HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-6-29, Page 3-7"
Provincial Board ef Health, Onterlo
Cr, ailddleten will be 010 o aeswer questiona tut Public Health mat.
tors through this column. Addreas him et Spadina House. Seattle*
Croacent, Temente.
f ever there was live conference
Id is this city it was the recent
-annual meeting of. the Ontario Health
Officers ASsociation, There is se
longer apy .yalley of dry bones in
.-.conliection with that organization. It
fairly (babbles out with enthusiasm
'and the ho'n1th-vista of the future is
,one of assurance, of confidence and of
:hope. It WAS a pleasure to attend
the meeting and hear, the discussions
o ably presided• ever by Dr. W. J.
Shaw of Clinton. Dr. Shaw has got
the twentieth century viewPoint. He
'wants Something done. He is not eon -
tont with a mere reh,a,th of foibles,
'1 ailings and shorbooroings in 'public
health work. He in,sists findirig
solution. "I have heard this same
list of adversities, of barriers to bo
eres'sed, 'for years and years, No --
thing, .41' next to nothing, has. been
done le remedy them, but now they
141.1St be reme,died." That is the way
to talk, When Medical Officers ,of
Health say "Must" they Mean busi-
ness. And they have the Public
'Health Act at their backs.
Dr. F. Farley ef Trenton, Presl-
dant of the Ontario Medical Associa-
tion, delliverect, one of the most force-
addresse's orie could 'wish to hear.
He maintained that the necessity fox
Public Health Work was go obvious
that public opinion should not tol'er.
filro Per Dont, a km the easee 0.t .5Srg
cj tuherculesig are caused from t
bo t la 1 th t
human being obtains from milk," I
MF. Alex White, Chief Sanitary
'specter of the province, adv,ocated Id
appointment by the (lovernment
three trained millt specialists w
Leatral to Latiatlit,
T4•043.1„(01utt(g6; geed laugh Lj be1.
ter thus strottielne,
LOarri nor/ ,th tell a story; a good
story, well told, is as. welcOnleonS 1u-
ilb a sick -room '
Loam to keel) yMtr troubles' te, your-
eelf; the world Lo Loo boos to care for
yORIF ills, and sorr000i." •
crit to Meet Ylior frielnis with a
not ste any good, in the world, ite'el,)
the Mud to, yourself.
he Leann to hide your acias,s and pain
. '
h under pleasant smiles; no oue cares t
le; hear. whether you have headaches, ea
aches, or riteuinetistn.
Lear to meet your friends with
10, .snitle; a good,,imsnoned mull 'or w
of man is always' welcome, but the dye
h peptic Is not wanted anyvvbete.
. .
W is n
the niood Supply Ls Enriched.
D:t li'leealftot,oa Al the wW:rIttheaftilliteeit
Re011.I:aolki:h1;* .41 th'14 eetdiiify„s1,114
I btawso'itatnybittli6ehees, 's;oc:allly:::1I't.'enit'1611°')Delf re: tt:Igl't,r1la:vrigatie:ivtltells:'
'in and distress aft
could approach the question from t
dairymen's 61,211C11)0111t.
SeVeral (100t.OrE3 SOO. inSPectors fro
varioos parts of the province, inclu
ing Oak, Brantford and Ottawa, mai
tained that the most important que
tion of all was the conclition of th
The tiegeot neeil of all who eaffer
0 oin indigeatiou, and who fled the
stomia,olt unable to Perform its, Usual
ftimetbou, is, a tOpie t.0 enrich the blood.
