HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-7-12, Page 7:r,l, ::Vy..,ri
11he: Canal a n Goverint�cnt tli'ed �
i bo
P. 9, CaptahlGavin ncharge,
at , Qcoderich ,from. tlao
ion Lay, and will con nenco
Sive"job of dredging in Gert-.
{V "or Part of the island in
01.50:r' is to he removed, slid a
4-Itnrt o£the harbor area :is to
eepened, The immediate rea-
fots� wofla
hi ' is a a dit'on is , in d z
o be made to the plailt,of the God-
eyie11:Elevator and Transit Company
i111naonsoly iileae.iszng the, storage
c apocity,'
i addition : tiloadin eut-
n d dton l• u d S
i to -q 1
reent' twill be inc;eitsed so that :rpvo
vessels may unload at once, -
The 'usual - ,:Dplitinion Day celebrzf
tions were Beld here altholtgh :,not
quite :'Se pretentious aa other :years',
The zzozni gvras given over to chil
t en'o 'games, A large crowd` was
on -hand to witness she, .ball game's
the ` igric:ultlu 1l parks in the. after -
/100o between three :tenons o'G..,the
Maitland Lcagile, "Westfield, Dungan-
non and ,arrow, Westfield won .the
first tilt :95 to 4 butlost the second,
game '7 . to 2. The day wound up
with a street carnivalat night, with
nsusic furnished by;'the` Citizens''
Band. By the sate of ` tags "'the'
Ahnteok Chapter; • L. 0, D,. 12.; rais-
ed about $150 -for the' focal.hospital,.
At 'a special'nleetin).n11 the. town.
council en Thursday -:.night , 'and,
actings pn the advice, of the town sol-
.reitor, it was decided to defend the
mandamus served on the : town by, J.
L. Ifiliordn on behalf. of the Separ-
ate School• Boar{l. This action arises
om ,: ; .I
r 1.h Cornet objecting a =
e o 14 � 5,to •p }
of the taxes 'paid Y "�ti' the West-
ern Canada Flour Mills Company;
which the:Sep palate School Board
claims shoauldbe paid -them on the
that one"t'hin4.
ground •,tct nth of the
shareholders of the. said company
are Boman Catholics. Last :;year
the Council took•iio action, as the
court of revision did not h allow the
Appeal. The board took the case"
before Judge 'e L wi h
is' e ,
c s, who aIiowed lir
Th .y at the' court of revision of the
Council ,have, againgtion'
turned down the
Writs have been issued on' Mayor
Wigle; Town Clerk Knox and AssiC-
tant Assessor Edwards and the 'case
will ' probably .be heard in.. August
at the sittings of the court,.
Arrests, for ' drunkenness 'in Lon--
don in''1017 were j(027; in 1920,
33,185.. Arrests for. the same cause
in „.New York -in 1917 ;were 14,1$2;
1.of:the Goiierich Sum -
I 11ro',1., '
neR Schonl�:to �iie: 11.13ld Goderieh... an
iiIa'July 24th tj..July alst:
,),pO-.Alible Stcldy, t y, W. M.
Kinnawni; pls'o, of S09,
Presbyterian cnreh, E a1i1-
• ,Ont,
ton 0t.t,,
10.20--Rell91o115 Education --- Rev.
111s012 ,Doyle,,
Assistant Sec
• rotary or e1r
day Schoolsand Epworth
I aS ':,e „uo
1100—Mission Study Classes.Leal ers--15v.John, ButtonV
'. bo
i; Rev, • ,V, Williams,
Grand 13end'Miss Mabel
Bailie, Godeziil , Blass Tillie
Corsi, 't h`'
, . con Dea ss 111, ItalianalItalian... Deaconess
wade Montreal, 1.e B1is9
itilC- .aug to ?, Matron. N• h i :. Mat' it' or the
Missionary Hospital, ital, Cheng-
tu, China.
