The Clinton News Record, 1922-6-15, Page 6110/0111111111111111111,, tart* J. Chit* 1 NOwl-Reeolyd Of interest to You and Me asses htis n0 l{left at a1J.` Lop ettin}, better, `.['hr"a°c socmns no snares, risco they Wish to do >thurWise, e why the itis Government should live up • i''2 its premises: r Still, 'a ,.:nodosity of eighteen on a Midget; is nether, a stall nuira.in• It is I estimated that there arc twelve matches used for every Per - ,son in Canada eyeny day. Some- body must surely use: ep a lot 01: 0015. Ise f cgislature pees prorogued on esd sy after the longest 5055100 on .record, The .session wee sixteen days longer ',hair last year's session, whim was rho record for, length.• The. Mit,choll Advocate a week or 'two, 'ago published erre' account of a stabbing affray au Staffa which earls, ed 'quite a :sensation. But those who seed the story, along failed to take note of the factthat the'trag•- -edy :happened. in 1866., That item in the estimates of $600 .as bonus' to the 'members . of the. 'H usewill local ' ti e l p n doubt fie chart; - ed to heat. ' It ',would • hardly he correct' to put it -under' the head of illumination: Winghafn Times. N'o, we shouldn't just call ' it 11- 'iuntination, 7 -lot air would be, anore- correet. The News -Record editor ie in re- ceipt'of an invitation to ' attend the 'Huron- Old Boy's Association • picnic in High Park, Toronto, on Saturday afternoon, -June 24th,."' Unfortun- ately; we shall be unable to 'accept this' kind invitation to mingle with former residents mof this ' goodold county, run races with the fat -men; drink ,pink lemonade and eat seven kinds of pie. We'd enjoy it, while. it .lasted, and, joyfully take the con -- :sequences but, alas,- we cannot' go. We; wish those who do go a. pleas- -ant afternoon. AiVI,ay the day be all. that ° could be desired. • Complaints are being, made ;that boulevards in various parts - of the -town are being destroyed, by .the persistence of drivers , of ..delivery carts in driving over them., It- is both annoying 'and discouraging to •=those who are endeavoring to keep' • their own 'grounds and the : public 'boulevard opposite' 'their property looking their ,best to have drivers. •carelessly foil all their 'best efforts, It only saves- •a .few steps anyway; -and is entirely needless. ' Thehob- it is really more that of thought lessness' than 'deliberate design., and a, word thus spoken in season may 'have the desired effect of discour =aging the habit. Drivers of ileliy= 'cry carts are. not the only offend- ers in this respect, however. .Own- ers of cars in many` -cases -are in such, a"Burry -that they cannot slow 'down long enough to take a proper turnat their own ri.veway but take a wide turn, running up on the, boulevard of their neighbor:. across the way Itis impossible to keep ihoulevarcl in -good shape when it' 'is constantly being driven 'on,and drivers ' of vehicles of all- kinds should keep. this fact in mind and -govern themselves accordingly: Constance Air.;' and Mrs:- James' Mann and .daughter are :visiting friends in 'Brussels for a few days. Me. and Mrs, ,Thomas Riley" of Clinton spent . Sunday with the for- mer's "parents, Mr, and Mrs. George' :Riley.