Yoh will pass through this world
at once, ity goo lore ore„,
'that You can do, Or SOY kludnestr that
Ti you can elrow to any human beag, you
bail 'better dolt -now; do mot 'defer on
11- neglect ita
A d thin f
herds, One s,uggeStion, offered we
that each Municipality should, ha
complete ,control Of 'the milk saliOl
"Municipal Control of, Milk Supply
was th,e topic of an address D
Giant Fleming, Deputy Medleal Of
11 -
e'er of Health, Toronto. The ins,po
tion of forme anti the education of th
farmers,. having as inspectors vete
inary graduates, and the inspeetio
of all equipment used in producin
and dekivering the milk, ,and. in th
process 'cif pasteurization were abs
necessary accordin,g D
Fleming. ,
Topieo of a more general natatt
ferried the program of the afternoon
Dr. -Collin Campbell ef Toronto, gay
some ,alarming 'statist -rag in regard t
ate any government in power that, The freTleneY of "squint" or.. er&S's
\vamid mat conse and carry out a ,eye among children.. If taken in time
public health program that would Defere the age of five or six Years
there should, be no difficulty in testa.
tend to insure the happiness, hoalth
cure, The trouble arose when a eur
and: welfne °I 'bile Ve°1ile. was attempted by a parson other thrt
Other (important recomraendatiolls
Dr. Farley made were the establish- Pne g'ffneral niedienl know].
I edge, In many cases, the' dont°
merit ,eounty laboratories for the
stated, children were apparentl
freed. from the troubles and the ey
seemed perfectly normal when as
matter of fact the Child would b
almost entirely loltir.d. in the one eYo
"The pity is," he declared, "tha
be lost in seoppmg, the practice of
having children under five years of
age examined Ser ',glasses, by anyone
other than a careful medical practi-
tioner!' Dr. Campbell suggested. that
the Health Officers' Assochaion, es a
betty, endorse a resolution to that
effect. It is expected that the com-
mittee will consider 'the matter and
report to the association at its next
A paper by M. F. A. Dallyn, C.E.,
on,"Soil Pollution," in ,Whidh the need
of extreme eare in the placing of a
well was emphasized, and a descrip-
tion by Dr. P. 0. CoulombeilV1,0.11.,
of the work 'carried on by the Health
1)epartment in Sturgeon. Falls, with
which he is associated, conelltded the
country ,ph3rsicians, ,the appohitment
of prop oily- trained, wholthneco Linty
medical 'health Officers', and eornmun-
Dr. Robert,' 1V1,0.13, ,of Hamilton,
advocated the same scheme for fhealth
districts from 20 to 26 thousand ,all of IL is proventrble. No time shout
Dr, J. A. Morgan of Smith „Town-
ship, Peterborough, gave 'an interest -
Mg paper on "How to control Diph-
theria in a small .ccrontry
stressing the fact that diphtheria is
one of the chief causes of 'children's
-deaths in a community, and that the
free use crf swabs ,and antitoxin,
coapic.d with the .services of the com-
minty nurse are the best methods
'for its control.
A most interesting address on
"Ford Poisoning" was given by DT.
NI., J. Rozenau, Professor of Medicine
and Hygiene of I-Iarvard University,
authsr of the standard text -book
"Preventive* Medicine and Hygiene.'"
and one of the most • outztanding
-authorities on public health subjec.ts
on the ,pantinent.
rif.a-0. W. Hill of London, Ont., gayo
an address on "Some modern, fall,
Ring With a Romance.
