HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-6-29, Page 8n' I
f"Men of. the Jludeen's Bay Corn-
pony," is:the title of e new conthr-
mid feature which starts in the July
issue 04,.lied and Goa in Canada. It
is by N, H. W, McHenzie,,A mian
who spent many years in the ser
vice of the company, and who, by
, reason of his long teens a -Il . service,
is cable to present a norrative`of ab-
sorbing interest, foil of reminiscences
of the days and -the events of the
North, or bygone days. It will he
contimled;'in future issues of the
magazine, and it is, certain to prove
an intensely popular feature. There
is a lisle story 'entitled "Shooting
Fish," which is told in Bunion foul,
vein, by that well known writer,
"ilI a ill uar Foster, H. Mortimer
Batten whose work has become very
;pi>pulae with Rod and Gun readers,
is at his best in "J.'iropoint," a
thrilling tale, Then there are oth-
er features and articles which are
well illi to the standard, Tire de,
partmeats are of generous size and
high quality, and altogether the
Julnumber i; ono of the best ever
Rod and Gun in Canada is pub-
lished monthly at Woodstock, On-
tario, by W. J. Taylor, Limited.
A grand display of Purses, Ladies Vand Bags and Vanity Cases
at pirces never' heard of before. Come in and see therm before
(SUGGESTIONS' —A , pair ' of Motor Glasses, a Thermos Bot- .
tie,, a Portable Gramophone to help ,mike the time a little more
Jeweller and Optician Next Ilovey'a Drug Store
Special Price %r
Quick Sale
About 75 pairs of Ladies' arid Growing Girls'
Brown calf and kid shoes. Altfsiues 3 to 7, -Lines
that told regularly up to $8.50. Clearing price for to-
- day, Thursday, Friday, and_Saturday $3:98
About 20 Men's and Ladies' Raincoats, suitable
for light coat for a wet day or cool evenings
Clearing price for balance of week $3.48
Other lines to clear 'at -equally tow prices for cash only
Plumsteel Bros..
-aawl,. •
The Biggest Mau
and the Smallest
in Town
Will get equal satisfaction in
the fit of his clothes if our tape
line has been around him. We
have a sort of pride in fitting
men that other.: tailors can't
please. -It's the know how that
tells the tale,- ndsd our experi-
ence and observation has given
us that, Conic in and look over
our stock of the very best cloths
and try us for your next suit,
Prices range from' $25 to. $55
Davis Se Herman
Opposite Town Hall , Brown's Men's Furnishings Store
Paints, Varnishes and Stains
White, L ea,
• v
and Boiled oil Coal Oil
Lubricating Oils
ea Grades
Ruberoid Roofing of all
and d General Hardware
In warns weather itis not wise to
be all wrapped rip in yourself, re-
alining hi a hammock is. much bet-
ter, It is a lounging comfort hi the
open air mid in sultry days,will
help to keep you cool. 'A hamnmpek,,
a book and a shady nook are good
'companions. We can supply the
hammock and the book,, You do the
Tile W D. Fair Co.
Often the Cheapest -Always the Best
A. L. Cole, Eye Sight Specialist,
an Honour Graduate of the Canad-
ian Ophthalmic. College of Toronto.
Goderieh, Ont. Office hours: 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Practice limited to the eye.
:ennui 1071111mtUgi
Ili ' Cam" ---mar:
Rev, W. B. Moulton : was in town last
Miss Ruby Irwin returned from Tor-
onto on Monday evening.' '
Miss Emma Doan of Boffaloo is holi-
daying at her home in 'town.
Miss Daisy Copp of Toronto is 'holi-
daying at her home in .:town.
Mrs. J. Turner and Mrs. 'War. Snell
of Seaforth were in town on. Mon-
Mr., and Mrs. • W. S. Downs and
children visited in ClifFord the
first of the week.