- 3VIr.:,Thomas^ Pollard has shingled, 'Lis house and is putting in a cement 'wail under the kitchen. lllr. and Mrs. Frank Cook and son 'were callers in 'our village one. day- 'cast week. . Porter's Hill' Mr. and, Mrs. W. Williams: and -son, Frank, Mis, :James":- Ht -is Ilton and- Miss Murray spent 'the week -- ,end in .Stratford: Mrs.: Will Mair of London with her two children have returned home - after a two 'week's visit with -the lady's : another, Mrs. Jelin Cox 01 'the -'sixth concession. e. Mr, -Wilfred Cox sports a • new 'Chevrolet car.. -✓ A strawberry festival under : the 'auspices of the Bethel clhurch, will lie held on the lawn of , Mr. Leslie ,Cox, fourth concession, on Friday .Jane.23nd. ' Brucefled. - `Mr. Lawrence. Reid ' of "Goderich -visited his home during. - the past •week, - Mrs, W-. -C. Landsbotough, for- merly..of •Egmondville, but ,now of :Port, Credit, is renewing ' old :ac- quaintances here - and visiting at -the hole of ,Mrs. James McQueen. 'Their many friends will be' pleased to hear that their ,son, Arnold, has' 'successfully passed his turd year medicine in Termite -University.' Mr,W..N. u11(Queese, secretary of the Alumni Association - of - Toron- tc University, .spent 'thee _week -end -with his parents here We are; pleased to state that 1Vlrs .George Hill 15 recovering` from 'her recent ilhsess. A number of the nuetnlrors o1 the' "'W. M. S. and;Keay Circle attend- ed the Missionary Conference' held 'in Kippen last Week, The services 'were thoroughly' enjoyed ,by 'all; 'Sas well as : the kind hospitality of the Kippers ladies, Mrs. 'Thomson and .Dr. Moir:'. of' :Tlensall visited at the home of 31±. ,James Moodie on Tuesday hast, If all who are interested in .the • ,appearance ' of "'Baud's cemetery, wo' id send one dollar to the cares taker,' Mt. Thos. Carr,', iEs'ucefieid, he would cut, the grass in their plots, and keep them in fine repair ler the:epaspn. rtlt,""' leltltesvjL t a special nnecting of the board of the Methodist chtueh' en Tues- day evening, at which the rev. S. Anclex'son, chairtnun 0i` the district, Presided, .it naas, decided :,to have Rev. H. JPair take charge of the Circuit Por July, roll August, or un- til the uleetnig of the .4ltchipan Cone ,'erence an September, when Rev,, Mr Smith, who is being transfer- red ran ter:,red to -the London Conference, can be released, when he will take charge, Mr. Fair is vary well known hero and is much 'es Ceentedr and the' arrangement will gr ee gen- eral, satisfaction, Mr. Smith is al- es very .well spoken of,".` He is a Canadian who has been working the Michigan Conference for some time but,::evishcs to return to the Canadian Chusch,',�, NURSES GRADUATE IN GODERTCII The Goderich Star gives the fol- lowing account of the b'raduaiou o1 live nurses from the hospital'there, among "them being Miss -Ida May Ball daughter of .lir. and Mrs. J. E,' Ball- of Tuekersuiith. A very -pleasing, function was 'held in the,. Masonic Temple Assembly room on Friday -night- last, .the, oc- casion being the ,'graduation. of five nurses of the training school, Misses Irene •Salkeld, Florence Durnin,•Car- olive Dunkeld, Ida ,May Ball and Laura Bone. This is the first of these occasions that 1 has been in, charge Of the Ladies' • Aid of the Al- exandra''Marine and General Hospi- tal,. and the very pleasing': event which they arranged: for is a source of.satisfaetion to themselves and all concerned...-. 