HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-7-12, Page 8a'ea CLINTON'S LEADING JEW:G[JERY STORE JULY SPELIALS .A grand display of 'purses, Ladies ,Band Batts and Vanity Cases I, at pieces •never heard of before, Come in and see them 'before buying. ; ''\ JULY IS TIIE MONTH OF PICNICS SUGGESTIONS ` —A pair of Motor Glasses, a Thermos Pot- ty Portable Gramophone to help nralco . the time a little more pleasant, R. FI. alWIINSON Jeweller and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Steri SpeeiaiPriee for Quick Sale About 75 pairs of Ladles'and Growing Girls' Brown calf -and kid shoes. All eines 3 to 7, Lines that sold regularly up to $8.50, Clearing price for to- day, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday $3.98 About 20 Men's and. Ladies' Raincoats, suitable for light coat for a wet day or cool evenings Gearing price for balance of week ' $3.48 Other lines to clear at ,equally low prices for cash only! - f 11 SMALL, PROFITS scatimagemmesze steed Bros. PHONE 25. 1110.E BUSINESS - 1. WE INVITE YU To telephone your orders and the 'will receiveProe t and careful attention 9 . P Fresh Fruits' and Vegetables daily Anew supply of best quality'vinegar-now on hand. 1 C. S. Grocers, Phone 125 - *+^wast=acax�ar and the Smallest in Town Will get equal . satisfaction ' in the fit of his clothes if our tape line has been around him. We have a sort of pride in :fitting Bien. that other tailors can't Please. It's the "know ;row that, tells the tale, and our experi- ence and observation has given us that. Come in and look sever oar stock of the very best cloths. and try us for your next suit., P•ric ; ge from $25 to $55 Iavis lierma,it THE VETERAN TAILORS Opposite Town Hall Browne Men's Furnishings Store 1 1 human • ;t• ,r d6r 6 , s hSig Commencing Friday, July 7th t1 For one :week only we will sell an article window tclein ourw�>,dow Do not ni: ss this opportunity" Don't forget we sell Radio Parts ARDWARE` 7(i :l".Ct tICAL PLUM liN Hammocks In warm weather it is not wise to be all wrapped up in yourself re clining^ in a hammock is muebl' bet - •tor, It a lounging' comfort in the open air and in, sultry' days will Help to keep you, cool. A hammock, a book and aveshndy nook are good companions. Wo dun supply, the hammock and the book. You dothe. BEST. Tile W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest,—Always the Best EYE SPECIALIST A. L. Cole, Eye Sight. Specialist, an Honour Graduate of the Canad- ian Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Goderich,, Ont. Office .hours: 9 a.m. to 5:p.m. Practice limited- to the eye, orcin • a d . 11111111U1 raenna111ht" Mr. Milton Cook of Sarnia has been visiting friends in town. Mr. Ezra Durst of Lisle visited in Mr. Harry: Hunt of Galt is spend- ing a .few weeks in town. town and vicinity this week.. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Warman of Toronto are holidaying' in .town: Mrs. (Dr,) Saekson of Chicago s visiting her parents, Mr, and Mas, E. Rodaway.,• Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Chowen and son. ' of Ona',,ay, Mich., visited In town the past week. Mrs. C. C. Hance returns to Toren. t0 tomorrow,', alter :spending some time with Clinton friends, Vliss Charlotte henry of London is visiting at the home of her brother Mr: W. T. Hovey of town. Mr and Mrs. W. Jackson are en- joying a little boat, trip from Sarnia to Duluth and back., Mrs. Elliott, Mr: Elliott and Mrs. Ballantyne' •of London are the guests of Mrs. Harry'Bartliff. Mrs.' C, E. Schuk and two children of Toronto are visiting at the'` home of the lady's brother, •Mr, T. H. Cook. Miss A. Bartilff of the Herman - Kiefer Hospital, Detroit, is enjoy- ing a holiady at her home in • town Mr. C. J. Wailis, who recently re- turned from ''a business trip to New 'Brunswick,' left this week for the west. Miss Edith Jennison and her guest; Mrs. Fred Mason of .Ito .don; spent u few adys vvrlh Winglicon friends. this week. Rev. D. N. and Mrs. McCanus'.re• turned on Thursday after sppcl• ing' a ween among old friends near • Peterboro, Mr, and Mite.:Qeo. Finch and two sons and Mr. and Mrs. Shippy of Flint, Miele.,,,' visited Clinton and -Auburn friends recently. I, Mrs. J. Snyder and MissC. Agnew spent a few days last week visit- ing with Mr. and Mre, Levi Sny- der of, Colborne town.ehip. Canon and Mrs C1ulf of Stratford, well-known to many ,'Clinton citi- zens, sailed from Montreal last week on' 0 trip., to 'Europe., Mr; Hiram Johns returned last week. to his home in Frentinac, Mich., after spending some time visiting relatives and friends in Clinton a.ul. vicinity: Mr. James Webster of Toronto vis- ited last week with his sister', Mas. G. E. Saville. He also visited his' mother and other relatives In L ondesboro. Mr, George Sutherland, of St Marys visited Mr, and Mrs, J. Wiseman o9: town and on his return ta the Stone City was . aceompaniod by Mrs, Wiseman. Mrs, W. J, Baird, formerly 'Miss Ilar'y.Loegh of Clinton, ancl.