HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-7-20, Page 1c1: I 9.43rrd Year
AU6�ST 11H
that Wedding lift
you will find choosing easy at IIELLYAR'S Jewelery Store. We
have the newest and best designs in SILVER . CUT GLASS,
CHINA ETC. Our stock is well and carefully selected and will
make ehoosin easyand y.
Call and hear our newest His Master's Voice' Records We will
be pleased to have you call. A monthly catalogue will be sent to
you each month on request,
. .Yiellgar
Jeweler and Optician Phone 174w Residence 1743
The man with a Savings Accot it need never'
'Worry over the future,
Saving, , backed :bydetermination •
g ,is one of.
the most satisfying habits to acquire.
A Savings Department at every 'branch of
Capital Paid Up $4,000,000
Reserve Fund $5,000,000
Over 125 Branches
It is not necessary to make a special trip to the
nearest branch of The'Maisons Bank every time
you want to deposit money. Send yourdeposit
to the Bank by mail: Write"today to the nearest
manager of The Molsons Bank for information.
H. It, Sharp, Manager CLINTON BRANCH
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent
2 he Jv2orrtsh
Clothing Co.
or $attwday
35 Men's and Young ]\i.en's
Suits in broken lines, ranginp^.in
price from $22 to $30. Your
choice of the lot for
"A Square Deal tor Every Maw"
Wheat 31.25,,
Oats, 45e.
` Bayley, +, b0p I
Buckwheat, 750,
Butter $Oc, . to 356.
Eggs 23e, to24'e,
Liye Hogs $14..00
A - baseball match will •'be played
on Recreation. Park at 2:30 Satur-
day afternoon between the Sherlock
Manning team of London'` and the
Doherty Pianos,. team. The whloIe
Sherlock -Manning staff, ,accompan-
ied by a band, aro expected. There
will be no admission fee to the park
and the citizens ' are cordially invit-
ed to' witness the. game. , The two
staffs will particle through the town
to the park,
Sergeant Welsh recently, returned'
from a very enjoyable trip through
the southern part of the province
and into the, State of Michigan. He
speaks highly of the beauties .of
Lake St. Clair and tells (what hole -f
day, maker does not?) about a big,
fish which he does not claim to have
caught blit only to have seen. This
sturgeon was caught in Lake St•Clalr
in a drag net and measured about
nine feet in length. It was ship-
ped to Detroit 'market, having been
kept in water from Saturday until
Monday so that ,it':would'reach the
market fresh,
On Thursday evening last' the.
Clinton :Intermediate Lacrosse team
defeated the Seaforth..team on local
ground by a score of S-4.
It was a fast game and this vic-
tory practically, gives the series to
the locals, althoughtheyintend play-.
ing Sea£orthrag•ain: The locals
have only lost one game this season,
the Mitchell team taking them into
camp it couple of weeks, ago, 'The
local line-up was as follows:
Goal: H. McDonald; ' point: R.
Middleton; centre -point: W. Muteh;.
defence: J. Nediger, G. Middleton;
centre: N. Cook• `first and second
defence: N. Graham, H. Lawson;
outside and inside home: J. Mach,
A, 'Fulford.
The locals go to Seaforth tomor-
row evening. ,
A; a
.a eeiai notia . of tithe c0uneilr•
p g
was called on Thursday evening to
consider a numerously signed peti-
tion asking for the rescinding of by
law No. 14, passed at the last meet-
ing of the council, restricting+the
hours at which meals can be served
`at licensed restaurants.
All members were present, Mayor
Cantelon in . the chair, The mayor
called attention to the petition and
menioned also a letter received from
W 13u/done, written in •behalf'of
the Chinese restaurant keeper and
his landlord, . Mr. Curtis Stevenson.
Councillors Holloway and Kemp
proved that the by-law be rescinded,'
Councillor Cooper thought the coun-
cil should hear the letter read Clerk
Macpherson said each nunber of .the
council had received .a copy of the
letter but Councillor Cooper objected
thatthis is was a 'public meeting of
thecouncil o u
veil and`ai
press he i
t d rat -
payers present had a right to hear
the contents of the letter. a It is
too lengthy for publication, however.
