HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-6-22, Page 5I'l1e (;lamest( News-Rato,lra ,130114.1. 0.1 1111, RSDf''¢ , J INE 24in(1 1,022 rf t'0 t'err,est tQ You and Me silt d a 'hoolcwor>11 because Sclines its yietims to play "hoolce reslcl rl Riley's Army walked 'to lttawa hot it cost the Goveanment 1,42d,72 tosend them brick to Toi- ionto by spec al train. Did anybody et that nnsch 01on11'0 woi tIij out qt the 'little excursion? 0%ptnlnenting on the death or two drinking �1.from 4anvects at T�ingston l... ,h,ellao The Farmer's Shin remarks. S,bel1ac; is en excellent finisher z'•whother-used on household or hum- ' an exte'i0Us," The warden of .the County o1• Pet bora :and another man wheeled an insurance man ' from Lakofield to Peterbore City, a distance of ten lies or', so, on a wheelbarrow the gther day. It was done on a wager of cou7:se. That kind of a stunt is ueually the result -Std; an ,election bet. Ainongst the ' applications re- xeived by the Wingham school board in answer to an advertisement' for teachers' was one from a young f lady who wished to knout "how Far i ;it waft from ii railway, station and :floW near a church." Her applica- tion was rejected, Had it been ac- s;cepted her education might have bcontinued, whatever might • have leen the result ' to the 'school, A Parliamentary Committee ap- 'pointed`.to look. into the- grievances '•pf War veterans has reported a- ,gainst'the granting of a bonus to all, a.` ex se1•vice men. This will Meet 'with the approval of the great ma- jority of the people. While prat- tically_ everyone approves of gen-.�rous 'treatment of the veterans yet The- granting of a cash bonus to all aloes not . commend itself to the peo- ple, generally, not, even to the vet- erans themselves' as a:'. whole, The Parliamentary • Committee recon-' mends the' format'fon• of a General 'Medical' Board of Appeal to enquire. into the;, cases ol men who are .not •receiving• just ' treatment. Phie tboard'•should be very carefully clios ienand should ld eons1st ofn en not n lIsnly of medical skill_ and sound ,judgement but efe a broad sympathy 'and a good knowledge of human na- tare; not, only men who aaen01 bo imposed' upon, but men before .whom the soldier, 'brolcen in the ser- vice of his country, may ;tonne Sara 0r a courteous, just and sympathet- ic heiic3ng. ' The Canadian Govern- ment overnn.ent has been generous to the, re- turned soldiers, -none more so, but -shore e,do,')1 cases e yheae men have' taken-•tl1ir discharge too soon andwhohave . since- suffered. Every such case' should be carefully looked, into. .Canada has an'enor- rmous delft to face but 1.1, those of us who did mit go to the war` and the -soldiers who came back in good physical condition "dig- in" and iso our duty We can afford to look-af- ter the }len who came back broken in health and nerve and the child": Oren and 'ether depeoelents of those 1110 Olid not conte back at all. Auburn Niles Muriel, and Ethel and Mr.� SValter : Washington motored to Lon- -don Iasi • week We are glad �l. to see Mr.John 'Ar- thur around again after ; a long ill- ness, Mr. Wallace Caswell of Toronto visited friends in Auburnlastweek. On Friday evening of this week the Belgrave young people .will pres- ent their play, "Too Many; Hus- bands," in the .Forester's `Hull in aid .of St. Mark's church. A baseball 'game between „Belfast arab, Auburn ;will be played on the :home diamond next Wednesday. The Voting People's Society will Told their meeting in the Baptist church next Sunday evening. Mr. 'Wm. Armstrong, 13, A. of Donny- brook will address the meeting. A' very, pretty but quiet wedding -vas solemnized at the hone of Mr.