•clrild of Vancouver, H. O., visited m town ilie pas•t.week, They were the guests of .Mr. and Mac, A. J, Morrish, Mrs. `G. M. Farquhar has returned to hen home foot nouth 'oi' townaf- tee a Visit-with>her daughter, Mrs, Joseph: Clegg of Morris..Miss Joan Farquhar is now visiting Mrs, Clegg. Mr, and Mrs. James Finch left on, Tuesday for a visit in Stratford. Mrs E Finch motored lip for them 011 they will make an ex- tended vis3E: Mr, Finch is not improving inuelt in health. Mrs. Jack McKinnon syncl „two child - ten, who have been visiting in town .for sortie waei. r, leave tmrwr- row'to visit 'Mr. IYIcI(innon to rela- tives at Caledonia before going on to their home in Moncton, N, B. Mr. ancI Mrs, Chas. May of hong Beach, Cal , are visiting relatives and friends in Clinton,' and vicin- ity, Mr. May is a former 'rosI- dent of GOderlch township hay-.- ing bden boric` and reared on the Term new occupied by Mr. 11, Jenkins. He 15 a nephew of Mr, George Davies of Clinton. Ma, May remarked upon the number of horses 'used here :tor driving, 1105 delivery wagons, etc. Ip -me towns 0± the Western States `:ino- tors arc, used almost exclusively He also 'remarks upon the lniiu - iamb •r Owtll of natural g green, found here, which he admires vet;,., Much. It is 0 good many yoa,rl singe he went west, ', Tie spent sevo vtl years in Montana before settling in Citlifornia. 1 O'Neil'sCorner. Groce Keep� Can you keep sweet? Ask us about Keep Sweet Cream? Pure cow's cream sold in 15 and. 25c tins. With Keep Sweet Cream and a car of Pure cane sugar gc� we can'. sweeten the whole town and surrounding country. vw 7 Lemon Crisp Biscuits, per 1'b , 1.fic. Molassess Snaps, per l±.- . 15e. SPECAL JULY BARGAINS Catsup, per bottle •..... , 15e• 1 'Catsup, large size,, per bottle, 30e. Pare Cane Sugar special price at Catsup, Ilex, per bottle . , 15e Catsup, Libby's . 30e. Mlle Dar' and at the store this week. •Catsup, Heinz . 25e. & 300. Try Certo (sure to jell) for pure jam and jelly. Salmon Special, a big leader, Pink large size . 15e. Salmon, I-Ierald . ... . . . .. • ... . . 20c. .. . ... , , 20e, Salmoir, Victor 6�ien Kippered Snacks 10e. 3 for 25e, Hol rooks Sardines 2 tins for . 3 h c, 5 Pilchards; per, tin 1Jc: , Brunswick Sardines 2 tins i4e, July -bargains ,continued every •day at this store 3 Pearline 3 Rinse, 3 Fun to Wash 5 Tip Top Soap Chips 25c. 25e. 25e. ;,25c. -BODLEY'S FRUIT AND SPONGE CAKES Cherry Fruit per lb.- Rich b Rich Exalt per lb.. . dos.. Dandy Cake, per lb. F 15c, Sponge Cakes each, .. Magic Baking Powder , , 35c, Our Own Baking Powder .. 23c. Forest City Baking Powder , , 15c, Special in Black Tea at 45c , 2 lbs 89c Proctor and Gamble soapcoupg•�ons. redeemed here Fruits and Vegetables, Fresh salmon trout arriving daily Cash & Carrs 2 ,A4 liveries tecnsgance ' . Mrs. Papineau' of Traverse City, Mich„ is spending a few days visit- ing her aunt, Mos. Win. McIntosh, Mr: and Mrs. Nesbitt of Bruce - field were callers on Mrs, Wm.Me- Intosh_-on Suirday• Miss Edith Miley is visiting hes; sister Mrs. Stephenson of Brussels, for a couple o± weeks. Mrs. T, . Pollard • and Miss Ilan Wakefield spent Sunday "- as the guests of Miss Mary Bait, Quite a number are intending to taste in the 12th at'Seaforth, I'ffo 1Bn sv l!e - Mr: George Phipps and Ins sisters, Mrs. Burnett of Toronto and Mrs. Swallow of Bownianville, spent last. week as the guests •of Mrs, S. T. Walter and calling on friends about Holmesville . The hill west of the village: is be- ing cut down and the roadway wid- ened.