Councillor Middleton thought the
by-law should be rescinded, in view
of the petition. Also because the
by-Iaw committee had not been con-
sulted in regard to it, Councillor
Holloway said he had objected to it.
at the time it was pasted and his
objections were the same still. Coun-
cillor Kemp' thought "iso brie should
be regulated as to when he should
eat. Councillor Nediger thpug'ht
some attention should bepaid to
the petition and that the province-
should regulate the hours' of keeping
open on Sunday, so that towns would
have uniform hours, Councillor
Cooper said he wouldn't pay much
attention to petitions, that one pian
ac matte
l dh,
to me that he had
clever the
had sign,
ed it because he was asked to do. so.
As to the objection that the mein-
Hers of thecouncilhad not had time,
'to consider the by -lbw he said it had
conte up in committee and' that the
members who voted for the bylaw
knew what they were doing_ IIe
said as to consulting the concinitteo
.interested,: he very often did not'
know what the sttreet coniniftteo was
doing, although a member of it. lie.
was not objecting, however,' to what
, Was done
II 1
e a so critizhsecl the
letter received from Mr, l3rydone,
objecting •,to some expressions used
as reflecting upon members of the
council. He said he would be will -
mg to amend the by-law but that
sortie stielr-ib -law should d be in force.
Reeve Miller thought the council was
in duty bound to amend or rescind
the byhaW, in view of the : petitioei,
but did not fall in with; all that had
been said about It,
A motion in amendment was intro-
duced by Councillors Cooper tied
Livermore, to amend the bylaw,"
ehanging the hours to stilt the nlonv-
bers of the council, Only the Mov-
er and seconder voted for this mo-
tion, However, and the original 100 -
tion, to rescind the bylaw, was ear
vied by a reverse vote.
A bylaw rescinding bylaw No, 14
wag tlseitp assed, •
The matter of Weighing the flax
en the town scales also eamo' ;up for
discussion and on notion of Council-
lois Middleton and Nediger the maty
ter of fixing„a charge was left with
the prolpeIty tmondnittee,
Mr: and Mrs, George King, Ba
fie d announcethe,engagement
their 'daughter,Mu •ie h r'
Muriel Ch zst-rno t
Mr, Morley G. Hart, only Son
Mr, and Mrs,' Charles hart .of Piet
ou, Ont. The marriage will :talc
place early in August,
The following graduates of Clin
ton .Golle1i ite Instituto have bee
successful in their ;examinations a
the ,various training„sehools and ar
now qualified to t is th;
Interim first class ,certificates: Nel
lie C. Az
C idersoii Ka z.:M. Bo c,...
e Ben
°. ,Kiideii�arten, primary
certificate: Mary L.. Chidley,
Ihterhn second class certificates
Clara L. G. Copp, Elsie F. Dewar
Ela J; Feat, 'Mary-lli, Pznleen, Ag-
nes .E. Glen, Lola 14I'. Hudie, Marion
Jones) Vera B. Pepper, Lillian IN..
Porter, ,Myrtle I. Ptwell, Lula Mar-
io Snyder,
y^ :Che choir' and pastor of Wesley
church met at the Koine of AIr, and
o r
Mrs: J E. Doherty o city on Thursday evening to spend asocial hour prior
- to the departure of the organist,
o Miss Gladys Cantelon, from town,
It was an informal little gathering,
and cluring the evening Miss Cant-
elon was presented with a very' hand-
- , some bracelet watch; as a little re -
!i niembrance by her fellow -members
t ' of the choir:
e The teachers and . officers of the
Sunday school presented Miss Har
iet Cantelon, who has been on the
staff for the :past' couple of years,
with a pretty string of 'pearls,: The
Misses ' Cantelon will be much,: oris
I. 0. 0. F. .OFFICERS,.
District - Deputy Grand 14Iastee
Harburn and suite, Messrs. Deem,
Williams, Thompson and Edmonds of
Seaforth,' came up Tuesday evening
and 'installed the following officers
in the local 1: 0. 0. F.:
J. P. G„ W. L. Johnson,,':
N. G., Geo. Tomlin.
V. G., W. Mulch„
Rec.—Secretary, 11..4y, iGould.
MIL -Secretary, J, Wiseman '>
Treasurer, H. B. Chant.
Conductor, E,” Mittell.
Warden, L, Heard,
I. G., E. Grealis.
0. G., J. A. Sutter.
Chaplain, E. Rumball,
R. S. N. Ge,`C. Draper.
•L..5, N. G„ R. Tasker,
R.- S. S., J. Sterling.
L. S. S„ J. Livermore:
R, S. V,' G., T. Ji Managhan,
L. S. V. Q„ A McIntyre,
When the business' of the lodge was
completed alt repaired to the res-
taurant, where r•efresments were
partaken of.