Mrs. C. C. Rance returned .to Tor-
onto last week after a visitwith
relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Libby and. babe
and Mr. C. F. Libby spent the
week -end in Owen Sound.
Mrs: W, R. Counter spent a few days
days last week with. her son, Mr.
Morley Counter of Buffalo.
Mie. and Mrs. A. Drummond of 'De-
troit are here visiting the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs A. Morris.
Mrs. Clara. Rumball returned on
Monday evening from a fortnight's
vacation in Buffalo and Cleveland.
Mrs. Spencer and daughter of Tor -
,onto have been visiting the form-
er's sister, Mrs. Robert, Marshall.
.Mrs. Todd' leaves on Friday forher
home in Souris'. Man., after spend-
ing several weeks with relatives in
town and vicinity,
Messrs. W. B,.MeCamus of Brantford
and L. McCamus of London were
at their home, Wesley parsonage,
over the week -end.
Mr, and Mrs. W. Rutledge- of De-
troit. have been visiting the. form-
er's home, that of Mr. and Mrs
W. Rutledge of town.:.,
Mr. and Mrs Frank A. fenkins ar-
rived home on Saturday and have
taken up their residence in their
new home in Joseph stored
Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Cook and babe
and Mrs. W. Atkins and children
returned. to their respective homes
at Hamilton and Toronto last
Mr. Green arrived -:from Detroit to
join , his mother in .,town and they
are remaining for a time to settle
up the estate of the late William
Miss Hattie.- Baker and a party of
friends motored up.from. Fuller
ton on Friday and spent the 'clay
as the 'guests of Miss Florence
Miss Minnie Rudd left this morning
for Toronto, where she will 'join
a party and sail with them from
Montreal tomorrow for England
and the Continent,
Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Webb, former
residents of town but new of
Taber, Alta., are visiting the
lady's sister, Mrs. R: B., Carter,
and father, Mr. H. Joyner.
Dr. D. E. Ross of --Swift Current,
Sask. is giving up his practise and
intends taking ' a post -graduate
course in England, Dr. and Mrs.
-• Ross are expected east in August.
Mies Gladys Cantelon has gone to
Toronto this week for a fortnight
or so but will return later. It. is
likely that Mrs. Cantelon and her'
daughters willremove to Toronto
in the autumn.
Rev. D. N. McCanns goes down -to
the circuit where he :commenced
his ministry, near Lindsay, to as-
sist with the. Sunday services in
an Old Boys re -union celebration
there over the week -end.
Mrs. W. E. Greig and Mr's. J. T.
Clark; returned to' Toronto on Sat.
Y after spending some days
in town. • They were accompan-
ied by Mrs, L. Greig, who will
Spend the summer at the home of
her son, in Toronto.
Miss Jean Middleton Caine up -from
Toronto andspent the weekend
at her home on the Huron Road,
She sails froth Montreal on Satur.
day with the Hughes party . for
Glasgow. The party will visit
many places of interest in the
,British Isles and Will be absent
.most of the summer,
Miss Annie Southcombe left Mon-
day for Niagara Falls, .where ;the
fancily intend mucking their home
in :future, bliss Mary South.
combo accompanied Mrs: W. Smith-
eo + t
farhe and her on Mr, fid, So,zth-
r:ombe; who had been visiting in
town for as week or Id their]
home its St. 'Minas on Tuesday,
for a little visit before going tot
Ettert v01
Prompt Deliveryor
, �� �`. Cash and Carry
Phone 48 Service and SatisfactionMoney .
(.fir Refunded
Pure Cane Sugar by the car this
week.. Get our Price, ,,
Magic, I lb, tins 35c.
Our Own, per lb. tin, .. 23c.
Birds Custard Powders : -leer package
HAVE YOU TRIED CE TO (sure jelly '
Makes perfect jams and jellies without boiling away the flavor
Shortening 3 lb, pails .