't The 'room was,'decorat ed in purple and green, the colors ,of the training school. The Maple Leaf Chapter = of the Daughters .of the Empire had pre- sented the nurses with a beautiful 'bouquet of flowers each and they carried these .as.,.they proceeded .in; to the hall and up to the platform,. while the :processional hymn,. "On' our way_ rejoicing"'was sung. Mr:' J. W. Fraser, Member of the Hos- pital ..Board, and Miss Reynolds, superintendent of the. hospital, had previously come in and: taken their places on 'the' platform. The opening prayer was offered by Rev. Mr, Dewey and: this -was fol- lowed by the chairman's-addres-s,. by -Rev. Canon Hill. ' The address to -the nurses was giv en by Ven. Archdeacon `Jones -Bate- man. - Then came the administrat tion of. the Florence Nightingale oath to -the nurses by Dr. Emmerson and after this impressive part of the proceedings, the graduation pins and diplomas were presented. , Miss Belcher and Dr.. Egener each sang a couple of solos during the ev- ening, Rey. Father Gnam -vas called up- on and spoke very: nicely of the qual- ities, offaithfulness, kindness and mercy the nurse shbuld `- The - address from the inedical profession was given by Dr. White- ly",'very, ',appropriately, who also, on behalf of the doctors, presented the - nurses with hyiiodermic syrin- ges., Mrs. 'MacDonald, on _behalf,. of •the Ladies' Aid of the Hospital, presented the nurses- with :scissors. Then came the final address, by Rev, R. C. McDerinid, and the Na-,' tional Anthem. Ferdwiclr is having •a V!e'Ineiday half holiday. The Pfeffer Milling Company, Lis- towel, suffered a heavy loss by fire on Friday-,aaorning -last when be- tween ,$75,000 and $100,000 worthof, four' and grain ,were destroyed, W. -At ,the Wingham District ,mating, -"held in Kincardine • recently, several of the minister± expressed, the con-: kicti6n that' 'Ministers 'should- trice 'a firm stand -against dancing and card,. playing, They also thought . the Quarterly boards should stand be- hind then. in this. Marriages TUFFORD-BELL-'At Knox church Inanse, Goderich, on June 5th, ;Olive Evelyn, daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Sohn Bell, to Reginald. W. Tufford, son -of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tufl'ord, all of•Goderich.' MOSS—A.ITIfEN—At 'North street' Methodist church, Goderich,' on June 8th, Marjorie Aileen, ;young- er daughter of. Mr. and' Mrs. J. Aitken, , of Goderich • to Rev. Wallace Hanley Moss„B, A., of Benmiller. SNELL—LAING—At the honkie of the parents of the bride, on June 1st, Margaret Hazel, daughter of 33r. and Mrs. Thos. Laing, to Ul- ric -tae, son "of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Snell, all of„Exeter. Births IIACKETT—tot Stapleton, on Jana` l:ltls, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hack- ett, a daughter, ' ALEXANDER-- In i4ickersnilth on June 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. :`John Alexander, Jr., a son. McLEOD-Ins Seaforth, : on June 4th, Ito' Mr. and Mrs.`Vtaleolan McLeod, a. daughter. MeCAUGIIEY--•At Calabogie, Ont,,, ' on .June 9th, to "Mr. and Mrs. Jack •141eCaitghey, a daughter.— Mary Elizabeth, Deaths: FORBES--in Clinton, on June lith; Mary, ' McAllister, 'widow .of the late Arthur Forbes . in her 67th year, DEAN—In Goilei•ich,. on :lute 511 Elizabeth Jane .Barker, Wife of George Iv. Bean. STE WART ---In Goderich, on Juno 4t11i John ;Stewart, aged 79 years.. (911 XAND1 ii --Ta • Port Hilton, 'Mich , on, Juno 1.40; Wm. Alexander aged 80 years, Funeral ,'from tete residence of Mr, Thos. Mc - K onSre ori Friday -June 1,6th•: ab two o'clock, servive at half past County) News The Goderich Ohatauqua dates July 1.7th to 22nd, 1'7xeter started. its weekly half holiday oe Wednesday of last week, It will ,be continued through June, July and August, The funeral took plsee in Whig - ham last week o1 Albert Ilonntth, who died from injuries .received when his clothing ea'ught in .the shal'ting. of his brise; mill et 'Cees - water. -It is but ,two months Since he, left