Another lacrosse linatch between
the old-timers and pie -juniors was
played on the park ,,on Tuesday ev-
ening the victory this time going to
the juniors, the scorer being 5-1.
It was an interes•ng game and
was witnessed by a :,,arge number of
people. A deciding; match will be
arranged : for later.
W. L. Johnson played goal, for
the:old-timers, G. McKenzie, point;:
Roy Cook and H. Manning defence;,
J. 0E. Cook and C °Draper,' inside'
and outside hone, end' 'F. Elliott,
T'. ` Dickson ' and TI, ;Scheenhals,,.
home. The juniors played' their
usual team. # .
The next game' will be worth see
Mr. Robert Sheppard and his' wife
and family attended a family gath-
ering a the , hone of Mr. Herbert
Castle, Tuekersinith on Sunday,
In the evening he brought a load into
Clinton and was going back for his
family and going do'tvn the hill at
the bridge just near ' CastIe's
home he struck new gravel and the
ear swerved and e'en i,i'"the ditch,
turning over as it went, Mr.. Shep-
pard was alone and was somewhat
stunned but when lie gathered. his
wits together he found that the en-
gine of his car was still .running and
he Himself was but little injured a-
side from some scratehes and bruises.
' fIS gairlceip and ,had" the' car" towed
into Clinton and put inefor repairs
and .on Monday was able to take it,
hone to London. It was a narrow
escape from serious injury or death.
Mr. Sheppard is a son of Mr. Jas.
Sheppard of town and a brother of
Mrs. W. Walker and Mrs: A. Mor-
The Clinton Knitting Company is
an old established firer under new
ownership and management and hav-
ing recently been re -organized and
completed 'stock -taking is now ' rim-
ming fall time and its present need is
for more operatives, as an advertise -
Ment on another page will tell
you. This is one of Clinton's im-
portant industries and citizens are
desirous of seeing it prosper.
TheClinton C I{nitting Co.Limited
was started in 1903 by Mr. W. P.
Spaulding in a building on McGregor
Square, just south of the G. 1'. Rail-
way tracks. In 1905 the company
was organized as a joint stock' com-
pany, the shareholders being Sam-
uel Owen of New York and Messrs,
,Spaulding Combe and Rance of. Clin-
ton. In the same year a by-law,.
loaning the new company, $6000.00
to be repaid in twenty annual instal-
'Bents and giving^ the, company a
fixed assessment for ten: ;years, tivas
passed by the ratemavers.
In .1900 the new company moved
to the present site on Mary Street,
During the years the business grew
until it :became Dominion -wide in its
scope. In 1917 a branch factory
`was started in •Wingham, followed
in 10111 by another branch factory at
Owen Sound. y un . Ear] in 1921 Mr.
Alfred Owen died, and owing to his
death, brother deciided to dispose
of his holding and in T'ebruary of.
1022,his interests were acquired by
Messrs H,G, Harper and:A.E: Vin-
cent, Loudon and H. B. Combe of
Clintoh. The new company decided to
close up the branch ,Factories at
Wingliam and Owen Sound and : the
equipment of these two factories
have noW been installed in the Clin-
ton mills. A new dyes plant bas.
been equipped and the present plant
is not only one, of the largest, but
also 000 of -the best equipped hosiery
plants in Ccanada. The people of
Clinton should feel ''a keen, interest
hi this" business. 'It will provide
employment fax many of Clinton's
citizens n most of n
i sada t the wages and
salaries paid out eventually find their+
way into the coffers of our Business
The flow management naturally
look to the people of Clinton and
surrounding country to supply the
number -of. -employees which will be
necessaryto operate their large
number .of niaehities and mike this
busiisess, 0110 or the largest and mast
successful in the history of Clinton.
The present staff of empioyees has
been carefully .selected and is made
up of the bright yetusg girls of. Clin-
ton end, surrounding 1 111ry and
positi0115 arc opexi, :for beginners
which will insure goon' pay,. steady
Work, 1leaS£1nt, and comfortable Sr
'Che Company maintains well e 111)-
p nr
ped Girls' Chub rooms which Sre
heated and lighted and ;provided with
music and writing' rooms.