12 : 30—I)iiijlex'.'
Af tet'nuon
2,00 to, 6.00 p. in. -Recreation.
• Under the direction of Rev.
W, A. Conway, of Highgate,
Tennis, Bowling, Baseba11,.
Volleyball, etc,
Bring .youa'iCeluissRacket.
Group gnomes will be arrang-
6;15—Stdpn er,
' 7.15—Vesper Talks on Lawn by
Rev. C. E,.„Craggy B. D.;
8.00` -Public Meeting. Addresses
by Red. W. M.' Kannawin,.
Rev. Manson Doyle, aetur'n.
i na' "member' of
the Ontario Cabinet and all -
Sunday services will' be • ar-,
a •ed latero-
Teat 'hooks for sale •at• School.
IIon President,Rev. 9. W. Iib -
ert Kingsville, Ont.; 'President Rev..
b 3 t,
A:. E. 'Millson, •B. A., Auburn; Vice -
Presidents, Fred Sauvage, Seaforth
Rev: D. 'McTavish, Formosa, R. R.
No. 2, Rev. D. .Williams, ,B. A.
Grand Bendy Rev. E. 9.' Roulstou,
Stara; Secretary, :Rev, J. F. Rey -
craft,' Goderich; Treasurer, Rev. H.
D. Moyer, Goderich;:Registrar, Ploy
5115 Mooney,:-Goderich:
You will be supplied board and
room for the entire week, for 98.00
and :rates will be made to suit those
wlio can only spend a ;day or two at
the School. There is a •registration
fee of $2;00 which 'should accompany
in 1020, 6,340. • application.;'
c..ernes c ar,0:,., m ._,.• - m ummrala18c-...160.tiR e
Mc:Iiitlap Town tip, "
Quitea ninb6ispent the Isa, of
July at''Bayfield !and Goderich,
Mrs.• 51 . Colennt n uli 'H<,nsatJl is
spending a week o1.• so with hW;
Qui 'Iyer,. Mrs, 14x, Stewart.
The many friends `riend of Mrs J, $fitii
'o n a sorry to hear: she is of
i so are r y t o
`Ilrovin ite fast as her friends
eotild wish.
Ir, and Mrs , Wesley Coleman,
and family spent Sunday with Mx,
land Mrs, 92. Stowai't , olid also riO-
tended the decoration 'scrriee az'
Maitlandbank Cetneterw -
i in i 1.1e order :•
I <•tvr s ,l _ 1 Of the
and good crop is n ici at
1.1 a t, of of 11 �� a 1.1 ped.
Zut'ich streets will not be oiled.
this surto-nor, owing to a mistake 0f
, t 6 c
toil l ro a i .s 1'coal
he Lo p ny I1 handing oil
to Mensal. instead : of road oil,
hence . it will. Ariake it too late till
the proper oil could arrive. But
preparations are ala e Cor.next yer
to have 11, nut on early 111 the seas-
On the ,occasion of tilesmeeting of
General Assembly of the Presbyter-
ian Church of Canada, recently held
in Winnipeg, the following was pas-
sed expressing 'appreciation •of'the
service x011402ed by the Canadian
Na -tonal Railways, in the operation
a special of ' s train'for
the ,convenien e.
of delegates between Toronto. and
"That we, the Commissioners a-
board the special anadian.National
1 G
train, en route, 1.o,. Winnipeg General'
Assembly of the Presbyterian
Church, do. hereby express 'oitr'MUM,
Mums appreciation of the thoug •htful
consideration of the Management of
the Canadian National Railways, in
providing such a train for 01.11' con-
venience. We desire to make special
mention of the commodious eguip
.nient, the courtesy of its -officials, es-
pecially of Mr; 11.. A. IVIeV.ean, Trav-
elling Passenger Agent, ivho ,xrcolnes
ponied its.”