` ':and Mrs. Archie Robinson •on .Tune 14111, when their, daughter, Luella it 1s joined in wedlock with Mr, Or- val Phi1lii 5.. "• The ceremony was performed by he Rev. A. E. Millson of Auburn, the bridal 'party taking 'their place under a beautiful arch of eveigreeliS and white peonies. The bride was daintily gowned in white sille crepe rle ehene-'and carried 'a bouquet of ;white American roses. Her little 111030 1uade a pretty little flower y1r1 while. the groom's sister, Mrs, 'Merrill, played the wedding -marc11. The presents were numerous, The. groom's gift to the :bride was a wrist watch, - to the flower gv1�1 a pearl ring and to the pianist a. Jar- miniere, ' The happy couple left for Detroit. and Clare, Mich., for a two, week's trip. On their return they will. •settle on the groom's farm on the Huron Road,, Their friends wish then ,a long ,of happiness and prosperity. The regular monthly, meeting of -the Auburn Branch of the „Woman's Institute will he held 'on Jule 27111, at the home of Mrs. II. Mogridge .of ;the Base Line,' Miss Collins of An• ,easter is expected' to be present 'and' 'give an address on Institute work: Wallcerburn Community Chili has been invited and a good tithe is expected, The officers of the 'branch extend a cordial invitation to all 'the ladies who are interested in In - 1 ttitute and Community work to take advantage of the opportunity to 'hear ilius Collins and to Spend a 3aocial afternoon. Good progress has boon Made in ,x.rillingthe test well at Goderich, Teacher Wanted a An experienced"' teacher Itis 'Hollnes3ille School, leo. 3, Goderie.lf Township, , Please state qualifiel- tiona and ,salary. expected. Apply 'until July 5, Sec 11, it No, 2, Clinton, Ontario' ...., .516 Constance Ma, end Ales, J, Jerdk n and Child von of Staffs ,sfloIlt Sunday with M), and Mrs, Ray Lawson, Mr, Hiram Join e of Niels, 'visit- ed his nave, ";J.ar a few days, Mie, Robert r on ac s v 0 G 1 VI` 1s lolin Britton is 1 i ,1 of Very well at the time o4 writing but we holm she will soon be hotter. The Bruccfleld football team will play Kinburn Friday evening, west- they "permitting. The many 'friends of Mrs. 0, Dale si,, `will be glad to know 'Limb slie is improving nicely after her long ill nest. Miss ;Mildred Britton 'and Master Donald Dale will try the-,ent'raneo examinations next week, Miss Verna Adams is hone from London for the holidays. Ra field Mr Wm. Higgins Mae purchased' from Mr, I -I. Eilber of Crediton a thorobred registered Holstein cow for which he paid a handsonie'sura. Mr. G Gillies manager of the Sterling .Dank of this village, who has :spells the past four years here, has " been moved elsewhere.. Mr. Johns of. Wia toe lately x r x, of Pbrt'. Stanley, takes his place' here a$,man G. H. Ilobnen County Clerk, and wife and family and Warden and Mrs. Trewartha' were°=in the village Monday making preparation for the County Council picnic on Friday next in the grove. W. E. Mannese wife and family of London spent the past week at their summer home on Tuyll street. Mr. J. •Govenloek of Seaforth was the ,guest of his daughter, Mrs. W. Ferguson, a few days : this week. The'' steam barge, John H'aggart, of Kingston, was in the harbor ov- er Saturday last unloading• lumber, lath, and shingles for the • Geddes' Tyson Lumber.' Co, here. Mr. Andrew Kipfer, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kipfer and_ family; and Mr. anti Mrs. John Zehr and family and Mr. and 'Mrs. Gascho and son, Silicon Gescllo, Mr. unci' Mos, Teter Ginger ich and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wang- lin of NewHal nbur • called fed n'Mr g l 0 and Mrs. S. .Kipfer on Sunday last when In the viIIage•" Dr. Brown and wife and Mr. John Jowett' of. Clinton, Iowa, spent the. past