his l)arni in Tulnbe;ry to talus over this mill. He Is survived by iris wit° and.a large fanifly. The little eight-year :old daughter of Mr, John Scott of •Moire-, tswn ship was found drowned` In a ditch which miens Ihrugh Mr, See'tte farm, The child had been sent :for the cows and failing :,te 'return a search was made for her and the bodynas focm4 in the ditch ' which :was' much swollen owing to heavy r rains, After being , unheard from for fifty-two years, Isaiah Bennett for many years the strong man with Forpaugh's circus, has been visiting his sister, Mrs, Charles Mitchell of Molesworth. When a 'lad of ,six- teen he left his home tarns and went to Wroxeter to learn the black- smithing, three years latex' going to the United State's. He Served with the British iri the Zulu war and later for eight years travelled with the Forepaugh circus as strong man, 1 -Te' found snort of his old ” companiosss about the old 'home " community, gone on his return. , For Sale Bay mare, 10 years old, also 5 Male Collie puppies, born heelers„ Apply R. Cant,' R. R. no. 1, phorse, 12 on 640, Clinton. • 54-tf Piano For Sale ' Wainwright piano, old Standard make, in first class `condition, Any- one •in'terested will do well to in- vestigate.' D. S. Cluff : • 54-tf Teacher" Wanted'. Teacher, vianted for S. S. No. 11, Godeiieh township. State qualifi- cations and salary expected. F. W. Powell -See.,-Treasurer, R. R. No. 3, Clinton, 54-tf Buggy Rag Found A rug was left in my drop somne, time ago, Owner, can have same by proving . property. A. 1VIc- Kew's, Oiievrolet .Owners 'Attention Put your .4-90 in the big car class by equipping with RYD-O.-K shock absorbers. ,,They also save the spring's. Easily • installed. - See W. S. bowns: District Agent, for demonstration. Garage opposite Ontario street church sheds. Clip-" ton, Ontario, 53.4-p No 7.'resspassing - Persons tresspassing on nsy pro- perty, on 'the London Road," will be prosecuted according to law. S. G. Castle. Car For Sale Chevrolet car, iri good condition. Apply to, Mrs.' J. T..Criclr,,Cliniois. 53-tf Huron. Breeders Meet The annual meetingthe Hu of ion County Breeders' Association will be held in Wing -ham town hall, Sat urday, June 17th, at 1.50 p. 'nn, Mr. R. W. Wacls of -„the Live Stock` branch is 'to address the meeting, A large attendance" of members and those interested in live stock is re- quested. Everybody welcome. • Oliver Turnbull, President S. B. Stothers, Secretary 'reacher Wanted Experienced Protestant teacher, 'for S. S. No. 9, Goderich township., Applieafions to be in" June 20th. D. N. Welsh, Secretary, R. R. No. 2;: Bayfield, 53-2 House Painting General house painting of all kinds, '...Orders promptly attended' to. Apply at paint. shop, opposite The .Mill, Clinton, Beacons ' & Ward, - 52-4-p, Teacher- Wanted - Protestant teacher for S. S. No. 2. Ilullett. State qualifications and salary. Duties to continence after summer vacation;; 5. W. Shobbrook' Secretary-Treasuer, Clinton. Carden Party Under the auspices of the St. Paul's Ladies' Guild On the Rectory. Grounds 'on Tue. Evening, June 20 .At 7.30 Refreslltihents Phalan's Orchestra Silver Collection at Gate. - 53:2 LAWN BAZAAR �•t Dr. CtiiR at's Saturday' June •_ y lib. From x'.30 to: 61.30 ptir4 IIonuu made Baking, Aprons, and ,randy• Work,- Candy, Flowers, libsh_ pond and fbummogc, Sale. LUNGE AND ICE CREAM SERVED DURING Man AFTERNOON The(� -r rlsClub Willis Church 58.2 IIc1IsSOAy JUNE 1GLla, 7;)22 Ill I I h 00100008110101100041.40,4411111110#10111110i11 llll 1000IQVpIIIU!1I0IIIIm 11 UVpIUp0UJ 1. lit ,4 11 I1gU1IUU 111fflVp11uD III11llmm!UJ>m!