Sir Rider Haggard has presented to
acres," emxhasizing the point that the British Museum a gold ring which
ammo health work i0 more concerned has an inteiesting histeey. He first
with the .prevention of disease than GRW it 57 years ago; attaelied to the
its eure.watch-chain of the headrnOter of his
Dr. W: W. bailey of Toronto rad Preparatory school, wh.o had received,
a paper on"Pre-natal care." ' , it from a friend, who had traveled
Dr. C. J. 0, Hasting.g., To-! much in America.. The friend's story
rento, gave an.address on "'Mire effo! was that, while traveling in Peru, he
cient; care of mothers end expeatanti had opened a grave -mound, in whick
mothous before, during and after col 105 found a stone table WIthil3 mummi-
fled figures seated round it. On the
The rooming session lof the second finger of the prineipal figura WaS' the
day was entirely taken up wall a dis- ring, which the discoverer, withdrew;
tuszion on milk and its prominence es and the bodies according to his story,
a food indispensable ;Tooth to the 4dul't &ambled into dust, It wo.s the legend
and the ,child. I attached to this ring which, according
According to Mr. E, R. Stonehouee, to Sir Rider Haggard, first turned his
president of the National Dairy Cown-lioregination toward the invention of
4201, who delivered the first ,addres.s I stories of adventure; and readers of
in the morning, on the subject of t "King Solenlen's Mines" Will recognize
"How to I'moduce a Olean and Safe in It the otigin of a striking episode
Wit SuPPIY,” aorne.of the conditions in that book' Fifty-five Years after he
throughout thelarovince are 'very bad. first saw the ring it still remained
"If I were .dictator," Mr. Stonehouse vividly in Sir Rider Haggard's men -
declared, '1I would pass a Dominion ory, and he described its eppearaneo,
law bo-m-orrow, it that were posaible, in a story. Shortly after he had done
far the compulsory pasteurization of so, he chanced to renew acquaintance
' 01111 in every city, toWa and villege, and made inquiries, about the ring, of
When we Teeth the point after years which he eventually became the pos-
.' of education, *henweeean get good s'es.s°r•
' practically eerbified tiiese anft
then only tan we disli-ertse with pas -.l Gold 'Aline Over Mile Deep. _
teurizatiom" The largest gold_ mine in 13razil 'is
Dr. Roberts, Medical Officer 'of nearly 0,600 feet dee,p, employs 3,000
.Health of Hamilton, pleaded for the men and tunas out over $2,000,000
laiimiatory diagnesis of Milk. Terenty- worth of gold each year.
Homesteaders From U.S.
Wits the exception of the statee of
Arizona. and Missiteippi, every state
and territory In the 'United States con-
tributed to the number et homestead
etatrie,s made hy citizena of that coure,"
tey arriving 1 Canada in the decal
year ending March 51: 1521. IVIinne-
60ta contributed the greatest number,
147, with' North Dakota second, with
104. Michigan sent 79, TOWS, 68, South
Dakota and New York each 48, Illin-
ois and Missend 46 eaoh, Indiana,
Montana and Wisconsin 87 each, and
Nebraska, and, Washington., 35 each.
There were 1,072 entries from the
United States; 723 in Alberta, 290 in
Saelicatehowan and 49 in Manitoba with
lOia the railway belt of British Cohen-
bitt. The total number of entries teem
all sources was 5,380 representing 11,-
25a persons.
The healthy child sleeps well and
during its waking hours, is Dever cross
but always happy and laughing, It is
only the sickly ohild that is erose and
peevlsh. Mothers, if your children do
not sleep wall; if theY aro cross and
cry,a great deal, give thetn Baby's
Own Tablets 'awl they will 000111 be
well and happy again. The Tablets,
are a mild but thorough aaxative wliiSis
regulate the bowels, sweeten the stem-
acii,'banish constipation, colic and in-
digeation and promote healthful saeep.
They are abealutely guaranteed free
'from epiaterand may he' given, to the
newborn babe with perfect safety.
Miey are sold by in,edielne dealers; or
by mail at 25 cents a box from Tbie
Dr. W1E119./11.3! Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
Automobilists and Forest
ID many parts of this continent it is
Sound that automobile registrations
and forest Crest are increaatiag 4:Wont
proportionately. A great many' fibople
are louring about the' conntry, ,Seelting
out places away, from the railvmyt and
main 'highways and, unfortunately,.
through carelessness with iire, soma of
them misuse and 'dostroy the forests.
There is no desire on the Tart of
forest authorities to bar citizens from
the forests, but there is no' reason, why
forest fires should follow In the wake
of the automobile AIL that fa needed
is that every tourist who camps for
the night, or stops- 'at noon to poll his
kettle in thp W.00dS Sh01.114 personally
see to it that his fire Le dead out bee
fore he leaves it Those who, go into
the woods for either business or plea,.,
sure see the value of the foresta and
should catch the enthesiasm for' the
conservation and proper utilization, of
this great Canadian resource,
Many an'individool has' failed' be,
he was not a man before he was
a merchant, or a lawyer, or a Manufac-
turer, or a statesman—because charac-
ter was not the dominating influence
in his life. If you aro slat amen first
--if there Is not a mail behind Your
book, behind your sermon, behind your
law' brief, or y201It' business transac-
tion—if you are . not larger than the,
money you make, the world will ex-
pose and despise and diecount' your
success; histoty will cover up your
memory no. matter how 111110 /Ileum),
you have.