week as the guests. of Mrs. Brown's sister, Mrs. A. Armstrong of the Bronson Line Stanley. Mrs. Weir and daughter, Miss Mary Weir, of Lo11(1011 spent a Cew' days the past week as the .guests of eller elstor, Mrs. J. W. Tippet, end ,brother, Mr, W. Higgins. Mrs., Holley, Detroit, arrived, last week sand has taken' possession of her new bungalow on the Terrace, Mos. Prank ,'Martm',arid -daughter, Miss. Norma Brown, a•nd• son, Ines - ter Bud Brown, of Detroit arrived the past wek and are now occupy- ing their summer hone, , Boulder Lodge Cottage, on Delevan "street. She is accoulpaiiied,by Mrs. L. Welt aE,-Petlroit,..tivllo,wiil.spend the month as hey guest. ,_ Marriages JENKINS-GREl:G-At the home of the' bride's parents, Clinton, on lupe 21st. by. the Rev. J 11 Hogg, Harriet Louise, only daughter of: Mr. and Mrs T. A. Greig, to Freak t ;lison Jenkins,' only set' of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jenkins all of.. Clinton. BALL-LANSING-Ii1 Hulett, on'. June, 17th, -by the Rev. G. I.L'urns of the Baptist church, Clinton,' Lela J., daughter of Mi, and .Mrs: P. P. Lansing, to Edmund J. Ball, Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bali, all .of Hulett. TI-IOMPSQN ELLIOTT - At Brownsville, on June 17th, by the Rev. Mr. Reid,`uncle of the bride, assisted by the Rev. 'Mr. Walden, cousin of the groom, Aleta, daugh- ter of Mr.' and Mrs. Spencer El - Hiatt: of Brownsville, to Charles MnrrayThompson of London son of Dr. C. W. Thompson of Clin- 1011. GIVLIN-SI-UNE-At ''St. .James' church, Seaforth, on June l9tls, by the Rev. Father Eckert of New York, Margaret, daughter of Mrs. John Shine of Seaforth, to Owen iivlin of Santa Rosa, California. PHILLIPS-ROBINSON-At Auburn on June 14th, by the Rev. A; E, Wilson, Luella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Archibald Robinson, to Orval Phillips. Births PATTERSON-Ifs West Wawanosh, on June 10th, to Mr. •and Mrs. J, Patterson, ,a daughter, Deaths ROWLAND-In' Clinton, •on June 21st, Mary Bine, wife of Mr. Rag- lan Rowland. 1'hes'funei, a1 takes place from her lath residence, High street,, on Saturday after 110011,. Service at two o'clock. IN MEMORIAM STERLING -In loving memory of our dear mother, who left as two years ago June 9th, 1920, -:Che Family. AUCTION SALE Sale of ,household ::furniture and effects, Saturday 24th. 2 p. 7ti..at the residence of Miss Southeonibc. Walnut extension table, Library tables kitchen: table(' wort. itbte, cupboard, small wood'*stoVo, coal .oil: stove 11)133 ov011,: Acme, 1111331en verge and pipes, coal oil heater, 2 zi1101 Washing 1)111010110, wash tub, . hal aae1, 2 washstands, carpets, ,Morris chair, plush ' chair, rocking chair,, dishes, lamps, ''pietules and frames, quantity hard wood and kindling, quantity coal, wheel -barrow, step- ladder, ladder, saW horse. bunk -saw, 'taint say- etI , 51 Sonthoombe, Pre.' prietrees, G ,Il Elliott,, Auctioneer,,;, 0 Gllesoorl For the second time in a few wooks lightning struck the buildings R h d-cgl 1 } f S a d )u �, c f t ns village, His J r•ihs were steucic en 1' ;day ,naive: l}ut not S@1'ieasly da :raged, A few. weeks ago has house wag siruelc, Miss Edith Sampson is home tient Toronto for -c' allovi v'1s1t. Miss II/erg/41'0; Caldwell "returned' home Sunday Irma 'l lyth, where she has been ,visiting her brothers for the past week, Miss Olivotta Brigham is home 6asell?e- summer vacltion, Dr, A. Mair and Ml's, Mair of' Chesley spent Sunday with Ml's. Joliet Govior. • Mos, . Helen Q1lionl le spending a few days in Toronto this week. Miss jean Mains of Chicago oanle home on Saturddy and expects to stay a couple of weeks. The young lads of Clinton came over on .Saturday and played "'a friendly grime of