Lard, 3 1b pails ,
Seeded Raisins, per lb
Dates 2 lbs„,...„
, , 25c.
Corn Starch, 2 packages "19c.
Landry Starch, 2 packages .. , , 19c,
Soap, P. & G. and Gold, 10 - bars for , , , , , ,, ,, , ,, , ti9c,
Lenox, j bars s .
,., ... , .. 41.00
Strawberries will be finished this week
Red and Blackberries starting ---leave your order
Marmalade Ifeelers
Pure Jain, 4 lb. l jars . .:11.00
Pineapple and Grape Fruit
Welshs' Grapelade, per tin ..25c.
Grape Juice, pet bottle , , , 35c.
2 Cans of Corn- .....:.:........250.
Pink Salmon , ,9c.
Pink Salmon, ,
Ammonia, 3 packages , . . 25c.
``Off too the Picnic” July ls.t Specials
Tomatoes, New Potatoes, Cucumbers, Musk Melon
Fresh Salmon Trout Daily
Fresh Roast Pork
Cooked Ham
Hostess Loaf '
Sardines, 2.. tins14c.
Iiolbrooks, 2 tins• . 35c.
Rice, 2 lbs. r '-' , , . d . , . 25c.
Loose Macaroni 2 lbs. 25c.
Minute Tapioca, 2 pkgs. . 25c.
During Orchestra Concerts this store will remain open
Cash & Carry VV. '" Phoneone5ery -cog
Goderich Township
Miss Marion H. Jones returned
home, last week from Stratford,
where she had just'finished her. Nor-
mal course.
The death took place on Saturday
last of Mrs. John '-Baker, who was
in her seventy-seventh year. Mrs.
Baker had been in•failing health for
some months but the direct cause of
her death was shock, due to a fall
in which she sustained a fractured
hip. The shock, to, her system was
too great to combat` and she scarcely
rallied from it but gradually sank
until the end. Mrs. Baker,. whose
maiden name was Sarah Maria
Oakes, was born -in Goderichbut
since her marriage she had resided
in Goderich township and had' been
a resident of the farm on which she
died for forty, years. She is sur-
vived by her husband and one daugh.
4' IN
4.. Aluminum and Graniteware
4 Is'
4 z
4 �°
ter, 14Irs. Isaac Jones, and a sister. 4
and , Brother inn Goderich township,
Mrs. James Stoddart and Henry
Oakes and one brother in Chicago
George Oakes. Another brother,
John Oakes, died in Vancouver only
a few weeks ago.
Next Sunday special anniversary
services will be hold in St. Janes'
church Middleton, • it being jubliee
year.' Fifty years this church has
stood and during that time has min-
istered hope and consolation to
many. At present; there is no reg -
alar incumbent but the work is in
charge of Mr. E. D. Dickson, a stu-
dent, who is taking a keen interest
in its progress. Last., a -meet-
ing• was held in the church for the
reorganization of the Women's Aux-
iliary, which has not been :function-
ing for a time. Officers were ap-
pointed as follows: President, .Mrs.
J. R. Middleton; Vice, Mrs. G. Cook;
Secretary -Treasurer, 14Irs W. W.
Wise; Assistant Secretary -Treasurer,
Mrs. 3. Hudie, On Wednesday ev-
ening next a jubilee garden party
will be held on the lawn of Mr. J.
R. Middleton, when there will be
good music an" excellent supper and
a pleasant and joyous_ time in cele-
bration of the fiftieth' anniversary of
the founding of the church here.;
Mrs. Turner and babe of Ritchener
are visiting at Mr.` Albert Vodden's.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Radford of
Fordwich and Mrs. Radford of Clin-
ton spent Sunday; at Mr. John Rad -
Miss Elva Nott of Brueefield spent
a few days thisweek with; Miss
Alice Vodden.
Mr.' and Mrs. M. McCool, Mrs. E.
Ball, Miss Quackenbush and. Mr. T.