Let the Children share
this mealtime beverage
IV) NEED to warn the little folks away
from the table heirerage when Postum is
served; every reason to invite every
member of the family to join in the enjoy-
ment of this wholesome, satisfying drith.
Pestum is made from Nature's best
wheat, and contains nothing to harm
nerves or digestion.
You'll greatly relish
flavor and aroma.
At economical mealtime drink—the
large size tin of Instant Postum will serve
froth 90‘to 100 cupg.
its full-bodied
Made in the cup, in a moment.
lstant Postutia for Health
"Piece's a Reason"
IVIade hy Car,adian Posture Cereiit Co., a,tta
Windsor, Ontario"
New strength Is given- weak etem-
aehis by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills be -
cativo these pills enrich ,enal Purity OM
Mood, lcapply, 111518, natural pro-
cess of giving strength end tore to:the
stomach; anti .11 accounts for, the
ePtiedy relief in stomach disorders
that folloWs the -use of Dr. Willianls'
Pink Pills; The alilletito revives, food
can pe taken, without discomfort and
th,a burden and pains of indigestion
are dispelled, Mr. William johneou,
a prominent bustnees, men of Lequlllo,
NS., 'bens testimony to Lhe value of
those pills In cases of this kind. He
SaYs: "I ,wab attacked with indiges-
tion acoompanied by severe cramps in
the stomach, f was proscribed for by
the feasibly doctor, but 'got very little
benefit. Then I tried own& of the atl=
vertised remedies but with ILO better
result, Indeed my condition was grow,
Ing weree, Then I read of the case of
a man who,Praised Dr. Williamis' Pink
Pine' Whose condition was similar to
my own; and r decided he try this
medicine, The result, I think, was
amazing, as tire use of six boxes re.
stored me to my former good health.
I can therefore warmly recommend the
use of this medicine for stomach trou-
'You can get: these Plitt from any
medicine dealer Or by mail at 50 cente
O box or siix boxes for $2.50 from The
Dr,, Williams' Medicine Co.,- rinoek-
Ont. o
. The Industrious Wasp'.
The human view or wasps seems to
be lacking in breadth. Because they
are given to stinging ue, we fail to do
justice to their virtues: One scientiat
who has given much study to the Mat-
ter says that the main doctrines of
the wasp aro, "If any Wasp ,will not
work .neither shall he eat"; and
"Diary wasp to labor according to his
capacity, and receive apoording to his
needs, in a free communitY."!
Division of labor, it Is liellieved, goes
a long -way in the, nest, Some ot the
wOrkers seem to be specially emPloY-
ed as foragers, and ,soldiers; others ap-
pear to be told eV as nurses and guard-
ians; while yet others are engaged as
papermakers and masons..
Wasps are at all times particularly
fond of honey. Indeed they have a
verY sweet tooth for sugar_ In any
fonn.' Toward the enei of eurnmera
therefore, ,as . bee keepers well know,
they will forcr'tlielr 'ivay. into ,bee
hives as open, robbers and carrY off by
main force as Iliadh be thei,can. gorge
of their winged neighbor'elioney. e
The drones of the race instead of
being idle and luxurious creatures, are
sober, industrious and well, behaVeal
members of the community. They
dean the streets of their towat with
exemplary diligence; they act as pub-
lic scavenger,s or saul6ry officers. And
they have their reward; for unlike the
d-oomed bee drones they live their al-
lotted life In peace and quietness; till
winter iniaves both them and their
spinster sisters iso one, common cata-
clysm of death and dettettetlen.