baseball.: /We are glad to seeour homeboys taking an interest in ,sports. Miss Belle Roberton, who has been teaching' for, the past two years east of the village,; has taken the school Tor another year. Mr, John .Ratjfoyd is going about on one foot this week' having had the misfortune to step on a rusty nail. Mos. Philips and daughter, Miss Violet passed through our village nn Wednesday of last week to at- tend • the Philli ps-Robinson wedding. They also 'attended the Ball -Lan- sing wedding on Saturday. klay: For; Sale 30 acres of choice "timothy and clo- ver hay, 11/1- miles south of -Clinton. Would sell in 5 . or 10 acre lots. Parnas to shit purchaser. As I ani retiring; from business all accounts must be. settled by June 30th • R. A, Robex'ton. Phone •19. 55-tf CoW and Piga- For Sale- Yorisshire sow with six young pigs, also a fresh cow, Apply J. B. Hyde, Ilippen. 55-2sp • House To Rent Seven -roomed house on Princess Street, Eesti, occupied at present by G. E, hall, vacant, after. July 4th., Arthur.. Cantelon. 54-t1 Auction Sale of household effects.''• George 1:I. Elliot( has been instructed by R. Al Rbberton to sell by public auctions, on Ontario street,. Friday June SOth, 1 o'clock sharp, the following:. Chesnut hare; 8 years old; chest- nut' gelding, 12 years olcl; . Chestnut gelding, 5 years old;•set of brass mounted harness nearly new; pair of .bridles; set of single harness; 3 collars stable equipments; platform dray wagon; heavy wagon; set of sleighs nearly new; 2 neok yokes; set .of double. trees; walling plow, (Finery); disc harrow, (M sssey-Har- ris); nearly new; 41/ horse -power engine, (Massey -Barris 1, mounted on trucks in first class running order; 2 steel -tire top .buggies; rubber -tire .top bpg'gy, nearly neva; good cutter; string chime bells; Galloway robe; gravel box; 'hayrack, 14 feet long,. nearly new;y; mower, 6 foot cut, Massey -Harms• in good running or- der; 4 door frames; 3 batten doors. About 75 bushel of oats, 2 loads of straw. Household Meets -Pandora, range (wood or coal) ; Quebec heater, new; coal heater, (Art Souvenir) used 4 months; Klondyke ilieater;. 3 burner oil stove; 1VI'orris chair; 3a dozen kitchen chairs; lkitchen table; ,spring rocker; Iron bed, ''mattress and 'springe; single ,heti, mattress and springs; bureau; sideboard; steel wash -tub; wringer; a large quanti 13' of: stove pipes, nearly new; lin- oleum, carpet, dishes, kitchen uten- sils, a number of small articles. Terms: Household effects, and all small articles, cash, Horses and implements, 4 months credit will be given on .furnishing approved j0i111 notes, or .a discount of 4% pet an- num on credit amounts. The above is good and in splendid condition, G. II. Elliott, Auctioneer. R. A: Roberton, Proprietor. 55-2 For Sale , Bay mare, .10 years' old, also 11 hale Collie puppies, born heelers. Apply R, Cant, R. R, no, 1, phone 12 on 640, Clinton 54-tf 'reacher Wanted Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 11, Goderich township.', State 'qualifi cations and salary • expected. F. I3. Powell, Sec,, -Treasures:', R. R. No. 8, Clinton. 54-15 That Gkk 01 E ergg Conies fs0n1 'eating' ting 11entYo•f natare's perieet loaf, Brown's good bread. -the food t;hat'builds 'health -Satisfies hunger''` and saves` 1110110y ,while doing it. Aslc your Grocer tor•i1. J BROWN & CO. A GOOD 1T xiR 00 A Y I.It N,t NO O O r 1 l4 1 +; • 4i 1N C N Advertising induces a list sale alio*ie rna clatStO Herrn anexnt E r AL Once tried, , xs never forsak:en Sealedac: etson I31ac en or � �$' 1lKr�xlt'�TI1t17Yt� x24e, A Good 'Thing to 'have on hand Io -day is a'good stock of our quality` blend of teas. We offer, at old price, while Stock lasts. See our window for blends. 