(Ulldfm1i 11)1P t e of Ilea not tk o world . , con- �' ��a ���. ��a�°a>�i��t-tar �n��; tb ,eta tt t . uk' erea$In a ram u ct. 1,r0m u '41 ; less e o �an6A__.sr4S1?t7iDp t>vafi4P40t.the ,.4.11CO,Jef Tea 'has ' lseml g: "_. .,, � ��".�'�O.rA�t)a$'4, �.�^V'�t�s, ltttt 5sx���.,�,;r ell 1{Ei3ac,�71titeatt 4a5. %L•G3 DA ' ' itta)iity' IO heave 1+' Beira ffrcoed,- to advance.. the Price cm grnu ° Popular Brown Label res ,0#P. per Yb. The Pr. as ius et" )3LUE � D l �� i�l� UNCHANGED a>Cs � 'L� ��� Saved you money in the past end - are still doing it. We have now our own delivery service and w iii be able bo•ive 011 vice. Leave your r grocery. wants at og y prompt ser- vice. store. See our window for our Special .for -sash while it lasts. 1 lb, good !;' caeating cakes ' a '25c, 10 Bars' ,Lsu ndry Soap , 490. r1b. Jelly Square Cakes. "20c. 3"pkgs: Pearlino 25e.1 lb. Lemon Crisp Cakes 10e. 3' pkgs.Renso , 25c.1 lb. Ginger Snaps 15c, 3 pkgs. Dux 25c. 3 pkgs. Corn Flakes 29-1 3pk e `" c _ g . M Laren's JeIty Powder 25c Goods delivered to;azl Parts of the town Get the Habit' of Dealing at JOHNSC N & CO'S GROCERY Phone -iii THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY -ar•rasriv V SERVICE-- .�g . I VI C SPECIAL -Prepared Frenchti star i 1VI d in glass mugs.' Salmon, Sardines; 'Shrimps, Lobsters ChickenHaddr• e; Kipper- ed Herring, Corned Beef, Sliced Smoked Beef, Cooked 'Hams, Rol- ogna, Back and Breakfast Bacon s, ,Cheese, Pork and Beans, Camp- ' bell's ' Soups, Pickles, Olives, `Cat sup, Condensed Milk, 'Peaut -Butter, Jams, Marmalade,:cPeaches, and Pineapples in caths. Fresh- Eggs and, Good Dairy Butter Try our Tea and Coffee. Phone 125 due C. -& S Grocers, 1 COME WITH TIS TO Goderich _ AND ATTEND THE Dinr Lance _--AT Hotel Bedtord Next Saturday Evening JU Dancing from 6,30 to 12.00.. Music by Miss Gene Connors, anis London .Orchestra, Sunday Dinner -Music 1 to 2.45. Sunday Supper-111usie 5.30 to 6.45. Write or phone for reservations • to Hotel Bedford, Goderich, RATES; Saturday Evening, 6.30 to 12.00 $3.00. per couple. 'After 8.30 $1.00 per couple With additional Charges, for lunch a la carte. Notice Eo' :Creditors In the -estate of `jail Thomas Harland. Notice is herebygiven that g "tat all persons .having claims against the estate :, of. John Thomas Harland, late of, the town' of Clinton inthe county" of Huron, deceased, who died on : or 'se-, about the first day. of May, 1922„ are required to deliver ,to the . undersigned the executors of the said -estate" or their solicitor on or before the 30th. day of June 1922 a full statement of their '.claims together:_ with par- ticulars thereof, add the nature of the 'securities 3± 553, "held by thein all duly verified by affidavit, Anti take notice' that after the said Iast'nientioned date the 'said execu- tors xec s -tors will proceed' to distribute. the estate of the said deceased .amongst the persons entitled thereto haying regard only to such claims as shall have received due notice and in ac-; cordanec therewith, ' Dated at Clinton, this 5th day,of ;Ione, A` D,, 1922. W. •BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for J. L. ,Harland, Marion Harland ' and Ainelia Harland, „Ex- ecuters. 53-1` Is priceless. Then eat plenty of the food that mattes „. you: feel the best'el3read. ' Brown s dood bread • —the' perfect loaf,:' made with - plenty of good flour', good milt, good shortening, geed: yeast. Ask ,yourg 'rocer for it. J. R � oWN&ca. ArOOD• G BAIfTtII;IWX PHONE NO.. 1 • C,LINTON s "Live and Let Live" CLEARING SALE GOOD WORKINK BOOT FOR 33.50. 