Commercial Trees.
The constant dertiand for inform-
yoa in brief form concerning the lead-
ing cheracteriatios, range, and uees of
Canada's chief a:Mune/mai weeds Mae
led the Forestry ,Branch of the De-
partment of the Interior to issue circu-
lar No. 14, "Cominei,eial Forest Treeq
of Canada," by IL G. Lewis; 13.ScV..111
eight pages this bulletin gives, meth,
useful information about Ca.natlian
timber. The circular may be had fl'ee
upon applieation to the Director of
Forestry, Department of the Interior,
Millard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
Engines Made From Sand.
modern science produces all kinds
of things from the Most unlikely
sources but,. even 00,000 would hardly
expect to see important parts or a
steam engine made from sand dug up
from tile sea -shore.
Cast:iron of exaellent quality 15 noW
being made from 'the eslICIS that
abound On the shores of New Zealand.
On over a hundred miles. of coast there
are millious, of tops of this hen sand,
but it is only clueing the lash few Years
that it has been, utilized.
The raw' material—a heavy black
sand—ie shovelled into an electric fur-
nace; purifying materials, such as
limestone, are added, 'and the elec-
tricity is turned .on. The electricity
flows through great carbon rods,
\veighing nearly half a ton each, and
maice,s an arc, or electric flame, in the
• Under this' flame the SI,Itnid e,o.on, melts;
11.ti the heavy, molten iron sinks, te
the bottom of the, furnace, whilst the
lighter impuritiec float as It scum on
the snrface. At intervals the elec.
trieitY is ehut off, the Whole furnaco is
tilted forward, and the iron. runs. lato
a ladle, from Which'it Is poured, into
the moulde.
"The Blues."
This plietize, descriptive at moods of
depression or melancholy, boa an in-
tereating origin. It Was formerly be-
lieved that working with 'mite (1Yea
canoed fits of melaseholy, ea the
chemical worked OIL the system
throngh the skin. As the dYers Were
nearly always stained blue in porta ot
their bodiestathephritse came Into ems.
rent 1180 to express low spirita Or
reoedineet, '
fdlnurtlet Unimak for *ale everywhere
U 5
cauricm, ecHooi. AND PriEss
At the laSt eietialen of the 0eneml
syned of the Church of England in
Caitada the following 'resolution CM-
OVIS Sy1110.1 11.94 heard with
great intereet the address ot Dr, Jamea
W, Itebertiam, Chief Commissioner, lila
it)651 e,tioilell13moayn:aSenoluosttltittieuveattiollyitto. 111 'e
are inteeeeteil la the welfore of' boys,
More especially to tho3 members of our
own Communion, the Sc' Scout Move-
ment 03.021,0 which IS admirably slated
for the work ct training our boys
,phyaleallY and morally and developlag
in theinctbat virille type of 'eharaeter
which will nt bilein to play their part
tts good citizens and loyal meaabee,s,ef
the Christian Calmach.: ' The Synod
trusts that in ell parishet &rely en-
eouragealent and assis,tance may- be
to the Movement bothi.by those
ingenauerattojity and by eatr Peolte in
Following the eloiaing of the Synod
the Church of England Counctl for
Sepia' Servieli undertook an extensive
study of .the'Boy Scout Movement,' eh--
cularizing eleirg,y an over 0aue;de, with
reference to it, Over one hundred re -
piles .were received and according .to
the Counclies report last publiehed
theae. were a virtual, "chorus, of praiso
from our clergy prom, one otde or the
Dominion to the other, Sot ,a Single
beteg :received whileth condemned the
/neve/nest." Oao letter,qtrited, in the
report read inpant aai follows:"
'My pack of Wolf Cubs and Troop
of Scouts are training- the boys not
only to be Scouts, but to be church-
men; the Boy Secant Illevement ii
carrying the Sunday School lesson in-
to practical use; 1)Y applJelng it to the
boys' lire 'through the week."
A School Resolution.