The summer School opens in God-
erich next Monday and will continue
all week. '•
Willis and' St. Pauls
The Willis and St. Paul's congre-
gations continue: to worship together,
For the,.next four Sundays the morn-
ing service' will be held in Willis
church, the evening in St. Paul's,
the Rev. J. E. Hogg conducting
them. '
-The W. M. S. of Willis church
wI1T riieet""this evening' at the Home
of Mrs. W. D. Fair,,
Ontario Street Church
The first of a series of union meet-
ings between Ontario street and Wes-
ley Epworth Leagues, held in Ontar-
io street lecture room on Monday ev-
ening, proved to be a very pleasant
affair, The Wesley young people'
were responsible for the program
but as it was the intention to have a
little social evening it was not a pre-
tentious one. Mr. Leslie Pearson,
literary •vice-president, occupied the
chair, and after the opening exer-
cibses, in which several took part,
Mrs Jinks and Miss Dorothy Rorke
sancta. duet, Miss Rorke gave an in-
strumental and the Rev, Mr. Ander-
son spoke briefly. The two presi-
dents then took charge and organiz-
ed some games andMessrs. Ernest
and Norman Holland,were
asked to choose sides for an old -fa
shioned spelling match, Mr.' Ander-
son giving' the words. This proved
to bequite. a "serious" game but
there was lots of fun, too. At the.
conclusion of the • games cake and
lemonade was served.' But for the
rain the social would have been held
on_ the parsonage lawn. Next 1VIon-
day will be "Good Citizenship" night.
The Sunday ;School picnic will b6.
held at Bayfield on Wednesday next.
1St. Paul's` Sunday school picnielceil
tit Bayfielci ,yesterday...
The Chautauqua profits this year
go toward the new hospital,
Tlie Muton County'Medical Asso-
ciation met in yesterday.
Bayfield r
da .
y y
Tarvia has been placed on the
newly -built street"' past the Clinton
Entrance examination results not'
yet; to hand. Huron ' -seems to be
late this year:
Mr: George .Melenic hag :taken
a position as 'aecouutant in the ,Stet-
ling_l3ank. Goderiph,
IYIr, Gordon Lawson had his eheelc
tilt by a blow from a lacrosse stick
at the game on Thursday evening
MisS Cltita Fax has aeeepted a-
posttion on the stalk of thee Alma
Ladies' College, St.. Thomas and
takes it at the opening of the :fall
Mrs. S. B. 1Stothers who under^
went an operation for appendicitis
'at Guelph, where she was visiting, is
doing nicely and as ekpeoted to be
able to leave the hospital on Mon-
fiJublee R. 11. P. o. 16 will d~
its regular meeting on Friday ev
ening, July 21st, Members are 0'-
pecially requested to be present as
there is busiisess of importance to
At meeting hcld oh Tuesday
ening it was decided that the 1Jos
ital lien d would co-eporato witji
the sports committee in fnns g• tor
the •111111uid celebration in August;
The proceeds of the dakys+ proceed-
ings will go to the hospital;
The Women'e Institute is having'
a "Grandmothers Day,"
on the
-ternoon of Thursday July 27th, at
8 o'elocic on the lawn of Mrs, It:
Glovicii,, Princess street, A tor-
ural invitation le extended 1,o all
grandmothers of the' town to 1001e.
and spend the afternoon, A good
prograiee will be ..given and lunch
Miss A, Fern' Graham of Glencoe-
has been appointed•' by the C. C. I.
board to 'fill the vacancy, caused by
the resignation of 1Vrrs, Mew. Miss
Graham has had four and a halt
years' experience in Continuation:
and- High school work and comes to
Clinton with veey/satisfactsory testi
menials from the Leamington High`
school. 3
People You Know
Mrs, R. 1. Cluff is :visiting in Ham-
ilton. '
Miss Eleanor McKenzie is visiting
in Toronto,
Mr, M. D. McTaggart was in Thr -
onto last week.
Miss Agnes Walker is visiting Miss
Helen Ross in Toronto,
Misses Belle and -Winnie Draper are
visiting in St. Catherines.
Miss Grace Shepherd, ,is spending a
while with friends at 'Lambeth.
Master Lloyd Herman is visiting his
grandmother, Mrs, E. Herman,
Mrs, •G. W. Sheeley spent the week-
end with her daughte in London,
Mrs. Gordon Cuninghanle• spent the
wei'k-end with relatives in Toron-
Mrs. J. D. Atkinson has returned'
from a 'visit with relatives at Ex-
Miss Barbara McIver leaves tolnor-
,row on a trill dow the: St. Law-
rence. `
Miss Louise Beaton of .T mronto
spending a holiday at her home in
Mrs. E.W. Morrison and little Miss.