„ Dr. T. G. Holmes of Detroit and Mrs, Leech of Gode ich have been 2' visiting their brother and sister, Mr. 4 J. R. and Miss Holmes. Rev, Dr. T. R. Courtice of Jamestown, N. Y”, motored over with his family last week to visit lois :parents, Mr. : and Mrs. A. J. Conrtiee, Rev. W. N. Courtice, who•^has been visiting his home here, has gone to New Mexico,in the hope that the change Will be beneficial' to Trim as he has not been in good heai- th for soiiie time: ;Miss D. A, Relines was in Wing- lfani..on Wednesday 0± last week at- tending the wedding of her nephew, Mr. Dudley Holmes of Goderich, to Mass McLean of Winghafn, 0 1 hone 4113 644044644)4054440404466406644,1430% t1 G 8 4 4 eF There is a distinctiveness and style ab out®tir furniture flre s that adds beauty and com. fort to any home. 8 4 Mrs.`0. E.'Ers';tt s±Yeat the week- end in Clinton,, Fir, and .Mss. Jas, Carter, Jr. left oil Satiirclay 1'or Choir dome ni Sault Ste.Merle, ,Mich. • OOnlllg, day evening a gauze of baseball was played between Dun - gannets and, Auburn, the score being 0-5 in :fallout' of A,nburn, M1: .Tas, Nicholson had a very successful balm raising. About 70 men were on hand to help with the raising. • Miss Rao Andrew has been suc- cessful in passing with honors her Elenientary Theory in the . Toronto Conservatory of Mnsie., The Aubuilh ball tears Went -to Belfast last Woringsilay evening and played the Belfast boys, the score being 1.1.21. litillett Township Mr; and Mrs Yan7e8 Santer aro visiting itir. 'and Mas. Joseph Free- nrari and other friends for. a few weeks. Mrs, Robert Freeman is viei±ing her sisters'11Ripley for a week. Mr.. and Mas, I'funtee and iron of I)eteoit and Mrs. Redmond and tarn - fly Of Ashfield were the guests on Sunday of their (groins, ' Iotr. mid Mrs. George Mann. Report of promotions 5, 5, No. 6: First stook --Gordon T.,yen, l'rr ey Carter, Ethel Thompson, Roy Apple- by, 'Isabelle Nott, Roy 'Vuddon. Jr, Second --Earl Radford, George Radford, Jack Stevens Sr. Second• -•Edwin Radford, Jr.'Thiecl-Ma+jorio Virlidoi11 Graaf, Snell, . 5r. Carter, tie Thirrd•-•-Jrvhn ualter, Treed Vod- den, Willie Stevone, 4 8 so 4 4 4 Summer Furniture Verandah Rockers Verandah Chairs Lawn Seats, Etc. alecan supply you with all t: the require .outs for that - painting. -. Paints and Brushes Varnishes, Stains, Enamels CP Step Ladders O Cedar Mops s and Polishes Gramophones and Records lilltoll lIard\\' are and Fariliture o0 tAS� 7�9 s si,aas i-t3,Pite 15, Varna 'Varna Methodist circuit will hold a circuit picnic at Bayfield on Wed- isesday July 10th, Cornmit'tees have been appointed to snake the alecessary arrange- ments which will couvnnc at Mo. G, Celensan s on ,Saturday night. Varna Civic holiday will be eb served this year on Tuesday July 25th(. The stores And other places of business- will be closed while the friends of the' three churches en- joy a days picnic et Hayfield. On Sunday July 9tlr, the annual Orange service was held in the Me- thodist church helm,, When Over frftY Orangemen mot et the Orange hall and matched in body to the church, Which was filled to its capacity, 0 very ep4aopriatc Sermon •from Slob, 2110, laying Blush stress on the exemplary life of our Lord anti ex- horting thein to live up to their constitution, l• a s 1 wus ti 1. a, si to He b v by Rov. IT. C. ?itis, 0± Trinity;• church, Hayfield. Suitable n1111511 Was waII reriderccl liy tiio choir; alio tits pastor ve1y impressively sang, "Rork of Ages, The Ttoral eoliimitte0 Gaderich Chautauqua: Next Week.' July ��- th22nndo � SUPBERB ORCHESTRAS HIGH-CLASS VOCALISTS ORATORS FROM OVERSEAS EMINT ENT.IRTAINERS AND A BROADWAY' . COMPANY. IN T'IIl7 SPA3IJ±UIMtI "COM- EI)Y "HER OWN MONEY" Don't mise this opportunity onlay Metropolitan Talent. also did their part in decorating the. pulpit; with Orange Lillie:, The 'Board or Ilealtlt met last Thursday when a splendidreport that no contagion existed at pros - (slit in the minrioipality was given by Dr,' Shaw, M. Il, 0. O'iMieli's Bakery Ottw Specials Chocolates, assorted flavors :48c.1b., Fresh Salted. Peanuts Our ovens are now in operation: and we will have our usual— Ceelnalt Broad Whole Wheat Bread Fruit Loot, Banbury Tarts Rolls, Etc. I3USINESS MOTTO --SERVICE( R.`." Phone 204 The-13aker POPULATXON OIC' -CANADA IS 8,788,4855 Ottawa, Jrnro20,—Canada's tetra. population up to •Tune 1st is 8,788,185 • 'Phis is the final 'figure issued,today of sixth censitn 11ecc'ntly-taken of the ptovinees. Clnterio leads the war' with a populatitur of '2,033,883,