At its meeting' in Quebec on Ma'
26th last the,Proterstent Committee ot
the Council of Public anstruotion, for
the Province of Quebec unanimously
adopted the following resolution;
"Resolved, that ifithough this Cent-
mittee cannot undertake either direct-
ly or 'through the Department to pro-
mote the Boy Scout Movement in this
province; it tstronigly approves a Ode
movement, in! it% 011araobeOr end tn. its
objets, and cornmeal& it to the Pro-
testant teachers of the larovince • as
worthy of their aetive co-operation."
A Press Tribute., .
• The Toronto Saturday Night adds
the fallowing to the great MOO,
Mess endonsations, Scouting has, re-
ceived In recent years:
"Many circumstances ha-ve Militated
..againet the Boy Scout movement hold:
inga large .plaoe in the public eye as
It did at few.years ego, but this spring
and 'email:net* we hope to see a great
revival of intenest Li its, highly eftec-
tive machinery for the development at
courage, honor and courtesy in gro-so--
ing Ditrim.g the first week of
provineial convention was heId
at Halifax whieli, waa attended by 200
delegates from all parts of Nova
Seotia, where the Illoveinent has been
,natrealling /lice wildfire during the past
six Months, tind a similar rebirth of
enthusiasm is, looked for 1 other pro-
"The aims of the Boy Scout Move-
ment 'are noble and: nnaseallable at
every point. Its Methods Moulcate
idealist), and appeal protounday to the
boy', temperament. They stiMulate
both. Mental' end physical health ind
their entirely nomsectarlan character
createar,the beat kind -patritatja -111
flatence.ell tall@ PDOgraISIVe
movements in Canada to -deet that of
the Boy Scout organization strilceathe
as. the finest, sanest and moat
definitely useftv1)'
If your town, hasn't taken up Scout-
ing yet tt should, Investigate its many
,adventages, at once. A. post caad
'the Field Departruient, Boy:Scents As -
etiolation, Bloom and Stherbourne
'Toronto, will start all required Maori
nation omits way to your address,
Creosoted Fente-Posts Out -
Last 'Cedar.
Pm many years It has, been thought
that theonly timber ttat would give
O reasonable period, of service as Pence
poets was cedar, The Forest Prodnote,
Laboratories of the Department of' the
anterior, Canada, state; how,eVer, that
by employing tia ooniptuatively simple
method, it' is, possible to treat posts of
certain has'd-wooa Iss sech a way that
they will have elite at least twice as
long kle.,611.0.00dEtr,P08te. The preserva-
tive erfoot of this treatment is clearly
shown in fencing erected at the Do-,
minion ForestryBranch forest nursery
at Indian Head in 1917, Here poste
of Russian poplar were, used, both
treated slid ointreatecl,. and It 18 in-
tereetingOo note tahlEtt OD the untreated
poets erected at this time have dietayeil
and be -en removed while the, teetateil
Nees are still in Service and, appear
05 seund as the day they were placed
in petition.
Minard's Liniment for OandrUff.
But When aaexedutive readies Me
of Mt organiaation to get into a tot -Is
. tO give then' a"bseltiter con.
,authoritY and responsibility, eaeh 0551'Ruts and H.,,ow to Get Into
grnizatiori. oue sum Way for the head
flatince. . ate ought to give theta
own leb,—Sucesea,
himself and ,tlitise detienden,t ion him
lila eSeeciates, and Mthorditiatesc 15 he
"Wheive, man is running a oneenan
bushiest tie cannot harm anybody but
if he alleaws himself to get inte,a rut,
Cendition he will. disrupt -en eatire Or -
to become ' jealcas and dietruetful of
cannot trest them, ain ought te fire
them, If they aro trustateathy he
Them , `:
Minarder laltdinent for Borne, et
. . ..- .
ISSUE No. 26—'22
Declares Taoism Completely
'Overcame -His Trouble After
Everything Else Failed.