11. STARLING Palace Block Clinton For - A' 6 -roomed house with garden and stable, .James Street. Inquire of Mrs. Argent, Clinton. 50-tf - - -� For Sale 4 houses, 'nearlynew, in good shape, cheap for quick sale, Still in the .pump business. ` John Stephenson. , -44-tf Notice to Creditors In the estate of Charles ,Tippitt of the: village of Bayfield, deceased. Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Charles Tippitt, late of the village of Bayfield' in the county of Huron, deceased, who died on or ab- out the 31st; day of March, 1922 are required to deliver to Charles Marks or Fred Mcltiiwen, executors of the said estate on or before the 20tksdaY. of 'June, A, D. 1922, a; full state- went of 'their claims, together' with• particulars thereof,. and the nature of the securities if any held by them all duIy'yerified by affidavit. And take notice that after the said ,last mentioned . date the said executors, will proceed' to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled' there- to, having •regard only to ''such claims 'as they shall have received due notice and in, accordance there- with. Dated at Bayfield, this 29th, day of 'May, A. D. 1922. Charles _ Marks, Fred McEwen, Executors 52--3. Farrar For Sale Lot 26, Con. 17th, ;on the Base line, mile north of Clinton. 221/2. acres fsrst class 'land, good : house, bank barn and yooag orchard just ° beginning to , bear. Also 7 -roomed house on Albert street,; Clinton. We ter, good :garden, barn, Apply on latter premises; Mrs, John Halstead, -41-tf OSTEOPATHY. - DR. A. M. HEIST Osteopathic Physician Graduate, Des Moines Still College of Osteopathy. Licentiate Iowa and Michigan State Boards of Medical Examiners. Spinaladjustments given to remove the cause of disease. Catarrhal deafness, adenoids, ,.and enlarged tonsils treated. without surgical operation. -' Stomach and intestinal diseases treated without the use of. drugs or surgery. Successor to Dr, Heileman. Office, "Goderich, Ont. At the' Graham House every Tues- day after 6.30 p.m. Heifers For Sale 3 heifers to freshen in May. 'S, R. .MacMath, I.iolmesville. Phone . 34 on 601. -38-tf Snirella Corsets Spirella- Corsets :for healthfulness, style, comfort and durability. Ev- ery corset' made to measure, Mrs, Elizabeth Kennedy,' Ontario street, Clinton, Phone, 142: 12-1921 HouSe for- Sale 8 -.roots, ,solid brick House, .town water ,arid electric lights, good gar- den and, chicken house: -, Apply 'on pitemiSeass Corner of :North and Spencer atii,HA; C, Ciarkereaec-•$0..e F tleces5pi'0 to NT, T, Corless -,-.:R owlallds old start(' Dealers in.Ge�al nc� 1 11�t1dware Paints, Oils and Glass Plumbing, r Heating,r p �, ;Roof�rr€� .�lnamltlaip;. We cairy in stock the Huron Specialty Casts Co,'s and Plow Solo No,-, 41, 2, 8, 2a and' 11 '1 udhopo Anderson 20 Frost Sz Wood. No. 21 Wilkinson 21 Percival 21 Fleury 21 1' �_ O leer 7 'Sylvester - 21 Verityi 7 W Il�ais u o 21 Veriti high T'ai•mer s 'Friend Yi g d mmKENIEilli ulE111 uml SII 1 u um mlu mlumlul� uulmlluumm �uu � I � m IVIIDlluUVlll llll mumu i �IluMInmu>mi611ulumuiuu10l1, Get on', the RightTrack.: fes,_ • Right now at the beginning of 1922 buy your men's and women's shoes from Barry the shoeman You get Service You- get troubles You get the best of rid of toot, the, most for your ni;oneg See us at once Wm. Barry Opposite the Postoffice, '.Clinton We have inovecl 'our stock of Mas- sey -Harris ' machinery" and. repair parts to the Palace Block, ;Batten- bury street, where a full stock of