Violet visited relatives in Drayton
last week.
Miss Holmes of Medicine Hat,. Alta.,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs, A.
D. Beaton. '
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hawkins and
fancily motored to Kincardine on
- Wednesday.
Mrs. Geo. Tomlin is visiting her
brother, the Rev. F. Herman., of,
' 'Craig•hurst.
Mrs. Screeton and little daughter of
Listowel are the guests of Miss r,
Miss 1Vladelino Hawkins is taking In
the Girls' Sunnier Training• course
at Kincardine,
Mrs: M. 'D. McTaggart and Misses
•Mary and Janet are on a trip down-
the St. Lawrence,
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Connor of Ham-
ilton, fernier residents of town, are
in Clinton this week,
Misses Edith and Emma Cornish re-
turned on 'Saturday after a visit
with Dorchester friends,
Mr. R. J. _Draper of town was a
recent guest registered, at. the
-Highland Inn, Algonquin Park.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Johnston, of
(Chippewa motored up and are visa
iting the forncer's mother in town.
Meister Jack Cluff of!
ierich town-
to -ship has been visitorg his grand-
mother, Mrs John Cluff of town.
Mis, Robt. ''Kells of New Rochelle,
N. Y., has been visiting her sis-
ter-in-law, Mrs, E. W. Morrison
Mr, Kenneth and Miss Helen Rob-
erton returned Monday .from a
pleasant . holiday with Detroit
Mrs. J. Schoenhals and party re-
turned on Saturday from Port Al-
bert, where they spent a couple
of weeks camping.
Mrs: J: 11. Miller of Brooklyn, N.
Y., is, a guest at the home of Mr.`
Miller's parehts'a, !Mr. and 141114:
Hugh Miller of town.
Mrs, Peter Cantelon and Misses
Gladys and ITarriet left on Friday
last :for. Toronto, .where they in-
tend malting their home,
Sergeant arta Mrs. Welsh returned
from last weekn a o i veryleasant
holiday jaunt Wallacebu g and
Sombia way and across the lines.
Mr. 0. W. Longley of New Toren --
to; formerly baggage manat the
station spending •the week so
theguest f Mr. an Mrs,. 0. E.
o d M r
Miss Retta Osti'om unci Miss Mer-
riam of London .returned to the
Forest City yesterday after spend-
ing a holiday with ..the ;1ormer's
another, Mrs, J. Halstead.
Mr, and 11'Irs, W, B. Sweet of Port.
Duron and Mr, and Miss IVIitehel
of Carsonville, Mich., motored ov-
er and spent' the week -end at the
home, of 'Mr. James Cornish IRat
teisburY street. '
Mrs, (Dr,) Whight of Tottenham
spent a day oe so as the guest of
the Rev. -T.,J, Snowdon and his
neice, Miss Walls, on her way to
.Hayfield, where she: is visiting her
mother' Mid other relatives, Mr, and and Mrs. Thos: Archer have
'returned to town after having
spent Several weeks visiting with
friends at Lucknow and Patisley,
They Wefo accompanied liouie by
Mr. D. Archer, Miss Archer and
Miss Quill of 1iicknow.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas,` May loll, Sat-
urday morning for Detroit alley
al ravs visiting
ativ a in Clinton
and vicinity,
Mi and .Mrs. May are taking an
extended tone and de not expect to
rebut) their 'li n
J to t i Immo at Long.
Beach, Cal„ until about the curt el
This Yearth
e west
hall of
laege lot owned
the echo(/' I
has been used as a nulls' garden.
During the winter months iaastroc-
tion in elementary agriculture ari't
horticulture was given m the two
highest classes in lieu of nature
study, by the principal, who Ilvlde <e
special; certificate in these subjects;.
About the end of May eighty pulrils0
plots, all of uniformn size, were plant-
ed with vegetable and <flower scrips„
in June the ,plots were judged by2YIr;,
D. Andrew of :the local Department
of Agriculture and the £olIowing*
were the prize winners. Possible"
score; 70 points:
0. Jinks, points
1st' rite..:.:..,66 ointk
L. Plumsteel, 2nd prize .,`.57 pointy,
7, Carere, 3rd prize. , . .. ..56 points
I3, Harris, 3rd prize 56 points
Ba ,P field
Mr. and Mrs: E, -A, .Souder and``
family of Kitchener, were the guests
of Mrs.: Solider's`' patents, :Mr. ` anai
Mrs, H. W. Erwin the past ween,
The Rev, James Foote' of. Exeter"
will preach in St. Andrew's ebnrels
on Sunday morning.