"It was a lucky day when I bought
Inc,' als1 Al.trthlaMr' In5aldoeneatte,av(16115r
ElWatet11, Montreal. "My appetite
Was- 905 -»ad- 0 never knew what 11 was
tO be the least bit hungry. DVon what
Iithl 5 did force down seared and
bloated' Ine so badly 1 bad terrible
smo t h ming s enevAl on s and awful
pains. Por months 3, was unable to
eat -aay solid food aria 3 got in a ter
ribly saredown condition, became
eo nervousi I would wake up all dur
ing the night, and got little sound j
sleet), I wae conetantly looking for 1
something to bring me rOliof, bat
nothing seemed to reach my CISIO Da -
tilt ren across Taillike.
"Six betties of Tanta° eempletely
oymcome my trouble. I row ,eat just
enything and never have an ache or
pain er a sign of stomach trouble.
Taselari Is s
, Flave You Found Your
You may be very sore, my young
friend, that if yeto do aot feel yourself
growing in your work and your life
broadening and deepening, if your task
is not a perpetual tonic to yen, you
Is -ave not fduad year place. It your
work is drudgery to you, if you are al-
ways longing tor the lunen,thour or the
elosing hcnir to release Yeti frOm bile
work that bores you, you may be euro
that you have not found your Melee.
tiniest you go to your task with greet-
er delight than you leave it, it belongs
to some other man. -0. S. Maiden.
His Hearing Restored.
'Pile invisible eardrum Mvented by
A.. 0. Leonard; whicka is a miniature
megaphone, fitting inside the ear eia
timely out of sight, as reetoning the
hearing of laundrette of people in New
York. city. Mr. Leonard luvented• this
drum to relieve liamaelt of 'deafness
and head noisesi, and it (law this So
snooess,fulily that no one. could tell he
is a deaf man. It is effective when
dodoes is caused by catarrh or by
perforated or whoilayelea,treyed natural
drams, A. request for information to
A. 0. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth Alre,.,
New York olty, will be given prompt
reply. advt.
Registering a Loan-
"CoUld you let me have a sive-epot
for a few days?", asked Blithersby, in
a. Confidential whisper.
"Hero it is," shouted Mr. Grano -
seri, at the top oChO. volde.
"Thanks, but why so toed?"
"I was hoping rd be able to impress
the transaction on your memory."
Doinktion Exp.ress 1Vfoney Orders are
on sale in five thousand offices
throughout Canada.
Getting Back.
Waiter—"Grille,d steak, mad choose
a toua one."
Chef (in surpnee),---"Wity, Lc/ugh?"
Walter --"The chap _who ordered it
used -to be my sergeant -major,"
Rural /lento No. 1, Maseouche, Que.
The 11/Linard,s Liniment People, '
feel that I should be doing a
wrong if I neglected to write you. I have
had four tumors growing 00 My head
for years. / had them cut oft by a sur-
geon about fifteen years age but they
greW again 011 about three months ago
had 0051 19 large and shaped like a lady's
thimble, -on the very place Where my hair
should be parted,' aria it was getting so
embarrassing in public that It. was. a
constant worry to me. About three
months ago I got a bottle DE your lini-
ment for another purpose and saw On the
label good for tumors. Well 1 tried it
and Rept it for exaelly two months, WIEh
the result that It has entirely removed
en trace of the timer, and were it not
that they had been cut fifteen years ago,
im mark would be Seen. I ilELVO not been
asked for' thIS testimonial arid "you can
use it as you son ilt.
(Signed) PRIM C. noeiNsom
' P.8. --T am a farmer and Intend using
Minard,e Idnitnent ,on a more for a
eVrained tendon, and am hoping for Warne
results.. P.3ED C. 111.
When we 'are old, we pretend, to, be-
lieve that we live usef 01 ae our
excuse for Bah* toe long.
When 110 Toronto visit the
.Royal Ontario. Museum
283 illoot, st, Vest, Maar Avdnne 'Road
Largest permanent exhibition in Canada.
Archaeology, CO010gY, MincralogY, Pal-
AenntologY. Zoology. Open daily, 10 0,,to.
to 5 p.m. Sunday, 0 to 5 pus, 13loor,
Ilelt Lino,. Dupont and A.V011116 Rd. ears.