general rebairs will ;be kept,', - See us about Your binder twine and stable equipment. Levi. ,tng Agent for Massey -Harris 1 - 51-3 The South -End .Grocer D Try our store for your supplies, You will' find our prices AS LOW AS ANY FULL STOCK' FRESH- GROCERIES Prompt delivery" to all parts of the tewn. • HIGHEST .PRICE, FOR I • BUTTER AND EGGS::, PHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY : -I DELIVERED" 4' r. Mrs. d�..,. Brown ' PHONE 144. Scranton Coal We have op.'', 'hand for immediate delivery CANNEL COAL'• HARD AND • SOFT COAL. Also some',good Hardwood. Leave orders at my'r-Residence, Huron street, or. Phone 155. .TERMS CASH. E. WARD;:. COAL NUT. STOVE' & EGG' " "1 ALWAYS. ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELI -VERY R. J. MILL -ER Orders ,taken at residence; Phone 119 Ontario Gratin Seeds Experience hastaught us the above seeds are ,:the only ones for our. district.' We have on hand Gov - eminent Graded • Red Clover Alsace Orchard Grass Alfalfa Timothy Blue 'Grass 0°` - White and Yellow Sweet Clover `.' In B,aby Chick Feed Bl'atehford's Milk Mash Prett's Buttermilk Mash i Wodehouse sses Royal i y 1 Purple H. 0. Cooked Chicle Feeds. Always' on hand. Western Oats, Shorts, Oat Flour. Linseed Meal, Purina Chicken Chow- der. Flours:' Five Roses, Hunts, Sil- ver Crown. Special prices on Hunt's for a few days. - Wanted, a quantity of Peas, Buck- wheat and Red Clover. Submit -sam- ples. - HORSEMEN, ATTENTION k GENERAL MIILLER- NO, 21103 The `pure bred Clydesdale' Stallion. General M "ler, will stand for the improvement of stock at Graham House barn every Saturday, from ° 9 a,m. to 5 pan. Balance of sea- son at. my farm, Lot 18, Con. 3, Hullett. This- Horse is Sound and Right and a Big Fellow. TERMS -$10- to insure with foal Ell. JOHNSTON', PROPRIETOR R. R. No, 4, Clinton Phone 8 on -636.; 47-tf on' Wisconsin No. '7, InsliroverLeam- ing, Golden Glow, Bayley, White Cap, Cromptons's Early, Longfellovr," Eureka Ensilage and Golden Ban-: tarn Sweet. SEED BUCKWHEAT. Japanese, clean, cool and' sweet: SEED MILLET. , Yellow and red. SORdbTU.M., Early Amber; Sugar Cane. • CALF MEAL Royal Purple Calf Meal Foods. :;- rr J. A. FORD &,SON Phones 123. Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers Also issuers of Hunters & Trappers licenses Live otxl rp: WANTED Faraners who ' raise poultry for profit sell -"all their old roosters and broody ;hens, also young •cockerels • weighing about tido poizsds each during June and` July. Coops en,p- plied. Write or phone to`: i GUNN ...LANGLOJS C CLINTON, ONTARIO Mid Stock N. W. TBEWAiTHA,.'Manager, '' Phone No 190 Holmesvilhl ,601 r 11 HIGHEST" PRICES PAID FOR WOOL W. Jenkins &. Son. FLOUR AND. PEED Phoneir. Elevator 109, Residence '141 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- palred. Woolen goods dry cleaned. Rooms .over , Heard's barber shop; W. 5. -3 -ago. -83-tf Boars for Service ' am Clr bred, 'Champion ..:zed, big typo Yorkshire and Chester White bears for, service. At home , every :forenoon .—A, C. .Levey, Phone 5 on -6009, Clinton o.-2,8 CREAM WANTIt)a..' °Tire deiaiand for, our butter itt creasing. To supply this demand ,we requ,irre more cream, - We request you to shi ^„ p us your ercam, 'We . guarantee you the IligHest" Market Prices, :laecurate tests and prompt service. Our firm is known to you and needs uo further' a'econiinend, Wo ray'all,express charge, Ernes- ish cream 00±0111, and pay twice each mon '�.'Sithict for cane or.. sfurther in£os'mne• , tion to the X HE SEAFOR`I'HI CRTAMERY Cls C.' ImAEIlEI MANAGE;