Miller motored to Komolta on Sun-
Dr, H, Lennox of Montreal spent
the past week with relatives in this
liars. Helen Quinn, who was in Tor-
onto,` "last week, returned hone on
Miss Margaret Caldwell left on
Thursday to spend the summer with
relatives in the West.
Mrs. Carter, formerly Miss White-
ly, who is -home ,from the West, vis-
iteditn the village last -week. y,
The Presbyterian church will hold
their annual garden ' party on the
Community hall ground next Satin..
day, July. let. Phelan's Orchestra
Of Clinton will be in attendatnce, orad
assist in the program which will
consist of community ;singing, solos,
readingt, addresses, and illustrated
views, sail hongs. In case all rain
the gathering 'will be held in the
Rev. J'. II, Ostorhout, :formerly pas -
m` `ulnlNum
Paints, Varnishes, and Shins
New Perfection Coal Oil Stoves
Two, Three and Four -Burners
We are prepared to 'furnish you with building
4 hardware, Beaver Board, Etc.;
4 Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Scythes
4 Paris Green, Garden Tools, and Sprayers �'
Olinton Hardware and Furniture Co,
for of the Methodist church. here,
closed on Sunday a most successful,
three years' pastorate of the Dres-
den Methodist church. During: tire
last week the Friendly Bible Class of
which, Mir. Osterhout was teacher,
held a farewell party at the parson.
age and presented him with a beauti-
ful silk umbrella, suitably engraved,
Mrs,. been M 0 o a, who has ben ex-
ceedstern ntingly popular with the emigre.
gation, was presented by the ladies
of the church with a beautiful gold
wrist • watch pairlinen wa , a of 1 nen towel;
by the Bible Class, and a fine cut
gloss vase by' the Mission Circle,
Miss Doris was also remetitbered by
the Mission Circle With a ,life mem-.
The Wonien's Institute 'is enter-
taining the ladies of the Walkerburn
Cornnnunity Club on Thursday, July
6th, at the home of Miss S. Barr, A.
good .program Will be presented and
is jolly tissso is expected. The •'lad-
ie4 of the -community ore invited to
be present.
utrn nkAelrhil
. C
14Iass Cora Tervts is spending her
?olidays under the parental roof,
Miss Scott and Miss McLaughlin
O'Nieil's Bakery
Holiday Specials
Chocolates, assorted flavors . 418c.lb.
Fresh Salted Peanuts ........25c.ib.
Our ovens are now in operation
and we will have our usual—
Cromalt Bread
Whole Wheat Beach
Fruit Loaf
Banbury Tarts
Rolls, Etc,
Phone 204 The Baiter
of Denfield and Mr. C. Scott of Now
'York were the guests of there aunt,
Mrs. G. A. Tyner,
Mr. and Mrs, Cotton of Detroit
Wee Visiting at the home of the lat-
ter's brother, Mr, T. E. Mason, •
and Mrs. Jervis of Clinton
spent Sunday with their son, Iver.
Oliver Jervis,
Mr, Andrew Lawson, who spent
l�i��ilnerg Sale
June 28, 29 and 30th
Season's Clearing Sale
',dozen Black Mohair hats, reg-
ular 17,00 for $3.50
z/3 -dozen Children's Na r
Navy and Black
ILats, regular $4.00 for 11.G0>
A few colored Mehaizs, regular
$7.00 for,$3,50+
and . •children's panamas,.
ribbon trnniniing , , .. , , $1.50
Also odd line of hats, regular.
$6.00 and $8.00 for $2.60,
A good range of veils at half-price,:
a Weelc in Clinton hospital is , homo-
againn and doing nicely,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawson oA
Toronto spent' the week -end. at the,
heme of Mrs, W, Lawson.
The nn;iny :friends of Mr, Harold_
Meci'ill will be pleased -to hour that.
he is doing nicely after haying un-,>
dergone an operation.