' White and Yellow Sweet Cloven +'=J' In Baby Chick reed Blatehford's Milk Mash,;,- Pratt's- Buttermilk Mash "•` = Wodehouse Royal Purple ' H. 0. Cooked Chitek`Feeds Always on hand:.' Western Oats,' 'Shorts, Oat Flour' ' Linseed Meal, 'Purina Chicken Chow der:" Flours: Five Roses, Hunts Sil- ver Crown. • Special gripes;•on Hpss's' for a -few; days, Wanted,' a quantity of Peas Buekis , wheat and Red Clover. Submit,eanisa ales. oSt - J. FORD &, SON* Phone 123. Flour '• and Feed 'Merchants and Grain Buyers Also issuers of 'Hunters & Trappers licenses Live WANTED Partners who raise poultry for profit sell : all their.' old roosters and broody hens, also young cockerels.weighing about two pounds •ieaeh; during June .and Coops •sties-:" plied. -Write or phone to .,serer-; 11.1:4 GUNN, LANGLOl5 I ,; CLINTON, ONTARIO. d N. W. TREWARTEA, Aianager, Phone No. 130 liolme%ville 601 r 11 CRIAM WANTED! + The deinand for our butter creasing. ; O.o su 1 this demand ave e n more erarpamy x q , „I We request you to ship us: e. creast Ya%,,. - e' W guarantee qou rho I'dg hear Market ,Prices, accurate tests and prompt service. Our ficin is khowui to ,you and needs' no .further reooiaipend. We pay alt express charges, Turn, ash cream cans and pay twice each month, Write for cans orfurther informs., t tion o the .C1TE SLATi`G1ITII CItIIAItIERY' Co,; 0. Al,' BARBER, AIA 3AGI E,.