"The route chosen for us:is onef
fascinating interest, and gives a re-
velation of the
evelationof'the future possibilities of
a large sector of our country hither-
to, unimagined by us. We, recon;-
mend tbis:,i:rip to those who• are pas-
sintistic concernin • + • '
>,., thtS- couu�i.y s
Lure, and to -those who' are seeking
a 'trip that knows; no monotony."
Thii is the SPACE
That carried the AD
That gained th'e "REP"
That made the SALES
That yielded the PROFITS
.That built the BUSINESS
That "Jack" built.
Addressed -to the wife with mind distrait
Its news dispels her troubled -state,
It shows the'prices•she can pay
And where to goon shopping clay,
So now of.course, she'll patronize
Those firms who wisely ADVERTISE
in The ,News-Reord
VVhere Yon are Invited to Shop
�'i1 ,. people are impelled to
Sonittt 1.k, P 1 a li p I d
wonder whether girls 92 periods
away bade uveae as- prone to 40
st84nae Lhinsr,- 00'°1s 0/0 modern:
Mapper. Elderly people are emphatic
itl declaring that "they ;never ilicl
such things in our days," ae they
.frown dowlt 911 1110 doings .arid wear'
nig apparel, of the maiden of to-;
day, but lest we aro too hard on the
aisnli" generation' it will 513 0.2 inter*:
est to refer to an article that was
penned in 1968, more, than 50 years
ago, by a Mrs Cd , ,'Lynn Lynton, a
clever 95511710/ and novelist, w110 ap-
harently also, thought I;sho saw 'the.
young girls headed • in the wron6
directipn and thus wrote:
"The girl of the :period is <a
creature who dyes her hair and
paints tier face' as 811e first 'ar-
ticles or her personal religion;
whose sole idea of life, 15 plenty
of fuel and luxury; and whose
dress is the object of such
thought 111. d' intellect as she. "
possesses. '" The girl of .the
period has done away with such.
nloral, 111ni71sliitess as- considera-
tion .i;orothers on regard fora
a; -r+
counsel, for,
rebuke. 12a
sensible fashion lifts ag own out.
of the mud, she sraises hers
midway to : her knee.
'Talking slang as glibly as a
7, g g
man, and by preference leading
• the conversation to : doubtful
subjects." _
What,do you. think : of that for
1868? Evidently .,they didin't -call
them flappers' m that period, but it
appears that ori good grandmothers
and mothers or at least, some of
them,' acted very much: as they do
to -day, 'and we all. know what a
splendid 'type of womanhood they
have been, In the,light of the above
article.. it behooves •grandlnothei•S
to• speak .softly when they denounce
the frailties of the' rising generation,
Evidently they are but ca'rr'ying on
where their progenitors set their
feet first. --Guelph Herald.
realize the
'' l
T1. is doubtful
value of lettuce' as a Wood. Most
people eat it for a few weeks in
the spring, ;.but those' who have
made a study.; of the subject, claim
that., 10' would be .of utmost benefit Sr. 3rd toJr. 4th—Total 775, Pass
tO the •. general health if the coli- 465,. Honours,. 580—Helen Davidson
sunnationof lettuce the year. round 694'"' (Hon.); Erma Broadfoot, 640
were made a general'praotise. Dur- (horn)' 3; Harold Armstrong'," (hon).
ing: the war it, was repotted that Clarence Amrstrong:"; Alice Munroe
'a military gardener who grew let- 335; Ella Papple 507; Wilson Broad-
tuce for the 'German army was de .foot 518; John Fother'ingham 406;
corated with the iron cross; which Willie Scott 405; Austin Zaplte 285;
perhaps Was not as foolish an idea Austin did well eonsiderngthe
as it then seemed. • Here are a few chance he has had..
reasons for eating lettuce( every day
that lettuce can be had.