Classified Adire eat*
xv-ANT,L,11,)—YQVINT4 .1,4t1)11.01.3
tteos equestion Is trate as ntirk'se•
Apply Wellandra Ii0a,P7*5.sotCatitara
inete Oat,
Knape Olr NOW' -Mg)) DiaBla
aeltios, matey% Neareepahltalloge,a,acittagar
Hiltpped 0505500 to applaiVal at lbw».
est eanada, .'1"OftIC.""DTALT11,10
BUM' Carlota
.roiloato °ALT WORKS •
0, ./•, CLIFF • IrclioN're
Ameeloa4s Vlosmer Dolt *media,
Rook on
and Dow to Vela
Mailed Free 14 any Ad-
dre es by the Author.
05. Olay Glover 00o UR.
129 West 24th Street
NOV TOXIC, 11,13.4
You can
protect the most
expensive ,carppts and
Roots. against damage at the
cost of a few cents by fitting all
Your furniture and metal beds with
See bat eli your new furniture fa air
atedard with tl,om tos
Tell your denler"‘tbat s,ou
roust have them. .
All stele. and styks, bob 55555
class eat am
,obib '
natal base 3s 3
Made in Canada by
Baby W ts,Cublenra.
It Keeps His Skin Soft
Smooth ad Clear
Baby's tender salorequires mild, sooth-
ing properties such as hre found in the
Cuticurd Soap, Ointment and Talcum.
The Soap is so sweet, mire and cleansing
and the Ointment so soothing and healing,
especially when baby's skin is irritated.
Cuticura Talcum is also ideal for baby.
5osp38e. Ointment2S attd:10c. Tacna 2Se, Sold
throughout theDominion. CanddianDepot:'
LinalLte, Limited, 3445*. Peal St., W.. Blanket&
11011F-Cutieura Soap shaves witItoutenets.
Read How Lydia E. Pink-
harn's Vegetable Compound
Helped, Mrs. Beecroft
paha and am quite regillar unless I
tor' and I took it. Now I have no
Hanailtbn; Ontarlo.—"T hare sitf•
early morning until late at night. I
keep house and do all my own work
mended the Vegetable Compound to
several friends." --Mas. EMILY Bug.'
tin bed four or five days each month,
overwork or stay on my feet from,
without any trouble. I have recom.
CROFT, 16 Douglas St, Hamilton,
advertised in the 'Hamilton Specta..
bask, and for about- a Week at a time
E. Plalchain's Vegetable Compound
trouble and consequent weakness,
I could not do my work. I saw /a/dla
fered for three years from a female
pain and irregularity which kept nin
I nearly went crazy with pains in my
- .
fiftY....'eare worn. ea have
been telling, how Lydia Et Pinkhamas
Vegetable Cempound has restored
their health when suffering with
feentle ills. This accounts for the.
enormous demand tor it from Oast
to coast, '
If you are troubled with any ail-
ment peculiar to women why don't
you tty Lydia E. Pinkhama Vege-
table Compound'? It has laelped
otbers, let it help you.
WARNING! Say "Bayer" when yott buy Aspirin.
Unless you sea lhe name "Rayer" on tablets, you are not get.
thig Aspirin at all. Accept only an "unbroken package" ot
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose
worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by,
millions for
Headache Rbetimatistu
Neuralgia Neuritis
Lumbago Pain, Pain
Ilantly,"Illayetat boxee ,Of 1 tabletso bottles of' 41 and 1.00--DritAtIllha.
Is 'die trade I55arit':66ith5t5ted itt. 6,0,560 srt Dakor Monutioiux4 et Mon0.4
teafteableteier 55 statoyaleanda 5955115 11 Weil hanwn that Aaatain meat* roSret
Mattainettre, tO Sestet the Puelle ageing inittatlend, Mei Tablets 01 IlaYor COMOum
will be litentfied Vitt* theito general arado titteaa, nil "1.30.Y01', ,