1 lb. Special Black $ lbs•' Special Black 11b. Extra Black 3 lbs. Extra Black , ... 1 111.. Quality Black 2 lbs Quality BIac13 Quality goods and prompt 50c♦ 1 Hint bulk sweet pickles :., 30c. 51,-40 3 pines, ,lolly Powder 'i . 25c, 60c. 1 Can of 'Baking Powder 22e. 51,70 1 pkg Corn: Starch: ... :.10e. • 75e, 2 lbs. Tapioca . 25e, 51.45 2 lbs, 1:lest 'Rice „ . 26c, delivery is our Blotto. Goods detiverea to all E'arts of the town Get the Habit of Dealing at ' , OYHNSC x1ppy & c os C crioERY' Phone itt T14E: STORE FOR, EVERYBODY LET US fill, your grocery re . quis'ements this week, all our goods :ire fresh and"of the highest grade, you., calm never make a mistake as re- ga}•ds ;price and quality whenyou buy the .BEST BRANDS -NO, RISK'' FOR YOU -NO RISK FOR US -all ottr'oods are guaran- teed. g •H teed. Our delivery service is 'p'rompt-Phone your 'orders -We guarantee satisfaction. .../TRY OUR TEAS AND COFFEES Store open for -business on Orchestra nights. The sugar market is strong and active, prices are moving upward FRESH STRAWBERRIES DAILY CA' S. Grocers Phone 125 pgMarilaraManwebIsreleancaroalosserxesensaWbr Afll1011llCOff1011t Having started a bakery and, con fectionery business in the store next the North End Grocery we will en- deavour to serve the community to the best of our ability. We respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Go'ods delivered to all_ parts of the town. :. Phone13. 1dHveeii yrs, 53 l-1, Notice To Creditors In :taw estate of William Alex- ander, deceased. Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate, of William Alexander, late, of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Iluron, gentleman, deceased, who died on ,,or about the 14th day of June, 1922, are requiredto deliver to the undersigned, solicitor for the executrix of the said estate on or be- fore the 10th day of July, 1922, a full statement`thereof,,and the na- ture of the securities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidav- it. --- And And take notice-- that after the said last mentioned date' the said executrix will proceed to distribute, the estate of the said deceased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims as she shall haye received due notice and in adeordanee;therewith. Dated at Clinton,. this 21st day of June, A. D. 1922. -W. Brydone, Clinton, Ont., Smile - dor Executrix. 55.3 it0r :Cor the said c t Notice To Creditors. 11i the estate of Caroline Young, late of the 'Township of Stanley in the County, of Enron, widow, de- ceased. ' Notice ie hereby given, that all. persons having claims or demands against the said late Caroline Young, who died 01). or about the seventh day of May A. D. 1922, at the Town of Clinton in the said .County of Huron, are required to send on or before the 15th day ,,of July, A. D. 1022, by post, prepaid or deliver to 11. C. Ilays, Barrister, Goderich, On- tario, solicitor for, the Executrix, Mary Jane Black, their names and actresses with full particulars, writing, of their claims and the na- ture of securities, if any, held by tllern. And tette notice that after the i.5th day of July, A. D. 1922, the said executrix will proceed to distribute` the assets of the said deceased, a- n1o1133 the .persons entitled- thereto; haling regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have • been, given, and that the said exeeuteix Will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any -person of whose claim notice shall not theft have .been received. Dated at Goderich this 2011 day of June, A. D. 1922 --R. C. Hays, Solicitor ,for the Ex- ecutrix 55-3 OlteVrolet Owners Attention Put yeur'4-90' in the .big can class by equipping ,With RYD-0-g Shook absorbers. They