• 1. Lettuce .!ns one ;of nature's
tooth brushes,:
2. Lettuce'; is rich in :vitamins.
J Lettuce is -unquestionably sup-
Brier to any known medicine which
may be:: taken internally ' -as a'sour-
ce of available iron 'Lor man.
4. Lettuce serves' as. a physio-
logicaT stnnuletis',Mit -a'Ione in a9-
petite and digestion in the stomach
but to the more 11990ltant process of
intestinal digestion, and may be
considered . a preventitive of colitis..
5. Lettuce leaves awholesome i
bulk to the residue in the intestine,
and this tends to counteract the' ev
ils• of ultra refined concentrated"
6. Lettuce is among the lowest
of all foods in fuel or nutritive val-
ue • from to • caloric point of view,
yielding only 90 calories per pound:
(About equal to two crackers, or
half a glass of milk). , This feature
should commend lettuce to .all over-
stocked persons.
7. Lettuce `freely used • in the
diet opposes acidosis and tends to
keep the system normally alkaline.;
Report of Promotion ^k)xainil,tatlens
in Ba Iiold public 85110 01;
Sr, 4t In 1 et guson,' J,rcl:,, (Iiolt.);�°
A 1.
oild.,, ii•t (1,on,); 147oLeo7 ;110.
, a
W57 iliamsonbe, R0'• Ia
l ,
Ji',' 4th --Jowett, Grace, (111311. )1 for Idol "enc'e n1, either 0i' Lh i t in-
n 6
Barbour, Stanley (1zon.);' Clem- v)tin" inv)9O1''atiiif;' and 'exciting'
111 G
mnliard, l?ouGlas (IToit,) � 'Weston pilstilnes, .
,' ; Elliott, La 1 L1
1 n an, 1 io,tt M�r - Mustard, , a M i c 10-
y t, r 1
,.:• o Part of the :Dos
abo"l;-Lindsa3, 'Gprg'e; For guson
But � there is 1113 p 4
g " anitiioii that is pili icula:ly, inviting
Mar •aret' 3111) h Lindsa i '
b , y, Lll ottr to the s lot tnrl'� 'lishexlintn, -she b'in'
Gown* 1h7ih1, • Jose hA'1-4c41'i
AIi` game liilnter o1.• the canoeist,: it is
1110; • Tlaa ri5011, Olive • Harrison 1., a
re Ii'cofnlen d ' ' what is aptly terntcd Ofinada s "Nein
e Y. (.e a i _dc ), .. " via Cochrane, and
Not 1.h, reached C
J:, 3rd—'Modic19orton• M'ar'sh;
' cont irehends that vast ntreteh of vis-
1r' K: i 1
enc, Maclay, Ella;
Merner.,: Larl;, Can-
-Mai"•airol;' Lints 9gin,411 emu -dry contiguous to the Caz.,
6 Lindsay, Isabel; whim National Railways, 'Tran5e0n
Higgins, Lottie; Sturgeon, Newton; • ,.;,
Weston, Fred; Sturg""eon George; the tipper
0 - part extendiro i across
b h 1.11.0 ilppe: part of the 'provinces of
SOpier, .Loo ,:(Recommended); ' Fos-
es.• : ,
ter,' Norman Rebomnlendecl • t' , Ontario al01 Quebec lo). a dastard_
( ) , L u1. oil o r a thou ai n ilea with' I1ud
Icy, George(Recommended,)ve s Id 1 �.
— , son Bay as its noiahern limit, ; To
Sr. 2nd Poster, Jean' t t • traveller rrwho knows it well:
Iforr, Agnea' (I -Ion,); Lindsay, Jesse. quote a a e 1 1. w
it is a engin country just as God
(Tion) ; Weston Grafton; I'erg'uson',
„ado it.p
harles; Pitts, Douglass; McLfeea
Iaroli(Pecoiimen 'edf, To the sportsman this northern
2id,^Goneithard, Dam; country is a veritable paradise.