At the meeting of the W. 74,
of St, Andrew's : church held -last
week an interesting paper on Poi%.
mesa, founded upon the Study book
"The Planting of The Faith," was
read by Mrs. D. Dewar, The Sst
ciety had a quilting bee yesterday,
Miss Lila Bartja and Miss Myrtle.
Gibb of Stratford were guests at -
Mrs, Thomas : Harrison's` the peat
,Miss Greenslade of London has
been staying at Mrs. Brandon's. -
Mr, . A, 11., Stone .of Highgate will
occupy the pulpit of the Methodist..
church during the next two menthe, -
Mrs. Noble Bartlett and daugh.tera
the Misses Bartlett, of Windsor,. -
Miss M. Otto, Stratford, and Mian
M. Lundy of St. Marys are guests -
at Mrs.'--Rathwell's.
'Mr, and Mrs. McKinnon of Sault
Ste. Marie are camping across the •
Mr. and Mrs. Shapin and fancily of
Windsor' spent Tuesday in the v1lb•
•Mrs. 'Keith McLean and famil •
Seaforbh, Miss Woolway, London;
and Mr. S. Smith, Ottawa, are
guests at the Albion.
A sacred Cantata "Galilee" will :
begivenin the Presbyterian, church
next Sunday evening July 23rd a'a
seven o'clock by a choir of 40 voices
from Kippen and Hillsgreen. Spee
cal collection will be taken at fax
The Huron County Medical Asso-
ciation met for its monthly„ gat3;'
erng in the town hall yesterday. -
The medicos were accompanied by'
their ladies and at the concluson of
the business session a picnic' 1)015 en-
joyed by the lake. Reeve 'L+'rwv¢
welconsecl -the medical melt to, tate. - -
village and bade them conte agate.:
Picnics are so 'common .at Hay-
ayfield that they are scarcely noticed
but yesterday a very ; kat e one
came, when the congregations of
the Varna Methodist circpit heldd a:
Union picnic here. St. Paul's
church, u ch ,int
onr-also had
mnual outing. The day was floe
and passed happily for all.
• Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Merner ntriak. 1
to extend their' thanks to their ueign-
boys and friends at Bayfield and
elsewhere for the sympathy stiowia
them in their recent: severe 1)5a
reavenen$ 'and for the beautiful
flowers sent.
Stanleg Townsblp
Miss hazel Jackson is spendhsg.
the vacation 'at the home of her par-
ents, Mr.
arents,'Mr, and Mrs. ,lames Jae-ears-
The Rev. W. B, Moulton of Aunt-,
bford will
pteach and
tend �-.
communion service 10 St. Jelin'tis
church on Sunday afternomr,01(11
friends will be jeleased to -Have tatg
opportunity of hearing Mr, route
ton again, Mr. Dickson goqp to
Iluntingfoicl to -"rake Mr, '1a/heI nar
services, -
Coder eh Townsilirs
Mr, George Rathwell and Master'
ad Miss s B� '
o. Tnrora ,,a~
aro visiting at the hone of the for
iner's 'brbtlser, Mr. Isaac. Itethweli,.
Master, .Lorne will spend the suite -
fuer Isere,
The Rev, W. B. Moulton . of
a former-. incumbent„
will take the serf+Ica in St: Janes."
clmrch, Middleton, on Sunday anode.
ing at eleven and St. John's 011ux6lt,,
flolmesviIle, rib three in the nftttt
noon, There will he coven uvs000
at eacli'eei'ice.
14Iiem Joy Lobb, who recent:ly Un-
derwent an operation for appendiet.
tis in the Clinton General Hespit£tk„
wishes through this ': metliusrmt't
thank her .friends for the many at.
tendons shown, end. for the beautil'ol
flowers sent during her illness.
Mr, and Mrs. John -Voting Kvim
been Visiting the tattea Pare
elite, t > Mx . and Mrs. x'ranls Whir,
more of the Bayfield .line, bare NI,:,...
turned 11), titch• home in Toronto_
Mr: Darold ,Whitmore of 13511 iTa
toil is holidaying at the h01ne of/
his peienta, 141r, and ATVS. I', WhiT