else save the springs. :easily Metalled. ' • See ; W. S. Downs: DistrieV'Agente for denibnstratlon a Garage , opposite Ontario ,itreett, ehf ioi1i ghe(ds Cltli , tb11 1Ontatio t: r.Y.l.;. ,061..'a.,."1 COME WITH US TO Godericill AND ATTEND THE Inner anc e -AT= Hotel Beciterd Next Saturday Evening JUNE 24th Dancing from 6.30 to 12.09. Music - by Miss Gene Conno1i arid London Orchestra. Sunday Dinner -Music 1 to 2.45. Sunday Supper -Music 5.30 to 6.45. Write or phone for. reservations to Hotel Bedford, Goderich. RATES: Saturday- Evening, 6,80 to 12.00 $3.00 per couple. After 8.30. 51.00 per couple With additional charges for lunch a la carte. "Live' and Lot Live" CLEARING SALE , ` GOOD,WOIzifJNK .BOOT FOR 53.50 II. STARLING Palace Block Clinton 1 iano For Sale Upright,,,;,, piano, old Standard make, in first class condition.': Any- one interested' will do well to in- vestigate. D. S. Cluff 54-tf No Tresspassing Persons tresspassing on 111y pro- perty, on the London. Road, will be prosecuted according to law. S. G.; Castle. • , ,Car For Sale Chevrolet car, in good condition. Apply tq Mrs. J. T. Oriel Clinton; 53-t1 Blouse Painting General house painting of all kinds. Orders promptly attended to. Apply at paint shop, opposito The Niel Clinton. Ward & Evans. Phone 63. 55-1£ Teacher Wanted Protestant teacher for S. S. No, 2, Hallett. State qualifications and salary. Duties ,to commence after summer : vacation. J. W. Shobbrook Secretary-Treasner, Clinton, ' For Sale. A 6 -roomed house with garden and stable, James Street, Inquire t of Mrs Argent, Clinton. 50-tf For Sale" " 4 houses, nearly new, 'in good shape, cheap for quick sale. Still in the pump business, John Stephenson. -44 tf Farm For Sale Lot 26, Con. 17111, on the Base line, mile north of Clinton. 225/ acres first class land,' good house, bank barn and young orchard just beginning to bear, Also 7 -roomed house on Albert street; Clinton. Wa- ter, good garden, barn. Apply on latter -premises. Mrs.' John Halstead. -41-tf • Heifers For Sale 3, -heifers to -freshen 151 May. 5, R. 'Vied/lath, I-lolanesville. Phone 34 on 601. -38-te Snirella Corsets Splreila Corsets for healthfulness, style, comfort and -durability. Ev- ory corset made to measure. Mrs. Elizabeth' Kennedy, Ontario street, Clinton, Phone 142, 12-1921 Haase for Sale 8-icom `solid brick'house town Witter and nleetrien�, 1ights,,•:good,'gar . do a ell ]01fCii 116ne +�pe ) 1 on 1 Y . #lxett;igo�� rrClorhe>` of `'T�10�th 1-n Oltir166n,-48644 191!!IpQuiomusAimuI umu111(IIUIIIIuimoo)*l 0410 411111111l4111110111111011$111 ill l l 'firkins , ,, t� Eby._ �.,Ile P ufelssrs .T. # e o ta�S o rd, �-- ,,� I 5 l4 R0 vI' nd"' 0 stand a o Il 1 d t d Dealers in General Hardware, Paints, Oils ' and Glass plumbing,• Heating, Roofing,'Tinsmlthiog `5 We carry in stock the Huron Specialty (pasting Co,'s i PLOW POINTS and Plow Solos No. 41, 2, 8, 2a and 11 Tud:bope:Anderson l 20 'lost aYa Wood' No. 21 .Wilkinson, 21 Percival 21. Fleury 21 Oliver7 Sylvester Y 21 Verity 7 "Wiilcinson 21 Verity, eri ty, hlghFarmer's Frlel�d 1 , �I�iIQQI OiQ(IQIiQIIQQIQ@QQIIQIIQIIIQfIfIIQI�(IQIIIIIIVQQIfflllfl(QIIQIIQiIIIQIQ@QQIQQIQQIQQ QQIQQIfQliff(fIQQIV(IIIVIIQQIQ➢IIQIIQQI�II IQIIQQVQIQ(�IQ �f iQVgQI QQU QU IQ Men's Work Boots Less than Cost 11 1111111 IUI% Friday and Saturday We have several pail's of men's solid leather work boots which must be cleared regard- less of cost. Reg. $7,50' to g$S go at $5,95 Reg. $6,00 to $7,00 go' at $4.95 Reg, $5.00 to $6.00 go at $3 95 rn. art'g..... Opposito the Postofice. Clinton OSTEOPATHY. DR. A. M. HEIST Osteopathic Physician Graduate, Des -Moines Still College of. Osteopathy. Licentiate Iowa and Michigan State Boards' of Medical Examiners. Spinal