"NEW NOlt'1'I1"
A Silnrts71xat4 s 1'; lise
To 'Witt) s11et1d their• vaea0ian
9aslutlg, .hunting c;,r el 11u ixtg; 011100 lat
isfirst auaon '' the. countri09
wfor the ci i 1 rttlniLies it a1lor011
WOVE; or 1.,l a
oxl t l 1
Sturgeon, Eva. - . Within its vast forests there roam
Part 2—Sturgeon, Berthona- Lind at Will near. all speol of bigan i
say; Jade; ° ' common to the North American
99. Primary._l2erii Cral '• Wild eontinerl1.. Of 1.110 big incl Iziurly'
g' ' 1110080 it. is the ,hone. Red . deer
Louis; Mercer, ,Ifenueth, Sturgeon,.
Jack. have a wide range find til 501110 2010-
Gi IYI. Pinder, . I aider a
010115 al'e -numerous while caribo1.i
, pI
are ,to she had by ' the hunter who
Anna yyttroods Assistant seeks then, in their feeding grounds.f
i:n several districts bear are to be
TUCi0LL5lniii Township animals re commonto awide ranges
while the smaller fur -bearing
f territory.
o ate y
e Rev. E. 0. Porde .carr u 1
e I on Disciples of 7zaalc Walton. wiIl,
Monday to join his wife and '.little' find in then numerous rivers and lakes
to s e s 1d t
soils, who have been 'visiting Mr. all that the most ardent could de-
sire, Mrs. C. 11. holland, sire, .both in regard to 'extent and
variety of fish which abound in then:
waters. ;Lake, oime grey tout ran g.
ing• in weight from six to twenty
pounds, are common to several of the
lakes. Waters 'in which' speckled
trorit abound. are easily accessible,
although naturally' the 111.025 remote
the districts the better the' -sport.
In Some of the rivers 81116 streams
the answers were very satisfactory, t an • o:.
and some f' are to be caught :..spe ed bre .
t o the papers were ox- trout weighing from five to seven
�eellent. Those •lnaxlced ; 'with a � g.
star sent in ver creditable pounds. - Good bass fishing is to be
y sb e 1.v ork+. had m -.certain parts, articularly in
Jr. 4th to Sr. 41h—Total 750, northwestern Quebec, 0110 species
Pass 450-, Lillian Richardson 479; of fish which is 001111nou to Species
Leonard McKnight 461; Clifford the older parts of ` Canada is the
Broadfoot 380; Fred Boyce 337.
lune Promotions—Results
�for. S.S. No.'3 Tnelcersinith, Miss Mel11s
the teacher, has gone • over', each
Proliiotion. Paper very carefully and
finds that the pupils are entitled to
the 'following merits,' As will -bo
seen from the marks <given, ; there
are a.few failures but on the whole,
Two weeks' activities"'011 the part
.of Inspector Pellovy, Provincial Offi
cer Whiteside and County Constable
Wallis„ has resulted in several 'cont-
victions under the 0, T. A.
I;t avas known that outsiders liar
supplied' local then with : liquor for
several. celebrations.
William Bannon of Logan town-
ship appeared before Pollee' Magis-
trate Meakins of Stratford, and was
fined 91,000 and costs, and a stock
of about 9500 worth of whiskey.
(1922' make) which 0110 officers dis-
covered in a dug -out. under his wood-
shed, was confiscated,
,Bannon also faces other charges
of selling, before Magistrate Reid in
Howard Doherty of Walton has
been 'wanted by the officers for 50n89
1.in10,'and before Magistrate Reid 11e
pleaded guilty' of violating the 0. T;
A. and S paid . 9100 and Costs.
Ritchie's blacksmith shop in Brus-
sels :was the scene of a drinking
bout recently and as a result four
fines were recorded.
Charges of . intoxication were also
prosecuted against 1110)1 at Blyth,
Henson and Dashwood, •
An important personage from a
small northern' town 11119 Some dress
clothes' made by a West -end tailor.
during a visit to London,
He `wore. thetm 11t a municipal
gathering on his return .bode, and
complained to a friend of the way
the London tailor had clone the job.
"What's wrong with the clothes?"
asked the friend.
"Too small," said the great 111011
"far too s11ta11. }
"Well, John," said the other,' grin -
rang/ "9011
r ng;'"9081 should Iia' remembered
you're not such a big man in London
as you, are rip here: ".
—MM. Mellis, Teacher
Starileg •Township\
The lady friends of Miss Lottie
Elliott, prior'to her marriage, gath-
ered at her home and presented her
with a miscellaneous shower of
useful articles.
The following are the results of
promotion - examinations for S. ' S.
No. 7 'Stanley:
Jr. 4th to Sr. 4th -Pass mark 450 -
Edna Cochrane, 550, (Hon.); Grace
Coleman 540 (Ilon.);- Lawr•ence-
Reichert 502.
Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th -Pass mark 440 -
Muriel Carlile 530, (Hon.); Dorothy
Welch 521; Gladys Stephenson. 461;
Clarence Stephenson 455; Earl Love
Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd -Pass nlar16400
Lottie Love 500 (Hon.); Elmer Tur-
ner '468; Viola Stelck 370.
Sr. 2nd to Jr, 3rd -Pass reark350-
Martlia Carlile 392; Ralph Turner
.366; Grace,Love 300. 1 hunter, the canoeist and the hold-
•• day seekers in general can, :occupy-
Ruby-' Taylor, Teacher ing• en route modernly • appointed
n1e51(1nonge, But i11 some of the
waters 'flowing into James ' Bay ,are
to be caught the lordly sturgeon,
sportsmen' having 18ndeil fish of this
species ranging in weight all, the way,
;rola twenty, to two hundred.
pounds. In the waters contiguous
to Hudson Bay excellent salmon fish-
ing is occasionally . experiencel. Pike
and pickerel are common to; the wat-
ers of this northern wild . • •
To the canoeist who seeks adven-
tore to territorry beyond the fringe
of civilization, the waters of the nor-
thern parts of Quebec and Ontario
afford ideal facilities. Rivers, many*
of. them mighty streams which for
generations' have ' served' as high-
ways for the adventurers, fur -trad-
ers and trappers bound to and from
Hudson Bay, 'are almost -beyond 'com-
pute in number' the country- being
gridironecl by 0110111. Wonderfully ill-,
teresting canoe trips, either; extend-
ed or limited, are available. 'Take
for example the six routes to Moose
Factory all of which find their • way
into Moose River about 30 :;riles
south' of 1V.foose. Factory on. James
Until within, recent years this
great now north was inaccessible to
those who had but a few weeps' va-
cation at their disposal. It could'
not even be reached during an or-
dinary vacation term. Now, over
the lines of the Canadian National
Railways, the sporting fisherman, the
II31) I0 THi 11. A BAD TIME
"How did you get along at the
formal ball hist night?"
"01i not so ;,rood,' I telt my'
socio slipping over my shoe 'and
whom I stooped down to fix it 3217
cuffs fell oft and my eoll011 slipped
over ray heat.,"-'Exoltuugo
5109.-eonst'a'ucaed trains, reach polntix
in his "Happy Huntint,' Ground" in
the course of a -twenty -Dior -hour
journey from ate hc0,5
s as Tor-
onto and "Montreal and front New
Xorlf, hica''o and Boston in thii't €1'1.1x'o9-
10tate17 •six -.tours,
And Ir
AiI there 11 a �1 interesting .` htt4e
boolcletentitled " Wite'rc to limn,
Fish mid Padilo in the New Norfh,„
oh.1.ainab,blefralts, an()Mee of the Von-
r ”.