adjustments given to remove the cause of disease. Catarrhal deafness, adenoids, and enlarged tonsils treated. without surgical operation. Stomach and intestinal diseases treated without the useof drugs or surgery. Successor to Dr. Heileman. Office, Goderich, Ont. At the Graham House every Tues- day after 6,30, p.m. HORSEMEN, ATTENTION 1 GENERAL MALLER NO. 21163 Theure bred Clydesdale Stallion p y General Miller, will stand for the improvement of stock at 'Graham House barn every ,Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Balance of sea- son at my farm, Lot 18;' Con. 3, Hulett./ This II,1rse is Sound and Right *and a Big• Fellow. TERMS -510 to insure with foal ED. JOHNSTON, PROPRIETOR •" 11•.R. No, 4, Clinton Phone 8 on 636. 47 -t -f SeedC av Wisconsin No. 7, Improved Learn-. ing,..Golden Glow, Bayley, lWhite Cap, Crompton's Early, Longfellow, Eureka Ensilage and Golden Ban- tam Sweet. SEED BUCKWHEAT. ' Japanese, .clean, cool and sweet, SEED MILLET:` Yellow and red. • S.ORGHUM,. Early Amber, Sugar Caner CALF MEAL Royal Purple Calf Meal and Stock Foods. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR WOOL Jenkins Je t St Son. n { oifl. FLOUR AND FEED Phones: Elevator 109,Residence 141 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned. Itoouns over Ileard's • barber shop. W. J. Jago. 813Wt£ Boars fpr Sertiec Chan:pion bred, big type VorhShire and Ciest r White beers for service. b }some er o2 3nb (' CV '.� e @eft :.-w-� .,. �1, Y A te. ev 11 ono `9• t1 (i31. frit ti" 9 e o # C1 d i it i The Scut n and • Grocery Try our store for your supplies, you will find our priees AS LOW AS : ANY FULL STOCK FRESH GROCERIES Prompt delivery to all parts of the town HIGHEST PRICE FOR • .TITTER AND EGGS PHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY DELIVERED. Mrs. M. J. rown PHONE 144. Scranton Coal We have on hand for immediataa delivery: CANNEL COAL BARD AN)) SOFT" COAL Also some good Hardwood. Leave orders at my Residence, Huron` street. or Phone 155. TERMS CASA E. WARD C 0 �, NUT, STOVE & EGG ALWAYS ON HAND FOR IMMMi }Y.EDIAT}E DELIVERY�, RRJ . J. LtillLE,,, Orders taken at residence, Phone 119; Ontario Grain Seeds Experience. has taught us the above 'seeds are the only ones for our district. We have off • hand Gov- ernment Graded Red Clove • Alsike Orchard Grass Alfalfa, Timothy,Blue Grass ;.: White and Yellow 'Sweet Cleye,r'1. i In Baby Chick Feed Blatchford's Milk Mash Pratt's Buttermilk Mash Wodehouse Royal Purple H. 0. Cooked Chick Feeds Always on hand. Western Oats, Shorts, Oat Flour, Linseed Meal, Purina Chicken Chow- der„ Flours: Five Roses, Hunts, Sil- ver Crown. Special prices on Hunt's Tor a few days. Wanted, a quantity of Peas, Buck- wheat and Red Clover. Submit sant- pies. ,1hic, J. A. FORD el. SON Phone 123. , Flour 'and Feed Merchants and 1 Grain Buyers Also issuers of Hunters & Trappers licenses l�. Live �1..,`o 1tr g 9 WANTE Farmers who raise poultry, for. .profit sell"all their old roosters and broody hens, also young cockerels. weighing about two pounds eaetl. during June and July. Coops supe; • plied. Write or phone to 1 GUNN, LANGLOIS C . CLINTON, ONTARIO. N. W. TREWARTHA, Manager. Phone No. 190 Uaimesvillo 601 r 11 CREAM WANTED% The demand for our butter is in- creasing. To supply this demand we require more cream, We request you to ship us your cream. We guarantee you the Highest IVIarkct Prices, 'accurate tests and prompt service. Our firm is known to you and deeds no further recommend. We pay all express charges, furn- ish .cream earls and pay twice each )month, Write or cans O f . c infbrmO'. Or further tion to the THE S Lit • IOAM11,It3 C II-, ISA OI T CII S 0. A, ..BAUE1 ;, , 1VtA'11A01111, .s