aftonalRailways; which en•',
at5lea' the holidaiy 5 c Dole t
''se l 13 CS 1.0 , t e
his cavilling ground ln' this prim-
eval paradise...`•
r111I r.
fi nbe ";1313'ionl
1 intascov-
the sporting territory .rent
w Lake e i lr
N 'ip S
s1. o . L gen to Westesu
Quebec, in w'ille11 are shown canoe
routes and trails, which . will :11020,
invaluable to the sportsman visiting
the terltory,'
Tho I3ool'infer-
also furnishes 'info r-
motion regarding. guides, ..outfit and
other•neeeseaiy details,
The little Scottish police • court'
was full to . overflowing, and ev9117-i'
one was in a state of tension. „2114
principal witness had not tarried
op.- "Why isn't •lie here'" roared
the ' magistrate, "Where is lie?"
"Weel, I'll no say fox' that," relined
the cleric of the court, with ,true
Seottis'li' C1;n1)110095, "hut' 110'8 Avid."
London, ' Ont.
The amusement of e'peo le who
h amusement 1.h 1 p t
attend London's Exhibition this year
t y,
has been well 'looked after. One of
the best programmes ever present
ed will be seen twice daily before the
Crani ' Stand, .starting on Monday
September lith for the entire week.
Several speed events each day, and
on Saturday;: the 16th, there will be
Automobile Races, when the very
best drivers in America will take
part, Fireworks—the very best
will be given, every night; conclud-
ing with Saturday night, The,
Wortham Shows will .be on the 11riid-
way all week with a high, class lot
o' slow and ride n
k shows rides and there will bo
something, doing. all the time. Seo
programmes or write the Secretary
for any information.'
The dates are Sept. '9th .to 161.2.
Lightning Rods (
Protect Propef'Fy)4
E aro agents for.tliel
well known Systettl
of Lightning: Protoctiorxp
and the only ones in thiel
'community authorized to:,
equip' buildings wilds;
Shinn -Flat •1,igh'tnin4
These Re ds are known ail.
over America as the mosd.
scientific andcortainprs
tection #or property ever;
devised, By their use anE
building may, be load))
perfectly, pafe;
�. 11. Day, ProfaHdr oO
Physics at the Ontario
:Agricultural :•College fon
twelve years, assists he.
training Shinn Dealers,
thus insuring correct ins.
E. J ill1.C'
R. R. leo, I . VARNA
Phone 15 on 87 Hensalll
Transmission lock re-•
• duces rale of theft Instr.,
ante 15 to 2056
Cowl acnttlalor,
paektng lamps,
shield and`; wind-
shield wiper
,mss '�v;• w9 ,/1,,.,
This handy tont pocket in
located i lef front soar.
Soft, deep ephoh
sery and .etch•
opening doors add''
to driving co,efor(
' 'ti u i 1 t'- in. Canada"
Precisionplays an important part in the man.
ufacture and assembly of the Special -Six: It
is largely responsible for the dependable
service that has singled out this Special -Six
as an incomparable value, -
Six hundred and eighty inspectors safeguard
precision in. the Studebaker factories. They
literally' inspect every. part that, goes into.
every' car—and every operation on every
part. Before a car is passed for delivery 9,500
inspections are made.
In the Special -Six there are 1,i 20 mechanical
operations CO the accuracy of one -thousandth
of an inch, 360, to one-half .thousandth.
As to the ear's performance, a brief experi-
ence will reveal its superiority fax more
convincingly than we could tell it.
Studebaker cars make friends quickly, be-
cause theygive most for the money. And
• they invariably keep these friends, because
of the universal satisfaction they give in fine
performance, economy and service.
Touring - - $2075
2-Passtnger Roadster 2025
4 -Passenger Roadster - 2075
Coupe - 3050
Sedan 3210
Alf price, J.d, d. irdlkeratlle, Odt
Tanntau ilpht µ1551f:aanoanttnt. oxtenetan car4
East St. Garr tge. Goderich